Melvin Dwork

American interior designer and gay rights symbol.
Died on Tuesday June 14th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Melvin Dwork:

@NedRaggett: A hero passes. - 9 years ago

@rufuspolk: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@pbrody: #WorthReading - 9 years ago

@lonbouldin: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago


@tangled_fans: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - New York Times #navy - 9 years ago

@tangled_fans: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - New York Times #navy - 9 years ago

@cowboyneok: Melvin Dwork, cast from Navy in WWII for being gay, dies #LGBTmilitary #LGBT #SLDN #Outserve - 9 years ago

@EditorAtLarge: Melvin Dwork, interior designer and gay rights icon, dies at 94: New York City designer Melvin Dwork, who suc... - 9 years ago

@dorsiaagency: Melvin Dwork, interior designer and gay rights icon, dies at 94: New York City designer Melvin Dwork, who suc... - 9 years ago

@marcomcdonough: Melvin Dwork, interior designer and gay rights icon, dies at 94: New York City designer Melvin Dwork, who suc... - 9 years ago

@cadadj: Melvin Dwork, cast from Navy in WWII for being gay, dies - 9 years ago

@pvalstar: RT @stevesilberman: Melvin Dwork, who fought back after called "deviant" and thrown out of the Navy in WW2 for being gay, dies at 94. https… - 9 years ago

@billyinjackson: Melvin Dwork, cast from Navy in WWII for being gay, dies - 9 years ago

@kimvie: "It meant an awful lot to me because I know I never did anything disgraceful or dishonest" : - 9 years ago

@PMicarelli: RT @SFGate: Melvin Dwork, cast from Navy in WWII for being gay, dies - 9 years ago

@kirkmurphy: RT @SFGate: Melvin Dwork, cast from Navy in WWII for being gay, dies - 9 years ago

@kimvie: RT @SFGate: Melvin Dwork, cast from Navy in WWII for being gay, dies - 9 years ago

@SFGate: Melvin Dwork, cast from Navy in WWII for being gay, dies - 9 years ago

@BibliotecariaRR: RT @SFGate: Melvin Dwork, cast from Navy in WWII for being gay, dies - 9 years ago

@004nino: RIP 9201) #Melvin #Dwork 94 , #cast from #Navy in #WWII for being #gay , #dies : Jun 19, 2016 - 9 years ago

@stanzilla1: RT @SFGate: Melvin Dwork, cast from Navy in WWII for being gay, dies - 9 years ago

@almedastrahl: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@donaldmbellb: This is a post about homosexuality, it should not be confused with a post about pedophilia. - 9 years ago

@tomyamaguchi: Melvin Dwork, cast From Navy for being #gay, dies at 94. Sucessfully changed dishonorable discharge to honorable. - 9 years ago

@Bid_Work: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - New York Times: New York TimesMelvin Dwork, Onc... - 9 years ago

@RobertFife: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94, via @nytimes - 9 years ago

@dogthefootsteps: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 (it took 71 yrs to bring about change) - 9 years ago

@drpatfarrell: RIP Melvin Dwork, 94, once cast from Navy for being gay - The Boston Globe - 9 years ago

@KRCaldwell: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@withanhauser: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@lesliemolson: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@SedonaRockss: #RIP Melvin Dwork #veteran #LGBT - 9 years ago

@zesty_politics: Melvin Dwork, cast from Navy in #WWII for being gay, dies - 9 years ago

@lauderdalepal: Melvin Dwork, 94; once cast from Navy for being gay - 9 years ago

@OccupyHburg: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - The New York Times. JV - 9 years ago

@Tiff_Tiff_Price: RT @ThePerezHilton: R.I.P. #MelvinDwork. - 9 years ago

@ChristosXanthak: the honorable man #LGBT - 9 years ago

@mrpinkoutloud: Melvin Dwork, cast from Navy in WWII for being gay, dies - 9 years ago

@abstractnytimes: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy For Being Gay, Dies At 94 - 9 years ago

@004nino: RIP 9172) #Melvin #Dwork , #Once #Cast #From #Navy for #Being #Gay , #Dies at 94 : June 16, 2016 - 9 years ago

@LisajgunnerLisa: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - - 9 years ago

@MELVIN_AG_3000: RT @SageLinQ: SageLinQ #USNews #Melvin #Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@SageLinQ: SageLinQ #USNews #Melvin #Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@lisawborden: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94, via @nytimes - 9 years ago

@timesout: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@charley047: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94, via @nytimes - 9 years ago

@TiaBruhn: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@joyfulng: RT @karpatkinlaw: Why standing up for your rights, and persistence for the justice and the rule of law, matters. An exemplary life. https… - 9 years ago

@horbinski: RT @stevesilberman: Melvin Dwork, who fought back after called "deviant" and thrown out of the Navy in WW2 for being gay, dies at 94. https… - 9 years ago

@tejida: RT @stevesilberman: Melvin Dwork, who fought back after called "deviant" and thrown out of the Navy in WW2 for being gay, dies at 94. https… - 9 years ago

@skywaterblue: RT @stevesilberman: Melvin Dwork, who fought back after called "deviant" and thrown out of the Navy in WW2 for being gay, dies at 94. https… - 9 years ago

@R_Serling_Rules: RT @stevesilberman: Melvin Dwork, who fought back after called "deviant" and thrown out of the Navy in WW2 for being gay, dies at 94. https… - 9 years ago

@john_chandler: RT @stevesilberman: Melvin Dwork, who fought back after called "deviant" and thrown out of the Navy in WW2 for being gay, dies at 94. https… - 9 years ago

@Autistikids: RT @stevesilberman: Melvin Dwork, who fought back after called "deviant" and thrown out of the Navy in WW2 for being gay, dies at 94. https… - 9 years ago

@universewx: RT @stevesilberman: Melvin Dwork, who fought back after called "deviant" and thrown out of the Navy in WW2 for being gay, dies at 94. https… - 9 years ago

@stevesilberman: Melvin Dwork, who fought back after called "deviant" and thrown out of the Navy in WW2 for being gay, dies at 94. - 9 years ago

@WoodhullIrish: Melvin Dwork, 94, Once a Navy ‘Undesirable,’ Dies - 9 years ago

@outmilitary: Fair winds and following seas... - 9 years ago

@CitizenDodge: Melvin Dwork, Once a Navy 'Undesirable," Dies at 94 - - 9 years ago

@DCCentrum: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@jonschuppe: He was kicked out of the Navy as "undesirable" in World War 2. He was gay. - 9 years ago

@EqualityGal: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@karpatkinlaw: Why standing up for your rights, and persistence for the justice and the rule of law, matters. An exemplary life. - 9 years ago

@macneilpeterson: June 17, 2016 - - 9 years ago

@scottrlevine: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@midtownNY: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@LarryLaddUU: RIP Melvin Dwork. Discharged from the Navy in 1944 for being gay, his discharge was changed to honorable om 2011. - 9 years ago

@dougkempf: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@chelseamckm: "Paid Notice: Deaths DWORK, MELVIN " by Unknown Author via NYT - 9 years ago

@DRTucker: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@Suma4720: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@MELVIN_AG_3000: RT @SageLinQ: SageLinQ #USNews #Melvin #Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@SageLinQ: SageLinQ #USNews #Melvin #Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@jsmithinterior: Melvin Dwork, 94; once cast from Navy for being gay - 9 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Melvin Dwork is no longer with us - #MelvinDwork #Melvin #Dwork #rip - 9 years ago

@mharvey816: RT @BooksandTunes: NYTimes: Melvin Dwork, Gay Man Snubbed by Navy, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@BooksandTunes: NYTimes: Melvin Dwork, Gay Man Snubbed by Navy, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@JGreenImages: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@SysoonMemorial: Melvin Dwork (unknown - 2016) - 9 years ago

@NoelleNewell1: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@LikeKierkegaard: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@cooperhawke: RT @JoanPennnative: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@wbruce44: RT @JoanPennnative: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@JoanPennnative: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@HarlemBlkMan: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@danmanjovi: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94, via @nytimes - 9 years ago

@MilitDefencenew: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - New York Times - 9 years ago

@SageLinQ: SageLinQ #USNews #Melvin #Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@davidmccray13: R.I.P. Melvin Dwork. Thank you for your to this country! - 9 years ago

@davidmccray13: R.I.P. Melvin Dwork. - 9 years ago

@davemness: RT @kitchenbeard: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@Ma_fMatheus: RT @PearlOysterBar: We will miss you so much Mel--rest peacefully. Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@CecileCallis: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94, via @nytimes - 9 years ago

@ouyangmx: RT: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94, via @nytimes - 9 years ago

@NYTNational: Jailed, found “deviant” by psychiatrists, and discharged in World War II as “undesirable” - 9 years ago

@Bethodology: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94 - The New York Times - 9 years ago

@YaniraCrimi: RT @BooksandTunes: NYTimes: Melvin Dwork, Gay Man Snubbed by Navy, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@BooksandTunes: NYTimes: Melvin Dwork, Gay Man Snubbed by Navy, Dies at 94 - 9 years ago

@FemmesUnafraid: Melvin Dwork, Once Cast From Navy for Being Gay, Dies at 94, via @nytimes - 9 years ago

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