Marie Ponsot

American poet.
Died on Sunday July 7th 2019

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Tweets related to Marie Ponsot:

@ak9stout: RT @americamag: Marie Ponsot's poetry, writes Benjamin Ivry, was "fiercely intellectual and breathtakingly simple, intensely serious with f… - 6 years ago

@Salvatorians: RT @americamag: Marie Ponsot's poetry, writes Benjamin Ivry, was "fiercely intellectual and breathtakingly simple, intensely serious with f… - 6 years ago

@americamag: Marie Ponsot's poetry, writes Benjamin Ivry, was "fiercely intellectual and breathtakingly simple, intensely seriou… - 6 years ago

@lauralminor: RT @jenniferlknox: Au revoir, wonderful otter woman, Marie Ponsot. - 6 years ago


@fishwifetales: RIP poet Marie Ponsot. - 6 years ago

@BloofBooks: RT @jenniferlknox: Au revoir, wonderful otter woman, Marie Ponsot. - 6 years ago

@newenglandgrl: Marie Ponsot, elegant poet of the sea, stars and her seven-child family, dies at 98 ♥️ - 6 years ago

@SciSeekFeed: bookofjoe: Marie Ponsot died July 5th at 98 - 6 years ago

@bookofjoe: Marie Ponsot died July 5th at 98 - 6 years ago

@bponsot: RT @BullCityPress: "She warned me, 'Have nothing to lose.’ “ —Marie Ponsot, 1921–2019 from "Among Women” (@PoetryFound) - 6 years ago

@NicoleLooped: Such an amazing tribute to Marie Ponsot from @jenniferlknox - 6 years ago

@jenniferlknox: Au revoir, wonderful otter woman, Marie Ponsot. - 6 years ago

@trepidarium02: RT @fawnabyss: Marie Ponsot is gone. Long live Marie Ponsot. #poetry - 6 years ago

@SJCNY: RT @writersfoundry: Marie Ponsot was a steadfast believer in the power of the written word and an inspiration for The Writer's Foundry. She… - 6 years ago

@flacamiriam: EG: #MariePonsot, 2 poemas 2 - 6 years ago

@Mohabkady: RT @bponsot: My grandmother, Marie Ponsot, taught me innumerable things — but my favorite was the audacity to believe you can write for a l… - 6 years ago

@BlackEarthInst: RT @pksjones1: some days I think my poems matter, other days not so much. But I am glad they mattered to Marie Ponsot and Steve Cannon. A… - 6 years ago

@commonwealmag: From the archives: In memory of Marie Ponsot, her poem "Celebration": - 6 years ago

@fawnabyss: Marie Ponsot is gone. Long live Marie Ponsot. #poetry - 6 years ago

@NikhilP72108560: RT @bponsot: My grandmother, Marie Ponsot, taught me innumerable things — but my favorite was the audacity to believe you can write for a l… - 6 years ago

@RoseHorowitz31: Marie Ponsot, elegant poet of the sea, stars and her seven-child family, dies at 98. Ms. Ponsot often described wri… - 6 years ago

@energy6903: RT @POETSorg: “There is always time to write one line of poetry.” —Marie Ponsot. A beautiful tribute to our late Chancellor @NYTObits https… - 6 years ago

@RoseHorowitz31: RT @DoireannNiG: Reading with sorrow of Marie Ponsot’s death, I return to her poem ‘Bliss and Grief’ which reads, in its entirety - No on… - 6 years ago

@RoseHorowitz31: RT @bponsot: My grandmother, Marie Ponsot, taught me innumerable things — but my favorite was the audacity to believe you can write for a l… - 6 years ago

@LiteraryCity: Marie Ponsot, Poet of Love, Divorce and Family, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@WilliamRuh: "Death is the price of life. Lives change places. Asked why we ever married, I smile and mention the arbitrary fier… - 6 years ago

@chrispchpnj: RT @MatthewSitman: "She was a single mother in New York City, with seven children to raise. But she did not stop writing. She filled notebo… - 6 years ago

@amal_elan: - 6 years ago

@murkywaters90: RT @poetshouse: No one is here right now. Marie Ponsot (1921-2019) - 6 years ago

@mprparis: RT @JamesMartinSJ: The death of a great Catholic and a beautiful poet. May she rest in peace. - 6 years ago

@mprparis: RT @JamesMartinSJ: Marie Ponsot, an award-winning poet whose Catholicism suffused her work, died on Friday. She published regularly in @com… - 6 years ago

@wayneberninger: Ouch, William Logan! “Poets usually begin by writing loads of rubbish, and few ever write anything else.” Collected… - 6 years ago

@wayneberninger: Marie Ponsot, Poet of Love, Divorce and Family, Dies at 98 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@TheLeighShulman: Marie Ponsot’s incredibly painful poem “Winter” illustrates how you can use words to create an emotion you feel in… - 6 years ago

@GarrisonHack: @alexanderchee Hello I wrote to you about Marie Ponsot from the wrong Twitter account. - 6 years ago

@garrison_nurse: alexander chee I typed "Marie Ponsot" and your name/face appeared. You have heard the news, right? - 6 years ago

@Snapzu_News: Marie Ponsot, Poet of Love, Divorce and Family, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@juliettetorrez: RT @pksjones1: some days I think my poems matter, other days not so much. But I am glad they mattered to Marie Ponsot and Steve Cannon. A… - 6 years ago

@carolinefraser: Marie Ponsot, Poet of Love, Divorce and Family, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@jpglutting: RT @POETSorg: a rescuer, charted for recovery, to speak against the daily sinking flame & the shrinking waters of the mortal sea. —Marie… - 6 years ago

@commonwealmag: Over the past few days, we've been honoring Marie Ponsot's life by sharing her work for Commonweal. Here's a poem,… - 6 years ago

@CoruscaKhaya: RT @NYTObits: Marie Ponsot, Poet and Winner of National Book Critics Circle Award, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Marie Ponsot, Poet and Winner of National Book Critics Circle Award, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@mrslentils: RT @ProfessorEA: Also, she spoke out consistently against war, & her "freelance translation" included classic Tales of Hans Christian Ander… - 6 years ago

@GillJeffery13: The Snow Queen Highly collectible 1961 The Snow Queen and Other Tales A Deluxe Golden Book Translated by Marie P… - 6 years ago

@EmTumilty: "Among Women" BY MARIE PONSOT - 6 years ago

@MaryannCorbett: It's a pattern now: poet dies; I check out her books from local library. Biggest surprise in #MariePonsot's *Spring… - 6 years ago

@howamericaeats: Let me not to the marriage of true minds / Admit impediments. RIP Marie Ponsot, favorite #poet - 6 years ago

@mrkaplanenglish: RT @BLReview: "..there’s no story if there’s no hope of change." - Marie Ponsot (from "The Problem of Fiction") We were honored to have Ma… - 6 years ago

@DScottLA: Marie Ponsot, RIP. "Heart, you bully, you punk... you still try to rule the world -- though I’ve got you: identifie… - 6 years ago

@buddeckee: RT @poetshouse: No one is here right now. Marie Ponsot (1921-2019) - 6 years ago

@PoetMattByers: RT @ALPoetLaureate: I had no idea Marie Ponsot was 98! I've pulled "The Bird Catcher" from my shelf to have a look at and think of her poet… - 6 years ago

@FunWithPoetryNY: RT @PoetryFound: To see clear, resist the drag of  images. Take nature as it is, not Dame nor Kind. Act in events; touch what you name. —M… - 6 years ago

@tony_domestico: RT @commonwealmag: "Even the eagle is deep / into dailyness" From our archives, "Wild" by Marie Ponsot - 6 years ago

@commonwealmag: "Even the eagle is deep / into dailyness" From our archives, "Wild" by Marie Ponsot - 6 years ago

@JLaribal: 'Among women' (Marie Ponsot) What women wander? Not many. All. A few. Most would, now & then, & no wonder. Some, a… - 6 years ago

@edbrydon: RT @AlliBrydon: RIP Marie Ponsot, one of my favorite poets. So fortunate to have taken a workshop with her. “Come to mind, cloud. // Come t… - 6 years ago

@The_NewGuard: Rest in Peace. - 6 years ago

@sarahvtompkins: I like to drink my language in straight up, no ice no twist no spin — no fruity phrases, just unspun words trued… - 6 years ago

@newpages: RT @BLReview: "..there’s no story if there’s no hope of change." - Marie Ponsot (from "The Problem of Fiction") We were honored to have Ma… - 6 years ago

@FaunaryPress: My fave as well. Must be read aloud. To peace, Marie Ponsot. [The wood thrush] perched, rushed notes fluting two l… - 6 years ago

@bookofjoe: There is always time to write one line of poetry."—Marie Ponsot, who died July 5 at 98 - 6 years ago

@BLReview: "..there’s no story if there’s no hope of change." - Marie Ponsot (from "The Problem of Fiction") We were honored… - 6 years ago

@NicoleLooped: "What women wander? Not many. All. A few. Most would, now & then, & no wonder. Some, and I’m one, Wander sitting still." --Marie Ponsot - 6 years ago

@geschwartz58: RT @geschwartz58: I wrote a poem for Marie Ponsot... #MariePonsot - 6 years ago

@mprparis: Marie Ponsot, elegant poet of the sea, stars and her seven-child family, dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@mrkaplanenglish: RT @Poetry_Society: The Poetry Society of America mourns the loss of Marie Ponsot. - 6 years ago

@janklling: RT @poetshouse: No one is here right now. Marie Ponsot (1921-2019) - 6 years ago

@poetrypotion: Marie Ponsot, Poet of Love, Divorce and Family, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@s_cl_chin: @AbcarianLAT @hankstuever I was sure he had passed. And that I had read Marie Ponsot's obit in the NYT last year. - 6 years ago

@LindaChown2019: RT @marthasilano: "For most poets poetry is not hit or miss, but miss and miss and miss. A good poem is as rare as an old canary in a coal… - 6 years ago

@ApprovedAmerica: Marie Ponsot, Poet of #Love, Divorce and Family, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@isarosepress: RIP Marie Ponsot (1921–2019) | by Harriet Staff — Harriet - 6 years ago

@jlmbloodwo: RT @MatthewSitman: "She was a single mother in New York City, with seven children to raise. But she did not stop writing. She filled notebo… - 6 years ago

@ShaziaZRafi: Marie Ponsot, Poet of Love, Divorce and Family, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@commonwealmag: In memory of Marie Ponsot, mother of seven and writer of poetry. - 6 years ago

@erinbelieu: RT @marthasilano: "For most poets poetry is not hit or miss, but miss and miss and miss. A good poem is as rare as an old canary in a coal… - 6 years ago

@ClaudiaMayPhD: “There is always time to write one line of poetry.” — Marie Ponsot - 6 years ago

@spenkevich: RT @herrickdl: Check out her poetry here: - 6 years ago

@RainTaxiReview: RIP Marie Ponsot, read her 1962 poem “Springing” at - 6 years ago

@Tessathon: One more day remembering Marie Ponsot as I flip through my copies of her books, reflecting on the advice she gave m… - 6 years ago

@ohiomail: Marie Ponsot, elegant poet of the sea, stars and her seven-child family, dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@emahlee: I've found poetry essential in facing the climate crisis. RIP Marie Ponsot. I don't think it's coincidental that c… - 6 years ago

@passed_present: RT @BryanMarquard: Marie Ponsot, who died at 98 and kept writing, no matter what life brought, liked to say: "There is always time to write… - 6 years ago

@johnlouissmith: “There is no story when there is no hope of change.” -Marie Ponsot - 6 years ago

@trepidarium02: "Between silence and sound // we are balancing darkness, // making light of it, // like the barren pear // that use… - 6 years ago

@okir2k: RT @onetarot: "Among Women" by Marie Ponsot, who passed away over the weekend. #poetry - 6 years ago

@KoikiMedia: RT @washingtonpost: Marie Ponsot, elegant poet of the sea, stars and her seven-child family, dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@ASMcBride382: RT @marthasilano: Marie Ponsot, 1921-2019. She raised seven children (single mom): “I wrote 10 minutes a day,” she said. “I did it as if it… - 6 years ago

@RachaelLMiller5: Today's poem is 'Among Women' by Marie Ponsot. #poetry #poets #apoemaday - 6 years ago

@onetarot: "Among Women" by Marie Ponsot, who passed away over the weekend. #poetry - 6 years ago

@jlorts: MARIE PONSOT, we lost a wonderful poet yesterday. (1921-2019) RIP - 6 years ago

@mdsheppard: RIP Marie Ponsot, and thank you - 6 years ago

@elinorann_poet: I’ve always loved this one Among Women by Marie Ponsot | Poetry Magazine - 6 years ago

@EmoryRoseMARBL: RT @Deardarkness: Sad to hear of Marie Ponsot’s passing. What a wonderful soul. I helped to add her archives to @EmoryRoseMARBL a few years… - 6 years ago

@TimothyColman: RT @sfreligh: An amazing sonnet by Marie Ponsot. - 6 years ago

@FlowersSocrates: Marie Ponsot: Lavender for Grace, Rosemary for Remembrance - 6 years ago

@mariachong: “Women wander As best they can.” From “Among Women” (Poet Marie Ponsot with her five children) - 6 years ago

@AliceMaldonadoG: RT @PressDragonfly: “Burn, or speak your mind. For the oak to untruss its passion it must explode as fire or leaves.” ― Marie Ponsot Rest i… - 6 years ago

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