Martin Wesley-Smith

Australian composer
Died on Friday September 27th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Martin Wesley-Smith:

@russellbrigby: @Nawlins_Embassy Sam Mills & the entire Dome Patrol, Sammy Knight, the Beer Man, dalton hillard, Kyle Turley, Glove… - 5 years ago

@RosDunlop: Martin Wesley-Smith Welcome to the Hotel Turismo cello Julia Ryder - 5 years ago

@RosDunlop: Martin Wesley-Smith Merry Go Round clarinet Ros Dunlop Cello Julia Ryder - 5 years ago

@RosDunlop: Martin Wesley-Smith Papua Merdeka bass clarinet Ros Dunlop - 5 years ago


@RosDunlop: Martin Wesley-Smith Tekee Tokee Tomak 2002 clarinet Ros Dunlop - 5 years ago

@RosDunlop: Martin Wesley-Smith VENCEREMOS! 1984 - revised 1997 for computer - 5 years ago

@RosDunlop: Martin Wesley-Smith, Weapons of Mass Distortion 2003 clarinet Ros Dunlop - 5 years ago

@RosDunlop: Martin Wesley-Smith X for clarinet and audiovisuals clarinet Ros Dunlop - 5 years ago

@oliverburn: RT @jedws: Martin Wesley-Smith (1945-2019) - composer, activist, pioneer : Feature Article : Australian Music Centre - 5 years ago

@brunowaters: RT @BernardZuel: A reminder, from WindBackWednesday, of why the death of Martin Wesley-Smith last week left a deep hole in the lives of mus… - 5 years ago

@BernardZuel: A reminder, from WindBackWednesday, of why the death of Martin Wesley-Smith last week left a deep hole in the lives… - 5 years ago

@jedws: Martin Wesley-Smith (1945-2019) - composer, activist, pioneer : Feature Article : Australian Music Centre - 5 years ago

@BernardZuel: A look at the mark left by Martin Wesley-Smith, composer/teacher who "was always willing to challenge the prevailin… - 5 years ago

@jedws: RT @sydchamberchoir: Remembering Martin Wesley-Smith (1945 - 2019) - 5 years ago

@jedws: RT @ashleighbwilson: Remembering Martin Wesley-Smith. - 5 years ago

@ashleighbwilson: Remembering Martin Wesley-Smith. - 5 years ago

@theamandaread: RT @ABCClassic: Vale Australian composer Martin Wesley-Smith. ABC Classic's Martin Buzacott and Stephen Adams pay tribute to his life and m… - 5 years ago

@sydchamberchoir: Remembering Martin Wesley-Smith (1945 - 2019) - 5 years ago

@CIassicalMusic: Classical music news. Obituary - 5 years ago

@jolitson: RT @composer_chris: "He could have stayed in London to become a professional banjo-player" Vale Martin Wesley-Smith. The first composer I e… - 5 years ago

@antiselfdual: RT @jedws: Martin Wesley-Smith (1945-2019) - composer, activist, pioneer : Feature Article : Australian Music Centre - 5 years ago

@jedws: RT @BernardZuel: A look at the mark left by Martin Wesley-Smith, composer/teacher who "was always willing to challenge the prevailing attit… - 5 years ago

@westpapuamedia: RT @angeladewan: So sad to hear of Martin Wesley-Smith's passing. I had the honour of attending a lesson of his at the University of Sydney… - 5 years ago

@angeladewan: So sad to hear of Martin Wesley-Smith's passing. I had the honour of attending a lesson of his at the University of… - 5 years ago

@MaestroGabriele: RT @composer_chris: "He could have stayed in London to become a professional banjo-player" Vale Martin Wesley-Smith. The first composer I e… - 5 years ago

@algomusic: Vale Martin Wesley-Smith. Vincent Plush pays tribute to the pioneering Australian composer, who died at the age of… - 5 years ago

@3mbschoral: RT @Fordwritesmusic: Martin Wesley-Smith has died and on tomorrow’s Music Show, Vincent Plush and I remember him and his music @RadioNation… - 5 years ago

@RochfordSReview: Vale: Martin Wesley-Smith - 5 years ago

@LimelightEd: RT @composer_chris: "He could have stayed in London to become a professional banjo-player" Vale Martin Wesley-Smith. The first composer I e… - 5 years ago

@LimelightEd: RT @LimelightEd: "A proud family-man, an inspirational teacher, a passionate joiner of causes, a political and environmental activist, an i… - 5 years ago

@TimorNews: RT @TimorNews: Martin Wesley-Smith has died - ETAN - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Martin WESLEY-SMITH, AM (1945-2019), Australian composer with an eclectic output ranging from children's son… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Singer Jose Jose; writer Sol Stein; barber Anthony Mancinelli; composer Martin Wesley-Smith; pi… - 5 years ago

@maelduin_ross: RT @composer_chris: "He could have stayed in London to become a professional banjo-player" Vale Martin Wesley-Smith. The first composer I e… - 5 years ago

@sydneycon: RT @composer_chris: "He could have stayed in London to become a professional banjo-player" Vale Martin Wesley-Smith. The first composer I e… - 5 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Martin Wesley-Smith (74) Australian composer - 5 years ago

@composer_chris: "He could have stayed in London to become a professional banjo-player" Vale Martin Wesley-Smith. The first composer… - 5 years ago

@jedws: RT @ausmusiccentre: 'I have no problem with anyone writing whatever they feel they must. In fact I insist they do, for if music doesn't com… - 5 years ago

@jedws: RT @leech_peter: @MusicaVivaAU Vale Martin Wesley-Smith. It was a great honour and privilege to conduct and record Quito. So long ago now,… - 5 years ago

@TimorNews: Martin Wesley-Smith has died - ETAN - 5 years ago

@LarsenWill: RT @gordonkerry: Martin Wesley-Smith has died. Lovely tribute from Vincent Plush. - 5 years ago

@MediaActive: Vale Martin-Wesley Smith. #music #composition #arts ⁦@ABCClassic⁩ - 5 years ago

@3mbschoral: RT @MusicaVivaAU: Vale Martin Wesley-Smith, who passed away yesterday at the age of 74. Martin was a remarkable Australian composer, whose… - 5 years ago

@annagregarious: Australian composer Martin Wesley-Smith has died - 5 years ago

@leech_peter: RT @MusicaVivaAU: Vale Martin Wesley-Smith, who passed away yesterday at the age of 74. Martin was a remarkable Australian composer, whose… - 5 years ago

@leech_peter: @MusicaVivaAU Vale Martin Wesley-Smith. It was a great honour and privilege to conduct and record Quito. So long ag… - 5 years ago

@MarieCo92176893: RT @ChrisEgginton: Vale. Martin Wesley-Smith has died - 5 years ago

@ChrisEgginton: Vale. Martin Wesley-Smith has died - 5 years ago

@SumikoYamamura: RT @LimelightEd: "A proud family-man, an inspirational teacher, a passionate joiner of causes, a political and environmental activist, an i… - 5 years ago

@TessSaidSo: RT @MusicaVivaAU: Vale Martin Wesley-Smith, who passed away yesterday at the age of 74. Martin was a remarkable Australian composer, whose… - 5 years ago

@LarsenWill: RT @MusicaVivaAU: Vale Martin Wesley-Smith, who passed away yesterday at the age of 74. Martin was a remarkable Australian composer, whose… - 5 years ago

@goldnerquartet: RT @AusEnsemble: Sad news this morning at the passing of Martin Wesley-Smith. The ensemble championed his music and will be performing one… - 5 years ago

@LarsenWill: RT @Fordwritesmusic: Martin Wesley-Smith has died and on tomorrow’s Music Show, Vincent Plush and I remember him and his music @RadioNation… - 5 years ago

@MsDiMona: RT @catahope: Vale Martin Wesley-Smith (1945-2019) - composer, activist and pioneer of Australian electronic music. I fondly remember meeti… - 5 years ago

@_simonbiggs_: RT @catahope: Vale Martin Wesley-Smith (1945-2019) - composer, activist and pioneer of Australian electronic music. I fondly remember meeti… - 5 years ago

@jolitson: A lovely piece by Vincent Plush remembering his good friend, composer Martin Wesley-Smith. - 5 years ago

@LeighVaughanV1: RT @ABCClassic: Vale Australian composer Martin Wesley-Smith. ABC Classic's Martin Buzacott and Stephen Adams pay tribute to his life and m… - 5 years ago

@jimmykeane808: RT @KeithConlon: Very sad to lose an old friend, Martin Wesley-Smith AM. A brilliant composer, teacher, activist and contributor to the Aus… - 5 years ago

@TasSymphony: RT @AusEnsemble: We’ll be performing “Invention” by Martin Wesley-Smith in this concert. A glimpse into this composer’s warmth as a human.… - 5 years ago

@TasSymphony: RT @MusicaVivaAU: Vale Martin Wesley-Smith, who passed away yesterday at the age of 74. Martin was a remarkable Australian composer, whose… - 5 years ago

@TasSymphony: RT @LimelightEd: "A proud family-man, an inspirational teacher, a passionate joiner of causes, a political and environmental activist, an i… - 5 years ago

@KellyLovelady: RT @LimelightEd: "A proud family-man, an inspirational teacher, a passionate joiner of causes, a political and environmental activist, an i… - 5 years ago

@pulseonapath: RT @Fordwritesmusic: Martin Wesley-Smith has died and on tomorrow’s Music Show, Vincent Plush and I remember him and his music @RadioNation… - 5 years ago

@pulseonapath: RT @ABCClassic: Vale Australian composer Martin Wesley-Smith. ABC Classic's Martin Buzacott and Stephen Adams pay tribute to his life and m… - 5 years ago

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