Marilyn Yalom

American feminist author and historian
Died on Thursday November 28th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Marilyn Yalom:

@AmandaBlesing: Marilyn Yalom, who wrote histories of the wife, the female breast and the chess queen, dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@withspin: RT @jonkay: Good @kseelye obit of feminist author & salonnière Marilyn Yalom. halfway thru, Seelye provides a boardgame tie-in: Turns out Y… - 5 years ago

@CounsellorsCafe: RT @CounsellorsCafe: Such sad news. Marilyn Yalom, Feminist Author and Historian, Is Dead at 87 'In books: the history of the breast and ot… - 5 years ago

@melissamelis3: How the Image of the Heart Became the Symbol of Love | Marilyn Yalom, PhD | TEDxPaloAlto - 5 years ago


@nembotavy_0101: RT @CounsellorsCafe: Such sad news. Marilyn Yalom, Feminist Author and Historian, Is Dead at 87 'In books: the history of the breast and ot… - 5 years ago

@CounsellorsCafe: Such sad news. Marilyn Yalom, Feminist Author and Historian, Is Dead at 87 'In books: the history of the breast and… - 5 years ago

@Bagolina: RT @NarudaaArnaud: Marylin YALOM dirigeait l’Institut de recherche sur les femmes et le genre à l’Université de Stanford, en Californie (Et… - 5 years ago

@BuddhaofJudah: How sadly commonplace it has become for the @nytimes to whitewash the Jewishness of Jewish feminists; yet another l… - 5 years ago

@DiandraJPrescod: RT @DrMichaelKocet: My deepest condolences to Dr. Irvin Yalom, their children, and grandchildren. Marilyn Yalom, Feminist Author and… - 5 years ago

@RachelFleaux: RT @NarudaaArnaud: Marylin YALOM dirigeait l’Institut de recherche sur les femmes et le genre à l’Université de Stanford, en Californie (Et… - 5 years ago

@SuprmomcatCathy: RT @DrMichaelKocet: My deepest condolences to Dr. Irvin Yalom, their children, and grandchildren. Marilyn Yalom, Feminist Author and… - 5 years ago

@bac4077: Boy, rough week! - 5 years ago

@Dr_JohnSF: RT @DrMichaelKocet: My deepest condolences to Dr. Irvin Yalom, their children, and grandchildren. Marilyn Yalom, Feminist Author and… - 5 years ago

@DrMichaelKocet: My deepest condolences to Dr. Irvin Yalom, their children, and grandchildren. Marilyn Yalom, Feminist Author… - 5 years ago

@kleineprinzes: RT @NarudaaArnaud: Marylin YALOM dirigeait l’Institut de recherche sur les femmes et le genre à l’Université de Stanford, en Californie (Et… - 5 years ago

@willsonwellness: Marilyn Yalom, Feminist Author and Historian, Is Dead at 87 - 5 years ago

@RozaWieder: RT @NarudaaArnaud: Marylin YALOM dirigeait l’Institut de recherche sur les femmes et le genre à l’Université de Stanford, en Californie (Et… - 5 years ago

@LignesDeForce: RT @NarudaaArnaud: Marylin YALOM dirigeait l’Institut de recherche sur les femmes et le genre à l’Université de Stanford, en Californie (Et… - 5 years ago

@EmmanuelLauren2: RT @NarudaaArnaud: Marylin YALOM dirigeait l’Institut de recherche sur les femmes et le genre à l’Université de Stanford, en Californie (Et… - 5 years ago

@NarudaaArnaud: Marylin YALOM dirigeait l’Institut de recherche sur les femmes et le genre à l’Université de Stanford, en Californi… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: In “A History of the Breast,” Ms. Yalom looked at breasts through many different lenses and traced how the percepti… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Marilyn Yalom, feminist author and cultural historian, who wrote "A History of the Breast" and "A History of the Wi… - 5 years ago

@Nate_ready2go: RT @NYTObits: In “A History of the Wife,” she examined how marriage, considered a religious duty in medieval Europe, evolved into a sense o… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: In “A History of the Wife,” she examined how marriage, considered a religious duty in medieval Europe, evolved into… - 5 years ago

@jourdete: RT @_pilate: 『<妻>の歴史』や『乳房論』といった邦訳もある、女性史研究者マリリン・ヤーロム逝去の報。来年に出る最後の本は子どもから見た第二次世界大戦の歴史とのこと。チェスのクィーンの話とかおもしろいね。 Marilyn Yalom, Feminist Author… - 5 years ago

@backyardbeyond: RT @ReginaMarler: Unbelievable, awful obituary of a much-loved historian. Is this computer-generated text? Marilyn Yalom, Feminist Creat… - 5 years ago

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