Marcus Sedgwick

British novelist (Floodland
Died on Thursday November 17th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Marcus Sedgwick:

@runalongwomble: RT @PewterWolf: I have another #SmallPressBigStories post but, even now, in two minds about posting it due to the recent and sudden death o… - 2 years ago

@PewterWolf: I have another #SmallPressBigStories post but, even now, in two minds about posting it due to the recent and sudden… - 2 years ago

@ChattyStaffroom: RT @pollyrowena: After we heard the news this week that Marcus Sedgwick had died, we realised his book #AllInYourHead was finally available… - 2 years ago

@breathefreeuk: - 2 years ago


@GirlontheLam: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@SwagDeelishis: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@SchoolReading: Revolver by Marcus Sedgwick. Sig Andersson has a choice to make - use the gun or die. An unforgettable psychologica… - 2 years ago

@ThugRaffles: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@CharliGirlLove: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@JohnRus60107770: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@realrockford: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@NWSLibrary: Our #QuoteOfTheWeek is dedicated to the late, great Marcus Sedgwick. Thank you for the stories. #Library… - 2 years ago

@LandLibrary: RT @RobfromMalpas: Book on a small table in Malpas Marcus Sedgwick Snow - 2 years ago

@DelphineMusic: RT @pollyrowena: After we heard the news this week that Marcus Sedgwick had died, we realised his book #AllInYourHead was finally available… - 2 years ago

@Samos2C: RT @TomKindlon: 🧵 “Marcus Sedgwick, author acclaimed for his dark fiction for young adults - obituary” “He moved to a chalet in the Alps -… - 2 years ago

@JohnPDeLaRosa: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@Nowheremaam: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@Minka51150356: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@RobfromMalpas: Book on a small table in Malpas Marcus Sedgwick Snow - 2 years ago

@DebandezScott: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@WmillsBill: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@inky_mark: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@frisch_fish: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@drsblade: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@kHellstr: His literary agency RCW has confirmed his death, which it described as “unexpected”. - 2 years ago

@Charlen16331042: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@catskajsa: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@fionnualaprunty: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@TheCriticsSay: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@zylon9: RT @DrJamesOlsson: British Writer Marcus Sedgwick, Dead at 54... "Unexpected"... - economictimes indiatimes - 2 years ago

@lastoiletpaper: RT @toobaffled: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 | Marcus Sedgwick | The Guardian - 2 years ago

@chronicallyfae: RT @TomKindlon: “Children's author Marcus Sedgwick has died at age 54” “Marcus said #CFS left him unable to walk… - 2 years ago

@BarrowMember: RT @LouiseKenward: @BarrowMember Do you have Marcus Sedgwick’s new book #AllInYourHead? All the more poignant this week. - 2 years ago

@LouiseKenward: @BarrowMember Do you have Marcus Sedgwick’s new book #AllInYourHead? All the more poignant this week. - 2 years ago

@Ali_McGrane_UK: So sad to read this. A superb and sensitive YA writer - 2 years ago

@dopaminergic13: - 2 years ago

@KarenKts11: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@Samos2C: RT @MEActNetUK: We are sad to hear that much-loved author Marcus Sedgwick has died aged 54. Marcus lived with ME & we interviewed him for… - 2 years ago

@docfarm16: RT @MEActNetUK: We are sad to hear that much-loved author Marcus Sedgwick has died aged 54. Marcus lived with ME & we interviewed him for… - 2 years ago

@AnkeCatesby: RT @TomKindlon: “Children's author Marcus Sedgwick has died at age 54” “Marcus said #CFS left him unable to walk… - 2 years ago

@JulesAHouston: RT @MEActNetUK: We are sad to hear that much-loved author Marcus Sedgwick has died aged 54. Marcus lived with ME & we interviewed him for… - 2 years ago

@SpookyMrsGreen: #BookReview: All In Your Head: What Happens When Your Doctor Doesn’t Believe You? by Marcus Sedgwick - 2 years ago

@joannanancelit: RT @WalkerBooksUK: Some words on the sad news of Marcus Sedgwick's passing - 2 years ago

@JulesAHouston: RT @ZebraPsych: #ZebraBookClub special, celebrating the life & work of #MarcusSedgwick -privileged to have read a pre-publication version #… - 2 years ago

@LouiseKenward: RT @ZebraPsych: #ZebraBookClub special, celebrating the life & work of #MarcusSedgwick -privileged to have read a pre-publication version #… - 2 years ago

@ZebraPsych: RT @ZebraPsych: #ZebraBookClub special, celebrating the life & work of #MarcusSedgwick -privileged to have read a pre-publication version #… - 2 years ago

@The_Wee_Pencil: Lovely podcast of Marcus Sedgwick on @Shelf_Healing Dated Dec 2021 - insightful, open and grounded - I never knew… - 2 years ago

@LetsDoIt4ME: RT @TomKindlon: “Children's author Marcus Sedgwick has died at age 54” “Marcus said #CFS left him unable to walk… - 2 years ago

@NoahTzedek: RT @MEActNetUK: We are sad to hear that much-loved author Marcus Sedgwick has died aged 54. Marcus lived with ME & we interviewed him for… - 2 years ago

@runalongwomble: RT @AndreaBarlien: @PewterWolf @runalongwomble Such sad news this week. I’m afraid I’ve mostly read Julian Sedgwick and Marcus’s YA - 2 years ago

@AndreaBarlien: @PewterWolf @runalongwomble Such sad news this week. I’m afraid I’ve mostly read Julian Sedgwick and Marcus’s YA - 2 years ago

@runalongwomble: RT @PewterWolf: @runalongwomble Morning! Hope you’re well. Am reading THE DEVIL UPSTAIRS by Anthony O’Neill for #smallpressbigstories (I… - 2 years ago

@runalongwomble: RT @PewterWolf: @runalongwomble Am research Marcus Sedgwick books for possible next read. If you have any suggestions, am listening - 2 years ago

@PewterWolf: @runalongwomble Am research Marcus Sedgwick books for possible next read. If you have any suggestions, am listening - 2 years ago

@PewterWolf: @runalongwomble Morning! Hope you’re well. Am reading THE DEVIL UPSTAIRS by Anthony O’Neill for… - 2 years ago

@tired_elle: RT @MEActNetUK: We are sad to hear that much-loved author Marcus Sedgwick has died aged 54. Marcus lived with ME & we interviewed him for… - 2 years ago

@sirpuu: RT @Teemujazz: Ja kuinkas sattuikaan, että taas yksi työikäinen koronarokotettu kuoli. - 2 years ago

@KGS_English: We are so sad to hear of the far-too-early death of Marcus Sedgwick. We have loved teaching - and our pupils have… - 2 years ago

@PhantastikNews: Marcus Sedgwick ist gestorben - 2 years ago

@epkedj: RT @TomKindlon: “Children's author Marcus Sedgwick has died at age 54” “Marcus said #CFS left him unable to walk… - 2 years ago

@marilyngavrano1: RT @KatyBruce108: Grateful to Marcus Sedgwick for this book & for mentioning both Wessely & Sharpe & their involvement with health insuranc… - 2 years ago

@sausageonstick: RT @DavidMelling1: #RIPMarcusSedgwick - 2 years ago

@keaalaa: RT @pollyrowena: Shook by Marcus Sedgwick's death. We'd been in touch about his book on ME & how hard it is to get anyone interested in an… - 2 years ago

@todayistommorr1: RT @ZebraPsych: @TomKindlon Sorry, meant to include the link. #MarcusSedgwick #AllInYourHead - 2 years ago

@HeyJanae1: RT @KatyBruce108: "If youre of the opinion that #MEcfs sufferers sometimes seem a little paranoid its with good reason There are people inf… - 2 years ago

@WoollerEmma: RT @KatyBruce108: "If youre of the opinion that #MEcfs sufferers sometimes seem a little paranoid its with good reason There are people inf… - 2 years ago

@AliciaBaine: RT @Bsb_Libraries: Devastated to hear of the death of Marcus Sedgwick, a fabulous writer and a kind and generous man who was such an inspir… - 2 years ago

@darnwrite: RT @novelcharacters: A brilliant and entertaining entry with a beautiful, inspiring and touching tribute to the wonderful Marcus Sedgwick ❤️ - 2 years ago

@darnwrite: RT @PrinceTobyTort: Remembering Marcus Sedgwick by reading some of his super-brilliant books. - 2 years ago

@SarahOC_MECFS: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@hilarypbest: RT @TomKindlon: “Children's author Marcus Sedgwick has died at age 54” “Marcus said #CFS left him unable to walk… - 2 years ago

@5TANN1S: RT @Teemujazz: Ja kuinkas sattuikaan, että taas yksi työikäinen koronarokotettu kuoli. - 2 years ago

@lovelymissf: RT @one_to_read: This is terrible news. For me, Sedgwick took on Alan Garner's mantle. This is especially Garneresque: "As a writer, the… - 2 years ago

@OlsenMartti: RT @Teemujazz: Ja kuinkas sattuikaan, että taas yksi työikäinen koronarokotettu kuoli. - 2 years ago

@jollibeb: "If a life can be ruined in a single moment, a moment of betrayal, or violence, or ill luck, then why can a life no… - 2 years ago

@darnwrite: RT @PrinceTobyTort: Today on #TobyTortsDiary, #Tortmaster entries, Twitter explosions, and remembering the super-duper Marcus Sedgwick: htt… - 2 years ago

@EwaSR: Everyone read Marcus Sedgwick - 2 years ago

@TellervoM: RT @Teemujazz: Ja kuinkas sattuikaan, että taas yksi työikäinen koronarokotettu kuoli. - 2 years ago

@PewterWolf: Because of the sad news of Marcus Sedgwick, I want to read more of his works. Suggestions? - 2 years ago

@wwi5579: RT @Teemujazz: Ja kuinkas sattuikaan, että taas yksi työikäinen koronarokotettu kuoli. - 2 years ago

@janet_smyth: Honoured to call him a friend. More honoured to have been a reader of everything he wrote & to have had fascinating… - 2 years ago

@IrishMECFSAssoc: RT @TomKindlon: “Children's author Marcus Sedgwick has died at age 54” “Marcus said #CFS left him unable to walk… - 2 years ago

@TimAnfilogoff: RT @TomKindlon: “Children's author Marcus Sedgwick has died at age 54” “Marcus said #CFS left him unable to walk… - 2 years ago

@fulltimesickgal: RT @TomKindlon: “Children's author Marcus Sedgwick has died at age 54” “Marcus said #CFS left him unable to walk… - 2 years ago

@TomKindlon: “Children's author Marcus Sedgwick has died at age 54” “Marcus said #CFS left him unable… - 2 years ago

@LAHTEEMMAKI: RT @Teemujazz: Ja kuinkas sattuikaan, että taas yksi työikäinen koronarokotettu kuoli. - 2 years ago

@Tweetie_Pie_16: RT @BooksBears: Very sad news about a very talented and much loved author. Award-winning author Marcus Sedgwick dies ‘unexpectedly’ aged 54… - 2 years ago

@marcus_rider: RT @Imposter_Edits: There was a baby chimp born at The Sedgwick County Zoo, the baby had to be put on oxygen for a few days. This is a clip… - 2 years ago

@Perisuomalainen: RT @Teemujazz: Ja kuinkas sattuikaan, että taas yksi työikäinen koronarokotettu kuoli. - 2 years ago

@jotregenza: RT @one_to_read: This is terrible news. For me, Sedgwick took on Alan Garner's mantle. This is especially Garneresque: "As a writer, the… - 2 years ago

@Bsb_Libraries: Devastated to hear of the death of Marcus Sedgwick, a fabulous writer and a kind and generous man who was such an i… - 2 years ago

@Navifax: RT @one_to_read: This is terrible news. For me, Sedgwick took on Alan Garner's mantle. This is especially Garneresque: "As a writer, the… - 2 years ago

@cplrc: RT @one_to_read: This is terrible news. For me, Sedgwick took on Alan Garner's mantle. This is especially Garneresque: "As a writer, the… - 2 years ago

@one_to_read: This is terrible news. For me, Sedgwick took on Alan Garner's mantle. This is especially Garneresque: "As a writ… - 2 years ago

@PianoriffSteph: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@AhlyahAli: RT @RNIBLibrary: RNIB Library is so saddened to hear of the passing of Marcus Sedgwick. He was a tremendous supporter of RNIB Library and w… - 2 years ago

@AmyLangeKawmura: Author Marcus Sedgwick has a very young age. 💔 Heartbreaking. - 2 years ago

@charliezeq: RT @Yourallypally: We’re deeply saddened to hear of the death of Marcus Sedgwick. It was an honour to work with Marcus, even briefly. His… - 2 years ago

@stephwinnard1: We've lost a very talented writer, far too soon. Your stories will live on. I'm deeply saddened by this news. Rest… - 2 years ago

@PewterWolf: 57. "RAVENCAVE" By Marcus Sedgwick [eNovella gifted by UK publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review/… - 2 years ago

@AngeliqueJamail: A little note about Marcus Sedgwick. - 2 years ago

@AlexJQuigley: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@surfcityliving: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@Kynykya4211: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@Renate17597475: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@BeeElizabeth5: RT @uksla: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of brilliant author and illustrator, Marcus Sedgwick. His books are classroom sta… - 2 years ago

@PauliSuvanto: RT @Teemujazz: Ja kuinkas sattuikaan, että taas yksi työikäinen koronarokotettu kuoli. - 2 years ago

@GuyRope: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@MrGordonLibrary: Children’s Literature World Mourns Author Marcus Sedgwick, Who has Died at 54 - 2 years ago

@OGOMProject: RT @XAldanaReyes: R.I.P. Marcus Sedgwick. I’m grateful to have had opportunity to meet him at a couple of events through @OGOMProject. He w… - 2 years ago

@MsAshleyDennis: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@librarydonna: So terribly sad to hear of the passing of the brilliant Marcus Sedgwick, such a talent. He did author visits twice… - 2 years ago

@XAldanaReyes: R.I.P. Marcus Sedgwick. I’m grateful to have had opportunity to meet him at a couple of events through @OGOMProject… - 2 years ago

@nycsla: RT @sljournal: Children's Literature World Mourns Author Marcus Sedgwick, Who Has Died at 54: The death of the Pr… - 2 years ago

@manga_librarian: RT @sljournal: Children's Literature World Mourns Author Marcus Sedgwick, Who Has Died at 54: The death of the Pr… - 2 years ago

@sportsadvisers2: Stellvertretend für die vielen tausend Menschen, die gestern/heute #ploetzlichundunerwartet in`s Gras gebissen habe… - 2 years ago

@AnkeCatesby: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@recover2renew: RT @KatyBruce108: "If youre of the opinion that #MEcfs sufferers sometimes seem a little paranoid its with good reason There are people inf… - 2 years ago

@IanJohnWrites: RT @StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've got to… - 2 years ago

@egoodlett: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@TodBookFest: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@BBCPolliemac: RT @edbookfest: We are deeply saddened by the news that Marcus Sedgwick has passed. The beloved author has brought so much joy to #EdBookFe… - 2 years ago

@Catmus100: RT @KatyBruce108: "If youre of the opinion that #MEcfs sufferers sometimes seem a little paranoid its with good reason There are people inf… - 2 years ago

@lizziebbennett: So sad to hear about the death of Marcus Sedgwick. Met him at a writing competition and he was brilliant with the students. - 2 years ago

@gogoenvironment: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@Iyan_Marcus: RT @Imposter_Edits: There was a baby chimp born at The Sedgwick County Zoo, the baby had to be put on oxygen for a few days. This is a clip… - 2 years ago

@muir97659153: A loss 😔: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 | Marcus Sedgwick | The Guardian - 2 years ago

@MayhemMonza: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@galaxysleeps: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@ajwhiten: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@AndreaJoliat: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@whatsaradidnext: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@ReginaZauchner: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@NewsMjm: Children’s #Author #Marcus #Sedgwick #Dies #F4F #FollowMe #FollowBack #FollowForFollow #rtitbot #RT #Follow… - 2 years ago

@ScienceBuck: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@karlfranzmann: RT @TheFabledLands: Marcus Sedgwick #RIP on his #DoctorWho story, "The Spear of Destiny". - 2 years ago

@Helen_biochem: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@SFEncyclopedia: RT @john_clute: RIP Marcus SEDGWICK - 2 years ago

@thebrookecarter: RT @sljournal: Children's Literature World Mourns Author Marcus Sedgwick, Who Has Died at 54: The death of the Pr… - 2 years ago

@slinkymahlinky: RT @ValeBodi: RIP #PwME Marcus Sedgwick: Author of ‘All In Your Head’ - What happens when your doctor doesn’t believe you. Interviewed by o… - 2 years ago

@TrxSxRms: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@novelcharacters: A brilliant and entertaining entry with a beautiful, inspiring and touching tribute to the wonderful Marcus Sedgwic… - 2 years ago

@GhamblingHead: RT @NGatelibrary: So shocked and saddened to hear the passing of fabulous author Marcus Sedgwick, a brilliant writer whose wonderful woven… - 2 years ago

@Gherkinsawce: Marcus Sedgwick writing stayed with you. He was one of my favourite authors growing up all the way into adulthood.… - 2 years ago

@Gherkinsawce: Oh no, Marcus Sedgwick 💔 - 2 years ago

@RichHL: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@Jimmibabe: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@tweetercal: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@Ant1988: RT @RNIBLibrary: RNIB Library is so saddened to hear of the passing of Marcus Sedgwick. He was a tremendous supporter of RNIB Library and w… - 2 years ago

@ahimsa_pdx: RT @ValeBodi: RIP #PwME Marcus Sedgwick: Author of ‘All In Your Head’ - What happens when your doctor doesn’t believe you. Interviewed by o… - 2 years ago

@UnionisedDavid: RT @PrinceTobyTort: Today on #TobyTortsDiary, #Tortmaster entries, Twitter explosions, and remembering the super-duper Marcus Sedgwick: htt… - 2 years ago

@UnionisedDavid: RT @PrinceTobyTort: Celebrating the life of the he wonderful Marcus Sedgwick by reading some of his magical books, starting with Human No.… - 2 years ago

@UnionisedDavid: RT @PrinceTobyTort: Remembering Marcus Sedgwick by reading some of his super-brilliant books. - 2 years ago

@ValeBodi: RIP #PwME Marcus Sedgwick: Author of ‘All In Your Head’ - What happens when your doctor doesn’t believe you. Interv… - 2 years ago

@psychobrick1: RT @PrinceTobyTort: Today on #TobyTortsDiary, #Tortmaster entries, Twitter explosions, and remembering the super-duper Marcus Sedgwick: htt… - 2 years ago

@latcovid19: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@tracileahy: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@LucyVAndrew: Today on #TobyTortsDiary, a tribute to the wonderful Marcus Sedgwick: - 2 years ago

@PrinceTobyTort: Today on #TobyTortsDiary, #Tortmaster entries, Twitter explosions, and remembering the super-duper Marcus Sedgwick: - 2 years ago

@paintingsbysam: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@Unadulteratedc1: RT @CaroleBruce17: “the years of neglect and frequent psychological abuse aimed at people with #ME #CFS If you don’t believe this is a thin… - 2 years ago

@starlingnite: RT @JackieMorrisArt: A man once told me that when a storyteller dies it is akin to a library burning down. Marcus Sedgewick was a good stor… - 2 years ago

@Unadulteratedc1: RT @OGOMProject: Marcus Sedgwick was gentle and thoughtful in person. He was generous with his time and skills, and we were honoured that h… - 2 years ago

@pasadenalibrary: Remembering Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated author of over 40 books for children and adults, who died yesterday, Novemb… - 2 years ago

@jadekirton: RT @JackieMorrisArt: A man once told me that when a storyteller dies it is akin to a library burning down. Marcus Sedgewick was a good stor… - 2 years ago

@sljournal: Children's Literature World Mourns Author Marcus Sedgwick, Who Has Died at 54: - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 28 419) #The #Bookseller - #News - #Award-#winning #author #British #Marcus #Sedgwick #dies #November 17 ,… - 2 years ago

@MGresko2431: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@SamFleurPearce: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@NeilMacd2: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@DPlibrarian: Tributes pour in for ‘beautiful, generous, funny and gentle’ author Marcus Sedgwick - 2 years ago

@TamraSpeakman: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@kate120oliver: RT @EngMediaCentre: A terrible loss. Marcus wrote wonderful novels for secondary readers - gripping, playful, experimental + challenging. W… - 2 years ago

@KPeregrineArt: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@MichaelEmbry: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@VietnamittaJuan: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@2017USAJane: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@MrWeighton: MOON LIT - AUGUST MARCUS SEDGWICK 1968 - 2022 - - 2 years ago

@bgs_library: BGS library is saddened to hear about the death of one of our favourite authors Marcus Sedgwick. He was an inspirat… - 2 years ago

@PaulHannon29: Much too soon. The Raven Mysteries and Elf Girl were a delight to read to my kids, who gained much from his work. M… - 2 years ago

@Yvonnemuc79: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@DrAshLukes: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@WendyJaneWalto1: #notalldoctors - An interview with Dr Wendy-Jane Walton. I am heartbroken to learn of Marcus’ death. He was hugely… - 2 years ago

@RNIBLibrary: RNIB Library is so saddened to hear of the passing of Marcus Sedgwick. He was a tremendous supporter of RNIB Librar… - 2 years ago

@UkslaN: RT @uksla: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of brilliant author and illustrator, Marcus Sedgwick. His books are classroom sta… - 2 years ago

@JasonD1888: RT @secretattic2020: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@BonnieLextra: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@KajaFranck: RT @OGOMProject: Marcus Sedgwick was gentle and thoughtful in person. He was generous with his time and skills, and we were honoured that h… - 2 years ago

@stfaithslibrary: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@andreabarrett__: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@stfaithslibrary: We are deeply saddened by the news that Marcus Sedgwick has died and send our deepest condolences to his family and… - 2 years ago

@Lissa_Price: RT @pollyrowena: Shook by Marcus Sedgwick's death. We'd been in touch about his book on ME & how hard it is to get anyone interested in an… - 2 years ago

@CatbytheC: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 #MarcusSedgwick #Author - 2 years ago

@marygtroche: RT @Jo_Bowers: Still in shock and deeply sad about this terrible news. His books are stand out, stay with you a long time special and like… - 2 years ago

@foliosociety: Folio were extremely fortunate to commission Marcus Sedgwick to write the introduction for our edition of Howl’s Mo… - 2 years ago

@Samos2C: RT @CaroleBruce17: Very sad to read of the sudden death of the writer Marcus Sedgwick. I know he had written a book about his #ME which, I… - 2 years ago

@Jo_Bowers: Still in shock and deeply sad about this terrible news. His books are stand out, stay with you a long time special… - 2 years ago

@inforenique: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@BrentLibraries: We're sad to hear of the death of author Marcus Sedgwick and extend our sympathies his family and friends. Known fo… - 2 years ago

@WisemanLibrary: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@TheWestonMale: RT @CaroleBruce17: Very sad to read of the sudden death of the writer Marcus Sedgwick. I know he had written a book about his #ME which, I… - 2 years ago

@RealDaveMorris: RT @TheFabledLands: Marcus Sedgwick #RIP on his #DoctorWho story, "The Spear of Destiny". - 2 years ago

@STA_novice: Umrl britanski mladinski pisatelj Marcus Sedgwick - 2 years ago

@catwoman1979: RT @MichaelRosenYes: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@L_L_Hee: RT @pollyrowena: Shook by Marcus Sedgwick's death. We'd been in touch about his book on ME & how hard it is to get anyone interested in an… - 2 years ago

@_i0n: RT @MichaelRosenYes: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@MuchAdoALJ: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@MuchAdoALJ: RT @clpe1: We are all deeply saddened at the loss of our great friend and supporter Marcus Sedgwick. Marcus’s books inspired so many childr… - 2 years ago

@MichaelRosenYes: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@KRob0816: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@FairlieHall: RT @pollyrowena: Shook by Marcus Sedgwick's death. We'd been in touch about his book on ME & how hard it is to get anyone interested in an… - 2 years ago

@mugrogue: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@js_editor: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@diddlytwoshoes: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@PieCorbett: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@PHSLibrary6: RT @scottishbktrust: We are deeply saddened to learn of Marcus Sedgwick's passing. Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal five times, he leav… - 2 years ago

@MuchAdoALJ: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@MuchAdoALJ: RT @EngMediaCentre: A terrible loss. Marcus wrote wonderful novels for secondary readers - gripping, playful, experimental + challenging. W… - 2 years ago

@ChildrensLFests: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@KristinaWAuthor: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@Storystudiouk: 💔 Marcus Sedgwick wrote one of THE BEST stories for adolescents that I have ever read. Revolver is scary, smart, se… - 2 years ago

@DavidMelling1: #RIPMarcusSedgwick - 2 years ago

@arisonsned: RT @pollyrowena: Shook by Marcus Sedgwick's death. We'd been in touch about his book on ME & how hard it is to get anyone interested in an… - 2 years ago

@arisonsned: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@TringSchLRC: Devastating news of the tragic death of outstanding author Marcus Sedgwick. Six times Carnegie Medal shortlisted a… - 2 years ago

@AnnaVMMarks: RT @LonLiteraryGirl: “I think a successful book is one that leaves the reader in a slightly different place from where they were before the… - 2 years ago

@samblakebooks: RT @sarahwebbishere: Marcus Sedgwick was a lovely man. Always fascinating to talk to. I had him over to Dublin for various book events and… - 2 years ago

@CaroBrothers: Such sad news. We did an event together in Edinburgh for his Mexico book and he was just lovely. RIP Marcus Marcu… - 2 years ago

@marmcg: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@marmcg: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@marmcg: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@saltairebkshop: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@ClaireC62222138: RT @StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've got to… - 2 years ago

@catwrote: RT @LonLiteraryGirl: “I think a successful book is one that leaves the reader in a slightly different place from where they were before the… - 2 years ago

@RachelLHamilton: RT @LonLiteraryGirl: “I think a successful book is one that leaves the reader in a slightly different place from where they were before the… - 2 years ago

@Ldoh17: RT @JackieMorrisArt: A man once told me that when a storyteller dies it is akin to a library burning down. Marcus Sedgewick was a good stor… - 2 years ago

@mumbythesea: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@mumbythesea: RT @anthony_mcgowan: Devastated to hear the terrible news about the tragically premature death of Marcus Sedgwick. He was a superb writer,… - 2 years ago

@achuka: Marcus Sedgwick, you are [were] the real deal. Revolver is a very fine achievement. A book that will stand the test… - 2 years ago

@MumExhausted: Another one! - 2 years ago

@frankcottrell_b: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@AllergyWhispers: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@BillBloodyHughe: RT @blackwelloxford: Very sad news about the untimely death of Marcus Sedgwick. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones. - 2 years ago

@helenbing1: RT @EngMediaCentre: A terrible loss. Marcus wrote wonderful novels for secondary readers - gripping, playful, experimental + challenging. W… - 2 years ago

@thesweetcheat: RT @ThomasHTaylor: Marcus was a dazzling storyteller, a creative powerhouse, a deeply thoughtful and perceptive man, and a good, good frien… - 2 years ago

@rhysfelis: RT @CaroleBruce17: Very sad to read of the sudden death of the writer Marcus Sedgwick. I know he had written a book about his #ME which, I… - 2 years ago

@BillBloodyHughe: RT @OGOMProject: Marcus Sedgwick was gentle and thoughtful in person. He was generous with his time and skills, and we were honoured that h… - 2 years ago

@Sophiemacmac: RT @ThomasHTaylor: Marcus was a dazzling storyteller, a creative powerhouse, a deeply thoughtful and perceptive man, and a good, good frien… - 2 years ago

@mission_priest: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 | Marcus Sedgwick | The Guardian - 2 years ago

@stevewillshaw: RT @EngMediaCentre: A terrible loss. Marcus wrote wonderful novels for secondary readers - gripping, playful, experimental + challenging. W… - 2 years ago

@jeccleshare: RT @davidjalmond: I’m so sad to hear of the death of Marcus Sedgwick. A gentle and helpful friend and a fearless writer. - 2 years ago

@emmashevah: I'm so sad to hear of the death of Marcus Sedgwick. We're a family in kids' lit and we've lost a member of our kin.… - 2 years ago

@booksandwellies: RT @LittleToller: We are absolutely devastated to hear of Marcus Sedgwick’s unexpected death. Working with Marcus on his perfectly formed m… - 2 years ago

@namjoonanamcara: Oh my god one of my favourite authors just died too. #RIP Marcus Sedgwick. His books are so good. - 2 years ago

@bookaneer808: RT @sam_not_kevin: “I think a successful book is one that leaves the reader in a slightly different place from where they were before they… - 2 years ago

@DarbonMel: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@NewhamBookshop: RT @Lou_Nettleton: Forever grateful to Marcus Sedgwick for giving a voice to others who shared his experience of living with a long term he… - 2 years ago

@L_L_Hee: RT @CaroleBruce17: Very sad to read of the sudden death of the writer Marcus Sedgwick. I know he had written a book about his #ME which, I… - 2 years ago

@sedavnim: Stelle ミサイル Warzone 2 Marcus Sedgwick Charlene Zola #TealTalk Labour 限定アクセス Start ins Wochenende schönen donnerstag… - 2 years ago

@LeydenGeorgia: RT @LonLiteraryGirl: “I think a successful book is one that leaves the reader in a slightly different place from where they were before the… - 2 years ago

@LeydenGeorgia: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@sarah2406: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@DHSLRA: RT @uksla: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of brilliant author and illustrator, Marcus Sedgwick. His books are classroom sta… - 2 years ago

@EMusselle: RT @DavidMelling1: I’m completely lost for words at hearing the sad news that Marcus Sedgwick has passed away. I met Marcus several times o… - 2 years ago

@sapphicswilder: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@lieberrian: Article: - 2 years ago

@aparna_r_writer: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@OGOMProject: Marcus Sedgwick was gentle and thoughtful in person. He was generous with his time and skills, and we were honoured… - 2 years ago

@sam_not_kevin: “I think a successful book is one that leaves the reader in a slightly different place from where they were before… - 2 years ago

@OGOMProject: RT @LancasterGothic: Devastating news about Marcus Sedgwick. I met him several times through @OGOMProject and he was also a wonderful speak… - 2 years ago

@elliesalkeld99: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@JimLHorn1: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@clintinoslucky7: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@joejaggi: RT @CaroleBruce17: Very sad to read of the sudden death of the writer Marcus Sedgwick. I know he had written a book about his #ME which, I… - 2 years ago

@zdF4QJ19JwebFEO: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@judyapneeb: RT @sljournal: Children’s Literature World Mourns Author Marcus Sedgwick, Who Has Died at 54 - 2 years ago

@haven4books: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@haven4books: RT @CaroleBruce17: Very sad to read of the sudden death of the writer Marcus Sedgwick. I know he had written a book about his #ME which, I… - 2 years ago

@Sarah64137342: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@danielle_binks: RT @clpe1: We are all deeply saddened at the loss of our great friend and supporter Marcus Sedgwick. Marcus’s books inspired so many childr… - 2 years ago

@danielle_binks: RT @andrewmcdonald: RIP Marcus Sedgwick. An extraordinary writer, a great loss. - 2 years ago

@batwithglasses: Oh man. Totally heartbroken about Marcus Sedgwick who wrote so many books I loved and who was a truly lovely person… - 2 years ago

@WNBASFChapter: Children's Author Marcus Sedgwick Dies- - 2 years ago

@fremilyeeman_: I just read that Marcus Sedgwick passed yesterday, and remembered that he wrote a book I was very fond of when I wa… - 2 years ago

@DewnaVc: RT @CaroleBruce17: Very sad to read of the sudden death of the writer Marcus Sedgwick. I know he had written a book about his #ME which, I… - 2 years ago

@BillBloodyHughe: RT @Lou_Nettleton: Forever grateful to Marcus Sedgwick for giving a voice to others who shared his experience of living with a long term he… - 2 years ago

@sandrastorytime: RT @smithsmm: So sad to hear of the loss of the wonderful writer Marcus Sedgwick. If books have power his were supercharged. #RIPMarcus ht… - 2 years ago

@sandrastorytime: RT @clpe1: We are all deeply saddened at the loss of our great friend and supporter Marcus Sedgwick. Marcus’s books inspired so many childr… - 2 years ago

@sandrastorytime: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@wcl_library: We are very sad to learn that Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, has died aged 54:… - 2 years ago

@emhornerbooks: Marcus Sedgwick wrote books weird and beautiful enough to push hard at the edges of what you could do in YA. I will… - 2 years ago

@IrishLitTimes: RT @HazelKLarkin: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@HazelKLarkin: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@ABookWithLuv: Marcus Sedgwick died. Rest in peace. What a loss. Some of the best writing in YA I have ever read. - 2 years ago

@TiyaAnchor: RT @JackieMorrisArt: A man once told me that when a storyteller dies it is akin to a library burning down. Marcus Sedgewick was a good stor… - 2 years ago

@helenproudfoot1: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@BillBloodyHughe: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@BiffAndFinn: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@margoroths: RT @StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've got to… - 2 years ago

@margoroths: RT @writementor: We are truly devastated to have to inform our community that our Writer in Residence, Marcus Sedgwick, has died unexpecte… - 2 years ago

@bestqueenliz: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@JanSalvilla: Rest in peace, Marcus Sedgwick. Thank you for writing #Floodland - 2 years ago

@KoalaInScotland: RT @thebookseller: Award-winning writer and illustrator of both adult and children’s fiction, non-fiction and academic essays Marcus Sedgwi… - 2 years ago

@StaceyKondla: RT @DanielDKraus: My dear friend Marcus is gone. A brilliant human. - 2 years ago

@JellicoeSara: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@JamieThein: RT @thebookseller: Award-winning writer and illustrator of both adult and children’s fiction, non-fiction and academic essays Marcus Sedgwi… - 2 years ago

@janiek56: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@FleurDeLeeArt: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@marinerlibrary: RT @sljournal: Children’s Literature World Mourns Author Marcus Sedgwick, Who Has Died at 54 - 2 years ago

@CQuillwitch: - 2 years ago

@SeasideReader: Marcus Sedgwick - 2 years ago

@andrewmcdonald: @mykebartlett Yeah. Very sad. - 2 years ago

@ClaudiaEhmsen: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@Orr_Michael2022: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@sljournal: Children’s Literature World Mourns Author Marcus Sedgwick, Who Has Died at 54 - 2 years ago

@wsstephens: Sad news for YA - 2 years ago

@ro44466117: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@BillBloodyHughe: RT @LancasterGothic: Devastating news about Marcus Sedgwick. I met him several times through @OGOMProject and he was also a wonderful speak… - 2 years ago

@Storyshacker: RT @emmac2603: So sad to hear the news about Marcus Sedgwick. I was lucky to have him as a mentor on my MA course at Bath Spa. We’d also ru… - 2 years ago

@_Dani_Danis_: RT @RosiannaRojas: Absolutely gutted that Marcus Sedgwick has died. Blood Red Snow White was one of my favourites growing up and I had hope… - 2 years ago

@davidpolgreen: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@millionspod: RT @CaroleBruce17: Very sad to read of the sudden death of the writer Marcus Sedgwick. I know he had written a book about his #ME which, I… - 2 years ago

@Naylor007: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@Karen1Usher: RT @clpe1: We are all deeply saddened at the loss of our great friend and supporter Marcus Sedgwick. Marcus’s books inspired so many childr… - 2 years ago

@PhilMorandi: RT @ThomasHTaylor: Marcus was a dazzling storyteller, a creative powerhouse, a deeply thoughtful and perceptive man, and a good, good frien… - 2 years ago

@kickybarr: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@robinince: RT @ThomasHTaylor: Marcus was a dazzling storyteller, a creative powerhouse, a deeply thoughtful and perceptive man, and a good, good frien… - 2 years ago

@heritage_lizzie: Such sad news - a fantastic writer. Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 | Marcus Sedgwick |… - 2 years ago

@luludji2: RT @CaroleBruce17: “the years of neglect and frequent psychological abuse aimed at people with #ME #CFS If you don’t believe this is a thin… - 2 years ago

@whtabtpineapple: Oh my gosh, YA author Marcus Sedgwick died!! He was the author we awarded the Printz to during my year. - 2 years ago

@pushkasmarbles: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@creerSdetruire: RT @Maranocean: #diedsuddenly aged 54 - 2 years ago

@EllyCornforthx: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@donnelly_donna: RT @Feisty_Waters: Well, fuck. He was an amazing author. - 2 years ago

@brian_ebre: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@sabinaposts: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@DrSamGeorge1: RT @LancasterGothic: Devastating news about Marcus Sedgwick. I met him several times through @OGOMProject and he was also a wonderful speak… - 2 years ago

@darrenshan: Award-winning author Marcus Sedgwick dies ‘unexpectedly’ aged 54 So sad that we’ve lost su… - 2 years ago

@teriac: RT @ValeBodi: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 Missing from this article is the fact that: “For the last four ye… - 2 years ago

@wrathhussy: RT @emily_rj: “The vast majority of people who get #MECFS do not recover; imagine being on lockdown for the rest of your life. …People lik… - 2 years ago

@tobebookfairorg: RT @whatSFSaid: I am absolutely gutted. I loved Marcus, both as a human being and as a writer. The world is infinitely poorer without him i… - 2 years ago

@gothlit_chloe: Very sorry to hear about the passing of Marcus Sedgwick today. His writing is just brilliant and he’ll be sadly missed. - 2 years ago

@thomasvye: RT @JackieMorrisArt: A man once told me that when a storyteller dies it is akin to a library burning down. Marcus Sedgewick was a good stor… - 2 years ago

@Seafoam_Dream: So sad to hear of author Marcus Sedgwick’s death. I also didn’t know he had #chronicillness. What he had to say abo… - 2 years ago

@SnowballPromo: RT @BookRiot: "Sedgwick wrote over 40 children’s books, was nominated for more than 30 awards." - 2 years ago

@VerloreneZeit: RT @pollyrowena: Shook by Marcus Sedgwick's death. We'd been in touch about his book on ME & how hard it is to get anyone interested in an… - 2 years ago

@FossardMr: Sad news indeed. I’ve been reading Floodland to classes for years now and it’s always a hit. - 2 years ago

@CornishPisky3: ‘Unexpected’ 😰 #SuddenDeath #suddendeaths2022 @starchild20202 - 2 years ago

@sharongosling: RT @pollyrowena: Shook by Marcus Sedgwick's death. We'd been in touch about his book on ME & how hard it is to get anyone interested in an… - 2 years ago

@RLCoverdale: RT @DanSmithAuthor: Oh no. Marcus Sedgwick. That’s terrible news. Such a talented and influential author whose work I admire enormously. - 2 years ago

@rosyprue: RT @pollyrowena: Shook by Marcus Sedgwick's death. We'd been in touch about his book on ME & how hard it is to get anyone interested in an… - 2 years ago

@Anjalipetal: RT @clpe1: We are all deeply saddened at the loss of our great friend and supporter Marcus Sedgwick. Marcus’s books inspired so many childr… - 2 years ago

@MonkLucy: RT @clpe1: We are all deeply saddened at the loss of our great friend and supporter Marcus Sedgwick. Marcus’s books inspired so many childr… - 2 years ago

@pvhslmc: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@kreeve: RT @AmandaPCraig: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54. Sad to see this. He was brilliant, even in books I didn’t li… - 2 years ago

@Magic_Kitten: Awful, awful news that the brilliant Marcus Sedgwick has died. A kind, generous man and a really wonderful writer.… - 2 years ago

@ElenaOakes: RT @Lou_Nettleton: Forever grateful to Marcus Sedgwick for giving a voice to others who shared his experience of living with a long term he… - 2 years ago

@ElenaOakes: RT @CaroleBruce17: “the years of neglect and frequent psychological abuse aimed at people with #ME #CFS If you don’t believe this is a thin… - 2 years ago

@ElenaOakes: RT @pollyrowena: Shook by Marcus Sedgwick's death. We'd been in touch about his book on ME & how hard it is to get anyone interested in an… - 2 years ago

@Heretol48459820: RT @CaroleBruce17: “the years of neglect and frequent psychological abuse aimed at people with #ME #CFS If you don’t believe this is a thin… - 2 years ago

@HTPhilRobertson: So sad to hear of the death of Marcus Sedgwick. Such a loss 😞 - 2 years ago

@ShobanaKohli: RT @clpe1: We are all deeply saddened at the loss of our great friend and supporter Marcus Sedgwick. Marcus’s books inspired so many childr… - 2 years ago

@f33lthesun: RT @JackieMorrisArt: A man once told me that when a storyteller dies it is akin to a library burning down. Marcus Sedgewick was a good stor… - 2 years ago

@Elainebks: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@cocklewoman: RT @tambourine: Marcus Sedgwick, who had ME/CFS (although he preferred the term CFS I think) wrote this in March 2020 (!) about the likelih… - 2 years ago

@NMarshalledits: RT @TheGEAcademy: RIP Marcus. We shall miss you. Sedgwick’s books were shortlisted for more than 30 awards, including the Carnegie Medal, t… - 2 years ago

@jarrettdapier: RT @guardian: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@LonLiteraryGirl: An incredibly sad loss🖤 - 2 years ago

@JuliaKate32: 😔 Award-winning author Marcus Sedgwick dies ‘unexpectedly’ aged 54 - 2 years ago

@efrogwraig: RT @JackieMorrisArt: A man once told me that when a storyteller dies it is akin to a library burning down. Marcus Sedgewick was a good stor… - 2 years ago

@ironorehopper: Top story: ShowBiz Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 | Marcus Sedgwick | The Guardian… - 2 years ago

@DarbonMel: RT @StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've got to… - 2 years ago

@Ovr4Tee: RT @thebookseller: Award-winning writer and illustrator of both adult and children’s fiction, non-fiction and academic essays Marcus Sedgwi… - 2 years ago

@WildMagpie: RT @thebookseller: Award-winning writer and illustrator of both adult and children’s fiction, non-fiction and academic essays Marcus Sedgwi… - 2 years ago

@epjEe5DfZ9ui1M7: - 2 years ago

@Angstygeek: RT @StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've got to… - 2 years ago

@StiggeMe: Marcus Sedgwick was a remarkable writer; Midwinterblood remains one of my favorites. - 2 years ago

@silverlocket5: I am shocked and saddened by the death of Marcus Sedgwick who I have known since far off days when he combined his… - 2 years ago

@Roz_Morris: So sorry to hear today about #MarcusSedgwick @marcussedgwick . Here he is on my blog, in sparkling form: My word ha… - 2 years ago

@A161624650: RT @CaroleBruce17: Very sad to read of the sudden death of the writer Marcus Sedgwick. I know he had written a book about his #ME which, I… - 2 years ago

@mudlark_s: RT @guardiannews: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@kellymcf6: RT @Sally_Nicholls: The death of Marcus Sedgwick is a great loss to children's fiction and YA. He was an innovative and unusual storyteller… - 2 years ago

@CathyFisherArt: RT @smithsmm: So sad to hear of the loss of the wonderful writer Marcus Sedgwick. If books have power his were supercharged. #RIPMarcus ht… - 2 years ago

@CathyFisherArt: RT @JackieMorrisArt: A man once told me that when a storyteller dies it is akin to a library burning down. Marcus Sedgewick was a good stor… - 2 years ago

@ConlonCharles: RIP 😔. - 2 years ago

@emilyocharlotte: RT @PaperboundMag: We're so sad to hear the news about Marcus Sedgwick. He was such an immensely talented and generous author, and a good f… - 2 years ago

@JudithPaskin: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@ange_holden: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@EdenEndfield: Such sad news…a talented wise and generous man Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s a… - 2 years ago

@JohnWest_JAWS: RT @YesWombat: ⁦@1goodtern⁩ More sad news The Bookseller - News - Award-winning author Marcus Sedgwick dies ‘unexpectedly’ aged 54 https:… - 2 years ago

@DarrylMason: RT @guardiannews: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@konallis: RT @GuardianBooks: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@HealthHubris: RT @CaroleBruce17: ‘An illness like mine, CFS, and other [invisible illnesses are often] the subject of massive controversies. Very few peo… - 2 years ago

@HealthHubris: RT @CaroleBruce17: “the years of neglect and frequent psychological abuse aimed at people with #ME #CFS If you don’t believe this is a thin… - 2 years ago

@librarystpauls: RT @uksla: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of brilliant author and illustrator, Marcus Sedgwick. His books are classroom sta… - 2 years ago

@CrShelidon: RT @scottishbktrust: We are deeply saddened to learn of Marcus Sedgwick's passing. Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal five times, he leav… - 2 years ago

@CrShelidon: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@dSavannahCreate: RT @CaroleBruce17: ‘An illness like mine, CFS, and other [invisible illnesses are often] the subject of massive controversies. Very few peo… - 2 years ago

@CrShelidon: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@AurRhudd: RT @tambourine: Marcus Sedgwick, who had ME/CFS (although he preferred the term CFS I think) wrote this in March 2020 (!) about the likelih… - 2 years ago

@mwrightwriter: Very sad to hear of the passing of Marcus Sedgwick. A huge talent criminally taken too soon. Amongst his incredible… - 2 years ago

@MeDisabilty: RT @CaroleBruce17: ‘An illness like mine, CFS, and other [invisible illnesses are often] the subject of massive controversies. Very few peo… - 2 years ago

@emmydee73: RT @CaroleBruce17: “the years of neglect and frequent psychological abuse aimed at people with #ME #CFS If you don’t believe this is a thin… - 2 years ago

@JeredEbenreck: RT @CaroleBruce17: “the years of neglect and frequent psychological abuse aimed at people with #ME #CFS If you don’t believe this is a thin… - 2 years ago

@anoara_a: So shocked and saddened to hear this. Sending condolences to the family. RIP Marcus Sedgwick - 2 years ago

@OStriebling: RT @CaroleBruce17: ‘An illness like mine, CFS, and other [invisible illnesses are often] the subject of massive controversies. Very few peo… - 2 years ago

@LibraryFolklore: RT @folklorepod: We are greatly saddened to hear of the unexpected death of Marcus Sedgwick. I had the pleasure of working with Marcus dur… - 2 years ago

@folklorepod: We are greatly saddened to hear of the unexpected death of Marcus Sedgwick. I had the pleasure of working with Mar… - 2 years ago

@NYCDOEOLS: Thank you for your work, #marcussedgwick. You have enlightened the lives of many young readers and will be missed b… - 2 years ago

@CaroleBruce17: ‘An illness like mine, CFS, and other [invisible illnesses are often] the subject of massive controversies. Very fe… - 2 years ago

@about4989: RT @GuardianBooks: Marcus Sedgwick, celebrated children’s author, dies aged 54 - 2 years ago

@ChaosCastleUK: RT @scottishbktrust: We are deeply saddened to learn of Marcus Sedgwick's passing. Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal five times, he leav… - 2 years ago

@strongasyouwere: RT @clpe1: We are all deeply saddened at the loss of our great friend and supporter Marcus Sedgwick. Marcus’s books inspired so many childr… - 2 years ago

@InspireELS: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@strongasyouwere: RT @Sally_Nicholls: The death of Marcus Sedgwick is a great loss to children's fiction and YA. He was an innovative and unusual storyteller… - 2 years ago

@JGreenAuthor: RT @Juliepike: Like so many, I'm thinking fondly of Marcus Sedgwick today. I was lucky to spend a week learning from his wise insights at @… - 2 years ago

@Juliepike: Like so many, I'm thinking fondly of Marcus Sedgwick today. I was lucky to spend a week learning from his wise insi… - 2 years ago

@HachetteKids: We are very sad to learn of the unexpected death of Marcus Sedgwick. Marcus leaves an incredible legacy of award-w… - 2 years ago

@dhargravepr: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@piedwarbler1: So, so sorry to hear Marcus Sedgwick has passed away. I met him at Hay a few years back, and I fangirled embarrassi… - 2 years ago

@booksl0th: I saw Marcus Sedgwick live at the Hay Festival in (I think) 2020 giving a talk on Gothic Literature. I loved every… - 2 years ago

@nicolapenfold: RT @WHusseyAuthor: Devastating news. Marcus was one of those authors whose work was not only spellbinding and beautifully crafted, he was a… - 2 years ago

@nicolapenfold: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@newcastleboyy: RT @deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Marcus Sedgwick dies - #MarcusSedgwick #Marcus #Sedgwick #rip - 2 years ago

@BeckenhamBooks: Our deepest condolences to Marcus Sedgwick's family and friends. I've had the honour of meeting him several times i… - 2 years ago

@gfordbookfest: Shocked and saddened by the news this morning about Marcus Sedgwick. Such a lovely author of both adult and childre… - 2 years ago

@Mum_Reader: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@gabliotecaria: RT @Kiran_MH: Marcus’ work has a huge influence on my writing. His unabashed willingness to step into the dark, split its seams and find th… - 2 years ago

@Webwight: RT @StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've got to… - 2 years ago

@LesleyTotten: RT @thebookseller: Award-winning writer and illustrator of both adult and children’s fiction, non-fiction and academic essays Marcus Sedgwi… - 2 years ago

@Portia09G: RT @Helen_Fields: *Devastated. All 3 of my kids absolutely adored Marcus’ books, and we enjoyed reading them with them. What a tragic loss… - 2 years ago

@bainesschoolilc: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@piedwarbler1: I’m so sorry to hear Marcus Sedgwick has passed away. I met him at Hay, when Saint Death came out and totally fangi… - 2 years ago

@erinshinestitch: RT @clpe1: We are all deeply saddened at the loss of our great friend and supporter Marcus Sedgwick. Marcus’s books inspired so many childr… - 2 years ago

@KEHSlibrary: RIP Marcus Sedgwick. A great writer and illustrator, seek out his books in the Junior Library. Award-winning author… - 2 years ago

@Brucesdottir: Whenever I see that someone has died 'suddenly' or 'unexpectedly', I think of the you-know-what... Award-winning au… - 2 years ago

@Jellybooks: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@WHusseyAuthor: This 💯 Unlike many big name authors, Marcus Sedgwick never forgot how much luck played a role in his success and wa… - 2 years ago

@jslwilliamson: It is such sad and shocking news about Marcus Sedgwick. I worked w/ him at Orion & was organising a launch for Bloo… - 2 years ago

@gingercatsareok: RT @StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've got to… - 2 years ago

@officialviralv2: What Was Marcus Sedgwick Cause Of Death? Award-Winning Author & Musician Dies At 54 - 2 years ago

@BalbirKaurA: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@MissLeverReads: RT @WHusseyAuthor: Devastating news. Marcus was one of those authors whose work was not only spellbinding and beautifully crafted, he was a… - 2 years ago

@WycHighLibrary: Marcus Sedgwick's books are very popular in our library. We send our condolences. Award-winning author Marcus Sed… - 2 years ago

@Bambigoesforth: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@LesleyTotten: RT @SimonGuy64: Terribly sad news of the death, at 54, of Marcus Sedgwick. His book, My Swordhand is Singing, is a wonderful reimagining of… - 2 years ago

@Marianne_Weekes: Such sad, unexpected news. 💔 A huge loss for children’s literature. - 2 years ago

@Bambigoesforth: RT @StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've got to… - 2 years ago

@saramegan: This is the kind of news that just cuts through everything. So terribly, horribly sad. What a loss. Love to all who… - 2 years ago

@ZabAspire: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@P_Harrison99: Really sad to hear of the death of Marcus Sedgwick, who was a brilliant brilliant man - 2 years ago

@FreyaBarcroft: Such unbelievably sad and terrible news. Truly one of the greats. Their writing has always had such a profound effe… - 2 years ago

@HelenSwinyard: One of the rare writers I would read anything by, without bothering to even read the blurb, knowing it would be utt… - 2 years ago

@theliteracytree: Such sad news. He leaves a great legacy. Award-winning author Marcus Sedgwick dies ‘unexpectedly’ aged 54 - 2 years ago

@kidslitfest: 'There's always a third choice in life. Even if you think you're stuck between two impossible choices, there's alwa… - 2 years ago

@slswirral: RT @sls_UK: We are very sad to hear of the sudden death of Marcus Sedgwick. He will be deeply missed in the world of children's literature. - 2 years ago

@alexthepink: So sad to hear about the death of Marcus Sedgwick, an incredible writer and such an inspiration. I was once lucky e… - 2 years ago

@reddite: @abbybarker @mobeenakhan - 2 years ago

@Edspire: RT @scottishbktrust: We are deeply saddened to learn of Marcus Sedgwick's passing. Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal five times, he leav… - 2 years ago

@Edspire: RT @sophieinspace: "It only takes one to show the way, it only takes one to make the difference. And together, we win." - Marcus Sedgwick🕯️ - 2 years ago

@MSEDollyp: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@CalibreAudio: We're so sorry to hear the very sad news about Marcus Sedgwick, an author much loved by Calibre members who will be… - 2 years ago

@mumbythesea: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@MHarrison13: So, so sad about this. A wonderful writer and a generous man. RIP Marcus Sedgwick. - 2 years ago

@Joyisreading: RT @StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've got to… - 2 years ago

@GuyBassBooks: Sorry and saddened to hear about Marcus Sedgwick, a hugely talented writer and a lovely human being. What a terrible loss. - 2 years ago

@Joyisreading: RT @anthony_mcgowan: Devastated to hear the terrible news about the tragically premature death of Marcus Sedgwick. He was a superb writer,… - 2 years ago

@HVCLRC: So very sad to hear that Marcus Sedgwick has died. He will live on in this library in his haunting and beautiful books. - 2 years ago

@MarkNDudley: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@fjmacmill: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@Falkirk_LRS: RT @scottishbktrust: We are deeply saddened to learn of Marcus Sedgwick's passing. Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal five times, he leav… - 2 years ago

@fjmacmill: RT @thebookseller: Award-winning writer and illustrator of both adult and children’s fiction, non-fiction and academic essays Marcus Sedgwi… - 2 years ago

@DarrenM1974: Devastated to hear about the passing of a truly great, thoughtful and considerate writer for young people as well a… - 2 years ago

@mobeenakhan: RT @Kiran_MH: Marcus’ work has a huge influence on my writing. His unabashed willingness to step into the dark, split its seams and find th… - 2 years ago

@Abilty_PTR: RT @writementor: We are truly devastated to have to inform our community that our Writer in Residence, Marcus Sedgwick, has died unexpecte… - 2 years ago

@BIBSRUTH: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@daisyfaithfull: RT @ThomasHTaylor: Marcus was a dazzling storyteller, a creative powerhouse, a deeply thoughtful and perceptive man, and a good, good frien… - 2 years ago

@emmac2603: So sad to hear the news about Marcus Sedgwick. I was lucky to have him as a mentor on my MA course at Bath Spa. We’… - 2 years ago

@meadey44: Just got word of the death of Marcus Sedgwick. This is a massive loss. A truly lovely man whose stories my partner… - 2 years ago

@Alleyns_Library: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of beloved children's author Marcus Sedgwick, whose work is much borr… - 2 years ago

@Kiran_MH: Marcus’ work has a huge influence on my writing. His unabashed willingness to step into the dark, split its seams a… - 2 years ago

@Abitob: RT @thebookseller: Award-winning writer and illustrator of both adult and children’s fiction, non-fiction and academic essays Marcus Sedgwi… - 2 years ago

@Abitob: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@jennitpk: RT @PhilipArdagh: Stunned & saddened by sudden death of fellow author Marcus Sedgwick. His was the 1st book I reviewed for The Guardian, I'… - 2 years ago

@swiftstory: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@michaelabookish: Shocked by the death of Marcus Sedgwick. He did a talk at my university with other writers, and he was completely e… - 2 years ago

@PhilipArdagh: Stunned & saddened by sudden death of fellow author Marcus Sedgwick. His was the 1st book I reviewed for The Guardi… - 2 years ago

@theonlygoose: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@EmmaIllustrates: Devastated and shocked to hear that Marcus Sedgwick has passed away, a hugely talented writer, created a potent sen… - 2 years ago

@WomackPhilip: RT @Sally_Nicholls: The death of Marcus Sedgwick is a great loss to children's fiction and YA. He was an innovative and unusual storyteller… - 2 years ago

@mobeenakhan: Oh God, Marcus Sedgwick has died?! - 2 years ago

@MiriamHalahmy: RT @lucasjmaxwell: Marcus Sedgwick was one the first author visits I ever had as a school librarian almost 8 years ago. He was really brill… - 2 years ago

@Sally_Nicholls: The death of Marcus Sedgwick is a great loss to children's fiction and YA. He was an innovative and unusual storyte… - 2 years ago

@clpe1: We are deeply saddened this morning to learn of Marcus Sedgwick passing. Such a huge loss, he will be greatly misse… - 2 years ago

@HeidiNiMhurchu: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@TamiEgonu: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@JenMacPen: So sad to hear that Marcus Sedgewick has died. He was a huge part of our Catalyst Awards and a stunning writer. RIP… - 2 years ago

@louise_mumford: I'm so sad to hear this. I have loved all of Marcus Sedgwick's books and always had them in my class bookcase at sc… - 2 years ago

@PeteCWilliamson: I'm really shocked to hear the tragic news about Marcus Sedgwick. He was a profoundly kind, wonderful, thoughtful m… - 2 years ago

@AskewsHolts: Everyone at Askews & Holts Library Services is saddened and shocked to hear about the death of Marcus Sedgwick. We… - 2 years ago

@bookworm_scribe: RT @thebookseller: Award-winning writer and illustrator of both adult and children’s fiction, non-fiction and academic essays Marcus Sedgwi… - 2 years ago

@Viking_Ma: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@mariedaywriting: RT @writementor: We are truly devastated to have to inform our community that our Writer in Residence, Marcus Sedgwick, has died unexpecte… - 2 years ago

@VonSolo5: "the unexpected death" of author Marcus Sedgwick - 2 years ago

@ArdenLibrary: Devastated to read the news that Marcus Sedgwick has died. One of Y10 students read Wrath just yesterday and voted… - 2 years ago

@JillKWilson: RT @writementor: We are truly devastated to have to inform our community that our Writer in Residence, Marcus Sedgwick, has died unexpecte… - 2 years ago

@rapclassroom: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@AttShaman: RT @thebookseller: Award-winning writer and illustrator of both adult and children’s fiction, non-fiction and academic essays Marcus Sedgwi… - 2 years ago

@damikay: You have to order one of these before it's too late! #Golden State #Daily Quordle 297 #Wordle 515 X #Marcus Sedgwic… - 2 years ago

@flohumphrey3: RT @writementor: We are truly devastated to have to inform our community that our Writer in Residence, Marcus Sedgwick, has died unexpecte… - 2 years ago

@flohumphrey3: RT @StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've got to… - 2 years ago

@JayneG60: RT @Alibrarylady: This is such desperately sad news. Marcus Sedgwick’s gentle kindness and understanding of others came across in his writi… - 2 years ago

@savelibservices: RT @thebookseller: Award-winning writer and illustrator of both adult and children’s fiction, non-fiction and academic essays Marcus Sedgwi… - 2 years ago

@JayneG60: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@gill__lewis: RT @sophieinspace: "It only takes one to show the way, it only takes one to make the difference. And together, we win." - Marcus Sedgwick🕯️ - 2 years ago

@TheWritingWeb: Thank you for the phenomenal stories, Marcus Sedgwick. 🙌🏾 Rest in peace. 🧡 - 2 years ago

@EvelynArizpe: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@ACascadeofBooks: RT @WHusseyAuthor: Devastating news. Marcus was one of those authors whose work was not only spellbinding and beautifully crafted, he was a… - 2 years ago

@UKHarpists: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@sophieinspace: "It only takes one to show the way, it only takes one to make the difference. And together, we win." - Marcus Sedgw… - 2 years ago

@Hedzie: Marcus Sedgwick. God, what an unbelievable loss. He was one of the kindest, most brilliant writers I've ever worked… - 2 years ago

@ClareWritesYA: RT @writementor: We are truly devastated to have to inform our community that our Writer in Residence, Marcus Sedgwick, has died unexpecte… - 2 years ago

@yolandasfetsos: @ErinAlMehairi Yes, really sad! He was only 54. 😟 It's here: - 2 years ago

@MrBoothY6: Marcus Sedgwick. A body of work that is extremely impressive, but Floodland has and will continue to leave a legacy… - 2 years ago

@Lucyvansmit: RT @writementor: We are truly devastated to have to inform our community that our Writer in Residence, Marcus Sedgwick, has died unexpecte… - 2 years ago

@Viking_Ma: RT @StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've got to… - 2 years ago

@Melliver: RT @StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've got to… - 2 years ago

@RedbridgeSLS: RT @sls_UK: We are very sad to hear of the sudden death of Marcus Sedgwick. He will be deeply missed in the world of children's literature… - 2 years ago

@WomackPhilip: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@HabonJama: RT @StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've got to… - 2 years ago

@MrsSardines: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@ljwattsWales: Very sorry to hear about the death of Marcus Sedgwick who was a wonderful writer. I was particularly fond of these… - 2 years ago

@ccb_library: RT @scottishbktrust: We are deeply saddened to learn of Marcus Sedgwick's passing. Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal five times, he leav… - 2 years ago

@enchantedbyfilm: RT @StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've got to… - 2 years ago

@dawnafinch: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@anthony_mcgowan: Devastated to hear the terrible news about the tragically premature death of Marcus Sedgwick. He was a superb write… - 2 years ago

@GoodFor1Fare: RT @thebookseller: Award-winning writer and illustrator of both adult and children’s fiction, non-fiction and academic essays Marcus Sedgwi… - 2 years ago

@mattwauthor: Incredibly saddened to hear about the death of Marcus Sedgwick. An incredible author: creative, incisive, daring. C… - 2 years ago

@AlloaAcademyLib: RT @scottishbktrust: We are deeply saddened to learn of Marcus Sedgwick's passing. Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal five times, he leav… - 2 years ago

@halfmanhalfb00k: R I P Marcus Sedgewick - 2 years ago

@flyingcrumpets: Completely devastated to hear we lost one of the good ones today. Rest in peace Marcus Sedgwick. - 2 years ago

@VictoriaParkBks: RT @thebookseller: Award-winning writer and illustrator of both adult and children’s fiction, non-fiction and academic essays Marcus Sedgwi… - 2 years ago

@manga_librarian: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@VictoriaParkBks: RT @catwrote: Taught with Marcus in the summer at ⁦@Ty_Newydd⁩ love to his family, what a terrific loss x - 2 years ago

@susywrites: RT @StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've got to… - 2 years ago

@komiska: RT @ThomasHTaylor: Marcus was a dazzling storyteller, a creative powerhouse, a deeply thoughtful and perceptive man, and a good, good frien… - 2 years ago

@monisha_rajesh: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@ros_croe: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@ThomasHTaylor: Marcus was a dazzling storyteller, a creative powerhouse, a deeply thoughtful and perceptive man, and a good, good… - 2 years ago

@EveAdam91646152: Marcus Sedgwick, a British writer has died at age 54 - 2 years ago

@undervmountain: RT @BenHorslen: Enormously saddened to hear of the death of Marcus Sedgwick. His writing was brilliant in many ways but his ability to buil… - 2 years ago

@rshipbshop: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@catwrote: Taught with Marcus in the summer at ⁦@Ty_Newydd⁩ love to his family, what a terrific loss x - 2 years ago

@ljlittleson: RT @scottishbktrust: We are deeply saddened to learn of Marcus Sedgwick's passing. Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal five times, he leav… - 2 years ago

@CarolineLawrenc: Oh no! So sad that Marcus Sedgwick has passed away at a relatively young age. But he has left an amazing body of wo… - 2 years ago

@PolisLoizou: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@SimonGuy64: Terribly sad news of the death, at 54, of Marcus Sedgwick. His book, My Swordhand is Singing, is a wonderful reimag… - 2 years ago

@rshipbshop: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@yolandasfetsos: So sad to hear about Marcus Sedgwick. I've read several of his books & they were amazing. RIP. - 2 years ago

@BRGS_LRC: Sad to hear the news of the death of #MarcusSedgwick. Marcus was a thoughtful award winning writer whose latest wo… - 2 years ago

@NickyAdkins: Floored by this. Award-winning author Marcus Sedgwick dies ‘unexpectedly’ aged 54 - 2 years ago

@BeachyBooks: Sad and shocked to hear of the unexpected and untimely death of the fabulous author Marcus Sedgwick @marcussedgwick… - 2 years ago

@NMarshalledits: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@Wonder_Bookshop: Such sad news. Thank you for the stories, Marcus. - 2 years ago

@TimothyKnapman: Terrible news about a truly lovely chap, and a great writer #RIPMarcusSedgwick x - 2 years ago

@TomEaston: RT @rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults, young adults and children,… - 2 years ago

@f33lthesun: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@littlehux: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@scskillman: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@Helen_Fields: *Devastated. All 3 of my kids absolutely adored Marcus’ books, and we enjoyed reading them with them. What a tragic… - 2 years ago

@CarolineC1988: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@WHusseyAuthor: Devastating news. Marcus was one of those authors whose work was not only spellbinding and beautifully crafted, he… - 2 years ago

@davidowenauthor: This is such sad news. I've been reading his books for over 20 years. The Book of Dead Days was one of the first bo… - 2 years ago

@marygtroche: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@yabookprize: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@sarahjlodge: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@ljwattsWales: RT @adelegeras: Saddened and shocked to read of Marcus Sedgwick’s death at such an early age. Love and sympathy to @julianaurelius and the… - 2 years ago

@Viking_Ma: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@theabbey_lib: Very sad news - 2 years ago

@Joyisreading: RT @BenHorslen: Enormously saddened to hear of the death of Marcus Sedgwick. His writing was brilliant in many ways but his ability to buil… - 2 years ago

@ChloeSackur: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@HGold_author: So shocked to see this. I didn't know Marcus personally but we had some lovely emails about his retreat in France &… - 2 years ago

@TheFabledLands: Very sad news. The best way to remember this exceptional writer is to read one of his books this week. We recommend… - 2 years ago

@SalsaScot: RT @scottishbktrust: We are deeply saddened to learn of Marcus Sedgwick's passing. Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal five times, he leav… - 2 years ago

@mmdotcox: My Swordhand is Singing is the one I’d recommend if you have not read Marcus Sedgwick before - a book as good as it… - 2 years ago

@FinnLongman: Just saw the news about Marcus Sedgwick – how awful. May his memory (and his books) be a blessing. - 2 years ago

@rcwlitagency: Marcus Sedgwick, a prizewinning and beloved author of over 40 extraordinary books for adults and young adults, has… - 2 years ago

@scottishbktrust: We are deeply saddened to learn of Marcus Sedgwick's passing. Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal five times, he l… - 2 years ago

@catherinecoe: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@FinlaysonPalmer: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@StuartWhiteWM: My heart is completely crushed, and I'm in total shock. The loveliest, gentlest, and most talented man, who I've go… - 2 years ago

@ibrowsebooks: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Marcus Sedgwick dies - #MarcusSedgwick #Marcus #Sedgwick #rip - 2 years ago

@EwaSR: RT @iucounu: via the Bookseller - 2 years ago

@Bridgeanne: RT @CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@philipreeve1: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@iucounu: via the Bookseller - 2 years ago

@EwaSR: RT @iucounu: RIP Marcus Sedgwick. A brilliant writer and a lovely man. How awful to lose him so soon. - 2 years ago

@ellenhaggan: Really sad news about Marcus Sedgwick. He was a titan of children's books. - 2 years ago

@markstay: Completely knocked sideways by this. Marcus was a kind and generous soul and an amazing writer. My condolences to h… - 2 years ago

@iucounu: RIP Marcus Sedgwick. A brilliant writer and a lovely man. How awful to lose him so soon. - 2 years ago

@urbaneless: Very sad news indeed. Award-winning author Marcus Sedgwick dies ‘unexpectedly’ aged 54 - 2 years ago

@TheBookbag: RIP Marcus Sedgwick: what gut-wrenching appalling news and he was only 54. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. - 2 years ago

@BenHorslen: Enormously saddened to hear of the death of Marcus Sedgwick. His writing was brilliant in many ways but his ability… - 2 years ago

@adelegeras: Saddened and shocked to read of Marcus Sedgwick’s death at such an early age. Love and sympathy to @julianaurelius… - 2 years ago

@AnnaFargher: RT @Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking adventur… - 2 years ago

@fionamsharp: The Bookseller - News - Award-winning author Marcus Sedgwick dies ‘unexpectedly’ aged 54 - 2 years ago

@CharlotteLEyre: This is absolutely devastating. He was a wonderful writer and a kind and gracious man. Rest in peace Marcus - 2 years ago

@Booktrust: Everyone at @BookTrust is so sorry to hear this news. Thank you so much for the incredible worlds and breathtaking… - 2 years ago

@FrankHockx: Auteur/illustrator Marcus Sedgwick overleden. - 2 years ago

@_Nicola_M_: @nicmaclellan Huge fans of Marcus Sedgwick in this house! Actually, all of these authors. We read Piers Torday’s bo… - 2 years ago

@nicmaclellan: @_Nicola_M_ Some great recommendations on this thread. Can I suggest anything by Marcus Sedgwick? He writes predomi… - 2 years ago

@sedgwick_mike: @MarcusHouse Marcus that was my immediate thought last night as well. NASA missed a great opportunity to showcase… - 2 years ago

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