Margaret Rhodes

British writer
Died on Sunday November 27th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Margaret Rhodes:

@NVPeople: Every tart in London was becoming a deb!...or how Princess Margaret revealed the real reason the debutante season … - 8 years ago

@thekingleelevy: New post: " Every tart in London was becoming a deb!...or how Princess Margaret revealed the real reason the debu… - 8 years ago

@Geonna42: RT @LennyBoyUSA: Senior WH Aide Ben Rhodes To Attend Castro’s Memorial with US Amb. DeLaurentis. WH sent no-one to Margaret Thatcher's fune… - 8 years ago

@_Hada11_: Isabel II pierde a su gran amiga y confidente Margaret Rhodes - 8 years ago


@DiarioClubSJoan: La Reina Isabel de Inglaterra pierde a su mejor amiga Margaret Rhodes - 8 years ago

@Rawhung8: 'Could you bear to live in suburbia?’ -Queen Elizabeth to her cousin Margaret Rhodes - 8 years ago

@brainhubmx: It’s a Fancy Hotel, Only, You Know, for Bicycles, by Margaret Rhodes via WIRED - 8 years ago

@wanderrlove: Day the Queen Mum mocked Tony Blair's Cool Britannia: Margaret Rhodes (shown), who died last month at 91, recalls life with her aunt, the… - 8 years ago

@NVPeople: The Queen's confidante MARGARET RHODES' memoirs show an eccentric childhood - 8 years ago

@roxana_dobre29: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@donmb_es: RT @abc_es: Isabel II pierde a su gran amiga y confidente Margaret Rhodes - 8 years ago

@TTYun1: RT @MustHaveJewely: #People Queen Elizabeths Cousin and Close Friend Margaret Rhodes Has Died: Report - 8 years ago

@maricarvidalsam: RT @abc_es: Isabel II pierde a su gran amiga y confidente Margaret Rhodes - 8 years ago

@wildwildwes55: RT @InGodIDoTrust: So they will send someone to the funeral for a murderous dictator, but not Margaret Thatcher? - 8 years ago

@Cro1970Rivas: RT @abc_es: Isabel II pierde a su gran amiga y confidente Margaret Rhodes - 8 years ago

@sewingaround: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@eidi7765: Queen is in mourning after her best friend and beloved cousin dies - 8 years ago

@Mdoloresdv: RT @abc_es: Isabel II pierde a su gran amiga y confidente Margaret Rhodes - 8 years ago

@llemj: RT @abc_es: Isabel II pierde a su gran amiga y confidente Margaret Rhodes - 8 years ago

@nigropatricia: RT @abc_es: Isabel II pierde a su gran amiga y confidente Margaret Rhodes - 8 years ago

@CopeNautas: abc_es: Isabel II pierde a su gran amiga y confidente Margaret Rhodes - 8 years ago

@grupocogyfma: RT @abc_es: Isabel II pierde a su gran amiga y confidente Margaret Rhodes - 8 years ago

@LisandreMT: RT @abc_es: Isabel II pierde a su gran amiga y confidente Margaret Rhodes - 8 years ago

@nacho181818: RT @abc_es: Isabel II pierde a su gran amiga y confidente Margaret Rhodes - 8 years ago

@abc_es: Isabel II pierde a su gran amiga y confidente Margaret Rhodes - 8 years ago

@KRamsey1997: Oh no, Margaret Rhodes has died. Only yesterday I was leafing through her autobiography in Smith's - 8 years ago

@song_title: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@NaliTu: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@WriterSinergia: Throwback: Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip get engaged - 8 years ago

@Fan_1971: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@MissEllen93: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@RachelSedgley: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@MashaLloyd: Fresh off the press this week's blog post written from #Montrondo: - 8 years ago

@Nolga112: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - 8 years ago

@Nolga112: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@GLG2705: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@fanofprincephil: RT @RE_DailyMail: The late Margaret Rhodes' joyous account of her childhood with #TheQueen in today's #dailymail - 8 years ago

@DatiuSalvia: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@LadyGolfFashion: The Hon Margaret Rhodes - 8 years ago

@CrazyBengieFB_: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@CrazyBengieFB_: My sincere condolences to you for the passing of your cousin Margaret Rhodes, who One thinks One met briefly somewhere. @Queen_UK - 8 years ago

@CanadaAstrid: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@cathyirene: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@manxie809: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@jesshorrocksx: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@jqk7194: MARGARET RHODES: My exquisitely eccentric childhood with the Queen - 8 years ago

@BritishRoyalF: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@scandalwomen: MARGARET RHODES: My exquisitely eccentric childhood with the Queen - 8 years ago

@maradair: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

@elsacunha9: RT @britishroyals: From the memoirs of Margaret Rhodes - the Queen's cousin & confidante who died last week - on their fun childhood https:… - 8 years ago

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