Maurice Ferré

Puerto Rican-born American politician
Died on Thursday September 19th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Maurice Ferré:

@redolfi_tony: RT @redolfi_tony: MAYOR NICHOLAS A. GRADISAR | Pueblo, CO OBITUARY Maurice Ferré, 84, Puerto Rican-born American politician, Mayor of Mia… - 5 years ago

@StandWithMarco_: #InMemoriam Mayor Maurice A. Ferré — "On the death of a friend, fate has devolved on us the task of a double livin… - 5 years ago

@BreakthroughMia: We join our community in honoring the legacy of Maurice Antonio Ferre. The first Hispanic mayor of Miami, Ferre was… - 5 years ago

@AmandiOnAir: RT @doug_hanks: For Maurice Ferré, a funeral at City Hall like no other. “Heart of a champion. Final chapter.” - 5 years ago


@MiamiGives: RT @FrancisSuarez: A huge thanks to our @MiamiPD motor unit for their wonderful work yesterday during the Maurice Ferre’ funeral procession… - 5 years ago

@Csanchezberzain: RT @Intdemocratic: Honor a nuestro Presidente Maurice Ferré Por nuestro Director Rodrigo Arboleda @rarboleda2 Leer más en: - 5 years ago

@eldiariony: Funeral de líder boricua Maurice Ferré, primer alcalde latino de Miami | El Diario NY - 5 years ago

@memearte: Maurice A. Ferré 1935-2019 Tribute by Mayor Francis Suarez at City Hall Miami ,Florida Thursday September 26, 2019. - 5 years ago

@ElNuevoDia: Maurice A. Ferré 1935-2055 - 5 years ago

@downtownMIA: RT @CityofMiami: The City of Miami said a final farewell to the late Miami Mayor Maurice A. Ferré at City Hall this morning before he was l… - 5 years ago

@exilioboliviano: RT @Intdemocratic: Honor a nuestro Presidente Maurice Ferré Por nuestro Director Rodrigo Arboleda @rarboleda2 Leer más en: - 5 years ago

@BoliviaCivil: RT @Intdemocratic: Honor a nuestro Presidente Maurice Ferré Por nuestro Director Rodrigo Arboleda @rarboleda2 Leer más en: - 5 years ago

@boliviarep: RT @Intdemocratic: Honor a nuestro Presidente Maurice Ferré Por nuestro Director Rodrigo Arboleda @rarboleda2 Leer más en: - 5 years ago

@GusParera: RT @FrancisSuarez: A huge thanks to our @MiamiPD motor unit for their wonderful work yesterday during the Maurice Ferre’ funeral procession… - 5 years ago

@Carlos_Lopez66: RT @lopezgovlaw: In Memoriam Mayor Maurice A. Ferré — "On the death of a friend, fate has devolved on us the task of a double living, that… - 5 years ago

@VotarEsUnDeber: RT @lopezgovlaw: In Memoriam Mayor Maurice A. Ferré — "On the death of a friend, fate has devolved on us the task of a double living, that… - 5 years ago

@lopezgovlaw: In Memoriam Mayor Maurice A. Ferré — "On the death of a friend, fate has devolved on us the task of a double livin… - 5 years ago

@DISCAwards: RT @CatholicMiami: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departe… - 5 years ago

@StandWithMarco_: In Memoriam Mayor Maurice A. Ferré — "On the death of a friend, fate has devolved on us the task of a double livin… - 5 years ago

@DLasAmericas: #Miami rinde honores al fallecido exalcalde Maurice Ferré - 5 years ago

@ELPitirreAzul: La Diáspora reconoce la gigantesca obra de Maurice Ferre ignorada por los colonupidos!Today's Front Page of The Mia… - 5 years ago

@JuanCZapata: RT @doug_hanks: For Maurice Ferré, a funeral at City Hall like no other. “Heart of a champion. Final chapter.” - 5 years ago

@Intdemocratic: Honor a nuestro Presidente Maurice Ferré Por nuestro Director Rodrigo Arboleda @rarboleda2 Leer más en:… - 5 years ago

@YuriyMatevosov: RT @FrancisSuarez: A huge thanks to our @MiamiPD motor unit for their wonderful work yesterday during the Maurice Ferre’ funeral procession… - 5 years ago

@MrLuisPadron: RT @FrancisSuarez: A huge thanks to our @MiamiPD motor unit for their wonderful work yesterday during the Maurice Ferre’ funeral procession… - 5 years ago

@VotarEsUnDeber: In Memoriam Mayor Maurice A. Ferré — "On the death of a friend, fate has devolved on us the task of a double livin… - 5 years ago

@FrostysFlavaMag: RT @FrancisSuarez: A huge thanks to our @MiamiPD motor unit for their wonderful work yesterday during the Maurice Ferre’ funeral procession… - 5 years ago

@Maurice_E_Ferre: @ErnestoRomero9 Preach - 5 years ago

@martinog: @crespogram Al Crespo @crespogram Did you know that in a recent presentation Commissioner Ken Russell… - 5 years ago

@antoniodivine: RT @FrancisSuarez: A huge thanks to our @MiamiPD motor unit for their wonderful work yesterday during the Maurice Ferre’ funeral procession… - 5 years ago

@OrtizFop: RT @FrancisSuarez: A huge thanks to our @MiamiPD motor unit for their wonderful work yesterday during the Maurice Ferre’ funeral procession… - 5 years ago

@juliapulles_rea: RT @FrancisSuarez: A huge thanks to our @MiamiPD motor unit for their wonderful work yesterday during the Maurice Ferre’ funeral procession… - 5 years ago

@caminosaseguir: RT @CityofMiami: The City of Miami said a final farewell to the late Miami Mayor Maurice A. Ferré at City Hall this morning before he was l… - 5 years ago

@xvillalba1: RT @FrancisSuarez: A huge thanks to our @MiamiPD motor unit for their wonderful work yesterday during the Maurice Ferre’ funeral procession… - 5 years ago

@VotarEsUnDeber: RT @FrancisSuarez: A huge thanks to our @MiamiPD motor unit for their wonderful work yesterday during the Maurice Ferre’ funeral procession… - 5 years ago

@MiamiMayor: RT @FrancisSuarez: A huge thanks to our @MiamiPD motor unit for their wonderful work yesterday during the Maurice Ferre’ funeral procession… - 5 years ago

@FrancisSuarez: A huge thanks to our @MiamiPD motor unit for their wonderful work yesterday during the Maurice Ferre’ funeral proce… - 5 years ago

@SurveySunday: In Memoriam Mayor Maurice A. Ferré — "On the death of a friend, fate has devolved on us the task of a double livin… - 5 years ago

@MiamiTodayNews: RT @jafernan11: Yesterday, #Miami laid to rest one of the truly great #leaders of this community, Mayor Maurice Ferre. I’m proud to have k… - 5 years ago

@JagudEye: Maurice Ferré: a Miami mayor who took risks, saw the city’s potential and its flaws - 5 years ago

@LidiaDinkova: .@kenrussellmiami tries to speed up budget hearing saying commission is yet to vote ON A SINGLE regular agenda item… - 5 years ago

@Univision23: Cientos de personas, familiares y reconocidos políticos le dieron el último adiós al exalcalde Ferré, quien murió s… - 5 years ago

@Gazi2a: RT @doug_hanks: For Maurice Ferré, a funeral at City Hall like no other. “Heart of a champion. Final chapter.” - 5 years ago

@aidalevitan: Today hundreds of community, government and media leaders honored Mayor Maurice Ferre for his extraordinary contrib… - 5 years ago

@Globalbizdynam1: RT @doug_hanks: For Maurice Ferré, a funeral at City Hall like no other. “Heart of a champion. Final chapter.” - 5 years ago

@MiamiHerald: RT @doug_hanks: For Maurice Ferré, a funeral at City Hall like no other. “Heart of a champion. Final chapter.” - 5 years ago

@samanthajgross: RT @doug_hanks: For Maurice Ferré, a funeral at City Hall like no other. “Heart of a champion. Final chapter.” - 5 years ago

@doug_hanks: For Maurice Ferré, a funeral at City Hall like no other. “Heart of a champion. Final chapter.” - 5 years ago

@MilagrosLoyal: @MiamiMayor @CityofMiami RIP for ever Mayor Maurice Ferre. - 5 years ago

@Jeremy54668575: RT @JoseJavierJJR: On Sunday we remembered Mayor Maurice Ferré on #TWISF with @GlennaWPLG on @WPLGLocal10. - 5 years ago

@tortugadiaz: RT @DLasAmericas: #Miami rinde honores al fallecido exalcalde Maurice Ferré - 5 years ago

@emonserratte: RT @MiamiMayor: Today, we said goodbye to our beloved Maurice Ferré. Moving to see the outpouring of love for our former @CityofMiami Mayor… - 5 years ago

@DLasAmericas: #Miami rinde honores al fallecido exalcalde Maurice Ferré - 5 years ago

@LIFELOVESYOU3: RT @CityofMiami: The City of Miami said a final farewell to the late Miami Mayor Maurice A. Ferré at City Hall this morning before he was l… - 5 years ago

@aservalli001: RT @emiliotgonzalez: A somber day @CityofMiami. Today we celebrate and remember the exceptional life of Mayor Maurice A. Ferre. His leaders… - 5 years ago

@Cristyd0908: RT @CityofMiami: The City of Miami said a final farewell to the late Miami Mayor Maurice A. Ferré at City Hall this morning before he was l… - 5 years ago

@mikefosteronlin: RIP Maurice Ferre, former Mayor and father of modern day Miami. Miami is a world class city because of your vision. - 5 years ago

@MarvLBluechip: RT @CityofMiami: The City of Miami said a final farewell to the late Miami Mayor Maurice A. Ferré at City Hall this morning before he was l… - 5 years ago

@apenelas: RT @apenelas: Today @CatholicMiami. He was a visionary indeed. But I remember @maurice_ferre most for how he practiced politics:… - 5 years ago

@GulfAtlanticInd: RT @CityofMiami: The City of Miami said a final farewell to the late Miami Mayor Maurice A. Ferré at City Hall this morning before he was l… - 5 years ago

@antoniodivine: RT @emiliotgonzalez: A somber day @CityofMiami. Today we celebrate and remember the exceptional life of Mayor Maurice A. Ferre. His leaders… - 5 years ago

@antoniodivine: RT @CityofMiami: The City of Miami said a final farewell to the late Miami Mayor Maurice A. Ferré at City Hall this morning before he was l… - 5 years ago

@CityofMiami: The City of Miami said a final farewell to the late Miami Mayor Maurice A. Ferré at City Hall this morning before h… - 5 years ago

@nancyatra: @henieceolucifer @miblogestublog @nycsouthpaw Maurice Antonio Ferré (June 23, 1935 – September 19, 2019) was an Ame… - 5 years ago

@cherokeesher2: RT @doug_hanks: Portion of the video played during the Maurice Ferré memorial at Miami City Hall. Includes words from what’s believed to be… - 5 years ago

@news_dade: @apenelas @CatholicMiami @Maurice_Ferre @mferremd @SoniaSuccar @helenaguirrefer @alejaguirrec @JoseJavierJJR… - 5 years ago

@AmandiOnAir: RT @doug_hanks: Portion of the video played during the Maurice Ferré memorial at Miami City Hall. Includes words from what’s believed to be… - 5 years ago

@MiamiMundo: Miami rinde honores al fallecido ex alcalde Maurice Ferré - 5 years ago

@NachoLibre2213: @apenelas @CatholicMiami @Maurice_Ferre @mferremd @SoniaSuccar @helenaguirrefer @alejaguirrec @JoseJavierJJR… - 5 years ago

@TheChestnutPost: Mourners Bid Final Farewell To Former Miami Mayor Maurice Ferré - 5 years ago

@VotarEsUnDeber: RT @emiliotgonzalez: A somber day @CityofMiami. Today we celebrate and remember the exceptional life of Mayor Maurice A. Ferre. His leaders… - 5 years ago

@leo305leo: Miami rinde honores al fallecido exalcalde Maurice Ferré - 5 years ago

@Gazi2a: RT @emiliotgonzalez: A somber day @CityofMiami. Today we celebrate and remember the exceptional life of Mayor Maurice A. Ferre. His leaders… - 5 years ago

@emiliotgonzalez: A somber day @CityofMiami. Today we celebrate and remember the exceptional life of Mayor Maurice A. Ferre. His lead… - 5 years ago

@RaCuevas: RT @nbc6: WATCH LIVE: Officials Gather to Remember Life of Former Miami Mayor Maurice Ferré During Memorial Service: - 5 years ago

@JuliaNBC6: Mourners gather at funeral of Miami’s first Hispanic mayor, Maurice Ferré ⁦@nbc6⁩ - 5 years ago

@downtownMIA: RT @MiamiMayor: Today, we said goodbye to our beloved Maurice Ferré. Moving to see the outpouring of love for our former @CityofMiami Mayor… - 5 years ago

@downtownMIA: RT @ChristinaCrespi: Beautiful Memorial Honoring Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Miami’s first Hispanic Mayor; an inspiration, charismatic visionary… - 5 years ago

@downtownMIA: RT @AndresViglucci: Miami to hold public memorial for former Mayor Maurice Ferré at City Hall - 5 years ago

@taddschwartz: RT @MiamiMayor: Today, we said goodbye to our beloved Maurice Ferré. Moving to see the outpouring of love for our former @CityofMiami Mayor… - 5 years ago

@taddschwartz: RT @ChristinaCrespi: Beautiful Memorial Honoring Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Miami’s first Hispanic Mayor; an inspiration, charismatic visionary… - 5 years ago

@unclelukereal1: RT @MiamiMayor: Today, we said goodbye to our beloved Maurice Ferré. Moving to see the outpouring of love for our former @CityofMiami Mayor… - 5 years ago

@AlinaGarcia: Office Of Commissioner Esteban Bovo, Jr. is at the City Of Miami honoring the life of a true statesman Maurice Ferr… - 5 years ago

@antoniodivine: RT @MiamiMayor: Today, we said goodbye to our beloved Maurice Ferré. Moving to see the outpouring of love for our former @CityofMiami Mayor… - 5 years ago

@TheSanJuanPost: RT @MiamiMayor: Today, we said goodbye to our beloved Maurice Ferré. Moving to see the outpouring of love for our former @CityofMiami Mayor… - 5 years ago

@1_ftl: Fort Lauderdale News Search Reviews (Life of Former Miami Mayor Maurice Ferré Remembered Thursday) Fort Lauderdale… - 5 years ago

@YuriyMatevosov: RT @ChristinaCrespi: Beautiful Memorial Honoring Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Miami’s first Hispanic Mayor; an inspiration, charismatic visionary… - 5 years ago

@YuriyMatevosov: RT @MiamiMayor: Today, we said goodbye to our beloved Maurice Ferré. Moving to see the outpouring of love for our former @CityofMiami Mayor… - 5 years ago

@RaquelRegalado: RT @doug_hanks: This is the first memorial of its kind at Miami City Hall, according to city reps. The coffin of former mayor Maurice Ferré - 5 years ago

@MarissaNBC6: RT @nbc6: WATCH LIVE: Officials Gather to Remember Life of Former Miami Mayor Maurice Ferré During Memorial Service: - 5 years ago

@ChristinaCrespi: Beautiful Memorial Honoring Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Miami’s first Hispanic Mayor; an inspiration, charismatic vision… - 5 years ago

@PortalMiami: RT @MiamiMayor: Today, we said goodbye to our beloved Maurice Ferré. Moving to see the outpouring of love for our former @CityofMiami Mayor… - 5 years ago

@FrancisSuarez: RT @MiamiMayor: Today, we said goodbye to our beloved Maurice Ferré. Moving to see the outpouring of love for our former @CityofMiami Mayor… - 5 years ago

@MiamiMayor: Today, we said goodbye to our beloved Maurice Ferré. Moving to see the outpouring of love for our former… - 5 years ago

@OrtizFop: RT @CityofMiami: Tomorrow (9/26), @MiamiMayor Francis Suarez, City of Miami Commissioners, & other community leaders will take part in a sp… - 5 years ago

@FrancisSuarez: RT @CityofMiami: Tomorrow (9/26), @MiamiMayor Francis Suarez, City of Miami Commissioners, & other community leaders will take part in a sp… - 5 years ago

@antoniodivine: RT @CityofMiami: Tomorrow (9/26), @MiamiMayor Francis Suarez, City of Miami Commissioners, & other community leaders will take part in a sp… - 5 years ago

@antoniodivine: RT @Manolo4Miami: The @CityofMiami Commission meeting scheduled for 9/26 at 9AM will now begin at 2PM due to a memorial service for former… - 5 years ago

@CityofMiami: Join District 2 Commissioner @kenrussellmiami & @MiamiCITP to celebrate the completion of the installation of Tidal… - 5 years ago

@Cristyd0908: RT @CityofMiami: Tomorrow (9/26), @MiamiMayor Francis Suarez, City of Miami Commissioners, & other community leaders will take part in a sp… - 5 years ago

@CityofMiami: Tomorrow (9/26), @MiamiMayor Francis Suarez, City of Miami Commissioners, & other community leaders will take part… - 5 years ago

@Manolo4Miami: La reunión de la Comisión de @CityofMiami programada para el 26 de septiembre a las 9AM comenzará a las 2PM para un… - 5 years ago

@mirellevvi: RT @BayfrontParkMIA: The @ParkinsonDotOrg (PF) will host its annual Moving Day Miami, A Walk for Parkinson’s, at Maurice A. Ferre’ Park on… - 5 years ago

@Manolo4Miami: The @CityofMiami Commission meeting scheduled for 9/26 at 9AM will now begin at 2PM due to a memorial service for f… - 5 years ago

@nikki_ewan: RT @AmandiOnAir: Maurice A. Ferre was not only the first Hispanic Mayor of a major American city, he was, without a doubt, the greatest May… - 5 years ago

@ElyaTzvi: RT @MiamiHerald: BREAKING: Maurice A. Ferré, the politician and businessman from an aristocratic Puerto Rican family who is widely regarded… - 5 years ago

@OrtizFop: RT @JoseJavierJJR: Thank you those who sent messages or shared personal remembrances. Funeral is 10a on Thurs 9/27 at the Cathedral. NO flo… - 5 years ago

@BayfrontParkMIA: The @ParkinsonDotOrg (PF) will host its annual Moving Day Miami, A Walk for Parkinson’s, at Maurice A. Ferre’ Park… - 5 years ago

@TheTonyRodrig: RT @JoseJavierJJR: Thank you those who sent messages or shared personal remembrances. Funeral is 10a on Thurs 9/27 at the Cathedral. NO flo… - 5 years ago

@raul_alborada47: RT @CharlesARodrig2: Maurice Ferré ha fallecido. Nuestro más sentido pésame a toda la familia Ferré. Maurice, sobrino de don Luis A. Ferré,… - 5 years ago

@joeflech: RT @AndresViglucci: Miami to hold public memorial for former Mayor Maurice Ferré at City Hall - 5 years ago

@renepedrosa1021: RT @CityofMiami: On Thursday, September 26th, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, City of Miami Commissioners, and other community leaders will tak… - 5 years ago

@blogblackmiami: City of Miami to hold public memorial for former Mayor Maurice Ferré on Thurs. morning at City Hall. - 5 years ago

@rebecca_sanjuan: Miami to hold public memorial for former Mayor Maurice Ferré at City Hall - 5 years ago

@ESotomayorM: Muere Maurice A. Ferré el primer alcalde hispano de Miami - 5 years ago

@WLRNSundial: RT @ShepardNevel: .@XavierLSuarez1 shares wonderful memories of political opponent-turned-friend, the late, visionary Miami Mayor Maurice F… - 5 years ago

@taddschwartz: RT @AndresViglucci: Miami to hold public memorial for former Mayor Maurice Ferré at City Hall - 5 years ago

@MiamiHerald: RT @joeflech: There will be a one-hour memorial at city hall Thursday morning for Maurice Ferré. - 5 years ago

@joeflech: There will be a one-hour memorial at city hall Thursday morning for Maurice Ferré. - 5 years ago

@ESotomayorM: RT @SomosNoticiasve: Muere Maurice A. Ferré el primer alcalde hispano de Miami - 5 years ago

@iashleyrichards: #RT @MiamiHerald: Miami to hold public memorial for former Mayor Maurice Ferré at City Hall - 5 years ago

@ShepardNevel: .@XavierLSuarez1 shares wonderful memories of political opponent-turned-friend, the late, visionary Miami Mayor Mau… - 5 years ago

@TiberioDebbie: RT @JoeBiden: Saddened to hear of the passing of Maurice Ferré — the father of modern-day Miami. A trailblazer and a true public servant, h… - 5 years ago

@kenrussellmiami: RT @AndresViglucci: Miami to hold public memorial for former Mayor Maurice Ferré at City Hall - 5 years ago

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