Mark Taimanov

Soviet and Russian chess player
Died on Monday November 28th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Mark Taimanov:

@davestrike: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@caravalente: In memoriam: Mark Taimánov - Jot Down Cultural Magazine - 8 years ago

@GKlgrpls: Mark Taimanov dies at 90, ένα ενδιαφέρον άρθρο για έναν μεγάλο σκακιστή και πιανίστα - 8 years ago

@redfanaticfanat: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago


@fede_domi: Mark Taimánov, ajedrecista ruso represaliado por perder con Fischer - 8 years ago

@juanperescacs: MNdE Una delicia tècnica sobre l'Obertura Catalana de Mark Ievgenevitch Taimanov, mort fa pocs dies - 8 years ago

@GuillermoCruzH: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@DaneParam: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@Times_Chess: The Times and The Sunday Times e-paper homage to Mark Taimanov Soviet and Russian Grandmaster and twice candidate - 8 years ago

@ruchess_ru: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@Chess__News: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@bbalgabaev: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@SethMould: RT @nytimesworld: Mark Taimanov, world-class chess and piano player, dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@SethMould: RT @dgriffinchess: Mark Taimanov in play at the Capablanca Memorial Tournament, Havana 1964. Che Guevara looks on. (Source: unknown.) #ches… - 8 years ago

@AnalizSatranc: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@mharef: I liked a @YouTube video from @chessschoolsa - 8 years ago

@ChessIndiaNet: #Chess Top story: Judit Polgar on Twitter: "I have met Mark Taimanov last in St… - 8 years ago

@Rahulyadav4848: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@frenchfrill: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@saintjocke: RT @globeandmail: Soviet chess champ Mark Taimanov lost to American Bobby Fischer - 8 years ago

@JayWarrenWCPO: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@hawaiianhippy12: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@USChess: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@SMAcrowdpieaser: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@pokolfax: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@ChessClubLive: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@halbmatt: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@globeandmail: Soviet chess champ Mark Taimanov lost to American Bobby Fischer - 8 years ago

@TorresChess: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@Wlodw: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@ChessBase: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@GambitGuide: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@Joaq_Moratalla: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@CeausescuIulian: RT @GMJuditPolgar: I have met Mark Taimanov last in St. Petersburg in 2013, he was a wonderful man with great talent and passion for CHESS… - 8 years ago

@escacsdim: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@adam1920: I liked a @YouTube video from @chessschoolsa - 8 years ago

@cambiodedamas: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@SM_WP: RT @EuropeEchecs: Mark Taïmanov est mort à l’âge de 90 ans. - 8 years ago

@lucia_pdll: RT @SilviaPArroyo: Ser la leyenda soviética del ajedrez, un extraordinario pianista y pasar a la historia por una derrota. Mark Taimanov, v… - 8 years ago

@dreakero2222: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@SilviaPArroyo: Ser la leyenda soviética del ajedrez, un extraordinario pianista y pasar a la historia por una derrota. Mark Taimanov, víctima de B. Fischer - 8 years ago

@salamancaconser: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@DAVTL: In memoriam: Mark Taimánov - Jot Down Cultural Magazine - 8 years ago

@grchess: RT @theworldchess: World Chess's columnist writes about the 1971 Candidates match between Mark Taimanov and Bobby Fischer. - 8 years ago

@411emilio: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@TopTendencias: In memoriam: Mark Taimánov - 8 years ago

@SibiEinstein: I liked a @YouTube video from @kingscrusher - 8 years ago

@EduLosada: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@juanluru: RT @Suanzes: Aunque esto de @EJRodriguezJD, que veo gracias a @Ahdelaiglesia, está muchísimo mejor y es una delicia de lectura - 8 years ago

@Barb9000: "In memoriam: Mark Taimánov" #chess #Ajedrez - 8 years ago

@Mariluz_Perales: RT @JotDownSpain: Tenía facilidad para revivir el carácter poético del ajedrez del siglo XIX, primando la belleza sobre la matemática https… - 8 years ago

@KingpinEd: @thetimes obituary of Mark Taimanov, illustrated with a photo of Leonid Stein (30 November). - 8 years ago

@hovejo23: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@davidllada: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@Magfabulaciones: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@adrigofre: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@brunosupertramp: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@PacoHernanz: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@clia_g: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@arturoalmazan: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@Daniruse_: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@javiejea20: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@LeerCapacita: RT @JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@ChessLog: Mark Taimanov, 90, virtuoso pianist and a former Soviet chess champion - The Boston Globe - 8 years ago

@JotDownSpain: Mark Taimánov, un compositor sobre el tablero de ajedrez - 8 years ago

@Hashestweets: So much wisdom from the late chess player and pianist Mark Taimanov, from an excellent obituary in @thetimes - 8 years ago

@dense_grove: Mark Taimanov, World-Class Chess and Piano Player, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@daigremj: RT @ffechecs: L'un des meilleurs joueurs mondiaux des années 1950-1970, Mark Taimanov, s'en est allé. Hommage : - 8 years ago

@CHESS_INTEREST: In Memoriam: Mark Taimanov 1926 - 2016 - 8 years ago

@RichardScheinin: When Philips Classic released its “Great Pianists of 20th Century” series, the Taimanovs were the only duo included - 8 years ago

@Chess_Rabbitt: RT @checkmatetvshow: #Chess Loses Two Greats Remembering Mark Taimanov and Mark Dvoretsky - RIP - 8 years ago

@TieloJongmans: RIP Mark Taimanov. Schaakkampioen USSR 1956! Concertpianist. Oudste en jongste kind verschillen 57 jaar. Hoe rijk kan een leven zijn! - 8 years ago

@checkmatetvshow: #Chess Loses Two Greats Remembering Mark Taimanov and Mark Dvoretsky - RIP - 8 years ago

@BorisAAO: RT @ffechecs: L'un des meilleurs joueurs mondiaux des années 1950-1970, Mark Taimanov, s'en est allé. Hommage : - 8 years ago

@ffechecs: L'un des meilleurs joueurs mondiaux des années 1950-1970, Mark Taimanov, s'en est allé. Hommage :… - 8 years ago

@AubenasEchecs: RT @ffechecs: .@lemondefr rend hommage à Mark taïmanov, grand champion d'échecs, décédé dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi : - 8 years ago

@RUINSNODE801: obit: Mark Taimanov Russian chess grandmaster who was also an international concert pianist @guardian… - 8 years ago

@rlzpcy: BBCR3MusicBot: Now Playing Darius Milhaud, Mark Taimanov - Scaramouche (Suite fo... #dariusmilhaud, #marktaimanov - 8 years ago

@BBCR3MusicBot: Now Playing Darius Milhaud, Mark Taimanov - Scaramouche (Suite fo... #dariusmilhaud, #marktaimanov - 8 years ago

@lindalumoore: RT @AndrewMcFBrown: Revised Sicilian Defence: Taimanov, chess grandmaster and pianist – obit #premium - 8 years ago

@sinemksl: RT @dgriffinchess: Mark Taimanov in play at the Capablanca Memorial Tournament, Havana 1964. Che Guevara looks on. (Source: unknown.) #ches… - 8 years ago

@azzamainusa: Sad news about Mark Taimanov's passing. He was one of the best chess players in history and had a great personality. - 8 years ago

@lennutrajektoor: RT @RolandOliphant: Nice obituary for Mark Taimov, Soviet chess grandmaster and concert pianist - 8 years ago

@Nichtarida: RT @RolandOliphant: Nice obituary for Mark Taimov, Soviet chess grandmaster and concert pianist - 8 years ago

@lstanbulda: RT @RolandOliphant: Nice obituary for Mark Taimov, Soviet chess grandmaster and concert pianist - 8 years ago

@guardianobits: Mark Taimanov obituary. Russian chess grandmaster who was also an international concert pianist - 8 years ago

@PetrocTrelawny: RT @obituarywriter: Or even the @TimesObits obit! - 8 years ago

@obituarywriter: Or even the @TimesObits obit! - 8 years ago

@vprc888: RT @AndrewMcFBrown: Revised Sicilian Defence: Taimanov, chess grandmaster and pianist – obit #premium - 8 years ago

@Ferjani9arwi: RT @AndrewMcFBrown: Revised Sicilian Defence: Taimanov, chess grandmaster and pianist – obit #premium - 8 years ago

@eamonn: RT @AndrewMcFBrown: Revised Sicilian Defence: Taimanov, chess grandmaster and pianist – obit #premium - 8 years ago

@AndrewGimson: RT @AndrewMcFBrown: Revised Sicilian Defence: Taimanov, chess grandmaster and pianist – obit #premium - 8 years ago

@AndrewMcFBrown: Revised Sicilian Defence: Taimanov, chess grandmaster and pianist – obit #premium - 8 years ago

@johfranc: RT @chesspain: Ganó Carlsen. El desempate fue lo más divertido de todo el encuentro, un encuentro para olvidar. Solo se le... - 8 years ago

@chesspain: Ganó Carlsen. El desempate fue lo más divertido de todo el encuentro, un encuentro para olvidar. Solo se le... - 8 years ago

@AndrewJCrowther: RT @PetrocTrelawny: Obit of Mark Taimanov. chess grand master and concert pianist @nytimes @BBCRadio3 - 8 years ago

@PetrocTrelawny: Obit of Mark Taimanov. chess grand master and concert pianist @nytimes @BBCRadio3 - 8 years ago

@obituarywriter: RT @TimesObits: Soviet chess grandmaster and pianist who returned home in disgrace after being heavily defeated by Bobby Fischer - 8 years ago

@lwonnell: Mark Taimanov, World-Class Chess and Piano Player, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@roheedg: Chess Loses Two Jewish Greats: Remembering Mark Taimanov and Mark Dvoretsky - 8 years ago

@wifmarquez: RT @leontxogarcia: Mi columna de hoy es un pequeño homenaje al fallecido Mark Taimánov. Dentro de un rato va el obituario: - 8 years ago

@cre8flow: According to korchnoi he agreed to play the gm if they played to a draw... - 8 years ago

@Sharroncity: RT @Tebtunis: We note with sadness the passing of Mark Taimanov, virtuoso in both chess & classical music. - 8 years ago

@CIassicalMusic: Classical Music News - Mark Taimanov (1926-2016) - 8 years ago

@BradleyWise9: RT @KingpinEd: Too many draws? Mark Taimanov writing 30 years ago. #CarlsenKarjakin #worldchess2016 - 8 years ago

@juanlogico: Mark Taimánov, ajedrecista ruso represaliado por perder con Fischer - 8 years ago

@JonMorterMusic: Classical Music News - Mark Taimanov (1926-2016) - 8 years ago

@5mintillZeitnot: RT @dgriffinchess: Mark Taimanov in play at the Capablanca Memorial Tournament, Havana 1964. Che Guevara looks on. (Source: unknown.) #ches… - 8 years ago

@hammerjuan: #Cuba Murió la leyenda soviética de ajedrez Mark Taimanov - 8 years ago

@Georgehadji: RT @chess24com: A look back at the life of the great Mark Taimanov (1926-2016): - 8 years ago

@TheJazzy1: RT @Tebtunis: We note with sadness the passing of Mark Taimanov, virtuoso in both chess & classical music. - 8 years ago

@cubadebateinfo: Murió la leyenda soviética de ajedrez Mark Taimanov - 8 years ago

@George21A: RT @jdacostae: Mark Taimanov, gran ajedrecista y gran pianista, jugando en el torneo CAPABLANCA IN MEMORIAM, La Habana Cuba, 1964. Observa… - 8 years ago

@Suanzes: Hoy he escrito para el periódico el obituario del maestro Mark Taimanov. Decía que el ajedrez es un arte.Carlsen es, a su manera, un artista - 8 years ago

@jdacostae: Mark Taimanov, gran ajedrecista y gran pianista, jugando en el torneo CAPABLANCA IN MEMORIAM, La Habana Cuba, 1964.… - 8 years ago

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