Margaret Keane

American artist
Died on Tuesday June 28th 2022

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Janet Mead, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Margaret Keane:

@asudriana: ASÍ OS VEO. "Big Blue Eye" MARGARET KEANE.🖌️🎨 - 3 years ago

@EXITEXPRESS: RT @Lituseando: Hasta siempre, Margaret Keane. - 3 years ago

@paco229: RT @gisb_sus: Margaret Keane La pintora de ojos enormes #CadaVezMasIguales - 3 years ago

@PAZLLORIA: RT @gisb_sus: Margaret Keane La pintora de ojos enormes #CadaVezMasIguales - 3 years ago


@gisb_sus: Margaret Keane La pintora de ojos enormes #CadaVezMasIguales - 3 years ago

@silultraviolet: @el_raul Recordé inmediatamente la canción de Lana del Rey que fue banda de sonido de la peli sobre Margaret Keane - 3 years ago

@CarmenVicinanza: #MargaretKeane la pittrice dei grandi occhi #unadonnalgiorno - 3 years ago

@nass8ee: margaret keane umarla iam not okey - 3 years ago

@gabitchney: RT @XO_Nath: @takemeout Me lembrou muito o caso da Margaret Keane, q o marido levava o crédito pelas obras de arte q ELA fazia. Bizarro dms… - 3 years ago

@Phthalo101: RT @HxtgirlB: Uttara Phalguni: Nakshatra ruled by Aryaman that gives success and prosperity through marriage and friendship, gives a devoti… - 3 years ago

@CNNChile: [Vía @futuro_360] Una maestra moderna: La historia de la pintora Margaret Keane, conocida por sus figuras de ojos g… - 3 years ago

@StarDreamers25: Damn... Just found out one of my favorite artists, Margaret Keane, passed away on June 26th I hope she was surrou… - 3 years ago

@bellesapepper37: RIP, Artist #MargaretKeane, Whose Husband Tried to Take Credit for Her Paintings of Big-Eyed Characters, Has Died a… - 3 years ago

@historicwomens: RT @GeekBoyEric: RIP Margaret Keane. Thanks for the endless amount of paintings of sad weird kids that creeped me the fuck out when I saw t… - 3 years ago

@JamieParsley: RIP, Margaret Keane (who I just heard died on June 26th). My 1962 Keane hangs in my upstairs guest bathroom. - 3 years ago

@kintruy: RT @futuro_360: Una maestra moderna: La historia de la pintora Margaret Keane, conocida por sus figuras de ojos grandes - 3 years ago

@ABrooksdeVita: RT @washingtonpost: Margaret Keane, a painter who was all about the eyes, has died at 94. Her portraits of children with big, sad eyes bec… - 3 years ago

@futuro_360: Una maestra moderna: La historia de la pintora Margaret Keane, conocida por sus figuras de ojos grandes - 3 years ago

@nrhodesharper: RT @artnews: Margaret Keane's husband passed off her uber-popular paintings as his own. - 3 years ago

@Prophetic_Elec: RT @PaulBrazill: Juxtapoz Magazine - RIP to the "Big Eyed" Legend, Margaret Keane - 3 years ago

@opeiratis: RT @PaulBrazill: Juxtapoz Magazine - RIP to the "Big Eyed" Legend, Margaret Keane - 3 years ago

@theivyeater: RT @wendyOrourke: Silent Conscience (1963) by Margaret Keane - 3 years ago

@palmtreeseason: RT @wendyOrourke: Silent Conscience (1963) by Margaret Keane - 3 years ago

@sonoioo_: perchè nessuno mi ha detto che è morta margaret keane poco fa - 3 years ago

@alepouda: RT @PaulBrazill: Juxtapoz Magazine - RIP to the "Big Eyed" Legend, Margaret Keane - 3 years ago

@spacemagick: RT @wendyOrourke: Silent Conscience (1963) by Margaret Keane - 3 years ago

@wendyOrourke: RT @wendyOrourke: Silent Conscience (1963) by Margaret Keane - 3 years ago

@wendyOrourke: RT @PaulBrazill: Juxtapoz Magazine - RIP to the "Big Eyed" Legend, Margaret Keane - 3 years ago

@YDWest: Oil pastel drawing titled Giving Margaret Keane is Flowers! Margaret Keane is an artist known for work featuring pe… - 3 years ago

@ydwestartist: Oil pastel drawing titled Giving Margaret Keane is Flowers! Margaret Keane is an artist known for work featuring pe… - 3 years ago

@DsOchoa: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage We remember some of the notable figures who left us this week, including artist Margaret Keane, kno… - 3 years ago

@Jonesls: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage We remember some of the notable figures who left us this week, including artist Margaret Keane, kno… - 3 years ago

@richardupuy: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Haunting eyes artist Margaret Keane has died, she was 94 Lee Cowan spoke with the artist behind sa… - 3 years ago

@4DeniseSullivan: “Children do have big eyes,” she told The Chronicle in 2014. “When I’m doing a portrait, the eyes are the most expr… - 3 years ago

@HankHC91: RT @FinestreArte: È scomparsa in California la pittrice Margaret Keane, nota per i suoi dipinti con soggetti dagli occhi grandi e la cui vi… - 3 years ago

@FinestreArte: È scomparsa in California la pittrice Margaret Keane, nota per i suoi dipinti con soggetti dagli occhi grandi e la… - 3 years ago

@kimschneider2: Margaret Keane, 'big eyes' painter and subject of Tim Burton film, dies - 3 years ago

@franklin19788: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage We remember some of the notable figures who left us this week, including artist Margaret Keane, kno… - 3 years ago

@BrianOKelley1: R.I.P., Margaret Keane. . . - 3 years ago

@DawnJam16218572: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage We remember some of the notable figures who left us this week, including artist Margaret Keane, kno… - 3 years ago

@Spungek: RT @SaraSanchez___: Tras un primer matrimonio, del que tuvo una hija, se casó, en 1955, con Walter Keane, un agente inmobiliario aficionado… - 3 years ago

@DonnaTeresa5: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage We remember some of the notable figures who left us this week, including artist Margaret Keane, kno… - 3 years ago

@Jer0_ssy: RT @THR: Margaret Keane, Painter and Subject of Tim Burton’s ‘Big Eyes,’ Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@CNKDSSRS4: Margaret Keane, a painter who was all about the eyes, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@roserosemoon_: RT @bbcworldservice: "I just couldn't lie anymore." Margaret Keane, known for her paintings of children with large eyes - and who had to p… - 3 years ago

@gemulll: RT @THR: Margaret Keane, Painter and Subject of Tim Burton’s ‘Big Eyes,’ Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@00008b: RT @bbcworldservice: "I just couldn't lie anymore." Margaret Keane, known for her paintings of children with large eyes - and who had to p… - 3 years ago

@red63438460: RT @Karaszewski: Margaret Keane has passed on. Grateful we all got to spend so much time getting to know her beautiful spirit. It took a de… - 3 years ago

@KiwiVanillaIceC: RT @NYTObits: Margaret Keane, the artist whose doleful, saucer-eyed waifs earned millions in an international kitsch craze a half-century a… - 3 years ago

@JeromeAY: RT @Karaszewski: Margaret Keane has passed on. Grateful we all got to spend so much time getting to know her beautiful spirit. It took a de… - 3 years ago

@JeromeAY: RT @Karaszewski: These are some of my favorite pictures from the making of “Big Eyes” - Margaret Keane teaching Amy Adams how to paint in h… - 3 years ago

@JeromeAY: RT @bbcworldservice: "I just couldn't lie anymore." Margaret Keane, known for her paintings of children with large eyes - and who had to p… - 3 years ago

@JeromeAY: RT @washingtonpost: Margaret Keane, a painter who was all about the eyes, has died at 94. Her portraits of children with big, sad eyes bec… - 3 years ago

@JeromeAY: RT @THR: Margaret Keane, Painter and Subject of Tim Burton’s ‘Big Eyes,’ Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@FranziniSolana: RT @disalch: Ha muerto Margaret Keane, la artista famosa por estos cuadros de niños con ojos grandes (que su esposo se atribuyó durante año… - 3 years ago

@GuernseyJuliet: RT @lagatta4739: @GuernseyJuliet @AlessandraCicc6 @BrindusaB1 @gherbitz @MariaAdeleNari @gigliointi @CleliaMussari @NadiaZanelli1 @SorayaFa… - 3 years ago

@almorandini: RT @disalch: Ha muerto Margaret Keane, la artista famosa por estos cuadros de niños con ojos grandes (que su esposo se atribuyó durante año… - 3 years ago

@alexperec: RT @disalch: Ha muerto Margaret Keane, la artista famosa por estos cuadros de niños con ojos grandes (que su esposo se atribuyó durante año… - 3 years ago

@SignoraDelleOr1: RT @lagatta4739: @GuernseyJuliet @AlessandraCicc6 @BrindusaB1 @gherbitz @MariaAdeleNari @gigliointi @CleliaMussari @NadiaZanelli1 @SorayaFa… - 3 years ago

@Culca2: RT @SaraSanchez___: Tras un primer matrimonio, del que tuvo una hija, se casó, en 1955, con Walter Keane, un agente inmobiliario aficionado… - 3 years ago

@1ShatteredSoul: Artist Margaret Keane, Whose Husband Tried to Take Credit for Her Paintings of Big-Eyed Characters, Has Died at 94 - 3 years ago

@JoPerryAuthor: Artist Margaret Keane, Whose Husband Tried to Take Credit for Her Paintings of Big-Eyed Characters, Has Died at 94… - 3 years ago

@Simspice1: RT @TonyLea17: R.I.P. Margaret Keane, subject of the Tim Burton movie 'Big Eyes'. She was 94. - 3 years ago

@TonyLea17: R.I.P. Margaret Keane, subject of the Tim Burton movie 'Big Eyes'. She was 94. - 3 years ago

@maffia_camillo: Addio a "Big Eyes" #MargaretKeane - 3 years ago

@r_mjm: Margaret Keane, artist whose ‘Big Eyes’ paintings were passed off as his own by her controlling husband – obituary - 3 years ago

@SpanishJW: Murió la hermana pintora Margaret Keane. - 3 years ago

@zuggyland: Andy Warhol 💞 Margaret Keane - 3 years ago

@JWEnglishJW: - 3 years ago

@zuggyland: Esta semana ha fallecido 🎨Margaret Keane y me apetece recordarla. Mini hilo va… - 3 years ago

@WellmannGwen: RT @artnet: Artist Margaret Keane, whose husband tried to take credit for her paintings of big-eyed characters, has died at 94: - 3 years ago

@ReaderGalore: OMG...I actually had one of her 3 foot by 1 foot poster board painting! I requested at local paint store as a 5 yr… - 3 years ago

@ttexed: RT @LaMadamaBazarre: - 3 years ago

@pacomarina6: RT @NOELIA31V: Margaret se divorció de Walter en 1965 y lo demandó en 1986, obligándole el juez a pagar 4 millones de dólares a su exespos… - 3 years ago

@K8_Cosgrove: Awww man I know she was 94, but this kinda hurts my heart. What a badass 🖤 - 3 years ago

@SorayaFasulo: RT @lagatta4739: @GuernseyJuliet @AlessandraCicc6 @BrindusaB1 @gherbitz @MariaAdeleNari @gigliointi @CleliaMussari @NadiaZanelli1 @SorayaFa… - 3 years ago

@anthonydaz: RT @gemmaherrero: Hoy en @elmonarac1 recomiendo la película 'Big Eyes' Tim Burton homenajeó en vida a Margaret Keane, la pintora de los ojo… - 3 years ago

@Snaxy: RT @meatsical: RIP Margaret Keane. 9/27/27-6/26/22. Thanks for the art queen ✨ - 3 years ago

@tommywheelart: RT @authentifyart: The bravery, and courage of Margaret Keane will always be remembered. Rest in peace❤️ - 3 years ago

@PoetaPodemos: RT @PodemosCultura: Decimos adiós a Margaret Keane, "la pintora de los ojos grandes", cuya vida inmortalizó Tim Burton. - 3 years ago

@pandana119: Recientemente ha fallecido Margaret Keane, una artista que vivió engañada por su marido, quién vendía las obras que… - 3 years ago

@diamiladi: RT @lagatta4739: @GuernseyJuliet @AlessandraCicc6 @BrindusaB1 @gherbitz @MariaAdeleNari @gigliointi @CleliaMussari @NadiaZanelli1 @SorayaFa… - 3 years ago

@gemmaherrero: Hoy en @elmonarac1 recomiendo la película 'Big Eyes' Tim Burton homenajeó en vida a Margaret Keane, la pintora de l… - 3 years ago

@PodemosCultura: Decimos adiós a Margaret Keane, "la pintora de los ojos grandes", cuya vida inmortalizó Tim Burton. - 3 years ago

@gherbitz: RT @lagatta4739: @GuernseyJuliet @AlessandraCicc6 @BrindusaB1 @gherbitz @MariaAdeleNari @gigliointi @CleliaMussari @NadiaZanelli1 @SorayaFa… - 3 years ago

@EmileSienne: RT @NileAndrea: Tim Burton's film BIG EYES tells Margaret Keane's life. He once asked her to paint this portrait of Helena Bonham Carter a… - 3 years ago

@Sabari15061985: RT @washingtonpost: Margaret Keane, a painter who was all about the eyes, has died at 94. Her portraits of children with big, sad eyes bec… - 3 years ago

@angelabsurdist: A Margaret Keane Washington Post article - Check it out for more information about her artwork and life. Read her… - 3 years ago

@lagatta4739: @GuernseyJuliet @AlessandraCicc6 @BrindusaB1 @gherbitz @MariaAdeleNari @gigliointi @CleliaMussari @NadiaZanelli1… - 3 years ago

@angelabsurdist: RIP Margaret Keane 📸by me on set of BIG EYES - 2014 - 3 years ago

@mozza_tom: RT @washingtonpost: Margaret Keane, a painter who was all about the eyes, has died at 94. Her portraits of children with big, sad eyes bec… - 3 years ago

@Isaliz1976: Muchas gracias, conocía la historia pero no sabía del fallecimiento de Margaret Keane. Saludos - 3 years ago

@Isaliz1976: RT @SaraSanchez___: Tras un primer matrimonio, del que tuvo una hija, se casó, en 1955, con Walter Keane, un agente inmobiliario aficionado… - 3 years ago

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