Marcus Borg

American Biblical scholar and theologian (Jesus Seminar)
Died on Wednesday January 21st 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Marcus Borg:

@BruceEvangelic: Why do you regard Marcus Borg as saved unto Eternal Life @NewPlusPeter

@Wald_Mensch: RT @amossmi: “For Jesus, compassion was the central quality of God and the central moral quality of a life centered in God.” - Marcus Borg

@bradytoops: Commentary on Luke 6:36: "God's central quality is compassion.. which is what a mother feels for her children." -Marcus Borg

@alishawgriff: RT @amossmi: “For Jesus, compassion was the central quality of God and the central moral quality of a life centered in God.” - Marcus Borg


@amossmi: “For Jesus, compassion was the central quality of God and the central moral quality of a life centered in God.” - Marcus Borg

@ShannonDShelby: RT @bradytoops: "To repent is to go beyond the mind that you have.. the enculturated mind w/ all of its categories, distinctions & valuatio…

@bradytoops: "To repent is to go beyond the mind that you have.. the enculturated mind w/ all of its categories, distinctions & valuations." -Marcus Borg

@bradytoops: "To repent means to embark on a journey to return." -Marcus Borg

@ThriftyChristn: Some great Kindle deals from @HarperOne on C.S. Lewis, Frederick Buechner, Rob Bell, Marcus Borg, more . . .

@DavidThePirate: 5 years ago, I spent a few days with Marcus Borg. He mentioned in vague terms his "mystical experience." Here we go.

@Mathematics1001: Convictions: How I Learned What Matters Most ~ By: Marcus J. Borg ~ $12.99 to $7.99 Title: Convictions: How I Learned What Matters MostAut…

@amossmi: The previous quote was Marcus Borg.

@medericovidal3: The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions (Plus) by Borg, Marcus J., Wright, N. T.

@theophilus1616: RT @crazypastor: I don't take the Bible literally - I take it seriously. -Marcus Borg (#RIP)

@saycheesekc: RT @crazypastor: I don't take the Bible literally - I take it seriously. -Marcus Borg (#RIP)

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