Mary Midgley

British moral philosopher.
Died on Friday October 12th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Mary Midgley:

@drkeithwilson: RT @Independent: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@keith_wilson: RT @Independent: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@GuyLongworth: RT @Independent: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@Luciamundi: RT @Independent: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago


@PointedHead: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@harmeshjass: RT @Independent: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@DavidDavidic: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@monaloca: RT @Independent: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@MesutCasin: RT @Independent: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@Independent: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@damo9595: RT @alfiekohn: Philosopher Mary Midgley (1919-2018) eviscerated the reductive sociobiology of EO Wilson & R Dawkins (later rebranded as "ev… - 6 years ago

@YvetteErasmus: RT @alfiekohn: Philosopher Mary Midgley (1919-2018) eviscerated the reductive sociobiology of EO Wilson & R Dawkins (later rebranded as "ev… - 6 years ago

@bloodlesscoupbg: RT @humansandnature: We're honoring our contributor and friend, Mary Midgley, who passed away last week, by revisiting her powerful essays.… - 6 years ago

@bloodlesscoupbg: RT @humansandnature: "On Not Needing to be Omnipotent" This week, we're honoring the ideas of our late contributor and friend Mary Midgley,… - 6 years ago

@TommyShakes: RT @tommidgley: It's amazing what you don't know about someone. Correcting her birthdate on Wikipedia I found the transcript of a 4 hr audi… - 6 years ago

@mamotivation: RT @alfiekohn: Philosopher Mary Midgley (1919-2018) eviscerated the reductive sociobiology of EO Wilson & R Dawkins (later rebranded as "ev… - 6 years ago

@Demonpuppy: RT @ITattum: @cpdinosaurs In her autobiography the philosopher Mary Midgley says that it was seeing the megatherium skeleton in NHM ,when a… - 6 years ago

@varner_edward: RT @alfiekohn: Philosopher Mary Midgley (1919-2018) eviscerated the reductive sociobiology of EO Wilson & R Dawkins (later rebranded as "ev… - 6 years ago

@tommidgley: It's amazing what you don't know about someone. Correcting her birthdate on Wikipedia I found the transcript of a 4… - 6 years ago

@UNT_COE_Dean: RT @alfiekohn: Philosopher Mary Midgley (1919-2018) eviscerated the reductive sociobiology of EO Wilson & R Dawkins (later rebranded as "ev… - 6 years ago

@metaburbia: RT @PhilosophyExp: "Gene Juggling", an article by Mary Midgley is terrible, awful & woeful, and that's putting it kindly. It should never h… - 6 years ago

@RamaNewDelhi: RT @GadsbyOliver: “Shouting and protesting against the status of philosophy at Oxford has been a busy part of my life.” Mary Midgley, philo… - 6 years ago

@PhilosophyExp: "Gene Juggling", an article by Mary Midgley is terrible, awful & woeful, and that's putting it kindly. It should ne… - 6 years ago

@iellakuria: RT @gascondaniel: Mary Midgley, 1919-2018, o por qué la filosofía se parece a la fontanería - 6 years ago

@suptmoran: RT @alfiekohn: Philosopher Mary Midgley (1919-2018) eviscerated the reductive sociobiology of EO Wilson & R Dawkins (later rebranded as "ev… - 6 years ago

@IanPChristie: RT @GladPlodder: @IanPChristie Also recommend John Motyka's obituary in @nytimesbooks - 6 years ago

@cathyburke7: RT @alfiekohn: Philosopher Mary Midgley (1919-2018) eviscerated the reductive sociobiology of EO Wilson & R Dawkins (later rebranded as "ev… - 6 years ago

@sanjaygreddy: RT @SallaTuomivaara: Thank you Mary Midgley (1919-2018) for your beautiful, intelligent and important texts. Like this one, again so timely… - 6 years ago

@juanajaafar: RT @sharon_nelson: “...she proposed a holistic approach in which “many maps” — that is, varied ways of looking at life — are used to get to… - 6 years ago

@timelord13: RT @ITattum: @cpdinosaurs In her autobiography the philosopher Mary Midgley says that it was seeing the megatherium skeleton in NHM ,when a… - 6 years ago

@PKanagaratnam: RT @alfiekohn: Philosopher Mary Midgley (1919-2018) eviscerated the reductive sociobiology of EO Wilson & R Dawkins (later rebranded as "ev… - 6 years ago

@JoseJenSevilla: RT @gascondaniel: Mary Midgley, 1919-2018, o por qué la filosofía se parece a la fontanería - 6 years ago

@ClareRichmond1: @giles_fraser Mary Midgley would not approve. See the whole not the parts - 6 years ago

@TetZoo: RT @ITattum: @cpdinosaurs In her autobiography the philosopher Mary Midgley says that it was seeing the megatherium skeleton in NHM ,when a… - 6 years ago

@bledwine: RT @alfiekohn: Philosopher Mary Midgley (1919-2018) eviscerated the reductive sociobiology of EO Wilson & R Dawkins (later rebranded as "ev… - 6 years ago

@cpdinosaurs: RT @ITattum: @cpdinosaurs In her autobiography the philosopher Mary Midgley says that it was seeing the megatherium skeleton in NHM ,when a… - 6 years ago

@raganwald: Evergreen: "I keep thinking I'll have no more to say & then finding some wonderfully idiotic doctrine which I can c… - 6 years ago

@alfiekohn: Philosopher Mary Midgley (1919-2018) eviscerated the reductive sociobiology of EO Wilson & R Dawkins (later rebrand… - 6 years ago

@ITattum: @cpdinosaurs In her autobiography the philosopher Mary Midgley says that it was seeing the megatherium skeleton in… - 6 years ago

@sanjaygreddy: RT @FT: #LunchwiththeFT: Mary Midgley at 94, fighting scientific arrogance and making own lentil soup - 6 years ago

@GregPW: Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 - 6 years ago

@tryan162: Mary Midgley obituary: Moral philosopher and critic of Dawkins and academic imperialism via @IrishTimes - 6 years ago

@obituarywriter: RT @KatyFBrand: Mary Midgley - brilliant woman 👇 - 6 years ago

@obituarywriter: RT @WildSpurn: Mary Midgley - 6 years ago

@obituarywriter: RT @ilangoodman: Mary Midgley quoted in her Times obituary: “No scientist would dream of treating their cars as badly as their conceptual s… - 6 years ago

@obituarywriter: RT @arusbridger: 70 years after @lmhoxford decided to admit women the university still hadn’t got used to the idea. From today’s Times obit… - 6 years ago

@RiazGilani: RT @Independent: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@Grazietta87: RT @Independent: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@PalaeoHan: RT @Independent: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@NigelPulazi: RT @Independent: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@gascondaniel: Mary Midgley, 1919-2018, o por qué la filosofía se parece a la fontanería - 6 years ago

@DebbieC50234788: RT @Independent: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@KaylaBurrows2: RT @Independent: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@Independent: Mary Midgley: secular thinker who found Richard Dawkins' brand of atheism weak - 6 years ago

@GadsbyOliver: “Shouting and protesting against the status of philosophy at Oxford has been a busy part of my life.” Mary Midgley,… - 6 years ago

@DavidJones_now: Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 - 6 years ago

@samcesme: I had the absolute honour and privilege of meeting Mary Midgley at the Centenary of women being admitted to Durham… - 6 years ago

@profgeraintrees: RIP Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 via @FT - 6 years ago

@JoeAndrade2012: .#MaryMidgley, we need more of you: “I keep thinking that I shall have no more to say and then finding some wonderf… - 6 years ago

@Mclean1Chris: RT @andreweccles88: The moral philosopher Mary Midgley died last week at the grand old age of 99. Her first publication - Beast and Man -… - 6 years ago

@joymacknight: RT @FT: Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 - 6 years ago

@matthewjmclean: RT @Jderbyshire: My @FinancialTimes obituary of Mary Midgley - 6 years ago

@ft_once: RT @FT: Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 - 6 years ago

@toby_w_hunt: RT @FT: Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 - 6 years ago

@iwasid: RT @Jderbyshire: My @FinancialTimes obituary of Mary Midgley - 6 years ago

@Besleybean: RT @FT: Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 - 6 years ago

@kevinaudigier: RT @FT: Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 - 6 years ago

@peter_dunkley: RT @FT: Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 - 6 years ago

@WorldNe67531272: RT @FT: Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 - 6 years ago

@NAROG90: RT @FT: Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 - 6 years ago

@Jderbyshire: My @FinancialTimes obituary of Mary Midgley - 6 years ago

@lindaws: RT @FT: Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 - 6 years ago

@nm: RT @FT: Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 - 6 years ago

@JaildonLima: RT @FT: Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 - 6 years ago

@ftopinion: Obituary: Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 - 6 years ago

@FT: Mary Midgley, philosopher, 1919 to 2018 - 6 years ago

@bridgetmkiely: Sorry I am only reading about this remarkable woman when she has died but better late than never! - 6 years ago

@Bannmatt: Here’s today’s Last Word with Paul Allen, Dr Mary Midgley, Leon Lederman, Roger Mainwood - @bbcradio4 - 6 years ago

@StrathclydeUCU: RT @andreweccles88: The moral philosopher Mary Midgley died last week at the grand old age of 99. Her first publication - Beast and Man -… - 6 years ago

@Annoula64: RT @IrishTimesLife: Mary Midgley obituary: Moral philosopher and critic of Dawkins and academic imperialism - 6 years ago

@kaspalita: RT @sujatin: Mary Midgley, 99, Moral Philosopher for the General Reader, Is Dead - The New York Times - 6 years ago

@BooksByKramer: Mary Midgley, 99, Moral Philosopher for the General Reader, Is Dead - 6 years ago

@tingguowrites: Obituary: Mary Midgley - 6 years ago

@tingguowrites: Mary Midgley's Science as Salvation, among many other of her works, remains a timeless masterpiece.... Mary Midgley - 6 years ago

@wpwrs: Here’s another tribute to the great Mary Midgely. Who said she wanted “to bring academic philosophy back into its p… - 6 years ago

@iwasid: RT @Skye_Cleary: Mary Midgley obituary - 6 years ago

@alisonkmcc: Mary Midgley or Helen Mary Warnock - 6 years ago

@sujatin: Mary Midgley, 99, Moral Philosopher for the General Reader, Is Dead - The New York Times - 6 years ago

@xhaworthx: RT @LydiatheReader: Tonight’s discussion on @BBCFreeThinking was wonderful - about the In Parenthesis Project and the philosophical thinkin… - 6 years ago

@unangelicdoctor: RT @tommidgley: Our mother Dr Mary Midgley, Philosopher, died yesterday 10 October 2018 at the age of 99. For her, as for our father Geoffr… - 6 years ago

@QMULsed: RT @ShahidhaBari: Here's @BBCFreeThinking with @AlexClark3 wild about #Milkman for @ManBookerPrize, @parenthesis_in on women in philosophy… - 6 years ago

@ScoFle: Only saw her once - clever, sharp, old-fashioned (in a good way) and brilliant. - 6 years ago

@FionaBeveridge1: RT @LiverpoolPhilos: Read more about Mary Midgley and the research project behind Rachael Wiseman's @parenthesis_in appearance on @BBCFreeT… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Mary Midgley, 99, Moral Philosopher for the General Reader, Is Dead - 6 years ago

@BoltonsMotors: RT @ShahidhaBari: Here's @BBCFreeThinking with @AlexClark3 wild about #Milkman for @ManBookerPrize, @parenthesis_in on women in philosophy… - 6 years ago

@stbarnabasUK: @summeroflove85 We really do need more thinking. We are getting so much emoting with a few rationalisations for dec… - 6 years ago

@trellism: Nobody's heard of Mary Midgley, motherfuckers - 6 years ago

@AJMagicMessage: PLEASE tell me Mary Midgley's middle name was Mungo? - 6 years ago

@oldandrewuk: I voted Mary Midgley. - 6 years ago

@ce_pickles: RT @peterfranklin_: Mary Midgley RIP A beautiful tribute from @giles_fraser - 6 years ago

@IAI_TV: "It is up to us to weave Mary’s work into our intellectual lives and in doing so make it part of a continuous share… - 6 years ago

@SFUphilosophy: Mary Midgley, 99, Moral Philosopher for the General Reader, Is Dead - 6 years ago

@Justicecombats: RT @BdGEORGES: Mary Midgley, 99, Moral Philosopher for the General Reader, Is Dead "In place of “reductionistic” worldview, she proposed a… - 6 years ago

@SUC04932306: RT @BdGEORGES: Mary Midgley, 99, Moral Philosopher for the General Reader, Is Dead "In place of “reductionistic” worldview, she proposed a… - 6 years ago

@BdGEORGES: Mary Midgley, 99, Moral Philosopher for the General Reader, Is Dead "In place of “reductionistic” worldview, she pr… - 6 years ago

@torrHL: RT @againstutopia: "It turns out that the evils which have infested religion are not confined to it, but are ones that can accompany any su… - 6 years ago

@Phuetthawan: RT @IAI_TV: In memory of Mary Midgley: A philosopher of peerless conviction, whose work dared to make sense of 'this deeply puzzling world'… - 6 years ago

@rosen_deborah: RT @simplycharly: Mary Midgley, 99, Moral Philosopher for the General Reader, Is Dead - 6 years ago

@margaretmasson: RT @giles_fraser: Thank you to the wonderful Mary Midgley, RIP. - 6 years ago

@alizinha: RT @againstutopia: "It turns out that the evils which have infested religion are not confined to it, but are ones that can accompany any su… - 6 years ago

@frankenbeanies: RT @nytimesbooks: Mary Midgley, a moral philosopher who became an accessible, persistent and sometimes witty critic of the view that modern… - 6 years ago

@Denize_Tan: Mary Midgley, 99, Moral Philosopher for the General Reader, Is Dead - The New York Times - 6 years ago

@omniaomnibus: Obituary - Mary Midgley, philosopher - 6 years ago

@MichaelChaplin2: RIP Mary Midgley 1919-2018: teacher, writer, philosopher, mother, fellow citizen of this great city. Once had the p… - 6 years ago

@gkogkas: RT @LiverpoolPhilos: Read more about Mary Midgley and the research project behind Rachael Wiseman's @parenthesis_in appearance on @BBCFreeT… - 6 years ago

@simplycharly: Mary Midgley, 99, Moral Philosopher for the General Reader, Is Dead - 6 years ago

@LiverpoolPhilos: Read more about Mary Midgley and the research project behind Rachael Wiseman's @parenthesis_in appearance on… - 6 years ago

@mattculley8: RT @giles_fraser: Thank you to the wonderful Mary Midgley, RIP. - 6 years ago

@benrilot: How Mary Midgley rescued me - 6 years ago

@owlbitar: RT @JTasioulas: 'Dr. Midgley took pains to distinguish between the important contributions of science and the philosophy of “scientism,” in… - 6 years ago

@Tinadezordi: RT @UniofNewcastle: We are saddened by the death of one of the country's leading contemporary philosophers, senior lecturer and @nclpeals h… - 6 years ago

@_MaryEds: RT @SWIP_I: A lovely obituary for Mary Midgley who sadly passed away this week. Pls feel free to share to commemorate this important woman… - 6 years ago

@SemiGolem: RT @mrkocnnll: RIP Mary Midgley, whose death just ended Stephen Hawking's honeymoon period in heaven - 6 years ago

@JackBicker: RT @JoWolffBSG: The sad death of Mary Midgley reminds us of the 'golden generation' of British female philosophers. But don't forget the lo… - 6 years ago

@michaelujacobs: RT @martin_oneill: Wonderful, informative obituary of Mary Midgeley, by Jane Heal (another important British philosopher who had worked at… - 6 years ago

@jackshebang: - 6 years ago

@jpollard72: @philosophersmag ‘Can’t We Make Moral Judgements?’ by Mary Midgley is a gem of a book. - 6 years ago

@syzlzj520: RT @UniofNewcastle: We are saddened by the death of one of the country's leading contemporary philosophers, senior lecturer and @nclpeals h… - 6 years ago

@cindyfsolomon: RT @PhilosophyMttrs: BREAKING : British philosopher Mary Midgley has died. Here is a prfile piece from a couple years ago .... Mary Midg… - 6 years ago

@KeepJesClean: RT @UniofNewcastle: We are saddened by the death of one of the country's leading contemporary philosophers, senior lecturer and @nclpeals h… - 6 years ago

@SmnRppn: RT @JoWolffBSG: The sad death of Mary Midgley reminds us of the 'golden generation' of British female philosophers. But don't forget the lo… - 6 years ago

@DrJLHazelton: RT @SomervilleOx: As the @Telegraph wrote in its review of The Solitary Self, she came from a "formidable generation of women philosophers"… - 6 years ago

@sealld4: RT @philosophersmag: In 2011 Mary Midgley, author of "The Solitary Self: Darwin and the Selfish Gene" wrote an essay, "The Mythology of Sel… - 6 years ago

@SomervilleOx: As the @Telegraph wrote in its review of The Solitary Self, she came from a "formidable generation of women philoso… - 6 years ago

@FiDaisyG: RT @SomervilleOx: A lovely obituary in the @guardian of Mary Midgley (1938, Lit. Hum.) praises her sharp critical intelligence and "gift fo… - 6 years ago

@SomervilleOx: A lovely obituary in the @guardian of Mary Midgley (1938, Lit. Hum.) praises her sharp critical intelligence and "g… - 6 years ago

@BookWorksNYC: Mary Midgley obituary - 6 years ago

@bdmcclay: what did Mary Midgley do to the book laying out profession - 6 years ago

@JefDelvaux: RT @JoWolffBSG: The sad death of Mary Midgley reminds us of the 'golden generation' of British female philosophers. But don't forget the lo… - 6 years ago

@LeifWenar: RT @JoWolffBSG: The sad death of Mary Midgley reminds us of the 'golden generation' of British female philosophers. But don't forget the lo… - 6 years ago

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