Margaret Burbidge

British-born American astronomer
Died on Wednesday April 8th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Margaret Burbidge:

@ibanborras: RT @materia_ciencia: La astrónoma británica Margaret Burbidge, fallecida la semana pasada a la edad de 100 años, dio una respuesta astrofís… - 5 years ago

@AleveraVesga: RT @AstroChia: La astrónoma Margaret Burbidge fue una de las pioneras en el estudio del origen de los elementos químicos y nos demostró que… - 5 years ago

@Niyamaiya: RT @el_pais: La astrónoma británica Margaret Burbidge, fallecida la semana pasada a la edad de 100 años, dio una respuesta astrofísica a la… - 5 years ago

@beagle1859: RT @materia_ciencia: La astrónoma británica Margaret Burbidge, fallecida la semana pasada a la edad de 100 años, dio una respuesta astrofís… - 5 years ago


@MayraPichardo7: La mujer que encontró nuestros orígenes: Margaret Burbidge, recientemente fallecida, publicó en 1957 el artículo de… - 5 years ago

@Abejaarr: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@ValeriaC97: RT @el_pais: La astrónoma británica Margaret Burbidge, fallecida la semana pasada a la edad de 100 años, dio una respuesta astrofísica a la… - 5 years ago

@elChinoTuerces: RT @acarrami: Margaret Burbidge - "La mujer que encontró nuestros orígenes" - 5 years ago

@vraelena: RT @el_pais: La astrónoma británica Margaret Burbidge, fallecida la semana pasada a la edad de 100 años, dio una respuesta astrofísica a la… - 5 years ago

@Felipeba77: RT @el_pais: La astrónoma británica Margaret Burbidge, fallecida la semana pasada a la edad de 100 años, dio una respuesta astrofísica a la… - 5 years ago

@pilarfrojan: RT @el_pais: La astrónoma británica Margaret Burbidge, fallecida la semana pasada a la edad de 100 años, dio una respuesta astrofísica a la… - 5 years ago

@Mario_Rosado: RT @el_pais: La astrónoma británica Margaret Burbidge, fallecida la semana pasada a la edad de 100 años, dio una respuesta astrofísica a la… - 5 years ago

@JavierAblanedo: RT @el_pais: La astrónoma británica Margaret Burbidge, fallecida la semana pasada a la edad de 100 años, dio una respuesta astrofísica a la… - 5 years ago

@Enriquemc73: RT @el_pais: La astrónoma británica Margaret Burbidge, fallecida la semana pasada a la edad de 100 años, dio una respuesta astrofísica a la… - 5 years ago

@acarrami: Margaret Burbidge - "La mujer que encontró nuestros orígenes" - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @d_tapia2: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @ViquidonesUPF: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @Pabelaok: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @museolaberinto: #LaberintoMujerEnlaCiencia 🙋‍♀ Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas… - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @ractividades: #MargaretBurbidge, la #astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas | Vidas científicas | Mujeres co… - 5 years ago

@VinualesMuniz: RT @mujerconciencia: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas. Un artículo de @galatea128 h… - 5 years ago

@EmilianoMar1962: RT @acre_com: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas. Un artículo de @galatea128 - 5 years ago

@NilvaSader: RT @carlagastal: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@ninesgutierrez: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@hierencoree: - 5 years ago

@lea_dahkotah69: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@peveneg: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@GregsPaa: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@jsantosorellano: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Margaret Burbidge ayudó a desarrollar un espectrógrafo (después formaría parte del telescopio Hubble, pu… - 5 years ago

@carlosidrovoc: RT @411emilio: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@411emilio: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@karinebarone: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@ractividades: #MargaretBurbidge, la #astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas | Vidas científicas | Muje… - 5 years ago

@ahzuniga: RT @animalculum: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@VenyMeera: RT @mujerconciencia: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas. Un artículo de @galatea128 h… - 5 years ago

@maravilhion: Este cinco de abril nos dejo, a sus 100 años, una mujer que no solo contribuyo enormemente a la #astrofísica, tambi… - 5 years ago

@museolaberinto: #LaberintoMujerEnlaCiencia 🙋‍♀ Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estre… - 5 years ago

@Pabelaok: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@joropo10: RT @mujerconciencia: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas. Un artículo de @galatea128 h… - 5 years ago

@AnaBPeCa2: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Empeñada en ser astrónoma en una época en la que ese terreno estaba vedado a las mujeres, Margaret Burbi… - 5 years ago

@VenyMeera: RT @mujerconciencia: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas. Un artículo de @galatea128 h… - 5 years ago

@ViquidonesUPF: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@drsleep47: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@penalba_pilar: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Empeñada en ser astrónoma en una época en la que ese terreno estaba vedado a las mujeres, Margaret Burbi… - 5 years ago

@TashyChan: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@Priyanka8288: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@d_tapia2: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@newfrontiercio: RT @YourSpaceCorps: Margaret Burbidge, who explored the universe's distant reaches, dies at 100 - 5 years ago

@YourSpaceCorps: Margaret Burbidge, who explored the universe's distant reaches, dies at 100 - 5 years ago

@Mari_Fefi: RT @MasCienciaChile: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas | Vidas científicas | Mujeres… - 5 years ago

@redinedgob: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Margaret Burbidge rechazó el premio Annie Jump Cannon otorgado por la AAS y entregado a mujeres astrónom… - 5 years ago

@redinedgob: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Empeñada en ser astrónoma en una época en la que ese terreno estaba vedado a las mujeres, Margaret Burbi… - 5 years ago

@M13ske: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @CampusMDelibes: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @carlagastal: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @animalculum: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @lanzarotelago: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @upmigualdad: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@VenyMeera: RT @mujerconciencia: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas. Un artículo de @galatea128 h… - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @marisad45125920: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @alejandra_raiza: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @Mujeringenieria: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @MasCienciaChile: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas | Vidas científicas | Mujeres… - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @mujerconciencia: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas. Un artículo de @galatea128 h… - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @mujerconciencia: Margaret Burbridge: "Si se frustraba un empeño por cualquier tipo de obstáculo, buscaría una forma de rodearlo, otro c… - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Durante la II Guerra Mundial Margaret Burbridge trabajó manteniendo el telescopio del observatorio de la… - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: En "Synthesis of the Elements in Stars" Margaret Burbidge et al. explicaban q casi todos los elementos q… - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Margaret Burbidge ayudó a desarrollar un espectrógrafo (después formaría parte del telescopio Hubble, pu… - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Margaret Burbidge rechazó el premio Annie Jump Cannon otorgado por la AAS y entregado a mujeres astrónom… - 5 years ago

@Mujeres_Talento: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Empeñada en ser astrónoma en una época en la que ese terreno estaba vedado a las mujeres, Margaret Burbi… - 5 years ago

@sanhidru: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Empeñada en ser astrónoma en una época en la que ese terreno estaba vedado a las mujeres, Margaret Burbi… - 5 years ago

@AntoniTuduri: RT @mujerconciencia: Margaret Burbridge: "Si se frustraba un empeño por cualquier tipo de obstáculo, buscaría una forma de rodearlo, otro c… - 5 years ago

@MartaMachoS: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Durante la II Guerra Mundial Margaret Burbridge trabajó manteniendo el telescopio del observatorio de la… - 5 years ago

@MartaMachoS: RT @mujerconciencia: Margaret Burbridge: "Si se frustraba un empeño por cualquier tipo de obstáculo, buscaría una forma de rodearlo, otro c… - 5 years ago

@mujerconciencia: Margaret Burbridge: "Si se frustraba un empeño por cualquier tipo de obstáculo, buscaría una forma de rodearlo, otr… - 5 years ago

@ciga1970: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Durante la II Guerra Mundial Margaret Burbridge trabajó manteniendo el telescopio del observatorio de la… - 5 years ago

@lanzarotelago: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@animalculum: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@PaquiDark: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Durante la II Guerra Mundial Margaret Burbridge trabajó manteniendo el telescopio del observatorio de la… - 5 years ago

@ItsasoLarrieta: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Durante la II Guerra Mundial Margaret Burbridge trabajó manteniendo el telescopio del observatorio de la… - 5 years ago

@Astronavarra: RT @mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Durante la II Guerra Mundial Margaret Burbridge trabajó manteniendo el telescopio del observatorio de la… - 5 years ago

@mujerconciencia: .@galatea128: Durante la II Guerra Mundial Margaret Burbridge trabajó manteniendo el telescopio del observatorio de… - 5 years ago

@VerseOnWine: RT @carlagastal: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@spanishcharm: RT @carlosgnfd: Ayer murió a los 100.8 años, Margaret Burbidge, una de las científicas más influyentes de la historia reciente. Pueden echa… - 5 years ago

@carlagastal: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@MartaMachoS: RT @mujerconciencia: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas. Un artículo de @galatea128 h… - 5 years ago

@CampusMDelibes: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas - 5 years ago

@ACatalanGarcia1: RT @mujerconciencia: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas. Un artículo de @galatea128 h… - 5 years ago

@cultUPNA: RT @mujerconciencia: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas. Un artículo de @galatea128 h… - 5 years ago

@JuanAleSaavedra: RT @mujerconciencia: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas. Un artículo de @galatea128 h… - 5 years ago

@jesusgr61: RT @mujerconciencia: Margaret Burbidge, la astrofísica que demostró que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas. Un artículo de @galatea128 h… - 5 years ago

@stopdenial: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@MCPowerYourMind: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@AragonAmit: RT @loretahur: La Carta de Baltimore de 1992 sobre el papel que debían desempeñar las mujeres en Astronomía comenzaba con un antiguo prover… - 5 years ago

@jiminica1: RT @SWEtalk: "She was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but Dr. Burbidge forged ahead anyway, going on to make pathbreaking… - 5 years ago

@chelseyluren: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@womanfish_14: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@beauzeauz: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@isarcat: Rest in Power: E. Margaret Burbidge, Trailblazing Astronomer and Astrophysicist - 5 years ago

@potatowine: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@Mine_Sasha: RT @366portraits: #366womeninSTEM 9⃣8⃣ Eleanor Margaret Burbidge (1919-2020) 🇬🇧🇺🇸 Astrophysicienne américaine d'origine britannique qui vie… - 5 years ago

@RebelLeia: RT @loretahur: La Carta de Baltimore de 1992 sobre el papel que debían desempeñar las mujeres en Astronomía comenzaba con un antiguo prover… - 5 years ago

@igualdade_uvigo: RT @loretahur: La Carta de Baltimore de 1992 sobre el papel que debían desempeñar las mujeres en Astronomía comenzaba con un antiguo prover… - 5 years ago

@thecenterucsd: RT @UCSDPhySci: Remembering #astronomy giant, Margaret Burbidge; message from Dean Boggs; Zoom backgrounds and virtual @imagineUCSD symposi… - 5 years ago

@UCSDPhysics: RT @UCSDPhySci: Remembering #astronomy giant, Margaret Burbidge; message from Dean Boggs; Zoom backgrounds and virtual @imagineUCSD symposi… - 5 years ago

@UCSDPhySci: Remembering #astronomy giant, Margaret Burbidge; message from Dean Boggs; Zoom backgrounds and virtual @imagineUCSD… - 5 years ago

@sruedapascual: RT @loretahur: La Carta de Baltimore de 1992 sobre el papel que debían desempeñar las mujeres en Astronomía comenzaba con un antiguo prover… - 5 years ago

@MirenKarmele11: RT @loretahur: La Carta de Baltimore de 1992 sobre el papel que debían desempeñar las mujeres en Astronomía comenzaba con un antiguo prover… - 5 years ago

@TheRealRobFlor: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@thegr33nskull: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@Ruchard43169862: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@lol_salguero: RT @loretahur: La Carta de Baltimore de 1992 sobre el papel que debían desempeñar las mujeres en Astronomía comenzaba con un antiguo prover… - 5 years ago

@mandric: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@nadhiraid: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@mariopaps: - 5 years ago

@CLK_Shortcake: Rest in Power: E. Margaret Burbidge, Trailblazing Astronomer and Astrophysicist - Ms. Magazine - 5 years ago

@jalejandrosau: RT @pcoffeebreak: Ya está disponible la tertulia de esta semana: - Margaret Burbidge - INTEGRAL, rayos gamma, materia oscura, neutrinos y a… - 5 years ago

@GirlsinICTSpain: RT @loretahur: La Carta de Baltimore de 1992 sobre el papel que debían desempeñar las mujeres en Astronomía comenzaba con un antiguo prover… - 5 years ago

@MujeresTech: RT @loretahur: La Carta de Baltimore de 1992 sobre el papel que debían desempeñar las mujeres en Astronomía comenzaba con un antiguo prover… - 5 years ago

@cavalenzu: RT @loretahur: La Carta de Baltimore de 1992 sobre el papel que debían desempeñar las mujeres en Astronomía comenzaba con un antiguo prover… - 5 years ago

@MujerTekSpace: RT @loretahur: La Carta de Baltimore de 1992 sobre el papel que debían desempeñar las mujeres en Astronomía comenzaba con un antiguo prover… - 5 years ago

@spaceraceoutfit: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@ItsasoLarrieta: RT @loretahur: La Carta de Baltimore de 1992 sobre el papel que debían desempeñar las mujeres en Astronomía comenzaba con un antiguo prover… - 5 years ago

@loretahur: La Carta de Baltimore de 1992 sobre el papel que debían desempeñar las mujeres en Astronomía comenzaba con un antig… - 5 years ago

@femtech_: RT @PASPJournal: PASP is honored to have published papers by groundbreaking female astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge, including "The Composit… - 5 years ago

@JeffreyGMangum: RT @PASPJournal: PASP is honored to have published papers by groundbreaking female astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge, including "The Composit… - 5 years ago

@kaitagnew: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@ZemZeta: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@patriziavallone: Goodbye, Lady Stardust | MEDIA INAF - 5 years ago

@celestialpwet: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@So_meow: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@andy_dyble: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@MartineWhite: RT @PhysicsToday: Margaret Burbidge has died at age 100. A leading astronomer of the 20th century, she was a pioneer in stellar nucleosynth… - 5 years ago

@DebhLOveT: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@njbm68: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@Allscience1: Margaret Burbidge, una astrónoma que hizo contribuciones vitales a nuestra comprensión de lo que sucede dentro de l… - 5 years ago

@femtech_: RT @SWEtalk: Margaret Burbidge, Trailblazing Astronomer Who Didn’t Take ‘No Women’ for an Answer - 5 years ago

@ONWiE_: RT @SWEtalk: Margaret Burbidge, Trailblazing Astronomer Who Didn’t Take ‘No Women’ for an Answer - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Margaret Burbidge - #MargaretBurbidge #Margaret #Burbidge #rip - 5 years ago

@ScienceWeekly: Wonderful obit of the astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge, who spent much of her career at the University of California… - 5 years ago

@meo_jos: RT @35ciencias: UNA ESTRELLA Margaret Burbidge, la astrónoma que abrió caminos en la Tierra y en el Cosmos, murió a los 100 años. En su mom… - 5 years ago

@35ciencias: UNA ESTRELLA Margaret Burbidge, la astrónoma que abrió caminos en la Tierra y en el Cosmos, murió a los 100 años. E… - 5 years ago

@nice_and_chubby: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@Parkerlavigne23: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@visforvan: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@dejectable: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@astrocolombian: RT @PASPJournal: PASP is honored to have published papers by groundbreaking female astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge, including "The Composit… - 5 years ago

@femtech_: RT @PASPJournal: PASP is honored to have published papers by groundbreaking female astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge, including "The Composit… - 5 years ago

@PASPJournal: PASP is honored to have published papers by groundbreaking female astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge, including "The C… - 5 years ago

@PASPJournal: RT @PhysicsToday: Margaret Burbidge has died at age 100. A leading astronomer of the 20th century, she was a pioneer in stellar nucleosynth… - 5 years ago

@itsaykay: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@SustainableNano: RT @SciSeeker: Margaret Burbidge, Astronomer Who Studied the Inner Workings of Stars, Dies at 100 by Meghan Bartels for Scientific American… - 5 years ago

@mweiss_tue: RT @SciSeeker: Margaret Burbidge, Astronomer Who Studied the Inner Workings of Stars, Dies at 100 by Meghan Bartels for Scientific American… - 5 years ago

@SciSeeker: Margaret Burbidge, Astronomer Who Studied the Inner Workings of Stars, Dies at 100 by Meghan Bartels for Scientific… - 5 years ago

@MegaCurioso: Astrofísica britânica teve trabalhos reconhecidos e foi responsável por estudos sobre as características químicas d… - 5 years ago

@WCAI_NPR: ICYMI: All Things Considered Host John Basile speaks with @MMA_Nantucket's Dr. Regina Jorgenson about what's happen… - 5 years ago

@NKC_CZ: RT @SWEtalk: Margaret Burbidge, Trailblazing Astronomer Who Didn’t Take ‘No Women’ for an Answer - 5 years ago

@SWEtalk: Margaret Burbidge, Trailblazing Astronomer Who Didn’t Take ‘No Women’ for an Answer - 5 years ago

@eemscully: In 1971, Burbidge won the Annie Jump Cannon Award. However, she turned down the honor, explaining, “I believe that… - 5 years ago

@demon_haunted_: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@violastefanello: "Men making the rules somehow developed the idea that the wives of the astronomers would not like the thought of th… - 5 years ago

@jwomack: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@matt_dragon: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@SmilesbyPayet: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@TrixieJezebel: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@real_robkill: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@SScheberle: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@yovax: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@Yunis_Dekow: RT @harrisondsmith: Margaret Burbidge, "a towering figure in the development of modern astrophysics" and "a trailblazer for gender equality… - 5 years ago

@kirstengraham: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@jmk1111: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@kconfeiteiro: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@MoJamesApted: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@Kitarwater: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@Phigment: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@KatabasisEng: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@ShonaSwart: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@nforino: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@SuetheLibrarian: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@ChristineSmart6: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@helainebecker: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@technokres: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@bymariacamp: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@ckesselheim: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@denise_rousseau: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@ElviaiElvia: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@BillUminski: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@novaron1: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@yoichi_tate: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@jennykim: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@hina_dentist: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@3x2_9yz_4a: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@plasentino: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@agbtm: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@HelenRBarton: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@barbkiser: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@maanickbala: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@weinbergersa: RT @AnnFinkbeiner: I know y'all are holding your collective breath, waiting to see if Burbidge's obit passes the Finkbeiner Test. It sort… - 5 years ago

@shyduroff: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@AnnFinkbeiner: I know y'all are holding your collective breath, waiting to see if Burbidge's obit passes the Finkbeiner Test. It… - 5 years ago

@RashmiSudiwala: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@telescoper: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@dpcleary: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@2PLAN22: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@JenniferYuen1: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@naogannet: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@HockeyBroad: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@stevesilberman: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@rmathematicus: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@curiouswavefn: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@Thievesbook: RT @Science_Is_US: E. Margaret Burbidge, a trailblazer for women in the field of astronomy, passed away this week. She received the Nationa… - 5 years ago

@bhanubpd: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@Xaguero1968: RT @pcoffeebreak: Ya está disponible la tertulia de esta semana: - Margaret Burbidge - INTEGRAL, rayos gamma, materia oscura, neutrinos y a… - 5 years ago

@xjbsketches: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@aintzanemug: RT @MPAlonso: Muere a los 100 años la gran astrónoma Margaret Burbidge. DEP - 5 years ago

@PeachAndScream: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@MPAlonso: Muere a los 100 años la gran astrónoma Margaret Burbidge. DEP - 5 years ago

@Roshan_15: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@artofuprising: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@SarahSp02818871: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@bret_hitch: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@Thunnus: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@WhatMollySaid: RT @marinamaral2: Rest in Power: E. Margaret Burbidge, Trailblazing Astronomer and Astrophysicist - 5 years ago

@zazencoyot: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@luizao_89: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@sandracbl: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@Rark9999: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@doc_eva: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@LavishTantrums: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@stemnetwork: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@nunu_jub: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@PG_dent: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@jcjray: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@_kate_ray: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@STXparanormal: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@itwilldawnonyou: E. Margaret Burbidge, Astronomer Who Blazed Trails on Earth, Dies at 100 - The New York Times #trailblazingwomen… - 5 years ago

@farfel54: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@MatthewMcNamara: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@hmns: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@ajlopez: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@rmathematicus: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@TammyRVigil: RT @RoseHorowitz31: How Margaret Burbidge fought to do her work: “In one instance, she had to pose as her husband’s assistant to gain acces… - 5 years ago

@eclectium: Margaret Burbidge, Astronomer Who Studied the Inner Workings of Stars, Dies at 100 - Scientific American - 5 years ago

@mjoseph0077: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@pharmacopsych: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@nss: RT @NobbeChristine: A female astronomer who was denied use of a telescope because wives of male astronomers don't want their husbands worki… - 5 years ago

@drtoddmjohnson: RT @AdmirableWomen: Rest in Power: E. Margaret Burbidge, Trailblazing Astronomer and Astrophysicist Burbidge pushed boundaries and faced i… - 5 years ago

@Artstrada: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@ArleneFba: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@egilalv: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@SaraGomezAranci: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@OboistaAlli: RT @AlexBorstein: So...maybe we need a list of anyone left alive worth caring about. #rip 🌎 ⭐️ . . Rest in Power: E. Margaret Burbidge, Tr… - 5 years ago

@puertoricofilmC: RT @sarahsalviander: I had the privilege to meet Margaret Burbidge when I was at UCSD as a summer researcher. She was an excellent scientis… - 5 years ago

@mattbenjamin516: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@QuiveryNut: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@valkellelf: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@DeishunLeft: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@LK121: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@lcoco37: RT @AlexBorstein: So...maybe we need a list of anyone left alive worth caring about. #rip 🌎 ⭐️ . . Rest in Power: E. Margaret Burbidge, Tr… - 5 years ago

@CommanderGrif: RT @BIS_spaceflight: Margaret Burbidge, pioneering astronomer (1919-2020) - 5 years ago

@AhmedMFathy: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@Bagolina: "Morta l'astrofisica Margaret Burbidge, la "signora della polvere di stelle"" - 5 years ago

@WlfInChpClthng: RT @AlexBorstein: So...maybe we need a list of anyone left alive worth caring about. #rip 🌎 ⭐️ . . Rest in Power: E. Margaret Burbidge, Tr… - 5 years ago

@Howardbike: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@AlexBorstein: So...maybe we need a list of anyone left alive worth caring about. #rip 🌎 ⭐️ . . Rest in Power: E. Margaret Burbid… - 5 years ago

@fredhermelin: Mort de Margaret Burbidge, mère de la nucléosynthèse stellaire - 5 years ago

@ChamrickWriter: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@gabbytotheblue: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@FyQBellido: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@marisaob1: RT @Cuentificas: Ha muerto a los 100 años Margaret Burbidge, astrónoma que estudió el interior de las estrellas y los objetos más lejanos d… - 5 years ago

@maestrobantor: RT @Cuentificas: Ha muerto a los 100 años Margaret Burbidge, astrónoma que estudió el interior de las estrellas y los objetos más lejanos d… - 5 years ago

@deadperson456: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@phalpern: RT @phalpern: A Century of Braving the Elements: A tribute to pioneering astronomer Margaret Burbidge, who recently passed away at the ag… - 5 years ago

@Kay17591004: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@ClouderFran: RT @pcoffeebreak: Ya está disponible la tertulia de esta semana: - Margaret Burbidge - INTEGRAL, rayos gamma, materia oscura, neutrinos y a… - 5 years ago

@AndreaAB4: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@BlackPhysicists: Rest in Power: E. Margaret Burbidge, Trailblazing Astronomer and Astrophysicist - 5 years ago

@theparadoxbelle: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@DeLitaRN: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@jonathanlorza: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@dawnsascientist: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@sylviarizam: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@GracielaGomez_4: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@MartaMsorho: RT @guilleabramson: Murió a los 100 años Margaret Burbridge, autora del famoso paper B2HF, "Síntesis de los elementos en las estrellas". De… - 5 years ago

@MorganPierceCo: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@JRow1973: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@masondo_thabang: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@AndreaBrundage1: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@rosarui65582822: RT @Cuentificas: Ha muerto a los 100 años Margaret Burbidge, astrónoma que estudió el interior de las estrellas y los objetos más lejanos d… - 5 years ago

@MrFox_86: RT @Pantalaimon83: Pochi giorni fa è morta l'astrofisica Margaret Burbidge, non conosciuta quanto dovrebbe. Ha contribuito a capire la sint… - 5 years ago

@patty_pac30: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@jughead_xx: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@fukushima_actu: Mort de Margaret Burbidge, mère de la nucléosynthèse stellaire - Futura - 5 years ago

@SabryNa36288360: RT @mediainaf: Goodbye, Lady Stardust! Domenica, all’età di 100 anni, l’astrofisica #Margaret #Burbidge ci ha lasciati. La ricordiamo con u… - 5 years ago

@EstelaSoperanes: RT @sciam: Margaret Burbidge, astronomer who studied the inner workings of stars, dies at 100 - 5 years ago

@chiara_valerio: RT @sandrasavaglio: Thank you Margaret Burbidge for what you have done for astronomy & for women in science - 5 years ago

@zeitungsjunge: RT @SkyandTelescope: The astronomer who taught us we are all made of stardust has passed away after celebrating her 100th birthday on Augus… - 5 years ago

@francisd62: RT @anitaleirfall: Margaret Burbidge, Astronomer Who Studied the Inner Workings of Stars, Dies at 100 | Scientific American Sometimes call… - 5 years ago

@Dr_Kakerlake: RT @SkyandTelescope: The astronomer who taught us we are all made of stardust has passed away after celebrating her 100th birthday on Augus… - 5 years ago

@JMFirecloud: Trailblazing astronomer Margaret Burbidge, who helped reveal what happens inside stars, dies at 100 - 5 years ago

@OguzYuzuguler: RT @SETIInstitute: Celebrating Astronomer Margaret Burbidge, 1919–2020: - 5 years ago

@stiifmeiister: RT @MuseosTenerife: Ha fallecido la Dra. Margaret Burbidge, una pionera de la astrofísica cuyos trabajos fueron relevantes no solo en el ám… - 5 years ago

@ayr_kotu: RT @Ali_Alpar: Astronom Margaret Burbidge 100 yaşında öldü. Hidrojenden ağır tüm elemanların yıldızlarda oluştuğunu eşi Geoff Burbidge, Fr… - 5 years ago

@AkturkEthem: RT @Ali_Alpar: Astronom Margaret Burbidge 100 yaşında öldü. Hidrojenden ağır tüm elemanların yıldızlarda oluştuğunu eşi Geoff Burbidge, Fr… - 5 years ago

@EmilyGlanz: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@_laurdev: RT @SETIInstitute: Celebrating Astronomer Margaret Burbidge, 1919–2020: - 5 years ago

@NikeSkywalker: RT @SETIInstitute: Celebrating Astronomer Margaret Burbidge, 1919–2020: - 5 years ago

@95jpf: #astronomy Famed UC San Diego researcher Margaret Burbidge, the 'Lady Stardust' of astronomy, dies at 100 - 5 years ago

@eltinchee: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@Eliot_May: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@Leyus6: RT @SETIInstitute: Celebrating Astronomer Margaret Burbidge, 1919–2020: - 5 years ago

@RiosArnau: Margaret Burbidge was a giant of #Nuclear #Astrophysics - her pioneer paper B2FH was a #BigBang that helped pave th… - 5 years ago

@melissamurphyn2: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@UCSanDiego: We are remembering professor emeritus of physics and famed astronomer Margaret Burbidge, whose stellar discoveries… - 5 years ago

@anasr7070: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@MBowmanScience: RT @sciam: Margaret Burbidge, astronomer who studied the inner workings of stars, dies at 100 - 5 years ago

@ALZAIBAR: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@7homaslin: RT @GabriellBirchak: She was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but Dr. Burbidge forged ahead anyway, going on to make pathbr… - 5 years ago

@GabriellBirchak: She was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but Dr. Burbidge forged ahead anyway, going on to make pat… - 5 years ago

@Mauricejcooper: RT @Mauricejcooper: - 5 years ago

@KentMesplay: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@mfizzle: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@rerj: RT @ROGAstronomers: Practically every atom inside you has passed through the core of at least one star before becoming what it is today. On… - 5 years ago

@DavidYa75689764: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@brain1969: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@DeepDish_: RT @sciam: Margaret Burbidge, astronomer who studied the inner workings of stars, dies at 100 - 5 years ago

@sakshidhar20: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@ruampo: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@LO974: Mort de Margaret Burbidge, mère de la nucléosynthèse stellaire - 5 years ago

@Netzwerkfan: RT @astrodicticum: Margaret Burbidge ist im Alter von 101 Jahren gestorben. Die Astronomin hat unser Verständnis der Sterne und den Ursprun… - 5 years ago

@VidalFlorian3: Mort de Margaret Burbidge, mère de la nucléosynthèse stellaire - 5 years ago

@Anonomouse1981: RT @sciam: Margaret Burbidge, astronomer who studied the inner workings of stars, dies at 100 - 5 years ago

@alfogayar: RT @rosenrod: Muere Margaret Burbidge, la mujer que demostró que es verdad, que el material del que estamos hechos nació en las estrellas:… - 5 years ago

@manubarrp: RT @carlosgnfd: Ayer murió a los 100.8 años, Margaret Burbidge, una de las científicas más influyentes de la historia reciente. Pueden echa… - 5 years ago

@kulturkramkiste: RT @astrodicticum: Margaret Burbidge ist im Alter von 101 Jahren gestorben. Die Astronomin hat unser Verständnis der Sterne und den Ursprun… - 5 years ago

@TheJeed: RT @astrodicticum: Margaret Burbidge ist im Alter von 101 Jahren gestorben. Die Astronomin hat unser Verständnis der Sterne und den Ursprun… - 5 years ago

@PiratenBuecher: RT @astrodicticum: Margaret Burbidge ist im Alter von 101 Jahren gestorben. Die Astronomin hat unser Verständnis der Sterne und den Ursprun… - 5 years ago

@Goettergatte42: RT @astrodicticum: Margaret Burbidge ist im Alter von 101 Jahren gestorben. Die Astronomin hat unser Verständnis der Sterne und den Ursprun… - 5 years ago

@astrofan80: RT @astrodicticum: Margaret Burbidge ist im Alter von 101 Jahren gestorben. Die Astronomin hat unser Verständnis der Sterne und den Ursprun… - 5 years ago

@Elementar_Lesen: RT @astrodicticum: Margaret Burbidge ist im Alter von 101 Jahren gestorben. Die Astronomin hat unser Verständnis der Sterne und den Ursprun… - 5 years ago

@jesthan: RT @astrodicticum: Margaret Burbidge ist im Alter von 101 Jahren gestorben. Die Astronomin hat unser Verständnis der Sterne und den Ursprun… - 5 years ago

@5berto: RT @sciam: Margaret Burbidge, astronomer who studied the inner workings of stars, dies at 100 - 5 years ago

@FrauAlly: RT @astrodicticum: Margaret Burbidge ist im Alter von 101 Jahren gestorben. Die Astronomin hat unser Verständnis der Sterne und den Ursprun… - 5 years ago

@astrodicticum: Margaret Burbidge ist im Alter von 101 Jahren gestorben. Die Astronomin hat unser Verständnis der Sterne und den Ur… - 5 years ago

@sunnykoul8: RT @sciam: Margaret Burbidge, astronomer who studied the inner workings of stars, dies at 100 - 5 years ago

@amanpache14: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@hyderaliabbasi2: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@markotak: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@artemis7tea: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@Abhishekroy1998: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@wp1957: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@baileygmyers: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@DiedBySnuSnu: RT @jilevin: Pioneering astrophysicist who explored the universe's distant reaches dies at 100 - 5 years ago

@tobac_nosmits: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@susan_morawski: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@rawmedianetwork: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@decelle2: RT @SPACEdotcom: Trailblazing astronomer Margaret Burbidge, who helped reveal what happens inside stars, dies at 100 - 5 years ago

@macaopitz: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@AbbyQAndrews: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@CarroLuigi: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@maxandres_13: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@dazzawhit3: Trailblazing astronomer Margaret Burbidge, who helped reveal what happens inside stars, dies at 100 | Space… - 5 years ago

@theonlything: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@netakaraj: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@dblsausagenegg: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@NYTsIs2Neolib: We are stardust, We are golden - 5 years ago

@NoeliaG06672813: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@DaniiLovlii: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@leperotero: RT @rosenrod: Muere Margaret Burbidge, la mujer que demostró que es verdad, que el material del que estamos hechos nació en las estrellas:… - 5 years ago

@wrkinghard: Margaret Burbidge, Astronomer Who Studied the Inner Workings of Stars, Dies at 100 - 5 years ago

@jagfroshphysics: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@compostum: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@jordi_gamarus: RT @PlanetariCat: Ha mort Margaret Burbidge a l'edat de 100 anys. Va ser qui ens va fer veure que som pols d'estrelles. - 5 years ago

@sarangdalal: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@wolfbae3: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@iaa7733: RT @AnaGalarraga1: #gaurkoegunez E. Margaret Burbidge astronomoa hil da, ehun urterekin. Emakume izateagatik teleskopioa erabiltzeko aukera… - 5 years ago

@Aim2Misbehave84: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@UrenaSF: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@vlandaeta: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@jorgemartinez: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@BeanCountry: RT @Bardicvoice: I salute and mourn trailblazer Margaret Burbidge, who taught us how, as Carl Sagan observed, we are all made from stardust… - 5 years ago

@CountDvL: RT @SallyRideSci: Astrophysicist @DrBrianKeating @UCSanDiego pays tribute to trailblazing astronomer Margaret Burbidge, who has died at age… - 5 years ago

@ECwarrior22: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@SteraNeka: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@vmplacco: RT @AAS_Office: Margaret Burbidge, the first woman to serve as AAS President (1976-1978) and the Inaugural AAS Fellow, has died at age 100.… - 5 years ago

@nicklausEE: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@GeorgeVanMike: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@itsmich___: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@ericwburgess: The coauthor of one the most important scientific papers in physics in the 20th century has passed away at the age… - 5 years ago

@sebastion85: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@BXtra: RT @NYTScience: The astronomer E. Margaret Burbidge was denied access to a telescope because of her sex, but she forged ahead anyway, going… - 5 years ago

@rossheiney: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@setijaydeep: RT @SPACEdotcom: Trailblazing astronomer Margaret Burbidge, who helped reveal what happens inside stars, dies at 100 - 5 years ago

@stepseven7: Margaret Burbidge, who explored the universe’s distant reaches, dies at 100. - 5 years ago

@sri_ramach: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@shivayaryan: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@wbugg11: RT @ScienceNelson: RIP Margaret Burbidge who has died aged 100. ‘The astronomer who taught us we are all made of stardust’ Fascinating ar… - 5 years ago

@berthefrancois: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@leannetrcy: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@dianjennifer: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@4861636b6572: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@st_rah_in_jazz: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@RandiDelirod: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@Desenrascano1: RT @NatureNews: Examine the shaky evidence for the efficacy of a decades-old antimalarial against coronavirus. Plus: Canada begins the worl… - 5 years ago

@EmmyOrlusco: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@shariqneshat: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@craoophios: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@Mihai29834146: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@HarshalBhat8: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@fishtacos007: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@scmabrew: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@renata_vvaz: RT @NatureNews: Examine the shaky evidence for the efficacy of a decades-old antimalarial against coronavirus. Plus: Canada begins the worl… - 5 years ago

@E50EFRAIN: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@tusharvjoshi: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@SabrinaDiasSOOP: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@aderenzis1: Morta l'astrofisica Margaret Burbidge, la "signora della polvere di stelle" - 5 years ago

@Niamhstweet: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@MaskarNikhil: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@Wrldgirl1: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@EmreglYnus: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@PrecariUnitINFN: RT @mediainaf: Goodbye, Lady Stardust! Domenica, all’età di 100 anni, l’astrofisica #Margaret #Burbidge ci ha lasciati. La ricordiamo con u… - 5 years ago

@yagyaansh: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@sohamY8621: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@TimesObits: In August 1944 Margaret Burbidge was studying a star called Gamma Cassiopeiae and she was not going to allow the Se… - 5 years ago

@AmyDifar: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@nuayorker: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@norasbunch: RT @NatureNews: Examine the shaky evidence for the efficacy of a decades-old antimalarial against coronavirus. Plus: Canada begins the worl… - 5 years ago

@Franklin_Peters: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@namskash: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@hopelesssjones: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@HeiskanenAki: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@mico05782892: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@hecuriel91: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@mrHK_to: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@Not_veiled: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

@dcc1st: RT @neiltyson: Ever look up at night and feel small? Don't. Instead feel large. Atoms in our body trace to remnants of exploded stars. We a… - 5 years ago

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