Martin Sandoval

American politician
Died on Saturday December 5th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Martin Sandoval:

@Fco_Morales_H: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@Martin_MDRAGON: El apoyo a las instituciones de educación superior es urgente. La designación del Dr. Arturo Reyes Sandoval es un b… - 4 years ago

@ImagenRadioGdl: RT @Imagen_Mx: 🔴Alianza Federalista analiza comprar sus propias vacunas @beltrandelrio conversa sobre el tema con Martín Orozco Sandoval (… - 4 years ago

@estrella_gus: RT @Imagen_Mx: 🔴Alianza Federalista analiza comprar sus propias vacunas @beltrandelrio conversa sobre el tema con Martín Orozco Sandoval (… - 4 years ago


@Imagen_Mx: 🔴Alianza Federalista analiza comprar sus propias vacunas @beltrandelrio conversa sobre el tema con Martín Orozco S… - 4 years ago

@Oo21Fernando: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@MarioTrevinoM: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@KKazzari: RT @Imagen_Mx: #ALAIRE en #PrimeraEmisión, @beltrandelrio conversa con Martín Orozco Sandoval (@MartinOrozcoAgs), gobernador de Aguascali… - 4 years ago

@Imagen_Mx: #ALAIRE en #PrimeraEmisión, @beltrandelrio conversa con Martín Orozco Sandoval (@MartinOrozcoAgs), gobernador de… - 4 years ago

@Figumal70: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@Kikep72: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@Dogbikers: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@MABnadal: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@miguelon777777: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@sipovi: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@JoseCarrillo54: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@JA_Tinoco_M: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@niroautomotriz: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@drmiguelramirez: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@heraldoags: #PorSiTeLoPerdiste #Aguascalientes está listo para la compra de vacunas contra el #COVID19 y la lucha para lograr q… - 4 years ago

@fcomendoza: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@susy_lore: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@lagugosi123: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@ABCadanblanco: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@fernandomonroy0: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@1stFanofChicago: RT @cbschicago: Funeral Services Held For Former Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval, Who Died Of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@francis49627077: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@erickarsi: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@jlmanrique1: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@planetasano: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@cbschicago: Funeral Services Held For Former Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval, Who Died Of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@HorrendiraB: @martibatres @Irma_Sandoval @SanAmilcar Aiñ! Muchas gracias Martín, que bonitas palabras nos dedicaste, sólo te rec… - 4 years ago

@objetivo7: Cruda neoliberal La cruda neoliberal de Martín Orozco Sandoval. - 4 years ago

@samuelmoreno5: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@madiazt: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@m_logivida: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@denise070983: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@2310_lm: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@reyesc_fernando: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@drsantia69: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobernador… - 4 years ago

@AvancedeMorelos: El gobernador de Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval, aseguró que no existe ninguna ley que impida a los gobiern… - 4 years ago

@odiseoecal: @martibatres @Irma_Sandoval @SanAmilcar Gracias, seguimos vivos 16599 trabajadores con el único líder que nos dijo… - 4 years ago

@objetivo7: Cruda neoliberal La cruda neoliberal de Martín Orozco Sandoval. - 4 years ago

@betovaldevilla: RT @SalvadorZA: “A la #chingada los pacientes que no sean de #Aguascalientes”: Martín Orozco Sandoval, gobernador, al afirmar que no se ate… - 4 years ago

@mundoascenso: #PrimeraB #ZonaRevalida2 #Fecha2 Final del partido en el estadio #EduardoGallardon #LosAndes 1 (Minervino) -… - 4 years ago

@anarrigu: RT @recetasdecarol: IV Edición de #PulpoPasiónMadrid @pulpopasion Enhorabuena!! ganadores del Concurso a la mejor Tapa Mejor plato de pu… - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @lahoragt: #OpiniónEnLH Juan Francisco Sandoval y la FECI siguen en su esfuerzo de aplicar la ley, Mientras Consuelo Porras quedó en evi… - 4 years ago

@hidrocalidod: Martín Orozco Sandoval, se encuentra en la séptima posición en el listado de los mandatarios estatales que mayor ca… - 4 years ago

@alexterramotog2: @ElNopalTimes Esa es la vacuna para Martin Orozco Sandoval.. Aunque yo creo que diario se vacuna.. Diario anda pedo.. Jajajajaja. - 4 years ago

@Papageorge12L: RT @infodemiaMex: #FakeNewsAlert Es #Falso que habrá nuevo #cierre de #negocios en #Aguascalientes. El gobernador de la entidad, Martín Or… - 4 years ago

@crazysocialite2: RT @infodemiaMex: #FakeNewsAlert Es #Falso que habrá nuevo #cierre de #negocios en #Aguascalientes. El gobernador de la entidad, Martín Or… - 4 years ago

@Estigiaed: RT @infodemiaMex: #FakeNewsAlert Es #Falso que habrá nuevo #cierre de #negocios en #Aguascalientes. El gobernador de la entidad, Martín Or… - 4 years ago

@ricramt2010: RT @infodemiaMex: #FakeNewsAlert Es #Falso que habrá nuevo #cierre de #negocios en #Aguascalientes. El gobernador de la entidad, Martín Or… - 4 years ago

@Erickisback1: RT @infodemiaMex: #FakeNewsAlert Es #Falso que habrá nuevo #cierre de #negocios en #Aguascalientes. El gobernador de la entidad, Martín Or… - 4 years ago

@RanitaBots18: RT @infodemiaMex: #FakeNewsAlert Es #Falso que habrá nuevo #cierre de #negocios en #Aguascalientes. El gobernador de la entidad, Martín Or… - 4 years ago

@ClaudiaOnofreM1: RT @infodemiaMex: #FakeNewsAlert Es #Falso que habrá nuevo #cierre de #negocios en #Aguascalientes. El gobernador de la entidad, Martín Or… - 4 years ago

@Emigrass: RT @infodemiaMex: #FakeNewsAlert Es #Falso que habrá nuevo #cierre de #negocios en #Aguascalientes. El gobernador de la entidad, Martín Or… - 4 years ago

@editorialbalam: RT @infodemiaMex: #FakeNewsAlert Es #Falso que habrá nuevo #cierre de #negocios en #Aguascalientes. El gobernador de la entidad, Martín Or… - 4 years ago

@R_A_Rosas: RT @infodemiaMex: #FakeNewsAlert Es #Falso que habrá nuevo #cierre de #negocios en #Aguascalientes. El gobernador de la entidad, Martín Or… - 4 years ago

@molotovmx: RT @infodemiaMex: #FakeNewsAlert Es #Falso que habrá nuevo #cierre de #negocios en #Aguascalientes. El gobernador de la entidad, Martín Or… - 4 years ago

@NoemyColunga: RT @infodemiaMex: #FakeNewsAlert Es #Falso que habrá nuevo #cierre de #negocios en #Aguascalientes. El gobernador de la entidad, Martín Or… - 4 years ago

@solohemink: RT @infodemiaMex: #FakeNewsAlert Es #Falso que habrá nuevo #cierre de #negocios en #Aguascalientes. El gobernador de la entidad, Martín Or… - 4 years ago

@MARGARITOMX: RT @infodemiaMex: #FakeNewsAlert Es #Falso que habrá nuevo #cierre de #negocios en #Aguascalientes. El gobernador de la entidad, Martín Or… - 4 years ago

@infodemiaMex: #FakeNewsAlert Es #Falso que habrá nuevo #cierre de #negocios en #Aguascalientes. El gobernador de la entidad, Mar… - 4 years ago

@mar_cp81: @NicaPatriotico @JUNTOSP0DEMOS @CaSuarez1979 @Atego16 @DMatagalpa @chinita_nic @bol1941 @Jay_Clandestino… - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @cmendeza: En el mejor de los casos: el @MPguatemala careció de profesionalismo para contratar a una fiscam especial para investigar al… - 4 years ago

@objetivo7: Cruda neoliberal La cruda neoliberal de Martín Orozco Sandoval. - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @lahoragt: El jefe de la FECI, Juan Francisco Sandoval, indica que un total de 4 entidades entregaron sobornos a Erick Archila. Estos fu… - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @lahoragt: El detenido por narcotráfico, estaba acompañado por Karin Orellana, quien iba a ser la encargada de investigar las denuncias… - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @lahoragt: #URGENTE En un operativo fue detenido Erasmo Martínez Díaz, por delitos de narcoactividad, quien estaba acompañado de su pare… - 4 years ago

@carlosl75435286: @YaraGmez @FloryCantoR @taniasandinista @ElMachoAgueroR @NicaPatriotico @MarcosTPU @bol1941 @PrincesaPersa81… - 4 years ago

@NicolasSamuilov: RT @ArgentinaBoxing: ¡HOY ES EL DÍA! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑 Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schmitt 👑Título suda… - 4 years ago

@NicolasSamuilov: RT @ArgentinaBoxing: Tonight! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑 South American middleweight title 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schmitt 👑 South Ameri… - 4 years ago

@juliorascon77: RT @JavierAvelarUAA: Esta mañana tuve el orgullo de presentar al Gobernador del Estado, C.P. Martín Orozco Sandoval, el Centro Universitari… - 4 years ago

@Lucasbastida1: RT @ArgentinaBoxing: ¡HOY ES EL DÍA! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑 Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schmitt 👑Título suda… - 4 years ago

@ArgentinaBoxing: Tonight! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑 South American middleweight title 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schmitt 👑 South Am… - 4 years ago

@ArgentinaBoxing: ¡HOY ES EL DÍA! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑 Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schmitt 👑Título s… - 4 years ago

@SomosLJA: 🔥📇🔥 #LaPuriLJA | El anuncio de Martín Orozco Sandoval sobre utilizar un crédito de 200 millones para adquirir en la… - 4 years ago

@LaYuma_Sandoval: RT @PrincesaPersa81: #11Dic 42 Aniv. Tránsito a la inmortalidad del Padre y Cmte. Gaspar Garcia Laviana . "La opción de ser guerrillero lo… - 4 years ago

@LaYuma_Sandoval: RT @FloryCantoR: #11Dic Conmemoramos el 4️⃣2️⃣ aniversario del tránsito a otro plano de vida del sacerdote guerrillero Gaspar García Lavian… - 4 years ago

@LaYuma_Sandoval: RT @YaraGmez: Comandante "Martín" una inspiración para miles de jóvenes, que se integraron a la lucha contra Somoza. Hoy seguimos tu legado… - 4 years ago

@Sabirach: Estados con mayor índice de defunciones de ayer a hoy en función de su población, por COVID-19; 1.-CDMX (0.0000164… - 4 years ago

@MonteroNatan: RT @JavierAvelarUAA: Esta mañana tuve el orgullo de presentar al Gobernador del Estado, C.P. Martín Orozco Sandoval, el Centro Universitari… - 4 years ago

@Martinhdez66: RT @JavierAvelarUAA: Esta mañana tuve el orgullo de presentar al Gobernador del Estado, C.P. Martín Orozco Sandoval, el Centro Universitari… - 4 years ago

@ZERnoticias: El gobernador Martín Orozco Sandoval aseguró en rueda de prensa que se consolidará el proyecto del Circuito Exprés… - 4 years ago

@objetivo7: Cruda neoliberal La cruda neoliberal de Martín Orozco Sandoval. - 4 years ago

@JedudeTorres: RT @JavierAvelarUAA: Esta mañana tuve el orgullo de presentar al Gobernador del Estado, C.P. Martín Orozco Sandoval, el Centro Universitari… - 4 years ago

@okdjgs: RT @JavierAvelarUAA: Esta mañana tuve el orgullo de presentar al Gobernador del Estado, C.P. Martín Orozco Sandoval, el Centro Universitari… - 4 years ago

@JavierAvelarUAA: Esta mañana tuve el orgullo de presentar al Gobernador del Estado, C.P. Martín Orozco Sandoval, el Centro Universit… - 4 years ago

@elisrael17: @JLMNoticias @MartinOrozcoAgs Para eso quiere el préstamo el rata 🐀 MARTÍN OTZCO SANDOVAL así va a repartir la vacuna contra el COVID - 4 years ago

@lilo_sandoval: Mk que chimba ser fan de Taylor, saca discos todo el tiempo, en cambio el negro Mars que rogadera, hasta pa' que ac… - 4 years ago

@NicolasSamuilov: RT @ArgentinaBoxing: ¡1 día para Noche de Estrellas! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schmi… - 4 years ago

@ArgentinaBoxing: ¡1 día para Noche de Estrellas! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Sc… - 4 years ago

@objetivo7: Cruda neoliberal La cruda neoliberal de Martín Orozco Sandoval. - 4 years ago

@fili_casta: RT @heraldoags: El gobernador Martín Orozco Sandoval, precisó que por el momento está descartado un nuevo cierre de negocios como bares, r… - 4 years ago

@heraldoags: El gobernador Martín Orozco Sandoval, precisó que por el momento está descartado un nuevo cierre de negocios como… - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @roblesronaldo: El Secretario del MP, Ángel Pineda, reconoce que sí compartió esto, de Ricardo Méndez Ruiz, contra Juan Francisco Sandov… - 4 years ago

@wiiido_sandoval: @martin_zas Haceme la onda necesito uno - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @LuisMiguelReyes: Ángel Pineda trastrabilla intentando justificarse ante una notoria falta de imparcialidad que le señalan. Cada día se… - 4 years ago

@NicolasSamuilov: RT @ArgentinaBoxing: ¡2 días para Noche de Estrellas! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schm… - 4 years ago

@ArgentinaBoxing: ¡2 días para Noche de Estrellas! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo S… - 4 years ago

@don_arturo_15: @ASMexico Carlos Casarteli, Pablo Quattocci, "negro" Sandoval, el fraude de Martin Arzuaga y Leandro Romagnoli, el… - 4 years ago

@FABoxArg: RT @ArgentinaBoxing: ¡Noche de Estrellas el viernes! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schmi… - 4 years ago

@ZERnoticias: El gobernador del estado Martín Orozco Sandoval, realizó un recorrido de supervisión por el Corredor Tres Centurias… - 4 years ago

@FaridMaggiori: RT @ArgentinaBoxing: ¡Noche de Estrellas el viernes! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schmi… - 4 years ago

@Inforuralcommx: Habrá fuerte inversión agrícola en 2021: Martín Orozco Sandoval - 4 years ago

@Lucasbastida1: RT @ArgentinaBoxing: ¡Noche de Estrellas el viernes! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schmi… - 4 years ago

@NicolasSamuilov: RT @ArgentinaBoxing: ¡Noche de Estrellas el viernes! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schmi… - 4 years ago

@ArgentinaBoxing: ¡Noche de Estrellas el viernes! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Sc… - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @valentincals: ¿Quién en su sano juicio le pone atención a FCT (Fundación Contra el Terrorismo)? @MPguatemala es lamentable que nuestros… - 4 years ago

@hoosierh8ter: Final from Frankfort @FcsGbb 51 - @FHS_GirlsBBall 39 Faith Argo 12 pts 11 bds Schoenradt 11 pts 5 bds Martin 8 pts… - 4 years ago

@ColeCarahCaleb: RT @hoosierh8ter: @FcsGbb vs @FHS_GirlsBBall Faith 25 - Frankfort 15 at the half. Faith Argo with 6 pts and 5 bds, Schoenradt 7 pts and… - 4 years ago

@hoosierh8ter: @FcsGbb vs @FHS_GirlsBBall Faith 25 - Frankfort 15 at the half. Faith Argo with 6 pts and 5 bds, Schoenradt 7 pt… - 4 years ago

@NicolasSamuilov: RT @ArgentinaBoxing: ¡Noche de Estrellas el viernes! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schmi… - 4 years ago

@ArgentinaBoxing: ¡Noche de Estrellas el viernes! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Sc… - 4 years ago

@RBLandmark: Martin Sandoval, the disgraced former state senator who was a key government witness in a corruption probe involvin… - 4 years ago

@objetivo7: Cruda neoliberal La cruda neoliberal de Martín Orozco Sandoval. - 4 years ago

@afpillinois: The death of former state lawmaker Martin Sandoval could change the landscape of Illinois’ ongoing corruption investigations. - 4 years ago

@jhonroggero: RT @ArgentinaBoxing: ¡Noche de Estrellas el viernes! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schmi… - 4 years ago

@nochedeko: RT @ArgentinaBoxing: ¡Noche de Estrellas el viernes! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schmi… - 4 years ago

@MartinCoggi: RT @ArgentinaBoxing: ¡Noche de Estrellas el viernes! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schmi… - 4 years ago

@NicolasSamuilov: RT @ArgentinaBoxing: ¡Noche de Estrellas el viernes! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Schmi… - 4 years ago

@ArgentinaBoxing: ¡Noche de Estrellas el viernes! 🥊Lucas Bastida-Sergio López 👑Título sudamericano mediano 🥊Yamil Peralta-Gustavo Sc… - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @ChepeZamora: Karin Cristina Orellana Pinto, que trabajó para Jose Luis Benito y Jimmy Morales en el MICIVI. Dejando de lado, las denunc… - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @ChepeZamora: la inquisición más enfermiza y el más férreo dogmatismo, paradójicamente, ha iniciado la persecución penal del Fiscal de l… - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @luisangelsas: La Fiscal General congeló una investigación que ordenó un juez contra Ricardo Méndez Ruiz. Por el contrario nombra un fis… - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @lahoragt: Fiscal que investigará a Sandoval presta servicios en MICIVI y la MUNI 👇🏽👇🏽 - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @hsanchezgt: El fiscal Juan Francisco Sandoval continúa siendo atacado por quien debería protegerle. Consuelo Porras se pone del lado de… - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @mmendoza_GT: Buenos días @MPguatemala aquí bien tempranito esperando confirmación acerca de la fiscal especial que la Fiscal General Co… - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @JLFont001: Señora Fiscal General @MPguatemala, antes de nombrar a @KarinOrellana3 Fiscal Especial para investigar a @JSandoval1982 a pe… - 4 years ago

@COGELinfo: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, snared in political corruption investigation, dies of coronavirus: attorney… - 4 years ago

@IAM__Network: Coronavirus in Illinois updates: 9,887 new COVID-19 cases and 208 more fatalities reported, as state passes 13,000… - 4 years ago

@Martin_Enriquez: RT @Ricigt1: 🚨La Fiscal Consuelo Porras insiste en atacar al Fiscal Sandoval; nombra fiscal por denuncias de Fundación Contra el Terrorismo… - 4 years ago

@MG_GoldenMean: RT @MarkBrownCST: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, snared in political corruption investigation, dies of coronavirus: attorney - 4 years ago

@theaveragevoter: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@theaveragevoter: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@objetivo7: Cruda neoliberal La cruda neoliberal de Martín Orozco Sandoval. - 4 years ago

@ZERnoticias: Durante el evento del Teletón 2020, que este año se llevó a cabo sólo en presencia del personal que colabora en el… - 4 years ago

@JohnHowellWLS: RT @wlsam890: Ex State Sen. Martin Sandoval passed away due to coronavirus. He was a key player in a political corruption case regarding re… - 4 years ago

@wlsam890: Ex State Sen. Martin Sandoval passed away due to coronavirus. He was a key player in a political corruption case re… - 4 years ago

@lavozchi: ¿Lo perdiste en tu inbox? Aquí puedes leer el boletín del día: - 4 years ago

@WSteveHart: RT @chicagotribune: Former Illinois state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty in January to political corruption, died from COVID-19 c… - 4 years ago

@amack8328: RT @chicagotribune: Former Illinois state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty in January to political corruption, died from COVID-19 c… - 4 years ago

@davidcrais: RT @chicagotribune: Former Illinois state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty in January to political corruption, died from COVID-19 c… - 4 years ago

@chicagotribune: Former Illinois state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty in January to political corruption, died from COVID-… - 4 years ago

@TLK712: Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval's Cause of Death Released by Medical Examiner - 4 years ago

@HACIAworks: We're saddened to hear the passing of former State Sen. Martin Sandoval.He was a vital figure in leading the passag… - 4 years ago

@wiadomosci_com: COVID-19 przyczynił się do śmierci byłego senatora Illinois. Martin Sandoval miał 56 lat - 4 years ago

@Celestebyrne3: RT @dmihalopoulos: Ex-State Sen. Martin Sandoval, who died Saturday, is on the updated list of COVID-19 deaths from the Cook County Medical… - 4 years ago

@sammytrixie: Former State Senator Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 complications, attorney says - 4 years ago

@ElSoldelCentro_: #Local 💰 @MartinOrozcoAgs entrega más incentivos para la adquisición de maquinaria y herramienta, además de constr… - 4 years ago

@nbcchicago: Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval's Cause of Death Released by Medical Examiner - 4 years ago

@erin_hegarty: RT @dmihalopoulos: Ex-State Sen. Martin Sandoval, who died Saturday, is on the updated list of COVID-19 deaths from the Cook County Medical… - 4 years ago

@davemckinney: RT @dmihalopoulos: Ex-State Sen. Martin Sandoval, who died Saturday, is on the updated list of COVID-19 deaths from the Cook County Medical… - 4 years ago

@mctsonic: RT @dmihalopoulos: Ex-State Sen. Martin Sandoval, who died Saturday, is on the updated list of COVID-19 deaths from the Cook County Medical… - 4 years ago

@dmihalopoulos: Ex-State Sen. Martin Sandoval, who died Saturday, is on the updated list of COVID-19 deaths from the Cook County Me… - 4 years ago

@joelebert29: RT @thedailylineIL: Madigan, @RepKifowit address House @IllinoisLBC, former Sen. Martin Sandoval dies, @ILGOP chair @fighting15th to step d… - 4 years ago

@thedailylineIL: Madigan, @RepKifowit address House @IllinoisLBC, former Sen. Martin Sandoval dies, @ILGOP chair @fighting15th to st… - 4 years ago

@MichaelFairfax1: RT @PoliticsReid: Ex-IL state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who was cooperating with investigators looking into political corruption in Springfield… - 4 years ago

@Newsenm: Former Illinois state Sen. Martin Sandoval, a Chicago Democrat who cut an agreement with federal prosecutors in exc… - 4 years ago

@Newsenm: Former Illinois state Sen. Martin Sandoval, a Chicago Democrat who cut an agreement with federal prosecutors in exc… - 4 years ago

@gildamonsta: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@GeraldLeroy6: RT @PoliticsReid: Ex-IL state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who was cooperating with investigators looking into political corruption in Springfield… - 4 years ago

@sframtdr: RT @PoliticsReid: Ex-IL state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who was cooperating with investigators looking into political corruption in Springfield… - 4 years ago

@PoliticsReid: Ex-IL state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who was cooperating with investigators looking into political corruption in Sprin… - 4 years ago

@blueingreenemo: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@L_G_R_R: U.S.: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from #COVIDー19 - 4 years ago

@scottf6f: - 4 years ago

@SimonsWsim2323: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@filafresh: Former State Senator Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 complications, attorney says - 4 years ago

@jiahuangmd: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@WolfNW: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@EusebiaAq: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@NYDailyNews: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@objetivo7: Cruda neoliberal La cruda neoliberal de Martín Orozco Sandoval. - 4 years ago

@NewWorl13692704: Former State Senator Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 complications, attorney says - 4 years ago

@dingledodie77: Larry Dixon, Martin Sandoval, Sir Brian Cowe, David Andahl, Ferenc Tóth, José Folgado, Jacques Oudin, Giovanni Rabi… - 4 years ago

@grannyman2013: Former State Senator Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 complications, attorney says - 4 years ago

@PAGilchrist: RT @Suntimes: Defense attorney Dylan Smith confirmed Sandoval’s death from COVID-19 based on his conversations with Sandoval’s family. htt… - 4 years ago

@2blucky: Former State Senator Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 complications, attorney says - 4 years ago

@LoisHenryStone: Former State Senator Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 complications, attorney says - 4 years ago

@sanjanakaranth: RT @Suntimes: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval – a key figure in ongoing political corruption investigations by the feds – has died from C… - 4 years ago

@maudlynei: RT @Suntimes: Defense attorney Dylan Smith confirmed Sandoval’s death from COVID-19 based on his conversations with Sandoval’s family. htt… - 4 years ago

@fizzily1: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@funeralnearme: Martin Sandoval Funeral - 4 years ago

@funeralnearme: Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID-19 Diagnosis - 4 years ago

@Celestebyrne3: RT @Suntimes: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval – a key figure in ongoing political corruption investigations by the feds – has died from C… - 4 years ago

@walter3951: RT @Suntimes: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval – a key figure in ongoing political corruption investigations by the feds – has died from C… - 4 years ago

@Medusausi: RT @Suntimes: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval – a key figure in ongoing political corruption investigations by the feds – has died from C… - 4 years ago

@Suntimes: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval – a key figure in ongoing political corruption investigations by the feds – has d… - 4 years ago

@mundoascenso: #PrimeraB | Gooooooooooool de #ArgentinoQ, Iván Sandoval aumenta para el Mate 3 a 1 ante #Colegiales en 7'ST. Via @martin_fig - 4 years ago

@starkrob21: Indicted Democrat Illinois state Senator dies of Covid Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID-19 Diag… - 4 years ago

@CannaFrom: Ex-Illinois Sen. Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 - Chicago Tribune - 4 years ago

@ManuelP09212429: Former State Senator Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 complications, attorney says - 4 years ago

@Deadpan_Martin: @luis_gj @Irma_Sandoval Hace mejor esa chamba @CarlosLoret - 4 years ago

@Deadpan_Martin: RT @DeniseDresserG: ¿Y de paso por qué no le dan la medalla “Honestidad Valiente” a Pío López Obrador, la medalla “Empresaria del Año” a Fe… - 4 years ago

@Deadpan_Martin: RT @luis_gj: ¿Habrá aún alguien que crea que esta culera lucha contra la corrupción? @Irma_Sandoval - 4 years ago

@mundoascenso: #PrimeraB | Gooooooool de #ArgentinoQ, Iván Sandoval de penal vuelve a poner en ventaja al Mate 2 a 1 ante… - 4 years ago

@ABC7Chicago: Former Illinois Senator Martin Sandoval died Saturday from COVID-19 complication, according to his attorney.​ - 4 years ago

@yoadrienne76: @ZuluMediaCell Correction! Martin Sandoval, former IL senator who plead guilty to federal bribery charges earlier t… - 4 years ago

@CordonesMedia: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@JHeardC: - 4 years ago

@Hi_IamAaron: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@PeleKoolAid: NBC Chicago: Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID-19 Diagnosis. via @GoogleNews - 4 years ago

@MommyTat2d: RT @ChicagoBreaking: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19, attorney says - 4 years ago

@MommyTat2d: RT @ChicagoBreaking: Coronavirus in Illinois updates: 9,887 new confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases and 208 additional deaths reported; e… - 4 years ago

@326BureauChief: RT @lib_crusher: Martin Sandoval, who is a key witness in several different Illinois corruption investigations, died of COVID today https:/… - 4 years ago

@justybull: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@rubia_sandoval: RT @rickpanama: @AlvinWeeden El PANAMEÑISMO, EL CD, EL PRD, EL LOCO, LA YEYA, MARTIN Y por supuesto Nito nos han jodido... merecen la cárce… - 4 years ago

@GuthrieDavis: Democrat Martin Sandoval pleaded guilty in federal court earlier this year and was cooperating with the ongoing inv… - 4 years ago

@RebeccaSWH: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@ToadInfo: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@shannon_h: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@mijomojo1: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@tkarow: Coronavirus in Illinois updates: 9,887 new COVID-19 cases and 208 more fatalities reported, as state passes 13,000… - 4 years ago

@Menno67239993: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@RumboaPrimeraCL: Formación de #DeportesVallenar Julio Gutierrez Cisterna Sandoval Fernández Martin Villalobos Diaz Urbina Cistern… - 4 years ago

@MillerHarold007: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@ScoutLadyNY: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@LorettaBower3: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@MarkRiveraABC7: RT @ABC7Chicago: Former Illinois Senator Martin Sandoval died Saturday from COVID-19 complication, according to his attorney.​ - 4 years ago

@ABC7Chicago: Former Illinois Senator Martin Sandoval died Saturday from COVID-19 complication, according to his attorney.​ - 4 years ago

@Twheater2: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@EECpuntocl: ONCE INICIAL #DeportesVallenar 1 Carlos Julio Ramírez 33 Carlos Gutiérrez 6 Giordano Cisterna 2 David Fernández 16… - 4 years ago

@CindyMy13178850: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@northwind1ndn: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@NYDailyNews: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@Deadpan_Martin: RT @FernandoAL_: ¿Y si proponemos a @CarlosLoret para Secretario de la Función Pública? Descubre más corrupción que la misma Irma "florero"… - 4 years ago

@brook_jaymes: RT @jmetr22b: UPDATE: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval was in the midst of cooperating in multiple federal political corruption investigations… - 4 years ago

@TheCuckoosNest7: RT @ChicagoBreaking: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19, attorney says - 4 years ago

@TheCuckoosNest7: RT @ChicagoBreaking: Coronavirus in Illinois updates: 9,887 new confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases and 208 additional deaths reported; e… - 4 years ago

@IAM__Network: Coronavirus in Illinois updates: 9,887 new COVID-19 cases and 208 more fatalities reported, as state passes 13,000… - 4 years ago

@Lizabethm_: RT @ABC7Chicago: Former Illinois Senator Martin Sandoval died Saturday from COVID-19 complication, according to his attorney.​ - 4 years ago

@majormarginal: RT @jmetr22b: “While (Sandoval) may have strayed from the standard he set for himself, he was making a genuine effort to make amends for hi… - 4 years ago

@RegistryReport: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@HumboldtBunny: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@MyTwitVoice: Former IL Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies Of COVID-19: Report | Patch - 4 years ago

@news24x75: RT @sunicamarkovic: Sandoval, 56, passed away after he was hospitalized due to the illness, his attorney told the Chicago Tribune. - 4 years ago

@mihalyfy: RT @jmetr22b: ///BREAKING/// Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to bribery and has been cooperating with federal prosecu… - 4 years ago

@pkmonaghan: RT @jmetr22b: ///BREAKING/// Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to bribery and has been cooperating with federal prosecu… - 4 years ago

@genereaux2019: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@KatrinaHagen2: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@KatrinaHagen2: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@RayLong: RT @jmetr22b: “We’re proud of his legacy, miss him already and know he joins his four siblings and parents in a better place all too soon.”… - 4 years ago

@RayLong: RT @jmetr22b: Statement from Martin Sandoval family: “We unexpectedly lost the center of our family today. Marty was larger than life with… - 4 years ago

@StunnedVoter: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@DaveThaDude1: RT @fox32news: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval has died from COVID-19.​ - 4 years ago

@MarioDavidVentu: Fallece el ex senador por Illinois Martín Sandoval por complicaciones de Covid, por cierto dice López que Gatell ya… - 4 years ago

@ABC7Chicago: Former Illinois Senator Martin Sandoval died Saturday from COVID-19 complication, according to his attorney.​ - 4 years ago

@Whatstheworden1: RT @fox32news: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval has died from COVID-19.​ - 4 years ago

@Arse_Man: RT @WBEZ: Former Democratic State Sen. Martin Sandoval – who pleaded guilty to corruption charges and was helping authorities to reveal mor… - 4 years ago

@terileemcclain: RT @fox32news: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval has died from COVID-19.​ - 4 years ago

@kahlua057: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@fox32news: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval has died from COVID-19.​ - 4 years ago

@dattypeofchit: RT @cbschicago: Former Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval, Caught In Federal Corruption Probe, Dies Of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@cbschicago: Former Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval, Caught In Federal Corruption Probe, Dies Of COVID-19… - 4 years ago

@Deadpan_Martin: RT @A_ausdenRuthen: Pues resulta que @CarlosLoret es más eficiente en el combate a la corrupción que @Irma_Sandoval y todo su equipo. - 4 years ago

@LynneJordanActs: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@DeidreEversull: NBC Chicago: Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID-19 Diagnosis. via @GoogleNews - 4 years ago

@dev_bot9190: RT @javascriptisez: State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID- and San Joaquin Valley trigger stay-at-home order as ICU capacity drops #f… - 4 years ago

@KeddyAhir: RT @javascriptisez: State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID- and San Joaquin Valley trigger stay-at-home order as ICU capacity drops #f… - 4 years ago

@AntiTrumpReport: RT @chicagotribune: Coronavirus in Illinois updates: 9,887 new confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases and 208 additional deaths reported; ex… - 4 years ago

@javascriptisez: State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID- and San Joaquin Valley trigger stay-at-home order as ICU capacity drop… - 4 years ago

@LigiaGUnivision: RT @unichicago: El sábado por la tarde familiares del ex político Martín Sandoval expresaron a Noticias Univision Chicago su gran dolor sób… - 4 years ago

@foodeloo: RT @lib_crusher: Martin Sandoval, who is a key witness in several different Illinois corruption investigations, died of COVID today - 4 years ago

@beeinchicago: - 4 years ago

@fishas0607: Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID-19 Diagnosis – NBC Chicago - 4 years ago

@Tweetologist3: News Headline India farmers: Misleading content shared about the protests - BBC News Former State Sen. Martin Sando… - 4 years ago

@juliekanealii: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@GoldieIrish: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 complications: report - 4 years ago

@javascriptisez: State State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID- Fraud Claims #fakeheadlinebot #learntocode #makeatwitterbot #javascript - 4 years ago

@Charliemagne: An ex-Illinois state senator who was cooperating with the feds died Saturday of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@YouCanFoolMost: RT @sunicamarkovic: Sandoval, 56, passed away after he was hospitalized due to the illness, his attorney told the Chicago Tribune. - 4 years ago

@sunicamarkovic: Sandoval, 56, passed away after he was hospitalized due to the illness, his attorney told the Chicago Tribune.… - 4 years ago

@Ih8JaredPolis: RT @lib_crusher: Martin Sandoval, who is a key witness in several different Illinois corruption investigations, died of COVID today - 4 years ago

@Matt_McClure_: RT @lib_crusher: Martin Sandoval, who is a key witness in several different Illinois corruption investigations, died of COVID today - 4 years ago

@ChrisBoghossian: RT @jmetr22b: UPDATE: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval was in the midst of cooperating in multiple federal political corruption investigations… - 4 years ago

@Annie1221: RT @jmetr22b: UPDATE: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval was in the midst of cooperating in multiple federal political corruption investigations… - 4 years ago

@America24x7: Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID-19 Diagnosis - NBC Chicago - 4 years ago

@lib_crusher: Martin Sandoval, who is a key witness in several different Illinois corruption investigations, died of COVID today - 4 years ago

@roselialescrime: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@lib_crusher: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@keyslifesus: COVID is now the new fell out of a window. - 4 years ago

@nuclear94: Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID-19 Diagnosis - 4 years ago

@willmay: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@matthewbelcher: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@Debbie23316200: RT @stiffRIGHT: Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID-19 Diagnosis while cooperating with the Feds! - 4 years ago

@darkmoneyusa: RT @jmetr22b: UPDATE: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval was in the midst of cooperating in multiple federal political corruption investigations… - 4 years ago

@stiffRIGHT: Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID-19 Diagnosis while cooperating with the Feds! - 4 years ago

@WhirledCitizen_: RT @jmetr22b: UPDATE: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval was in the midst of cooperating in multiple federal political corruption investigations… - 4 years ago

@kinnehan: RT @jmetr22b: UPDATE: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval was in the midst of cooperating in multiple federal political corruption investigations… - 4 years ago

@DeportesHoy1: Ex senador estatal Martin Sandoval, demócrata de Illinos, culpablde de corrupción política, muere de coronavirus, informó su abogado. - 4 years ago

@BlueRoomStream: Former Sen. Martin Sandoval, who was cooperating with federal investigators in a corruption probe, has died of COVID-19. #Illinois - 4 years ago

@PeggyCher63: RT @Rachel_McRea: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@upstractcom: Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID-19 Diagnosis #state #martinsandoval #illinois #covid19 #nbc… - 4 years ago

@Jen_Lask: RT @jmetr22b: “We’re proud of his legacy, miss him already and know he joins his four siblings and parents in a better place all too soon.”… - 4 years ago

@Jen_Lask: RT @jmetr22b: Statement from Martin Sandoval family: “We unexpectedly lost the center of our family today. Marty was larger than life with… - 4 years ago

@IndivLakeviewLP: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@Ally_Katz: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@mathers_georgia: RT @Rachel_McRea: Coronavirus in Illinois updates: 9,887 new COVID-19 cases and 208 more fatalities reported, as state passes 13,000 deaths… - 4 years ago

@23Cookieboo: RT @Rachel_McRea: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@mathers_georgia: RT @Rachel_McRea: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@ad_quig: RT @jmetr22b: Statement from Martin Sandoval family: “We unexpectedly lost the center of our family today. Marty was larger than life with… - 4 years ago

@TRutkay: RT @Rachel_McRea: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Rachel_McRea: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Rachel_McRea: Coronavirus in Illinois updates: 9,887 new COVID-19 cases and 208 more fatalities reported, as state passes 13,000… - 4 years ago

@hannahmeisel: RT @jmetr22b: Statement from Martin Sandoval family: “We unexpectedly lost the center of our family today. Marty was larger than life with… - 4 years ago

@jmetr22b: “We’re proud of his legacy, miss him already and know he joins his four siblings and parents in a better place all… - 4 years ago

@ChakuuFoxDragon: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@jmetr22b: Statement from Martin Sandoval family: “We unexpectedly lost the center of our family today. Marty was larger than… - 4 years ago

@ksaun001: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@bear_risa: Former Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval passes due to COVID-19 - WAND - 4 years ago

@42_dolphins: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@creeper6548: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@42_dolphins: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@BeemrajBhagwan6: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@nomukik: Democrat Martin Sandoval pleaded guilty in federal court earlier this year and was cooperating with the ongoing inv… - 4 years ago

@12thwardipo: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@nancy_mahony: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@CherokeeNative3: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@Magana_Karina: RT @cbschicago: Former Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval, Caught In Federal Corruption Probe, Dies Of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@cbschicago: Former Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval, Caught In Federal Corruption Probe, Dies Of COVID-19… - 4 years ago

@birdiegirlep: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@ValerieHogan: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19, attorney says… - 4 years ago

@PaperbirdsH: In the news: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, snared in political corruption investigation, dies of coronavirus ...… - 4 years ago

@darkmoneyusa: RT @karldickey: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, snared in political corruption investigation, dies of coronavirus: attorney - 4 years ago

@unichicago: El sábado por la tarde familiares del ex político Martín Sandoval expresaron a Noticias Univision Chicago su gran d… - 4 years ago

@SusanPoe7: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@karldickey: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, snared in political corruption investigation, dies of coronavirus: attorney - 4 years ago

@erin_hegarty: RT @MarkBrownCST: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, snared in political corruption investigation, dies of coronavirus: attorney - 4 years ago

@tnovaksuntimes: RT @MarkBrownCST: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, snared in political corruption investigation, dies of coronavirus: attorney - 4 years ago

@onez_rob: RT @DickStreetman: Former Illinois State Senator Marty Sandoval has passed away due to COVID-19. May he rest in peace. His friends and fami… - 4 years ago

@trinicouz: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@proftrini: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@mredinburgh: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@lbpyyz: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@KABPott: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@peaches07: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@_sarah_smile: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@LAChagala: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@JohniFlash: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@DrunkUncTony: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@The44thPillar: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@BlueWolfhound: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@dezLSmith132: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@MeloniaSherban: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@LetsTurnFLBlue: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@retheauditors: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@MK_THETA: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@hhelenhh: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@ZaqsPolitics: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@KMJeezy: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@heyman_von: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@small1ldy1: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@BukiWilliams: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@kelman_nancy: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@jbsteelady: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@lauferlaw: RT @NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, died Satu… - 4 years ago

@NYDailyNews: Ex-Illinois state senator, Martin Sandoval, who admitted to corruption and was helping feds unravel other cases, di… - 4 years ago

@DA4Pups: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Martin Sandoval Death -Dead :Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval has dies from covid-19 - 4 years ago

@happy_tp: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@Pooterbugsmom: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@trades021: RT @hurontrader: Why is the 2nd half of Layla playing in my head #goodfellas | Martin Sandoval dies of coronavirus amid Illinois public co… - 4 years ago

@WMAYNewsfeed: Former state senator Martin Sandoval pleaded guilty in January to bribery charges and had been cooperating with fed… - 4 years ago

@WMAYNews: Former state senator Martin Sandoval pleaded guilty in January to bribery charges and had been cooperating with fed… - 4 years ago

@Literacy_Lights: RT @cbschicago: Former Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty earlier this year to bribery charges and was cooperating wit… - 4 years ago

@mklewis11: RT @chasbottom: Ex-#Illinois State Rep. #MartinSandoval Charged w/Bribery Filing False Income Tax Returns. Sandoval Entertained Campaign Co… - 4 years ago

@beckyvevea: RT @dmihalopoulos: UPDATED: Ex-State Sen. Martin Sandoval died at 10:01 a.m. today, said the Cook County medical examiner's spokeswoman, ad… - 4 years ago

@InUnpaid: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@dpenk181: RT @cbschicago: Former Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty earlier this year to bribery charges and was cooperating wit… - 4 years ago

@jmetr22b: UPDATE: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval was in the midst of cooperating in multiple federal political corruption inve… - 4 years ago

@SKYYinthePIE: RT @SeidelContent: From the feds this morning on former state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty early this year. He "has provided va… - 4 years ago

@69thWardAld: RT @MidnoirCowboy: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19, attorney says - 4 years ago

@Mar1Chmc: Google News - Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, snared in political corruption investigation, dies of coronavirus: att… - 4 years ago

@MidnoirCowboy: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19, attorney says - 4 years ago

@byldonovan: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19, attorney says - 4 years ago

@Quizzlerian: Coronavirus in Illinois updates: 9,887 new COVID-19 cases and 208 more fatalities reported, as state passes 13,000… - 4 years ago

@DaveOBrienCT: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@Oigetit_Politic: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who was facing prison after pleading guilty to political corruption, has died fr… - 4 years ago

@thatmags: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@thatmags: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@hannahalani: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@KIMPY123: RT @dmihalopoulos: Smith: Smith said "I was very proud to have represented Martin Sandoval. I came to know him as someone who had considera… - 4 years ago

@KIMPY123: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@oigetit_com: #Breaking - Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who was facing prison after pleading guilty to political corruption,… - 4 years ago

@KathyPowers2020: RT @fox32news: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval has died from COVID-19.​ - 4 years ago

@fox32news: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval has died from COVID-19.​ - 4 years ago

@StephaniehnKim: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@cb_annen: RT @ShiaKapos: Martin Sandoval dies of Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@LatinPoet: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@NadineF45095143: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, snared in political corruption investigation, dies of coronavirus: attorney… - 4 years ago

@BirdenaMae: RT @WGNNews: JUST IN: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval reportedly dies from COVID-19 complications - 4 years ago

@vivitv: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19, attorney says - 4 years ago

@ILGAConnected: Ex-Illinois Sen. Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@rkprsheadlines: Ex-Illinois Sen. Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@ILPolitihub: Ex-Illinois Sen. Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@rrhinton: RT @SeidelContent: #BREAKING Defense attorney confirms death of ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, key player in ongoing federal public corrupt… - 4 years ago

@pkmonaghan: RT @davidheinzmann: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19, attorney says - 4 years ago

@LNorrisATL: RT @jmetr22b: ///BREAKING/// Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to bribery and has been cooperating with federal prosecu… - 4 years ago

@whet: RT @davidheinzmann: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19, attorney says - 4 years ago

@davidheinzmann: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19, attorney says - 4 years ago

@BillWest5: RT @WGNNews: JUST IN: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval reportedly dies from COVID-19 complications - 4 years ago

@monkeyface__: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@harlemedic: Chicago. "Red light camera" corruptions... which were used in NYC arguments . But no Queens Boro Prez's this ti… - 4 years ago

@FranRN: Coronavirus in Illinois updates: 9,887 new COVID-19 cases and 208 more fatalities reported, as state passes 13,000… - 4 years ago

@claudiamorell: RT @SeidelContent: From the feds this morning on former state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty early this year. He "has provided va… - 4 years ago

@laurenjiggetts: RT @WGNNews: JUST IN: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval reportedly dies from COVID-19 complications - 4 years ago

@WLimestall: RT @WGNNews: JUST IN: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval reportedly dies from COVID-19 complications - 4 years ago

@JeremyGorner: RT @jmetr22b: “While (Sandoval) may have strayed from the standard he set for himself, he was making a genuine effort to make amends for hi… - 4 years ago

@RoseMa08: Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID-19 Diagnosis - NBC Chicago - 4 years ago

@RahsaanBall: RT @chicagotribune: Coronavirus in Illinois updates: 9,887 new confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases and 208 additional deaths reported; ex… - 4 years ago

@news2alan: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@marianogielis: Murió el exsenador estatal Martín Sandoval - 4 years ago

@loudernet: - 4 years ago

@WhiteRhinoRay: RT @dmihalopoulos: Martin Sandoval got caught on tape discussing bribes he wanted for going 'balls to the walls' for a red-light-camera com… - 4 years ago

@shelbybremer: RT @nbcchicago: Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID-19 Diagnosis - 4 years ago

@wandtvnews: (WAND) - Former Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval, has passed away after being diagnosed with COVID-19. - 4 years ago

@thesouthern: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty in January to political corruption and was cooperating with f… - 4 years ago

@Jen_Lask: .@WGNTV reports former state Sen. Martin Sandoval has died from COVID-19 complications. - 4 years ago

@maries7912: RT @jmetr22b: ///BREAKING/// Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to bribery and has been cooperating with federal prosecu… - 4 years ago

@RepKifowit: I did not know Sen Sandoval. However, my condolences to his family during this difficult time of his passing. - 4 years ago

@rogerthengineer: RT @hurontrader: Why is the 2nd half of Layla playing in my head #goodfellas | Martin Sandoval dies of coronavirus amid Illinois public co… - 4 years ago

@Lov_dem66: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@YDanasmithdutra: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@YDanasmithdutra: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@NewsChantUSA: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 complications: report - 4 years ago

@LaRieSuttle216: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@GStein269: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19: lawyer Former state… - 4 years ago

@FreddyRoo2: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@joemahr: RT @jmetr22b: ///BREAKING/// Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to bribery and has been cooperating with federal prosecu… - 4 years ago

@Ccnn35555922: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, snared in political corruption investigation, dies of coronavirus: attorney (Via Su… - 4 years ago

@Pantagraph: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty in January to political corruption and was cooperating with f… - 4 years ago

@TheSixthWard: RT @BenBradleyTV: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 complications. He was cooperating with federal prosecutors. https:/… - 4 years ago

@WGNNews: RT @BenBradleyTV: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 complications. He was cooperating with federal prosecutors. https:/… - 4 years ago

@GivenGrace1986: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@DickStreetman: RT @jmetr22b: “While (Sandoval) may have strayed from the standard he set for himself, he was making a genuine effort to make amends for hi… - 4 years ago

@BenBradleyTV: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval dies from COVID-19 complications. He was cooperating with federal prosecutors. - 4 years ago

@slwiede66: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@walkthruwater: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@DHJakeGriffin: RT @ChristyGutowsk1: Ex-state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to political corruption, dies from COVID-19, attorney says @jmetr22b… - 4 years ago

@WGNNews: RT @MikeLoweReports: Former state Sen. Martin #Sandoval dies from #COVID19 complications: report via ⁦@WGNNews⁩ - 4 years ago

@SkonieSkoop: The Skonie Skoop - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Martin Sandoval - #MartinSandoval #Martin #Sandoval #rip - 4 years ago

@thecentersquare: Former Illinois state Sen. Martin Sandoval, a Chicago Democrat who cut an agreement with federal prosecutors in exc… - 4 years ago

@digyoursoul: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@amcneer: RT @MikeLoweReports: Former state Sen. Martin #Sandoval dies from #COVID19 complications: report via ⁦@WGNNews⁩ - 4 years ago

@MikeLoweReports: Former state Sen. Martin #Sandoval dies from #COVID19 complications: report via ⁦@WGNNews⁩ - 4 years ago

@marciasgreen: Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID-19 Diagnosis - 4 years ago

@fredericknchgo: RT @chicagotribune: Former Illinois state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty in January to political corruption, has died from COVID-… - 4 years ago

@Celestebyrne3: RT @nbcchicago: Former State Sen. Martin Sandoval Dies After COVID-19 Diagnosis - 4 years ago

@kathryn_sandy: RT @jmetr22b: ///BREAKING/// Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty to bribery and has been cooperating with federal prosecu… - 4 years ago

@cregier_jason: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@belle0395: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@claudiamorell: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@beckyvevea: RT @dmihalopoulos: Martin Sandoval got caught on tape discussing bribes he wanted for going 'balls to the walls' for a red-light-camera com… - 4 years ago

@dmihalopoulos: Martin Sandoval got caught on tape discussing bribes he wanted for going 'balls to the walls' for a red-light-camer… - 4 years ago

@TheHelenChapel: RT @dmihalopoulos: Sandoval pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion charges in January -- and had flipped. In fact, on Nov. 24, the feds… - 4 years ago

@TheHelenChapel: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@laurencross_nwi: RT @capitolfax: Former Sen. Martin Sandoval has died - 4 years ago

@ILNewsroom: RT @dmihalopoulos: BREAKING: The lawyer for ex-Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval -- a key figure in the ongoing federal corruption probe… - 4 years ago

@BBW__Princess: RT @chicagotribune: Coronavirus in Illinois updates: 9,887 new confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases and 208 additional deaths reported; ex… - 4 years ago

@HildaGNews: Muere exsenador Martín Sandoval de COVID-19, según fuentes - 4 years ago

@mofiki__: RT @chicagotribune: Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval, who pleaded guilty in January to political corruption, has died from COVID-19 compli… - 4 years ago

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