Mansour bin Muqrin

Died on Monday November 6th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Mansour bin Muqrin:

@moon5river72: RT @MiddleEastMnt: Helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state forces htt… - 7 years ago

@john1966olsen: RT @IsraelHatzolah: BREAKING - SAUDI ARABIA: Plane transporting eight Saudi officials including Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin, reportedly crash… - 7 years ago

@EmbVenSingapur: RT @EmbaVenSaudiA: Venezuela expresa condolencias a Arabia Saudita por fallecimiento del príncipe Mansour bin Muqrin - 7 years ago

@totaljoyk: RT @HSajwanization: Late Prince Mansour bin Meqrin, who died tonight, was the son of Prince Muqrin Al Saud, fmr Crown Prince of #SaudiArabi… - 7 years ago


@TexBrussow: RT @grannyshrek: @ckolacia @_L__a__r__r__y_ @OatesShane @Breaking911 - #PrinceAlwaleed was arrested.. but it was #MansourbinMuqrin who die… - 7 years ago

@Alicia46146936: RT @grannyshrek: @ckolacia @_L__a__r__r__y_ @OatesShane @Breaking911 - #PrinceAlwaleed was arrested.. but it was #MansourbinMuqrin who die… - 7 years ago

@JaSmittyjr: RT @grannyshrek: @ckolacia @_L__a__r__r__y_ @OatesShane @Breaking911 - #PrinceAlwaleed was arrested.. but it was #MansourbinMuqrin who die… - 7 years ago

@Yawn88943459: @BBCBreaking hope saudi dont shoot down helicopter like they did with Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin - 7 years ago

@Noorulla54: RT @MiddleEastMnt: Helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state forces htt… - 7 years ago

@ihearidiots2: @CNN @NicRobertsonCNN @CNNOpinion Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin and seven other people were killed in a helicopte… - 7 years ago

@Alan_L_Lovejoy: @DestroyIllusion That's why we have a dead Prince Mansour bin Muqrin Al Saud this week from a "helicopter accident"… - 7 years ago

@firstlady10000: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #BREAKING: #Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin dies in helicopter crash - 7 years ago

@Sibby72: Game Of Thrones - The helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately t… - 7 years ago

@Rafael_Nathan85: @00DUKE00 @AASchapiro @FraserNelson I suggest you do some reading on who Mansour Bin Muqrin Bin Abdul Aziz was. - 7 years ago

@FreedomsHope2: To who specifically? Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin, governor of Asir province and son of prince Muqrin bin Abdul… - 7 years ago

@republicbuzz: Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin and a number of government officials were killed Sunday in a helicopter crash some… - 7 years ago

@LanaAshford1: RT @oldmanluvsmineo: 2 CP Salman responded by arresting theWahhabists and their supporters then killed Prince Mansour bin Muqrin ,whos hel… - 7 years ago

@Stevens10Liz: RT @NetworksManager: Report: "Prince" Mansour bin Muqrin aka Deputy Governor of Asir and other officials killed in a helicopter or plane cr… - 7 years ago

@DarkkEmperor: @Reuters No mention of Prince Mansour bin Muqrin killed in mysteriously in helicopter crash😏 - 7 years ago

@valenti94931878: RT @byzantinepower: Mansour bin Muqrin, deputy gov of Asir region, was blown up in a helicopter along with seven senior advisors in Saudi A… - 7 years ago

@Engracia715: RT @byzantinepower: Mansour bin Muqrin, deputy gov of Asir region, was blown up in a helicopter along with seven senior advisors in Saudi A… - 7 years ago

@iheretanqmo: RT @NunciusTerrarum: เจ้าชาย Mansour เป็นโอรสของอดีตมกุฏราชกุมาร Muqrin bin Abdulaziz สิ้นพระชนม์ชณะเดินทางโดยเฮลิคอปเตอร์ในเมือง Asir ทางต… - 7 years ago

@iheretanqmo: RT @NunciusTerrarum: 《ด่วน!》เจ้าชาย Mansour bin Muqrin แห่งซาอุดิอาระเบีย🇸🇦 ทรงประสบอุบัติเหตุเฮลิคอปเตอร์ตก และทรงสิ้นพระชนม์แล้ว - 7 years ago

@SkoalBandito76: RT @grannyshrek: @ckolacia @_L__a__r__r__y_ @OatesShane @Breaking911 - #PrinceAlwaleed was arrested.. but it was #MansourbinMuqrin who die… - 7 years ago

@DIADEARDEER: RT @NunciusTerrarum: 《ด่วน!》เจ้าชาย Mansour bin Muqrin แห่งซาอุดิอาระเบีย🇸🇦 ทรงประสบอุบัติเหตุเฮลิคอปเตอร์ตก และทรงสิ้นพระชนม์แล้ว - 7 years ago

@letmebefell: RT @byzantinepower: Mansour bin Muqrin, deputy gov of Asir region, was blown up in a helicopter along with seven senior advisors in Saudi A… - 7 years ago

@byzantinepower: Mansour bin Muqrin, deputy gov of Asir region, was blown up in a helicopter along with seven senior advisors in Sau… - 7 years ago

@pulseammmuslk: RT @Saudi_Gazette: #BREAKING: #Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin dies in helicopter crash — @AlArabiya_Eng - 7 years ago

@Justinh944: RT @Saudi_Gazette: #BREAKING: #Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin dies in helicopter crash — @AlArabiya_Eng - 7 years ago

@LElizaBria: RT @oldmanluvsmineo: 2 CP Salman responded by arresting theWahhabists and their supporters then killed Prince Mansour bin Muqrin ,whos hel… - 7 years ago

@oldmanluvsmineo: 2 CP Salman responded by arresting theWahhabists and their supporters then killed Prince Mansour bin Muqrin ,whos… - 7 years ago

@KsaTurki: RT @News_Executive: BREAKING: A helicopter carrying 8 senior Saudi officials including prince Mansour Bin Muqrin, crashed has near #Abha, #… - 7 years ago

@KsaTurki: RT @michaelh992: A plane transporting eight Saudi officials including Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin, reportedly crashed near Abha #KSA - 7 years ago

@nunyabus1: RT @republicbuzz: A helicopter transporting 8 high-ranking Saudi officials, including prince Mansour bin-Muqrin, has crashed near the borde… - 7 years ago

@republicbuzz: A helicopter transporting 8 high-ranking Saudi officials, including prince Mansour bin-Muqrin, has crashed near the… - 7 years ago

@SaritaBdeG: RT @doodlebug0: @michaelh992 Read it was a helicopter crash. - 7 years ago

@SaritaBdeG: RT @michaelh992: Saudi outlets now confirm Prince Mansour bin Muqrin, the deputy governor of the Asir Province was killed in the crash of a… - 7 years ago

@SaritaBdeG: RT @michaelh992: A plane transporting eight Saudi officials including Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin, reportedly crashed near Abha #KSA - 7 years ago

@abidazizok: RT @MiddleEastMnt: Helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state forces htt… - 7 years ago

@bensadi_farid: RT @Lies_Breaker: 🔴🇸🇦#FLASH - #ArabieSaoudite : Un hélicoptère transportant 8 responsables saoudiens dont le prince Mansour bin Muqrin s'es… - 7 years ago

@vic26c: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: VIDEO: Last video of #Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin, officials before helicopter crash - 7 years ago

@ingridnaranjo: RT @ahmed: Prince Mansour bin Muqrin’s brother says deadly helicopter crash was an accident - 7 years ago

@Ferjani9arwi: RT @ahmed: Prince Mansour bin Muqrin’s brother says deadly helicopter crash was an accident - 7 years ago

@abdullah_aljdei: RT @ahmed: Prince Mansour bin Muqrin’s brother says deadly helicopter crash was an accident - 7 years ago

@kroslav: @agitpapa +Mansour bin Muqrin, son of ex-crown prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz who got ousted by MBS earlier, tried 2 e… - 7 years ago

@tkarasik: RT @ahmed: Prince Mansour bin Muqrin’s brother says deadly helicopter crash was an accident - 7 years ago

@Anees_Mansour: RT @ahmed: Prince Mansour bin Muqrin’s brother says deadly helicopter crash was an accident - 7 years ago

@NPSusa: RT @ahmed: Prince Mansour bin Muqrin’s brother says deadly helicopter crash was an accident - 7 years ago

@Alshayashea: RT @ahmed: Prince Mansour bin Muqrin’s brother says deadly helicopter crash was an accident - 7 years ago

@ahmed: Prince Mansour bin Muqrin’s brother says deadly helicopter crash was an accident - 7 years ago

@mammeri14828362: RT @Lies_Breaker: 🔴🇸🇦#ArabieSaoudite : Les dernières images du Prince Mansour bin Muqrin et des autres responsables saoudiens avant le cras… - 7 years ago

@mammeri14828362: RT @Lies_Breaker: 🔴🇸🇦#FLASH - #ArabieSaoudite : Un hélicoptère transportant 8 responsables saoudiens dont le prince Mansour bin Muqrin s'es… - 7 years ago

@WarlordRon1: RT @Primal: @WarlordRon1 Another day, another #SaudiPrince dead - 7 years ago

@Primal: @WarlordRon1 Another day, another #SaudiPrince dead - 7 years ago

@chidal3: RT @tamgom02: El príncipe Mansour bin Muqrin de Arabia Saudita, muere en un incidente aéreo el domingo. - 7 years ago

@Javiergalanflor: RT @South_Indians: Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin. boarding chopper that crashed. All onboard were killed - 7 years ago

@RudyMenggaSH10: RT @tempodotco: Helikopter pembawa Pangeran Arab Saudi Mansour bin Muqrin dan tujuh penumpang lainnya sengaja menjadi sasaran tembak pasuka… - 7 years ago

@temponewsroom: Helikopter pembawa Pangeran Arab Saudi Mansour bin Muqrin dan tujuh penumpang lainnya sengaja menjadi sasaran temba… - 7 years ago

@korantempo: Helikopter pembawa Pangeran Arab Saudi Mansour bin Muqrin dan tujuh penumpang lainnya sengaja menjadi sasaran temba… - 7 years ago

@tempodotco: Helikopter pembawa Pangeran Arab Saudi Mansour bin Muqrin dan tujuh penumpang lainnya sengaja menjadi sasaran temba… - 7 years ago

@JNRoss2: RT @ExoSapiens: Otra de sus víctimas: El helicóptero del príncipe saudí, Mansour bin Muqrin bin Abdulaziz, fue atacado el domingo por cazas… - 7 years ago

@Zeus_Apolo: RT @ExoSapiens: Otra de sus víctimas: El helicóptero del príncipe saudí, Mansour bin Muqrin bin Abdulaziz, fue atacado el domingo por cazas… - 7 years ago

@MargrietKainen: RT @PDChina: 8 high-ranking Saudi officials, including Prince Mansour bin Muqrin, have been killed in a helicopter crash near border w Yeme… - 7 years ago

@EmengAgnetta: RT @PDChina: 8 high-ranking Saudi officials, including Prince Mansour bin Muqrin, have been killed in a helicopter crash near border w Yeme… - 7 years ago

@Ghofadd: RT @Lies_Breaker: 🔴🇸🇦#FLASH - #ArabieSaoudite : Un hélicoptère transportant 8 responsables saoudiens dont le prince Mansour bin Muqrin s'es… - 7 years ago

@Guzifer007: @ThomasWictor @cenkuygur You probably know this but whatever happened to Muqrin bin Abdulaziz? And how’d King Salma… - 7 years ago

@RahmiBey: Mansour bin Muqrin: they tried to make me go to riyadh but i said no no no - 7 years ago

@yindee20: RT @GhorbaniSadegh: #Breaking: a helicopter carrying 8 senior #Saudi officials inc prince Mansour Bin Muqrin, adviser to the sacked crown p… - 7 years ago

@yindee20: RT @News_Executive: UPDATE: Saudi search teams have located site of the helicopter crash that killed 8 senior officials including Prince Ma… - 7 years ago

@yindee20: RT @News_Executive: BREAKING: A helicopter carrying 8 senior Saudi officials including prince Mansour Bin Muqrin, crashed has near #Abha, #… - 7 years ago

@zenecarol: RT @EmbaVenSaudiA: Venezuela expresa condolencias a Arabia Saudita por fallecimiento del príncipe Mansour bin Muqrin - 7 years ago

@3gar5546: RT @dya_bamakhrama: On behalf of Diplomatic corps accredited in #Riyadh, I presented with number of my colleagues the Ambassadors, the con… - 7 years ago

@BabaSaif: RT @MiddleEastMnt: Helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state forces htt… - 7 years ago

@fjvl2: RT @ExoSapiens: Otra de sus víctimas: El helicóptero del príncipe saudí, Mansour bin Muqrin bin Abdulaziz, fue atacado el domingo por cazas… - 7 years ago

@So_HSWW: RT @Lies_Breaker: 🔴🇸🇦#FLASH - #ArabieSaoudite : Un hélicoptère transportant 8 responsables saoudiens dont le prince Mansour bin Muqrin s'es… - 7 years ago

@AlmamiSoumaila: RT @PDChina: 8 high-ranking Saudi officials, including Prince Mansour bin Muqrin, have been killed in a helicopter crash near border w Yeme… - 7 years ago

@charafbell: RT @MiddleEastMnt: Helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state forces htt… - 7 years ago

@talhaahmad967: The helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state... - 7 years ago

@CaliGramFarmer: RT @HSajwanization: Late Prince Mansour bin Meqrin, who died tonight, was the son of Prince Muqrin Al Saud, fmr Crown Prince of #SaudiArabi… - 7 years ago

@karimyari: RT @MiddleEastMnt: Helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state forces htt… - 7 years ago

@BOOBSPACE: RT @MiddleEastMnt: Helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state forces htt… - 7 years ago

@AlfredMirandaO: RT @dya_bamakhrama: On behalf of Diplomatic corps accredited in #Riyadh, I presented with number of my colleagues the Ambassadors, the con… - 7 years ago

@Freedom2Noise: Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin among those killed in helicopter crash - 7 years ago

@blueopalmeye25: RT @MiddleEastMnt: Helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state forces htt… - 7 years ago

@alhomyyan_99: RT @dya_bamakhrama: On behalf of Diplomatic corps accredited in #Riyadh, I presented with number of my colleagues the Ambassadors, the con… - 7 years ago

@420Propaganda: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: VIDEO: Last video of #Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin, officials before helicopter crash - 7 years ago

@420Propaganda: RT @RT_com: MORE: Prince Mansour bin Muqrin has been killed along with several other officials in helicopter crash - 7 years ago

@outlaw3pac: RT @MiddleEastMnt: Helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state forces htt… - 7 years ago

@DominiqueVanpee: RT @MiddleEastMnt: Helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state forces htt… - 7 years ago

@lioninn: RT @MiddleEastMnt: Helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state forces htt… - 7 years ago

@Amb_Majid: RT @MiddleEastMnt: Helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state forces htt… - 7 years ago

@MuchMind: ● 6-Nov-2017 -- #Saudi Arabia: Prince Mansour bin Muqrin, the deputy governor of Asir province, and 7 other officia… - 7 years ago

@Metalic_25Jan: RT @MiddleEastMnt: Helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state forces htt… - 7 years ago

@hiddendraggin: The SAME DAY that the Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman has a bunch of other princes and officials arrested for corr… - 7 years ago

@cousu_main: Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin is thought to have died in a helicopter carrying officials ... - 7 years ago

@MadharNabil: RT @dya_bamakhrama: On behalf of Diplomatic corps accredited in #Riyadh, I presented with number of my colleagues the Ambassadors, the con… - 7 years ago

@HussainMourad: RT @MiddleEastMnt: Helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state forces htt… - 7 years ago

@WajdiAlquliti: RT @dya_bamakhrama: On behalf of Diplomatic corps accredited in #Riyadh, I presented with number of my colleagues the Ambassadors, the con… - 7 years ago

@gato_trueno: RT @michaelh992: A plane transporting eight Saudi officials including Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin, reportedly crashed near Abha #KSA - 7 years ago

@aloushn1: RT @dya_bamakhrama: On behalf of Diplomatic corps accredited in #Riyadh, I presented with number of my colleagues the Ambassadors, the con… - 7 years ago

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