Marca Bristo

American disability rights activist.
Died on Sunday September 8th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Marca Bristo:

@SusanLinOT: "It was not that her wheelchair was too wide for certain doors. Rather, those doors were too narrow for her wheelch… - 5 years ago

@TheAspenCenter: Marca Bristo was one of the foremost advocates for people with disabilities. Instrumental in the Americans With Dis… - 5 years ago

@ThinkTankRepair: Marca Bristo, Influential Advocate for the Disabled, Dies at 66 - 5 years ago

@BostonCIL: The disability community worldwide is mourning its loss. image: picture of Marca Bristo - 5 years ago


@RTCILKansas: Marca Bristo was one of those key players in drafting and passing the ADA. After passing away last week, the disabi… - 5 years ago

@ndycoleman: Today Show profiled Marca Bristo, a nicely done minute and a half, for someone who really did change the world. - 5 years ago

@AndyAUCD: RT @Wade4Justice: - 5 years ago

@stevens_dawn: RT @DRNY_org: "Marca Bristo, who became paralyzed at age 23 and continued a life advocating for people with disabilities, died at age 66. S… - 5 years ago

@DRNY_org: "Marca Bristo, who became paralyzed at age 23 and continued a life advocating for people with disabilities, died at… - 5 years ago

@IlluminationNC: RT @Wade4Justice: - 5 years ago

@GedleKebede: RT @BarackObama: Marca had a remarkable way of bringing out the best within us. For me, she was a trusted voice and a persistent, buoyant s… - 5 years ago

@thinkcollegeICI: This is a really lovely tribute to Marca Bristo who was a true leader and doer in disability policy & advocacy. Tha… - 5 years ago

@clkinnen: RT @BarackObama: Marca had a remarkable way of bringing out the best within us. For me, she was a trusted voice and a persistent, buoyant s… - 5 years ago

@jackjluke: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late Marca Bristo, who turned her own personal tragedy into a lifetime of activi… - 5 years ago

@jdb231: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late Marca Bristo, who turned her own personal tragedy into a lifetime of activi… - 5 years ago

@xenateach: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late Marca Bristo, who turned her own personal tragedy into a lifetime of activi… - 5 years ago

@SWhite_HT: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late Marca Bristo, who turned her own personal tragedy into a lifetime of activi… - 5 years ago

@WillieGeist: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late Marca Bristo, who turned her own personal tragedy into a lifetime of activi… - 5 years ago

@FlipDea: From World Institute on Disability : Marca Bristo, Influential Advocate for the Disabled, Dies at 66… - 5 years ago

@TheArcofNC: RT @Wade4Justice: - 5 years ago

@GDRTA: Marca Bristo, Influential Advocate for the Disabled, Dies at 66. Marca helped shape the Americans with Disability A… - 5 years ago

@liz_allder: RT @AugerLou: Marca Bristo, a driving force behind The Americans With Disabilities Act died last week of cancer. RIP American Hero. You gav… - 5 years ago

@EBetsem: RT @BarackObama: Marca had a remarkable way of bringing out the best within us. For me, she was a trusted voice and a persistent, buoyant s… - 5 years ago

@GLMorrison: RT @communistsusa: “My wheelchair wasn’t too wide for the doors, the doors were too narrow for my wheelchair.” #ThursdayThoughts #CivilRigh… - 5 years ago

@khalif_1973: RT @BarackObama: Marca had a remarkable way of bringing out the best within us. For me, she was a trusted voice and a persistent, buoyant s… - 5 years ago

@HeshimuK: RT @BarackObama: Marca had a remarkable way of bringing out the best within us. For me, she was a trusted voice and a persistent, buoyant s… - 5 years ago

@Jodiesjourney: #Marca #Bristo, a #key #figure in #Americans with #Disabilities Act, dies at 66 - 5 years ago

@AbelRam38699988: RT @BarackObama: Marca had a remarkable way of bringing out the best within us. For me, she was a trusted voice and a persistent, buoyant s… - 5 years ago

@erica_glennon: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@ada25celebrate: Marca Bristo, a key figure in Americans with Disabilities Act, dies at 66 - 5 years ago

@kmusheno: RT @AUCDNews: Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans With Disabilities Act of 199… - 5 years ago

@marczak_rob: #MarcaBristo who #fought for the #disabled has #died [#Disability #advocate #AmericansWithDisabilitiesAct #nurse… - 5 years ago

@Ngott: RT @shrivercenter: We envision a nation with justice, equity, and opportunity for all, not just some. The Shiver Center celebrates the life… - 5 years ago

@twiggyboty: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late Marca Bristo, who turned her own personal tragedy into a lifetime of activi… - 5 years ago

@sgirard9: RT @JBeleckis: "Marca’s talent was in building bridges between the 'abled' and the 'disabled' by making us see there is no need for bridges… - 5 years ago

@JBeleckis: "Marca’s talent was in building bridges between the 'abled' and the 'disabled' by making us see there is no need fo… - 5 years ago

@HAFarmette: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late Marca Bristo, who turned her own personal tragedy into a lifetime of activi… - 5 years ago

@heatherbelle585: Access Living founder Marca Bristo, a leading voice for disability rights, dies at 66 - 5 years ago

@cheshire_jake: RT @ValerieJarrett: An indefatigable advocate, teacher & dear friend of mine for over 20 years, Marca improved the lives of countless peopl… - 5 years ago

@cheshire_jake: RT @BarackObama: Marca had a remarkable way of bringing out the best within us. For me, she was a trusted voice and a persistent, buoyant s… - 5 years ago

@MelissaFiorini: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@sooze555: RT @BarackObama: Marca had a remarkable way of bringing out the best within us. For me, she was a trusted voice and a persistent, buoyant s… - 5 years ago

@MadonnaLong: RT @AUCDNews: Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans With Disabilities Act of 199… - 5 years ago

@JenniferEspos23: RT @BarackObama: Marca had a remarkable way of bringing out the best within us. For me, she was a trusted voice and a persistent, buoyant s… - 5 years ago

@SusanTaylorSD: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@AUCDNews: Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans With Disabilities… - 5 years ago

@4tires94703: - 5 years ago

@AshleyGeisleman: RT @BarackObama: Marca had a remarkable way of bringing out the best within us. For me, she was a trusted voice and a persistent, buoyant s… - 5 years ago

@Lazarz12: RT @NipmucXC: RIP Marca Bristo, advocate for people with disabilities and a writer on the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990. We all h… - 5 years ago

@UpUPUpEnt: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@cur8able: Marca Bristo, Influential Advocate for the Disabled, Dies at 66 - 5 years ago

@richardupuy: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@tcabel: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@pulicecavanagh: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@fedup4287: RT @BarackObama: Marca had a remarkable way of bringing out the best within us. For me, she was a trusted voice and a persistent, buoyant s… - 5 years ago

@Joseph4800: RT @BarackObama: Marca had a remarkable way of bringing out the best within us. For me, she was a trusted voice and a persistent, buoyant s… - 5 years ago

@FZN_Wulfert: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@EverydayGene: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@nindalorthrup: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@Abdulahi_Hassan: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@specklight: RT @Suntimes: Marca Bristo devoted her life to building bridges between the "able" and the "disabled." Her legacy can now be seen in countl… - 5 years ago

@msbachner: RT @SAKimFoxx: Marca Bristo changed our world. She fought for the ADA, ensured that our justice system was fair, equitable, and accessible… - 5 years ago

@delphiwoman: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@IfalibadjagouDo: RT @BarackObama: Marca had a remarkable way of bringing out the best within us. For me, she was a trusted voice and a persistent, buoyant s… - 5 years ago

@emfl49: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@SomeBadADR: RT @BarackObama: Marca had a remarkable way of bringing out the best within us. For me, she was a trusted voice and a persistent, buoyant s… - 5 years ago

@mikeinalbany: Marca Bristo, a key figure in Americans with Disabilities Act, dies at 66 - 5 years ago

@WeVoteJoe: RT @BarackObama: Marca had a remarkable way of bringing out the best within us. For me, she was a trusted voice and a persistent, buoyant s… - 5 years ago

@sneed_sherry: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@Nimasema: #MarcBristo Thank you for your work to make life better for #AmericansWithDisabilities #ADA RIP - 5 years ago

@JasonConnection: Craig Olson: Marca Bristo Was a Leading Voice for Disability Rights - - 5 years ago

@esiuol812: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@JamesMWilliam18: Marca Bristo, leading advocate for people with disabilities, dies at 66 @nicolazzo_e - 5 years ago

@skaik_van: RT @shrivercenter: We envision a nation with justice, equity, and opportunity for all, not just some. The Shiver Center celebrates the life… - 5 years ago

@DashDeCosta: - 5 years ago

@pein_jean: RT @TODAYshow: Paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca Bristo spent her life as an American disability rights activist, championing the Americans… - 5 years ago

@Runesiology: I had the privilege of meeting and sharing a stage with Marca several years ago. I didn't know what a giant she was… - 5 years ago

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