Martin Khor

Malaysian journalist (The Star) and economist
Died on Thursday April 2nd 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Martin Khor:

@abdulmc: In memoriam ‒ Martin Khor - - 5 years ago

@schestowitz: Making of a Global Activist - 5 years ago

@CTS_Chicago: From @Oikoumene ... Rest in peace Martin Khor Kok Peng, founder of Third World Network and friend of the poor, who… - 5 years ago

@KathMorrow90: RT @reddmonitor: Remembering Martin Khor - a strong voice for the Third World - - 5 years ago


@reddmonitor: Remembering Martin Khor - a strong voice for the Third World - - 5 years ago

@Steffanie_Scott: RT @KevinPGallagher: RIP Martin Khor. You lived a life advocating for a globalization that would benefit all—especially developing countri… - 5 years ago

@iannaccone_g: Journalist & Economist Martin Khor, Who Fought for Ecological Rights in the Global South, Dies at 68… - 5 years ago

@muserebel: RT @democracynow: Journalist & Economist Martin Khor Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@Counter_info: Martin Khor: Undaunted Fighter for the Poor and Underprivileged - 5 years ago

@Lawlor224: RT @RethinkTrade: Martin Khor, a leader in the fight for justice around the world, bulwark against the twisting arm of corruption and greed… - 5 years ago

@JStrat950: RT @democracynow: Journalist & Economist Martin Khor, Who Fought for Ecological Rights in the Global South, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@samhusseini: RT @3rdworldnetwork: It is with the deepest sorrow that we share the news that Martin Khor (1951-2020), TWN's Chairman and former Director,… - 5 years ago

@samhusseini: Sad to hear of death of Martin Khor on the Third World Network. Always enjoyed working with him, always wanted to w… - 5 years ago

@saskia_ozinga: RT @Fern_NGO: In memory of Martin Khor: the grateful words of @saskia_ozinga remember the activist’s major role in the founding of @WorldRa… - 5 years ago

@Fern_NGO: In memory of Martin Khor: the grateful words of @saskia_ozinga remember the activist’s major role in the founding o… - 5 years ago

@CynnDragon: RT @RalphNader: See a wonderful tribute to activist Martin Khor, 1951-2020 - 5 years ago

@quantum_alchemy: RT @CelineCLTan: Martin Khor: ‘The poor do not need charity, they need us to address the structural causes and the structures that give ris… - 5 years ago

@bfcembf: RT @CelineCLTan: Martin Khor: ‘The poor do not need charity, they need us to address the structural causes and the structures that give ris… - 5 years ago

@Inge_Vianen: RT @billmckibben: A life so well-lived, and for many years a model for those of us trying to organize across north-south lines. The planet… - 5 years ago

@Inge_Vianen: RT @NathalieBernasc: We all will miss Martin Khor and his relentless battle for the developing world and justice. - 5 years ago

@Inge_Vianen: RT @democracynow: Journalist & Economist Martin Khor, Who Fought for Ecological Rights in the Global South, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@gcdcj: Martin Khor - the making of a global activist. You are sorely missed. Rest in power. - 5 years ago

@gcdcj: Another tribute to Martin Khor which looks more closely at his enormous contribution to the global justice movement… - 5 years ago

@gcdcj: Amid so many losses already this year, the world also suffered the loss of a great thinker and leader. Rest in powe… - 5 years ago

@tomo_eng: RT @bilaterals_org: Martin Khor passed away recently in Penang, Malaysia, at the age of 68. He was one of the world's leading advocate of p… - 5 years ago

@JPvanYpersele: @3rdworldnetwork RIP Martin Khor, the “radical with a soft voice”, who always defended the poor and the environment… - 5 years ago

@ElsTorreele: RT @PCGTW: Martin Khor, a leader in the fight for justice around the world, bulwark against the twisting arm of corruption and greed, will… - 5 years ago

@PCGTW: Martin Khor, a leader in the fight for justice around the world, bulwark against the twisting arm of corruption and… - 5 years ago

@GreenInvestGuy: RT @350SouthAsia: In his death, the world has lost one of the biggest champions of economic equality, social justice and just globalisation… - 5 years ago

@vane_dourado: RT @bilaterals_org: Martin Khor passed away recently in Penang, Malaysia, at the age of 68. He was one of the world's leading advocate of p… - 5 years ago

@UnofficialZnet: The late Martin Khor united activists, officials, and thought leaders against trade and climate policies that plund… - 5 years ago

@WandaWyporska: RT @IPS_DC: Martin Khor was one of the world's leading advocates of reducing economic disparities within and between nations. Our director… - 5 years ago

@IPS_DC: Martin Khor was one of the world's leading advocates of reducing economic disparities within and between nations.… - 5 years ago

@attacargentina: RT @bilaterals_org: Martin Khor passed away recently in Penang, Malaysia, at the age of 68. He was one of the world's leading advocate of p… - 5 years ago

@CelineCLTan: RT @Powell_J_R: Martin Khor: The Making of a Global Activist, from @WaldenBello - 5 years ago

@Powell_J_R: Martin Khor: The Making of a Global Activist, from @WaldenBello - 5 years ago

@Powell_J_R: In memoriam: Martin Khor, Third Worldist - 5 years ago

@IVG2909: Compartilho visões do Sul Global ... aqui um tributo a Martin Khor, da Third World Network, entre outros grupos e o… - 5 years ago

@RethinkTrade: Martin Khor, a leader in the fight for justice around the world, bulwark against the twisting arm of corruption and… - 5 years ago

@erichpica: The world lost a global leader against inequity. Here is a great piece from John Cavanagh @IPS_DC “A Thank You to… - 5 years ago

@Jgsemig: RT @Psm_cuts: Good obit: Remembering Martin Khor, Champion of Economic Equality and Just Globalisation by @Devinder_Sharma - 5 years ago

@gacheke2011: Martin Khor: The Making of a Global Activist - 5 years ago

@pxbern: RT @350SouthAsia: In his death, the world has lost one of the biggest champions of economic equality, social justice and just globalisation… - 5 years ago

@nehaan09: RT @MayaramArvind: Remembering Martin Khor, Champion of Economic Equality and Just Globalisation - 5 years ago

@MayaramArvind: Remembering Martin Khor, Champion of Economic Equality and Just Globalisation - 5 years ago

@rjber15: RT @350SouthAsia: In his death, the world has lost one of the biggest champions of economic equality, social justice and just globalisation… - 5 years ago

@tomo_eng: RT @oak_institute: The Making of a Global Activist Martin Khor - present in almost every area of North-South confrontation - #IPRs #Trade… - 5 years ago

@ariekurniawaty: He is indeed a champ! - 5 years ago

@CoalitionIsland: RT @democracynow: Journalist & Economist Martin Khor Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@PPHRtweets: RT @inequalityorg: The global justice movement lost an intellectual and strategic giant & @IPS_DC Director John Cavanagh lost a friend with… - 5 years ago

@davemattlouann: RT @inequalityorg: The global justice movement lost an intellectual and strategic giant & @IPS_DC Director John Cavanagh lost a friend with… - 5 years ago

@SarahDAnderson1: RT @inequalityorg: The global justice movement lost an intellectual and strategic giant & @IPS_DC Director John Cavanagh lost a friend with… - 5 years ago

@inequalityorg: The global justice movement lost an intellectual and strategic giant & @IPS_DC Director John Cavanagh lost a friend… - 5 years ago

@Laura78703: RT @democracynow: Journalist & Economist Martin Khor Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@raftulum: Muere a los 68 años de edad el periodista y economista Martin Khor, quien luchó por los derechos ecológicos en el h… - 5 years ago

@annabeyondme: A moving tribute to #MartinKhor by #Jomo: an historical look back on the strongest push to change #multilateralism… - 5 years ago

@RitaWatnick: RT @democracynow: Journalist & Economist Martin Khor Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@Tonymitra: Writing a blog - on recently departed Martin Khor, Globalisation, Indian farming and Devinder Sharma - 5 years ago

@ClaraCampoamor1: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Muere a los 68 años de edad el periodista y economista Martin Khor, quien luchó por los derechos ecológicos en el hemis… - 5 years ago

@LopesInsights: Will miss him. One of brighest minds capable of dissecting the world trade system; ahead of most in understanding t… - 5 years ago

@globalissuesweb: A Thank You to Martin Khor, Champion of Global Equity - 5 years ago

@Turfpremium: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Muere a los 68 años de edad el periodista y economista Martin Khor, quien luchó por los derechos ecológicos en el hemis… - 5 years ago

@asturalma64: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Muere a los 68 años de edad el periodista y economista Martin Khor, quien luchó por los derechos ecológicos en el hemis… - 5 years ago

@SueBreen6: RT @democracynow: Journalist & Economist Martin Khor, Who Fought for Ecological Rights in the Global South, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@SueBreen6: RT @democracynow: Journalist & Economist Martin Khor Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@yilmg6: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Muere a los 68 años de edad el periodista y economista Martin Khor, quien luchó por los derechos ecológicos en el hemis… - 5 years ago

@DemocracyNowEs: Muere a los 68 años de edad el periodista y economista Martin Khor, quien luchó por los derechos ecológicos en el h… - 5 years ago

@ArjunaSrinidhi: A beautiful tribute to #MartinKhor, one of the most respected thought leaders from the #globalSouth. Was an honour… - 5 years ago

@sujata_dey: I never had the opportunity to meet Martin Khor. But he has left an amazing legacy, and wish my condolences to eve… - 5 years ago

@MaudeBarlow: A beautiful tribute by Walden Bello on Martin Khor: The Making of a Global Activist - FPIF - 5 years ago

@quailcrown: RT @KatrinaNation: One of the great spokespersons & advocates for the “Global South”/ @thenation was proud to work with and publish Martin… - 5 years ago

@KatrinaNation: One of the great spokespersons & advocates for the “Global South”/ @thenation was proud to work with and publish Ma… - 5 years ago

@katnip2011: RT @RalphNader: See a wonderful tribute to activist Martin Khor, 1951-2020 - 5 years ago

@NayakaKBL: RT @thewire_in: .@Devinder_Sharma pays tribute to late journalist Martin Khor: "In his death, the world has lost one of the biggest champio… - 5 years ago

@Punter49378602: RT @thewire_in: .@Devinder_Sharma pays tribute to late journalist Martin Khor: "In his death, the world has lost one of the biggest champio… - 5 years ago

@SanjoyR03026791: RT @thewire_in: .@Devinder_Sharma pays tribute to late journalist Martin Khor: "In his death, the world has lost one of the biggest champio… - 5 years ago

@thewire_in: .@Devinder_Sharma pays tribute to late journalist Martin Khor: "In his death, the world has lost one of the biggest… - 5 years ago

@Gazala73363115: RT @svaradarajan: Remembering Martin Khor, Champion of Economic Equality and Just Globalisation | @Devinder_Sharma pays tribute to the Mala… - 5 years ago

@bennkuru: As the world grapples to find a better future after #Covid_19, we need more of the likes of Martin Khor.… - 5 years ago

@Adeeb410: RT @svaradarajan: Remembering Martin Khor, Champion of Economic Equality and Just Globalisation | @Devinder_Sharma pays tribute to the Mala… - 5 years ago

@Sridhar67: #MartinKhor was a rare person, whose life was dedicated to the downtrodden, the rural and the farmers, especially o… - 5 years ago

@SanjoyR03026791: RT @svaradarajan: Remembering Martin Khor, Champion of Economic Equality and Just Globalisation | @Devinder_Sharma pays tribute to the Mala… - 5 years ago

@GreenLibDems: RT @felixdodds: Obituary for Martin Khor - an undaunted fighter for the poor and underprivileged, a passionate believer in a more balanced… - 5 years ago

@Dragon52254424: RT @svaradarajan: Remembering Martin Khor, Champion of Economic Equality and Just Globalisation | @Devinder_Sharma pays tribute to the Mala… - 5 years ago

@aditya_shz: @Devinder_Sharma pays his tribute to Martin Khor: a key figure of economic equality and just globalisation in the G… - 5 years ago

@_YogendraYadav: RT @svaradarajan: Remembering Martin Khor, Champion of Economic Equality and Just Globalisation | @Devinder_Sharma pays tribute to the Mala… - 5 years ago

@felixdodds: Obituary for Martin Khor - an undaunted fighter for the poor and underprivileged, a passionate believer in a more b… - 5 years ago

@stefprato: Martin Khor: The Making of a Global Activist - 5 years ago

@optimist_Suraj: RT @svaradarajan: Remembering Martin Khor, Champion of Economic Equality and Just Globalisation | @Devinder_Sharma pays tribute to the Mala… - 5 years ago

@MACAesPAIS: RT @ecuarauz: Falleció Martín Khor, Defensor permanente del Sur Global, intelectual riguroso de la globalización realmente existente, lucha… - 5 years ago

@DILIPLOHIA: Remembering Martin Khor, Champion of Economic Equality and Just Globalisation - 5 years ago

@_AshmeetSingh: RT @svaradarajan: Remembering Martin Khor, Champion of Economic Equality and Just Globalisation | @Devinder_Sharma pays tribute to the Mala… - 5 years ago

@Net2Ayurveda: RT @svaradarajan: Remembering Martin Khor, Champion of Economic Equality and Just Globalisation | @Devinder_Sharma pays tribute to the Mala… - 5 years ago

@Devinder_Sharma: RT @svaradarajan: Remembering Martin Khor, Champion of Economic Equality and Just Globalisation | @Devinder_Sharma pays tribute to the Mala… - 5 years ago

@CA_global: Rest in Power Martin Khor. Your words are at the core of who we are. 'The poor do not need charity, they need us to… - 5 years ago

@noelenen: RT @FoEint: "Great people like Martin Khor never leave this world: their seeds blossom in our struggles & our commitment to justice, they p… - 5 years ago

@rajeswar54: RT @svaradarajan: Remembering Martin Khor, Champion of Economic Equality and Just Globalisation | @Devinder_Sharma pays tribute to the Mala… - 5 years ago

@japonesanjose: RT @WorldRainforest: Martin, we remember Martin Khor (1951-2020) @3rdworldnetwork Chairman and former Director, passed away on 1 April 20… - 5 years ago

@NathalieBernasc: We all will miss Martin Khor and his relentless battle for the developing world and justice. - 5 years ago

@ShobhaRaghuram: In memoriam ‒ Martin Khor | Inter Press Service - 5 years ago

@GRAIN_org: RT @WorldRainforest: Martin, we remember Martin Khor (1951-2020) @3rdworldnetwork Chairman and former Director, passed away on 1 April 20… - 5 years ago

@epw_in: #EPWReadingList: Khor contributed greatly to the development discourse of the global South. He also wrote extensiv… - 5 years ago

@paulrgilbert: RT @epw_in: #EPWReadingList: Khor contributed greatly to the development discourse of the global South. He also wrote extensively for the… - 5 years ago

@kelefeh: RT @evelayn: An economist by training, Martin Khor was everything to the developing world. In short, Khor was our Stieglitz, our Chomsky."… - 5 years ago

@rahah_ghazali: RT @evelayn: @shaqibshahril @kelefeh @rahah_ghazali @diniemohdfadil @liberationxxx Recommended reading: THE FOOD CRISIS, CLIMATE CHANGE AND… - 5 years ago

@karlrafiq: RT @CelineCLTan: A tribute to Martin Khor from two of the people who knew him well. - 5 years ago

@CWSNZ: RT @Oikoumene: It is with deep sadness that the global #ecumenical movement marks the passing away of Martin Khor Kok Peng on 1 April. An e… - 5 years ago

@1africa1love: RT @ipsnews: Martin Khor leaves behind an unusually rich legacy. Atypically for people mainly working in the world ideas, he was also a ver… - 5 years ago

@women2030: RT @FoEint: "Great people like Martin Khor never leave this world: their seeds blossom in our struggles & our commitment to justice, they p… - 5 years ago

@syrafs_: RT @evelayn: An economist by training, Martin Khor was everything to the developing world. In short, Khor was our Stieglitz, our Chomsky."… - 5 years ago

@shaqibshahril: RT @evelayn: @shaqibshahril @kelefeh @rahah_ghazali @diniemohdfadil @liberationxxx Recommended reading: THE FOOD CRISIS, CLIMATE CHANGE AND… - 5 years ago

@kelefeh: RT @evelayn: @shaqibshahril @kelefeh @rahah_ghazali @diniemohdfadil @liberationxxx Recommended reading: THE FOOD CRISIS, CLIMATE CHANGE AND… - 5 years ago

@evelayn: @shaqibshahril @kelefeh @rahah_ghazali @diniemohdfadil @liberationxxx Recommended reading: THE FOOD CRISIS, CLIMATE… - 5 years ago

@SheikhSyaqil: RT @evelayn: An economist by training, Martin Khor was everything to the developing world. In short, Khor was our Stieglitz, our Chomsky."… - 5 years ago

@evelayn: An economist by training, Martin Khor was everything to the developing world. In short, Khor was our Stieglitz, our… - 5 years ago

@ElphabaThropp7: RT @yinshaoloong: Veteran diplomats reflect on Martin Khor's impact on Malaysia's foreign policy - 5 years ago

@SharaadKuttan: RT @yinshaoloong: Veteran diplomats reflect on Martin Khor's impact on Malaysia's foreign policy - 5 years ago

@ZulaQi: In memoriam ‒ Martin Khor - 5 years ago

@WABAsecretariat: WABA remembers the life of Martin Khor, a dedicated economist, journalist and civil society activist, Martin spent… - 5 years ago

@WaitButWhyThanh: RT @billmckibben: A life so well-lived, and for many years a model for those of us trying to organize across north-south lines. The planet… - 5 years ago

@monkeyvirgo: RT @yinshaoloong: Veteran diplomats reflect on Martin Khor's impact on Malaysia's foreign policy - 5 years ago

@MuniraMustaffa: RT @yinshaoloong: Veteran diplomats reflect on Martin Khor's impact on Malaysia's foreign policy - 5 years ago

@yinshaoloong: Veteran diplomats reflect on Martin Khor's impact on Malaysia's foreign policy - 5 years ago

@apisnano: RT @NST_Online: #NSTopinion Martin Khor was one such expert. Wisma Putra first came into contact with him in the 1980s, seeing him as an ex… - 5 years ago

@NST_Online: #NSTopinion Martin Khor was one such expert. Wisma Putra first came into contact with him in the 1980s, seeing him… - 5 years ago

@FoEAfrica: RT @FoEint: "Great people like Martin Khor never leave this world: their seeds blossom in our struggles & our commitment to justice, they p… - 5 years ago

@atafrique: RT @FoEInt_fr: «Les gens formidables comme Martin Khor ne quittent jamais ce monde : leurs graines germent dans nos luttes pour la justice,… - 5 years ago

@ajanthasub: RIP Martin Khor - 5 years ago

@adttogo: RT @FoEInt_fr: «Les gens formidables comme Martin Khor ne quittent jamais ce monde : leurs graines germent dans nos luttes pour la justice,… - 5 years ago

@PoMoGandhi: RT @ipsnews: Martin Khor leaves behind an unusually rich legacy. Atypically for people mainly working in the world ideas, he was also a ver… - 5 years ago

@ipsnews: Martin Khor leaves behind an unusually rich legacy. Atypically for people mainly working in the world ideas, he was… - 5 years ago

@profplum8: This is such sad news at a time when we are sorely lacking in leaders who bring together intellectual and moral aut… - 5 years ago

@anjaliapp: RT @3rdworldnetwork: It is with the deepest sorrow that we share the news that Martin Khor (1951-2020), TWN's Chairman and former Director,… - 5 years ago

@anjaliapp: RT @FoEint: "Great people like Martin Khor never leave this world: their seeds blossom in our struggles & our commitment to justice, they p… - 5 years ago

@EvaBitte: “The poor do not need charity, they need us to tackle the structural causes", sehr traurig, Martin Khor, brilliante… - 5 years ago

@MartinMavenjina: RT @UNCTADKituyi: I learnt with much sadness of the passing of Martin Khor the Chairman of Third World Network and former head of The South… - 5 years ago

@HojjatKhademi: RT @UNCTADKituyi: I learnt with much sadness of the passing of Martin Khor the Chairman of Third World Network and former head of The South… - 5 years ago

@DavidLHathaway: RT @3rdworldnetwork: It is with the deepest sorrow that we share the news that Martin Khor (1951-2020), TWN's Chairman and former Director,… - 5 years ago

@DavidLHathaway: RT @WorldRainforest: Martin, we remember Martin Khor (1951-2020) @3rdworldnetwork Chairman and former Director, passed away on 1 April 20… - 5 years ago

@LenkaBula: RT @AnnPettifor: In memoriam ‒ Martin Khor | Inter Press Service - 5 years ago

@_Polinard: RT @NaomiAKlein: The word lost one of the greats. #MartinKhor blew open my brain at early teach-ins about corporate free trade and globaliz… - 5 years ago

@Bidenlegs: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1530) Former Third World Network director Martin Khor dies of cancer. h/t @LaurieS64123094 - 5 years ago

@Lylasmind: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1530) Former Third World Network director Martin Khor dies of cancer. h/t @LaurieS64123094 - 5 years ago

@TrueQanuck11: 1530) Former Third World Network director Martin Khor dies of cancer. h/t @LaurieS64123094 - 5 years ago

@petaxli: Martin, we remember | WRM in English - 5 years ago

@japonesanjose: RT @tomo_nada: マーティン・コー(Martin Khor)さん、4月1日に亡くなる。マレーシアを中心に民衆のオルタナティブを提唱し、世界をリードしてきた。特に自由貿易によるアジアの再植民地化に警鐘を鳴らしてきた。 マーティンさん、R.I.P.(Rest in Pe… - 5 years ago

@DivDecEcon: RT @CelineCLTan: A comprehensive tribute to one of the most prominent voices of the south 👇What Martin Khor embodied more than anything els… - 5 years ago

@ProfJSDavies: RT @CelineCLTan: A comprehensive tribute to one of the most prominent voices of the south 👇What Martin Khor embodied more than anything els… - 5 years ago

@CelineCLTan: A comprehensive tribute to one of the most prominent voices of the south 👇What Martin Khor embodied more than anyth… - 5 years ago

@olivierhoedeman: RT @FoEint: "Great people like Martin Khor never leave this world: their seeds blossom in our struggles & our commitment to justice, they p… - 5 years ago

@foeeurope: RT @FoEint: "Great people like Martin Khor never leave this world: their seeds blossom in our struggles & our commitment to justice, they p… - 5 years ago

@SergiCorbalan: RT @FoEint: "Great people like Martin Khor never leave this world: their seeds blossom in our struggles & our commitment to justice, they p… - 5 years ago

@SarahNaima1: RT @ingridharvold: What a sad long week. On top of #covid19 victims & madness, we lost both Thandika Mkandawire & Martin Khor, two giants i… - 5 years ago

@tontilocuencias: RT @FoEint_es: Los grandes como Martin Khor nunca dejan este mundo: sus semillas florecen en nuestras luchas & compromiso con la justicia y… - 5 years ago

@anilnetto: Martin Khor – Penang boy, global champion of sustainability - 5 years ago

@FoEInt_fr: «Les gens formidables comme Martin Khor ne quittent jamais ce monde : leurs graines germent dans nos luttes pour la… - 5 years ago

@AmigosTierraEsp: RT @FoEint_es: Los grandes como Martin Khor nunca dejan este mundo: sus semillas florecen en nuestras luchas & compromiso con la justicia y… - 5 years ago

@FoEint_es: Los grandes como Martin Khor nunca dejan este mundo: sus semillas florecen en nuestras luchas & compromiso con la j… - 5 years ago

@paengLopez: RT @FoEint: "Great people like Martin Khor never leave this world: their seeds blossom in our struggles & our commitment to justice, they p… - 5 years ago

@FoEint: "Great people like Martin Khor never leave this world: their seeds blossom in our struggles & our commitment to jus… - 5 years ago

@dekoSan9: RT @tomo_nada: マーティン・コー(Martin Khor)さん、4月1日に亡くなる。マレーシアを中心に民衆のオルタナティブを提唱し、世界をリードしてきた。特に自由貿易によるアジアの再植民地化に警鐘を鳴らしてきた。 マーティンさん、R.I.P.(Rest in Pe… - 5 years ago

@jrdelaiglesia: RT @ingridharvold: What a sad long week. On top of #covid19 victims & madness, we lost both Thandika Mkandawire & Martin Khor, two giants i… - 5 years ago

@cacrisalves: RT @ingridharvold: What a sad long week. On top of #covid19 victims & madness, we lost both Thandika Mkandawire & Martin Khor, two giants i… - 5 years ago

@jhilary: So saddened to hear of the death of the great Martin Khor. You taught and inspired a whole generation, Martin, and… - 5 years ago

@rania8419: RT @350Europe: We mourn the passing of Martin Khor, a giant of global justice movements, and a leading thinker on global climate justice 💚… - 5 years ago

@phooldevi: For those friends who knew Martin Khor. - 5 years ago

@chrysostomg1: @SahabatAlamMsia My heartfelt condolences to Meenakshi and family of Martin Khor on his passing. I was moved by his… - 5 years ago

@leglaneur1: RT @tomo_nada: マーティン・コー(Martin Khor)さん、4月1日に亡くなる。マレーシアを中心に民衆のオルタナティブを提唱し、世界をリードしてきた。特に自由貿易によるアジアの再植民地化に警鐘を鳴らしてきた。 マーティンさん、R.I.P.(Rest in Pe… - 5 years ago

@boochanhouse: RT @tomo_nada: マーティン・コー(Martin Khor)さん、4月1日に亡くなる。マレーシアを中心に民衆のオルタナティブを提唱し、世界をリードしてきた。特に自由貿易によるアジアの再植民地化に警鐘を鳴らしてきた。 マーティンさん、R.I.P.(Rest in Pe… - 5 years ago

@nattikoi: RT @tomo_nada: マーティン・コー(Martin Khor)さん、4月1日に亡くなる。マレーシアを中心に民衆のオルタナティブを提唱し、世界をリードしてきた。特に自由貿易によるアジアの再植民地化に警鐘を鳴らしてきた。 マーティンさん、R.I.P.(Rest in Pe… - 5 years ago

@tomo_nada: マーティン・コー(Martin Khor)さん、4月1日に亡くなる。マレーシアを中心に民衆のオルタナティブを提唱し、世界をリードしてきた。特に自由貿易によるアジアの再植民地化に警鐘を鳴らしてきた。 マーティンさん、R.I.P.(R… - 5 years ago

@percyfm: RT @DeproseM: @YaoGraham What a sad loss of another giant! 2020 has been a year of deprivation & mourning. Alejandro Nadal, Thandika Mkanda… - 5 years ago

@canaltn8: #Nicaragua | Hoy sin duda el mundo ha perdido un paladín en la lucha contra el Cambio Climático y los atropellos de… - 5 years ago

@nangabe: RT @percyfm: Cde Martin Khor. Words fail me. What a loss. May the cde rest in power! - 5 years ago

@MsWeiJackson: RT @DeproseM: @YaoGraham What a sad loss of another giant! 2020 has been a year of deprivation & mourning. Alejandro Nadal, Thandika Mkanda… - 5 years ago

@bonmassah: RT @DeproseM: @YaoGraham What a sad loss of another giant! 2020 has been a year of deprivation & mourning. Alejandro Nadal, Thandika Mkanda… - 5 years ago

@XuYinTan: RT @japerezve: As soon as we learned of this sad news, Venezuela proposed the Non-Aligned Movement to consider issuing a Communiqué so that… - 5 years ago

@athirismail: RT @MerdekaSuara: Aktivis Martin Khor meninggal dunia akibat kanser — Suara Merdeka - 5 years ago

@MYNewYorkUN1: The Non-Aligned Movement Coordinating Bureau (NAM-COB) of 120 nations issued a Communique today on the passing away… - 5 years ago

@limweijiet: RT @japerezve: As soon as we learned of this sad news, Venezuela proposed the Non-Aligned Movement to consider issuing a Communiqué so that… - 5 years ago

@DeborahHealy_: RT @KevinPGallagher: RIP Martin Khor. You lived a life advocating for a globalization that would benefit all—especially developing countri… - 5 years ago

@DivDecEcon: Martin chose to work from the grassroots & his activism, academic expertise & plethora of work was solely from the… - 5 years ago

@Yoshualie: Nota de duelo del Gobierno de Nicaragua por el fallecimiento del compañero Martin Khor - 5 years ago

@diptimoz: RT @SahabatAlamMsia: Malaysia lost one of her own, Martin Khor, a prominent activist, an intellectual of international standing who had wor… - 5 years ago

@lavozsandinista: #Internacionales || Gobierno de #Nicaragua transmite sus más sinceras condolencias a la familia del Compañero Marti… - 5 years ago

@YenireeDaza: RT @japerezve: As soon as we learned of this sad news, Venezuela proposed the Non-Aligned Movement to consider issuing a Communiqué so that… - 5 years ago

@ONUVENuevaYork: RT @japerezve: As soon as we learned of this sad news, Venezuela proposed the Non-Aligned Movement to consider issuing a Communiqué so that… - 5 years ago

@Morella1953: RT @japerezve: As soon as we learned of this sad news, Venezuela proposed the Non-Aligned Movement to consider issuing a Communiqué so that… - 5 years ago

@canaltn8: #Nicaragua | El Gobierno de Reconciliación y Unidad Nacional transmite sus sinceras condolencias por el fallecimien… - 5 years ago

@japerezve: As soon as we learned of this sad news, Venezuela proposed the Non-Aligned Movement to consider issuing a Communiqu… - 5 years ago

@el19digital: #Nicaragua Nota de duelo del Gobierno de Nicaragua por el fallecimiento del compañero Martin Khor - 5 years ago

@DavidFeldman: RT @anjaliapp: Martin Khor ignited a passion for justice in me years ago, and has inspired countless others. He was kind, funny, relentless… - 5 years ago

@pickinjava: RT @IssaShivji: This is very sad indeed. Martin Khor’s writings, books and regular column in Resurgence, were so instrumental in opening ou… - 5 years ago

@pickinjava: RT @anjaliapp: Martin Khor ignited a passion for justice in me years ago, and has inspired countless others. He was kind, funny, relentless… - 5 years ago

@anjaliapp: Martin Khor ignited a passion for justice in me years ago, and has inspired countless others. He was kind, funny, r… - 5 years ago

@Only_Pakuru: RT @DeproseM: @YaoGraham What a sad loss of another giant! 2020 has been a year of deprivation & mourning. Alejandro Nadal, Thandika Mkanda… - 5 years ago

@TNInstitute: The world has lost an incredible advocate for justice on the global stage. RIP Martin Khor. Your presence, now more… - 5 years ago

@nickbuxton: A man who stood up consistently for justice and so impressively amplified the voice of the Global South on the inte… - 5 years ago

@kg_suresh: RT @ashwani_mahajan: Saddened by the news of Martin Khor’s demise. With his death developing world has lost a friend, especially farmers, w… - 5 years ago

@ashiathai: RT @CelineCLTan: Martin Khor: ‘The poor do not need charity, they need us to address the structural causes and the structures that give ris… - 5 years ago

@CicelyMcWilliam: RT @DodhiaV: Martin Khor Rest in Power your words reverberate that Poor do not need charity, they need structural change @benphillips76 @Co… - 5 years ago

@benphillips76: RT @DodhiaV: Martin Khor Rest in Power your words reverberate that Poor do not need charity, they need structural change @benphillips76 @Co… - 5 years ago

@ingo_jaeger: RT @3rdworldnetwork: It is with the deepest sorrow that we share the news that Martin Khor (1951-2020), TWN's Chairman and former Director,… - 5 years ago

@ingo_jaeger: "Mit tiefster Trauer teilen wir die Nachricht, dass Martin Khor (1951-2020), Vorsitzender und ehemaliger Direktor v… - 5 years ago

@fmcmurran: RT @ElizabethMay: The world lost a champion for social justice and the planet. Martin Khor, founder of Third World Network, passed away fro… - 5 years ago

@sandeeparya4u: RT @3rdworldnetwork: It is with the deepest sorrow that we share the news that Martin Khor (1951-2020), TWN's Chairman and former Director,… - 5 years ago

@sandeeparya4u: RT @ashwani_mahajan: Saddened by the news of Martin Khor’s demise. With his death developing world has lost a friend, especially farmers, w… - 5 years ago

@KasturihS: RT @DNDi: We and our colleagues at @gardp_amr are deeply saddened by the passing of Martin Khor, a friend and trusted advisor to colleagues… - 5 years ago

@Glen4Climate: RT @ElizabethMay: The world lost a champion for social justice and the planet. Martin Khor, founder of Third World Network, passed away fro… - 5 years ago

@ShaminiDarshni: RT @evelayn: Martin Khor, the intellectual giant, a towering advocate for the developing world, a force to reckon with. You're an inspirati… - 5 years ago

@DrRimmer: RT @DNDi: We and our colleagues at @gardp_amr are deeply saddened by the passing of Martin Khor, a friend and trusted advisor to colleagues… - 5 years ago

@HazelSophiaGray: RT @CelineCLTan: Martin Khor: ‘The poor do not need charity, they need us to address the structural causes and the structures that give ris… - 5 years ago

@nanwarner: RT @South_Centre: Martin Khor a stellar personality & intellectual of the South passed away on 1 Apr in Penang. He served as @South_Centre… - 5 years ago

@ingo_jaeger: RT @corporateeurope: We’re saddened by the news that Martin Khor has passed away. His tireless work made a huge contribution to global just… - 5 years ago

@ingo_jaeger: "Wir sind traurig über die Nachricht, dass Martin Khor verstorben ist. Seine unermüdliche Arbeit leistete einen gro… - 5 years ago

@ShobhaRaghuram: Farewell... Heartfelt condolences to His wife Meenakshi and family... MARTIN KHOR KOK PENG - Star Cherish - 5 years ago

@nina_holland: RT @corporateeurope: We’re saddened by the news that Martin Khor has passed away. His tireless work made a huge contribution to global just… - 5 years ago

@nangabe: RT @YaoGraham: Martin Khor! A warm and caring person. His intellect, committed anti-imperialism, dynamism (the man did not sleep!) ability… - 5 years ago

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