Marcel Prud'homme

Canadian politician.
Died on Wednesday January 25th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Marcel Prud'homme:

@CanadianMuslims: RT @IndJewishVoices: Marcel Prud'homme epitomized principled leadership. He will be sorely missed by the Canadian human rights community ht… - 8 years ago

@APeninsulaMan: RT @IndJewishVoices: Marcel Prud'homme epitomized principled leadership. He will be sorely missed by the Canadian human rights community ht… - 8 years ago

@IndJewishVoices: Marcel Prud'homme epitomized principled leadership. He will be sorely missed by the Canadian human rights community - 8 years ago

@kellypatrickxox: Every Senator enjoys the privilege of being a member of countless Parliamentary Associations because of Marcel Prud'homme @senateca. - 8 years ago


@kellypatrickxox: Marcel Prud'homme was a giant of a politician. Gorgeous, smart, classy, and a fighter on all things just and right… - 8 years ago

@kellypatrickxox: @SenateCA Senator Marcel Prud'homme passed away Jan 25. Any comment and bio coming out soon? - 8 years ago

@maryderos: Invitation to sign condolences for Honorable Marcel Prud'homme at entrance 405 Ogilvy. Will offer to family at fune… - 8 years ago

@MarisaCelli: 1/2 @maryderos signe le livre de condoléances pour la famille de l'Honorable Marcel Prud'homme. Hall d'entrée de - 8 years ago

@MarisaCelli: 2/2 mémoire de l'Honorable Marcel Prud'homme à la Maire d'arrondissement 405, Ave Ogilvy - hall d'entrée de 9h à 19h - 8 years ago

@kellypatrickxox: Life is interesting. On the day u learn a formidable man who u had the opportunity to share stories w over wine, Marcel Prud'homme, passes.. - 8 years ago

@AndrewNorval: Sorry to learn of death of former MP, former Senator Marcel Prud'homme, defender of human rights, friend of the unjustly treated. @BobRae48 - 8 years ago

@kellypatrickxox: I'm just sad. Former senator and Quebec MP Marcel Prud’homme dead at 82 - The Globe and Mail - 8 years ago

@sarkisk11: RT @ancc_cnac: “The passing of Sen. Marcel Prud’homme is a great loss for all of Canada and for the Armenian-Canadian community.... https:/… - 8 years ago

@rostomzavarian: RT @ancc_cnac: “The passing of Sen. Marcel Prud’homme is a great loss for all of Canada and for the Armenian-Canadian community.... https:/… - 8 years ago

@DroitMTL: Décès d'un ancien député et sénateur diplômé de la Faculté, M. Marcel Prud'homme - 8 years ago

@AvetisyanGreta: #Senator Marcel Prud’homme, #Supporter of #ArmenianGenocide #Recognition , Passes Away - 8 years ago

@1915Aurora: RT @ancc_cnac: “The passing of Sen. Marcel Prud’homme is a great loss for all of Canada and for the Armenian-Canadian community.... https:/… - 8 years ago

@RoupenArmen: RT @ancc_cnac: “The passing of Sen. Marcel Prud’homme is a great loss for all of Canada and for the Armenian-Canadian community.... https:/… - 8 years ago

@ancc_cnac: “The passing of Sen. Marcel Prud’homme is a great loss for all of Canada and for the Armenian-Canadian community.... - 8 years ago

@ANC_Intl: Canadian Senator Marcel Prud’homme, a staunch supporter of Armenian Genocide recognition passes away - 8 years ago

@donjuan2701: RT @globepolitics: Former senator and Quebec MP Marcel Prud’homme dead at 82 - 8 years ago

@VivreMontreal: Former senator and Quebec MP Marcel Prud’homme dead at 82 - 8 years ago

@emmofc: He was a family friend and an absolutely amazing man 😔 Former senator and #Quebec MP Marcel Prud'homme passes away - 8 years ago

@AD613: @CBCKatie Peace Tower for Quebec victims; other flags were already lowered for Marcel Prud'homme - 8 years ago

@quebectualite: ≡ LeDroit ► L'ancien sénateur Marcel Prud'homme est décédé - 8 years ago

@PamphileSr: RT @PasDroleTR: Marcel Prud'homme : prêt à défendre les Palestiniens tout en combattant l'indépendance de son propre peuple. Pro rapatrieme… - 8 years ago

@MontrealCP: Montreal trends now: Trump, Donald Trump, Conservative, Pierre Paradis, Marcel Prud'homme. - 8 years ago

@4MyPeers: RT @SenHarder: I was a Parliamentary Intern when I met Marcel Prud’homme in 1975. He always encouraged young people to dream big. An exampl… - 8 years ago

@Denis6Louise: RT @djemilaben: Marcel Prud'homme: homme passionné de politique étrangère, libre, honnête et proche des gens, fier Québécois, je salue ta m… - 8 years ago

@FilsDePresse: L'homme politique Marcel Prud'homme n'est plus - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Marcel Prud’homme, Canadian politician, Died at 82 - 8 years ago

@MarcottePierre1: RT @djemilaben: Marcel Prud'homme: homme passionné de politique étrangère, libre, honnête et proche des gens, fier Québécois, je salue ta m… - 8 years ago

@sandragionas: Former senator and Quebec MP Marcel Prud’homme dead at 82 - 8 years ago

@VaheBalabanian: RT @ancc_cnac: “The passing of Sen. Marcel Prud’homme is a great loss for all of Canada and for the Armenian-Canadian community.... https:/… - 8 years ago

@CBCOttawa: @sandolf613 The answer: former senator Marcel Prud'homme has died. Our story: - 8 years ago

@SenHarder: J'étais un stagiaire parl. lorsque j'ai rencontré Marcel Prud'homme en 1975. Il a encouragé les jeunes de rêver gra… - 8 years ago

@SenHarder: I was a Parliamentary Intern when I met Marcel Prud’homme in 1975. He always encouraged young people to dream big.… - 8 years ago

@ObsJusticePaix: RT @FrancisDenis1: @SenateCA Avec Marcel Prud'homme, homme politique d'exception #canpol #Senat - 8 years ago

@ObsJusticePaix: RT @DenisCoderre: C'est avec beaucoup de tristesse que j'apprends le décès de mon ami Marcel Prud'homme qui fut député de St-Denis et Sénat… - 8 years ago

@NicoleRivard: RT @FatimaHPepin2: Marcel Prud'homme n'est plus. Un grand homme politique authentique, de convictions et de principes. RIP #polcan https:/… - 8 years ago

@ora_soledad: RT @RussianEmbassyC: A great friend of Russia and Russian people passed away. Sincere condolences to family, friends and colleagues of Sena… - 8 years ago

@MPetrishchev: RT @RussianEmbassyC: A great friend of Russia and Russian people passed away. Sincere condolences to family, friends and colleagues of Sena… - 8 years ago

@darrellmast: Sad to hear of the passing of Marcel Prud'homme, who was 'Dean of Parliament' during my time working at the Senate. - 8 years ago

@CadarioCa24: RT @djemilaben: L'ancien sénateur Marcel Prud'homme, un esprit libre, un homme passionné, attaché aux petites gens n'est plus : - 8 years ago

@djemilaben: RT @RetweetPQ_Qc: #PQ #PolQc #AssNat RT djemilaben: Marcel Prud'homme: homme passionné de politique étrangère, libre, honnête et pro… https… - 8 years ago

@FatimaHPepin2: Marcel Prud'homme n'est plus. Un grand homme politique authentique, de convictions et de principes. RIP #polcan - 8 years ago

@carou68: RT @djemilaben: L'ancien sénateur Marcel Prud'homme, un esprit libre, un homme passionné, attaché aux petites gens n'est plus : - 8 years ago

@djemilaben: L'ancien sénateur Marcel Prud'homme, un esprit libre, un homme passionné, attaché aux petites gens n'est plus : - 8 years ago

@lilysei: RT @RussianEmbassyC: A great friend of Russia and Russian people passed away. Sincere condolences to family, friends and colleagues of Sena… - 8 years ago

@lilysei: RT @RussianEmbassyC: Marcel Prud'homme was a recipient of the Order of Friendship and the original founder of Russia-Canada Parliamentary F… - 8 years ago

@GuylaineLau: RT @tvanouvelles: L’ancien sénateur Marcel Prud’homme est mort - 8 years ago

@FrancisDenis1: RT @RussianEmbassyC: Former senator and Quebec MP Marcel Prud’homme dead at 82 - 8 years ago

@FrancisDenis1: RT @RussianEmbassyC: Amb Darchiev greets Senator Marcel Prud'Homme - 8 years ago

@FrancisDenis1: RT @FrancisDenis1: @SenateCA Avec Marcel Prud'homme, homme politique d'exception #canpol #Senat - 8 years ago

@alex86n: RT @RussianEmbassyC: A great friend of Russia and Russian people passed away. Sincere condolences to family, friends and colleagues of Sena… - 8 years ago

@alexboulerice: L'ancien sénateur Marcel Prud'homme est décédé - 8 years ago

@ShareCanadaNews: Former senator and Quebec MP Marcel Prud'homme dead at 82 - CTV News - 8 years ago

@MauricieDabord: RT @PasDroleTR: Marcel Prud'homme : prêt à défendre les Palestiniens tout en combattant l'indépendance de son propre peuple. Pro rapatrieme… - 8 years ago

@normandie36: Marcel Prud'homme n’est plus - 8 years ago

@PasDroleTR: Marcel Prud'homme : prêt à défendre les Palestiniens tout en combattant l'indépendance de son propre peuple. Pro rapatriement unilatéral etc - 8 years ago

@untameheart2: RT @NEWS1130: Former senator and longtime Quebec MP Marcel Prud'homme has died at the age of 82. - 8 years ago

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