Maks Levin

Ukrainian photojournalist (
Died on Saturday April 2nd 2022

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Maks Levin:

@OGNurseRatchet: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@Doc_Laing: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@ZeleneOko: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@EExplicacao: RT @PromoteUkraine: #StandUpForUkraine photo: Maks Levin - 3 years ago


@BlueLittleBirdx: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@atlantidelibri: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@IanRay_WLA: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@Roger_Belmar: Late Ukrainian photographer Maksim Levin with a black cat. Photo source: - 3 years ago

@GargamelClen: RT @BulletproofFact: Journalist Maks Levin and documentary maker Mantas Kvedaravičius killed in #Ukraine - 3 years ago

@dailykolyada: photos from the late Maks Levin, killed near Kyiv - 3 years ago

@mfxyz: relacja w @berlinerzeitung: - 3 years ago

@vedatdemir_tr: RT @pressfreedom: #MostRead this week: CPJ ‘deeply saddened’ by death of Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin - 3 years ago

@ViViL88841637: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@MaryMary0414: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@Moog5hur1: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@SarahCo74685073: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@Elise_zz: RT @hwtnv: 元データのドローン映像は,3月初旬にMaks Levin氏が撮影。その一ヶ月経過後にメディアが現地に入り,ロシア軍による非人道的行為を報道しています。Maks氏は行方不明になり,4月2日にキーウで死亡が確認されました。 - 3 years ago

@WhatMollySaid: RT @pressfreedom: #MostRead this week: CPJ ‘deeply saddened’ by death of Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin - 3 years ago

@BforBravery: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@onokorokinzo: The Desperate Search for a Father Who Vanished in Ukraine (The Daily Beast) #NewsPicks - 3 years ago

@santipuigvila: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@Andreas_Herdina: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@Gr82BUs: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@egeogh: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@kellwoohoo: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@babuchogath: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@PileckiInstitut: RT @thomas_dudek: Die Bilder von Maks Levin sind wirklich sehr eindrücklich. Die Ausstellung ehrt ihn aber nicht nur. Es werden auch Geldsp… - 3 years ago

@bernardtmartin: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@rustysiding: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@MauMaukita: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@lochmann_dana: RT @PromoteUkraine: #StandUpForUkraine photo: Maks Levin - 3 years ago

@guzman4life_: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@OTeamArrow: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@RipNTearRon: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@VWiniwarter: RT @PileckiInstitut: Mehr als 150 Zuschauer bei "In Memory of Photojournalist Maks Levin" Die Fotos des bekannten, von russischen Soldate… - 3 years ago

@HRadziejowska: RT @thomas_dudek: Die Bilder von Maks Levin sind wirklich sehr eindrücklich. Die Ausstellung ehrt ihn aber nicht nur. Es werden auch Geldsp… - 3 years ago

@krigatobal: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@HerrReneGarde: RT @PileckiInstitut: Mehr als 150 Zuschauer bei "In Memory of Photojournalist Maks Levin" Die Fotos des bekannten, von russischen Soldate… - 3 years ago

@maxpxam: RT @PromoteUkraine: #StandUpForUkraine photo: Maks Levin - 3 years ago

@SmandersonSusan: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@mud2guard: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@twwajane: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@juliettetorrez: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@JamesHaughton2: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@LarissaBothe: RT @PileckiInstitut: Heute um 18 Uhr: Ausstellung zu Maks Levin Die Realität in allen Facetten erfassen, dokumentieren und der Außenwelt z… - 3 years ago

@PileckiInstitut: RT @PileckiInstitut: Heute um 18 Uhr: Ausstellung zu Maks Levin Die Realität in allen Facetten erfassen, dokumentieren und der Außenwelt z… - 3 years ago

@OkkuYuka: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@cmepeka1: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@HansMartinAdorf: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@ArgentinLydie: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@amosblanco1: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@zuckerfall: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@Magpies1314: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@trillingual: A few years ago I interviewed Ukrainian and Russian journalists about their experiences in Donbas for a Rory Peck T… - 3 years ago

@vskrypka: RT @Hromadske: Maks Levin is our colleague photojournalist and documentary photographer killed by Russian invaders in Kyiv Oblast. On Frid… - 3 years ago

@refineddecay: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@TheoLM_K: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@chavalarias: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@JcMedian: RT @PowerUSAID: I am deeply saddened by the death of Maks Levin, a Ukrainian photojournalist who paid for his profession with his life, alo… - 3 years ago

@AshFromVA: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@mjanmjan7: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@sdl04pcsecprot: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@MikaelSamuelss5: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@MarianneSchro11: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@maegabby49: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@ESutiste: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@PaulSims: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@AbuCole_: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@vskrypka: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@_LeChat_Noir_: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@ProgBullwark: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@EvanFeigenbaum: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@FelixZeFabCat: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@IndrekIbrus: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@Lori38911623: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@mama_quartzz: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@Firebird063: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@ToniMcFLDem: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@jag30475: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@hutsulvolodja: RT @NataliaAntonova: This was beautiful #Bucha the year before the war. These photos were taken by Maks Levin, recently murdered by Russi… - 3 years ago

@dadlani: RT @PileckiInstitut: Together with @VitscheBerlin we are organizing an exhibition of Maks Levin's photos and videos to take place tomorrow… - 3 years ago

@XINYUAN_1: RT @ahnewspace: Russian gunfire has killed a war photojournalist in Ukraine’s capital city, according to the nation’s prosecutor’s office 又… - 3 years ago

@koschyk: RT @thomas_dudek: Der bekannte Pressefotograf Maks Levin galt seit dem 13. März als verschollen. Am 1. April wurde er tot aufgefunden. Sehr… - 3 years ago

@tiazonadopaveh: RT @Chrysta_Bell: “He wanted the world to see what was going on, to see the truth. He said he hoped a photograph could stop the war.”  Anot… - 3 years ago

@Chrysta_Bell: “He wanted the world to see what was going on, to see the truth. He said he hoped a photograph could stop the war.”… - 3 years ago

@lucybeercook: RT @PileckiInstitut: Together with @VitscheBerlin we are organizing an exhibition of Maks Levin's photos and videos to take place tomorrow… - 3 years ago

@meljmcd: RT @PileckiInstitut: Together with @VitscheBerlin we are organizing an exhibition of Maks Levin's photos and videos to take place tomorrow… - 3 years ago

@ElomyRuss: RT @PileckiInstitut: On Friday, April 8, @VitscheBerlin and the Pilecki Institute are organizing an exhibition of Maks Levin's works. Photo… - 3 years ago

@ElomyRuss: RT @PileckiInstitut: The prosecutor's office is investigating his death. According to the investigation, the unarmed Maks Levin was killed… - 3 years ago

@ElomyRuss: RT @PileckiInstitut: Together with @VitscheBerlin we are organizing an exhibition of Maks Levin's photos and videos to take place tomorrow… - 3 years ago

@sid_sloth_1st: RT @PileckiInstitut: Together with @VitscheBerlin we are organizing an exhibition of Maks Levin's photos and videos to take place tomorrow… - 3 years ago

@KamilFrymark: RT @thomas_dudek: Der bekannte Pressefotograf Maks Levin galt seit dem 13. März als verschollen. Am 1. April wurde er tot aufgefunden. Sehr… - 3 years ago

@olga_andrukhova: RT @PileckiInstitut: Together with @VitscheBerlin we are organizing an exhibition of Maks Levin's photos and videos to take place tomorrow… - 3 years ago

@Mer22978064271: RT @PileckiInstitut: Together with @VitscheBerlin we are organizing an exhibition of Maks Levin's photos and videos to take place tomorrow… - 3 years ago

@reginaelmo: RT @PileckiInstitut: On Friday, April 8, @VitscheBerlin and the Pilecki Institute are organizing an exhibition of Maks Levin's works. Photo… - 3 years ago

@JPM76882114: RT @PileckiInstitut: Together with @VitscheBerlin we are organizing an exhibition of Maks Levin's photos and videos to take place tomorrow… - 3 years ago

@crisispeaking: RT @PileckiInstitut: Together with @VitscheBerlin we are organizing an exhibition of Maks Levin's photos and videos to take place tomorrow… - 3 years ago

@phoyager: RT @PileckiInstitut: Together with @VitscheBerlin we are organizing an exhibition of Maks Levin's photos and videos to take place tomorrow… - 3 years ago

@InvisibleMan_22: RT @PileckiInstitut: Together with @VitscheBerlin we are organizing an exhibition of Maks Levin's photos and videos to take place tomorrow… - 3 years ago

@EveScotland: RT @PileckiInstitut: Together with @VitscheBerlin we are organizing an exhibition of Maks Levin's photos and videos to take place tomorrow… - 3 years ago

@YayYaysKitchen: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@JacbeGeorge: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@melora72: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@theuresamaven: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@Amatonterias1: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@ALD229: RT @Ydb: Dealerbek Shakirov, Evgeniy Sakun, Victor Dudar, Victor Diedov, Brent Renaud, Pierre Zakzewski, Oleksandra Kuvshynova, Oleg Yakuni… - 3 years ago

@DianaEverington: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@JacbeGeorge: RT @hwtnv: Maks Levin, who shot drone footage of #Borodjanka , #Ukraine, has passed away. He went missing and was found dead on April 2. Ma… - 3 years ago

@salbags60: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@sachiko32114428: RT @hwtnv: Maks Levin, who shot drone footage of #Borodjanka , #Ukraine, has passed away. He went missing and was found dead on April 2. Ma… - 3 years ago

@sachiko32114428: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@grahamgal: RT @lmigaki: "Every Ukrainian photographer dreams of taking a photo that will stop the war” -photojournalist Maks Levin, whose body was fou… - 3 years ago

@xijunkobayashi: RT @hwtnv: ウクライナ・ボロジャンカのドローン映像を撮影したMaks Levin氏が亡くなりました。 行方不明になり,4月2日に発見。Maks氏のドローン映像を @stim3on 氏が3D化したものが「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」に掲載されています。 #Ukraine… - 3 years ago

@kingtheseason: RT @UKREmbinKorea: 사진기자 막스 레빈이 (Maks Levin) 실종 3주 만에 결국 키이우 근처에서 숨진 채로 발견되었습니다. 그는 적대 행위가 악화되었을 때 전쟁 다큐멘터리를 기록하고 있었습니다. 유족으로는 아내와 부모님, 4명의… - 3 years ago

@UkraineFanboy: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@MimiGIWonder: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@PattieMatheson: RT @olgatokariuk: Maks Levin was killed by Russian soldiers with two shots from small arms, General prosecutor's office of Ukraine said. He… - 3 years ago

@chayan004: RT @nytimes: The photographer, Maks Levin, was shot by Russian armed forces with “small arms fire” and a criminal investigation into his de… - 3 years ago

@ConnieYooper: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@HiroGallery: RT @hwtnv: 元データのドローン映像は,3月初旬にMaks Levin氏が撮影。その一ヶ月経過後にメディアが現地に入り,ロシア軍による非人道的行為を報道しています。Maks氏は行方不明になり,4月2日にキーウで死亡が確認されました。 - 3 years ago

@yutu01: RT @hwtnv: The original drone footage was taken by Maks Levin in early March. A month later, the media entered the area and reported inhuma… - 3 years ago

@kore_sar: RT @Tyrrrz: The issue contains 99 pages of very impactful war photos, a big portion of which were taken by Maks Levin. Proceeds go towards… - 3 years ago

@slowslowfood: RT @hwtnv: 元データのドローン映像は,3月初旬にMaks Levin氏が撮影。その一ヶ月経過後にメディアが現地に入り,ロシア軍による非人道的行為を報道しています。Maks氏は行方不明になり,4月2日にキーウで死亡が確認されました。 - 3 years ago

@Mamazwitschert: RT @hwtnv: Maks Levin, who shot drone footage of #Borodjanka , #Ukraine, has passed away. He went missing and was found dead on April 2. Ma… - 3 years ago

@haebaru: RT @hwtnv: 元データのドローン映像は,3月初旬にMaks Levin氏が撮影。その一ヶ月経過後にメディアが現地に入り,ロシア軍による非人道的行為を報道しています。Maks氏は行方不明になり,4月2日にキーウで死亡が確認されました。 - 3 years ago

@asinaaurea: RT @hwtnv: Maks Levin, who shot drone footage of #Borodjanka , #Ukraine, has passed away. He went missing and was found dead on April 2. Ma… - 3 years ago

@xxenjuxx: RT @hwtnv: 元データのドローン映像は,3月初旬にMaks Levin氏が撮影。その一ヶ月経過後にメディアが現地に入り,ロシア軍による非人道的行為を報道しています。Maks氏は行方不明になり,4月2日にキーウで死亡が確認されました。 - 3 years ago

@dancingwithcrm: RT @Tyrrrz: The issue contains 99 pages of very impactful war photos, a big portion of which were taken by Maks Levin. Proceeds go towards… - 3 years ago

@grgrgrmmnt: RT @hwtnv: ウクライナ・ボロジャンカのドローン映像を撮影したMaks Levin氏が亡くなりました。 行方不明になり,4月2日に発見。Maks氏のドローン映像を @stim3on 氏が3D化したものが「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」に掲載されています。 #Ukraine… - 3 years ago

@CarlosABorgesA2: RT @USAenEspanol: Administradora de USAID, Samantha Power: Me entristece la muerte de Maks Levin, fotoperiodista ucraniano que pagó su prof… - 3 years ago

@neokko1: RT @hwtnv: 元データのドローン映像は,3月初旬にMaks Levin氏が撮影。その一ヶ月経過後にメディアが現地に入り,ロシア軍による非人道的行為を報道しています。Maks氏は行方不明になり,4月2日にキーウで死亡が確認されました。 - 3 years ago

@amachin888: RT @hwtnv: 元データのドローン映像は,3月初旬にMaks Levin氏が撮影。その一ヶ月経過後にメディアが現地に入り,ロシア軍による非人道的行為を報道しています。Maks氏は行方不明になり,4月2日にキーウで死亡が確認されました。 - 3 years ago

@picoe2: RT @hwtnv: 元データのドローン映像は,3月初旬にMaks Levin氏が撮影。その一ヶ月経過後にメディアが現地に入り,ロシア軍による非人道的行為を報道しています。Maks氏は行方不明になり,4月2日にキーウで死亡が確認されました。 - 3 years ago

@hms_mayu: RT @hwtnv: 元データのドローン映像は,3月初旬にMaks Levin氏が撮影。その一ヶ月経過後にメディアが現地に入り,ロシア軍による非人道的行為を報道しています。Maks氏は行方不明になり,4月2日にキーウで死亡が確認されました。 - 3 years ago

@kyle_iridian: RT @hwtnv: The original drone footage was taken by Maks Levin in early March. A month later, the media entered the area and reported inhuma… - 3 years ago

@tomtomclub1999: RT @hwtnv: 元データのドローン映像は,3月初旬にMaks Levin氏が撮影。その一ヶ月経過後にメディアが現地に入り,ロシア軍による非人道的行為を報道しています。Maks氏は行方不明になり,4月2日にキーウで死亡が確認されました。 - 3 years ago

@horse_take: RT @hwtnv: ウクライナ・ボロジャンカのドローン映像を撮影したMaks Levin氏が亡くなりました。 行方不明になり,4月2日に発見。Maks氏のドローン映像を @stim3on 氏が3D化したものが「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」に掲載されています。 #Ukraine… - 3 years ago

@harrier1970: RT @hwtnv: 元データのドローン映像は,3月初旬にMaks Levin氏が撮影。その一ヶ月経過後にメディアが現地に入り,ロシア軍による非人道的行為を報道しています。Maks氏は行方不明になり,4月2日にキーウで死亡が確認されました。 - 3 years ago

@sequoia2001: RT @hwtnv: The original drone footage was taken by Maks Levin in early March. A month later, the media entered the area and reported inhuma… - 3 years ago

@hwtnv: The original drone footage was taken by Maks Levin in early March. A month later, the media entered the area and re… - 3 years ago

@DWV13: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@ArenaCops: 😎🇺🇦😷 Putin's Nazis invading Ukraine claim to be searching for Nazis. And they're killing Jewish Ukrainians like pho… - 3 years ago

@MrTAchilles: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@khomenok: RT @Gilli: My colleague Valentyna Kuzyk had three young sons with Maks Levin, the Ukrainian photojournalist found on April 1, shot dead by… - 3 years ago

@franspencer: Humble respects to a fallen father, husband, son, and photojournalist. His shutter is forever closed but we must no… - 3 years ago

@USAIDEurope: RT @PowerUSAID: I am deeply saddened by the death of Maks Levin, a Ukrainian photojournalist who paid for his profession with his life, alo… - 3 years ago

@gloomybi1: RT @USAenEspanol: Administradora de USAID, Samantha Power: Me entristece la muerte de Maks Levin, fotoperiodista ucraniano que pagó su prof… - 3 years ago

@USAenEspanol: Administradora de USAID, Samantha Power: Me entristece la muerte de Maks Levin, fotoperiodista ucraniano que pagó s… - 3 years ago

@SarahFradgley: RT @Gilli: My colleague Valentyna Kuzyk had three young sons with Maks Levin, the Ukrainian photojournalist found on April 1, shot dead by… - 3 years ago

@synchrofish: RT @Gilli: My colleague Valentyna Kuzyk had three young sons with Maks Levin, the Ukrainian photojournalist found on April 1, shot dead by… - 3 years ago

@nohodge: RT @Gilli: My colleague Valentyna Kuzyk had three young sons with Maks Levin, the Ukrainian photojournalist found on April 1, shot dead by… - 3 years ago

@Gilli: My colleague Valentyna Kuzyk had three young sons with Maks Levin, the Ukrainian photojournalist found on April 1,… - 3 years ago

@pjourdan1967: RT @ulyssepariser: #Ukraine Un conflit meurtrier pour les reporters.. 18 journalistes ont été tués depuis le début de la guerre dont le pho… - 3 years ago

@Jeannedosa: RT @femeninna: Le photographe ukrainien Maks Levin a été retrouvé mort dans la région de Kyiv. Je connaissais Maks. Lorsque j'étais une mil… - 3 years ago

@sjkpolir: RT @olgatokariuk: Maks Levin was killed by Russian soldiers with two shots from small arms, General prosecutor's office of Ukraine said. He… - 3 years ago

@VNH1HKt6waSXcAW: RT @ahnewspace: Russian gunfire has killed a war photojournalist in Ukraine’s capital city, according to the nation’s prosecutor’s office 又… - 3 years ago

@yami_buta: RT @hwtnv: ウクライナ・ボロジャンカのドローン映像を撮影したMaks Levin氏が亡くなりました。 行方不明になり,4月2日に発見。Maks氏のドローン映像を @stim3on 氏が3D化したものが「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」に掲載されています。 #Ukraine… - 3 years ago

@Rom_Lisa: RT @fabio_buccia: The Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin, who was documenting the Russian invasion of Ukraine, has been found dead in a v… - 3 years ago

@ActionnowI: RT @rustem_umerov: Photo of a Ukrainian soldier, who hides from helicopter airstrike was taken by Maks Levin,talented 🇺🇦 photographer. Tod… - 3 years ago

@yookud: RT @hwtnv: ウクライナ・ボロジャンカのドローン映像を撮影したMaks Levin氏が亡くなりました。 行方不明になり,4月2日に発見。Maks氏のドローン映像を @stim3on 氏が3D化したものが「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」に掲載されています。 #Ukraine… - 3 years ago

@DinwillyWilly: RT @PowerUSAID: I am deeply saddened by the death of Maks Levin, a Ukrainian photojournalist who paid for his profession with his life, alo… - 3 years ago

@momiagemajin: RT @hwtnv: ウクライナ・ボロジャンカのドローン映像を撮影したMaks Levin氏が亡くなりました。 行方不明になり,4月2日に発見。Maks氏のドローン映像を @stim3on 氏が3D化したものが「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」に掲載されています。 #Ukraine… - 3 years ago

@Sexmero: Los dos últimos que han muerto. Maks Levin y Mantas Kvedaravicius. - 3 years ago

@wadakashiho: RT @PowerUSAID: I am deeply saddened by the death of Maks Levin, a Ukrainian photojournalist who paid for his profession with his life, alo… - 3 years ago

@Sexmero: Lo último de hoy. Una de las últimas fotografías de Maks Levin, muerto en los alrededores de la capital ucraniana.… - 3 years ago

@heatherjbrunner: RT @PowerUSAID: I am deeply saddened by the death of Maks Levin, a Ukrainian photojournalist who paid for his profession with his life, alo… - 3 years ago

@tomtomclub1999: RT @hwtnv: Maks Levin氏とドローン映像・3Dモデルの関わりについて,今朝のフジテレビ「めざまし8」で紹介される予定です。 - 3 years ago

@slowslowfood: RT @hwtnv: Maks Levin氏とドローン映像・3Dモデルの関わりについて,今朝のフジテレビ「めざまし8」で紹介される予定です。 - 3 years ago

@Susandorasu: RT @PowerUSAID: I am deeply saddened by the death of Maks Levin, a Ukrainian photojournalist who paid for his profession with his life, alo… - 3 years ago

@takahashiwatar2: RT @hwtnv: ウクライナ・ボロジャンカのドローン映像を撮影したMaks Levin氏が亡くなりました。 行方不明になり,4月2日に発見。Maks氏のドローン映像を @stim3on 氏が3D化したものが「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」に掲載されています。 #Ukraine… - 3 years ago

@lesababb: Maksim Levin, Killed In Ukraine, Leaves Behind A Legacy Of Powerful Photojournalism - 3 years ago

@Nolife_Monk130: RT @hwtnv: ウクライナ・ボロジャンカのドローン映像を撮影したMaks Levin氏が亡くなりました。 行方不明になり,4月2日に発見。Maks氏のドローン映像を @stim3on 氏が3D化したものが「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」に掲載されています。 #Ukraine… - 3 years ago

@matatabiclaw: RT @hwtnv: ウクライナ・ボロジャンカのドローン映像を撮影したMaks Levin氏が亡くなりました。 行方不明になり,4月2日に発見。Maks氏のドローン映像を @stim3on 氏が3D化したものが「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」に掲載されています。 #Ukraine… - 3 years ago

@BryanVicBC: RT @PowerUSAID: I am deeply saddened by the death of Maks Levin, a Ukrainian photojournalist who paid for his profession with his life, alo… - 3 years ago

@Kat4Obama: RT @PowerUSAID: I am deeply saddened by the death of Maks Levin, a Ukrainian photojournalist who paid for his profession with his life, alo… - 3 years ago

@EvangelopoulouA: RT @PowerUSAID: I am deeply saddened by the death of Maks Levin, a Ukrainian photojournalist who paid for his profession with his life, alo… - 3 years ago

@Sullyanne1: RT @PowerUSAID: I am deeply saddened by the death of Maks Levin, a Ukrainian photojournalist who paid for his profession with his life, alo… - 3 years ago

@MedlowMinus: RT @Monroegallery: Maksim Levin, Killed In Ukraine, Leaves Behind A Legacy Of Powerful Photojournalism - 3 years ago

@MariaSchenetzke: RT @PowerUSAID: I am deeply saddened by the death of Maks Levin, a Ukrainian photojournalist who paid for his profession with his life, alo… - 3 years ago

@kweriousgeorge: RT @PowerUSAID: I am deeply saddened by the death of Maks Levin, a Ukrainian photojournalist who paid for his profession with his life, alo… - 3 years ago

@denis_maguet: #Ukraine 🇺🇦 : Maks Levin, photojournaliste porté disparu le 13 mars alors qu'il documentait l'invasion en Ukraine p… - 3 years ago

@ValerieAstruc: RT @IFJGlobal: #Ukraine🇺🇦: Photojournalist Maks Levin, who went missing since 13 March while documenting the Russian invasion of Ukraine ne… - 3 years ago

@oliviersiou1: RT @IFJGlobal: #Ukraine🇺🇦: Photojournalist Maks Levin, who went missing since 13 March while documenting the Russian invasion of Ukraine ne… - 3 years ago

@_mouse: RT @hwtnv: ウクライナ・ボロジャンカのドローン映像を撮影したMaks Levin氏が亡くなりました。 行方不明になり,4月2日に発見。Maks氏のドローン映像を @stim3on 氏が3D化したものが「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」に掲載されています。 #Ukraine… - 3 years ago

@SNJ_national: RT @IFJGlobal: #Ukraine🇺🇦: Photojournalist Maks Levin, who went missing since 13 March while documenting the Russian invasion of Ukraine ne… - 3 years ago

@juliewa43117224: RT @SuzetteOkinawa: @Mariana_Betsa Ukrainian photojournalist and filmmaker Maksim “Maks” Levin has been found dead after going missing last… - 3 years ago

@ragnarautopia: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@Houkitai_Kirai: RT @hwtnv: ウクライナ・ボロジャンカのドローン映像を撮影したMaks Levin氏が亡くなりました。 行方不明になり,4月2日に発見。Maks氏のドローン映像を @stim3on 氏が3D化したものが「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」に掲載されています。 #Ukraine… - 3 years ago

@AmericanKozzak: RT @SimonOstrovsky: Photographer Maks Levin, is missing in Ukraine. - 3 years ago

@AmericanKozzak: RT @SimonOstrovsky: Sad to see Ukrainian war photographer Maks Levin’s outlet reporting that he was found dead north of Kyiv. He was our co… - 3 years ago

@biblio839: RT @hwtnv: ウクライナ・ボロジャンカのドローン映像を撮影したMaks Levin氏が亡くなりました。 行方不明になり,4月2日に発見。Maks氏のドローン映像を @stim3on 氏が3D化したものが「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」に掲載されています。 #Ukraine… - 3 years ago

@gimsugy43400657: RT @UKREmbinKorea: 사진기자 막스 레빈이 (Maks Levin) 실종 3주 만에 결국 키이우 근처에서 숨진 채로 발견되었습니다. 그는 적대 행위가 악화되었을 때 전쟁 다큐멘터리를 기록하고 있었습니다. 유족으로는 아내와 부모님, 4명의… - 3 years ago

@thickdumbass: RT @olliecarroll: @Angel41527796 - 3 years ago

@daneetsteffens: RT @mathieuvonrohr: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv on April 1, killed by Russian forces. One of his picture… - 3 years ago

@noboru_ando: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@odreissi: RT @mathieuvonrohr: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv on April 1, killed by Russian forces. One of his picture… - 3 years ago

@CalvetAngels: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@JSMJYhHfT5vYXSy: RT @hwtnv: ウクライナ・ボロジャンカのドローン映像を撮影したMaks Levin氏が亡くなりました。 行方不明になり,4月2日に発見。Maks氏のドローン映像を @stim3on 氏が3D化したものが「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」に掲載されています。 #Ukraine… - 3 years ago

@kinoshita_kugi: RT @hwtnv: ウクライナ・ボロジャンカのドローン映像を撮影したMaks Levin氏が亡くなりました。 行方不明になり,4月2日に発見。Maks氏のドローン映像を @stim3on 氏が3D化したものが「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」に掲載されています。 #Ukraine… - 3 years ago

@ProgresoHoy: Hallan muerto al fotoperiodista Maks Levin que cubría la guerra Rusia-Ucrania - 3 years ago

@Lydia71469335: RT @ahnewspace: Russian gunfire has killed a war photojournalist in Ukraine’s capital city, according to the nation’s prosecutor’s office 又… - 3 years ago

@hinrich7: RT @mathieuvonrohr: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv on April 1, killed by Russian forces. One of his picture… - 3 years ago

@egghat: RT @mathieuvonrohr: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv on April 1, killed by Russian forces. One of his picture… - 3 years ago

@EMCaffarel: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@KnutPolitic: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@Wintergoh: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@Astwisa: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@kblanqua: RT @bbcworldservice: "He's been where it matters, recording the lives of those who were suffering." The body of Ukrainian photojournalist M… - 3 years ago

@Astwisa: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@DeniseS29: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@ellygatta81: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@nori0303902132: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@manetteBE: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@lucy39201045: RT @ahnewspace: Russian gunfire has killed a war photojournalist in Ukraine’s capital city, according to the nation’s prosecutor’s office 又… - 3 years ago

@brittyjames: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@Lowecat: RT @GusGusandUs1: Maks Levin 🕊️🇺🇦🕊️ Ukrainian photographer July 7, 1981-April 1, 2022 🐾✨🔹🌻🇺🇦🌻🔹✨🐾 #StandWithUkraine #MaksLevin #Ukraine #ph… - 3 years ago

@voaindonesia: Maks Levin, seorang fotografer Ukraina yang telah hilang selama lebih dari dua minggu, ditemukan tewas dekat ibu ko… - 3 years ago

@someller: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@SutfinGeorgeP: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@GusGusandUs1: Maks Levin 🕊️🇺🇦🕊️ Ukrainian photographer July 7, 1981-April 1, 2022 🐾✨🔹🌻🇺🇦🌻🔹✨🐾 #StandWithUkraine #MaksLevin… - 3 years ago

@willoughbysea: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@MichaelHarvey88: RT @ElissaNadworny: In recent days Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv. "Every Ukrainian photographer dreams of… - 3 years ago

@ElCascanueces1: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@OlivierFoulon: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@nutriascom: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@JustMattMichael: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@LucArchambault1: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@ChrisMc331: RT @SimonOstrovsky: Sad to see Ukrainian war photographer Maks Levin’s outlet reporting that he was found dead north of Kyiv. He was our co… - 3 years ago

@raquelita77bo: RT @stefsiohan: #Ukraine Le corps de Maks Levin, photo-reporter ukrainien brillant, a été retrouvé samedi au nord de Kyiv, il a été tué par… - 3 years ago

@Hopehop04413300: RT @ahnewspace: Russian gunfire has killed a war photojournalist in Ukraine’s capital city, according to the nation’s prosecutor’s office 又… - 3 years ago

@JajayePanizzoli: RT @stefsiohan: #Ukraine Le corps de Maks Levin, photo-reporter ukrainien brillant, a été retrouvé samedi au nord de Kyiv, il a été tué par… - 3 years ago

@zrenner: RT @visegrad24: The famous photojournalist Maks Levin went missing while documenting Russia’s war of aggression. Days earlier, he took pi… - 3 years ago

@Andreeaindeed: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@bw18446032: RT @visegrad24: The famous photojournalist Maks Levin went missing while documenting Russia’s war of aggression. Days earlier, he took pi… - 3 years ago

@SandraJNowakow1: RT @thedailybeast: A local prosecutor’s office told The New York Times Levin was shot dead by Russian forces in “small arms fire” and a ful… - 3 years ago

@jacline2015: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@Vanessa73491479: RT @visegrad24: The famous photojournalist Maks Levin went missing while documenting Russia’s war of aggression. Days earlier, he took pi… - 3 years ago

@Rockaway11694: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@ziggy7: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@dansandu: RT @PJournalismNews: NEWS:Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin who went missing near Kyiv is found dead - 3 years ago

@CulikOf: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@macsorcist: RT @mathieuvonrohr: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv on April 1, killed by Russian forces. One of his picture… - 3 years ago

@Chilhon2016Lap: RT @tvn24: Fotoreporter Maks Levin został pośmiertnie odznaczony orderem Za Odwagę. Prezydent Wołodymyr Zełenski w niedzielę podpisał dekre… - 3 years ago

@CappyAnderson: RT @MarkoSilberhand: @KSergatskova . Say his name: Maks Levin, photographer, killed by the Russians... Rest In Peace 💙 🇺🇦 🙏 🇺🇦 💛… - 3 years ago

@ThomasJesacher: RT @mathieuvonrohr: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv on April 1, killed by Russian forces. One of his picture… - 3 years ago

@avrollot: RT @femeninna: Le photographe ukrainien Maks Levin a été retrouvé mort dans la région de Kyiv. Je connaissais Maks. Lorsque j'étais une mil… - 3 years ago

@P_Huz4r: RT @tvn24: Fotoreporter Maks Levin został pośmiertnie odznaczony orderem Za Odwagę. Prezydent Wołodymyr Zełenski w niedzielę podpisał dekre… - 3 years ago

@chaaaChm: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@Zounou19: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@faktyoswiecie: RT @tvn24: Fotoreporter Maks Levin został pośmiertnie odznaczony orderem Za Odwagę. Prezydent Wołodymyr Zełenski w niedzielę podpisał dekre… - 3 years ago

@FaktyTVN: RT @tvn24: Fotoreporter Maks Levin został pośmiertnie odznaczony orderem Za Odwagę. Prezydent Wołodymyr Zełenski w niedzielę podpisał dekre… - 3 years ago

@MariaJCarmen: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@tvn24: Fotoreporter Maks Levin został pośmiertnie odznaczony orderem Za Odwagę. Prezydent Wołodymyr Zełenski w niedzielę p… - 3 years ago

@HerveTillard: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@olivierpiazza: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@MarkoSilberhand: RT @MarkoSilberhand: @KSergatskova . Say his name: Maks Levin, photographer, killed by the Russians... Rest In Peace 💙 🇺🇦 🙏 🇺🇦 💛… - 3 years ago

@antoineagopian: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@Adriana60907491: RT @domdyer70: Rest In Peace Maks Levin Ukrainian photographer Maksim Levin carries a cat near the line of separation from Russian-backed… - 3 years ago

@space_M_J: RT @safarier777: 我们的好朋友,著名的战地摄影师 Maks Levin,已经死了。 他于 3 月 13 日在基辅战役中失踪。 社区中的许多人仍然希望他被俄罗斯人俘虏。 不幸的是,他的尸体于 4 月 1 日被找回。 安息吧,朋友。 - 3 years ago

@framboise23O2: RT @femeninna: Le photographe ukrainien Maks Levin a été retrouvé mort dans la région de Kyiv. Je connaissais Maks. Lorsque j'étais une mil… - 3 years ago

@marcjonesrtrs: RT @GuyReuters: Rest in peace Maks: Activists of Ukrainian opposition parties clash with riot police as they attempt to get into the mayora… - 3 years ago

@rondafulfer: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@sofrenchgirl: RT @KoliaDelesalle: Le corps de Maks Levin vient d’être retrouvé. N’oubliez pas son nom. C’était un excellent photographe et un homme bien. - 3 years ago

@sonniehenry86: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@eganc6: RT @domdyer70: Rest In Peace Maks Levin Ukrainian photographer Maksim Levin carries a cat near the line of separation from Russian-backed… - 3 years ago

@MLFranciolini: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@Mapolino: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@numphung_tk: RT @suthichai: นักข่าวช่างภาพชาวยูเครน “มักส์ เลวิน”(Maks Levin) ซึ่งหายตัวไปตั้งแต่วันที่ 13 มีนาคม ถูกพบว่าเสียชีวิตในเขตกรุงเคียฟ เพื่… - 3 years ago

@MagicGonzi: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@pollitoaurelin: RT @javierbauluz: El fotoperiodista y padre desaparecido Maks Levin fue asesinado a tiros por las fuerzas rusas con "arma corta" #MaxLevin… - 3 years ago

@skydream66: RT @KoliaDelesalle: Le corps de Maks Levin vient d’être retrouvé. N’oubliez pas son nom. C’était un excellent photographe et un homme bien. - 3 years ago

@keepurcis2urslf: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@jmblgr: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@AO93337817: RT @ahnewspace: Russian gunfire has killed a war photojournalist in Ukraine’s capital city, according to the nation’s prosecutor’s office 又… - 3 years ago

@nickybelgo: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@message_magazin: RT @mathieuvonrohr: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv on April 1, killed by Russian forces. One of his picture… - 3 years ago

@sozonovsky: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@AMinghetti: RT @AFP: #UPDATE Ukrainian photographer and documentary maker Maks Levin has been found dead near the capital Kyiv after going missing more… - 3 years ago

@juliangelinag: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@pierpi3r: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@FlemmingOvesen: RT @KyivPost: This is the face of the war. A famous #Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin took these exclusive photos from the places of the m… - 3 years ago

@gils91: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@mutantfrog: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@iteresamarcano: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@AlvesTF: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@FaragoTimea: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@estherkut: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@Markus2369: RT @jirik957: Ukrajinský fotograf Maks Levin byl nalezen mrtvý. Levin se ztratil 13. března, když jel do Vyšhorodu v Kyjevské oblasti, aby… - 3 years ago

@Emma198635: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@ayasophia701: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@blanchotcaro: RT @DenisGravouil: Hommage à Maks Levin - 3 years ago

@JulietMEvans: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@PearlGervais1: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@thisw0manswork: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@OSE56: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@birgitrudolph6: Here the link to the New York Times' article - 3 years ago

@Michele97777714: Missing Ukrainian Photojournalist Maks Levin Found Dead In Combat Zone - 3 years ago

@yitong89641717: RT @safarier777: ⚡️乌克兰摄影师Maks Levin在基辅州被发现死亡。 大众信息研究所援引检察长办公室的消息宣布了这一消息。莱文于3月13日前往基辅州的Vyshgorod区记录那里的敌对行动时失踪。 他的尸体于4月1日被发现。这位40岁的摄影师曾与路透社… - 3 years ago

@bluwndzdancing: RT @thedailybeast: Maks Levin was someone who “shows the raw truth,” his wife previously told The Daily Beast - 3 years ago

@tesssg05: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@Gilbert_Brault: RT @stefsiohan: #Ukraine Le corps de Maks Levin, photo-reporter ukrainien brillant, a été retrouvé samedi au nord de Kyiv, il a été tué par… - 3 years ago

@agnes_grossmann: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@lokishope: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@miura_hideyuki: RT @asama888: 私たちの親友で有名な戦場カメラマンのMaks Levinが亡くなった。彼は3月13日のキーフの戦いで行方不明になった。仲間の多くは、彼がロシア軍の捕虜になっていることを願っていた。残念ながら、彼の遺体が4月1日に収容された。友よ、安らかに。 - 3 years ago

@LexingtonBobby: RT @olex_scherba: It’s official now. Maks Levin is dead. One of 🇺🇦 best journalists, with both talent & integrity. Will never forget his pi… - 3 years ago

@hocinerouagdia: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@TouitouFred: RT @fr_jouve: Hommage à Maks Levin , photographe ukrainien , mort pour avoir voulu informer #StandUpForUkraine - 3 years ago

@LOrtigas: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@2jIxMw7hKFcqH2b: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@mariojoseh555: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@ChingYuanWu2: RT @safarier777: 我们的好朋友,著名的战地摄影师 Maks Levin,已经死了。 他于 3 月 13 日在基辅战役中失踪。 社区中的许多人仍然希望他被俄罗斯人俘虏。 不幸的是,他的尸体于 4 月 1 日被找回。 安息吧,朋友。 - 3 years ago

@Czd1OYzQFLxaxsM: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@godslongbones: RT @nytimes: The photographer, Maks Levin, was shot by Russian armed forces with “small arms fire” and a criminal investigation into his de… - 3 years ago

@cherilyntx: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@MaritaWoods11: RT @olgatokariuk: Maks Levin was killed by Russian soldiers with two shots from small arms, General prosecutor's office of Ukraine said. He… - 3 years ago

@SorenOlesen2020: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@Robert_Deragon: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@yochi18: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@NewsyKeeda: What Was Maks Levin Cause of Death? Missing Ukrainian Photojournalist Maks Levin Found Dead In Combat Zone - 3 years ago

@indy_yet: RT @KoliaDelesalle: Le corps de Maks Levin vient d’être retrouvé. N’oubliez pas son nom. C’était un excellent photographe et un homme bien. - 3 years ago

@Ahlukah: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@grazie_a_tutti: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@CwazupJ: RT @Thoughtful1ness: @lapatina_ Deepest condolences to the family of Maks Levin for their heartbreaking loss His death shall not be in va… - 3 years ago

@hvbr1s: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@Luisfecab: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@JacksMom16: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@jillybwrafter: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@Saturn71197768: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@ArsenaultEdgar: RT @thedailybeast: A local prosecutor’s office told The New York Times Levin was shot dead by Russian forces in “small arms fire” and a ful… - 3 years ago

@paula_span: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@drmo499: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@_evapeto: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@yeetusdeletu5: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@BeverlyNBCLA: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@Sara24626894: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@KHARKIV_RULIT: RT @AlexKhrebet: Sad news The police found the body of photographer and documentalist Maks Levin near Huta village in Kyiv Region. He had b… - 3 years ago

@Sommerset16: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@hongsir13386239: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@Alexis_Bregere: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@asama888: RT @asama888: 私たちの親友で有名な戦場カメラマンのMaks Levinが亡くなった。彼は3月13日のキーフの戦いで行方不明になった。仲間の多くは、彼がロシア軍の捕虜になっていることを願っていた。残念ながら、彼の遺体が4月1日に収容された。友よ、安らかに。 - 3 years ago

@CLT_truth: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@MrAlexFeldman: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@zeldaetloulou: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@gersende75: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@sscheuch_bine: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@justakidIV: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@FB_Midilibre: RT @stefsiohan: #Ukraine Le corps de Maks Levin, photo-reporter ukrainien brillant, a été retrouvé samedi au nord de Kyiv, il a été tué par… - 3 years ago

@ftrebuchon: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@Anna1849: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@joserrayanes: RT @javierbauluz: El fotoperiodista y padre desaparecido Maks Levin fue asesinado a tiros por las fuerzas rusas con "arma corta" #MaxLevin… - 3 years ago

@FionaQuinnBooks: RT @trbrtc: Maks Levin, a Ukrainian documentary photojournalist, was found dead near the village of Huta Mezhyhirska in the Kyiv Oblast. Ma… - 3 years ago

@LiberateAllOfUs: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@makami1974: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@eugenio_pinedo: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@binz61: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@SpookyScaryAnna: RT @KoliaDelesalle: Le corps de Maks Levin vient d’être retrouvé. N’oubliez pas son nom. C’était un excellent photographe et un homme bien. - 3 years ago

@eugenio_pinedo: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@kvconner: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@Utopia71b: RT @mathieuvonrohr: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv on April 1, killed by Russian forces. One of his picture… - 3 years ago

@RouyerStefan: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@RSigus: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@_Shamik_: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@6fhLjuNp831pHLV: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@TherealVyizz: RT @i7NMedia: #i7Nnews Mpiga picha raia wa Ukraine, Maks Levin akutwa amefariki dunia mjini Kyiv Oblast. Levin alitoweka kuanzia tarehe 13… - 3 years ago

@atticus_flinch: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@DanielBleiberg: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@anabel_ry: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@phonebanshee: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@Darbales1: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@photoxabo: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@jls_83: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@KuzniaSylvia: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@Y57911157Mcahit: RT @AjansHaberResmi: Ukraynalı belgesel yapımcısı ve foto muhabiri Maks Levin’in Kiev yakınlarında ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. - 3 years ago

@PooranArbabi: RT @olex_scherba: It’s official now. Maks Levin is dead. One of 🇺🇦 best journalists, with both talent & integrity. Will never forget his pi… - 3 years ago

@genemoindrotftv: RT @KoliaDelesalle: Le corps de Maks Levin vient d’être retrouvé. N’oubliez pas son nom. C’était un excellent photographe et un homme bien. - 3 years ago

@PrayMonkeys: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@Renprice: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@verfuegung2raum: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@joshuacrime: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@kooo60415382: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@noellelenoir: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@DeliaVerdu: RT @infobae: El ejército de Vladimir Putin asesinó al fotoperiodista ucraniano Maks Levin - 3 years ago

@riotheatherrr: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@djeterg19: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@BerlinSal: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@vrockencom: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@Pauline_Nollet: RT @KoliaDelesalle: Le corps de Maks Levin vient d’être retrouvé. N’oubliez pas son nom. C’était un excellent photographe et un homme bien. - 3 years ago

@biancalee1671: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@PEMcNeil: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@ErinHanratty3: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@MartinsMoors: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@mlondo856: RT @OlenaHalushka: Photojournalist Maks Levin was killed while covering russian aggression. His legacy is enormous: through photos he had t… - 3 years ago

@lukereddevil7: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@AnSan60428404: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@Melisoli: RT @mathieuvonrohr: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv on April 1, killed by Russian forces. One of his picture… - 3 years ago

@jahnoo: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@FacundoCenturi2: RT @infobae: El ejército de Vladimir Putin asesinó al fotoperiodista ucraniano Maks Levin - 3 years ago

@miladysmama: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@AgPorche: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@AltairBeretta: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@iboubett: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@VStibor: RT @OlenaHalushka: Photojournalist Maks Levin was killed while covering russian aggression. His legacy is enormous: through photos he had t… - 3 years ago

@MBelberArroyo: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@sabri_sabrille: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@CygnusInVesper: RT @FiringLineShow: UPDATE: Maks Levin, the #Ukrainian photojournalist who went missing two weeks ago while documenting the #Russia invasio… - 3 years ago

@cowboyminer1: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@andi0321: RT @mathieuvonrohr: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv on April 1, killed by Russian forces. One of his picture… - 3 years ago

@patriciagoddar6: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@alexeption80: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@AloysiusScarbo: RT @KoliaDelesalle: Le corps de Maks Levin vient d’être retrouvé. N’oubliez pas son nom. C’était un excellent photographe et un homme bien. - 3 years ago

@katty2088: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@ears0fjungle: RT @DMokryk: One of the best Ukrainian photojournalists&documentalists Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv region. Has been missing since March 1… - 3 years ago

@Frnkvsk: RT @militarnyi_en: On April 1, police found Maks Levin, documentary filmmaker, dead in Huta Mezhyhirska. He was filming and photographing f… - 3 years ago

@rexglacer: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@PochiRafael: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@ElleAndraWarner: RT @RFERL: Reporters Without Borders said that Maks Levin is the fifth journalist to have been killed in the conflict since Russia launched… - 3 years ago

@vojnaslo91: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@XimenaV50272483: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@IFM_Mayoristas: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@jannettepaz58: Mais um repórter... #StopRussia - 3 years ago

@Soru_Mukkiyam: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@StupendousUti: Missing Ukrainian Photojournalist Maks Levin Found Dead - 3 years ago

@gabrfranke: RT @EuromaidanPress: 🇺🇦 photojournalist and documentary filmmaker Maks Levin, who had been documenting the war in Ukraine since 2014, was f… - 3 years ago

@Carolejolyj: RT @KoliaDelesalle: Le corps de Maks Levin vient d’être retrouvé. N’oubliez pas son nom. C’était un excellent photographe et un homme bien. - 3 years ago

@Maria10002360: RT @KyivPost: This is the face of the war. A famous #Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin took these exclusive photos from the places of the m… - 3 years ago

@Lolasayu1: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@pfr_ostrowski: RT @KyivPost: This is the face of the war. A famous #Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin took these exclusive photos from the places of the m… - 3 years ago

@francis_anyuru: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@maxoufix: RT @KoliaDelesalle: Le corps de Maks Levin vient d’être retrouvé. N’oubliez pas son nom. C’était un excellent photographe et un homme bien. - 3 years ago

@dieresa27: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@aine_nguyen: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@grazyna_malicka: RT @natematpl: Bardzo smutna wiadomość. - 3 years ago

@570Karen: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@masokost: RT @KyivPost: This is the face of the war. A famous #Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin took these exclusive photos from the places of the m… - 3 years ago

@aries2011956: RT @KyivPost: This is the face of the war. A famous #Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin took these exclusive photos from the places of the m… - 3 years ago

@2Aert2ME: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@garance1960: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@sankarchanda99: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@LorenArries: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@goldenrule47: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@Amanda_1914: RT @RFERL: Reporters Without Borders said that Maks Levin is the fifth journalist to have been killed in the conflict since Russia launched… - 3 years ago

@Rki009: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@elcomercio_peru: Un fotógrafo ucraniano hallado muerto cerca de Kiev - 3 years ago

@_Ben_Franklin1: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@moonplanets3: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@MCallieScott: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@Zak_Files: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@SSFLeo1: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@anders_aslund: RT @RFERL: Reporters Without Borders said that Maks Levin is the fifth journalist to have been killed in the conflict since Russia launched… - 3 years ago

@HowyofWI: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@kahlua057: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@EmilieLopes: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@dazyjane410: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@TerryBurkeMN: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@BrigidLaffan: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@TheSciFiBard: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@e_newsroom: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@GarcezManuela: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@AgPorche: RT @KoliaDelesalle: Le corps de Maks Levin vient d’être retrouvé. N’oubliez pas son nom. C’était un excellent photographe et un homme bien. - 3 years ago

@Ioana_Bharos: RT @olgatokariuk: Maks Levin was killed by Russian soldiers with two shots from small arms, General prosecutor's office of Ukraine said. He… - 3 years ago

@rysunekGrzegorz: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@vistinomer: RT @IFEX: To the list of journalists killed in #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine - Yevhen Sakun, Viktor Dedov, Brent Renaud, Pierre Zakrzews… - 3 years ago

@ebner_jane: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@ILoveYarn2: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@thomas02q: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@_katusche: RT @WHO_Europe: We have just learnt about the death of the noted photojournalist Maks Levin, killed in the #Kyiv region amid the #Ukraine w… - 3 years ago

@YodaAslan1: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@noe_tecnologico: RT @HuffPost: Maksim "Maks" Levin was a photographer and videographer who worked with a number of news organizations in Ukraine and interna… - 3 years ago

@justwokeupjava: RT @Horacio_Staines: @LeslieDJordan1 @Benedictdusham1 That’s right Leslie 🙏🇺🇦🌾🎥✍️✝️ And today: the 8th journalist confirmed dead… Maks Lev… - 3 years ago

@meta_mk_en: RT @IFEX: To the list of journalists killed in #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine - Yevhen Sakun, Viktor Dedov, Brent Renaud, Pierre Zakrzews… - 3 years ago

@SladjanG91: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@Knight201701: RT @olgatokariuk: To understand who he was, read this interview. Some more amazing photos there - 3 years ago

@mbelilos: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@Vikt64Vikt: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@jamescando: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@KarstenStrauss: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@fnovejosserand: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@Knight201701: RT @olgatokariuk: Maks Levin was killed by Russian soldiers with two shots from small arms, General prosecutor's office of Ukraine said. He… - 3 years ago

@jamescando: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@gj1023: RT @OlenaHalushka: Photojournalist Maks Levin was killed while covering russian aggression. His legacy is enormous: through photos he had t… - 3 years ago

@MarynaKyiv: RT @nytimes: The photographer, Maks Levin, was shot by Russian armed forces with “small arms fire” and a criminal investigation into his de… - 3 years ago

@livelifezenful: RT @HuffPost: Maksim "Maks" Levin was a photographer and videographer who worked with a number of news organizations in Ukraine and interna… - 3 years ago

@echtliz: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@Sandeep71121431: RT @HuffPost: Maksim "Maks" Levin was a photographer and videographer who worked with a number of news organizations in Ukraine and interna… - 3 years ago

@CedarWych: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@MikaelWJ: RT @KyleWOrton: Looks like Maks Levin was deliberately shot to death in #Russian-occupied territory in #Ukraine. - 3 years ago

@haefnerk3: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@contrac07750999: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@kahlua057: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@51evgen: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@zuluzim909: RT @FlorianNeuhof: A beautiful interview with Maks Levin. RIP "Many guys who were my age ... full of a passion for life. Unfortunately, som… - 3 years ago

@TweetLDToo: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@MariannickDeban: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@TigeProcyshyn: RT @olgatokariuk: Maks Levin was killed by Russian soldiers with two shots from small arms, General prosecutor's office of Ukraine said. He… - 3 years ago

@TorbjornPeters1: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@LyndaAddy: RT @HuffPost: Maksim "Maks" Levin was a photographer and videographer who worked with a number of news organizations in Ukraine and interna… - 3 years ago

@heinousberg: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@xxxcocotang: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@mariecolmant1: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@ansdan00p: RT @mathieuvonrohr: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv on April 1, killed by Russian forces. One of his picture… - 3 years ago

@inigoirizar: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@1205_bert: Ukraine: le photographe Maks Levin retrouvé mort près de Kiev - 3 years ago

@emmalefevre: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@lookeastwards: RT @mathieuvonrohr: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv on April 1, killed by Russian forces. One of his picture… - 3 years ago

@danenchivi: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@casirni: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@ChunziCora: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@JJ_FERON: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@qo8m: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@tschinderle: RT @mathieuvonrohr: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv on April 1, killed by Russian forces. One of his picture… - 3 years ago

@ohioNanaof4: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@StarColombo: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@ciftlers76: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@kerryml18: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@mihnovs: RT @OstapYarysh: Police found the body of Maks Levin, a Ukrainian photographer who was documenting Russian invasion. Reportedly, he was sho… - 3 years ago

@0318Aleks: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@cal_ann: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@TeresaMac2009: RT @Doc_Laing: Reportedly the 5th journalist to lose his life in this tragic war. Maks Levin was one of those rare souls who choose to wit… - 3 years ago

@CaptainEphraim: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@J59396286: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@kymburleigh: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@emariemacg: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@mestevezs: RT @AIertaMundiaI: 🇺🇦🇷🇺 | URGENTE: El famoso fotógrafo de guerra ucraniano Maks Levin, ha muerto. Desapareció durante la Batalla de Kiev e… - 3 years ago

@skaik_van: RT @MarkoSilberhand: @KSergatskova . Say his name: Maks Levin, photographer, killed by the Russians... Rest In Peace 💙 🇺🇦 🙏 🇺🇦 💛… - 3 years ago

@moniquemartinn: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@oreganocn1: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@adrien_mnd: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@SMauchamer: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@davidl62648962: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@sheyenne9: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@susurrriot: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@anu141: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@SebastianWaIter: RT @mathieuvonrohr: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv on April 1, killed by Russian forces. One of his picture… - 3 years ago

@iDunnoProbsTho: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@jpyra: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@Sam_Fellowes: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@Turbodus: RT @mathieuvonrohr: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv on April 1, killed by Russian forces. One of his picture… - 3 years ago

@MarkRic96501647: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@curiocat13: RT @SimonOstrovsky: Sad to see Ukrainian war photographer Maks Levin’s outlet reporting that he was found dead north of Kyiv. He was our co… - 3 years ago

@Alessan50612358: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@blanks_diane: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@nupelonline: Rus işgalini takip eden Ukraynalı gazeteci Maks Levin ölü bulundu - 3 years ago

@evclides: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@tinsel40: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@InnerFury4K: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@MPB_5: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@CrabQ: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@MagnumSilentium: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@okalman: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@her651: RT @infobaeamerica: El ejército de Vladimir Putin asesinó al fotoperiodista ucraniano Maks Levin - 3 years ago

@TedCat2022: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@Serdar17909028: RT @HaberGlobal: Ukraynalı savaş fotoğrafçısı Maks Levin, Kiev yakınlarında ölü bulundu - 3 years ago

@wongnoeykiu: RT @suthichai: นักข่าวช่างภาพชาวยูเครน “มักส์ เลวิน”(Maks Levin) ซึ่งหายตัวไปตั้งแต่วันที่ 13 มีนาคม ถูกพบว่าเสียชีวิตในเขตกรุงเคียฟ เพื่… - 3 years ago

@blanks_diane: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@MagnumSilentium: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@sportsisfun1960: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@rickey3danjuuro: RT @nytimes: The photographer, Maks Levin, was shot by Russian armed forces with “small arms fire” and a criminal investigation into his de… - 3 years ago

@Boomer_longlens: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@GuyReuters: Pro-Russian demonstrators take part in a rally in the Crimean town of Yevpatoria March 5, 2014. REUTERS/Maks Levin - 3 years ago

@DeytonVicki: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@GuyReuters: Ukrainian opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko hugs her daughter Yevgenia upon arrival at the airport in Kiev Februar… - 3 years ago

@GuyReuters: A man holds a Ukrainian flag as smoke rises in the background during clashes between police and pro-European protes… - 3 years ago

@GuyReuters: People surround a statue of Vladimir Lenin, which was toppled by protesters during a rally organized by supporters… - 3 years ago

@GuyReuters: Rest in peace Maks: Activists of Ukrainian opposition parties clash with riot police as they attempt to get into th… - 3 years ago

@pettyjames1: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@nicobintell: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@ladybirdsc: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@KarinSubrtova: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@Uniqueschance2: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@athome_opinions: RT @BilancieriNews: Another sad day for the news media community, Photojournalist 🇺🇦 Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, he went missing… - 3 years ago

@bassethoundfinn: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@gabrielguita_: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@Iseabail90: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@danalou55: To Maks family & friends ~ He was so brave, & brought beauty & truth to power in his amazing photos. Though it m… - 3 years ago

@Pissed_Woman: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@Manfred_Schmid_: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@maybeawriter: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@Nikita_Yaskin: RT @DMokryk: One of the best Ukrainian photojournalists&documentalists Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv region. Has been missing since March 1… - 3 years ago

@Fidel671: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@Dentedoildrum: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@moscolfpv01: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@Thanin2016: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@kajolann: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@JulieStellman3: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@JustyKw: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@skool_tz: RT @MwanzoTv: #Ukrainian photographer and documentary maker Maks Levin has been found dead near the capital Kyiv after going missing more t… - 3 years ago

@ConchitaGalera: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@sper00z: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@markymark1032: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@yukina601: RT @suthichai: นักข่าวช่างภาพชาวยูเครน “มักส์ เลวิน”(Maks Levin) ซึ่งหายตัวไปตั้งแต่วันที่ 13 มีนาคม ถูกพบว่าเสียชีวิตในเขตกรุงเคียฟ เพื่… - 3 years ago

@neenneenneen: RT @suthichai: นักข่าวช่างภาพชาวยูเครน “มักส์ เลวิน”(Maks Levin) ซึ่งหายตัวไปตั้งแต่วันที่ 13 มีนาคม ถูกพบว่าเสียชีวิตในเขตกรุงเคียฟ เพื่… - 3 years ago

@yomarramirez: RT @AlbertoRavell: Muere fotoperiodista ucraniano Maks Levin, por disparos del ejército de Vladimir Putin - 3 years ago

@EtrangeraSeoul: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@murti_bing: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@elysiumdesigns: Searching for Honesty in Ukraine’s Murky War - Photographs and text by Maks Levin | LensCulture… - 3 years ago

@GDennerik: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@JustSaying1600: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@PpBetter2gether: RT @suthichai: นักข่าวช่างภาพชาวยูเครน “มักส์ เลวิน”(Maks Levin) ซึ่งหายตัวไปตั้งแต่วันที่ 13 มีนาคม ถูกพบว่าเสียชีวิตในเขตกรุงเคียฟ เพื่… - 3 years ago

@NotAnAn0n: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@dtalavera2121: RT @cliffordlevy: Before he died, he posted harrowing images showing the evacuation of residents, many draped in white cloth to signal thei… - 3 years ago

@Irishgirlnc: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@sue85970824: RT @cliffordlevy: Before he died, he posted harrowing images showing the evacuation of residents, many draped in white cloth to signal thei… - 3 years ago

@glyphfix: RT @RFERL: Reporters Without Borders said that Maks Levin is the fifth journalist to have been killed in the conflict since Russia launched… - 3 years ago

@petimiti: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@chryslap: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@leanjeanp: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@suthichai: นักข่าวช่างภาพชาวยูเครน “มักส์ เลวิน”(Maks Levin) ซึ่งหายตัวไปตั้งแต่วันที่ 13 มีนาคม ถูกพบว่าเสียชีวิตในเขตกรุงเคี… - 3 years ago

@burning2020: He dreamed his ohotos could stop the war #MartyrForPeace Maks Levin - 3 years ago

@RHOSIEGHIRL: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@ramina63: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@SmiltnieksArno: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@24Febbraio: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@chryslap: RT @olgatokariuk: Maks Levin was killed by Russian soldiers with two shots from small arms, General prosecutor's office of Ukraine said. He… - 3 years ago

@arena_community: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@LaVieLaBaule: RT @franceinfo: Guerre en Ukraine : le photographe ukrainien Maks Levin retrouvé mort près de Kiev - 3 years ago

@JamesSemaj1220: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@htrock: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@poirierandre1: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@gelijkhebjehans: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@LamireauT: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@Karmastrophic_: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@paulmycock14: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@Pani_Hyde: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@Wishforyouth: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@TauMan63621928: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@nasty_woman2: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@Gloriana10754: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@YamamotoTakuo: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@resist_nv: RT @Horacio_Staines: @LeslieDJordan1 @Benedictdusham1 That’s right Leslie 🙏🇺🇦🌾🎥✍️✝️ And today: the 8th journalist confirmed dead… Maks Lev… - 3 years ago

@2future2soulmte: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@Cookiem53385809: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@SeniorChronicle: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@EPShoot01: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@Momo05197120: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@deborahamos: RT @PaulaChertok: Documentary filmmaker & photographer Max Levin killed in Kyiv region, documenting Russia's war on Ukraine. Colleague Olek… - 3 years ago

@GOP_ClownShow: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Maks Levin, you will be missed - #MaksLevin #Maks #Levin #rip - 3 years ago

@BB160: RT @olgatokariuk: 💔 Photo reporter Maks Levin, who was missing since March 13, was found dead in Kyiv region, his colleagues from @lb_ua sa… - 3 years ago

@nasty_woman2: RT @olgatokariuk: To understand who he was, read this interview. Some more amazing photos there - 3 years ago

@johnRL73: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@James_Savage15: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@Made_in_Alsace: RT @KoliaDelesalle: Le corps de Maks Levin vient d’être retrouvé. N’oubliez pas son nom. C’était un excellent photographe et un homme bien. - 3 years ago

@antjfranca: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@kindeegooly: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@alainheudes: RT @franceinfo: Guerre en Ukraine : le photographe ukrainien Maks Levin retrouvé mort près de Kiev - 3 years ago

@RichardTheusch: RT @lapatina_: Photojournalist Maks Levin was found dead near Kyiv, after missing for nearly 3 weeks. He was documenting the war when hosti… - 3 years ago

@XQH64: RT @AgnesVahramian: L’une des plus belles photos de Maks Levin, photographe ukrainien tué le 13 mars près de Kyiv. Son corps a été retrouvé… - 3 years ago

@TeamShakeri: RT @WHO_Europe: We have just learnt about the death of the noted photojournalist Maks Levin, killed in the #Kyiv region amid the #Ukraine w… - 3 years ago

@Pattt974: RT @BillNeelyReport: Another journalist has been killed in #UkraineRussiaWar. Maks Levin, a well known Ukrainian photojournalist who contr… - 3 years ago

@raescouter: RT @PaulaChertok: 💔This is such a poignant loss & highlights that atrocity has defined Putin's war since 2014. Maks Levin survived the Batt… - 3 years ago

@itsemmaash: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Photographer Maks Levin was shot twice with small arms, according to preliminary findings. Maks Levin was found de… - 3 years ago

@sweetnonnie: RT @cliffordlevy: Before he died, he posted harrowing images showing the evacuation of residents, many draped in white cloth to signal thei… - 3 years ago

@arungandhi62: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@ruffssketches: RT @IAPonomarenko: Our good friend, famous war photographer Maks Levin, is dead. He went missing during the Battle of Kyiv on March 13. Man… - 3 years ago

@txsguy09: RT @olex_scherba: It’s official now. Maks Levin is dead. One of 🇺🇦 best journalists, with both talent & integrity. Will never forget his pi… - 3 years ago

@zdzicho26: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Ukrainian photographer Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv Oblast. Levin went missing on March 13 when he traveled to Kyi… - 3 years ago

@rickey3danjuuro: RT @Telegraph: 🔴 The Ukrainian government said photographer and documentary maker Maks Levin was found dead after going missing two weeks a… - 3 years ago

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