Mark Rubinstein

American financial engineer.
Died on Thursday May 16th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Mark Rubinstein:

@Nekrologium: Mark Rubinstein, US-amerikanischer Ökonom, im Alter von 74 Jahren - - 6 years ago

@sharpcredit1: Haas School’s Mark E. Rubinstein dies at 74 - 6 years ago

@AmyResnick: RT @AmyResnick: Mr. Rubinstein and Haas School colleagues Hayne Leland and John O'Brien developed #portfolioinsurance at their firm, Leland… - 6 years ago

@AledSmith: RT @Behaviour_Lab: A key reason for the irrationality of markets, will always be investor overconfidence. Mark Rubinstein, who sadly passed… - 6 years ago


@firoozye: ICYMI: Prof. Emeritus Mark Rubinstein, financial engineering pioneer, passes away | Berkeley Haas - 6 years ago

@Behaviour_Lab: A key reason for the irrationality of markets, will always be investor overconfidence. Mark Rubinstein, who sadly p… - 6 years ago

@CerberusMus: RT @LindseyJGoodman: My 3rd solo album is in the can! 9 pieces by 8 #livingcomposers will be released in January 2020 by @PARMARecordings!… - 6 years ago

@AmyResnick: Mr. Rubinstein and Haas School colleagues Hayne Leland and John O'Brien developed #portfolioinsurance at their firm… - 6 years ago

@Kiffmeister: RT @RetirementQuant: [If you have ever planted a binomial tree, you have Prof. Rubinstein to thank. They don't make finance professors like… - 6 years ago

@Steyer_PI: Haas School's Mark E. Rubinstein dies at 74 - 6 years ago

@RetirementQuant: [If you have ever planted a binomial tree, you have Prof. Rubinstein to thank. They don't make finance professors l… - 6 years ago

@LindseyJGoodman: My 3rd solo album is in the can! 9 pieces by 8 #livingcomposers will be released in January 2020 by… - 6 years ago

@dhackbar: - 6 years ago

@wagonomics: RT @WGoetzmann: Mark Rubinstein; a visionary, an innovator, a polymath who was open, curious and kind. Created portfolio insurance (with… - 6 years ago

@jvkup: RT @EGHaug: RIP: Mark Rubinstein, the father of the binomial tree model for options and more. The first option book I got hold off was his.… - 6 years ago

@stejeram: RT @EGHaug: RIP: Mark Rubinstein, the father of the binomial tree model for options and more. The first option book I got hold off was his.… - 6 years ago

@mathstud1: RT @EGHaug: RIP: Mark Rubinstein, the father of the binomial tree model for options and more. The first option book I got hold off was his.… - 6 years ago

@mlotshwasf: RT @EGHaug: RIP: Mark Rubinstein, the father of the binomial tree model for options and more. The first option book I got hold off was his.… - 6 years ago

@ColotVincent: RT @WGoetzmann: Mark Rubinstein; a visionary, an innovator, a polymath who was open, curious and kind. Created portfolio insurance (with… - 6 years ago

@PeterCWarren: RT @EGHaug: RIP: Mark Rubinstein, the father of the binomial tree model for options and more. The first option book I got hold off was his.… - 6 years ago

@RahelJhirad: - 6 years ago

@EthantheFlaneur: RT @EGHaug: RIP: Mark Rubinstein, the father of the binomial tree model for options and more. The first option book I got hold off was his.… - 6 years ago

@RahelJhirad: So sad to hear ... - 6 years ago

@Financialtailor: RT @EGHaug: RIP: Mark Rubinstein, the father of the binomial tree model for options and more. The first option book I got hold off was his.… - 6 years ago

@EGHaug: RIP: Mark Rubinstein, the father of the binomial tree model for options and more. The first option book I got hold… - 6 years ago

@ryahanson: RT @jasonzweigwsj: Prof. Emeritus Mark Rubinstein, financial engineering pioneer, died May 9, age 74 Berkeley Haas - 6 years ago

@WGoetzmann: Mark Rubinstein; a visionary, an innovator, a polymath who was open, curious and kind. Created portfolio insuranc… - 6 years ago

@utkarshm: Mark Rubinstein gave us the binomial option pricing models -- the easiest way to value an option. RIP. - 6 years ago

@msiddiquee: Prof. Emeritus Mark Rubinstein, financial engineering pioneer, passes away | Berkeley Haas - 6 years ago

@Mattmilladb8: RT @jasonzweigwsj: Prof. Emeritus Mark Rubinstein, financial engineering pioneer, died May 9, age 74 Berkeley Haas - 6 years ago

@Suporter1976: RT @jasonzweigwsj: Prof. Emeritus Mark Rubinstein, financial engineering pioneer, died May 9, age 74 Berkeley Haas - 6 years ago

@AdamLopezGuitar: Sounds damn good Mark Verschoor n Ari Rubinstein! - 6 years ago

@cetier1: RT @EmanuelDerman: Sad to hear about the death of Mark Rubinstein, who, together with the late Steve Ross, made option theory and its funda… - 6 years ago

@garyjkennedy: RT @EmanuelDerman: Sad to hear about the death of Mark Rubinstein, who, together with the late Steve Ross, made option theory and its funda… - 6 years ago

@nicki_rasmussen: RT @EmanuelDerman: Sad to hear about the death of Mark Rubinstein, who, together with the late Steve Ross, made option theory and its funda… - 6 years ago

@AndreasKoutras: RT @EmanuelDerman: Sad to hear about the death of Mark Rubinstein, who, together with the late Steve Ross, made option theory and its funda… - 6 years ago

@bozothegrey: RT @EmanuelDerman: Sad to hear about the death of Mark Rubinstein, who, together with the late Steve Ross, made option theory and its funda… - 6 years ago

@LuzziAndrea: RT @EmanuelDerman: Sad to hear about the death of Mark Rubinstein, who, together with the late Steve Ross, made option theory and its funda… - 6 years ago

@diana_h: RT @oliverbeige: RIP Mark Rubinstein. His "annotated bibliography", A History of the Theory of Investments, is an amazing journey into the… - 6 years ago

@LaraCathcart7: RT @EmanuelDerman: Sad to hear about the death of Mark Rubinstein, who, together with the late Steve Ross, made option theory and its funda… - 6 years ago

@oliverbeige: RIP Mark Rubinstein. His "annotated bibliography", A History of the Theory of Investments, is an amazing journey in… - 6 years ago

@MarcRuby: Sad to hear of the death of my namesake. Was always flattered by the connection. - 6 years ago

@simon_r_johnson: RT @EmanuelDerman: Sad to hear about the death of Mark Rubinstein, who, together with the late Steve Ross, made option theory and its funda… - 6 years ago

@jcowbell23: RT @EmanuelDerman: Sad to hear about the death of Mark Rubinstein, who, together with the late Steve Ross, made option theory and its funda… - 6 years ago

@investingidiocy: RT @EmanuelDerman: Sad to hear about the death of Mark Rubinstein, who, together with the late Steve Ross, made option theory and its funda… - 6 years ago

@PacurarDal: RT @EmanuelDerman: Sad to hear about the death of Mark Rubinstein, who, together with the late Steve Ross, made option theory and its funda… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Mark Rubinstein (74) American economist - 6 years ago

@LorenzoWVilla: RT @EmanuelDerman: Sad to hear about the death of Mark Rubinstein, who, together with the late Steve Ross, made option theory and its funda… - 6 years ago

@EmanuelDerman: Sad to hear about the death of Mark Rubinstein, who, together with the late Steve Ross, made option theory and its… - 6 years ago

@oscarcabot: - 6 years ago

@Nekrologium: Mark Rubinstein, US-amerikanische Ökonom, am 09.05.2019 im Alter von 74 Jahren - - 6 years ago

@leGrandAless: RT @BerkeleyHaas: Berkeley Haas lost two faculty giants this week. Remembering Prof. Emeritus Mark Rubinstein, a financial engineering pion… - 6 years ago

@BerkeleyHaas: Berkeley Haas lost two faculty giants this week. Remembering Prof. Emeritus Mark Rubinstein, a financial engineerin… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Mark Rubinstein - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Mark Rubinstein - #MarkRubinstein #Mark #Rubinstein #rip - 6 years ago

@DonnerHeidi: RT @UCBerkeley: Prof. Emeritus Mark Rubinstein, financial engineering pioneer, passes away "He was best known for his contributions in opt… - 6 years ago

@InfoProNetwork: IAM Platform Curated Tweet Prof. Emeritus Mark Rubinstein, financial engineering pioneer, passes away | Berkeley H… - 6 years ago

@UCBerkeley: Prof. Emeritus Mark Rubinstein, financial engineering pioneer, passes away "He was best known for his contribution… - 6 years ago

@enicholls85: RT @mrubinsteinCT: Tango, the dance of passion, the dance of blood. - 6 years ago

@mrubinsteinCT: Tango, the dance of passion, the dance of blood. - 6 years ago

@mrubinsteinCT: Great Opening Lines - 6 years ago

@GDAVIN5: RT AmericanTheatre: John Rubinstein, who starred in CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD in L.A. and on Broadway, remembers pla… - 6 years ago

@RobKendt: RT @AmericanTheatre: John Rubinstein, who starred in CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD in L.A. and on Broadway, remembers playwright Mark Medoff as… - 6 years ago

@AmericanTheatre: John Rubinstein, who starred in CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD in L.A. and on Broadway, remembers playwright Mark Medoff… - 6 years ago

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