Masahide Ōta

Japanese historian and politician
Died on Tuesday June 13th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Masahide Ōta:

@psydadias: アレ?米兵による少女乱暴事件だけ? 在日朝鮮人の女子中学生輪姦殺人事件はスルーですか? 大田昌秀・元沖縄県知事が死去、92歳  - 8 years ago

@mochachan3: RT @breezyvoice1: Ex-Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, Who Battled U.S. Bases, Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@tlstr09: RT @martfack: Masahide Ota, former Okinawa governor who battled U.S. bases, dies at age 92 - 8 years ago

@tlstr09: RT @jonmitchell_jp: Okinawa: Former Governor Masahide Ota has passed away. Rest In Peace. - 8 years ago


@takeshijunjun: RT @jonmitchell_jp: Okinawa: Former Governor Masahide Ota has passed away. Rest In Peace. - 8 years ago

@KutaroMichikusa: RT @HuffPostJapan: 【大田昌秀さん】92歳で死去 元沖縄県知事、政界引退後は沖縄戦を伝える活動を続ける - 8 years ago

@kuins: RT @JonHerskovitz: Ex-Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, who battled U.S. bases, dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@kuins: RT @canoe21: "Ex-Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, Who Battled U.S. Bases, Dies at 92" by REUTERS via NYT - 8 years ago

@kuins: RT @Masaktn: Former Okinawa Governor Ōta Masahide Dies at 92 (News) - 8 years ago

@tamachan090: RT @PeacePhilosophy: A 2010 interview: "The World is beginning to know Okinawa": Ota Masahide Reflects on his Life from the Battle of... ht… - 8 years ago

@tamachan090: RT @PeacePhilosophy: A 2010 interview: "The World is beginning to know Okinawa": Ota Masahide Reflects on his Life - 8 years ago

@tamachan090: RT @ShingetsuNews: Ryukyu Shimpo: "Former Okinawa Governor and Battle of Okinawa Scholar Masahide Ota Passes Away" - 8 years ago

@ruki2keystrk: RT @jonmitchell_jp: Okinawa: Former Governor Masahide Ota has passed away. Rest In Peace. - 8 years ago

@Masaktn: Former Okinawa Governor Ōta Masahide Dies at 92 (News) - 8 years ago

@breezyvoice1: Ex-Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, Who Battled U.S. Bases, Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@annakak: RT @AyaK_peace: Ex-Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, who battled U.S. bases, dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@deaeteyokattana: RT @jupiterjenny: Ex-Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, Who Battled U.S. Bases, Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@jupiterjenny: Ex-Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, Who Battled U.S. Bases, Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@saveourokinawa: Ex- #Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, Who Battled #US Bases, Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@rodor1960: RT @jonmitchell_jp: Okinawa: Former Governor Masahide Ota has passed away. Rest In Peace. - 8 years ago

@Ryu_Q: ご冥福をお祈りいたします。 大田昌秀・元沖縄県知事が死去、92歳 基地問題の解決を訴え続ける - 8 years ago

@SophiazoeVega: RT @AyaK_peace: Ex-Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, who battled U.S. bases, dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@RSB_2020: RT @AyaK_peace: Former Okinawa Governor and Battle of Okinawa scholar Masahide Ota passes away - 8 years ago

@RSB_2020: RT @AyaK_peace: Ex-Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, who battled U.S. bases, dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@AyaK_peace: Former Okinawa Governor and Battle of Okinawa scholar Masahide Ota passes away - 8 years ago

@AyaK_peace: Ex-Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, who battled U.S. bases, dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@jupiterjenny: RT @saveourokinawa: Ex- #Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, who battled #US bases, dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@JonReinsch: RT @ShingetsuNews: Ryukyu Shimpo: "Former Okinawa Governor and Battle of Okinawa Scholar Masahide Ota Passes Away" - 8 years ago

@bebe1129pita: RT @menghu_nankuru: Ex-Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, who battled U.S. bases, dies at 92(6/12/2017) #okina… - 8 years ago

@ShingetsuNews: Ryukyu Shimpo: "Former Okinawa Governor and Battle of Okinawa Scholar Masahide Ota Passes Away" - 8 years ago

@saveourokinawa: Ex- #Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, who battled #US bases, dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@menghu_nankuru: Ex-Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, who battled U.S. bases, dies at 92(6/12/2017) #okinawa #沖縄 #2017年の沖縄 - 8 years ago

@saveourokinawa: Former #Okinawa Governor and #BattleofOkinawa scholar Masahide Ota passes away - 8 years ago

@dias_pola: RT @HuffPostJapan: 【お悔やみ】元沖縄県知事の大田昌秀さん、誕生日当日に亡くなる。92歳 - 8 years ago

@AbleDart: Ex-Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota, who battled US bases, dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@m1218tnmh: RT @nagano_t: インタビューさせて頂いた時の言葉一つ一つが心に残っている。ご冥福をお祈りします。。大田昌秀・元沖縄県知事が死去、92歳 基地問題の解決を訴え続ける - 8 years ago

@Lily_victoria: RT @nippon_en: Ōta Masahide, who opposed US bases while govenor of Okinawa, has died at the age of 92. - 8 years ago

@nippon_en: Ōta Masahide, who opposed US bases while govenor of Okinawa, has died at the age of 92. - 8 years ago

@george_9925: RT @nippon_en: Former Okinawa Governor Ōta Masahide dies at 92. - 8 years ago

@nippon_en: Former Okinawa Governor Ōta Masahide dies at 92. - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Masahide Ōta, Japanese historian and politician, Died at 92 - 8 years ago

@ElliFtaka: Masahide Ota "never got drunk with power." May his memory be a blessing... - 8 years ago

@DJSKYFALL69: RT @KjeldDuits: Very sad to see this great man leave us Met him only once, when he was governor The kind of person you remember - 8 years ago

@4n0nc47: RT @KjeldDuits: Very sad to see this great man leave us Met him only once, when he was governor The kind of person you remember - 8 years ago

@NekropoleENG: Ota Masahide Academician, Governor, Politician, - 8 years ago

@XDAGarwynn: RT @jonmitchell_jp: Okinawa: Former Governor Masahide Ota has passed away. Rest In Peace. - 8 years ago

@brianruh: RT @PeacePhilosophy: A 2010 interview: "The World is beginning to know Okinawa": Ota Masahide Reflects on his Life from the Battle of... ht… - 8 years ago

@otomisato: 大田昌秀・元沖縄県知事が死去、92歳 基地問題の解決を訴え続ける - 8 years ago

@otomisato: RT @1691S: @iwakamiyasumi 92歳のお誕生日の日に・・・。ご冥福をお祈りいたします。(HuffPost Japan) - 8 years ago

@mitsuko_to: RT @KjeldDuits: Very sad to see this great man leave us Met him only once, when he was governor The kind of person you remember - 8 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @nippon_en: Former Okinawa Governor Ōta Masahide Dies at 92 (News) - 8 years ago

@majiru999: RT @HuffPostJapan: 【お悔やみ】元沖縄県知事の大田昌秀さん、誕生日当日に亡くなる。92歳 - 8 years ago

@fairymeetswitch: RT @japantimes: Masahide Ota, former Okinawa governor and noted historian, dies at age 92 - 8 years ago

@mijita212: RT @oribesgarden: もう20年も前になるのか…仕事で沖縄に行った時、当時知事だった太田昌秀氏のスピーチを聴いた。忙しい中で、夕食の場でちょっと挨拶の筈が、沖縄の基地問題について、非常に立派な、熱いスピーチをされた。92歳、最期まで立派な方だった。→ https:… - 8 years ago

@sato859: RT @oribesgarden: もう20年も前になるのか…仕事で沖縄に行った時、当時知事だった太田昌秀氏のスピーチを聴いた。忙しい中で、夕食の場でちょっと挨拶の筈が、沖縄の基地問題について、非常に立派な、熱いスピーチをされた。92歳、最期まで立派な方だった。→ https:… - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Masahide Ōta is no longer with us - #MasahideOta #Masahide #Ōta #rip - 8 years ago

@nippon_en: Former Okinawa Governor Ōta Masahide Dies at 92 (News) - 8 years ago

@japantimesplus: Masahide Ota, former Okinawa governor and noted historian, dies at age 92 #大田昌秀 #元沖縄県知事 - 8 years ago

@twtneko: RT @HuffPostJapan: 【大田昌秀さん】92歳で死去 元沖縄県知事、政界引退後は沖縄戦を伝える活動を続ける - 8 years ago

@CEFJ_2018: RT @japantimes: Masahide Ota, former Okinawa governor and noted historian, dies at age 92 - 8 years ago

@s_mah: RT @HuffPostJapan: 【大田昌秀さん】92歳で死去 元沖縄県知事、政界引退後は沖縄戦を伝える活動を続ける - 8 years ago

@karinn0125: RT @HuffPostJapan: 【大田昌秀さん】92歳で死去 元沖縄県知事、政界引退後は沖縄戦を伝える活動を続ける - 8 years ago

@YokoSetoTadda: Ex-Okinawan governor and anti-U.S. base campaigner Ota dies at 92 - Japan Today - 8 years ago

@chaawarai: RT @HuffPostJapan: 【訃報】大田昌秀・元沖縄県知事が死去、92歳 基地問題の解決を訴え続ける - 8 years ago

@katamachi15tw: RT @martfack: Masahide Ota, former Okinawa governor who battled U.S. bases, dies at age 92 - 8 years ago

@margaretnak: RT @japantimes: Masahide Ota, former Okinawa governor and noted historian, dies at age 92 - 8 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @japantimes: Masahide Ota, former Okinawa governor and noted historian, dies at age 92 - 8 years ago

@Penny668: RT @japantimes: Masahide Ota, former Okinawa governor and noted historian, dies at age 92 - 8 years ago

@reichan_74: RT @japantimes: Masahide Ota, former Okinawa governor and noted historian, dies at age 92 - 8 years ago

@watergreen27: RT @jonmitchell_jp: Okinawa: Former Governor Masahide Ota has passed away. Rest In Peace. - 8 years ago

@ebitiri_rie: RT @1691S: @iwakamiyasumi 92歳のお誕生日の日に・・・。ご冥福をお祈りいたします。(HuffPost Japan) - 8 years ago

@newslivenetwork: Former Okinawa Governor Ōta Masahide Dies at 92 (News) - 8 years ago

@wQQn: RT @HuffPostJapan: 【大田昌秀さん】92歳で死去 元沖縄県知事、政界引退後は沖縄戦を伝える活動を続ける - 8 years ago

@CloudyCounty: RT @japantimes: Masahide Ota, former Okinawa governor and noted historian, dies at age 92 - 8 years ago

@CoachDerz: RT @japantimes: Masahide Ota, former Okinawa governor and noted historian, dies at age 92 - 8 years ago

@RavMocker: RT @japantimes: Masahide Ota, former Okinawa governor and noted historian, dies at age 92 - 8 years ago

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