Marc A. Asher

American orthopaedic surgeon.
Died on Thursday February 7th 2019

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Marc A. Asher:

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Marc A. Asher - #MarcAAsher #Marc #A.Asher #rip - 6 years ago

@KUSportsMed: RIP to Marc Asher, MD, a towering figure of orthopedic surgery and a legacy in our organization. He will be greatly… - 6 years ago

@marc_marcmc: @felixexplody @Asher_Wolf It appears we have no choice in this, and though I am a Labor supporter, this is an atrocious decision. - 6 years ago

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