Melor Sturua

Georgian journalist.
Died on Tuesday June 1st 2021

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn, Huey Williams

Tweets related to Melor Sturua:

@Raufman1: RT @Kayahanuygur: En ünlü Sovyet dış haberler uzmanı gazeteci eski tüfek Melor Sturua 93 yaşında öldü. Babası Gürcistan'daki en eski komüni… - 4 years ago

@RocklineAdv: RT @tatianycoeuvre: @RocklineAdv @PlanetPonzi @RandiM20 @bodhibrian @jasoneclarke @Banjomarla @Piper71445545 @SyrianGirl1982 @BillFletcherJ… - 4 years ago

@VolkanErsinESF: RT @Kayahanuygur: En ünlü Sovyet dış haberler uzmanı gazeteci eski tüfek Melor Sturua 93 yaşında öldü. Babası Gürcistan'daki en eski komüni… - 4 years ago

@jasoneclarke: RT @tatianycoeuvre: @RocklineAdv @PlanetPonzi @RandiM20 @bodhibrian @jasoneclarke @Banjomarla @Piper71445545 @SyrianGirl1982 @BillFletcherJ… - 4 years ago


@tatianycoeuvre: @RocklineAdv @PlanetPonzi @RandiM20 @bodhibrian @jasoneclarke @Banjomarla @Piper71445545 @SyrianGirl1982… - 4 years ago

@ArasDal7: RT @Kayahanuygur: En ünlü Sovyet dış haberler uzmanı gazeteci eski tüfek Melor Sturua 93 yaşında öldü. Babası Gürcistan'daki en eski komüni… - 4 years ago

@DoroTahir: RT @Kayahanuygur: En ünlü Sovyet dış haberler uzmanı gazeteci eski tüfek Melor Sturua 93 yaşında öldü. Babası Gürcistan'daki en eski komüni… - 4 years ago

@Kayahanuygur: En ünlü Sovyet dış haberler uzmanı gazeteci eski tüfek Melor Sturua 93 yaşında öldü. Babası Gürcistan'daki en eski… - 4 years ago

@engpravda: Farewell, My Friend, Melor Sturua - 4 years ago

@sobolina_panda: @bademjanbitch he also had a notoriously full access to the sports league basically created by putin and controlled… - 4 years ago

@engpravda: Farewell, My Friend, Melor Sturua - 4 years ago

@blueish4: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@otgonbat_sh: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@otgonbat_sh: RT @kgb_files: I wrote about the Soviet journalist, master of anti-American propaganda Melor Sturua, who died in the United States on June… - 4 years ago

@Mason_Iwan: RT @kgb_files: I wrote about the Soviet journalist, master of anti-American propaganda Melor Sturua, who died in the United States on June… - 4 years ago

@elportaldelodio: RT @kgb_files: I wrote about the Soviet journalist, master of anti-American propaganda Melor Sturua, who died in the United States on June… - 4 years ago

@volohatenko: RT @kgb_files: I wrote about the Soviet journalist, master of anti-American propaganda Melor Sturua, who died in the United States on June… - 4 years ago

@Gabaserr: RT @kgb_files: I wrote about the Soviet journalist, master of anti-American propaganda Melor Sturua, who died in the United States on June… - 4 years ago

@henrikedberg: RT @kgb_files: I wrote about the Soviet journalist, master of anti-American propaganda Melor Sturua, who died in the United States on June… - 4 years ago

@TEPOPYMA: RT @kgb_files: I wrote about the Soviet journalist, master of anti-American propaganda Melor Sturua, who died in the United States on June… - 4 years ago

@gramm_football: RT @kgb_files: I wrote about the Soviet journalist, master of anti-American propaganda Melor Sturua, who died in the United States on June… - 4 years ago

@yevhenfedchenko: RT @kgb_files: I wrote about the Soviet journalist, master of anti-American propaganda Melor Sturua, who died in the United States on June… - 4 years ago

@CabinMarine: RT @kgb_files: I wrote about the Soviet journalist, master of anti-American propaganda Melor Sturua, who died in the United States on June… - 4 years ago

@kgb_files: I wrote about the Soviet journalist, master of anti-American propaganda Melor Sturua, who died in the United States… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary : Sadd... - 4 years ago

@steven_seegel: RT @DinaFainberg: Saddened to hear that Melor Sturua (Мэлор Стуруа) passed away yesterday, aged 93. Sturua’s career as a foreign correspond… - 4 years ago

@ChrisLashHist: RT @DinaFainberg: Saddened to hear that Melor Sturua (Мэлор Стуруа) passed away yesterday, aged 93. Sturua’s career as a foreign correspond… - 4 years ago

@IvorCrotty: RT @DinaFainberg: Saddened to hear that Melor Sturua (Мэлор Стуруа) passed away yesterday, aged 93. Sturua’s career as a foreign correspond… - 4 years ago

@DinaFainberg: I had the privilege of meeting Melor Georgievich Sturua and interviewing him for my book in 2011. It was an amazing… - 4 years ago

@DinaFainberg: Sturua became a journalist by accident. In the late 1940s, during his last year at MGIMO, his father was accused of… - 4 years ago

@DinaFainberg: Sturua hailed from a family of Georgian revolutionaries. His father was a close associate of Stalin. The revolution… - 4 years ago

@DinaFainberg: Saddened to hear that Melor Sturua (Мэлор Стуруа) passed away yesterday, aged 93. Sturua’s career as a foreign corr… - 4 years ago

@danielibud: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@timerge: აშშ-ში, 94 წლის ასაკში, საერთაშორისო ჟურნალისტი მელორ სტურუა გარდაიცვალა - 4 years ago

@KtoUmarl: Melor Sturua (93) - najdłużej publikujący dziennikarz rosyjskiego dziennika "Izwiestia" (1950-2013), jego imię to a… - 4 years ago

@VWI5YtDYNDKzql8: Умер легендарный журналист международник Мэлор Стуруа Ему было 93 года - 4 years ago

@tatianycoeuvre: - 4 years ago

@blyablyasuka: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@sovietarmyfan: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@interimspace: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@inmycityza: Melor Sturua’s son told where the famous journalist will be buried - 4 years ago

@rahmaninoffff: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@ReuvenSegal: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@Felix12849484: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@eugeneryman1: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@BezsmertnyiIvan: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@IvanaTucak: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@robert_konserwa: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@manchurian: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@dm_e: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@makine555: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@yevhenfedchenko: RT @kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at the age… - 4 years ago

@kgb_files: Melor Sturua, Izvestia correspondent in the USA (1968-1982) and "guru of Soviet propaganda", died in Minneapolis at… - 4 years ago

@KrivoeZerkaloRu: На 94-ом году скончался легендарный журналист-международник Мэлор Стуруа В городе Миннеаполис, США, скончался леге… - 4 years ago

@sovanews: В США скончался журналист Мэлор Стуруа #МэлорСтуруа #сша - 4 years ago

@mkomsomolets: Умер Мэлор Георгиевич Стуруа – легенда отечественной международной журналистики, наш коллега - 4 years ago

@vesti: В США умер легендарный советский журналист-международник Мэлор Стуруа - 4 years ago

@valentina201013: RT @Mir24TV: Скончался политический обозреватель Мэлор Стуруа #новости #журналист #россия - 4 years ago

@4yIIIKaH: RT @Mir24TV: Скончался политический обозреватель Мэлор Стуруа #новости #журналист #россия - 4 years ago

@vesti: В США умер журналист-международник Мэлор Стуруа - 4 years ago

@Mir24TV: Скончался политический обозреватель Мэлор Стуруа #новости #журналист #россия - 4 years ago

@torshin_ru: RT @rgrus: На 94-м году ушел знаменитый журналист-международник Мэлор Стуруа - 4 years ago

@rgrus: На 94-м году ушел знаменитый журналист-международник Мэлор Стуруа - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Melor Sturua, you will be missed - #MelorSturua #Melor #Sturua #rip - 4 years ago

@spektronline: Умер журналист-международник Мэлор Стуруа - 4 years ago

@Serega21552269: RT @mkomsomolets: В США умер известный журналист-международник, мастер политического памфлета Мэлор Стуруа - 4 years ago

@mkomsomolets: В США умер известный журналист-международник, мастер политического памфлета Мэлор Стуруа - 4 years ago

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