Meena Alexander

Indian-American writer and scholar.
Died on Thursday November 22nd 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Meena Alexander:

@GuillaumeCingal: "TSF #176 : hommage posthume à Meena Alexander (1951-2018)" : - 6 years ago

@GuillaumeCingal: J'ai ajouté une vidéo à une playlist @YouTube - TSF #176 : hommage posthume à Meena Alexander (1951-2018) - 6 years ago

@MochaMama42: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@TheJamiaReview: In Memoriam: Remembering Fahmida Riaz and Meena Alexander - 6 years ago


@ruthellenkocher: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@seemamustafa: Meena Alexander was a true diasporic voice expressing its own diasporic experiences in poetry of uprooting and exil… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Meena Alexander, a poet and scholar whose writings reflected the search for identity that came with a peripatetic l… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@maloym: RT @NYTObits: She celebrated her fifth birthday on a ship bound for Sudan. Dislocation and the search for identity were core elements of he… - 6 years ago

@IchBinLibarian: RT @aaaricuny: ‘Impossible Grace’ by Meena Alexander, featured in Asian American Matters: A New York Anthology (2017). Read full: - 6 years ago

@raypun101: RT @aaaricuny: ‘Impossible Grace’ by Meena Alexander, featured in Asian American Matters: A New York Anthology (2017). Read full: - 6 years ago

@anirvan: Remembering #MeenaAlexander - 6 years ago

@anirvan: RT @scroll_in: Remembering the writer through poems that range from her life in New York City to her journey as a young child from India to… - 6 years ago

@erikadreifus: RT @erikadreifus: Midweek notes, including, from my archive, a profile I wrote for @CUNY of poet and memoirist Meena Alexander, who passed… - 6 years ago

@genznyt: RT @NYTObits: She celebrated her fifth birthday on a ship bound for Sudan. Dislocation and the search for identity were core elements of he… - 6 years ago

@aaaricuny: ‘Impossible Grace’ by Meena Alexander, featured in Asian American Matters: A New York Anthology (2017). Read full:… - 6 years ago

@cunyforum: ‘Impossible Grace’ by Meena Alexander, featured in Asian American Matters: A New York Anthology (2017). Read full:… - 6 years ago

@immanishrao: RT @scroll_in: Six poems by #MeenaAlexander (1951-2018) that explore memory, body and place - 6 years ago

@wrikent3500: RT @NYTObits: She celebrated her fifth birthday on a ship bound for Sudan. Dislocation and the search for identity were core elements of he… - 6 years ago

@LoudasaurusRex: @DeliriumBurlesq I don’t read a lot of recent stuff unless it’s memoirs, that’s my genre of choice. My favorite mem… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: She celebrated her fifth birthday on a ship bound for Sudan. Dislocation and the search for identity were core elem… - 6 years ago

@macdonmg: RT @GhoshAmitav: So sad to see this; Meena Alexander was an exceptional person in every way, as a poet and a human being. I will miss her.… - 6 years ago

@MadSufi: RT @amasonny: We still have the words, but not the inimitable soft, commanding, many-layered voice in which she delivered them. Those of u… - 6 years ago

@wafiire: RT @poetswritersinc: “In the poem, there is always that present moment which is terribly important through which memory works.” —Meena Alex… - 6 years ago

@MarieMockett: RT @amasonny: We still have the words, but not the inimitable soft, commanding, many-layered voice in which she delivered them. Those of u… - 6 years ago

@KateRockLitChik: RT @poetswritersinc: “In the poem, there is always that present moment which is terribly important through which memory works.” —Meena Alex… - 6 years ago

@sapphixy: RT @bodega_gyro_ao: RIP Ms. Alexander. Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@bodega_gyro_ao: RIP Ms. Alexander. Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@scroll_in: Six poems by #MeenaAlexander (1951-2018) that explore memory, body and place - 6 years ago

@JamesGalleryGC: RT @HumanitiesGC: We are mourning the enormous loss of beloved poet, teacher, mentor & scholar Meena Alexander, a long-time friend & collab… - 6 years ago

@LilyDian: - 6 years ago

@CirculolecRoma: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@E_Hughes_Poetry: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@yosuheirhammad: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@3QD: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: "No ritualized space is given where one is allowed to sit and brood." The poet Meena Alexander has died at 67. - 6 years ago

@CUNYenglish: RT @provostsoffice: Dear colleagues, In the last few days, three esteemed and cherished colleagues have passed away: Professor Meena Alexa… - 6 years ago

@rdguy: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@ErikaLuckert: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@bazdreisinger: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@johnhoyte1: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@literaryanimal: “Meena has passed down to us a world ‘marked by many tongues" in which she helped and will continue to help us "to… - 6 years ago

@benphillips76: RT @shailjapatel: "We have poetry So we do not die of history." Peace and liberation to your spirit, Meena Alexander. Thank you for yo… - 6 years ago

@provostsoffice: Dear colleagues, In the last few days, three esteemed and cherished colleagues have passed away: Professor Meena A… - 6 years ago

@Readeropolis: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@NorthwesternUP: The late Meena Alexander on the motivations and inspirations behind her last collection ATMOSPHERIC EMBRODIERY: - 6 years ago

@ellingwood: I met Meena Alexander a few months ago. What a loss. I recommend reading "Atmospheric Embroidery" and "Name Me a Wo… - 6 years ago

@nalinivisvanath: Meena Alexander, a poet and an extraordinary person by all accounts, has passed away. - 6 years ago

@kristenhinkson: RT @ilya_poet: “We have poetry / so we do not die of history." - Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@destrysibley: RT @roboyates: Reading Meena Alexander and imagining other ways of organizing minutes within a day - 6 years ago

@fishwifetales: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@imaniwadud: RT @_neelofer: In the numerous memorials to Meena Alexander I've read in the past few days, @nytimes obituary is the only one to identify c… - 6 years ago

@DeJesusSaves: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@HumanitiesGC: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@devislaskar: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@ErnestineRose25: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@DebutanteBall: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@CelizMurray: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@JOANNAessayist: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@SherwinBitsui: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@AliceMaldonadoG: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@januaryoneil: RT @jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@tenderbetween: RT @POETSorg: Write in the light of all the languages you know the earth contains, you murmur in my ear. This is pure transport. —Meena… - 6 years ago

@jenbenka: "The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history." —Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@marrryyyooom: RT @literaryanimal: "It was in America that I learnt all over again about the violence of racism and understood that a true poetry must be… - 6 years ago

@akabuzaid: RT @nytimesbooks: Her memoir was, she said, "a rag of words wrapped around a shard of recollection" - 6 years ago

@gloriaminott: RT @nytimesbooks: Her memoir was, she said, "a rag of words wrapped around a shard of recollection" - 6 years ago

@TexarkanaL: RT @nytimesbooks: Her memoir was, she said, "a rag of words wrapped around a shard of recollection" - 6 years ago

@CeCe_23Spalding: RT @HunterPresident: .@Hunter_College mourns the loss of Distinguished Professor Meena Alexander, whose poems about culture, identity, and… - 6 years ago

@Hunter_College: RT @HunterPresident: .@Hunter_College mourns the loss of Distinguished Professor Meena Alexander, whose poems about culture, identity, and… - 6 years ago

@mcnaughtongunn: 'The Angels Will Call on Me' – Meena Alexander, Indian-American Poet, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Poets Judith Rodriguez, Meena Alexander, Fahmida Riaz; musicians Mamane Mallam Barka, Ustad Imr… - 6 years ago

@Denize_Tan: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - The New York Times - 6 years ago

@catymallorca: RT @JCLJournal: Obituary of Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@VillaTelesio: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@tanyadomi: @literaryanimal Here is a podcast I did with Meena. I am very sad in her passing. I work at the Graduate Center. - 6 years ago

@sharmili_m: RT @aaww: "The many births you have passed through, try to remember them as I do mine Memory is all you have." Rest in peace, Meena Alexa… - 6 years ago

@Paul_Lisicky: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67: - 6 years ago

@ShernaKhambatta: Six poems by #MeenaAlexander (1951-2018) that explore memory, body and place - 6 years ago

@tanyadomi: RT @NYTMetro: Meena Alexander, a poet whose writings reflected her search for identity after living in India, Africa, Europe and the U.S.,… - 6 years ago

@MissDC7: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@aliner: "Why do we have poetry in a time like this? For me that question folds into another: What does it mean to belong in… - 6 years ago

@poisonedpen: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@wasimz: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@genznyt: RT @DSlotnik: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 via ⁦@NYTObits⁩ - 6 years ago

@GalloMarcia: RT @DavidRompf: "The act of writing, it seems to me, makes up a shelter, allows space to what would otherwise be hidden, crossed out, mutil… - 6 years ago

@mikeyrumore: RT @worldlittoday: Poet, essayist, & translator Meena Alexander died last Wednesday. Meena was a friend to WLT. She was a Neustadt juror in… - 6 years ago

@_neelofer: In the numerous memorials to Meena Alexander I've read in the past few days, @nytimes obituary is the only one to i… - 6 years ago

@lotuslit: “Heaven bent, Blessing my first home.” - Meena Alexander, Birthplace with Buried Stones #meenaalexander - 6 years ago

@JCLJournal: Obituary of Meena Alexander - 6 years ago

@scroll_in: Six poems by Meena Alexander (1951-2018) that explore memory, body and place - 6 years ago

@ilovecheeseblt: RT @nytimesarts: "No ritualized space is given where one is allowed to sit and brood." The poet Meena Alexander has died at 67. - 6 years ago

@MikeStaresinic: RT @Deardarkness: Awful news. It was just earlier this year when @meenaalexander & I had a great conversation for @NewYorker poetry podcast… - 6 years ago

@MikeStaresinic: RT @nytimesworld: Meena Alexander, a poet and scholar whose writings reflected the search for identity that came with a peripatetic life, i… - 6 years ago

@limbowriters: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@gourmetDiva1: RT @nytimesarts: "No ritualized space is given where one is allowed to sit and brood." The poet Meena Alexander has died at 67. - 6 years ago

@moGossipApp: #MeenaAlexander, Poet Who #Wrote of #Dislocation, Dies at 67 ! - 6 years ago

@benphillips76: RT @shailjapatel: "We have poetry So we do not die of history." Peace and liberation to your spirit, Meena Alexander. Thank you for yo… - 6 years ago

@BooksPromotion: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@RomeoFrancine: RT @nytimesarts: "No ritualized space is given where one is allowed to sit and brood." The poet Meena Alexander has died at 67. - 6 years ago

@NewYorkNewsWeb: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@PEETAMBAR: RT @ShashiTharoor: “Krishna, 3:29 AM” : beautiful final poem by the wonderful Meena Alexander who passed away last week at age 67 - 6 years ago

@JamesJosephIgoe: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@jameelsjam: RT @ShashiTharoor: “Krishna, 3:29 AM” : beautiful final poem by the wonderful Meena Alexander who passed away last week at age 67 - 6 years ago

@stevenacurtis: Via @NYTimes📌 Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@DashDeCosta: Meena Alexander, Poet Who Wrote of Dislocation, Dies at 67 - The New York Times - 6 years ago

@EuEthnic: RT @nytimesworld: Meena Alexander, a poet and scholar whose writings reflected the search for identity that came with a peripatetic life, i… - 6 years ago

@fanishjha: RT @ShashiTharoor: “Krishna, 3:29 AM” : beautiful final poem by the wonderful Meena Alexander who passed away last week at age 67 - 6 years ago

@venisiagonzalez: RIP, Meena Alexander. - 6 years ago

@apaulk2: RT @nytimesworld: "No ritualized space is given where one is allowed to sit and brood." The poet Meena Alexander has died at 67. - 6 years ago

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