Marvin Creamer

American sailor.
Died on Friday August 14th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Marvin Creamer:

@RunBeansRun: RT @RowanNews: A Marv-elous life: @RowanUniversity (#GlassboroStateCollege) Prof./alumnus Marvin Creamer, who sailed around the world witho… - 5 years ago

@Windreka309: Marvin Creamer, Rowan professor who circled the globe, dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@Windreka309: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@yesvcan1: RT @TuckerGoodrich: Yep. "From everything I’ve read, the ancients didn’t feel uncomfortable out there... I felt they might have known what… - 5 years ago


@JimType1: RT @TuckerGoodrich: Yep. "From everything I’ve read, the ancients didn’t feel uncomfortable out there... I felt they might have known what… - 5 years ago

@LowSulfurBunker: RT @PortSideNewYork: He sailed the oceans without gadgets, electronics, NOT EVEN A COMPASS. #Maritime #sailing #boating - 5 years ago

@PortSideNewYork: He sailed the oceans without gadgets, electronics, NOT EVEN A COMPASS. #Maritime #sailing #boating - 5 years ago

@richardl23: RT @Interim_Execs: This is true #grit: Marvin Creamer sailed around the world without compass, sextant, GPS – all by star navigation, waves… - 5 years ago

@TuckerGoodrich: Yep. "From everything I’ve read, the ancients didn’t feel uncomfortable out there... I felt they might have known… - 5 years ago

@JillAnanyi: I salute this pioneering geographer who proved that a thorough knowledge of the planet can prepare you for many thi… - 5 years ago

@shaindlin: Crafty people, those geographers. RIP Marvin Creamer. Amazing story. (cc: @GlobalHigherEd ) - 5 years ago

@Interim_Execs: This is true #grit: Marvin Creamer sailed around the world without compass, sextant, GPS – all by star navigation,… - 5 years ago

@WilliamGMoseley: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@DrakeMartin5: - 5 years ago

@TorreyBenware: Quite a good read. Especially if you're looking to escape politics for a few minutes. - 5 years ago

@andrecsa: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@EazyCadet: Marvin Creamer, Dies at 104, Circumnavigated Without Navigational Instruments - 5 years ago

@alanemtage: At 104, an impressive ancient Ancients' Mariner. Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@EazyCadet: Marvin Creamer, Dies at 104, Circumnavigated Without Navigational Instruments - 5 years ago

@reastman: Interesting life story. “Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104”, - 5 years ago

@at_RIN: Very sad to hear of the death of Marvin Creamer, an exceptional navigator. - 5 years ago

@mainamausi: RT @oceanhistories: In 1984, this geographer circumnavigated without navigational instruments. He once said, “It is almost an obligation to… - 5 years ago

@TheSignOfFive: RT @oceanhistories: In 1984, this geographer circumnavigated without navigational instruments. He once said, “It is almost an obligation to… - 5 years ago

@BostonGlobe: Marvin Creamer, a mariner who sailed like the ancients, 104 - 5 years ago

@thought4daily: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@ExpertsRock: - 5 years ago

@GlobeMetro: Marvin Creamer, a mariner who sailed like the ancients, 104 - 5 years ago

@HL_Robertson: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@darrenklein: @tkawaja This article reminded me of your tweet: - 5 years ago

@OZmandia: RT @ptrtwtr: Most people now can't navigate across town without a phone. He didn't even have a compass, around the globe. Hats off to Marv… - 5 years ago

@kenlacovara: RT @ExplorersClub: Another explorer has gone to higher exploration. We are sad to share the passing of mariner and TEC Fellow, Marvin Cream… - 5 years ago

@dougheinz: RT @ExplorersClub: Another explorer has gone to higher exploration. We are sad to share the passing of mariner and TEC Fellow, Marvin Cream… - 5 years ago

@MichaelHueser: RT @ExplorersClub: Another explorer has gone to higher exploration. We are sad to share the passing of mariner and TEC Fellow, Marvin Cream… - 5 years ago

@OfficialBLLR: RT @ExplorersClub: Another explorer has gone to higher exploration. We are sad to share the passing of mariner and TEC Fellow, Marvin Cream… - 5 years ago

@ExplorersClub: Another explorer has gone to higher exploration. We are sad to share the passing of mariner and TEC Fellow, Marvin… - 5 years ago

@madsen34geog: - 5 years ago

@GEO_Henosis: Be a #Geographer, live to 104! (Past results may not indicate future ones) Marvin Creamer, a #Mariner Who Sailed Li… - 5 years ago

@NathanHam87: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@ptrtwtr: Most people now can't navigate across town without a phone. He didn't even have a compass, around the globe. Hats… - 5 years ago

@rtroth2946: The greatest adventurer you've never heard of. God's Speed Ancient Mariner. - 5 years ago

@blawgg: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104: No GPS for him, not even a sextant; the sun an… - 5 years ago

@AfloatMagazine: RT @AfloatMagazine: Extreme Navigator Marvin Creamer Found Ireland a Helpful Connection - 5 years ago

@EazyCadet: Marvin Creamer, Dies at 104, Circumnavigated Without Navigational Instruments - 5 years ago

@craigmatsuda: RT @KennethTuran: I never heard of Marvin Creamer, but his story is flat out amazing: he sailed around the world without any navigational… - 5 years ago

@g8ge: RT @barrieauthor: The death of a legend. Hats off. #MarvinCreamer , who sailed around the world without navigational instruments. https… - 5 years ago

@EazyCadet: Marvin Creamer, Dies at 104, Circumnavigated Without Navigational Instruments - 5 years ago

@wbrownstone: - 5 years ago

@EazyCadet: Marvin Creamer, Dies at 104, Circumnavigated Without Navigational Instruments - 5 years ago

@EazyCadet: Marvin Creamer, Dies at 104, Circumnavigated Without Navigational Instruments - 5 years ago

@EazyCadet: Marvin Creamer, Dies at 104, Circumnavigated Without Navigational Instruments - 5 years ago

@jordanivey20: simply incredible - 5 years ago

@swcopestake: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 We'll need skills like… - 5 years ago

@DanBree91158354: RT @AndrewSErickson: "His expertise helped him become a history-making mariner, the 1st recorded person to sail round the world without nav… - 5 years ago

@rottenbanana101: RT @AndrewSErickson: "His expertise helped him become a history-making mariner, the 1st recorded person to sail round the world without nav… - 5 years ago

@j71623767: @tahrman RIP # salute to Late Marvin Creamer - 5 years ago

@tahrman: Marvin Creamer, legendary mariner who sailed like the ancients has died at the age of 104 - 5 years ago

@ACPressMartucci: 📍 Vineland born Here for 💯 (and 4) years. Marvin Creamer’s zest for adventure, telling stories, geography and boat… - 5 years ago

@KanetakisGiorgi: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@AndrewOHazard: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104. - 5 years ago

@Wades_World18: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@mottocto: RT @ssataline: A tour de force in the art of being human, adventurous, confident, not to mention a worldclass chronicle of obituary as art.… - 5 years ago

@ssataline: A tour de force in the art of being human, adventurous, confident, not to mention a worldclass chronicle of obituar… - 5 years ago

@DrCarbon4: RT @RowanNews: A Marv-elous life: @RowanUniversity (#GlassboroStateCollege) Prof./alumnus Marvin Creamer, who sailed around the world witho… - 5 years ago

@Livid2point0: Marvin Creamer, Rowan professor who circled the globe, dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@jcl68nyr: RT @NYTObits: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational instrumen… - 5 years ago

@kipaimara: RT @RowanNews: A Marv-elous life: @RowanUniversity (#GlassboroStateCollege) Prof./alumnus Marvin Creamer, who sailed around the world witho… - 5 years ago

@LoveofMaths1: RT @NYTScience: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational instrum… - 5 years ago

@LyndaRVA_UAP: RT @NYTScience: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational instrum… - 5 years ago

@NYTScience: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational… - 5 years ago

@donnatarts: RT @NYTObits: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational instrumen… - 5 years ago

@benbellows: “It is almost an obligation to know the planet one lives on,” Professor Creamer told The Daily Journal of Vineland… - 5 years ago

@jmcohen9: What a badass. After sailing around the world w/out a compass said “one small step back for mankind.” Marvin Creame… - 5 years ago

@enmodo: Marvin Creamer died last week at 104. He was the first recorded person to sail around the world without instrument… - 5 years ago

@rowanlibraries: RT @RowanNews: A Marv-elous life: @RowanUniversity (#GlassboroStateCollege) Prof./alumnus Marvin Creamer, who sailed around the world witho… - 5 years ago

@ForensicPsyMD: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@BBullard7: RT @RowanNews: A Marv-elous life: @RowanUniversity (#GlassboroStateCollege) Prof./alumnus Marvin Creamer, who sailed around the world witho… - 5 years ago

@jjkettlewell: - 5 years ago

@DeborahAcosta: He sailed around the world using only the signals that nature provided, confident that if ancient cultures could do… - 5 years ago

@mhgatti: Hoping @RowanUniversity names their future Discovery Hall for this man. - 5 years ago

@HelenIatrou: Must-read for fellow sailors: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 via @nytimes - 5 years ago

@uptonbell: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@sailonmiami: RT @uptonbell: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@uptonbell: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@RowanAlumni: RT @RowanNews: A Marv-elous life: @RowanUniversity (#GlassboroStateCollege) Prof./alumnus Marvin Creamer, who sailed around the world witho… - 5 years ago

@CCTabet: RT @TylerWS: What an utterly marvelous life - 5 years ago

@edteck: What a story! No GPS for him, not even a sextant; the sun and the stars did nicely. He was the first recorded perso… - 5 years ago

@Fazman19: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@MarvLBluechip: R.I.P. Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@DEShellenberger: "He only used celestial navigation — the relative positions of the sun, moon, and stars — during his journey. His k… - 5 years ago

@bherbert83: #geography prof and apparently all around interesting guy - 5 years ago

@buffalin: 🎶 "And when I go, I wanna go like...Creamer!" 🎵 Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 10… - 5 years ago

@LDellevigne: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@jamesvlahos: My new hero. - 5 years ago

@ClayCollinsCSM: So, so worth the read. This man could geolocate, on open water, based on the creaking of a hatch. Just that dialed… - 5 years ago

@speedmaster: Marvin Creamer, Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 “No GPS for him, not even a sextant; the sun and… - 5 years ago

@vpolley: Amazing obit! “Had Marvin Creamer not been a geographer, he very likely would not have lived to be 104.” via… - 5 years ago

@billfaries: man, what a badass. Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@bretisrael: “Under cloud-massed skies, he could divine his location from the color and temperature of the water, the presence o… - 5 years ago

@drdesrochers: “People talk to me about courage. I don’t know anything about courage. All I knew was I just had to go out there an… - 5 years ago

@Scheopner: RT @zwirnm: What an absolute monster of an obituary - 5 years ago

@arizerg: RT @ShawnHils: having “widely considered unhinged” in your obit >> - 5 years ago

@zwirnm: What an absolute monster of an obituary - 5 years ago

@Moosewakker: WOW Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@jmartNYT: RT @ShawnHils: having “widely considered unhinged” in your obit >> - 5 years ago

@alvajmg: RT @sfastlicht: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@sfastlicht: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@ShawnHils: having “widely considered unhinged” in your obit >> - 5 years ago

@amalex5: RT @LeahLibresco: "As a condition laid down by Mrs. Creamer, he also carried a sextant, clock, compass and radio. Those instruments, howeve… - 5 years ago

@USCX1954: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@calvinhilton: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@uistkunstist: RT @oceanhistories: In 1984, this geographer circumnavigated without navigational instruments. He once said, “It is almost an obligation to… - 5 years ago

@AgeofIrony: RT @jasoncfry: This is amazing, jaw-dropping and a thoroughly enjoyable read. - 5 years ago

@avecsesdoigts: RT @2WintersWoods: “I don’t know anything about courage. All I knew was I just had to go out there and try it.” Marvin Creamer, a Mariner… - 5 years ago

@barrygoldman1: RT @oceanhistories: In 1984, this geographer circumnavigated without navigational instruments. He once said, “It is almost an obligation to… - 5 years ago

@danaufer514: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@rgrichardson52: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 – The New York Times - 5 years ago

@therealstellene: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@danaufer514: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@MarylkaMP: Marvin Creamer (January 24, 1916 – August 12, 2020) MEET 103-YEAR-OLD MARVIN CREAMER Local sailor recalls his jour… - 5 years ago

@2WintersWoods: “I don’t know anything about courage. All I knew was I just had to go out there and try it.” Marvin Creamer, a Mar… - 5 years ago

@dbergheger: RT @rednosestudio: As a landlocked Hoosier, i can hardly imagine sailing let alone navigating like the ancients. -> Marvin Creamer, a Marin… - 5 years ago

@natematias: RT @oceanhistories: In 1984, this geographer circumnavigated without navigational instruments. He once said, “It is almost an obligation to… - 5 years ago

@_AllysonSchultz: "Under cloud-massed skies, he could divine his location from the color and temperature of the water, the presence o… - 5 years ago

@paceebene: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@dedalusdenaries: RT @oceanhistories: In 1984, this geographer circumnavigated without navigational instruments. He once said, “It is almost an obligation to… - 5 years ago

@RyanReclaim1: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@jackmalcolm: What a fascinating story: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@StevenStashwick: RT @oceanhistories: In 1984, this geographer circumnavigated without navigational instruments. He once said, “It is almost an obligation to… - 5 years ago

@BrynneMawr: “He chose instead to rely on his deep knowledge of the planet and its vagaries, and be guided by nothing more than… - 5 years ago

@paulgoldberger: What a magnificent story, about a magnificent life: a man both bold and humble, whose curiosity and good nature pro… - 5 years ago

@almostinfamous: RT @oceanhistories: In 1984, this geographer circumnavigated without navigational instruments. He once said, “It is almost an obligation to… - 5 years ago

@wyolibrarian: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@feathersong: RT @kitchen5203: This! Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@leafwarbler: RT @oceanhistories: In 1984, this geographer circumnavigated without navigational instruments. He once said, “It is almost an obligation to… - 5 years ago

@Steve_Holcombe: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@MiriamGoldste: RT @oceanhistories: In 1984, this geographer circumnavigated without navigational instruments. He once said, “It is almost an obligation to… - 5 years ago

@oceanhistories: In 1984, this geographer circumnavigated without navigational instruments. He once said, “It is almost an obligatio… - 5 years ago

@madcook1723: RT @kitchen5203: This! Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@Betterw05759703: RT @kitchen5203: This! Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@misener_patti: RT @kitchen5203: This! Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@marvymuse: RT @kitchen5203: This! Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@Perrymanlobby: “How awful to die and never know what’s over the hill.” - Professor Marvin Creamer - 5 years ago

@taitmaps: An amazing Geographer’s life story. via @NYTimes #geography - 5 years ago

@gwenjones25: Hey @NJGov - 5 years ago

@pmnatural: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@CaptDavidRyan: RT @Soundbounder: - 5 years ago

@Soundbounder: - 5 years ago

@seth_prince: “As a condition laid down by Mrs. Creamer, he also carried a sextant, clock, compass and radio. Those instruments,… - 5 years ago

@MurrMarie: Take that GPS! Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@ofriel: "He married Elaine Gillam in 2010." - 5 years ago

@FelixThePest: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@jamie_saris: Creamer’s circumnavigation may be the most impressive Western sailing feat since Bligh rescued his crew. I have no… - 5 years ago

@JHSurvival: RT @barrieauthor: The death of a legend. Hats off. #MarvinCreamer , who sailed around the world without navigational instruments. https… - 5 years ago

@cappydave: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@Lordoflongitude: RT @barrieauthor: The death of a legend. Hats off. #MarvinCreamer , who sailed around the world without navigational instruments. https… - 5 years ago

@Leeday22: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@barrieauthor: The death of a legend. Hats off. #MarvinCreamer , who sailed around the world without navigational instruments. - 5 years ago

@lyuinkuku: "Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104" by BY MARGALIT FOX via NYT - 5 years ago

@jennymoatl: RT @NYTNational: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational instru… - 5 years ago

@BrianLemaire2: - 5 years ago

@ppscslv: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@kawmstar: RT @NYTNational: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational instru… - 5 years ago

@shyduroff: RT @NYTObits: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational instrumen… - 5 years ago

@robertovilleda0: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@rocketboy76: Some of you know that I have a thing for reading obituaries in the NYTimes. This is one of the best I've read in a… - 5 years ago

@jmbrown85: RT @NYTNational: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational instru… - 5 years ago

@profkakie: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@Ballblom: RT @NYTNational: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational instru… - 5 years ago

@NYTNational: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational… - 5 years ago

@jasoncfry: This is amazing, jaw-dropping and a thoroughly enjoyable read. - 5 years ago

@yalielkin: RT @jaynordlinger: Fascinating. Spellbinding. Smart, smart dude, and brave, too. - 5 years ago

@jrterrier5: RT @jaynordlinger: Fascinating. Spellbinding. Smart, smart dude, and brave, too. - 5 years ago

@bradfordmoore: Inspiring... “Professor Creamer continued sailing well into his 90s. In later years, he owned a boat that came equi… - 5 years ago

@LisaIronTongue: Pretty sure that @margalitfox snuck a song quotation into an obit than ran today, but darned if I can figure out wh… - 5 years ago

@M_Sweeney_1: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Lived Life For 104 Years - 5 years ago

@Jg_pearce: RT @NYTObits: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational instrumen… - 5 years ago

@Protect_Biodiv: I'm surprised to not have heard of the amazing Prof. Creamer earlier: - 5 years ago

@getonwithsports: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@DreaminCaliLife: RT @NYTMetro: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner who hailed from New Jersey, the first recorded person to sail round the world wit… - 5 years ago

@NYTMetro: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner who hailed from New Jersey, the first recorded person to sail round the… - 5 years ago

@JustJenKing: RT @margalitfox: Who needs a compass to sail round the world? Who needs a sextant? Not Marvin Creamer, who had the sun in the morning and t… - 5 years ago

@feedinggroom: RT @NYTObits: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational instrumen… - 5 years ago

@obituarywriter: RT @margalitfox: Who needs a compass to sail round the world? Who needs a sextant? Not Marvin Creamer, who had the sun in the morning and t… - 5 years ago

@margalitfox: Who needs a compass to sail round the world? Who needs a sextant? Not Marvin Creamer, who had the sun in the mornin… - 5 years ago

@SFBayTide: RT @NYTObits: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational instrumen… - 5 years ago

@GVlasuk: Amazing mariner-Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@Noted_Lives: RT @NYTObits: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational instrumen… - 5 years ago

@knitmeapony: RT @NYTObits: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational instrumen… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Marvin Creamer was a history-making mariner, the first recorded person to sail round the world without navigational… - 5 years ago

@NewYorkSEO123: Marvin Creamer, a Mariner Who Sailed Like the Ancients, Dies at 104 - 5 years ago

@IowaViewer: RT @GrahamDavidA: Baller - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Dr. Marvin Charles CREAMER (1916-2020), American college professor and sailor. Between December 21, 1982, a… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Marvin Creamer, you will be missed - #MarvinCreamer #Marvin #Creamer #rip - 5 years ago

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