Martin Pope

American physical chemist.
Died on Monday March 28th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Martin Pope:

@ConvictBio: RT @NCB_ANU: Anthony Fernando, Aboriginal activist and toymaker, was born #OTD in 1864 in Sydney. In his activism, he petitioned the Pope,… - 3 years ago

@Jolene01557637: @veefriendz @josephselbo @JadeDailyxx @rcalupe @NickEst01364604 @lmkostek @CryptoD97050898 @DaoBionic… - 3 years ago

@BGriffenFoley: RT @NCB_ANU: Anthony Fernando, Aboriginal activist and toymaker, was born #OTD in 1864 in Sydney. In his activism, he petitioned the Pope,… - 3 years ago

@pie_cri: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Homosexuality is not a sin” —Card. Marx “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack” —Fr. Martin, SJ “homosexuality i… - 3 years ago


@NCB_ANU: Anthony Fernando, Aboriginal activist and toymaker, was born #OTD in 1864 in Sydney. In his activism, he petitioned… - 3 years ago

@Ted_Pope: @ThatEricAlper re What's a great #song performed by a #duo? "#SevenNationArmy" and every other #WhiteStripes song… - 3 years ago

@TimRichardLloy1: late Martin Luther, the Pope, any evangelical or fundamentalist preacher. They will accept, without questioning its… - 3 years ago

@weathernerd: ⚠ Wind Advisory in effect Wednesday from 10:00 AM until 10:00 PM Thursday for Douglas, Stevens, Pope, Lac Qui Parle… - 3 years ago

@KjCallahan6: MPX issues Wind Advisory valid at Apr 6, 10:00 AM CDT for Brown, Chippewa, Douglas, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Marti… - 3 years ago

@overpricedsand: MPX issues Wind Advisory valid at Apr 6, 10:00 AM CDT for Brown, Chippewa, Douglas, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Marti… - 3 years ago

@iembot_mpx: MPX issues Wind Advisory valid at Apr 6, 10:00 AM CDT for Brown, Chippewa, Douglas, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Marti… - 3 years ago

@MidwestWeather3: MPX issues Wind Advisory valid at Apr 6, 10:00 AM CDT for Brown, Chippewa, Douglas, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Marti… - 3 years ago

@NwsMpxMan: MPX issues Wind Advisory valid at Apr 6, 10:00 AM CDT for Brown, Chippewa, Douglas, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Marti… - 3 years ago

@ActionJacksonw: MPX issues Wind Advisory valid at Apr 6, 10:00 AM CDT for Brown, Chippewa, Douglas, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Marti… - 3 years ago

@stateofhockey99: MPX issues Wind Advisory valid at Apr 6, 10:00 AM CDT for Brown, Chippewa, Douglas, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Marti… - 3 years ago

@mn_iembot: MPX issues Wind Advisory valid at Apr 6, 10:00 AM CDT for Brown, Chippewa, Douglas, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Marti… - 3 years ago

@NorthmanWeather: MPX issues Wind Advisory valid at Apr 6, 10:00 AM CDT for Brown, Chippewa, Douglas, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Marti… - 3 years ago

@nws_anywhere: MPX issues Wind Advisory valid at Apr 6, 10:00 AM CDT for Brown, Chippewa, Douglas, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Marti… - 3 years ago

@RuralUSCatholic: @JosephNollaSJ @Hasan22821492 @Jolz_Aust Joe, What Malachi Martin has to say about the Jesuits has nothing to do wi… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @ONgov When The Prime Minister Paul Martin becomes the Prime Minister of Canada then the Pope John Paul II won his… - 3 years ago

@GTinyhat: RT @TheJFKReport: The pope is the Antichrist. Catholicism follows man made church principles that are not from God. There's a reason why Ma… - 3 years ago

@jusjoseph2: RT @TheJFKReport: The pope is the Antichrist. Catholicism follows man made church principles that are not from God. There's a reason why Ma… - 3 years ago

@Pope_skully: @Martin_001_ @Infamou46075920 @mubezi_clinton U kids was too cool to say ‘’no wat’😂😂 - 3 years ago

@Pope_skully: @EasternerThe @Martin_001_ 😂😂😂perfect - 3 years ago

@AZDeploralove: RT @TheJFKReport: The pope is the Antichrist. Catholicism follows man made church principles that are not from God. There's a reason why Ma… - 3 years ago

@TheJFKReport: The pope is the Antichrist. Catholicism follows man made church principles that are not from God. There's a reason… - 3 years ago

@G4mersRD: Elden Ring: Algunos fanáticos piensan que el personaje de ‘Turtle Pope’ fue diseñado por George RR Martin… - 3 years ago

@J_J_Martin_: RT @michaelcoren: My latest for @NewStatesman - on #PopeFrancis #apology #Indigenous #ResidentialSchool - 3 years ago

@mrhelstein: Some Elden Ring Fans Think the ‘Turtle Pope’ Character Was Designed by George R.R. Martin - 3 years ago

@royalwhisper: RT @BBGuides: #TudorTuesday: When Martin Luther challenged papal authority, King Henry VIII supported the church by writing 'Defense of the… - 3 years ago

@iria_maria: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Homosexuality is not a sin” —Card. Marx “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack” —Fr. Martin, SJ “homosexuality i… - 3 years ago

@ProtecttheFaith: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Homosexuality is not a sin” —Card. Marx “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack” —Fr. Martin, SJ “homosexuality i… - 3 years ago

@martin_jones04: RT @LCFCshitposting: Only Nick Pope has completed more accurate long balls (243) than Kasper Schmeichel this season (210) Distribution Kin… - 3 years ago

@AManOfPrayer: @kdengle1kdengle Henry was raised a devout Catholic, in a time of plenary indulgences (he and Katherine of Aragon h… - 3 years ago

@nightwatchman20: RT @BBGuides: #TudorTuesday: When Martin Luther challenged papal authority, King Henry VIII supported the church by writing 'Defense of the… - 3 years ago

@pluant: Every priest or bishop who imposes Traditionis Custodes should be reminded that the pope’s close friend Jimmy Marti… - 3 years ago

@BeefeaterDave: RT @BBGuides: #TudorTuesday: When Martin Luther challenged papal authority, King Henry VIII supported the church by writing 'Defense of the… - 3 years ago

@BBGuides: #TudorTuesday: When Martin Luther challenged papal authority, King Henry VIII supported the church by writing 'Defe… - 3 years ago

@ESSGamingHQ: Some Elden Ring Fans Think the 'Turtle Pope' Character Was Designed by George R.R. Martin - 3 years ago

@PGNewsHQ: Some Elden Ring Fans Think the 'Turtle Pope' Character Was Designed by George R.R. Martin - 3 years ago

@mycricketxi: My Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Xi Dillon Douglas(c) Roland Cato Ryan John Miles Bascombe Wayne Harper Gidron… - 3 years ago

@nick_pope: RT @Nick_Pettigrew: The fact that in the last decade Martin Lewis has had to go from 'The guy who tells you who's doing two-for-one deals o… - 3 years ago

@Patrick26639106: @kylenabecker No Kyle, the bill is designed for homosexuals to keep their sinful lives to themselves. Just like ste… - 3 years ago

@nm_pope: RT @TheKingCenter: A thread of color photos of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as we remember him on the 54th anniversary of the day he was as… - 3 years ago

@EpochUSHistory: Another 200 years goes by in medieval times where the church silences anyone who threatens their power. John Huss (… - 3 years ago

@GameNewsBox: Some Elden Ring Fans Think the 'Turtle Pope' Character Was Designed by George R.R. Martin. - 3 years ago

@BerkleyBearNews: Some Elden Ring Fans Think the 'Turtle Pope' Character Was Designed by George R.R. Martin - 3 years ago

@chrispdorf: --Fr. James Martin, SJ A masterful analysis of much of the opposition to Pope Francis by Massimo Faggioli. In ad… - 3 years ago

@PaulHarbridge: RT @EJKeats: On March 27th we lost Martin Pope, Ezra’s friend and co-founder of the EJK Foundation in 1962. We mourn and pay our respects t… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: The work done by the self-effacing Dr. Martin Pope helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics display… - 3 years ago

@OmahaMarian: Seniors Carli Ahsan and Bella Beck won the Nebraska Center for the Book's Letters about Literature contest. Their w… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @BarackObama When The Prime Minister Paul Martin becomes the Prime Minister of Canada then the Pope John Paul II… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @BarackObama the Pope John Paul II Vatican Church and the Prime Minister Paul Martin there was agreement, the Pope… - 3 years ago

@pope_head: RT @ProtecttheFaith: Looks like Cardinal Cupich is a character from a Malachi Martin novel Bishop Blase Cupich of Spokane, Washington — si… - 3 years ago

@BudrykZack: I know all the myriad issues with the Pope but there's a very cute interview where he talks about meeting with Mart… - 3 years ago

@sheck_pope: RT @DailyLoud: 54 years ago today, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, TN…May his legacy live on forever 🙏 - 3 years ago

@ZionLionRyan: @metathomist Fair enough if you say yall dont worship her but i see much evidence to the contrary in Catholicism, g… - 3 years ago

@ByTom_Martin: SNP accused of putting 'political interests first' over Pope abuse candidate - from @richmjourno - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @CanadianPM When The Prime Minister Paul Martin becomes the Prime Minister of Canada then the Pope John Paul II wo… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @CanadianPM the Pope John Paul II Vatican Church and the Prime Minister Paul Martin there was agreement, the Pope… - 3 years ago

@StuffForSisters: Pope Martin V (Pontifical He) - 3 years ago

@rosiegirlbaby: @RyanAFournier Pope Francis is making space for LGBT people in the church—with limits. And it’s a huge step forward… - 3 years ago

@hdfsouveraine: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Homosexuality is not a sin” —Card. Marx “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack” —Fr. Martin, SJ “homosexuality i… - 3 years ago

@pope_head: Getting real into Nicholas V lately. One of the few non Nepotistic popes of the era and managed to restore bloodles… - 3 years ago

@benjamindcrosby: @jonboy017 Pope Martin Luther I - 3 years ago

@JsnPints: I remember lugging "Electronic Processes in Organic Crystals and Polymers" in my research years. kind of cool that… - 3 years ago

@DaylenTvGaming: RT @philly_bastard: and the image below is what i've been told about. apparently he also made a drawing in the exact gartic game (poorly dr… - 3 years ago

@philly_bastard: and the image below is what i've been told about. apparently he also made a drawing in the exact gartic game (poorl… - 3 years ago

@aeniii: RT @NYTObits: The work done by the self-effacing Dr. Martin Pope helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are… - 3 years ago

@Martin_Long: RT @VaticanNews: While en route to Malta, Pope Francis responds to a reporter's question saying a possible papal journey to Kyiv is under c… - 3 years ago

@Martin_Long: RT @VaticanNews: Pope Francis: Jesus’ hour of his death on the cross, "does not represent the end of history. Rather, it signals the begin… - 3 years ago

@Martin_Long: RT @VaticanNews: The first day of Pope Francis' two-day Apostolic Journey to the island nation of Malta presented in a one-minute video. #P… - 3 years ago

@Martin_Long: RT @MichaelKellyIC: 17 years ago tonight I was on RTÉ live from Rome announcing the death of Pope John II. They were immense days as millio… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @HolySeeUN When The Prime Minister Paul Martin becomes the Prime Minister of Canada then the Pope John Paul II won… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @HolySeeUN the Pope John Paul II Vatican Church and the Prime Minister Paul Martin there was agreement, the Pope J… - 3 years ago

@seanjones3333: @KarenBo28061810 @JamesMartinSJ She should be crying because Pope Herod and James Martin are destroying the Catholi… - 3 years ago

@TheBookN3rd: RT @NYTObits: The work done by the self-effacing Dr. Martin Pope helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: The work done by the self-effacing Dr. Martin Pope helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics display… - 3 years ago

@RCOMAG: @CruxSacra_9 I know all about it. I've been discussing these matters since pre-Internet. A pope ceases to be Cathol… - 3 years ago

@elpaseomaritimo: RT @DublinDiocese: At today’s meeting of the Dicastery for Communications, attended by AB Martin, #Pope Francis stressed the need to commun… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @CTVNationalNews When The Prime Minister Paul Martin becomes the Prime Minister of Canada then the Pope John Paul… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @CTVNationalNews the Pope John Paul II Vatican Church and the Prime Minister Paul Martin there was agreement, the… - 3 years ago

@HUFCscores: HASTINGS UNITED: Rogers O’Mara Stone Chalmers Parish Dixon Pope Adams Hasler Goldsmith Scott; SUBS: Worrall Pogue H… - 3 years ago

@Monodanga22: RT @winniecirino: His Grace Stephen Ameyu Martin Mulla, Metropolitan Archbishop of Catholic Archdiocese of Juba will on Monday bless the al… - 3 years ago

@junub_bot: RT @winniecirino: His Grace Stephen Ameyu Martin Mulla, Metropolitan Archbishop of Catholic Archdiocese of Juba will on Monday bless the al… - 3 years ago

@winniecirino: His Grace Stephen Ameyu Martin Mulla, Metropolitan Archbishop of Catholic Archdiocese of Juba will on Monday bless… - 3 years ago

@Claaassy: - 3 years ago

@fatherjesusmary: @NovusOrdoWatch Why do bishops & priests react when unfaithful statements are made by Marx, Hollerich, James Martin… - 3 years ago

@fatherjesusmary: @EWTNVatican Why do bishops & priests react when unfaithful statements are made by Marx, Hollerich, James Martin, e… - 3 years ago

@fatherjesusmary: @elpadrejesus_ Why do bishops & priests react when unfaithful statements are made by Marx, Hollerich, James Martin,… - 3 years ago

@MartinK17771822: Pope Martin V in 1429: "While there is still time, then, turn your forces against Bohemia; burn, massacre, make de… - 3 years ago

@younesmokrab: RT @nytimestech: His research led to the development of organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, which are used in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@chrispdorf: RT @mfjlewis: In the latest episode of #FieldHospital, @jeanniegaffigan and @mfjlewis talk to @JamesMartinSJ about his ministry, the vision… - 3 years ago

@JerryJesudass: RT @wolfejosh: OBIT: OLED creator—Martin Pope @ 106yr 1. He cleverly applied to a co using BOTH his birth name (Isidore Poppick—clearly je… - 3 years ago

@torrHL: "Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - The work done by the self-effacing Dr. Pope helped pave… - 3 years ago

@MadinaJadeed: Is there good conservative art? Absolutely. Take Silence by Martin Scorcese, a fantastic film about the complicat… - 3 years ago

@martin_swain: @tagaq There has to be more than just words. Cassidy Caron, the president of the MNC had a list of stuff. I watched… - 3 years ago

@pie_cri: RT @fatherjesusmary: @ProtecttheFaith Excuse me, but I really think that many cardinals & bishops are hypocrites & this is the real problem… - 3 years ago



@AntiWiper: 26 D. Schroder 29 27 Kyle Anderson 29 28 Caleb Martin 27 29 Donte DiVincenzo 25 30 Marvin Bagley III 23 31 Isaiah H… - 3 years ago




@fatherjesusmary: @2socialismsucks @ProtecttheFaith “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who change darkness into light,… - 3 years ago

@cindabee58: RT @EmmaPeel_Knight: RIP Martin Pope 103 Jahre alt Die Arbeit des bescheidenen »Dr. Pope« hat dazu beigetragen, den Weg für die heute so v… - 3 years ago

@Sperocaof: Look at this - IRA! KGB terrorists in Wicklow!… - 3 years ago

@atthefootofthe1: RT @fatherjesusmary: @ProtecttheFaith Excuse me, but I really think that many cardinals & bishops are hypocrites & this is the real problem… - 3 years ago

@nopriz92: @sharons50072605 @TaylorRMarshall You may refer to the agenda of James Martin. He even met the pope face to face bu… - 3 years ago

@J_J_Martin_: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Pope Francis apologized for the Roman Catholic Church’s role in a system of Canadian schools that abused Indige… - 3 years ago

@TWlNANGELS: thinking about the time my friends and i made twitter accounts for pope leo X and martin luther and made them have… - 3 years ago

@Pope_ndojina: RT @afcstuff: Martin Ødegaard wows the crowd during Norway’s 9-0 win against Armenia tonight. 🇳🇴😍 #afc - 3 years ago

@livesinchem: RT @ChemistryViews: Martin Pope (1918 – 2022): Pioneer in molecular semiconductor research passed away - 3 years ago

@EJKeats: On March 27th we lost Martin Pope, Ezra’s friend and co-founder of the EJK Foundation in 1962. We mourn and pay our… - 3 years ago

@egghead71: @jacob_mccann73 @Da_Monke2 @lorken23 @GulagPrisoner69 @AnarchoCorvidae @RealMayraFan One more thing. Henry VIII spl… - 3 years ago

@Zicutake: Infezlimente, Martin Pope... - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @ONgov When The Prime Minister Paul Martin becomes the Prime Minister of Canada then the Pope John Paul II won his… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @ONgov the Pope John Paul II Vatican Church and the Prime Minister Paul Martin there was agreement, the Pope John… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @UNHumanRights When The Prime Minister Paul Martin becomes the Prime Minister of Canada then the Pope John Paul II… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @UNHumanRights the Pope John Paul II Vatican Church and the Prime Minister Paul Martin there was agreement, the Po… - 3 years ago

@gumboqueen3030: 💔💔💔 - 3 years ago

@AManOfPrayer: @MMBick52 @stevesu_ @TheTweetOfRhea Martin Luther's theses were written against the PURCHASE of PLENARY indulgences… - 3 years ago

@2D0XPS: @MissalModernist Sufficient: Martin Luther died in communion with the Church. You need conditions that don't inadv… - 3 years ago

@slim_swede: - 3 years ago

@CanoriMora: In a talk that he gave in Detroit, Michigan in 1989, Fr. Martin says: "We're facing what we may have to face... finally... the false pope." - 3 years ago

@Regina_Griffin: RT @ogemora: The @EJKeats foundation has done so much to center diverse stories, uplift upcoming creators, and celebrate childhood and chil… - 3 years ago

@EJKeats: RT @ogemora: The @EJKeats foundation has done so much to center diverse stories, uplift upcoming creators, and celebrate childhood and chil… - 3 years ago

@ogemora: The @EJKeats foundation has done so much to center diverse stories, uplift upcoming creators, and celebrate childho… - 3 years ago

@SeasonIncarnate: there is a car pope, therefore must be a car jesus and a car martin luther and that every major historical event happened, just with cars - 3 years ago

@gregorytheleast: Martin Luther: A Return to Grace | Full Movie | Padraic Delaney | Gerhar... - 3 years ago

@AliceMa68435045: RT @JornalOGlobo: Martin Pope, que criou a tecnologia Oled, usada em TVs, celulares e painéis solares, morre aos 103 anos - 3 years ago

@ChemistryViews: Martin Pope (1918 – 2022): Pioneer in molecular semiconductor research passed away - 3 years ago

@QuinnBurlingame: Sad to hear about the passing of organic electronics pioneer Martin Pope at the age of 103. - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @UJAFederation When The Prime Minister Paul Martin becomes the Prime Minister of Canada then the Pope John Paul II… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @UJAFederation the Pope John Paul II Vatican Church and the Prime Minister Paul Martin there was agreement, the P… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: His research led to the development of organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, which are used in digital cameras,… - 3 years ago

@waynestatechem: RT @NYTScience: His research led to the development of organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, which are used in digital cameras, mobile p… - 3 years ago

@nmr900: RT @NYTScience: His research led to the development of organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, which are used in digital cameras, mobile p… - 3 years ago

@Tweets4retweets: RT @carsonight: @rclendan @fred_pope @BomsteinRick @elonmusk "He stole the company from its true founders Martin Eberhard and Mark Tarpenni… - 3 years ago

@carsonight: @rclendan @fred_pope @BomsteinRick @elonmusk "He stole the company from its true founders Martin Eberhard and Mark… - 3 years ago

@DermHAG: @JohnNosta Dr. Pope (who changed his last name from Poppick to avoid anti-Jewish prejudice) made a series of discov… - 3 years ago

@The_Africanus: RT @bleachbred: @bleachbred RIP! Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@drpatfarrell: Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@UEMFes: Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@ChemicalEyeGuy: RT @wolfejosh: OBIT: OLED creator—Martin Pope @ 106yr 1. He cleverly applied to a co using BOTH his birth name (Isidore Poppick—clearly je… - 3 years ago

@thePumamama: RT @seattletimes: Martin Pope, whose fundamental work on molecular semiconductors more than 60 years ago led to the development of organic… - 3 years ago

@Pope_Yoko: RT @BarcaUniversal: Xavi does not count on Martin Braithwaite, and the player would be willing to leave in the summer. He wants to have reg… - 3 years ago

@bleachbred: @bleachbred RIP! Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@Pope_Yoko: RT @Barca_Buzz: 🔄 (BRAITHWAITE): Martin Braithwaite knows that he has to leave in the summer. Xavi doesn't count on him. • He needs to pla… - 3 years ago

@thatsmoreamoore: RT @seattletimes: Martin Pope, whose fundamental work on molecular semiconductors more than 60 years ago led to the development of organic… - 3 years ago

@patrickfranca: RT @JornalOGlobo: Martin Pope, que criou a tecnologia Oled, usada em TVs, celulares e painéis solares, morre aos 103 anos - 3 years ago

@quelannoia: RT @EJKeats: Prof. Martin Pope, a scientist and Ezra’s lifelong best friend, recalls his surprising role in the making of Regards to the Ma… - 3 years ago

@gngreen: “Aware of an undercurrent of antisemitism, Dr. Pope applied in 1946 for a position at the American Cyanamid Company… - 3 years ago

@comicman1996: @TheReactionary2 @raingal88 @MarkDice @RubinReport @marcdice I agree with you on all except the monarchy. We had th… - 3 years ago

@quelannoia: RT @EmporiumFred: @J3xyM @Uros_Novakovic @DavideMastracci Nope it was Martin Pope at NYU working for the government in 1960. 🥴 - 3 years ago

@quelannoia: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@priceages: Although the Reformation is usually considered to have started with the publication of the Ninety-five Theses by Ma… - 3 years ago

@gravidadedalua: RT @NYTObits: The work done by the self-effacing Dr. Martin Pope helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are… - 3 years ago

@IronCondorWheel: RT @nytimesbusiness: His research led to the development of organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, which are used in digital cameras, mob… - 3 years ago

@ToiletGuru: Pope Martin IV died OTD in 1285 - 3 years ago

@orodoradovi: RT @JornalOGlobo: Martin Pope, que criou a tecnologia Oled, usada em TVs, celulares e painéis solares, morre aos 103 anos - 3 years ago

@nytimesbusiness: His research led to the development of organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, which are used in digital cameras,… - 3 years ago

@jpopp: My great uncle passed this week. He was a remarkable man, and a wonderful human. ❤️ - 3 years ago

@BarillasMartin: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack…” — Fr. James Martin, SJ “the Church’s teaching that homosexuality is sin i… - 3 years ago

@monorato21: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack…” — Fr. James Martin, SJ “the Church’s teaching that homosexuality is sin i… - 3 years ago

@koula84: RT @NYTObits: The work done by the self-effacing Dr. Martin Pope helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are… - 3 years ago

@UTZAAKE: RT @NYTObits: The work done by the self-effacing Dr. Martin Pope helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are… - 3 years ago

@AudacityofPope: RT @NYTScience: His research led to the development of organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, which are used in digital cameras, mobile p… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: The work done by the self-effacing Dr. Martin Pope helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics display… - 3 years ago

@ProRoyalFamily: Pope Martin IV died on this day back in 1285 aged about 75 from a sudden illness. - 3 years ago

@jdmccafferty: 28 Mar 1285: Three days after celebrating a solemn Mass of the Annunciation in the Cathedral of San Lorenzo… - 3 years ago

@RettaLaw2: @SamPamby @biveselov I saw this story and remembered what Fr. Martin had said 🤔 - 3 years ago

@ChapmanCNSNews: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack…” — Fr. James Martin, SJ “the Church’s teaching that homosexuality is sin i… - 3 years ago

@RodHalvorsen: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack…” — Fr. James Martin, SJ “the Church’s teaching that homosexuality is sin i… - 3 years ago

@infamousgrouser: Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@DermHAG: Dr. Pope (who changed his last name from Poppick to avoid anti-Jewish prejudice) made a series of discoveries that… - 3 years ago

@brooklyndan: A lovely obit by @katiehafner of Martin Pope, a pioneer in display technology, in today's #NYTimes. - 3 years ago

@CornellCAS: Martin Pope died yesterday at the age of 103. His Nobel Prize-winning research led to OLEDs, which are used in digi… - 3 years ago

@NYTNational: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital came… - 3 years ago

@James_Savage15: RT @MaybeImALeo: For Pope, science was about science, not money. He did fundamental research with no known applications at the time, but th… - 3 years ago

@rhenzonogueira: RT @JornalOGlobo: Martin Pope, que criou a tecnologia Oled, usada em TVs, celulares e painéis solares, morre aos 103 anos - 3 years ago

@Marcelo_Cicconi: RT @JornalOGlobo: Martin Pope, que criou a tecnologia Oled, usada em TVs, celulares e painéis solares, morre aos 103 anos - 3 years ago

@markandersen85: Inspiring: "Dr. Pope, who focused on basic research, held few patents and did not seek to profit from his discoveri… - 3 years ago

@MaybeImALeo: For Pope, science was about science, not money. He did fundamental research with no known applications at the time,… - 3 years ago

@lenhagui: RT @JornalOGlobo: Martin Pope, que criou a tecnologia Oled, usada em TVs, celulares e painéis solares, morre aos 103 anos - 3 years ago

@devaneiosdojeff: RT @JornalOGlobo: Martin Pope, que criou a tecnologia Oled, usada em TVs, celulares e painéis solares, morre aos 103 anos - 3 years ago

@etbilu_br: RT @JornalOGlobo: Martin Pope, que criou a tecnologia Oled, usada em TVs, celulares e painéis solares, morre aos 103 anos - 3 years ago

@JornalOGlobo: Martin Pope, que criou a tecnologia Oled, usada em TVs, celulares e painéis solares, morre aos 103 anos - 3 years ago

@ToiletGuru: Pope Martin IV died OTD in 1285 - 3 years ago

@50minds: Martin Pope, Researcher Death – Obituary, Cause Of Death – Deaths Fanatics - 3 years ago

@I027614: RT @NYTScience: His research led to the development of organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, which are used in digital cameras, mobile p… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @Safety_Canada When The Prime Minister Paul Martin becomes the Prime Minister of Canada then the Pope John Paul II… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @Safety_Canada the Pope John Paul II Vatican Church and the Prime Minister Paul Martin there was agreement, the P… - 3 years ago

@AngstromNews: The shoulders of giants: - 3 years ago

@MPW1689: OTD (March 28, 1285), Pope Martin IV dies. - 3 years ago

@CharlesBayless: RT @NYTScience: His research led to the development of organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, which are used in digital cameras, mobile p… - 3 years ago

@infomorsels: RT @NYTScience: His research led to the development of organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, which are used in digital cameras, mobile p… - 3 years ago

@GrantSwanson88: Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@Chilhon2016Lap: RT @NYTScience: His research led to the development of organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, which are used in digital cameras, mobile p… - 3 years ago

@bnschwartz: What an amazing life/career - Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@NYTScience: His research led to the development of organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, which are used in digital cameras,… - 3 years ago

@PradaFun: @TMZ It's a crime! Just because he played "Bad Boys 2" with Martin Lawrence does not let him to smash Chris Rock at… - 3 years ago

@miguelagmaia: RT @uhoelzle: Organic LEDs (OLEDs) are in pretty much every phone today. That happened recently, showing how long it sometimes takes to tr… - 3 years ago

@BiotechPatent: Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@sfastlicht: Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@NacheveAvila: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack…” — Fr. James Martin, SJ “the Church’s teaching that homosexuality is sin i… - 3 years ago

@atfackgz: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@ProtecttheFaith: RT @okiepapist: @ProtecttheFaith Great book. Just read it. Also, Fr. Malachi Martin's Windswipt House seems all to prescient these days. He… - 3 years ago

@okiepapist: @ProtecttheFaith Great book. Just read it. Also, Fr. Malachi Martin's Windswipt House seems all to prescient these… - 3 years ago

@RikRacer: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@mahdi26630998: پایه های علمی لازم جهت تحقق اولین دیود نورگسیل ارگانیک (OLED) کاربردی توسط چینگ وی تانگ و همکارانش در 1987 را بنا ن… - 3 years ago

@FreddieSJohnson: Case study in how immigration benefits America. His parents fled Poland and took low-wage jobs in NY. He was educat… - 3 years ago

@LaCiuraRaffaele: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @UN_Spokesperson When The Prime Minister Paul Martin becomes the Prime Minister of Canada then the Pope John Paul… - 3 years ago

@MAYussuf1: @UN_Spokesperson the Pope John Paul II Vatican Church and the Prime Minister Paul Martin there was agreement, the… - 3 years ago

@HuiUnited: Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@marshagriffin3: Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@GooseEmperor: Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@asdesilva: RT @uhoelzle: Organic LEDs (OLEDs) are in pretty much every phone today. That happened recently, showing how long it sometimes takes to tr… - 3 years ago

@ajkk71: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack…” — Fr. James Martin, SJ “the Church’s teaching that homosexuality is sin i… - 3 years ago

@GuilleGuerra01: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack…” — Fr. James Martin, SJ “the Church’s teaching that homosexuality is sin i… - 3 years ago

@TheTexasTrad: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack…” — Fr. James Martin, SJ “the Church’s teaching that homosexuality is sin i… - 3 years ago

@ChefLilah: - 1285 Wednesday: The 189th Roman Catholic Pope Martin IV ended his time as the Vicar of Christ on this date.  He f… - 3 years ago

@GunnerJingo: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack…” — Fr. James Martin, SJ “the Church’s teaching that homosexuality is sin i… - 3 years ago

@ProtecttheFaith: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack…” — Fr. James Martin, SJ “the Church’s teaching that homosexuality is sin i… - 3 years ago

@nancybehrens3: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@sitsio: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack…” — Fr. James Martin, SJ “the Church’s teaching that homosexuality is sin i… - 3 years ago

@chryllaird: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@martin_okoh: RT @BiafranYouths: To our newly joined youths, your request to provide a video footage of Pope Frances mentioning and recognizing Biafran P… - 3 years ago

@CressidaDuck: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack…” — Fr. James Martin, SJ “the Church’s teaching that homosexuality is sin i… - 3 years ago

@JayAlver: Today’s Gold Star of Excellence goes to chemist Martin Pope, whose work with organic semiconductors paved the way f… - 3 years ago

@sgoldsworth2: RT @jaynordlinger: In 1946, he sought a position, under two names: "Isidore Poppick," his own, and "Martin Pope." Poppick had the more impr… - 3 years ago

@expandedidea: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@BoulevardGuinea: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@uhoelzle: Organic LEDs (OLEDs) are in pretty much every phone today. That happened recently, showing how long it sometimes t… - 3 years ago

@bedrockcrumbs: RT @hermitshepherds: ctommy (pope) vs ctechno (martin luther) this is how c!bedrock bros can still win(lose?) - 3 years ago

@ffabiolla: RT @fatherjesusmary: “Saying ‘Your love is a sin’ is an attack…” — Fr. James Martin, SJ “the Church’s teaching that homosexuality is sin i… - 3 years ago

@Sportylola1: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@Teh_Red: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@MrsCsCookies: RT @NYTScience: His research led to the development of organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, which are used in digital cameras, mobile p… - 3 years ago

@Delta5by5Dawn: RT @NYTScience: His research led to the development of organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, which are used in digital cameras, mobile p… - 3 years ago

@chrisheinonen: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@Koanshark: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@AssPiuE: New post: Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 27 Marzo 2022 - 3 years ago

@paulinust: Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@OtanJoyce: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Martin Pope dies - #MartinPope #Martin #Pope #rip - 3 years ago

@odekeking: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@akawombat42: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@angeldee0: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@mob_idsync_cliq: RT @WolfGangOfFour: Martin Luther posting the 95 Theses as a Twitter thread and Pope Leo X converting them to NFTs. - 3 years ago

@LT38: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@0xF09F8687: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@FsckOffFash: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@blackcurawong: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@LindaHu14367111: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@Flower_Power_67: After serving in WW II Isodore Poppick, aware of antisemitism, applied for work at American Cyanamid using 2 names:… - 3 years ago

@InfoSecSherpa: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@Speedy_Tomato: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@JFGagne3: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@shantaclair: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@JackMog45: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@SteMartiniani: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@darellygyro56: Top story: Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@IdeDig: Martin Pope, Whose Research Led to OLEDs, Dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@tatecurtis: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

@DonoSeba: RT @nytimes: His work helped pave the way for the high-performance electronics displays that are so common today in digital cameras, mobile… - 3 years ago

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