Marco Feingold

Austrian Holocaust survivor.
Died on Friday September 20th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Marco Feingold:

@uedaxecker: Austria's oldest Holocaust survivor, Marco Feingold, has died. @oe1 has this interview with him from a few years ago - 5 years ago

@sharon_nazarian: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@nlygo: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@ynot474747: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago


@Kashinka: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@EricJGreenberg1: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@nokidding3: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@ExitedBritain: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@lgbtzionist: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@SidLambersky: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@silverrj99: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@DuRantCynthia: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@biderman: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@jo_mendelson: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@TheBigSG: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@vroom_patricia: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@bakingcutie: Very sad to hear that Austria’s oldest #Holocaust survivor, Marco Feingold, has passed away. May he finally res… - 5 years ago

@bakingcutie: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@benjred: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@moodysgram: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@EphensF: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@politeperson123: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@JCD_Web8: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@taliawhyte: RT @JGreenblattADL: The further away we are from the #Holocaust, the less survivors we have to warn us of the horrors of unchecked #antiSem… - 5 years ago

@bettdaveclem1: RT @JewishNewsUK: Vienna’s Jewish Community organisation announced the death of Marco Feingold last week, who survived Auschwitz, Neuengamm… - 5 years ago

@JewishNewsUK: Vienna’s Jewish Community organisation announced the death of Marco Feingold last week, who survived Auschwitz, Neu… - 5 years ago

@TakacsChristoph: „Ein außergewöhnlicher Mann, der uns sehr fehlen wird“, sagte der ehemalige Oberrabbiner Paul Chaim Eisenberg. Unte… - 5 years ago

@Peter_Prischl: RT @flo_p: Saddened about Marco Feingold's passing. A steadfast, charismatic Shoa survivor. His work with Bricha gave thousands of European… - 5 years ago

@En24News: Reactions to the death of Marco Feingold - 5 years ago

@kruger_elke: RT @offensive_nowkr: In tiefem Respekt verneigen wir uns vor einem Opfer der #Shoah und lebenslangem Antifaschisten. Möge die Erde dir leic… - 5 years ago

@JDavidM5: RT @corinnamilborn: Ich werde die Sätze von Marco Feingold über Auschwitz nie vergessen, sie sitzen mir für immer in den Knochen. Er hat je… - 5 years ago

@balticnewswatch: Yehi zikhro baruch- Bürgermeister Michael Ludwig zum Ableben von Marco Feingold @juedische #Feingold… - 5 years ago

@juedische: RT @Stadt_Wien: Bürgermeister Michael Ludwig über das Ableben Marko Feingolds: „Mit Marko Feingold verlieren wir einen wichtigen Mahner und… - 5 years ago

@juedische: RT @joachimriedl: In Memoriam Marco Feingiold: Vor einigen Jahren haben wir den großen Mahner und Zeitzeugen in der @DIEZEIT porträtiert ht… - 5 years ago

@Feuerrolf: RT @corinnamilborn: Ih würde gern die richtigen Worte zum Tod von Marco Feingold finden, aber es gelingt mir nicht. Von ihm weiß ich, was A… - 5 years ago

@Christa29930995: RT @corinnamilborn: Ich werde die Sätze von Marco Feingold über Auschwitz nie vergessen, sie sitzen mir für immer in den Knochen. Er hat je… - 5 years ago

@MariaSterkl: RT @corinnamilborn: Ih würde gern die richtigen Worte zum Tod von Marco Feingold finden, aber es gelingt mir nicht. Von ihm weiß ich, was A… - 5 years ago

@monika_kovarova: RT @joachimriedl: In Memoriam Marco Feingiold: Vor einigen Jahren haben wir den großen Mahner und Zeitzeugen in der @DIEZEIT porträtiert ht… - 5 years ago

@motikat: RT @offensive_nowkr: In tiefem Respekt verneigen wir uns vor einem Opfer der #Shoah und lebenslangem Antifaschisten. Möge die Erde dir leic… - 5 years ago

@watchingyou81: RT @offensive_nowkr: In tiefem Respekt verneigen wir uns vor einem Opfer der #Shoah und lebenslangem Antifaschisten. Möge die Erde dir leic… - 5 years ago

@flo_p: RT @DeutschOskar: Es fällt mir schwer, den Tod von Marco Feingold s.A. bekanntzugeben. In Gedanken bin ich bei seiner Witwe Hannah. Mit ihm… - 5 years ago

@flo_p: Saddened about Marco Feingold's passing. A steadfast, charismatic Shoa survivor. His work with Bricha gave thousand… - 5 years ago

@UKI1150: RT @offensive_nowkr: In tiefem Respekt verneigen wir uns vor einem Opfer der #Shoah und lebenslangem Antifaschisten. Möge die Erde dir leic… - 5 years ago

@HarryKrishner: RT @corinnamilborn: Ih würde gern die richtigen Worte zum Tod von Marco Feingold finden, aber es gelingt mir nicht. Von ihm weiß ich, was A… - 5 years ago

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