McCrae Dowless

American political campaigner
Died on Monday April 25th 2022

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to McCrae Dowless:

@michaelngraff: RT @deftlyinane: Here’s an obituary for McCrae Dowless that only @michaelngraff and @NickOchsnerWBTV could write - 3 years ago

@deftlyinane: Here’s an obituary for McCrae Dowless that only @michaelngraff and @NickOchsnerWBTV could write - 3 years ago

@AjmooreMoore: RT @timechaser_8: @Rasmussen_Poll Indeed, it’s also illegal to complete absentee ballots and forge signatures as happened in NC’s 9th Congr… - 3 years ago

@andyinrok: For a different take, here is an op-ed from Mark Harris, the candidate Dowless worked for in 2018. #ncpol - 3 years ago


@andyinrok: ICYMI last week. It is a shame on several levels that McCrae Dowless never had his day in court on ballot trafficki… - 3 years ago

@timechaser_8: @Rasmussen_Poll Indeed, it’s also illegal to complete absentee ballots and forge signatures as happened in NC’s 9th… - 3 years ago

@RayNothstine: RT @andyinrok: Mark Harris on the death of McCrae Dowless: "...Dowless was left to live out his days defined by the manufactured scandal c… - 3 years ago

@andyinrok: My take is different than Harris' but I also think justice was ill-served by Dowless not having his day in court ov… - 3 years ago

@andyinrok: Mark Harris on the death of McCrae Dowless: "...Dowless was left to live out his days defined by the manufactured… - 3 years ago

@Kreutzjr1: RT @CarolinaJournal: Due to McCrae Dowless's untimely passing, the world will never get to hear the facts that would have come out in his t… - 3 years ago

@JillLang: RT @CarolinaJournal: Due to McCrae Dowless's untimely passing, the world will never get to hear the facts that would have come out in his t… - 3 years ago

@JohnLockeNC: Our @andyinrok's take on the situation: - 3 years ago

@RayNothstine: RT @CarolinaJournal: Due to McCrae Dowless's untimely passing, the world will never get to hear the facts that would have come out in his t… - 3 years ago

@CarolinaJournal: Due to McCrae Dowless's untimely passing, the world will never get to hear the facts that would have come out in hi… - 3 years ago

@AdvanceCarolina: Last week the notorious ballot harvester McCrae Dowless passed away leaving a flurry of unanswered questions regard… - 3 years ago

@YoursINegritude: RT @ProfitGreenly: @SarahTaber_bww Wow just saw that McCrae Dowless just died of cancer. Is it correct to say that the mastermind behind th… - 3 years ago

@carrie_moley: @MeganGreenfiel9 @PamelaEdwards @CariKelemen Another lost opportunity for you to provide evidence. I only know of… - 3 years ago

@CitiBE: @TheIJR Ballot Harvesting: - L. McCrae Dowless Jr., the North Carolina political operative who was at the center o… - 3 years ago

@LTCDC1: RT @NYTObits: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., the North Carolina political operative who was at the center of a scandal involving absentee-ballot ha… - 3 years ago

@CoruscaKhaya: RT @NYTObits: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., the North Carolina political operative who was at the center of a scandal involving absentee-ballot ha… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., the North Carolina political operative who was at the center of a scandal involving absentee… - 3 years ago

@ProfitGreenly: @SarahTaber_bww Wow just saw that McCrae Dowless just died of cancer. Is it correct to say that the mastermind behi… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., the North Carolina political operative who was at the center of a scandal involving absentee… - 3 years ago

@blogtech12: McCrae Dowless legacy: Ballot harvesting ban in North Carolina - 3 years ago

@sheloregon: RT @j_tibs: McCrae Dowless, a political fixture in Bladen County and the central figure in an election fraud scandal, died on Sunday. He wa… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., the North Carolina political operative who was at the center of a scandal involving absentee… - 3 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., the North Carolina political operative who was at the center of a scandal involving absentee-ballot ha… - 3 years ago

@mvario1: RT @erica_severns: @MingGao26 The docs also allege that the conspiracy involved some of the most powerful individuals in the region, includ… - 3 years ago

@hhlouise: RT @erica_severns: @MingGao26 The docs also allege that the conspiracy involved some of the most powerful individuals in the region, includ… - 3 years ago

@theblackcat1957: Check out this article from @nytimes. Because I'm a subscriber, you can read it through this gift link without a su… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., the North Carolina political operative who was at the center of a scandal involving absentee… - 3 years ago

@wunc: RT @j_tibs: McCrae Dowless, a political fixture in Bladen County and the central figure in an election fraud scandal, died on Sunday. He wa… - 3 years ago

@SonyaBonczek: RT @j_tibs: McCrae Dowless, a political fixture in Bladen County and the central figure in an election fraud scandal, died on Sunday. He wa… - 3 years ago

@Davyne_Dial: RT @j_tibs: McCrae Dowless, a political fixture in Bladen County and the central figure in an election fraud scandal, died on Sunday. He wa… - 3 years ago

@BowTiePolitics: RT @j_tibs: McCrae Dowless, a political fixture in Bladen County and the central figure in an election fraud scandal, died on Sunday. He wa… - 3 years ago

@linedancepro: @AriesaSandino Well meadow's boy, the ballot harvester has passed! McCrae Dowless - 3 years ago

@NickOchsnerWBTV: RT @j_tibs: McCrae Dowless, a political fixture in Bladen County and the central figure in an election fraud scandal, died on Sunday. He wa… - 3 years ago

@j_tibs: McCrae Dowless, a political fixture in Bladen County and the central figure in an election fraud scandal, died on S… - 3 years ago

@4ever2runval96: RT @andyinrok: ICYMI #ncpol "Aside from the pain his friends and family must feel, his death is a shame on several levels." - 3 years ago

@andyinrok: ICYMI #ncpol "Aside from the pain his friends and family must feel, his death is a shame on several levels." - 3 years ago

@ShinawinsEnt: L. McCrae Dowless Jr. Death – Obituary, Cause Of Death - 3 years ago

@wunc: On this episode of the Politics Podcast, WBTV reporter Nick Ochsner discusses the electoral scandal and the well kn… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., the North Carolina political operative who was at the center of a scandal involving absentee… - 3 years ago

@Nowtolater: GOP operative McCrae Dowless dies awaiting trial for North Carolina election fraud: report - 3 years ago

@4ever2runval96: RT @andyinrok: On several levels, it is a shame that McCae Dowless never had a trial on ballot trafficking charges. #ncpol - 3 years ago

@andyinrok: "Add to that sorry record [by prosecutors] the 2021 case of Wanda Blue and Julia Shaw, who were charged with a comb… - 3 years ago

@bryancadams: @tylerstevens407 @gregkellyusa Yet, McCrae Dowless was nailed for ballot harvesting and election fraud for Mark Har… - 3 years ago

@KarenRylander: Why I’m skeptical of universal balloting by mail -they may be too easy to harvest: - 3 years ago

@Progress2Future: RT @TrueBlueLiberal: A reminder of the largest proven ballot-harvesting #VoterFraud, which caused a rerunning of a N.C. House race in 2018.… - 3 years ago

@shinyribs: This and other GOP committed voter fraud cases were used to cast doubt in 2020-Gas Lighting undermines trust in bot… - 3 years ago

@CarlZichella: via @NYTimes once again the biggest election scams were by … Republicans who hypocritically accuse minority and low… - 3 years ago

@Screwpulas0: - 3 years ago

@jkastritis: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., 66, dies; operative at heart of election scandal T… - 3 years ago

@Tarkloon: NYT both sides an obituary for an election fraudster. - 3 years ago

@TabletopTiger2: RT @Daren58943953: Most of you don't know this name, Leslie McCrae Dowless, Jr. He's a political hack in NC that the GOP used to steal vote… - 3 years ago

@nytpolitics: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., the North Carolina political operative at the center of a scandal involving absentee-ballot… - 3 years ago

@Mingcat: RT @Daren58943953: Most of you don't know this name, Leslie McCrae Dowless, Jr. He's a political hack in NC that the GOP used to steal vote… - 3 years ago

@gorevidal: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., 66, Dies; Operative at Heart of Election Scandal - 3 years ago

@birdwatcher1228: RT @Daren58943953: Most of you don't know this name, Leslie McCrae Dowless, Jr. He's a political hack in NC that the GOP used to steal vote… - 3 years ago

@Daren58943953: Most of you don't know this name, Leslie McCrae Dowless, Jr. He's a political hack in NC that the GOP used to steal… - 3 years ago

@irma5913: RT @irma5913: GOP operative McCrae Dowless dies awaiting trial for North Carolina election fraud: report - 3 years ago

@MrsPsp: GOP operative McCrae Dowless dies awaiting trial for North Carolina election fraud: report - Raw Story - Celebratin… - 3 years ago

@ArdieVeritas: A real case of voter fraud# - 3 years ago

@tankgrrl: @Mopshell @docrocktex26 @RodHargrove @CeleryCaraway Yep. Mark Meadows (and probably his wife also), Donald Hartle,… - 3 years ago

@leglobo_laura: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., 66, dies; operative at heart of election scandal #GOPRiggedElection - 3 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: Federal prosecutors charged Leslie Dowless Jr. with absentee-ballot tampering in North Carolina, and the state ordered a hist… - 3 years ago

@jondknight: RT @NYTObits: Federal prosecutors charged Leslie Dowless Jr. with absentee-ballot tampering in North Carolina, and the state ordered a hist… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Federal prosecutors charged Leslie Dowless Jr. with absentee-ballot tampering in North Carolina, and the state orde… - 3 years ago

@MrBill_Resists: RT @kitchen5203: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., 66, Dies; Operative at Heart of Election Scandal - 3 years ago

@kitchen5203: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., 66, Dies; Operative at Heart of Election Scandal - 3 years ago

@invisiblelad007: RT @EveryVoiceNC: McCrae Dowless of Bladen County, NC has died. So many questions about his "absentee ballot" election-rigging will now… - 3 years ago

@oceanlivinggirl: @Angry_Staffer Perhaps NC needs this type of reform. - 3 years ago

@frLarousse2: RT @WLOS_13: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr., the key player in a North Carolina absentee ballot fraud probe that led to a do-over congressional… - 3 years ago

@dvslib: @BrentWoodcox Republicans have to be ecstatic about this. @MarkMeadows, McCrae Dowless' team, Surry County GOP Chai… - 3 years ago

@WillMatter4: L. McCrae Dow less Jr., 66, Dies; Operative at Heart of ELeCTion S-can-D.A.L. - 3 years ago

@TheAcsMan: This is who Republican operatives aspire to be, except for the being dead part and getting caught part. L. McCrae… - 3 years ago

@NYTNational: Federal prosecutors charged Leslie Dowless Jr. with absentee-ballot tampering in North Carolina, and the state orde… - 3 years ago

@Wesorama: RT @WSAZnews: He was set to go on trial this summer on more than a dozen state criminal counts related to absentee ballot activities for th… - 3 years ago

@UdellCudell: Hey gop vote fraud is your method of success along with voter suppression. Nobody actually likes your policies. Re… - 3 years ago

@jOlivesGrandma: Remembering McCrae Dowless, Operative Allegedly At The Center Of A Rare, Real Case Of Election Fraud… - 3 years ago

@Ahclem53: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., 66, Dies; Operative at Heart of Election Scandal - 3 years ago

@CleoLoughlin: RT @WLOS_13: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr., the key player in a North Carolina absentee ballot fraud probe that led to a do-over congressional… - 3 years ago

@j_a_pip: After the news this weekend about the death of McCrae Dowless, it would be a good time to remind everyone about thi… - 3 years ago

@WLOS_13: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr., the key player in a North Carolina absentee ballot fraud probe that led to a do-over con… - 3 years ago

@aw_journal2021: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., 66, Dies; Operative at Heart of Election Scandal - 3 years ago

@HanlireCom: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., 66, Dies; Operative at Heart of Election Scandal - 3 years ago

@auggie_dawgy: - 3 years ago

@DeniseLinkld5: RT @StovexKlmnel: @Adrian_Fontes @AZGOP Why is it, after they cry "vote fraud", when you actually look into who's committing the vote fraud… - 3 years ago

@WriterJonLeaf: Obit writers at @nytimes have major story that seems to have been buried by @nytimes, @washpo, @cnn, @msnbc and oth… - 3 years ago

@Ultrascan419: Dowless, key figure in NC absentee ballot fraud probe, dies | WLOS: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr. , the key player in a… - 3 years ago

@Owlwriter16: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., 66, Dies; Operative at Heart of Election Scandal What an odd choice topping the Obits! - 3 years ago

@patport55377808: - 3 years ago

@joshkingdal: RT @queenxorlali: What Is McCrae Dowless Cause Of Death? - 3 years ago

@BonitaCanadian: - 3 years ago

@fckyoutwitt3r: RT @JoeBrunoWSOC9: Wake County DA Lorrin Freeman tells me she expects the 10 other people facing election fraud related charges to go to co… - 3 years ago

@akilligundem: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., 66, Dies; Operative at Heart of Election Scandal Denis Darnel - #AkilliGundem… - 3 years ago

@NetionalD: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., 66, Dies; Operative at Heart of Election Scandal - 3 years ago

@litlgrey: Remembering McCrae Dowless, Operative Allegedly At The Center Of A Rare, Real Case Of Election Fraud - 3 years ago

@Mina7815: RT @StovexKlmnel: @Adrian_Fontes @AZGOP Why is it, after they cry "vote fraud", when you actually look into who's committing the vote fraud… - 3 years ago

@CappadoniaE: RT @joshtpm: As a leading ballot fraud trailblazer Dowless is almost like a patron saint among Republicans. We take a look back with his pa… - 3 years ago

@prolibvet: RT @JamesFLoveIV: GOP operative McCrae Dowless dies awaiting trial for North Carolina election fraud: report - 3 years ago

@CharCha39941361: L. McCrae Dowless Jr., 66, Dies; Operative at Heart of Election Scandal - 3 years ago

@deuceohsixx: RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr., the key player in a North Carolina absentee ballot fraud probe that… - 3 years ago

@WLOS_13: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr., the key player in a North Carolina absentee ballot fraud probe that led to a do-over con… - 3 years ago

@scrabbyone: RT @AJPennyfarthing: Need a bold #GOPVoterFraud tag with running tally for folks who don't follow politics closely. Compare and contrast. 👉… - 3 years ago

@PlanBJ: RT @JoeBrunoWSOC9: Wake County DA Lorrin Freeman tells me she expects the 10 other people facing election fraud related charges to go to co… - 3 years ago

@thejoshuablog: RT @thejoshuablog: Via @RawStory: GOP operative McCrae Dowless dies awaiting trial for North Carolina election fraud: report - 3 years ago

@AlterEgon75: Mr. Dowless used absentee ballot and ballot harvesting rules to commit election fraud, which resulted in the nation… - 3 years ago

@louderintheback: RT @JoeBrunoWSOC9: Wake County DA Lorrin Freeman tells me she expects the 10 other people facing election fraud related charges to go to co… - 3 years ago

@sc0rch: RT @JoeBrunoWSOC9: Wake County DA Lorrin Freeman tells me she expects the 10 other people facing election fraud related charges to go to co… - 3 years ago

@wsoctv: RT @JoeBrunoWSOC9: Wake County DA Lorrin Freeman tells me she expects the 10 other people facing election fraud related charges to go to co… - 3 years ago

@StolpWSOC9: RT @JoeBrunoWSOC9: Wake County DA Lorrin Freeman tells me she expects the 10 other people facing election fraud related charges to go to co… - 3 years ago

@OhWellWhatevr: RT @JoeBrunoWSOC9: Wake County DA Lorrin Freeman tells me she expects the 10 other people facing election fraud related charges to go to co… - 3 years ago

@MastaOfMp3s: RT @JoeBrunoWSOC9: Wake County DA Lorrin Freeman tells me she expects the 10 other people facing election fraud related charges to go to co… - 3 years ago

@thisshitisnutz: RT @JoeBrunoWSOC9: Wake County DA Lorrin Freeman tells me she expects the 10 other people facing election fraud related charges to go to co… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace McCrae Dowless - #McCraeDowless #McCrae #Dowless #rip - 3 years ago

@LjiljaP: RT @StovexKlmnel: @Adrian_Fontes @AZGOP Why is it, after they cry "vote fraud", when you actually look into who's committing the vote fraud… - 3 years ago

@swavedave1: RT @JoeBrunoWSOC9: McCrae Dowless, the man who was the center of the #NC09 election fraud investigation, died this morning, his attorney te… - 3 years ago

@SamAnnMorris: RT @mccuebillie: GOP operative McCrae Dowless dies awaiting trial for North Carolina election fraud: report - 3 years ago

@mccuebillie: GOP operative McCrae Dowless dies awaiting trial for North Carolina election fraud: report - 3 years ago

@4ever2runval96: RT @JoeBrunoWSOC9: Statement from the Wake County DA on the death of McCrae Dowless - 3 years ago

@WBTV_News: McCrae Dowless died Sunday morning after a battle with cancer. - 3 years ago

@known_shoulda: RT @wunc: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr. has died. The political operative was set to go on trial this summer on more than a dozen state crimin… - 3 years ago

@ChemicalsOil: RT @area51elvis: Republican Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr. was a key player in a North Carolina ballot fraud probe. He died right before trial.… - 3 years ago

@ComSpanglish: RT @RawStory: GOP operative McCrae Dowless dies awaiting trial for North Carolina election fraud: report - 3 years ago

@Blu_vet_Whateva: RT @wunc: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr. has died. The political operative was set to go on trial this summer on more than a dozen state crimin… - 3 years ago

@_katiesaurus_: RT @wunc: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr. has died. The political operative was set to go on trial this summer on more than a dozen state crimin… - 3 years ago

@wtf_imtooold: RT @wunc: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr. has died. The political operative was set to go on trial this summer on more than a dozen state crimin… - 3 years ago

@dynhamohum: RT @wunc: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr. has died. The political operative was set to go on trial this summer on more than a dozen state crimin… - 3 years ago

@Rayn3ll: RT @wunc: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr. has died. The political operative was set to go on trial this summer on more than a dozen state crimin… - 3 years ago

@mharvey816: RT @wunc: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr. has died. The political operative was set to go on trial this summer on more than a dozen state crimin… - 3 years ago

@TheGaychel: RT @wunc: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr. has died. The political operative was set to go on trial this summer on more than a dozen state crimin… - 3 years ago

@Eddie72J: RT @wunc: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr. has died. The political operative was set to go on trial this summer on more than a dozen state crimin… - 3 years ago

@michele5411: RT @wunc: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr. has died. The political operative was set to go on trial this summer on more than a dozen state crimin… - 3 years ago

@CrymsonDawn: RT @wunc: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr. has died. The political operative was set to go on trial this summer on more than a dozen state crimin… - 3 years ago

@KasdenAheven: RT @wunc: Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr. has died. The political operative was set to go on trial this summer on more than a dozen state crimin… - 3 years ago

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