Matthew Seligman

British new wave bassist (The Soft Boys
Died on Saturday April 18th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Matthew Seligman:

@IMcunicorn: @daire_shaw @docmagu1 @GeorgeLeeRTE John Prine and Matthew Seligman weren't due to die. - 5 years ago

@chatorron_moral: RT @Gear_Show: David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman, 64, dies of coronavirus. - 5 years ago

@jOHNjON18158624: David Bowie Bassist Matthew Seligman Dies of Coronavirus Complications at 64 - news - CenturyLink - 5 years ago

@SCPublicRadio: NPR Remembrances, including: Paul O'Neill, Matthew Seligman, et al - 5 years ago


@LeopardJoy: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@MythicalMotors: I'm humbled that my song "Twin Sun Trajectory" was played on Trash Flow Radio in Cincinnati. There's a ton of grea… - 5 years ago

@efd: That new Modern Nature tune was among many great new/recent releases that I played on this week's @WFMU show, broad… - 5 years ago

@wmzeon: David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman, 64, dies of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@johnH974: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@johnH974: RT @ThomasDolby: This song is for Matthew Seligman, with all my love. - 5 years ago

@tropicalontour: @nicransome @mellow_elephant Brilliant clip. I also liked the playing of the late Matthew Seligman, who recently died of covid-19. - 5 years ago

@DwayneOfficial: @sk100__ According to this article I’m reading: Fred the Godson, Matthew Seligman, Hal Willner, Jay Benedict and mo… - 5 years ago

@shplinkhimself: R.I.P. Matthew Seligman - - 5 years ago

@CardColm: Stumbled on this accidentally, the second to last tweet by a great bassist who died of COVID-19 recently. Had a sec… - 5 years ago

@EthanSVG: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@refunfunyadora: RT @TheShowWontGoOn: MATTHEW SELIGMAN was a bassist, best known for his work during the ‘80s, including material with the Thompson Twins, T… - 5 years ago

@RobSample: RT @ThomasDolby: This song is for Matthew Seligman, with all my love. - 5 years ago

@jriversmn: RT @cohenesque: A little Matthew Seligman tribute set on WAIF's Trash Flow Radio today, including Boys both Soft and Watered (though I don'… - 5 years ago

@cohenesque: A little Matthew Seligman tribute set on WAIF's Trash Flow Radio today, including Boys both Soft and Watered (thoug… - 5 years ago

@GracielaVirgi13: RT @clarincom: Coronoavirus: murió Matthew Seligman, bajista de David Bowie - 5 years ago

@formerbartender: RT @NedRaggett: This tribute to Matthew Seligman from a long-time friend and legal colleague is truly remarkable. I strongly suggest readin… - 5 years ago

@thespyfm: RT @SpyFM101: Today on 🕵️‍♀️ 1️⃣0️⃣1️⃣: We will explore the career of Matthew Seligman, who died last week from #Covid_19. He played with @… - 5 years ago

@GeorgeDLang: RT @SpyFM101: Today on 🕵️‍♀️ 1️⃣0️⃣1️⃣: We will explore the career of Matthew Seligman, who died last week from #Covid_19. He played with @… - 5 years ago

@SpyFM101: Today on 🕵️‍♀️ 1️⃣0️⃣1️⃣: We will explore the career of Matthew Seligman, who died last week from #Covid_19. He pla… - 5 years ago

@vulgarweed: #VSongaDay April 25. RIP bassist Matthew Seligman, lost to COVID-19 April 17. Celebrate weird beauty. The Soft Boys… - 5 years ago

@tanyaweiman: Beautiful. RIP Matthew Seligman. - 5 years ago

@SenseiChanning: RT @TheTrashcans: 14. Sad to hear of the death of bassist Matthew Seligman after contracting Covid 19. He played with The Soft Boys, Thomas… - 5 years ago

@Blaydman: A photomontage remembering Matthew Seligman, bass player, after his death from Covid-19 on April 17th. No, I didn't… - 5 years ago

@cornerlaughers: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@pulmyears: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@DavidDcmwallace: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@CardColm: RT @CardColm: Matthew Seligman left us too soon. Sigh. Listening to his fab bass on great late Soft Boys (1979-1980) songs such as Kingdo… - 5 years ago

@pkrpmusic: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@tomorama_ca: Thomas Dolby - 'The Toadlickers' - 5 years ago

@tomorama_ca: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@tomorama_ca: RT @ThomasDolby: This song is for Matthew Seligman, with all my love. - 5 years ago

@marypcbuk: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@small_grey_bear: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@artagrama: RT @artagrama: Muere el bajista Matthew Seligman, #DavidBowie #LiveAid por complicaciones del #COVID19 #COVID_19 #coronavirus - - 5 years ago

@ttakahasi: Thomas Dolbyが 一週間前にMatthew Seligmanがコロナウイルスで亡くなってからずっとFacebookで彼の事ばかり書いている。読んでいてつらい。 - 5 years ago

@colingreen42: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@RichardJacklin2: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@JazzWine: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@solitaka: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@bitmaps: Matthew Seligman: 'The Brightest Star' - 5 years ago

@wilsonicjournal: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@deelee97439437: RT @MAM12CP: This is a lovely obituary of ⁦@SeligmanBass⁩ with emphasis on his work as a lawyer. ⁦@AndrewSperling⁩ Thanks to his lovely fr… - 5 years ago

@DylanExaminer: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@MM47821446: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1698) David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@uisce_misty: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@emory4697: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@danthesoundman: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@catsNdogs2gthr: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@SORASTAR: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@WeaponizedFun: For all you twats clamoring to reopen the economy, keep in mind that real people are dying here: - 5 years ago

@italkthewind: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@Stephen_Tilney: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@grapevine727: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@Huffhuur: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@SFlinn67: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@Pauramungi: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@11304p: RT @ThomasDolby: Thanks to all who contributed to the Matthew Seligman tribute fund, raising £25,000 to help his dependents. Here's a photo… - 5 years ago

@MickeyUndertone: The late Matthew Seligman, as a Soft Boy. Just to the right of Robyn ‘Iron Man’ Hitchcock. Your right, not his rig… - 5 years ago

@London366: David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman, 64, dies of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@heeheelu: rip matthew seligman - 5 years ago

@WonterghemVan: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1698) David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@tommyberesford: Matthew Seligman (1955-2020) - 5 years ago

@artagramaTV: RT @artagrama: Muere el bajista Matthew Seligman, #DavidBowie #LiveAid por complicaciones del #COVID19 #COVID_19 #coronavirus - - 5 years ago

@Kevsnewmusic: RT @StirBig: This is not only a beautifully written review of the new Spygenius single “Spite”, but also a heartfelt tribute to Matthew Sel… - 5 years ago

@BigTakeoverMag: RT @Kevsnewmusic: On NYC's @BigTakeoverMag, I look at the upcoming single by SPYGENIUS. "Spite" is a melodic tour-de-force, with all procee… - 5 years ago

@Kevsnewmusic: RT @Kevsnewmusic: On NYC's @BigTakeoverMag, I look at the upcoming single by SPYGENIUS. "Spite" is a melodic tour-de-force, with all procee… - 5 years ago

@xaviertb70: RT @artagrama: Muere el bajista Matthew Seligman, #DavidBowie #LiveAid por complicaciones del #COVID19 #COVID_19 #coronavirus - - 5 years ago

@cowboy082478: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1698) David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@artagrama: Muere el bajista Matthew Seligman, #DavidBowie #LiveAid por complicaciones del #COVID19 #COVID_19 #coronavirus - - 5 years ago

@JamiePuk: Everybody Breathes For Matthew Seligman, bass and vocals (1955-2020) - 5 years ago

@KatNL: RT @fcuking_news: David Bowie Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of Coronavirus at 64 #coronavirus #news - 5 years ago

@ChristinaStarbu: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1698) David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@eklisiewicz: RT @Kevsnewmusic: On NYC's @BigTakeoverMag, I look at the upcoming single by SPYGENIUS. "Spite" is a melodic tour-de-force, with all procee… - 5 years ago

@johnnymuirtweet: RT @tankgrrl: Aw, dude. Matthew Seligman died. He was a fabulous bass player. He worked with Thomas Dolby and was an early Thompson Twins m… - 5 years ago

@lopezzlety: RT @ProcesoCultura: Ex músico de Morrisey, #DavidBowie y @SineadOConnor, el bajista Matthew Seligman falleció de #Coronavirus a los 64 años… - 5 years ago

@AndrewJacksonV3: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1698) David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@shovrocks: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1698) David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@GarrigouL: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1698) David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@AlajosVida: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1698) David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@TheBeaSmith: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1698) David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@StormWatchGirl: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1698) David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@RockerMan_198: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1698) David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@StefanMolyneux: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1698) David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@tankgrrl: It'll be hard to find a video about Matthew Seligman that isn't about his death. So here's him alongside Dolby, pla… - 5 years ago

@TheIncurablesMI: RT @StirBig: This is not only a beautifully written review of the new Spygenius single “Spite”, but also a heartfelt tribute to Matthew Sel… - 5 years ago

@tankgrrl: Aw, dude. Matthew Seligman died. He was a fabulous bass player. He worked with Thomas Dolby and was an early Thomps… - 5 years ago

@Grace29450091: RT @Inevitable_ET: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 Renowned bass guitarist Matthew Seligman, who played with David… - 5 years ago

@ThoughtsCapsiz1: Matthew Seligman, New Wave Bassist For The Soft Boys And David Bowie, Dies At 64 - 5 years ago

@92MaxPower: @MikeDeAngelis Nice tribute to Matthew Seligman. - 5 years ago

@11304p: RT @ThomasDolby: This song is for Matthew Seligman, with all my love. - 5 years ago

@LifTBeats: The Soft Boys’ Matthew Seligman Dead From COVID-19 Complications - 5 years ago

@MrsRevenant: Matthew Seligman, exbajista de Bowie y Morrissey, falleció por covid-19 - 5 years ago

@StirBig: This is not only a beautifully written review of the new Spygenius single “Spite”, but also a heartfelt tribute to… - 5 years ago

@StirBig: RT @Kevsnewmusic: On NYC's @BigTakeoverMag, I look at the upcoming single by SPYGENIUS. "Spite" is a melodic tour-de-force, with all procee… - 5 years ago

@Kevsnewmusic: On NYC's @BigTakeoverMag, I look at the upcoming single by SPYGENIUS. "Spite" is a melodic tour-de-force, with all… - 5 years ago

@sadams_s: RT @NedRaggett: This tribute to Matthew Seligman from a long-time friend and legal colleague is truly remarkable. I strongly suggest readin… - 5 years ago

@elgris2015: RT @ElNacionalWeb: Matthew Seligman, ex bajista de David Bowie, murió por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@CydneeGreen: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1698) David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Matthew SELIGMAN (1955-2020), English bass guitarist, best known for his association with the new wave music… - 5 years ago

@dan_hoyt: Wreckless Eric, Jennifer Wayne, Matthew Seligman (#RIP) - 5 years ago

@Sheilas11: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1698) David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@PeterLandau: Matthew Seligman (left),New Wave Bassist for the Soft Boys, David Bowie and More #obitpix #matthewseligman #bassist… - 5 years ago

@TrueQanuck11: 1698) David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@s_AngelBeats: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Matthew Seligman. The distinguished musician has passed away due to COVID-19. Robyn Hitchcock + others remember him as "on… - 5 years ago

@prymefocus: Matthew Seligman Dies Of COVID-19: David Bowie Bassist And Camera Club Member Was 64 - 5 years ago

@Tachyon_Master: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Matthew Seligman. The distinguished musician has passed away due to COVID-19. Robyn Hitchcock + others remember him as "on… - 5 years ago

@Podgers_: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Matthew Seligman. The distinguished musician has passed away due to COVID-19. Robyn Hitchcock + others remember him as "on… - 5 years ago

@trintran: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Matthew Seligman. The distinguished musician has passed away due to COVID-19. Robyn Hitchcock + others remember him as "on… - 5 years ago

@JaimeCasasB: RT @btrnr: Brand new show up for this week. Unreleased 79 Swell Maps, remembering Matthew Seligman, lots of new music out this month. Thank… - 5 years ago

@nenesalcedo: - 5 years ago

@bradford_beat: RT @TheTrashcans: 14. Sad to hear of the death of bassist Matthew Seligman after contracting Covid 19. He played with The Soft Boys, Thomas… - 5 years ago

@iannmcdonald: RT @iaincairns: Only just heard on @BBC6Music the sad news about Matthew Seligman, bassist on early @ThomasDolby albums. I presume the char… - 5 years ago

@SORASTAR: RT @audleyburnett: Everybody Breathes - 5 years ago

@hmbass1: RT @NedRaggett: This tribute to Matthew Seligman from a long-time friend and legal colleague is truly remarkable. I strongly suggest readin… - 5 years ago

@dbfaceofreality: Bassist Matthew Seligman, who performed with David Bowie, dead at 64 from coronavirus ... - - 5 years ago

@romanoviazzani: RT @DavidVghn: Winter Night by Scott Walker. I've dedicated this recording to the memory of Matthew Seligman @SeligmanBass who I had the pl… - 5 years ago

@SORASTAR: Matthew Seligman Tribute🙏 アーカイブで聴けます。 - 5 years ago

@geronimocabello: RT @ElNacionalWeb: Matthew Seligman, ex bajista de David Bowie, murió por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@SORASTAR: RT @efd: TONIGHT! Show #4 from Studio E(FD) featuring DJ 100’ Ethernet Cable*! Back to so-called normal, with tons of new music plus an inc… - 5 years ago

@GuardaespaldaH: RT @ElNacionalWeb: Matthew Seligman, ex bajista de David Bowie, murió por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@UfoSoftware: RT @efd: TONIGHT! Show #4 from Studio E(FD) featuring DJ 100’ Ethernet Cable*! Back to so-called normal, with tons of new music plus an inc… - 5 years ago

@betina686: RT @ElNacionalWeb: Matthew Seligman, ex bajista de David Bowie, murió por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@luisdaalarcon: RT @ElNacionalWeb: Matthew Seligman, ex bajista de David Bowie, murió por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@williamham: RT @DylanExaminer: 39 Essex Chambers | Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 | Barristers' Chambers. Matthew ⁦@SeligmanBass⁩ was also a solicitor. Pl… - 5 years ago

@ElNacionalWeb: Matthew Seligman, ex bajista de David Bowie, murió por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@siobhan__fagan: Matthew Seligman played the bassline to the soundtrack of my youth. - 5 years ago

@LMusicjp: The Soft Boys などの活動で知られるベーシストのMatthew Seligmanが逝去。享年64歳 - 5 years ago

@fuzzboxfire: RT @TomBaileyTour: Terrible to hear of the death of Matthew Seligman who played with the TTs and many others. He will be missed. In sadness… - 5 years ago

@wojsvenwoj: RT @bowiesongs: Nice Matthew Seligman tribute underway at @wfmu - 5 years ago

@NedRaggett: RT @bowiesongs: Nice Matthew Seligman tribute underway at @wfmu - 5 years ago

@bowiesongs: Nice Matthew Seligman tribute underway at @wfmu - 5 years ago

@DylanExaminer: RT @softboygirl: Rest In Peace, Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, and many others @SeligmanBass - 5 years ago

@HunterFelt: RT @efd: TONIGHT! Show #4 from Studio E(FD) featuring DJ 100’ Ethernet Cable*! Back to so-called normal, with tons of new music plus an inc… - 5 years ago

@bowiesongs: RT @efd: TONIGHT! Show #4 from Studio E(FD) featuring DJ 100’ Ethernet Cable*! Back to so-called normal, with tons of new music plus an inc… - 5 years ago

@iaincairns: Only just heard on @BBC6Music the sad news about Matthew Seligman, bassist on early @ThomasDolby albums. I presume… - 5 years ago

@llanahan: Hope you’ll put this on your calendar for 9pm. Tributes to Lee Konitz and Matthew Seligman, plus my three most vali… - 5 years ago

@spookymun: RT @GettyVIP: Bassist Matthew Seligman dies of coronavirus at 64 Seen here in 2010, Seligman performs with Thomas Dolby and his band in Lo… - 5 years ago

@CarlosEsnaola: - 5 years ago

@sdixoncreative: For Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@sdixoncreative: I’ve only just heard that Matthew Seligman, bassist with The Soft Boys, Robyn Hitchcock, Thomas Dolby and Bowie (to… - 5 years ago

@sdixoncreative: Remembering Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@HQ30281: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 - 5 years ago

@0wlred: @SeligmanBass public spirit, artist and attorney--amazing life! - 5 years ago

@Elybasualto: RT @AlbertoRodNews: ÚLTIMA HORA | Falleció Matthew Seligman, ex bajista de David Bowie, por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@audleyburnett: Everybody Breathes - 5 years ago

@slamminmusic: The Soft Boys’ Matthew Seligman Has Died - 5 years ago

@bogl: RT @NedRaggett: This tribute to Matthew Seligman from a long-time friend and legal colleague is truly remarkable. I strongly suggest readin… - 5 years ago

@GUILLERMORAVELO: Coronoavirus: murió Matthew Seligman, es recordado por haber tocado el bajo en la banda sonora de la película Labe… - 5 years ago

@bwp97: RT @kbllaw: David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman, 64, dies of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@tywilc: RT @NedRaggett: This tribute to Matthew Seligman from a long-time friend and legal colleague is truly remarkable. I strongly suggest readin… - 5 years ago

@MusicCurationX: Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 | 39 Essex Chambers | Barristers' Chambers - 5 years ago

@palinode: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@MusicCurationX: Robyn Hitchcock on Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@nwjerseyliz: RT @anniezaleski: Sad news about Matthew Seligman, bassist on some of the most futuristic '80s music: Thomas Dolby's "One of Our Submarines… - 5 years ago

@DylanExaminer: 39 Essex Chambers | Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 | Barristers' Chambers. Matthew ⁦@SeligmanBass⁩ was also a solicito… - 5 years ago

@KioskKulture: Just learnt of Matthew Seligman's passing.. RIP. #matthewseligman - 5 years ago

@Java_and_Under: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@kurofune_gen: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@artduszynski: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@LanaSmi85498070: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@JennieJareth: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@Mozarmy: RT @Mozarmyquiz: Anyway after some excellent intercessions by Matthew Seligman and Clive Langer, it took off and I took another swing at it… - 5 years ago

@rosso63: @ropoem He got through it - I’m still grieving the passing of bassist Matthew Seligman. He was a lovely guy and his… - 5 years ago

@LetterwriterMe: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@cosmos_clara: RT @mattrbliss: Matthew Seligman RIP. this song is made by the bassline - 5 years ago

@cosmos_clara: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@TRiiCiiAKANTREL: Deeply sad to hear @39EssexChambers Matthew Seligman has passed. An asset to the human rights world!!! - 5 years ago

@_Parishtorch: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@dennisoleary20: RT @MAM12CP: This is a lovely obituary of ⁦@SeligmanBass⁩ with emphasis on his work as a lawyer. ⁦@AndrewSperling⁩ Thanks to his lovely fr… - 5 years ago

@mattjohns: RT @BigJackBrass: "Matthew Seligman 1955-2020" - 39 Essex Chambers | Barristers' Chambers - 5 years ago

@BigJackBrass: "Matthew Seligman 1955-2020" - 39 Essex Chambers | Barristers' Chambers - 5 years ago

@Brannavan: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@JardaHudec: RT @redakcereport: Koronaviru podlehl baskytarista Matthew Seligman. Hrál s Davidem Bowiem i Sinéad O'Connor | iREPORT – music&style magazi… - 5 years ago

@MoM_Mastering: Matthew Seligman, New Wave Bassist For The Soft Boys And David Bowie, Dies At 64 - 5 years ago

@DylanExaminer: 39 Essex Chambers | Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 | 39 Essex Chambers | Barristers' Chambers. Via Brian Nupp. - 5 years ago

@nhs_eco: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@y2k_nigma: RT @ProcesoCultura: Ex músico de Morrisey, #DavidBowie y @SineadOConnor, el bajista Matthew Seligman falleció de #Coronavirus a los 64 años… - 5 years ago

@trystero11: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@Londonero: RIP/In Memoriam: Matthew Seligman (1955-2020) #matthewseligman #thesoftboys #ripmatthewseligman - 5 years ago

@pkrpmusic: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@queenoftwilight: RT @ThomasDolby: This song is for Matthew Seligman, with all my love. - 5 years ago

@MartinMayhew: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@anapf3rr3ira: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@philosophytweet: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@mcSean75: RT @kgopinion: 😞 David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman dead at 64, had COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@SamDavidStudios: ~ Sad passings... #Bassist Matthew Seligman, who performed with #DavidBowie, dead at 64 from #coronavirus… - 5 years ago

@DylanExaminer: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@acatlan_fm: 📌#Internacional | Fallece el bajista Matthew Seligman por COVID-19 a los 64 años. 👉🏽 - 5 years ago

@TehuacanFM: 📌#Internacional | Fallece el bajista Matthew Seligman por COVID-19 a los 64 años. 👉🏽 - 5 years ago

@LibresFM: 📌#Internacional | Fallece el bajista Matthew Seligman por COVID-19 a los 64 años. 👉🏽 - 5 years ago

@Huauchifm: 📌#Internacional | Fallece el bajista Matthew Seligman por COVID-19 a los 64 años. 👉🏽 - 5 years ago

@TeziutlanFM: 📌#Internacional | Fallece el bajista Matthew Seligman por COVID-19 a los 64 años. 👉🏽 - 5 years ago

@ZacatlanTV: 📌#Internacional | Fallece el bajista Matthew Seligman por COVID-19 a los 64 años. 👉🏽 - 5 years ago

@ZacatlanFM: 📌#Internacional | Fallece el bajista Matthew Seligman por COVID-19 a los 64 años. 👉🏽 - 5 years ago

@Izucar_fm: 📌#Internacional | Fallece el bajista Matthew Seligman por COVID-19 a los 64 años. 👉🏽 - 5 years ago

@decramundo: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@davidgw_23: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@meldiogenes: RT @helphelpandhelp: David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman, 64, dies of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@DeirdreNiF: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@markrevans: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@robinince: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@janclemie: RT @RobynHitchcock: Here’s Matthew Seligman onstage with David Bowie at Live Aid in 1985. He wore that same blue outfit with me and @morris… - 5 years ago

@fcuking_news: David Bowie Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of Coronavirus at 64 #coronavirus #news - 5 years ago

@Anita_Wahine: David Bowie Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of Coronavirus at 64 - 5 years ago

@Country_Steve: I knew Matthew Seligman had caught covid19, but I had no idea it had got the better of him. Obituaries will describ… - 5 years ago

@rachelhalinasor: David Bowie'nin bas gitaristliğini yapan Matthew Seligman, Koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybettiSeligman aynı zam… - 5 years ago

@martin_klimmek: RT @fjwilmotsmith: Another tribute to @SeligmanBass here, including a links to his performance with Bowie at Live Aid---and to bass tuition… - 5 years ago

@VOF_Malkavian: RT @ThomasDolby: This song is for Matthew Seligman, with all my love. - 5 years ago

@Bez78829056: Matthew Seligman, New Wave Bassist For The Soft Boys And David Bowie, Dies At 64 - 5 years ago

@MoreyAAltman: @Rickenhacker @wendyfinnandmax @Tim_Burgess @ThomasDolby @minimoonstudio @CulpaFeliks I will however use this oppor… - 5 years ago

@common_at_noon: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@eklisiewicz: RT @BigTakeoverMag: This week, brand new The Beths, Black Watch, Pretenders, Dream Syndicate, Hazel English, and Film School, plus Barbara… - 5 years ago

@leejacksonaudio: Matthew Seligman Tribute Fund Update: - 5 years ago

@graciegrann: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 - 5 years ago

@lotymar: RT @ProcesoCultura: Ex músico de Morrisey, #DavidBowie y @SineadOConnor, el bajista Matthew Seligman falleció de #Coronavirus a los 64 años… - 5 years ago

@psychicyogamat: RT @PaulFScott: 'alongside his equally obvious skilled imagination – a resource which, it is worth remembering, is not invariably something… - 5 years ago

@hazmatnz: Well that sucks - 5 years ago

@Russboy11: Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 | 39 Essex Chambers | Barristers' Chambers - 5 years ago

@PaulFScott: RT @PaulFScott: 'alongside his equally obvious skilled imagination – a resource which, it is worth remembering, is not invariably something… - 5 years ago

@fjwilmotsmith: Another tribute to @SeligmanBass here, including a links to his performance with Bowie at Live Aid---and to bass tu… - 5 years ago

@legalhackette: "He was, quite simply, one of the most kind, positive, life-affirming and genuinely lovely men one could ever hope… - 5 years ago

@dbfaceofreality: David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman, 64, dies of coronavirus - - 5 years ago

@josbondi: RT @universal977: Matthew Seligman perdió la vida en la ciudad de Londres, Inglaterra, a la edad de 64 años debido a una hemorragia cerebra… - 5 years ago

@robinthemint: RT @MAM12CP: This is a lovely obituary of ⁦@SeligmanBass⁩ with emphasis on his work as a lawyer. ⁦@AndrewSperling⁩ Thanks to his lovely fr… - 5 years ago

@zildjianmorgan: RT @universal977: Matthew Seligman perdió la vida en la ciudad de Londres, Inglaterra, a la edad de 64 años debido a una hemorragia cerebra… - 5 years ago

@drewski46: RT @NPR: Bassist Matthew Seligman, who played in the English psychedelic band The Soft Boys and in David Bowie's backing band, died Friday… - 5 years ago

@gillettsuzy: Very sad. David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman, 64, dies of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@EmmaPeel_Knight: RIP Matthew Seligman David Bowie Bassist - 5 years ago

@jurisproduction: RT @MAM12CP: This is a lovely obituary of ⁦@SeligmanBass⁩ with emphasis on his work as a lawyer. ⁦@AndrewSperling⁩ Thanks to his lovely fr… - 5 years ago

@universal977: Matthew Seligman perdió la vida en la ciudad de Londres, Inglaterra, a la edad de 64 años debido a una hemorragia c… - 5 years ago

@fionacozens1: RT @39EssexChambers: Chambers' tribute to our friend and former colleague Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@PaulFScott: 'alongside his equally obvious skilled imagination – a resource which, it is worth remembering, is not invariably s… - 5 years ago

@LegalActionGrp: RT @39EssexChambers: Chambers' tribute to our friend and former colleague Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@aliromah: RT @39EssexChambers: Chambers' tribute to our friend and former colleague Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@FramerMichele: RT @NPR: Bassist Matthew Seligman, who played in the English psychedelic band The Soft Boys and in David Bowie's backing band, died Friday… - 5 years ago

@PeaceAlwaysWork: RT @DylanExaminer: Matthew Seligman, New Wave Bassist For The Soft Boys And David Bowie, Dies At 64 : ⁦@NPR⁩ ⁦@ThomasDolby⁩ @DavidBowieReal… - 5 years ago

@Richard_Casta: RT @CulturaColectiv: El mundo de la música perdió a Matthew Seligman, bajista de Thompson Twins, Thomas Dolby y David Bowie. 💔 - 5 years ago

@RPMania98: RT @g1: Matthew Seligman, baixista que tocou com David Bowie no Live Aid morre por causa do coronavírus - 5 years ago

@DylanExaminer: Matthew Seligman, New Wave Bassist For The Soft Boys And David Bowie, Dies At 64 : ⁦@NPR⁩ ⁦@ThomasDolby⁩… - 5 years ago

@Tosquitito: RT @SinEmbargoMX: Matthew Seligman, ex bajista de David Bowie, fallece a los 64 años a causa del coronavirus - 5 years ago

@sal18201: RT @NPR: Bassist Matthew Seligman, who played in the English psychedelic band The Soft Boys and in David Bowie's backing band, died Friday… - 5 years ago

@CrimBarrister: RT @39EssexChambers: Chambers' tribute to our friend and former colleague Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@vanceanderson7: RT @eddireader: Please donate to the Matthew Seligman go fund me. He has left behind three kids who need our help with his loss - 5 years ago

@ChristineGardn1: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@lapsedvinylgod1: RT @PostPunkzine: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Peter Murphy, David Bowie, Thomas Dolby and more, has died from COVID-19 htt… - 5 years ago

@christianSo1976: RT @BigStarBand: Matthew Seligman, who played on our Alex Chilton ‘Live in London’ album, sadly passed away from the Virus yesterday. Matth… - 5 years ago

@FastWorldNews5: Former Soft Boys bassist Matthew Seligman dies of coronavirus complications at 64 - 5 years ago

@dickinson66: RT @THEWENDYJAMES: Now two wonderful people are gone (but not forgotten) from this video... Evie (my nemesis in the… - 5 years ago

@thejanskys: RT @TheTrashcans: 14. Sad to hear of the death of bassist Matthew Seligman after contracting Covid 19. He played with The Soft Boys, Thomas… - 5 years ago

@halfcreamtim: RT @THEWENDYJAMES: Now two wonderful people are gone (but not forgotten) from this video... Evie (my nemesis in the video and best friend i… - 5 years ago

@slrpryce: #nowplaying @ThomasDolby — The Flat Earth. RIP Matthew Seligman, whose bass guitar lines are the jewels in this alb… - 5 years ago

@russellfrost: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@wendyfinnandmax: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@BobScot48804242: RT @THEWENDYJAMES: Now two wonderful people are gone (but not forgotten) from this video... Evie (my nemesis in the… - 5 years ago

@martiniinrete: RT @guanxinet: È morto il bassista Matthew Seligman (Soft Boys, Thompson Twins) - 5 years ago

@hemakido: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@BillyBrownSongs: @CrowleyOnAir This is very sad. I worked in the same building as Tom - 5 years ago

@MargoBuchanan: Matthew Seligman Tribute Fund - 5 years ago

@GT_02916: RT @Fanatic80s: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies. Sad News. RIP - 5 years ago

@EthanSVG: RT @ThatEricAlper: Matthew Seligman has passed away from COVID-19. A brilliant Bass player with Thomas Dolby, he was also a member of Bruce… - 5 years ago

@TheCrookedMan: RIP Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@WayneWalden: RT @FacesOfCOVID: Matthew Seligman, who worked with artists like David Bowie and Thomas Dolby, has passed away from COVID-19 on April 17th.… - 5 years ago

@SeasalterSounds: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@hgmackinnon: RT @ThatEricAlper: Matthew Seligman has passed away from COVID-19. A brilliant Bass player with Thomas Dolby, he was also a member of Bruce… - 5 years ago

@latestbill: RT @filmnickjames: Just heard news I've been dreading. The great bass player Matthew Seligman has just died of Covid19. This is our band N… - 5 years ago

@PeteDeveson: One of the nicest musicians you could hope to meet, @Seligmannbass, has died from Covid19. There's a fundraiser for… - 5 years ago

@JuliaGaytan: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@maketodayrock: RT @AlbiYes: #RIP Matthew Seligman (1955-2020), Brits bassist (o.a. The Soft Boys). 'Absolute Beginners' - David Bowie, - 5 years ago

@ALISONHORAN18: RT @NedRaggett: I mean, I could pick all sorts of Matthew Seligman recordings, but how about the way the bass anchors and purrs along under… - 5 years ago

@justinalpertesq: - 5 years ago

@ALISONHORAN18: RT @TomBaileyTour: Terrible to hear of the death of Matthew Seligman who played with the TTs and many others. He will be missed. In sadness… - 5 years ago

@hughashton: I didn’t know Matthew (bass player with Thomas Dolby, David Bowie, etc) well, but what I knew I liked and respected… - 5 years ago

@p_starkes: RT @ThatEricAlper: Matthew Seligman has passed away from COVID-19. A brilliant Bass player with Thomas Dolby, he was also a member of Bruce… - 5 years ago

@Diggem242: I was mainly familiar with his work on the album Love Hysteria by Peter Murphy. It is such an important album to me… - 5 years ago

@ALISONHORAN18: RT @DammitTees: Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 #RIP #Covid19 The Soft Boys Robyn Hitchcock Thompson Twins Thomas Dolby Sinéad O'Connor Morriss… - 5 years ago

@ALISONHORAN18: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@AshtrayLips7: RT @PostPunkzine: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Peter Murphy, David Bowie, Thomas Dolby and more, has died from COVID-19 htt… - 5 years ago

@ericjhc: #Covid19 Mort de #MatthewSeligman, bassiste de #DavidBowie👨‍🎤, à l'âge de 64 ans - 5 years ago

@CorkScrew12: RT @DylanExaminer: Morto Matthew Seligman, bassista nei Soft Boys. Un ricordo di Robyn Hitchcock | News | SENTIREASCOLTARE - 5 years ago

@DilmMichael: RIP Matthew Seligman. - 5 years ago

@CorkScrew12: RT @guanxinet: È morto il bassista Matthew Seligman (Soft Boys, Thompson Twins) - 5 years ago

@ashmummy: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@Kyoksil: Matthew Seligman, Bassist for The Soft Boys and Thompson Twins, Dies from Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@comnistdaughter: :( - 5 years ago

@joejanecek: RT @btrnr: Brand new show up for this week. Unreleased 79 Swell Maps, remembering Matthew Seligman, lots of new music out this month. Thank… - 5 years ago

@_The_Basement: Matthew Seligman passed away yesterday. “He made Underwater Moonlight an exuberant LP to record and listen to. I’m… - 5 years ago

@CPT888BrnGDLRWN: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@mredinburgh: RT @GavsterNo1: I bought this again just before lockdown with thoughts of great fondness for Kevin Armstrong . I now play it tonight with l… - 5 years ago

@IanSeign: RIP - Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@GaylaBrann: MSN_Entertain: Soft Boys bassist Matthew Seligman dies of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@exene14: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby and more, dies of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@1236: this weekend in 40 years ago on the 1050 CHUM chart — the epochal “Echo Beach” entry (and R.I.P. Bruce Woolley & th… - 5 years ago

@kyaaaaakareee: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@VerucaSalt41179: RT @TomBaileyTour: Terrible to hear of the death of Matthew Seligman who played with the TTs and many others. He will be missed. In sadness… - 5 years ago

@MSN_Entertain: Soft Boys bassist Matthew Seligman dies of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@TheMusicTimes: Matthew Seligman, Bassist for The Soft Boys and Thompson Twins, Dies from Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@DiChristine: RT @billboard: RIP, Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@poeticformulae: RT @Wireless_Ade: Sad to hear Matthew Seligman @SeligmanBass has passed away peacefully after a battle with #Covid_19 . An excellent bass p… - 5 years ago

@JohnApp63499667: Robyn Hitchcock, Thomas Dolby, Colin Meloy Pay Tribute to Late Soft Boys Bassist Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@SugarCamp2: RT @stereogum: The Soft Boys' Matthew Seligman dead from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@uzry232: RT @HAYIRPLATFORM: David Bowie'nin eski gitaristi Matthew Seligman koronavirüs nedeniyle 64 yaşında öldü. - 5 years ago

@far08475423: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@PinaB20: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@leokamis: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@LaVillegas1: RT @mrbestia: Fallece a los 64 años el bajista Matthew Seligman por Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@photolivemusic: RT @mrbestia: Fallece a los 64 años el bajista Matthew Seligman por Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@TostadaEnPolvo: 😢 David Bowie Mick Ronson Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@mrbestia: Fallece a los 64 años el bajista Matthew Seligman por Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@850ME: The Soft Boys’ Matthew Seligman Dead From COVID-19 Complications - 5 years ago

@stateof_tate: RT @JayAGlennie: COVID 19 has taken Matthew Seligman. He was the loveliest of guys & bassist on songs incl: Absolute Beginners for David Bo… - 5 years ago

@Damo_McGregor: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@barbibegarie: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@alisoncook: RT @richbonnin: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@CairnMaster: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@bal00n3: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@GiorgioSann: Coronavirus: addio al bassista Matthew Seligman, ex collaboratore di David Bowie - 5 years ago

@92MaxPower: RT @92MaxPower: Matthew Seligman July 14, 1955 – April 17, 2020 When you're older looking around You will hear a familiar sound I'll be go… - 5 years ago

@PatWhite70: - 5 years ago

@SFlinn67: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@azimob: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Peter Murphy, David Bowie, Thomas Dolby and more, has died from COVID-… - 5 years ago

@DylanExaminer: RT @TomBaileyTour: Terrible to hear of the death of Matthew Seligman who played with the TTs and many others. He will be missed. In sadness… - 5 years ago

@StirBig: RT @BigTakeoverMag: Positive Vibrations | Remembering Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@DerangedRadio: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 after coronavirus battle - 5 years ago

@sevda56311658: RT @medyanin51tonu: David Bowie'nin eski gitaristi Matthew Seligman koronavirüs nedeniyle 64 yaşında öldü. - 5 years ago

@AllStevie: Today's tribute to a musician lost to the virus: Matthew Seligman played bass for a lot of artists, including Bowie… - 5 years ago

@richbonnin: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@mojoandjasper: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@AberKed1: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@MMMukalla: RT @JamesIsaak2: The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died - 5 years ago

@SlyShocks: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@uduaketuk24: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@SORASTAR: - 5 years ago

@yellowox1: Robyn Hitchcock, Thomas Dolby, Colin Meloy Pay Tribute to Late Soft Boys Bassist Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@RBatDavid: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@KathrynMilofsky: - 5 years ago

@KsSoliloquy1: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@xborntogrindx: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@TrizzyTray_: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus… - 5 years ago

@ytboy7: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@LibrarianTL: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@sardnas978: Former David Bowie guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@susy_austen: RT @DailyMailCeleb: David Bowie bass guitarist Matthew Seligman dies aged 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@mediafrendzee: RT @SocialistVoice: Matthew Seligman dies of coronavirus aged 64 Lawyer and musician Matthew Seligman has died following a battle with the… - 5 years ago

@agcstoat: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@BelindaAdu9: My boss Mr Rod-Campbell Taylor has paid tribute to Matthew in the Daily Mirror. I recall re… - 5 years ago

@neil_mccormick: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@gnuesuy: RT @stereogum: The Soft Boys' Matthew Seligman dead from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@StopIllatosut: RT @SocialistVoice: Matthew Seligman dies of coronavirus aged 64 Lawyer and musician Matthew Seligman has died following a battle with the… - 5 years ago

@MikeDMcC: RT @stereogum: The Soft Boys' Matthew Seligman dead from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@DannyKPD: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@brainwise: Forgot to share yesterday: Latest Friday #80s Flashback revisits the 2nd Thompson Twins album in honor of bassist M… - 5 years ago

@DannyKPD: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@XaviSanchez: RT @stereogum: The Soft Boys' Matthew Seligman dead from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@Nuvolina22: RT @davidbowie_news: Very sad news, R.I.P. Matthew. Musician Matthew Seligman, best known for his tenure on bass for The Soft Boys, Thomas… - 5 years ago

@Go2Heck: Matthew Seligman Tribute Fund - 5 years ago

@WeikTracey: RT @HillaryWarnedUs: Bassist Matthew Seligman has died, having worked with Bowie, Thomas Dolby, Robyn Hitchcock and the Thompson Twins, due… - 5 years ago

@stereogum: The Soft Boys' Matthew Seligman dead from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@Yankeegal11: RT @mitchellscomet: - 5 years ago

@waddington7: RT @CulpaFeliks: Musician Matthew Seligman died today from COVID 19, he was a kind, generous & warm hearted man who touched my life and man… - 5 years ago

@Tinker25BE: RT @CulpaFeliks: Musician Matthew Seligman died today from COVID 19, he was a kind, generous & warm hearted man who touched my life and man… - 5 years ago

@jollybloke: RT @CulpaFeliks: Musician Matthew Seligman died today from COVID 19, he was a kind, generous & warm hearted man who touched my life and man… - 5 years ago

@silvermoon820: Bassist #MatthewSeligman Dead of #COVID19 #Topbuzz - 5 years ago

@ayhanbaris: RT @CoronaTurkey: David Bowie'nin eski gitaristi Matthew Seligman koronavirüs nedeniyle 64 yaşında öldü. - 5 years ago

@refrag: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@DrumWoodys: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@Satya_T_Mouland: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@erickayemusic: Matthew Seligman Tribute Fund - 5 years ago

@refrag: RT @slicingeyeballs: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson Twins, David Bowie and more, dies of COVID-19 http… - 5 years ago

@AmyinLondon: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@danthesoundman: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@rdekoter: RT @DammitTees: Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 #RIP #Covid19 The Soft Boys Robyn Hitchcock Thompson Twins Thomas Dolby Sinéad O'Connor Morriss… - 5 years ago

@danthesoundman: Matthew Seligman Tribute Fund - 5 years ago

@jaygerland: RT @colinmeloy: Rest in power, Matthew Seligman. Soft Boy forever. Fuck this virus. - 5 years ago

@dailystar: So tragic, RIP - 5 years ago

@off_maboroshi: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@musicrunet: The Soft Boys’ Matthew Seligman Dead From COVID-19 Complications - 5 years ago

@cheapsurrealist: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@CultofJack: RT @davidbowie_news: Very sad news, R.I.P. Matthew. Musician Matthew Seligman, best known for his tenure on bass for The Soft Boys, Thomas… - 5 years ago

@paulaaprilmunn: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@GoodRelationRec: RIP to Matthew Seligman, the bassist for one of the best bands ever - 5 years ago

@AfterHardship: @ThomasDolby Matthew Seligman definitely gave the world some good music including "She Blin… - 5 years ago

@Wow_Flutter: RT @ThomasDolby: Join us for a candlelight vigil to remember Matthew Seligman Sun April 19th 8pm UK time (3pm ET n… - 5 years ago

@Wow_Flutter: Matthew Seligman Tribute Fund - 5 years ago

@isabellavaletta: RT @covid19rip1: RIP Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@anas_erindra: RT @billboard: RIP, Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@mattleinwohl: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@11304p: RT @PleasuresKnown: RIP Matthew Seligman. A wonderful bass player who’s work on Thomas Dolby’s The Flat Earth alone makes him worthy of the… - 5 years ago

@11304p: RT @slimhiney: RIP- Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@11304p: RT @colinmeloy: Rest in power, Matthew Seligman. Soft Boy forever. Fuck this virus. - 5 years ago

@11304p: RT @brooklynvegan: Matthew Seligman (The Soft Boys, Thompson Twins, Thomas Dolby) has died from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@11304p: RT @NARi101101: 正直に言うけど、志村けん氏がお亡くなりになられたのはそれほど来なかったんだけど、実際にお見かけした方が亡くなられるというのかなりくる。R.I.P.Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@james_bb: RT @FarOutMag: Matthew Seligman, Soft Boys and former David Bowie bassist, has died from coronavirus complications: - 5 years ago

@TVMCCA: RT @FarOutMag: Matthew Seligman, Soft Boys and former David Bowie bassist, has died from coronavirus complications: - 5 years ago

@11304p: RT @slicingeyeballs: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson Twins, David Bowie and more, dies of COVID-19 http… - 5 years ago

@11304p: RT @StirBig: Let's please do everything we can to let Matthew Seligman know we're pulling for him and hoping for many more years of enjoyin… - 5 years ago

@11304p: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@11304p: RT @DammitTees: Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 #RIP #Covid19 The Soft Boys Robyn Hitchcock Thompson Twins Thomas Dolby Sinéad O'Connor Morriss… - 5 years ago

@FarOutMag: Matthew Seligman, Soft Boys and former David Bowie bassist, has died from coronavirus complications: - 5 years ago

@11304p: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@11304p: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@11304p: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@RdNetwork: RT @slicingeyeballs: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson Twins, David Bowie and more, dies of COVID-19 http… - 5 years ago

@richsieg: RT @wearecultonline: Sad to hear of the passing of Matthew Seligman, friend and cohort of guitarist Kevin Armstrong, and bassist for Soft B… - 5 years ago

@sonemic: RT @slicingeyeballs: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson Twins, David Bowie and more, dies of COVID-19 http… - 5 years ago

@pK_solo1: RT @slicingeyeballs: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson Twins, David Bowie and more, dies of COVID-19 http… - 5 years ago

@maddyfryabides: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@TheRealGothLord: RT @slicingeyeballs: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson Twins, David Bowie and more, dies of COVID-19 http… - 5 years ago

@KodacolorDays: RT @concord_jazz: ChristinaやMatthew Seligmanはまだ若いじゃん - 5 years ago

@NonNun2: - 5 years ago

@monicomino: RT @guanxinet: È morto il bassista Matthew Seligman (Soft Boys, Thompson Twins) - 5 years ago

@SFlinn67: RT @wearecultonline: Sad to hear of the passing of Matthew Seligman, friend and cohort of guitarist Kevin Armstrong, and bassist for Soft B… - 5 years ago

@DonnaARees: RT @wearecultonline: Sad to hear of the passing of Matthew Seligman, friend and cohort of guitarist Kevin Armstrong, and bassist for Soft B… - 5 years ago

@PhiJanvier: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@russmove: RT @Newsweek: Musicians mourn the loss of Soft Boys, David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@INapassana: RT @billboard: RIP, Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@wearecultonline: Sad to hear of the passing of Matthew Seligman, friend and cohort of guitarist Kevin Armstrong, and bassist for Sof… - 5 years ago

@PhiJanvier: RT @wendyfinnandmax: Terribly sad, extraordinary musician, The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died. He was also a h… - 5 years ago

@erol_antz: RIP Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@MacManhattan: - 5 years ago

@RichA_NBA: RIP bass player Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@zulunews1: Matthew Seligman Death | Matthew Seligman Obituary – Cause Of Death - 5 years ago

@scowlyguy: RT @slicingeyeballs: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson Twins, David Bowie and more, dies of COVID-19 http… - 5 years ago

@denisev8: RT @Newsweek: Musicians mourn the loss of Soft Boys, David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@browp20: Seligman "suffered a catastrophic haemorrhagic stroke" after recently being admitted to St George’s in London for C… - 5 years ago

@redrua: RT @slicingeyeballs: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson Twins, David Bowie and more, dies of COVID-19 http… - 5 years ago

@slicingeyeballs: RT @slicingeyeballs: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson Twins, David Bowie and more, dies of COVID-19 http… - 5 years ago

@yucolinshire: RT @slicingeyeballs: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson Twins, David Bowie and more, dies of COVID-19 http… - 5 years ago

@Andy_Schofield: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@Peter__Howells: RT @JayAGlennie: COVID 19 has taken Matthew Seligman. He was the loveliest of guys & bassist on songs incl: Absolute Beginners for David Bo… - 5 years ago

@MarcyTanter: @MagdaDavitt77 I don't know if you heard, but Matthew Seligman passed away yesterday from the virus. :( - 5 years ago

@AtticusXCX: RT @billboard: RIP, Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@PeeBee_Proton: RT @davidbowie_news: Very sad news, R.I.P. Matthew. Musician Matthew Seligman, best known for his tenure on bass for The Soft Boys, Thomas… - 5 years ago

@Tilley2Shoes: RT @Newsweek: Musicians mourn the loss of Soft Boys, David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@rekabu: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@Erinschwartz17: RT @Newsweek: Musicians mourn the loss of Soft Boys, David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@RobArcher: RT @Newsweek: Musicians mourn the loss of Soft Boys, David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@mrbrightside40: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@mrbrightside40: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@MicheleSmith540: RT @Newsweek: Musicians mourn the loss of Soft Boys, David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@ScottyMcLeod: RT @rupertg: Just heard that Matthew Seligman - Thomas Dolby's bass player - has died in ICU. You'll have heard his work even if you don't… - 5 years ago

@ieuanfranklin: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@Newsweek: Musicians mourn the loss of Soft Boys, David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@filmnickjames: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@OhtonenT: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@carlottascorner: Matthew Seligman, Former Soft Boys Bassist, Dies at 64 - 5 years ago

@joejanecek: RT @3ChordMonteShow: RIP Matthew Seligman. Track from @btrnr 's legendary Soft Boys session on @WFMU in 2002: - 5 years ago

@iancpeacock: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@Groovytrack: Matthew Seligman, Former Soft Boys Bassist, Dies at 64, - 5 years ago

@MusicCurationX: RT @3ChordMonteShow: RIP Matthew Seligman. Track from @btrnr 's legendary Soft Boys session on @WFMU in 2002: - 5 years ago

@Bodhidrop: RT @BonomoJoe: RIP Matthew Seligman. Positive vibrations Shine through all creation... - 5 years ago

@cstbtweet: RT @3ChordMonteShow: RIP Matthew Seligman. Track from @btrnr 's legendary Soft Boys session on @WFMU in 2002: - 5 years ago

@jmackie_mackie: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@jmackie_mackie: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@buddhabutter: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@GoatGirl6000: RT @MilesBowe: RIP Matthew Seligman. Underwater Moonlight is such a classic and the rhythm section is one of the very best parts. This is… - 5 years ago

@VetsInMusic: RT @billboard: RIP, Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@ukhhtalk: Matthew Seligman, Former Soft Boys Bassist, Dies at 64, - 5 years ago

@oktaferilianty4: RT @billboard: RIP, Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@JeffSamuel25: The Soft Boys’ Matthew Seligman Has Died - 5 years ago

@BugsGroove: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@KathyHoldshope: RT @KnowWhatEyeMeme: COVID-19 deaths in the obituaries: April 17 Bennie Adkins, 86, American Medal of Honor recipient - 5 years ago

@allyrecordsnc: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@allyrecordsnc: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@DrSabha: RT @JBMatthews: We lost Matthew Seligman to #COVID19 last night. Soft Boys @RobynHitchcock bassist who played with Thompson Twins, Thomas D… - 5 years ago

@AbrahamEsparza: RT @TomBaileyTour: Terrible to hear of the death of Matthew Seligman who played with the TTs and many others. He will be missed. In sadness… - 5 years ago

@Pontoonc: Ah, damn it! RIP Matthew.... Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@modernism101: RIP Soft Boy Matthew Seligman. - 5 years ago

@taddihno: RT @TomBaileyTour: Terrible to hear of the death of Matthew Seligman who played with the TTs and many others. He will be missed. In sadness… - 5 years ago

@taddihno: RT @ThomasDolby: Last summer with Matthew Seligman, my brilliant bass player friend who is on Day 10 of an induced coma in St George’s Lond… - 5 years ago

@taddihno: RT @DammitTees: Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 #RIP #Covid19 The Soft Boys Robyn Hitchcock Thompson Twins Thomas Dolby Sinéad O'Connor Morriss… - 5 years ago

@taddihno: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@taddihno: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@LoneStarStriker: RT @MickPuck: Old friend, true gentleman, ace bassist and dedicated Fulham FC fan. Travel on well Matthew Seligman. - 5 years ago

@taddihno: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@MichaelGreens12: RT @jilevin: Musicians Mourn the Loss of Soft Boys, David Bowie Bassist Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@taddihno: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@taddihno: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@Polish333: RT @jilevin: Musicians Mourn the Loss of Soft Boys, David Bowie Bassist Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@ToddMichalik: RT @colinmeloy: Rest in power, Matthew Seligman. Soft Boy forever. Fuck this virus. - 5 years ago

@Athens441: . ⁦@theQuietus⁩ | News | Matthew Seligman Of The Soft Boys RIP - 5 years ago

@wwooldridge: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@mrjimifletcher: Listening to the amazing Underwater Moonlight by The Soft Boys on #RecordStoreDay and as a tribute to bassist Matth… - 5 years ago

@colingreen42: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@viralinfo: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@DylanExaminer: RT @lancebangs: Matthew Seligman played bass on Soft Boys albums "Underwater Moonlight" & "A Can of Bees," then played with @RobynHitchcock… - 5 years ago

@tomrupprecht: RT @MrPeytonReed: I’ll be drinking wine and listening to @ThomasDolby’s “The Flat Earth” tonight in honor of Matthew Seligman. Rest In Peac… - 5 years ago

@SimonAntenen: RT @TheNickTesco: 💖💖💖 Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@Zerounotvmusic: Coronavirus: addio al bassista Matthew Seligman, ex collaboratore di David Bowie - 5 years ago

@fpetrie: RT @donmcallister: So sorry to hear Matthew Seligman (Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby) has died from COVID-19 complications. Just awful. - 5 years ago

@MichaelVNixon: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@terence_cain: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@cornerlaughers: RT @BigTakeoverMag: Positive Vibrations | Remembering Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@jondekel: - 5 years ago

@WilliamWootten: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@malitzd: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@DylanExaminer: RT @colinmeloy: Rest in power, Matthew Seligman. Soft Boy forever. Fuck this virus. - 5 years ago

@Stephen_Tilney: RT @brooklynvegan: Matthew Seligman (The Soft Boys, Thompson Twins, Thomas Dolby) has died from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@dickydrew: Very Sad to hear this news. A unsung hero. Met him once in 84, charming man. Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID… - 5 years ago

@womensbadminton: RT @FleurHitchcock: When today's Covid-19 figures are announced. One of that number will be bassist Matthew Seligman. He's the man in blue… - 5 years ago

@postivelypat: RT @ThePopguns: Matthew Seligman RIP. Came along to help us with Crazy 1991. Privilege to have had that time together. XXX - 5 years ago

@help_visa: rip Matthew Seligman :( this shit fuckin sucks - 5 years ago

@sebaker: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@constantwhine: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@TheNickTesco: 💖💖💖 Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@LindaMeredithFL: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@permuted: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@art_word: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@MsPottingShed: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@CameronMKaplan: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@barneydrums: A good mate of mine lost his Mum earlier this week to Coronavirus... a wonderful woman loved by many - my heart goe… - 5 years ago

@lapsedvinylgod1: The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died - 5 years ago

@VelvetRebel1984: Looking back on the underappreciated pop of #ThompsonTwins just one of the many wonderful bands and artists Matthew… - 5 years ago

@headaik: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@MusicCurationX: RT @theQuietus: Matthew Seligman of The Soft Boys has died after contracting Covid-19. - 5 years ago

@charlieisfree: RT @BigTakeoverMag: Positive Vibrations | Remembering Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@mersenne: RT @theQuietus: Matthew Seligman of The Soft Boys has died after contracting Covid-19. - 5 years ago

@DylanExaminer: Morto Matthew Seligman, bassista nei Soft Boys. Un ricordo di Robyn Hitchcock | News | SENTIREASCOLTARE - 5 years ago

@tomrupprecht: RT @lancebangs: Matthew Seligman played bass on Soft Boys albums "Underwater Moonlight" & "A Can of Bees," then played with @RobynHitchcock… - 5 years ago

@miricaiba: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@bpmf_us: RIP Matthew Seligman Local Heroes SW9 - Stabbed In The Heart Again - 5 years ago

@_flemo: RIP Matthew Seligman, you played some wonderful bass. Here’s a song for you… Kingdom of Love by The Soft Boys - 5 years ago

@KimmieinNH: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@kazz19094450: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@londonergurl: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@3TENaustin: RT @NME: Seligman also worked with Morrissey, Sinead O'Connor and The Thompson Twins - 5 years ago

@Crewedaddy: @CulturalSnow Matthew Seligman died very late last night from a CV19 induced stroke. I read yesterday his life support was being withdrawn - 5 years ago

@djrndmnoise: RT @colinmeloy: Rest in power, Matthew Seligman. Soft Boy forever. Fuck this virus. - 5 years ago

@Emiliano451: A causa del coronavirus, murió Matthew Seligman, bajista de The Soft Boys, tocó luego con Bowie, Morrissey y otros.… - 5 years ago

@StirBig: RT @Kevsnewmusic: Today on NYC's @BigTakeoverMag, I remember the gentleman bassist Matthew Seligman. A gentleman who contributed a unique s… - 5 years ago

@saynikpay: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@StirBig: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@jondekel: RIP to Matthew Seligman, human rights solicitor and bassist for David Bowie, Thomas Dolby, The Soft Boys, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@Hooded_Werewolf: Kinda bummed Bruce Woolley and the Camera Club's "Goodbye to Yesterday" isn't on YouTube because Matthew Seligman's… - 5 years ago

@MikeVandromme: RT @BelindaAdu9: - 5 years ago

@winningemmell67: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@lamapaul: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@cevinkouch: Devastating. - 5 years ago

@DavidLance3: RT @NicholasPegg: Go back and listen to Absolute Beginners or Dancing in the Street, and hear how Matthew Seligman’s intricate, muscular ba… - 5 years ago

@DavidLance3: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@DavidLance3: RT @DammitTees: Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 #RIP #Covid19 The Soft Boys Robyn Hitchcock Thompson Twins Thomas Dolby Sinéad O'Connor Morriss… - 5 years ago

@DavidLance3: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@DavidLance3: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@__eidola__: RT @joeyx666: So sorry to hear about yesterday's passing of Matthew Seligman. He died of COVID-19 & was 64. Today's soundtrack: The Soft… - 5 years ago

@KenDixonCT: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@saynikpay: I Wanna Destroy was one of the earliest songs I learned to play on the bass. RIP The Soft Boys bassist Matthew Seli… - 5 years ago

@tomyamaguchi: The Soft Boys’ Matthew Seligman dies of COVID-19 at age 64. Following his tenure in the Soft Boys, Seligman played… - 5 years ago

@TheAfterword1: Matthew Seligman RIP - 5 years ago

@JoeK_NC: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@SteveE32042299: This bloody government has never been led by the science, but blinded by it. RIP Matthew Seligman. - 5 years ago

@robutterback: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@robutterback: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@trystero11: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@OropezaMarianOK: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@SimClinton: RT @hackneyvineyard: So sad at the loss of Matthew Seligman to the Coronavirus. Matthew had been coming to our church & was much loved by a… - 5 years ago

@Jord_Division: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@nielsfez: Der var gode baslinjer i den mand. - 5 years ago

@gatscho: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@StrangeLight: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@decomposingtree: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@DazBear1969: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@atomandcell5: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@trystero11: RT @NicholasPegg: Go back and listen to Absolute Beginners or Dancing in the Street, and hear how Matthew Seligman’s intricate, muscular ba… - 5 years ago

@trystero11: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@kmatt45: RT @lancebangs: Matthew Seligman played bass on Soft Boys albums "Underwater Moonlight" & "A Can of Bees," then played with @RobynHitchcock… - 5 years ago

@LaurieS64123094: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@xxssdollsxx: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@robdowde: RT @wendyfinnandmax: Terribly sad, extraordinary musician, The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died. He was also a h… - 5 years ago

@JackSilbert: @Davidsfr @RobynHitchcock Yes, doing live performances each week from home with the wonderful @emmaswiftsings, but… - 5 years ago

@superchunk: RT @lancebangs: Matthew Seligman played bass on Soft Boys albums "Underwater Moonlight" & "A Can of Bees," then played with @RobynHitchcock… - 5 years ago

@wendyfinnandmax: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@gonetovenus: RT @wendyfinnandmax: Terribly sad, extraordinary musician, The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died. He was also a h… - 5 years ago

@dbfaceofreality: The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died - - 5 years ago

@brooklynvegan: RT @brooklynvegan: Matthew Seligman (The Soft Boys, Thompson Twins, Thomas Dolby) has died from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@petaswarbrick: So sad...She blinded me with Science is one of the soundtracks of my life and that bass.. Vale Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@Bmarr33: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@fluffy1972: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@melmus99: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@tomotonukdk: RT @DammitTees: Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 #RIP #Covid19 The Soft Boys Robyn Hitchcock Thompson Twins Thomas Dolby Sinéad O'Connor Morriss… - 5 years ago

@ZBdarwishzadeh: RT @wendyfinnandmax: Terribly sad, extraordinary musician, The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died. He was also a h… - 5 years ago

@BryanAMoore: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@jimoliver77: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@bozleo1: RT @wendyfinnandmax: Terribly sad, extraordinary musician, The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died. He was also a h… - 5 years ago

@ChristofPierson: RT @wendyfinnandmax: Terribly sad, extraordinary musician, The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died. He was also a h… - 5 years ago

@LoriMajewski: RT @blakebellwriter: A sobering day in #ThompsonTwins fandom, @LoriMajewski, with many waking up to the passing of Matthew Seligman who pla… - 5 years ago

@DavidBennun: Sad to learn of the death of Matthew Seligman, who was crucial to so many wonderful records and moments: Underwater… - 5 years ago

@BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Matthew Seligman, who played on so many great records (including this, one of my all-time favor… - 5 years ago

@l8dyice85: Remembering Matthew Seligman. Bassist on this track,music hero,and humanist. Peter Murphy - Indigo Eyes… - 5 years ago

@blakebellwriter: A sobering day in #ThompsonTwins fandom, @LoriMajewski, with many waking up to the passing of Matthew Seligman who… - 5 years ago

@BloggingBaker: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@neil_mccormick: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@yeproc: We're heartbroken to learn of Matthew Seligman's passing. Our thoughts are with his loved ones during this difficul… - 5 years ago

@JDKunes: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@SharonAnnO: RT @JayAGlennie: COVID 19 has taken Matthew Seligman. He was the loveliest of guys & bassist on songs incl: Absolute Beginners for David Bo… - 5 years ago

@jackandloganinc: RT @BrianStack153: The Soft Boys - “Queen Of Eyes” from their classic album “Underwater Moonlight”. Rest In Peace, Matthew Seligman. #Matt… - 5 years ago

@MusicTruffler: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@chrisseventeen: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@Nuvolina22: RT @wendyfinnandmax: Terribly sad, extraordinary musician, The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died. He was also a h… - 5 years ago

@bansheearound: RT @wendyfinnandmax: Terribly sad, extraordinary musician, The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died. He was also a h… - 5 years ago

@thegorgeousgus: The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died - 5 years ago

@cherudek: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@wdalehouston: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@beatlekiss: R.I.P. Bassist Matthew Seligman. David Bowie - Rebel Rebel (Live Aid 1985) - 5 years ago

@halfcreamtim: RT @TomBaileyTour: Terrible to hear of the death of Matthew Seligman who played with the TTs and many others. He will be missed. In sadness… - 5 years ago

@getbacksub: RT @wendyfinnandmax: Terribly sad, extraordinary musician, The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died. He was also a h… - 5 years ago

@CPT888BrnGDLRWN: RT @wendyfinnandmax: Terribly sad, extraordinary musician, The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died. He was also a h… - 5 years ago

@yewbarrow: RT @wendyfinnandmax: Terribly sad, extraordinary musician, The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died. He was also a h… - 5 years ago

@grack2bxact: RT @BrianStack153: The Soft Boys - “Queen Of Eyes” from their classic album “Underwater Moonlight”. Rest In Peace, Matthew Seligman. #Matt… - 5 years ago

@kingofpowerpop: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@Jord_Division: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@ErnmanSellsOut: R.I.P. Matthew Seligman. - 5 years ago

@davidcosey: RT @slicingeyeballs: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson Twins, David Bowie and more, dies of COVID-19 http… - 5 years ago

@l8dyice85: RT @LauraJanes_UK: "Outside of music, he practised as a human rights solicitor." @NME Matthew Seligman was also a lovely man and supporti… - 5 years ago

@Phoole: RIP the great Matthew Seligman who played on so many vital records of the '80s and beyond 💔 - 5 years ago

@liza69s: RT @davidbowie_news: Very sad news, R.I.P. Matthew. Musician Matthew Seligman, best known for his tenure on bass for The Soft Boys, Thomas… - 5 years ago

@kaelizri: RT @TomBaileyTour: Terrible to hear of the death of Matthew Seligman who played with the TTs and many others. He will be missed. In sadness… - 5 years ago

@l8dyice85: RT @AmyCote6: Bassist Matthew Seligman has died at the age of 64 after a battle with COVID-19. The musician is best known for his work dur… - 5 years ago

@l8dyice85: RT @Crossbeat_JP: Bruce Woolley & The Camera Club - Video Killed The Radio Star RIP Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@l8dyice85: RT @colinmeloy: Rest in power, Matthew Seligman. Soft Boy forever. Fuck this virus. - 5 years ago

@JueRobWilPo: This is sad news: Matthew Seligman played bass behind David Bowie at Live Aid; he recorded with the Thompson Twins,… - 5 years ago

@EndRoadwork: RT @rupertg: Just heard that Matthew Seligman - Thomas Dolby's bass player - has died in ICU. You'll have heard his work even if you don't… - 5 years ago

@BenCoxMusic: RT @uurf: Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Thompson Twins and Thomas Dolby, has succumbed to COVID 19. - 5 years ago

@l8dyice85: RT @bridgetDginley: Matthew Seligman, recently hospitalized for #COVIDー19 , had suffered a stroke, his ventilator removed and passed away t… - 5 years ago

@hellosockmonkey: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@l8dyice85: RT @RupertPupkin__: Matthew Seligman (1955-2020) (The Soft Boys / Robyn Hitchcock / Thompson Twins / Thomas Dolby / Sinéad O'Connor / Morr… - 5 years ago

@MColvinMcKenzie: RT @rupertg: Just heard that Matthew Seligman - Thomas Dolby's bass player - has died in ICU. You'll have heard his work even if you don't… - 5 years ago

@l8dyice85: RT @TomBaileyTour: Terrible to hear of the death of Matthew Seligman who played with the TTs and many others. He will be missed. In sadness… - 5 years ago

@herdmeister: RT @rupertg: Just heard that Matthew Seligman - Thomas Dolby's bass player - has died in ICU. You'll have heard his work even if you don't… - 5 years ago

@l8dyice85: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@l8dyice85: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@JuckaBardo: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@l8dyice85: RT @DammitTees: Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 #RIP #Covid19 The Soft Boys Robyn Hitchcock Thompson Twins Thomas Dolby Sinéad O'Connor Morriss… - 5 years ago

@l8dyice85: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@l8dyice85: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@TomBaileyTour: Terrible to hear of the death of Matthew Seligman who played with the TTs and many others. He will be missed. In sadness, love to all. Tom - 5 years ago

@charlesarthur: RT @rupertg: Just heard that Matthew Seligman - Thomas Dolby's bass player - has died in ICU. You'll have heard his work even if you don't… - 5 years ago

@MatthewGeorgewh: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@beernbugs: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@l8dyice85: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@l8dyice85: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@liza69s: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@ilockyer: RT @MickPuck: Old friend, true gentleman, ace bassist and dedicated Fulham FC fan. Travel on well Matthew Seligman. - 5 years ago

@dan_d_gooner: RT @MickPuck: Old friend, true gentleman, ace bassist and dedicated Fulham FC fan. Travel on well Matthew Seligman. - 5 years ago

@liza69s: RT @Crossbeat_JP: Bruce Woolley & The Camera Club - Video Killed The Radio Star RIP Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@KarenPAmooty: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@PaulFlemming: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@liza69s: RT @Crossbeat_JP: David Bowie & Mick Jagger - Dancing In The Street RIP Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@bingomister: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@domingonarvaez1: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@marcdeberner: RT @NME: Seligman also worked with Morrissey, Sinead O'Connor and The Thompson Twins - 5 years ago

@type1tony: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@MichaelVNixon: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@zeeniesummers: RT @MickPuck: Old friend, true gentleman, ace bassist and dedicated Fulham FC fan. Travel on well Matthew Seligman. - 5 years ago

@MadisonsATX: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@MatthewJeffreyB: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@MatthewJeffreyB: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@edwardhenry1: RT @NME: Seligman also worked with Morrissey, Sinead O'Connor and The Thompson Twins - 5 years ago

@monovoce: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@spewish: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@edwardhenry1: RT @CrimeGirI: Matthew Seligman, Specialist Caseworker at Campbell Taylor, unreg. Barrister (1994 Call, formerly @39EssexChambers) & bass p… - 5 years ago

@VioletteRecords: RIP Matthew Seligman. Terrible news. - 5 years ago

@bookslifelove: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@bookslifelove: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@thekopite: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@komiska: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@mpsareclueless: RT @LauraJanes_UK: "Outside of music, he practised as a human rights solicitor." @NME Matthew Seligman was also a lovely man and supporti… - 5 years ago

@paula_n_e: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@LegallyShort: RT @LauraJanes_UK: "Outside of music, he practised as a human rights solicitor." @NME Matthew Seligman was also a lovely man and supporti… - 5 years ago

@LegalActionGrp: RT @LauraJanes_UK: "Outside of music, he practised as a human rights solicitor." @NME Matthew Seligman was also a lovely man and supporti… - 5 years ago

@HuffTheTalbot23: RIP Matthew Seligman. I Wanna Destroy You by The Soft Boys - 5 years ago

@liza69s: RT @Crossbeat_JP: David Bowie - Absolute Beginners RIP Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@sun_ma82: RT @xxssdollsxx: THE SOFT BOYSの Matthew Seligmanさん.. 旅だってしまわれた..安らかに.. 悲しい.. - 5 years ago

@annimeaculpa: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@DLuxSilverBeard: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@ErikInkoper: RT @ErikInkoper: RIP Matthew Seligman (1955-2020), former Soft Boy. "Pop music is about overstating the obvious" - 5 years ago

@FarOutMag: Matthew Seligman, Soft Boys and former David Bowie bassist, has died from coronavirus complications: - 5 years ago

@tetoetaimer: @o0nami0o @tdsgk wikipediaに"Matthew Seligman"の項目が立っておる。…訃報だったのね。R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@Darren_Fewins: More incredibly sad news... The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died - 5 years ago

@lakecountydem: RT @DammitTees: Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 #RIP #Covid19 The Soft Boys Robyn Hitchcock Thompson Twins Thomas Dolby Sinéad O'Connor Morriss… - 5 years ago

@LUSCarborough: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@LauraJanes_UK: "Outside of music, he practised as a human rights solicitor." @NME Matthew Seligman was also a lovely man and sup… - 5 years ago

@Ulyfey: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@martojavier: RT @slicingeyeballs: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson Twins, David Bowie and more, dies of COVID-19 http… - 5 years ago

@deritriyoga: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@themanw28685926: RT @sozoik: Kingdom of Love R.I.P. Matthew Seligman - amazing bassline - 5 years ago

@dan___lyons: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@nickbob: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@BrianStack153: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@colinphoenix: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@SFlinn67: RT @MickPuck: Old friend, true gentleman, ace bassist and dedicated Fulham FC fan. Travel on well Matthew Seligman. - 5 years ago

@YulianaVK: RT @mondo_sonoro: Muere el bajista Matthew Seligman (The Soft Boys) por culpa del Coronavirus. - 5 years ago

@SongWarmonger: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@icecremekid: RT @PsychedelicMag: RIP The Soft Boys’ Matthew Seligman, who played bass on the group’s 1980 masterpiece ‘Underwater Moonlight’ and much mo… - 5 years ago

@adrianartn: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@RocknReelR2: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@shanemcelligott: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@Davelj99: RT @bridgetDginley: Matthew Seligman, recently hospitalized for #COVIDー19 , had suffered a stroke, his ventilator removed and passed away t… - 5 years ago

@BigJackBrass: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@AndyTailzer: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@petersklair: Rest In Peace Matthew Seligman @SeligmanBass Wonderful, inspiring bassist with @ThomasDolby - 5 years ago

@MattWyattUK: We lost a musical legend last night, and I lost a friend. Matthew Seligman was a wonderful human being and a huge i… - 5 years ago

@willcarruthers: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@AspieDeLaZouch: RT @AndrewSperling: Terribly upset to discover that Matthew Seligman has died from Covid. Matthew was a famous and amazing bass-player who… - 5 years ago

@ODiarioCarioca: Morreu Matthew Seligman, baixista do Soft Boys e David Bowie - 5 years ago

@dotdashdotdash: RT @ThomasDolby: Last summer with Matthew Seligman, my brilliant bass player friend who is on Day 10 of an induced coma in St George’s Lond… - 5 years ago

@FleurHitchcock: When today's Covid-19 figures are announced. One of that number will be bassist Matthew Seligman. He's the man in… - 5 years ago

@KelvinBSP: @ElRaynerista Mathew Seligman, bass player and producer, lost to COVID-19. He played bass for the Thomson Twins,… - 5 years ago

@WilcoxTommy: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@geeksofdoom: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@prestia_fabio: RT @RollingStoneita: Accompagnò il Duca Bianco nella storica esibizione al Live Aid del 1985, ma collaborò anche alle musiche di 'Labyrinth… - 5 years ago

@DavidHughesTwit: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@benrand72: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@pussinpjs1: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@DavidLBarratt: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@soledadneon: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@balangereis: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@627msbeehive: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@moco821: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@LGaella: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@69Cosecha: RT @mondo_sonoro: Muere el bajista Matthew Seligman (The Soft Boys) por culpa del Coronavirus. - 5 years ago

@At_worldcitizen: RT @istevejansen: Farewell to Matthew Seligman who so sadly died today. A dazzling bassist. Precision, energy, dexterity and sheer professi… - 5 years ago

@Feedback_Pete: Strange how these two pics popped up as a memory on Facebook today. As this was the Twins album that Matthew Seligm… - 5 years ago

@carlosalpunto: RT @mondo_sonoro: Muere el bajista Matthew Seligman (The Soft Boys) por culpa del Coronavirus. - 5 years ago

@RupertPupkin__: Matthew Seligman (1955-2020) (The Soft Boys / Robyn Hitchcock / Thompson Twins / Thomas Dolby / Sinéad O'Connor /… - 5 years ago

@Feedback_Pete: RT @neil_mccormick: Here's a thing I wrote about my mad weeks in Shanghai with Matthew Seligman's psychedelic punk band Snail in 2002 for C… - 5 years ago

@CrimeGirI: Matthew Seligman, Specialist Caseworker at Campbell Taylor, unreg. Barrister (1994 Call, formerly @39EssexChambers)… - 5 years ago

@KelvinBSP: @VanessaBeeley Mathew Seligman, bass player, lost to COVID-19. He played bass for the Thomson Twins, David Bowie,… - 5 years ago

@Feedback_Pete: RT @NME: Seligman also worked with Morrissey, Sinead O'Connor and The Thompson Twins - 5 years ago

@andylong: RT @solobasssteve: Henry Grimes and Matthew Seligman gone. The world of bass took a major COVID-19 hit today 😢😢😢😢 - 5 years ago

@markrevans: RT @lancebangs: Matthew Seligman played bass on Soft Boys albums "Underwater Moonlight" & "A Can of Bees," then played with @RobynHitchcock… - 5 years ago

@Feedback_Pete: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@Oldstanman: @vitriolamusic @michaellegge I think we should do a #5xUs #5x1 to celebrate Matthew Seligman - 5 albums he appeared… - 5 years ago

@FleurHitchcock: RT @lancebangs: Matthew Seligman played bass on Soft Boys albums "Underwater Moonlight" & "A Can of Bees," then played with @RobynHitchcock… - 5 years ago

@Feedback_Pete: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@activecultures: RT @anniezaleski: Sad news about Matthew Seligman, bassist on some of the most futuristic '80s music: Thomas Dolby's "One of Our Submarines… - 5 years ago

@Feedback_Pete: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@spkspkspkok: RT @xxssdollsxx: THE SOFT BOYSの Matthew Seligmanさん.. 旅だってしまわれた..安らかに.. 悲しい.. - 5 years ago

@targetsounds: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@thebeardyboy71: RT @slicingeyeballs: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson Twins, David Bowie and more, dies of COVID-19 http… - 5 years ago

@DeirdreNiF: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@KrasnyiDJW: @StuartMaconie @themarkrad Any chance of some Soft Boys today or tomorrow to mark the sad passing of bassist, Matth… - 5 years ago

@SeanHewitt: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@SeanHewitt: RT @NicholasPegg: Go back and listen to Absolute Beginners or Dancing in the Street, and hear how Matthew Seligman’s intricate, muscular ba… - 5 years ago

@fionacozens1: RT @DammitTees: Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 #RIP #Covid19 The Soft Boys Robyn Hitchcock Thompson Twins Thomas Dolby Sinéad O'Connor Morriss… - 5 years ago

@Huffhuur: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@mssymst: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@ensohealing: The Soft Boys and David Bowie bassist Matthew Seligman has died - 5 years ago

@simon_p_barton: Playing some old Soft Boys songs this morning, in memory of the great bass player, Matthew Seligman, sadly lost to… - 5 years ago

@sozoik: Kingdom of Love R.I.P. Matthew Seligman - amazing bassline - 5 years ago

@stan_emmerson: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@gidcoe: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@erictrump99: RT @Marc_Fagel: We lost Soft Boys bassist Matthew Seligman to COVID today. Here he is playing at Live Aid with a Mr. Bowie; not a bad littl… - 5 years ago

@StephenRayGarza: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@CatBUniKent: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@RealBarryEgan: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@ErikInkoper: RIP Matthew Seligman (1955-2020), former Soft Boy. "Pop music is about overstating the obvious" - 5 years ago

@vincenthanon: The Soft Boys’ Matthew Seligman Has Died - Sophisticated Bitch - 5 years ago

@Vnend: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@ColinWo35150887: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@Juliacsk: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@SallyMoen2: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@2000_mondo: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@StephenRayGarza: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@the0_9: Matthew Seligman (14 July 1955 – 17 April 2020) - 5 years ago

@MazzyK: RT @NicholasPegg: Sad news that we have lost to the virus the brilliant Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson… - 5 years ago

@KidNarco: How sad. Matthew Seligman has died. A nice man. Here playing bass with Bowie at Live Aid. - 5 years ago

@spewish: Very sad news. Matthew Seligman was a superb bass player and played on Underwater Moonlight - one of the great albu… - 5 years ago

@hotelfred: Sad to hear of the passing of Matthew Seligman. Underwater Moonlight by the Soft Boys is one of the finest records ever made. RIP. - 5 years ago

@anumccartney: RT @NicholasPegg: Go back and listen to Absolute Beginners or Dancing in the Street, and hear how Matthew Seligman’s intricate, muscular ba… - 5 years ago

@JayAGlennie: @CrowleyOnAir Steve Jansen and Richard Barbieri formed The Dolphin Brothers. “You’re Matthew Seligman who played wi… - 5 years ago

@BlueJeanCola: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@aaraiza: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@OpiningCourt: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@champsuperstar: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@welshjb: RT @JayAGlennie: COVID 19 has taken Matthew Seligman. He was the loveliest of guys & bassist on songs incl: Absolute Beginners for David Bo… - 5 years ago

@morgfair: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@abundantsink: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@RegissTadeu: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@dmnewcomb1: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@JTOsterberg: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@Fusha_records: RT @mirokristel: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 ソフト・ボーイズ、トンプソン・トゥインズ、トーマス・ドルビーなどと活動したベーシスト、マシュー・ゼリグマンか新型コロナウィルスで亡くなったそうです。享年64歳。… - 5 years ago

@contra_flow: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@TNValleyRebel: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@spinrecords: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@SnazzySlaxxLorr: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@licensedtoill_: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@tripgreat: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@licensedtoill_: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@Manics1itsme: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@iBrowsie: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@iBrowsie: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@mattekudasaisan: R.I.P. Matthew Seligman David Bowie - Heroes (Live Aid, 1985) - 5 years ago

@5Tunesaday: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@nashtonhart: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@BugsGroove: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@BugsGroove: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@BugsGroove: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@david_bu: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@taracadenelli: Robyn Hitchcock, Thomas Dolby, Colin Meloy Pay Tribute to Late Soft Boys Bassist Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@julia_denvir: RT @slicingeyeballs: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson Twins, David Bowie and more, dies of COVID-19 http… - 5 years ago

@headaik: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@At_worldcitizen: "Friday: Matthew Seligman has suffered a catastrophic haemorrhagic stroke from which he won't recover. It is expect… - 5 years ago

@thesweetcheat: RT @slicingeyeballs: Matthew Seligman, bassist for The Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, Thompson Twins, David Bowie and more, dies of COVID-19 http… - 5 years ago

@LauraLeeDavies: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@LauraLeeDavies: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@a_kestrel_blue: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@Therra: Matthew Seligman (Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby, David Bowie, others) has died from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@robinince: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@Hagedose68: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@Alibrown142: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@jane_2504: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@nam_ov: RT @sknolle: My favorite Soft Boys song in honor of Matthew Seligman: - 5 years ago

@spicy_nana: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@xxssdollsxx: THE SOFT BOYSの Matthew Seligmanさん.. 旅だってしまわれた..安らかに.. 悲しい.. - 5 years ago

@theechohillband: The Soft Boys’ Matthew Seligman Has Died - 5 years ago

@BrianNupp: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@jagan520: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@mrmhx: RT @anniezaleski: Sad news about Matthew Seligman, bassist on some of the most futuristic '80s music: Thomas Dolby's "One of Our Submarines… - 5 years ago

@Horustoo: RT @pitchfork: Matthew Seligman, who played bass in the Soft Boys, has died - 5 years ago

@HasteBlog: Robyn Hitchcock, Thomas Dolby, Colin Meloy Pay Tribute to Late Soft Boys Bassist Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@peter_vp: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@cbwdisney: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@JeddBeaudoin: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@sknolle: My favorite Soft Boys song in honor of Matthew Seligman: - 5 years ago

@TheShowWontGoOn: MATTHEW SELIGMAN was a bassist, best known for his work during the ‘80s, including material with the Thompson Twins… - 5 years ago

@elle_effe: Matthew Seligman (Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby) has died from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@Hagedose68: RT @NonStopPop: R.I.P., Matthew Seligman. He gave it to the Soft Boys...and to Thomas Dolby, to Bruce Wooley, and to songs by Robyn Hitchco… - 5 years ago

@WardAndrewGM: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@GeorgeRafael: RT @mattsebastian: Farewell to Matthew Seligman, a Soft Boy and so much more. Another lost to COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@5Tunesaday: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@vylter: RT @mattsebastian: Farewell to Matthew Seligman, a Soft Boy and so much more. Another lost to COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@Stezza_Dozza: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@Mitchama_01: RT @Crossbeat_JP: David Bowie - Absolute Beginners RIP Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@mumsintheattic: RT @AmyCote6: Bassist Matthew Seligman has died at the age of 64 after a battle with COVID-19. The musician is best known for his work dur… - 5 years ago

@Mitchama_01: RT @chikashiojima: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@Horustoo: RT @SPIN: Robyn Hitchcock, Thomas Dolby, Colin Meloy Pay Tribute to Late Soft Boys Bassist Matthew Seligman: "Fuck this virus" - 5 years ago

@theaudiovore: RT @lancebangs: Matthew Seligman played bass on Soft Boys albums "Underwater Moonlight" & "A Can of Bees," then played with @RobynHitchcock… - 5 years ago

@slicingeyeballs: RT @mattsebastian: Farewell to Matthew Seligman, a Soft Boy and so much more. Another lost to COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@JayAGlennie: COVID 19 has taken Matthew Seligman. He was the loveliest of guys & bassist on songs incl: Absolute Beginners for D… - 5 years ago

@KirpJr: Give it to the Soft Boys. Fuck. - 5 years ago

@Snillnam: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@ChrisHornb: For months I tried to learn to play Matthew's bass line on "Kingdom Of Love". I could get… - 5 years ago

@IskraDavidPhoto: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@_oliver87: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@adamfeldpausch: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@chris_steller: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@David_Williams: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@myrtleviolet: RT @staffo_sez: Really sad to hear (via @shitterverse) that Covid has taken Matthew Seligman, bass player with the Soft Boys and many other… - 5 years ago

@glovestudios: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@carynrose: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@jcksaMusic: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@Buzz_The_Fuzz: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@staffo_sez: @BrendonPavey Nah. Just records. Just finished playing Underwater Moonlight by the Soft Boys, for their late bassis… - 5 years ago

@Crossbeat_JP: Alex Chilton - Live In London RIP Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@juepucta: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@PcRck: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@DaddyDeyo: RT @MImi_TheSound: COVID19 takes another one. - 5 years ago

@pinkfixx: RT @Crossbeat_JP: Thomas Dolby - The Golden Age Of Wireless RIP Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@RamOrigami: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@DammitTees: Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 #RIP #Covid19 The Soft Boys - Underwater Moonlight - 5 years ago

@mrjeremydylan: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@NBCNewsFan: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@mrjeremydylan: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@devilsrancher: Very much not happy about this bad & worsening thing. RIP Matthew Seligman, one of the greatest practitioners of th… - 5 years ago

@beernbugs: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@ricknelsonmn1: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@notesonnoise1: Soft Boys-bassist Matthew Seligman gestorven aan COVID-19 #RIP - 5 years ago

@QDoggslimZ720: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@MImi_TheSound: COVID19 takes another one. - 5 years ago

@wamylove: Matthew Seligman (Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby) has died from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@alioshak: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@Crossbeat_JP: Thomas Dolby - The Golden Age Of Wireless RIP Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@Athens441: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@Bafflegabs: RIP to Matthew Seligman, the bassist on one of my absolute favorite records of all time, among many other massive c… - 5 years ago

@noieu: RT @ThomasDolby: Last summer with Matthew Seligman, my brilliant bass player friend who is on Day 10 of an induced coma in St George’s Lond… - 5 years ago

@Athens441: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@Galileo908: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@DammitTees: Matthew Seligman 1955-2020 #RIP #Covid19 The Soft Boys Robyn Hitchcock Thompson Twins Thomas Dolby Sinéad O'Connor… - 5 years ago

@coldbean: RT @colinmeloy: Rest in power, Matthew Seligman. Soft Boy forever. Fuck this virus. - 5 years ago

@DJChairmanMoe: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@sm_otion: RT @ScottMarlow2: So so sad. Been following his plight with hope for the last 2 weeks. I was lucky enough to meet him once, lovely guy. I’v… - 5 years ago

@Toastylechat: RT @ScottMarlow2: So so sad. Been following his plight with hope for the last 2 weeks. I was lucky enough to meet him once, lovely guy. I’v… - 5 years ago

@pomopam: My condolences go out to @ThomasDolby @TomBaileyTour & the friends & family of Matthew. @richardblade @1stwave… - 5 years ago

@matadorrecords: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@BoringPostcards: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@ScottMarlow2: So so sad. Been following his plight with hope for the last 2 weeks. I was lucky enough to meet him once, lovely gu… - 5 years ago

@megarockradio: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@portinfinite: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@hophead_dog: RT @Crossbeat_JP: Thompson Twins - Set RIP Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@hophead_dog: RT @Crossbeat_JP: The Soft Boys - Underwater Moonlight RIP Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@hophead_dog: RT @Crossbeat_JP: David Bowie - Heroes (Live Aid, 1985) RIP Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@Isotherme: RT @PleasuresKnown: RIP Matthew Seligman. A wonderful bass player who’s work on Thomas Dolby’s The Flat Earth alone makes him worthy of the… - 5 years ago

@sevwapi: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@WhistlingBatter: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@JetRose1313: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@trinitymoon419: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@_lanabelle: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@Nashskrilla: Matthew Seligman was the rock-solid foundation for some of the greatest grooves ever committed to wax. Thanks for e… - 5 years ago

@joshsalterego: RIP Matthew Seligman and thanks for all the stone grooves on the low end - 5 years ago

@Gerardi: RT @brooklynvegan: Matthew Seligman (The Soft Boys, Thompson Twins, Thomas Dolby) has died from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@11304p: RT @ThomasDolby: Last summer with Matthew Seligman, my brilliant bass player friend who is on Day 10 of an induced coma in St George’s Lond… - 5 years ago

@gregmus_kelly: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@sonicdork: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@notesonnoise1: RT @brooklynvegan: Matthew Seligman (The Soft Boys, Thompson Twins, Thomas Dolby) has died from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@a_j_w: Dagnabbit. #Covid_19 takes another great, Matthew Seligman. - 5 years ago

@staffo_sez: Really sad to hear (via @shitterverse) that Covid has taken Matthew Seligman, bass player with the Soft Boys and ma… - 5 years ago

@rujuta_star22: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@HunterFelt: Wrapping up the evening with a spin of "Underwater Revival" in memory of Matthew Seligman. - 5 years ago

@JodyDenberg: @RobynHitchcock Sad news Robyn. Wrapping you in a hug of Fabness. Love and gratitude, Matthew Seligman. - 5 years ago

@GGAllinEsq: RT @brooklynvegan: Matthew Seligman (The Soft Boys, Thompson Twins, Thomas Dolby) has died from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@President_Books: RT @Crossbeat_JP: David Bowie - Heroes (Live Aid, 1985) RIP Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@HardRockRadio15: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - - 5 years ago

@morrisseysolo: One-time Morrissey bassist Matthew Seligman passes away - 5 years ago

@cheers16: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@don__t__cry: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@GoonrGrrl: RT @davedepper: Just listen to this bassline. What a player. RIP Matthew Seligman, and long live the Soft Boys. - 5 years ago

@MissDestructo: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@pulmyears: RT @davedepper: Just listen to this bassline. What a player. RIP Matthew Seligman, and long live the Soft Boys. - 5 years ago

@ABMollyblum: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@incendiarymag: RIP The folk razor, Matthew Seligman. Xx - 5 years ago

@pulmyears: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@mattsebastian: Farewell to Matthew Seligman, a Soft Boy and so much more. Another lost to COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@BadGuyZero: RT @brooklynvegan: Matthew Seligman (The Soft Boys, Thompson Twins, Thomas Dolby) has died from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@Wanted68536059: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@TomVasilj: RT @brooklynvegan: Matthew Seligman (The Soft Boys, Thompson Twins, Thomas Dolby) has died from COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@pulmyears: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@MikeFurlough: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@pulmyears: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@Radlein: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@brooklynvegan: Matthew Seligman (The Soft Boys, Thompson Twins, Thomas Dolby) has died from COVID-19 complications… - 5 years ago

@masterFrenc: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@2thfairy5: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Matthew Seligman @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #MatthewSeligman add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@PatrickCDuncan: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@incendiarymag: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@YoungWilliamThe: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@coldfootfilms: RT @anniezaleski: Sad news about Matthew Seligman, bassist on some of the most futuristic '80s music: Thomas Dolby's "One of Our Submarines… - 5 years ago

@Radlein: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@coldfootfilms: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@rgodfrey: RIP Matthew Seligman, fancy bassist of the Soft Boys et al. We could really use some positive vibrations. - 5 years ago

@Chonktavius: RIP Matthew Seligman The Soft Boys - The Asking Tree - 5 years ago

@kasetkusut__: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@MikeFurlough: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@AmyCote6: Bassist Matthew Seligman has died at the age of 64 after a battle with COVID-19. The musician is best known for hi… - 5 years ago

@jvkersey: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@sellophanesun: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@howardrodman: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@sellophanesun: Unusually sad that Matthew Seligman is gone. Perhaps if I listen to Strings... - 5 years ago

@larrypareigis: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@Kaji: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@davedepper: Just listen to this bassline. What a player. RIP Matthew Seligman, and long live the Soft Boys. - 5 years ago

@lukobe: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@lukobe: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@RobinCook: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@RockySwayzo: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@Chonktavius: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@msbellaf: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@UsedUniverse: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@ACNewman: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@BUMKINBUGG: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@STFUImTweetn0_o: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@kinsellawarren: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@ronnietanaka: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@Jrlvr88: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@OrangeChill: RT @MrPeytonReed: I’ll be drinking wine and listening to @ThomasDolby’s “The Flat Earth” tonight in honor of Matthew Seligman. Rest In Peac… - 5 years ago

@awolkoff: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@jeanlucvachiery: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@BartoloniTerri: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@bshoup: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@MaTu_Keen: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@MaTu_Keen: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@Toastylechat: One of the most prolific & talented bass players from the 80’s, prob most known for his work with Thomas Dolby; Mat… - 5 years ago

@jonesrich: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@mmiliard: Thank you, Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@davedepper: RT @colinmeloy: Rest in power, Matthew Seligman. Soft Boy forever. Fuck this virus. - 5 years ago

@MrPeytonReed: I’ll be drinking wine and listening to @ThomasDolby’s “The Flat Earth” tonight in honor of Matthew Seligman. Rest In Peace. - 5 years ago

@ThePVO: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@clevelandbeyond: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@lebersoul1: RT @Crossbeat_JP: David Bowie - Heroes (Live Aid, 1985) RIP Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@PostpunkRadio: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@civilred: @guypratt really sad news. Great bass player. - 5 years ago

@Bobszilla: A sad and too soon farewell to Matthew Seligman, the most excellent bassist for the Soft Boys, Thomas Dolby and man… - 5 years ago

@matadorrecords: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@rubencarbajal: Thank you, Matthew Seligman, for supplying the beautiful basslines for so many of my favorite songs. Another brigh… - 5 years ago

@chrispilz: RT @ThomasDolby: Last summer with Matthew Seligman, my brilliant bass player friend who is on Day 10 of an induced coma in St George’s Lond… - 5 years ago

@actingkeith: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@AAronL1968: #RIP Bassist Matthew Seligman has died at the age of 64 after a battle with COVID-19. The musician is best known f… - 5 years ago

@kkbakkbakk: RT @mirokristel: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 ソフト・ボーイズ、トンプソン・トゥインズ、トーマス・ドルビーなどと活動したベーシスト、マシュー・ゼリグマンか新型コロナウィルスで亡くなったそうです。享年64歳。… - 5 years ago

@BernardZuel: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@mmiliard: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@HeyItsGryPHONE: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@bencolmery4: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@lpydmblb: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@fume6969: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@TheChrisArena: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@jenner1072: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@CRAZYMADSATOSHI: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@CRAZYMADSATOSHI: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@softboygirl: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@kudzutiger: Matthew Seligman took me to my first football (soccer) match, brought me home to meet his lovely family, spent time… - 5 years ago

@Jennifer_Kiam: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@maneatscereal: RIP Matthew Seligman, bassist for the Soft Boys on their sublime album “Underwater Moonlight” AND Thomas Dolby’s “Golden Age of Wireless”. - 5 years ago

@tanakadabo: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@CynthiaLee7: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@evilcarlos: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@jcd1970: In memory of Matthew Seligman #rip ❤️ - 5 years ago

@OlivU2360: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@SORASTAR: RT @1023WBAB: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@BubblesAndChaos: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Matthew Seligman has passed away - #MatthewSeligman #Matthew #Seligman #rip - 5 years ago

@MADShampoo: RT @slimhiney: RIP- Matthew Seligman - 5 years ago

@briankgood: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@SORASTAR: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@CateDailyBoom: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@BidiMcGhee: Matthew Seligman 14 July 1955 - 17 April 2020 [#CovidHits | #TheSoftBoys | #IWannaDestroyYou] - 5 years ago

@BidiMcGhee: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@tootsday: He played on a lot of music I loved. Damn you, COVID-19. Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19… - 5 years ago

@episodesounds: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@loudersoft: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@mirokristel: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 ソフト・ボーイズ、トンプソン・トゥインズ、トーマス・ドルビーなどと活動したベーシスト、マシュー・ゼリグマンか新型コロナウィルスで亡くなったそうです… - 5 years ago

@JudgeD_Dmitri: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@sinkinsorrow: Bassist Matthew Seligman Dead of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@davesrecordschi: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@OrionP2019: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@tootsday: RT @colinmeloy: Rest in power, Matthew Seligman. Soft Boy forever. Fuck this virus. - 5 years ago

@jw_hpuff_grx: RT @UltClassicRock: The musician collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Thomas Dolby and David Bowie: - 5 years ago

@tootsday: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@tootsday: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@kurosu_1983_2nd: RT @shinfjwr: ソフトボーイズのベースのお方(Matthew Seligmanさん)がコロナで亡くなったみたいだ… #Nowplaying I Wanna Destroy You - The Soft Boys (Underwater Moonlight) http… - 5 years ago

@Shariviolin: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@TinMachine: RT @kevarmst: RIP the wonderful Matthew Seligman. My true friend and brother since 1980. - 5 years ago

@dv8godd: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@ohetweet: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

@vesperz_: RT @JakeRudh: Horrible news from Thomas Dolby's FB page. One of the best bassists/musicians Matthew Seligman has died due to complication… - 5 years ago

@colinmeloy: Rest in power, Matthew Seligman. Soft Boy forever. Fuck this virus. - 5 years ago

@RealChrisKocher: RT @RobynHitchcock: “Pop music is about overstating the obvious” - Matthew Seligman, July 14 1955 - April 17 2020 - 5 years ago

@ColinMcT: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@redgoldrush: RT @neil_mccormick: My friend Matthew Seligman has died of this shitty bug. He was a top bassist, a human rights solicitor & just a lovely… - 5 years ago

@HunterFelt: RT @RobynHitchcock: Twitter is too confined a place to pay proper tribute to Matthew Seligman, except to say that I am very sorry to see hi… - 5 years ago

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