Maksym Shapoval

Ukrainian chief intelligence officer
Died on Wednesday June 28th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Maksym Shapoval:


@LesyaRyba: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@ms_218: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@YuliaPuchko: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago


@borovskaya_ira: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@UADeleg_PAOSCE: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@CeesBoogaart: Farewell ceremony for killed intelligence chief Maksym Shapoval in Kyiv. PHOTO - 8 years ago

@CeesBoogaart: Maksym Shapoval promoted to major general posthumously, - Poroshenko - 8 years ago

@MertMehmet15: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@EURACC: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@KenGermanicus: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@Oltar2: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@XChauvin: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@coranij1: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@marina20131998: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@stephenalbert11: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@mykpy: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@UKRinROU: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@UkeAmericanBflo: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@ApollineDchamp: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@DMonigatti: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@SergiyPasko: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@UKRinNLD: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@TetySt: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@yevhenfedchenko: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@andrii_sybiha: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@crimeaLB: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@tshp_: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@Homoqurious: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@porko2porko: RT @TheBankova: President paid respect to the fallen Ukrainian heroes - military intelligence officer Maksym Shapoval and SSU officer Yurii… - 8 years ago

@Zeusislord7: @RT_com Two days ago, Russia assassinated Col. Maksym Shapoval on a Kyiv street for merely protecting his country. Shameful. - 8 years ago

@tetiana_kram: RT @bbcccnn: Максим Шаповал та Юрій Возний: Два полковника ГУР та контррозвідки СБУ відповідно вбиті в один день ➡️ - 8 years ago

@bbcccnn: Максим Шаповал та Юрій Возний: Два полковника ГУР та контррозвідки СБУ відповідно вбиті в один день ➡️ - 8 years ago

@EDDINSSONORTIZ: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@libelula_group: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@RIP2017x: RT @crywolf33: Top Ukraine military official Maksym Shapoval, a colonel in the Intelligence General Directorate, killed by car bomb https:/… - 8 years ago

@serenahrm: Assassination of Col. Maksym Shapoval & a mega cyberattack in the same day in Ukraine. Incidental?… - 8 years ago

@iiungo: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@kathenrya: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@EKloczko: Mardi matin, le colonel Maksym Shapoval, un haut responsable du renseignement militaire ukrainien qui a passé une... - 8 years ago

@KTSavage: Col. Maksym Shapoval, a top Ukrainian military intelligence officer was killed by a car bomb in Kiev. - 8 years ago

@NekropoleENG: Maksym Shapoval Victim of Ukraine events 2014-17, Victim of terrorist attack, Victim of crime, - 8 years ago

@NekropoleRIP: Maksym Shapoval - 8 years ago

@lafurtilla: Retweeted CGTN en Español (@cgtnenespanol): En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de... - 8 years ago

@lafurtilla: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@jktorres0: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@roblanda: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@Juliazaratebri1: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( Maksym Shapoval - #MaksymShapoval #Maksym #Shapoval #rip - 8 years ago

@emelec65: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@dredwinserrano: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@WithoutaTRACE: RT @crywolf33: Top Ukraine military official Maksym Shapoval, a colonel in the Intelligence General Directorate, killed by car bomb https:/… - 8 years ago

@LAMASHE52635445: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@Tecladoinfo: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@CarmenVera22: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@Stephan_mit_M: RT @Liveuamap: Ministry of Defense: colonel Maksym Shapoval was killed in blast this morning - 8 years ago

@EdUaRdOOTeRaN: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@vclina: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@happyfrogE: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@Lorenatv507: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@pedrohamiltonp: RT @cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bomba e… - 8 years ago

@cgtnenespanol: En #Ucrania, el coronel Maksym Shapoval, alto oficial de inteligencia militar, ha sido asesinado al estallar una bo… - 8 years ago

@JLaneMcMahon: Russia has just assassinated Col. Maksym Shapoval, the commander of the Ukrainian Special Operations. Help me tell the story.... 1/2 - 8 years ago

@horizonte_sur: NUEVO ASESINATO EN KIEV. El fallecido es Maksym Shapoval, coronel en el "directorio principal de inteligencia"... - 8 years ago

@peterrough: RT @myroslavapetsa: Maksym Shapoval,chief of special forces unit of Ukraine's Defence Ministry Main Intelligence Directorate,assassinated i… - 8 years ago

@Pa1Pardon: Ja shikone se si vritet me autobombë Maksym Shapoval, Koloneli i Intelegjencës Ushtarake Ukrahinase. Me aktin e... - 8 years ago

@carolminime: RT @DrAlakbarov: Ukrainian intelligence boss Maksym Shapoval killed in car bombing in Kiev this morning. - 8 years ago

@Goddess1345: RT @DrAlakbarov: Ukrainian intelligence boss Maksym Shapoval killed in car bombing in Kiev this morning. - 8 years ago

@GroundProtect: RT @turanorhan: Ministry of Defense: colonel Maksym Shapoval was killed in blast this morning - 8 years ago

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