Malcolm Dome

English music journalist (Record Mirror
Died on Monday November 1st 2021

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Malcolm Dome:

@NoizzePodcast: Available on all other podcast services: - 3 years ago

@kerrangfanpage: COME OUT AND PLAY Anniversary November 28, 1985 - PLAY TWISTY FOR ME An interview with Dee Snider by Malcolm Dome - 3 years ago

@EasyPartnersLLC: RT @SaxonOfficial: We are saddened to hear of the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. Malcolm was a great supporter of Saxon, and will be… - 3 years ago

@SteveMascord: @jayjayfrench pays an emotional tribute to Malcolm Dome earlier today. - 3 years ago


@MDesbarres: RT @ZNathanson: @MDesbarres since the loss of both rock journalists Malcolm Dome and Peter Makowski One from KERRANG and the other from Sou… - 3 years ago

@ZNathanson: @MDesbarres since the loss of both rock journalists Malcolm Dome and Peter Makowski One from KERRANG and the other… - 3 years ago

@BDMetalMayhem: Blackdiamond’s Metal Mayhem Play List 02/11/21: Tribute to MALCOLM DOME. BURNING POINT & GOAT TORMENT on the META(L… - 3 years ago

@Thrash_Addict: Bon dia thrasheros! Avui una mala notícia pel mon thrasher, acabo de llegir que el passat 1 de novembre va morir e… - 3 years ago

@deepresion_sky: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@BusterJamey: RT @MotleyCrue: Sad to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. He was such an important figure for all things rock and metal and championed… - 3 years ago

@HamiltonsLive: Rockers Pay Tribute to Late Metal Journalist Malcolm Dome - 3 years ago

@CustodioRubens: RT @VanDoHalen: Morreu aos 66 anos o jornalista inglês Malcolm Dome. Ele ficou conhecido como o homem que inventou o termo Thrash Metal qua… - 3 years ago

@parachute07: RT @KerrangMagazine: Malcolm Dome: 1955 – 2021. - 3 years ago

@chrisyanke: Metallica, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath members and more mourn loss of heavy metal journalist Malcolm Dome - 3 years ago

@theinsidexpress: - 3 years ago

@JasonArnopp: RT @JasonArnopp: Just uploaded my video tribute to legendary rock journalist Malcolm Dome, of @KerrangMagazine, @MetalHammer, @ClassicRockM… - 3 years ago

@tillykins01: RT @DruryLaneTap: Rest in peace Malcolm Dome - Class will never be the the same without you (… how will I ever remember the warm up?) Thank… - 3 years ago

@LauraFitLife: RT @TemptBand: This is a lovely tribute to our friend Malcolm Dome by @PhilAlexanderUK We love you Malcolm. - 3 years ago

@JewishNewsUK: Tributes were paid from across the world of heavy metal to former Dollis Hill synagogue member Malcolm Dome - 3 years ago

@RafaelDuranJ: RT @geezerbutler: So sad to hear of the passing of Malcolm Dome, one of rock and metal's great journalists. It was always a pleasure giving… - 3 years ago

@Rockomotion2: Malcolm Dome, el periodista pionero de rock y metal y colaborador a largo plazo de Classic Rock, Prog, Metal Hammer… - 3 years ago

@KamranM26976756: RT @PlanetRockRadio: The rock and metal world payed tribute this week to legendary journalist Malcolm Dome, whose work in Kerrang!, Metal H… - 3 years ago

@playthatpodcast: RT @JesseFink: Saddened to learn of the death of Malcolm Dome. Many years ago he said he had seen "She told me to come/But I was already th… - 3 years ago

@PimMaiden: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@nickmoberly: Malcolm Dome (R.I.P.) burning Darkthrone's Fenriz on BBC Radio 1 in '95. - 3 years ago

@sbrett15: RT @PlanetRockRadio: The rock and metal world payed tribute this week to legendary journalist Malcolm Dome, whose work in Kerrang!, Metal H… - 3 years ago

@Malcolm_Hughes1: RT @TheSpaceshipper: Dune (2021): Space Guild costume design, art by Keith Christensen Costume designer Jacqueline West: "It’s all quite e… - 3 years ago

@fiercedeadfans: RT @JasonArnopp: Just uploaded my video tribute to legendary rock journalist Malcolm Dome, of @KerrangMagazine, @MetalHammer, @ClassicRockM… - 3 years ago

@postrockblog: RT @JasonArnopp: Just uploaded my video tribute to legendary rock journalist Malcolm Dome, of @KerrangMagazine, @MetalHammer, @ClassicRockM… - 3 years ago

@TFATD: RT @JasonArnopp: Just uploaded my video tribute to legendary rock journalist Malcolm Dome, of @KerrangMagazine, @MetalHammer, @ClassicRockM… - 3 years ago

@mattstevensloop: RT @JasonArnopp: Just uploaded my video tribute to legendary rock journalist Malcolm Dome, of @KerrangMagazine, @MetalHammer, @ClassicRockM… - 3 years ago

@JasonArnopp: Just uploaded my video tribute to legendary rock journalist Malcolm Dome, of @KerrangMagazine, @MetalHammer,… - 3 years ago

@Tito_Catalan: @larsulrich Totally dismayed by Malcolm Dome’s passing 😔😔😔! May his soul rest in ever lasting peace 🙏… - 3 years ago

@zainulabdn_: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@emlins6371: RT @PlanetRockRadio: The rock and metal world payed tribute this week to legendary journalist Malcolm Dome, whose work in Kerrang!, Metal H… - 3 years ago

@nickbewes: RT @PlanetRockRadio: The rock and metal world payed tribute this week to legendary journalist Malcolm Dome, whose work in Kerrang!, Metal H… - 3 years ago

@Linley75: RT @PlanetRockRadio: The rock and metal world payed tribute this week to legendary journalist Malcolm Dome, whose work in Kerrang!, Metal H… - 3 years ago

@Brimcrob: Back in the day when there was no t'internet you relied on magazines and insights from music writers like Malcolm D… - 3 years ago

@NowSpinningUK: Now Spinning Magazine Channel Update November 2021 Although I did not quite get everything out in time I did manage… - 3 years ago

@keithsansiro: RT @PlanetRockRadio: The rock and metal world payed tribute this week to legendary journalist Malcolm Dome, whose work in Kerrang!, Metal H… - 3 years ago

@PlanetRockRadio: The rock and metal world payed tribute this week to legendary journalist Malcolm Dome, whose work in Kerrang!, Meta… - 3 years ago

@SteveMascord: Another quality tribute to Malcolm Dome - 3 years ago

@DrJACameron: Just found out legendary rock journalist Malcolm Dome died a few days ago, aged 66. Big bummer that - 3 years ago

@ShameInNothing1: - 3 years ago

@jayfloyd94: RT @larsulrich: Extremely sad to hear of Malcolm Dome’s passing. Not only was he an incredible talent who helped guide my relationship with… - 3 years ago

@kakanjtn: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@beachmama50: RT @MotleyCrue: Sad to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. He was such an important figure for all things rock and metal and championed… - 3 years ago

@DeniseS07607359: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@shep_5879: RT @riotact_podcast: Episode 169: @BiffyClyro at the Forum RIP Malcolm Dome Welcome back @PorcupineTree Naughty firestarting @slipknot fa… - 3 years ago

@riotact_podcast: Episode 169: @BiffyClyro at the Forum RIP Malcolm Dome Welcome back @PorcupineTree Naughty firestarting @slipknot… - 3 years ago

@dehumanizer1000: RT @geezerbutler: So sad to hear of the passing of Malcolm Dome, one of rock and metal's great journalists. It was always a pleasure giving… - 3 years ago

@rcevetto: RT @WallMick: The return of @deadrockstars_ The Story of Malcolm Dome. @ClassicRockMag @kerrangfanpage @MetalHammer @GetchaPod - 3 years ago

@WallMick: The return of @deadrockstars_ The Story of Malcolm Dome. @ClassicRockMag @kerrangfanpage @MetalHammer @GetchaPod - 3 years ago

@sqfreakzs: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@FluffyJeana: RT @WASPOfficial: Malcolm Dome was part of W.A.S.P.’s initial success with Kerrang. He was part of the team that had the courage to put me… - 3 years ago

@bjornvjrn: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@i_am_nightrider: RT @WASPOfficial: Malcolm Dome was part of W.A.S.P.’s initial success with Kerrang. He was part of the team that had the courage to put me… - 3 years ago

@ag604: RT @MoMetalTrax: Truly saddened by the passing of Malcolm Dome! One of the most important figures behind the music in Hard Rock & Heavy Met… - 3 years ago

@BangBeer_: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@GalangSu__: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@TCCS_ACT: RT @ACTHealth: 🔦Malcolm Fraser Bridge, Monaro Hwy, Pialligo, @Transport_CBR @TCCS_ACT 🔦 Canberra Times Fountain, Canberra City @TCCS_ACT 🔦… - 3 years ago

@non_005_on: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@MarieColemanAO: RT @ACTHealth: 🔦Malcolm Fraser Bridge, Monaro Hwy, Pialligo, @Transport_CBR @TCCS_ACT 🔦 Canberra Times Fountain, Canberra City @TCCS_ACT 🔦… - 3 years ago

@ACTHealth: 🔦Malcolm Fraser Bridge, Monaro Hwy, Pialligo, @Transport_CBR @TCCS_ACT 🔦 Canberra Times Fountain, Canberra City… - 3 years ago

@agukk_: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@arTutor: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@ArdyaSaptaP: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@Ricardo09042786: RT @Whiplash_Net: Malcolm Dome: membros do Maiden, Metallica e Black Sabbath lamentam morte do jornalista - 3 years ago

@077Mike: Sad week for music journalism, first Malcolm Dome now Pete Makowski. Legendary music writer Peter Makowski has die… - 3 years ago

@Whiplash_Net: RT @Whiplash_Net: Malcolm Dome: membros do Maiden, Metallica e Black Sabbath lamentam morte do jornalista - 3 years ago

@notabluesfan: RT @marksvb1: @Monster_Dome @Peter_Fitz is the Malcolm Turncoat or Krudd of the media, “arrogant, annoying and of little consequence “ - 3 years ago

@BagusAditya17: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@KusuiK_: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@gjrrox: A week in which we’ve lost 2 top rock writers. 2 journalists that in my teens wove the words that articulated my ro… - 3 years ago

@PapitoLorenzano: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@WahyuJenggo_: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@wrthpramestika: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@mullingar_rc: @WallMick @ClassicRockMag @GetchaPod @deadrockstars_ @PeterMakowski Sorry to learn this Mick, like Malcolm Dome thi… - 3 years ago

@elghufron: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@yabaskara: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@indargisaurus: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@Michael41818208: RT @ledzepnews: Here's the latest post from Led Zeppelin magazine Tight But Loose - 3 years ago

@pahleviyudha_: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@Gevaudandoom: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@s_hinako_0430: RT @amass_jp: ロック/メタル・ジャーナリストの草分け的存在であり、「スラッシュ・メタル」という言葉を生み出したとされている、英国の音楽ジャーナリスト、マルコム・ドーム(Malcolm Dome)が死去。66歳でした。さまざまなアーティストたちが追悼コメントを発表… - 3 years ago

@JadwigaPetrykie: RT @ledzepnews: Here's the latest post from Led Zeppelin magazine Tight But Loose - 3 years ago

@danydankata: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@marksvb1: @Monster_Dome @Peter_Fitz is the Malcolm Turncoat or Krudd of the media, “arrogant, annoying and of little consequence “ - 3 years ago

@dodoa64: @David_Carrick @RossHalfin Pete and Malcolm Dome in one week. Sad. - 3 years ago

@WallMick: Available now on my @patreon site and free on @Spotify @iTunes and @acast this weekend @GetchaPod @deadrockstars_… - 3 years ago

@gardenyjamie: First Malcolm Dome and now Pete Makowski! WTF. - 3 years ago

@wardreporter: @WallMick @ClassicRockMag @GetchaPod @deadrockstars_ @PeterMakowski First Malcolm Dome and now Peter? In the same w… - 3 years ago

@HaroldJJones: RT @ledzepnews: Here's the latest post from Led Zeppelin magazine Tight But Loose - 3 years ago

@kataical14: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@Osbourne234: RT @OzzyOsbourne: Words cannot express how sorry I feel to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. Rest In Peace. God Bless - 3 years ago

@Bonilha: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@clive_70: RT @kerrangfanpage: DONE WITH MIRRORS Album Anniversary October 31, 1985 - THE 'SMITHS An interview with Steven Tyler and Joe Perry by Ma… - 3 years ago

@kerrangfanpage: DONE WITH MIRRORS Album Anniversary October 31, 1985 - THE 'SMITHS An interview with Steven Tyler and Joe Perry b… - 3 years ago

@StevenGlaen: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@fzzpprdd: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@daytrending: RT @ledzepnews: Here's the latest post from Led Zeppelin magazine Tight But Loose - 3 years ago

@yayakurniawann: RT @HaiMagazine: Wartawan senior Malcolm Dome meninggal dunia di usia 66 tahun pada 2 November waktu setempat. Mungkin dunia, atau bahkan… - 3 years ago

@meta_izumix: そういえばMalcolm Dome著のThrash Metalっていうペーパーバックの本、探せば家のどこかにあるはずなんだけどそんな暇がないよ。本も整理したいなあ。 - 3 years ago

@jimburgerbi2: RT @WASPOfficial: Malcolm Dome was part of W.A.S.P.’s initial success with Kerrang. He was part of the team that had the courage to put me… - 3 years ago

@ZineMatica: RT @WASPOfficial: Malcolm Dome was part of W.A.S.P.’s initial success with Kerrang. He was part of the team that had the courage to put me… - 3 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @PlanetRockRadio: @IronMaiden @tonyiommi @MotorheadPhil @OzzyOsbourne Dome coined the phrase “thrash metal” in a February 1984 edition o… - 3 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @PlanetRockRadio: The rock and metal world has been paying tribute to legendary journalist Malcolm Dome, whose work in Kerrang!, Metal H… - 3 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @Whiplash_Net: Malcolm Dome: membros do Maiden, Metallica e Black Sabbath lamentam morte do jornalista - 3 years ago

@g_dmitch: RT @CherryRedGroup: We are sad to hear of the death of music journalist Malcolm Dome. A pioneering rock & heavy metal writer, we enjoyed wo… - 3 years ago

@Ou812Cozy: RT @amass_jp: ロック/メタル・ジャーナリストの草分け的存在であり、「スラッシュ・メタル」という言葉を生み出したとされている、英国の音楽ジャーナリスト、マルコム・ドーム(Malcolm Dome)が死去。66歳でした。さまざまなアーティストたちが追悼コメントを発表… - 3 years ago

@sue_murchie1: RT @KerrangMagazine: Malcolm Dome: 1955 – 2021. - 3 years ago

@sue_murchie1: RT @MotleyCrue: Sad to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. He was such an important figure for all things rock and metal and championed… - 3 years ago

@SK071: RT @SaxonOfficial: We are saddened to hear of the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. Malcolm was a great supporter of Saxon, and will be… - 3 years ago

@shakypubco: RT @SaxonOfficial: We are saddened to hear of the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. Malcolm was a great supporter of Saxon, and will be… - 3 years ago

@rampellut: RT @KerrangMagazine: Malcolm Dome: 1955 – 2021. - 3 years ago

@DerangedRadio: Rockers Pay Tribute to Late Metal Journalist Malcolm Dome - 3 years ago

@chaditikus: RT @BangerFilms: Trailblazing metal journalist Malcolm Dome has passed away at the age of 66. Malcolm appeared in "Metal: A Headbangers J… - 3 years ago

@THELMAKIDDO: RT @BangerFilms: Trailblazing metal journalist Malcolm Dome has passed away at the age of 66. Malcolm appeared in "Metal: A Headbangers J… - 3 years ago

@amonterroso: RT @cuarteldelmetal: Bandas de todo el mundo lamentan fallecimiento de Malcolm Dome, inventor del término “thrash metal” - 3 years ago

@OzzyOsbourneme: RT @OzzyOsbourne: Words cannot express how sorry I feel to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. Rest In Peace. God Bless - 3 years ago

@SiBarsby: - 3 years ago

@Whiplash_Net: Malcolm Dome: membros do Maiden, Metallica e Black Sabbath lamentam morte do jornalista - 3 years ago

@Dave_Raver: RT @MotleyCrue: Sad to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. He was such an important figure for all things rock and metal and championed… - 3 years ago

@lamusicamidroga: RT @larsulrich: Extremely sad to hear of Malcolm Dome’s passing. Not only was he an incredible talent who helped guide my relationship with… - 3 years ago

@GwenMetalfly: RT @BLABBERMOUTHNET: METALLICA, BLACK SABBATH, IRON MAIDEN Members Mourn Death Of Veteran Heavy Metal Journalist MALCOLM DOME - 3 years ago

@captsmith10: Music journalist Malcolm Dome dead at 66 - 3 years ago

@wikimetal: Iron Maiden, Tony Iommi, Lars Ulrich e mais prestam homenagem a Malcolm Dome - - 3 years ago

@aglick7426: @deesnider Hi Dee, was curious if you had ever done an interview with Malcolm Dome and if so can you tell us about… - 3 years ago

@YoFuiASukursal: RT @OzzyOsbourne: Words cannot express how sorry I feel to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. Rest In Peace. God Bless - 3 years ago

@MonkUberRock: RT @GingerWildheart: Gonna miss Malcolm Dome so much. Losing people like him and Steve Strange feels like the inevitable end of a pioneerin… - 3 years ago

@feudalpurpenuk: RIP Malcolm Dome a man that helped me find the music I love. Kerrang! Metal Hammer etc. A massive loss. - 3 years ago

@957TheLake: Lars Ulrich, Ozzy Osbourne & more pay tribute to late rock journalist Malcolm Dome - 3 years ago

@strppngwllppr: RT @geezerbutler: So sad to hear of the passing of Malcolm Dome, one of rock and metal's great journalists. It was always a pleasure giving… - 3 years ago

@killedbydeath8: RT @yamazaki666: そのMalcom Dome氏が亡くなってしまった。Kerrang!黄金期で書いていた人。ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 3 years ago

@JackPressy101: Being the music nerd I am, I collect music magazines from years gone past. I’ve spent yesterday and today revisitin… - 3 years ago

@105_zima: RT @amass_jp: ロック/メタル・ジャーナリストの草分け的存在であり、「スラッシュ・メタル」という言葉を生み出したとされている、英国の音楽ジャーナリスト、マルコム・ドーム(Malcolm Dome)が死去。66歳でした。さまざまなアーティストたちが追悼コメントを発表… - 3 years ago

@PimMaiden: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@Slaaneshfiend: RT @KerrangMagazine: Malcolm Dome: 1955 – 2021. - 3 years ago

@motor2500: Music journalist Malcolm Dome dead at 66 - 3 years ago

@hitmustv: Iron Maiden, Tony Iommi + More Pay Tribute to Late Metal Journalist Malcolm Dome, - 3 years ago

@RiffPromotions: RT @TotalRockOnline: It’s our birthday and we are still going to party to celebrate the life of Malcolm Dome R.I.P. RIP - 3 years ago

@darklordbarnet: RT @TotalRockOnline: It’s our birthday and we are still going to party to celebrate the life of Malcolm Dome R.I.P. RIP - 3 years ago

@MarkusInDarkus: RT @geezerbutler: So sad to hear of the passing of Malcolm Dome, one of rock and metal's great journalists. It was always a pleasure giving… - 3 years ago

@CIoJournalist: Heavy metal journalist Malcolm Dome has died aged 66. See @CIoJournalist Linkedin news feed by Liz Justice at:… - 3 years ago

@radionova100: Malcom Dome Dead at 66 - Metal Heads Pay Tribute To A Journalistic God - - 3 years ago

@Iggy: - 3 years ago

@MetalTitans: RIP Malcolm Dome - 3 years ago

@Iggy: - 3 years ago

@Darren33140921: RT @bertucallus: Iron Maiden, Tony Iommi + More Pay Tribute to Late Metal Journalist Malcolm Dome - 3 years ago

@old_git_tim: RT @DarrylMason: Malcolm Dome, who died yesterday, was an excellent, incredibly knowledgeable, writer on hard rock and metal. He was across… - 3 years ago

@old_git_tim: RT @TeethoftheSea: RIP Malcolm Dome - a sage and a true believer - 3 years ago

@wolverinebruise: RT @PlanetRockRadio: The rock and metal world has been paying tribute to legendary journalist Malcolm Dome, whose work in Kerrang!, Metal H… - 3 years ago

@metalheadzone1: Lars Ulrich And Mike Portnoy Mourn World-Renowned Rock Journalist Malcolm Dome - 3 years ago

@chestney_rose: RT @KerrangMagazine: Malcolm Dome: 1955 – 2021. - 3 years ago

@tearsofsin: Malcolm Dome nasıl etkili bir adammış metal camiasında, vefatı hakkında açıklama yapmayan ünlü grup kalmadı - 3 years ago

@Muca_Music: Malcolm Dome was a true legend, and his legacy to the UK music industry and rock, in general, will reverberate for… - 3 years ago

@mattstevensloop: RT @larsulrich: Extremely sad to hear of Malcolm Dome’s passing. Not only was he an incredible talent who helped guide my relationship with… - 3 years ago

@mattstevensloop: RT @PlanetRockRadio: The rock and metal world has been paying tribute to legendary journalist Malcolm Dome, whose work in Kerrang!, Metal H… - 3 years ago

@gyrotin: RT @amass_jp: ロック/メタル・ジャーナリストの草分け的存在であり、「スラッシュ・メタル」という言葉を生み出したとされている、英国の音楽ジャーナリスト、マルコム・ドーム(Malcolm Dome)が死去。66歳でした。さまざまなアーティストたちが追悼コメントを発表… - 3 years ago

@DanSmith667: Really sad news 😞 Malcolm Dome is an absolute legend RIP - 3 years ago

@BulbousGutt: I just saw today Journalist Malcom Dome. Rest In Peace Malcolm. - 3 years ago

@KamranM26976756: RT @KerrangMagazine: Malcolm Dome: 1955 – 2021. - 3 years ago

@Davemorrissey77: RT @GingerWildheart: Gonna miss Malcolm Dome so much. Losing people like him and Steve Strange feels like the inevitable end of a pioneerin… - 3 years ago

@Sonsoftheearth: RT @larsulrich: Extremely sad to hear of Malcolm Dome’s passing. Not only was he an incredible talent who helped guide my relationship with… - 3 years ago

@open02358650: RT @SOIANYC: So sad to hear this. R.I.P. Malcolm Dome, Veteran Music Journalist Who Coined the Term “Thrash Metal” Dies at 66 - 3 years ago

@philjweston1: RT @Loudwire: RIP MALCOLM DOME: @IronMaiden, @tonyiommi + more pay tribute to late metal journalist Malcolm Dome - 3 years ago

@tiger_1225: RT @amass_jp: ロック/メタル・ジャーナリストの草分け的存在であり、「スラッシュ・メタル」という言葉を生み出したとされている、英国の音楽ジャーナリスト、マルコム・ドーム(Malcolm Dome)が死去。66歳でした。さまざまなアーティストたちが追悼コメントを発表… - 3 years ago

@LuisForero540: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@FlorencioSoy: RT @MotleyCrue: Sad to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. He was such an important figure for all things rock and metal and championed… - 3 years ago

@Econothropic: Always ready to champion great bands, So Long Malcolm: - 3 years ago

@Christo21251914: RT @KerrangMagazine: Malcolm Dome: 1955 – 2021. - 3 years ago

@Christo21251914: RT @MotleyCrue: Sad to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. He was such an important figure for all things rock and metal and championed… - 3 years ago

@L_Andrew_Lyon: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@Zawan_JP: RT @amass_jp: ロック/メタル・ジャーナリストの草分け的存在であり、「スラッシュ・メタル」という言葉を生み出したとされている、英国の音楽ジャーナリスト、マルコム・ドーム(Malcolm Dome)が死去。66歳でした。さまざまなアーティストたちが追悼コメントを発表… - 3 years ago

@BLTU2vO2jCzHNuR: RT @amass_jp: ロック/メタル・ジャーナリストの草分け的存在であり、「スラッシュ・メタル」という言葉を生み出したとされている、英国の音楽ジャーナリスト、マルコム・ドーム(Malcolm Dome)が死去。66歳でした。さまざまなアーティストたちが追悼コメントを発表… - 3 years ago

@ChaseRazor: RT @BLABBERMOUTHNET: METALLICA, BLACK SABBATH, IRON MAIDEN Members Mourn Death Of Veteran Heavy Metal Journalist MALCOLM DOME - 3 years ago

@KiesiHeikki: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@iris_taske: RT @amass_jp: ロック/メタル・ジャーナリストの草分け的存在であり、「スラッシュ・メタル」という言葉を生み出したとされている、英国の音楽ジャーナリスト、マルコム・ドーム(Malcolm Dome)が死去。66歳でした。さまざまなアーティストたちが追悼コメントを発表… - 3 years ago

@vovo69: RT @amass_jp: ロック/メタル・ジャーナリストの草分け的存在であり、「スラッシュ・メタル」という言葉を生み出したとされている、英国の音楽ジャーナリスト、マルコム・ドーム(Malcolm Dome)が死去。66歳でした。さまざまなアーティストたちが追悼コメントを発表… - 3 years ago

@northmenrise: RT @BLABBERMOUTHNET: METALLICA, BLACK SABBATH, IRON MAIDEN Members Mourn Death Of Veteran Heavy Metal Journalist MALCOLM DOME - 3 years ago

@rocksnubs: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@MarkMaddenX: RT @MotleyCrue: Sad to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. He was such an important figure for all things rock and metal and championed… - 3 years ago

@NazzyWazzy1994: RT @OzzyOsbourne: Words cannot express how sorry I feel to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. Rest In Peace. God Bless - 3 years ago

@metalodyssey: RT @geezerbutler: So sad to hear of the passing of Malcolm Dome, one of rock and metal's great journalists. It was always a pleasure giving… - 3 years ago

@ddrunnk: RT @DanielSabogalNe: 😢El periodismo musical, el mundo del rock y el heavy metal pierden a uno de sus más grandes referentes: MALCOLM DOME.… - 3 years ago

@DonParrack: RT @geezerbutler: So sad to hear of the passing of Malcolm Dome, one of rock and metal's great journalists. It was always a pleasure giving… - 3 years ago

@DonParrack: RT @OzzyOsbourne: Words cannot express how sorry I feel to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. Rest In Peace. God Bless - 3 years ago

@JoseJulioHM: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@ElectricWM: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@azril_yan: RT @SOIANYC: So sad to hear this. R.I.P. Malcolm Dome, Veteran Music Journalist Who Coined the Term “Thrash Metal” Dies at 66 - 3 years ago

@ChurchOfGame: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@RAZ0RFIST: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@zackxxx2: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@Shelthecaper: RT @OzzyOsbourne: Words cannot express how sorry I feel to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. Rest In Peace. God Bless - 3 years ago

@TheCureFan456: RT @SOIANYC: So sad to hear this. R.I.P. Malcolm Dome, Veteran Music Journalist Who Coined the Term “Thrash Metal” Dies at 66 - 3 years ago

@XylitoLdrink: RT @SOIANYC: So sad to hear this. R.I.P. Malcolm Dome, Veteran Music Journalist Who Coined the Term “Thrash Metal” Dies at 66 - 3 years ago

@SOIANYC: So sad to hear this. R.I.P. Malcolm Dome, Veteran Music Journalist Who Coined the Term “Thrash Metal” Dies at 66 - 3 years ago

@The_Rock_Oracle: RT @DinoCazares: Today we lost another legend, Malcolm Dome is a great journalist who’s written many stories on Fear Factory since 1992 R.I… - 3 years ago

@Beastial_Maggot: R.I.P Malcolm Dome 😢Horns at half mast brother 🤘🏻💔 - 3 years ago

@The_Rock_Oracle: RT @MotorheadPhil: Very sorry to here that Malcolm Dome has left us. He was a champion of great rock music and a supporter of ⁦@myMotorhea… - 3 years ago

@The_Rock_Oracle: RT @SaxonOfficial: We are saddened to hear of the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. Malcolm was a great supporter of Saxon, and will be… - 3 years ago

@The_Rock_Oracle: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@JamieHicks73: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@The_Rock_Oracle: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@gizalovespizza: RT @OzzyOsbourne: Words cannot express how sorry I feel to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. Rest In Peace. God Bless - 3 years ago

@Jonno_Smyth: Gutted to hear of the passing of Malcolm Dome! A fantastic music Journo, a great writer! 😢🥺😢🥺 #RIPMalcolmDome - 3 years ago

@Normanjam671: RIP Malcolm Dome, I bought Kerrang as a teenager. - 3 years ago

@DarrylMason: RT @KerrangMagazine: Malcolm Dome: 1955 – 2021. - 3 years ago

@DarrylMason: RT @tonedeaf: Metallica‘s Lars Ulrich, Black Sabbath’s Tony Iommi, Motörhead’s Phil Campbell and Iron Maiden are among the musicians to hav… - 3 years ago

@pada_two: RT @GingerWildheart: So sad to see Malcolm Dome has left us. He was an amazing writer, a passionate supporter of UK rock music and a great… - 3 years ago

@Scott1984FP: RT @NoirMJ: No comment or obituary on the passing of the legendary music journalist and broadcaster, Malcolm Dome? @guardianmusic - 3 years ago

@Christo21251914: RT @BLABBERMOUTHNET: METALLICA, BLACK SABBATH, IRON MAIDEN Members Mourn Death Of Veteran Heavy Metal Journalist MALCOLM DOME - 3 years ago

@NoirMJ: No comment or obituary on the passing of the legendary music journalist and broadcaster, Malcolm Dome? @guardianmusic - 3 years ago

@Christo21251914: RT @OzzyOsbourne: Words cannot express how sorry I feel to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. Rest In Peace. God Bless - 3 years ago

@DavidKlement2: RT @metalcongress: The incredible outpouring of tributes for Malcolm Dome today bespeak the indelible mark he left on our world. He was the… - 3 years ago

@Jaynedolluk: RT @larsulrich: Extremely sad to hear of Malcolm Dome’s passing. Not only was he an incredible talent who helped guide my relationship with… - 3 years ago

@FranSerran: RT @nuclearblast: The man who invented the term thrash metal & most importantly, a dear friend, has passed away. A genuinely kind person wi… - 3 years ago

@rocksalta: RT @OzzyOsbourne: Words cannot express how sorry I feel to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. Rest In Peace. God Bless - 3 years ago

@shawno1969: R.I.P. Malcolm Dome, Veteran Music Journalist Who Coined the Term “Thrash Metal” Dies at 66 - 3 years ago

@therealmark: RT @MetalHammer: Celebrated rock author and journalist Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66 - 3 years ago

@1077TheBone: Malcolm Dome, was a longtime rock journalist and author, who in 1981 wrote a book titled "Encyclopedia Metallica" 🤘… - 3 years ago

@wainjoe: RT @OzzyOsbourne: Words cannot express how sorry I feel to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. Rest In Peace. God Bless - 3 years ago

@TBizunga: RT @MikePortnoy: Saddened to hear of the passing of Malcolm Dome. I’ve done countless interviews with him throughout the 30+ years we’ve kn… - 3 years ago

@FayBrady36: RT @KerrangMagazine: Malcolm Dome: 1955 – 2021. - 3 years ago

@NYC__Native: Hung out with Malcolm Dome a few times when he visited NYC back in my Gonzo metal musing days. Was always engaging,… - 3 years ago

@Samarkind1: RT @KerrangMagazine: Malcolm Dome: 1955 – 2021. - 3 years ago

@KamranM26976756: RT @ClassicRockMag: Celebrated rock author and journalist Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66 - 3 years ago

@In___Memoriam: ✝️ Malcolm DOME 🗓 1955 - 29 Oct. 2021 🗺 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 📝 Music journalist In addition to writing books, he was a journal… - 3 years ago

@KamranM26976756: RT @larsulrich: Extremely sad to hear of Malcolm Dome’s passing. Not only was he an incredible talent who helped guide my relationship with… - 3 years ago

@gocoo: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@gocoo: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@gocoo: RT @MetalHammer: Celebrated rock author and journalist Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66 - 3 years ago

@DULCEGOMEZ77: RT @larsulrich: Extremely sad to hear of Malcolm Dome’s passing. Not only was he an incredible talent who helped guide my relationship with… - 3 years ago

@KamranM26976756: RT @OzzyOsbourne: Words cannot express how sorry I feel to hear about the passing of Malcolm Dome. Rest In Peace. God Bless - 3 years ago

@Evan_Jon97: Metal horns up for Malcolm Dome. #RIPMalcolmDome 🤘 - 3 years ago

@arnautallic: RT @larsulrich: Extremely sad to hear of Malcolm Dome’s passing. Not only was he an incredible talent who helped guide my relationship with… - 3 years ago

@ChristianFoust: RT @nuclearblast: The man who invented the term thrash metal & most importantly, a dear friend, has passed away. A genuinely kind person wi… - 3 years ago

@BombJack67: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@klia00: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@c_c_u_k: Rest in POWER Malcolm Dome! ☠️🖤☠️🖤☠️ - 3 years ago

@Markitu46791651: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@axel111111: RT @GingerWildheart: So sad to see Malcolm Dome has left us. He was an amazing writer, a passionate supporter of UK rock music and a great… - 3 years ago

@axel111111: RT @HarrySword: Terrible news. Malcolm Dome. An absolute titan of proper old school metal journalism. I've been reading his bylines since t… - 3 years ago

@DJMedina01: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@Abhi_Times: RT @larsulrich: Extremely sad to hear of Malcolm Dome’s passing. Not only was he an incredible talent who helped guide my relationship with… - 3 years ago

@jezusfactory: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@rinksy: RT @therapyofficial: Extremely sad to hear about the passing of legendary journalist/writer Malcolm Dome. He was a lovely, gentle man and t… - 3 years ago

@robdy2k: @GingerWildheart RIP Malcolm Dome, always enjoyed his writing in @KerrangMagazine back in the day. - 3 years ago

@JasonMillerCA: Really sad to hear this. I ran into him at The Crobar in London and he was the coolest & invited me to join his tab… - 3 years ago

@jezusfactory: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@NeilAda06141364: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@IommiCuseFan: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@Nick_Barnes: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@Sjoelvesten: RT @tonyiommi: Malcolm was a lovely guy, he interviewed me many times and was always positive about the music. He was one of the first jour… - 3 years ago

@everlone1: RT @KerrangMagazine: Malcolm Dome: 1955 – 2021. - 3 years ago

@LordConnaught: I actually can't believe I'm reading this 😰😰😰😰 - 3 years ago

@StacyMichelleB: RT @BryanReesman: I'm sad to hear about the passing of legendary British rock journalist Malcolm Dome. He was only 66. We got connected thr… - 3 years ago

@MarkOosterwi: Music journalist Malcolm Dome dead at 66 R.I.P.Malcolm Dome - 3 years ago

@slayerjihad2: Rip Malcolm Dome. Día triste para la prensa musical y del Rock y Metal, testigo del inicio de leyendas como… - 3 years ago

@CartonRock: RT @KerrangMagazine: Malcolm Dome: 1955 – 2021. - 3 years ago

@DruryLaneTap: Rest in peace Malcolm Dome - Class will never be the the same without you (… how will I ever remember the warm up?)… - 3 years ago

@ZNathanson: RT @RockCandyMag: We are extremely sad to report the passing of our dear friend and colleague Malcolm Dome. He was a legend in the rock mus… - 3 years ago

@Rosnerpub: RT @Josh_BH: Back in the pre-internet days, I rang Malcolm Dome at 9 a.m. London time at his Kerrang! desk, to tell him that they'd announc… - 3 years ago

@SanguineNW: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@Lmsixx: RT @TheJerryEwing: Probably the hardest thing I've ever had to write. I shall miss my dear friend terribly but am thankful that I am left w… - 3 years ago

@ElectricWM: Very sad to hear about the passing of music journalist Malcolm Dome. I appreciate him very much for giving one of m… - 3 years ago

@Sarahbu72: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@TemptBand: This is a lovely tribute to our friend Malcolm Dome by @PhilAlexanderUK We love you Malcolm. - 3 years ago

@AdamKeathley4: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@newoldworldorde: RT @KerrangMagazine: Malcolm Dome: 1955 – 2021. - 3 years ago

@GustavoVCG: RT @KerrangMagazine: Malcolm Dome: 1955 – 2021. - 3 years ago

@Kuolleet: rip ”Thrash metal” -termin keksinyt rocktoimittaja Malcolm Dome - 3 years ago

@AndyMcH: RT @GingerWildheart: So sad to see Malcolm Dome has left us. He was an amazing writer, a passionate supporter of UK rock music and a great… - 3 years ago

@Daz0289: RT @ClassicRockMag: Celebrated rock author and journalist Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66 - 3 years ago

@RickieCarroll17: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@4nkanma: RT @gusgofficial: R.I.P. Malcolm Dome. Legendary rock journalist - 3 years ago

@WildheartsDaily: RT @GingerWildheart: So sad to see Malcolm Dome has left us. He was an amazing writer, a passionate supporter of UK rock music and a great… - 3 years ago

@GingerWildheart: So sad to see Malcolm Dome has left us. He was an amazing writer, a passionate supporter of UK rock music and a gre… - 3 years ago

@DanielM66244884: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@rossbyron: RT @Skateboardmkt: Legendary Music Journalist Malcolm Dome Passes At age 66: Full Story Posted Here: @KerrangMaga… - 3 years ago

@Caracas_Radio: El célebre autor y periodista de rock Malcolm Dome ha fallecido a los 66 años. Se le atribuye el término de "thrash… - 3 years ago

@MaryellenGibb18: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@DavidMason93: RT @MotorheadPhil: Very sorry to here that Malcolm Dome has left us. He was a champion of great rock music and a supporter of ⁦@myMotorhea… - 3 years ago

@hussellj: R.I.P. Malcolm Dome #legend - 3 years ago

@RevRachelMann: This is sad news. Malcolm Dome was always v kind to me. #RIP - 3 years ago

@StroskiJr: RT @VanDoHalen: Morreu aos 66 anos o jornalista inglês Malcolm Dome. Ele ficou conhecido como o homem que inventou o termo Thrash Metal qua… - 3 years ago

@gerbarco: RT @MotorheadPhil: Very sorry to here that Malcolm Dome has left us. He was a champion of great rock music and a supporter of ⁦@myMotorhea… - 3 years ago

@EstebanSuCa: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@TeethoftheSea: RIP Malcolm Dome - a sage and a true believer - 3 years ago

@mattleslie74: RT @ClassicRockMag: Celebrated rock author and journalist Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66 - 3 years ago

@bundy201065: @IronMaiden Would NWOBHM have been the same without the likes of Malcolm Dome ? Possibly not. Great journo with a g… - 3 years ago

@Kai_Kasparek: RIP Malcolm Dome, a man with more journalistic integrity in his pinky than every SJW scumbag that's infected the metal press today. - 3 years ago

@bonassoli: RT @VanDoHalen: Morreu aos 66 anos o jornalista inglês Malcolm Dome. Ele ficou conhecido como o homem que inventou o termo Thrash Metal qua… - 3 years ago

@DavidKlement2: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@MetalShayne2000: This is a bummer. Malcolm Dome was the real deal as far as rock and metal journalism. Dude invented the term “thras… - 3 years ago

@NeuGristle87: RT @TheJerryEwing: Probably the hardest thing I've ever had to write. I shall miss my dear friend terribly but am thankful that I am left w… - 3 years ago

@EaracheRecords: Malcolm Dome RIP. Really saddened by this news. We are forever grateful that Malcolm embraced and supported our lab… - 3 years ago

@Symphont: @sabbathbloodypc I remember Malcolm Dome...RIP 😟 - 3 years ago

@JasonArnopp: I'm so very sorry to hear that Malcolm Dome, one of my very favourite rock journalism colleagues, has passed away.… - 3 years ago

@minkofortuna: Saddened to hear that Malcolm Dome has died. Always respected his reviews from 80s Kerrang!, via RAW, to Classic Ro… - 3 years ago

@JorgeAlanOrteg2: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@ba55bar: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@eplazavalpo: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@DaveEverley1: Malcolm Dome would hate people wallowing in sadness, so I'm going to watch a fucking batshit crazy Nicolas Cage fil… - 3 years ago

@TorrasTorras11: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@danmaharry: RT @TheJerryEwing: Probably the hardest thing I've ever had to write. I shall miss my dear friend terribly but am thankful that I am left w… - 3 years ago

@JimmyCobos: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@Takeaki_Itoh: RT @SPiRiTRiAL: R.I.P. Music journalist Malcolm Dome dead at 66 | Louder - 3 years ago

@RAZIQRAUF: Truly shit news about Malcolm Dome. I remember being in the Crobar and pointing him out to my Finnish friend and si… - 3 years ago

@retrofan1980: Just learned about the death of rock journalist Malcolm Dome. Rest in Peace. - 3 years ago

@VanHeathen: RT @mitchlafon: Rest In Peace Malcolm 🙏 Thank you for supporting the music Music journalist Malcolm Dome passes away at 66 @LouderPosts ht… - 3 years ago

@Screamqueenarmy: Music journalist Malcolm Dome dead at 66 - 3 years ago

@Chris1014Lee: RIP Malcolm Dome. A fine journalist for (amongst others) Sounds, Kerrang and Classic Rock magazines and a true supp… - 3 years ago

@WorldImagining: Malcolm Dome, the original metal nerd, has sadly passed away. One of the major forces behind the scenes of the rise… - 3 years ago

@DjAmbalee: Music Journalist Malcolm Dome’s Cause of Death Remains Untold - 3 years ago

@5alvadorB: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@shellywilde: Malcolm Dome wrote about the bands I loved as a teenager, including many great interviews. More recently I had the… - 3 years ago

@smartguitar1: Music journalist Malcolm Dome dead at 66 - 3 years ago

@aodanoneachtain: RT @dvntownsend: Shit. RIP Malcolm Dome. 💔 - 3 years ago

@SPiRiTRiAL: R.I.P. Music journalist Malcolm Dome dead at 66 | Louder - 3 years ago

@marc_ws77: So sorry to learn of the death of Malcolm Dome. Encyclopaedic knowledge of all generations of rock music, funny, pi… - 3 years ago

@iancleere: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@janiceissitt: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@janiceissitt: Old Kerrang pal and friend Malcolm Dome has left the stadium. Rock on in better place my old chum. I salute you 🖖🤘🏻 - 3 years ago

@lowxlight: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@joseocando: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@tenby1986: RT @IronMaiden: We are all very much saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. He was fearless, intrepid,… - 3 years ago

@DivisionPR: RIP Malcolm Dome. A true legend of rock journalism. He lived and breathed music for so many years and was always a… - 3 years ago

@phoctifino: Sad news about Malcolm Dome. Read his articles for years :( - 3 years ago

@ConnorLiamByrne: RT @TheJerryEwing: Probably the hardest thing I've ever had to write. I shall miss my dear friend terribly but am thankful that I am left w… - 3 years ago

@ROCPhotography: Malcolm Dome passes away at only 66! - 3 years ago

@geoffreytucker1: R.I.P. Mlcolm Dome :( - 3 years ago

@Devilligan: RT @destructo9000: RIP Malcolm Dome. - 3 years ago

@WoodsFootball: Sad day. Malcolm Dome was a prolific music writer who knew as much about rock, metal, and prog as anyone. Malcolm t… - 3 years ago

@bentham31001: The professor emeritus of Rick journalism. What he didn’t know wasn’t worth knowing. Keeeerrrrraaaaannnngggg!!! Mus… - 3 years ago

@thompsonphonic: Sad to hear about Malcolm Dome - the first journalist I remember reading when I got into rock and metal as a callow… - 3 years ago

@Habs2112Tony: RT @TheJerryEwing: Probably the hardest thing I've ever had to write. I shall miss my dear friend terribly but am thankful that I am left w… - 3 years ago

@george_garner8: RT @TheJerryEwing: Probably the hardest thing I've ever had to write. I shall miss my dear friend terribly but am thankful that I am left w… - 3 years ago

@spunkymunkeymus: - 3 years ago

@ragdso: RT @dvntownsend: Shit. RIP Malcolm Dome. 💔 - 3 years ago

@zachallen1: RT @TemptBand: Our friend Malcolm Dome died. Truly one of the greatest rock journalists of all time. A prolific writer, author, and DJ. He… - 3 years ago

@CaseyCollins20: RT @SaxonOfficial: We are saddened to hear of the passing of our friend Malcolm Dome. Malcolm was a great supporter of Saxon, and will be… - 3 years ago

@DanaLaneRocks: RT @TemptBand: Our friend Malcolm Dome died. Truly one of the greatest rock journalists of all time. A prolific writer, author, and DJ. He… - 3 years ago

@666EddieMetal: RT @dvntownsend: Shit. RIP Malcolm Dome. 💔 - 3 years ago

@IanStew00: Sad to hear Malcolm Dome has died. I grew up reading his work in Kerrang. - 3 years ago

@cabbage1875: @TheJerryEwing Just seen this,Malcolm was part of my musical education,loved his writing and his enthusiasm. RIP Mr Dome - 3 years ago

@AftermathThrash: We had the pleasure of meeting the one and only Mr. Malcom Dome in 1989 at the office of Raw Magazine. RIP Music j… - 3 years ago

@wearz: Really sad news about Malcolm Dome, I used to see him in the Crobar in Soho a lot; spoke to him on a few occasions… - 3 years ago

@stivb13: RT @CherryRedGroup: We are sad to hear of the death of music journalist Malcolm Dome. A pioneering rock & heavy metal writer, we enjoyed wo… - 3 years ago

@devilmatt: RIP Malcolm Dome, such sad news. A genuine gentleman who was always warm, funny and interested whenever our paths crossed. - 3 years ago

@swordofreason: RIP Malcolm Dome. His words were what informed my love of heavy metal. - 3 years ago

@JonMorter: RIP Malcolm Dome :( Many a time we'd chat at the Crobar, a top bloke and a bit of a ledge - 3 years ago

@steve1980s: News Rock writer and broadcaster Malcolm Dome has passed away at the age of 66. He will be sadly missed. - 3 years ago

@BackwardNut: RT @CherryRedGroup: We are sad to hear of the death of music journalist Malcolm Dome. A pioneering rock & heavy metal writer, we enjoyed wo… - 3 years ago

@MerseyMal: RT @LapPods: Aww fuck man. Great journalist and fan of the greatest musical genre ever created. Thanks for your words Sir. Rest In Peace.… - 3 years ago

@bsilanes: RT @ClassicRockMag: Celebrated rock author and journalist Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66 - 3 years ago

@barterb: RT @ProgMagazineUK: Truly saddened to report that our colleague and dear friend Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66... - 3 years ago

@LeGrandPatsay: RT @WallMick: My old friend and writing partner Malcolm Dome has died. I’m in shock. God bless Dr Doom aka Pineapple Man you were one of a… - 3 years ago

@TimmyStrange: RT @MetalHammer: Celebrated rock author and journalist Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66 - 3 years ago

@Gubbed___Again: RT @dansilver_: No exaggeration to say every British rock music writer from the last 30 years (including this one) owes something to Malcol… - 3 years ago

@X_DC95_X: RT @MetalHammer: Celebrated rock author and journalist Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66 - 3 years ago

@VinylMusicMadne: RT @ClassicRockMag: Celebrated rock author and journalist Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66 - 3 years ago

@OllieHynes: I'm deeply saddened to learn that Malcolm Dome, the best journalist in metal history, has passed away. The man was… - 3 years ago

@jaygent101: RT @LapPods: Aww fuck man. Great journalist and fan of the greatest musical genre ever created. Thanks for your words Sir. Rest In Peace.… - 3 years ago

@MetalTalk_net: Legendary Heavy Metal journalist Malcolm Dome dead at 66 #MetalTalk - 3 years ago

@properdaft: RT @MetalHammer: Celebrated rock author and journalist Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66 - 3 years ago

@Tattooed_Giant: RT @MetalHammer: Celebrated rock author and journalist Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66 - 3 years ago

@StatelyLF: This guy wrote the articles that pulled me deeper into metal at a young age. RIP. Music journalist Malcolm Dome de… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Malcolm Dome has passed away - #MalcolmDome #Malcolm #Dome #rip - 3 years ago

@thechangeiscast: RT @CherryRedGroup: We are sad to hear of the death of music journalist Malcolm Dome. A pioneering rock & heavy metal writer, we enjoyed wo… - 3 years ago

@DPunctum: RT @mwardlaw: So very sorry to hear this news. I've read a lot of Malcolm's words (and a lot of his liner notes are here in my CD collectio… - 3 years ago

@danielukes: RT @iamsimonyoung: Very sad to hear about Malcolm Dome. I sat next to him when I worked at Team Rock and he always had time for me. I grew… - 3 years ago

@danielukes: RT @hellinhighheels: Awful news about the loss of Malcolm Dome. Always lovely and often with a rogueish twinkle. He missed a phoner just Fr… - 3 years ago

@NedRaggett: RT @SlayerBook: Thrash metal news, and it’s sad: Rock writer Malcolm Dome RIP. He’s the journalist credited with coining the term “thrash m… - 3 years ago

@NedRaggett: RT @thesidsmith: Shocked and saddened to read of the passing of Malcolm Dome. If you put Malcolm's word counts end to end they'd wrap aroun… - 3 years ago

@PowerQuestBand: RT @ProgMagazineUK: Truly saddened to report that our colleague and dear friend Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66... - 3 years ago

@quantick: RT @CherryRedGroup: We are sad to hear of the death of music journalist Malcolm Dome. A pioneering rock & heavy metal writer, we enjoyed wo… - 3 years ago

@DarrenHelliwel1: Malcolm Dome RIP a great journalist loved his contribution to the rock and metal magazines I grew up reading - 3 years ago

@slowhand_tatsu: RT @CherryRedGroup: We are sad to hear of the death of music journalist Malcolm Dome. A pioneering rock & heavy metal writer, we enjoyed wo… - 3 years ago

@NigeSavage: RT @mwardlaw: So very sorry to hear this news. I've read a lot of Malcolm's words (and a lot of his liner notes are here in my CD collectio… - 3 years ago

@mwardlaw: RT @SlayerBook: Thrash metal news, and it’s sad: Rock writer Malcolm Dome RIP. He’s the journalist credited with coining the term “thrash m… - 3 years ago

@iSiMMUSiC: RT @ProgMagazineUK: Truly saddened to report that our colleague and dear friend Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66... - 3 years ago

@HaikuReview2015: RT @ProgMagazineUK: Truly saddened to report that our colleague and dear friend Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66... - 3 years ago

@tedrockshow: Malcolm Dome. Rest In Power, my friend. You were so knowledgeable and fascinating with it. I loved every time we sp… - 3 years ago

@CherryRedGroup: We are sad to hear of the death of music journalist Malcolm Dome. A pioneering rock & heavy metal writer, we enjoye… - 3 years ago

@erdemcapar: RT @therapyofficial: Extremely sad to hear about the passing of legendary journalist/writer Malcolm Dome. He was a lovely, gentle man and t… - 3 years ago

@fortunatefall03: Music journalist Malcolm Dome dead at 66 - Louder - 3 years ago

@blueastronaut1: @johnrobb77 Sad news. Metal was my mid-teens music incubator & Malcolm Dome was one of the first music writers that… - 3 years ago

@MrJonathanMock: RIP Malcolm Dome, mainstay of Kerrang during my teenage years. - 3 years ago

@aaronstebbings: Peace out Malcolm Dome - 3 years ago

@MrJonathanMock: RT @ProgMagazineUK: Truly saddened to report that our colleague and dear friend Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66... - 3 years ago

@mwardlaw: RT @thesidsmith: Shocked and saddened to read of the passing of Malcolm Dome. If you put Malcolm's word counts end to end they'd wrap aroun… - 3 years ago

@Marien_yves2705: RT @ProgMagazineUK: Truly saddened to report that our colleague and dear friend Malcolm Dome has died, aged 66... - 3 years ago

@SlayerBook: Thrash metal news, and it’s sad: Rock writer Malcolm Dome RIP. He’s the journalist credited with coining the term “… - 3 years ago

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