Maki Kaji

Japanese businessman
Died on Monday August 16th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Maki Kaji:

@bfield999: RT @JarrodAWalker: I can't tell you how many hours I've been occupied with an expert level sudoku...they start as a way to fall asleep and… - 3 years ago

@KakVarley: Maki Kaji, Founder Who Popularized Sudoku, Dies at 69 - 3 years ago

@mc_dj_sud: - 3 years ago

@PuntoConvergent: 🗓 Hace dos semana falleció Maki Kaji 😔. En su honor armamos este #hilo 🧵 con datos curioso sobre su creación más po… - 3 years ago


@GeorgeMentz: RT @GeorgeMentz: Sudoku’s Godfather, Maki Kaji, Made a Business Out of Play - 4 years ago

@KrPapat58043450: RT @pusholder: Sudoku’nun mucidi Maki Kaji hayatını kaybetti. - 4 years ago

@PuzzleNation: In today's blog post, we celebrate the life and puzzly influence of the "Godfather of Sudoku" Maki Kaji! - 4 years ago

@RoseofArlVA: Do a #Sudoku puzzle today in honor of it's creator, Maki #Kaji. He died recently at age 69. Read his obit in… - 4 years ago

@anhsao: RT @BBCWorld: "Godfather of Sudoku" Maki Kaji dies aged 69 - 4 years ago

@LogicaGiochi: Maki Kaji, l'inventore del Sudoku moderno, ci ha lasciati la settimana scorsa. Fu lui ad dargli il nome col quale t… - 4 years ago

@XWordZA: Maki Kaji, the “Godfather of Sudoku” passed away recently. RIP! 😢 #sudoku - 4 years ago

@KtoUmarl: Maki Kaji (69) - twórca pierwszego w Japonii magazynu z łamigłówkami, zwany "ojcem chrzestnym sudoku" - 4 years ago

@kemaluzuner_: maki kaji ölmüş üzüldüm mü hayır - 4 years ago

@emarceg: @Aychelby @collnsmith - 4 years ago

@CathyEKoehler: RT @WillieGeist: Our #SundayTODAY "Life Well Lived" tribute to the late Maki Kaji, known as "The Godfather of Sudoku" for developing and po… - 4 years ago

@spotavia: RT @NBCNightlyNews: Maki Kaji, who passed away at age 69, coined the term “Sudoku” and his puzzles became a worldwide sensation. There’s ev… - 4 years ago

@DziadoszS: RT @WillieGeist: Our #SundayTODAY "Life Well Lived" tribute to the late Maki Kaji, known as "The Godfather of Sudoku" for developing and po… - 4 years ago

@WillieGeist: RT @WillieGeist: Our #SundayTODAY "Life Well Lived" tribute to the late Maki Kaji, known as "The Godfather of Sudoku" for developing and po… - 4 years ago

@azrirazk: RT @cnni: Publisher and puzzleman Maki Kaji, whose Sudoku quietly entertained players in his native Japan and across the world, died this m… - 4 years ago

@AionNoBara: RT @NBCNightlyNews: Maki Kaji, who passed away at age 69, coined the term “Sudoku” and his puzzles became a worldwide sensation. There’s ev… - 4 years ago

@GeorgeMentz: Sudoku’s Godfather, Maki Kaji, Made a Business Out of Play - 4 years ago

@LightPoetryMag: RT @followthatgoose: Delighted to have a poem included in @LightPoetryMag 's "Poems of the Week" The piece is titled Maki Kaji, and it is a… - 4 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Maki KAJI (鍜治 真起) (8 Oct. 1951 – 10 Aug. 2021), Japanese businessman. 🇯🇵 He was the president of Nikoli, a… - 4 years ago

@oneninefive2: RT @WSJ: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of people around t… - 4 years ago

@jeonknown: @fvsyyy tu pode fazer o shinji misato maki ou o gendo sugestão bônus: penpen ou o kaji - 4 years ago

@followthatgoose: Delighted to have a poem included in @LightPoetryMag 's "Poems of the Week" The piece is titled Maki Kaji, and it i… - 4 years ago

@KulvinderGill: Takeaway: own the IP! "Maki had trademarked sudoku in Japan, but when interest exploded globally it was already to… - 4 years ago

@changari_a: 「数独」名付け親が亡くなっていたのか…海外メディアで知りました。 数独って、「数字は独身(一桁、一度きり)に限る」からきていたんだね。 ご冥福をお祈りします。 ‘Godfather of sudoku’ Maki Kaji d… - 4 years ago

@LT38: RT @WSJ: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of people around t… - 4 years ago

@LibrarianAHS: Newsela | Sudoku puzzle creator Maki Kaji dies - 4 years ago

@craigmatsuda: RT @WSJ: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of people around t… - 4 years ago

@DonelAdams: RT @WSJ: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of people around t… - 4 years ago

@gurgel_lucas: RT @WSJ: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of people around t… - 4 years ago

@stats_maths11: Japan: 'Godfather of sudoku' Maki Kaji dies aged 69 - 4 years ago

@Kushumpengja: RT @WSJ: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of people around t… - 4 years ago

@totxana: RT @mtpibtor: Este mes nos ha dejado Maki Kaji, creador y promotor de grandes pasatiempos lógico-numéricos, como el sudoku. - 4 years ago

@ElioC12: RIP Maki Kaji .Grace a vous et Howard Garns j'ai cherché un algorithme permettant de résoudre et générer les sudoku… - 4 years ago

@jesky77: Sudoku’s Godfather, Maki Kaji, Made a Business Out of Play - 4 years ago

@labrujaciriaca: RT @abc_es: ⚫ Muere Maki Kaji, el 'padre del Sudoku', a los 69 años - 4 years ago

@KaraAiello: RT @NBCNightlyNews: Maki Kaji, who passed away at age 69, coined the term “Sudoku” and his puzzles became a worldwide sensation. There’s ev… - 4 years ago

@vuduquebec: RT @ladevita12: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of people a… - 4 years ago

@Faby_Nava77: RT @WSJ: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of people around t… - 4 years ago

@A_NoNonsense: RT @MirchiRJSameer: Maki Kaji, "Godfather of #Sudoku", dies at 69 ( Aug 10) A university drop out who worked in a printing company before… - 4 years ago

@pokeca2021_maki: @Chiral_kaji 最初は大変だけど慣れたら幸せなので!のろけ話楽しみにしてます! - 4 years ago

@ladevita12: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of… - 4 years ago

@MirchiRJSameer: Maki Kaji, "Godfather of #Sudoku", dies at 69 ( Aug 10) A university drop out who worked in a printing company bef… - 4 years ago

@Chiral_kaji: @pokeca2021_maki 親身なご返信ありがとうございます😭 なるほど、客観的に見ても相手が感じてる不満はわかりませんもんね、、 相手の価値観を知ること、合わせることを意識して上手くやっていこうと思います🙏🙏🙏 ありがとうございます✨ - 4 years ago

@adornicyberpunk: RT @WSJ: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of people around t… - 4 years ago

@uk3578: RT @WSJ: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of people around t… - 4 years ago

@MadisonGreenwa3: RT @NBCNightlyNews: Maki Kaji, who passed away at age 69, coined the term “Sudoku” and his puzzles became a worldwide sensation. There’s ev… - 4 years ago

@trading_axis: RT @WSJ: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of people around t… - 4 years ago

@JWillieii: RT @NBCNightlyNews: Maki Kaji, who passed away at age 69, coined the term “Sudoku” and his puzzles became a worldwide sensation. There’s ev… - 4 years ago

@Unminced_Words: RT @WSJ: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of people around t… - 4 years ago

@hrhea69: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of… - 4 years ago

@Antomarley: RT @NBCNightlyNews: Maki Kaji, who passed away at age 69, coined the term “Sudoku” and his puzzles became a worldwide sensation. There’s ev… - 4 years ago

@chomunacho: RT @WSJ: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of people around t… - 4 years ago

@M_3927: RT @jamuseum: We will do a sudoku puzzle today in memory of Maki Kaji ❤️ - 4 years ago

@mlbburke: Remembering Maki Kaji 1951-2021 - 4 years ago

@TheO530CarrisPT: The game was originally created in Switzerland by Leonhard Euler in the 1700s. However, it was Howard Garns, an Am… - 4 years ago

@TheO530CarrisPT: The version that Maki Kaji popularised was created actually in the United States in the 1970s, by an Indiana-based… - 4 years ago

@sakura_re28: 今朝の英語は、「数独」名付け親の鍜治真起さんについて💡 英会話の先生が、「子どもの頃、友だちと数独で遊んだ!」と話してくれた☺️! 鍜治さんが亡くなった後も、世界中の人が数独をやっていくんだろうな~🍀 - 4 years ago

@metabymatt: RT @XWORDS: Here’s an NBC piece about Maki Kaji that features a photo of me and my license plate. - 4 years ago

@michelbriat: Maki Kaji - 4 years ago

@AdonicaB: What's on the TV? ‘Godfather Of Sudoku’ Maki Kaji Dies At 69 - 4 years ago

@Dwayne_Venzen_C: RT @TODAYshow: Our #SundayTODAY “Life Well Lived” tribute to Maki Kaji, the “Godfather of Sudoku.” - 4 years ago

@cainlofton: rip to maki kaji, sudoku is lowkey a fixture in my life - 4 years ago

@JonathanLack: RT @crypticcracking: Mark has written a piece for The i about the legacy of Maki Kaji, "the godfather of sudoku". - 4 years ago

@udigitaluy: Adiós a Maki Kaji, el 'padrino' de los sudokus - 4 years ago

@Nimasema: #Sudoku Puzzle Creator #MakiKaji Dies At 69. - 4 years ago

@swen_ryan: RT @crypticcracking: Mark has written a piece for The i about the legacy of Maki Kaji, "the godfather of sudoku". - 4 years ago

@swen_ryan: RT @crypticcracking: Very sad day: Maki Kaji, the "godfather of sudoku", has died in Japan. At Cracking The Cryptic we owe him a great de… - 4 years ago

@joshfwcook: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of… - 4 years ago

@MMoertelmayr: "Sudoku ist Schnee von gestern" - ob das Social-Media Team der @Stadt_Wien zwölf Tage nach dem Tod von Maki Kaji (e… - 4 years ago

@PaulBaidoa: RT @TODAYshow: Our #SundayTODAY “Life Well Lived” tribute to Maki Kaji, the “Godfather of Sudoku.” - 4 years ago

@OGjojo808: RT @WillieGeist: Our #SundayTODAY "Life Well Lived" tribute to the late Maki Kaji, known as "The Godfather of Sudoku" for developing and po… - 4 years ago

@OGjojo808: RT @Reuters: Maki Kaji, a puzzle enthusiast and publisher who was known as the 'Godfather of Sudoku' - the number puzzle played daily by mi… - 4 years ago

@HarbisonRotary: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather’ of sudoku, 1951-2021 - 4 years ago

@DidYouKnowWP: #DidYouKnow that Maki Kaji formulated the name " Sudoku " while scrambling to get to a horse race? - 4 years ago

@luna_lovEEE900d: RIP for Maki Kaji (fathers of sudoku) - 4 years ago

@tkphua: A university #dropout who worked in a #printing company before founding Japan's first #puzzle #magazine, Mr Kaji is… - 4 years ago

@KGNSnews: Sudoku maker Maki Kaji, who saw life's joy in puzzles, dies at 69 - 4 years ago

@EnfoquesEnCorto: #Internacional: El #japonés Maki Kaji, mejor conocido como "el padre del #sudoku" el #rompecabezas numérico amado p… - 4 years ago

@gerry_brett58: Maki Kaji obituary @MrsPortnoy58 not sure you saw this. - 4 years ago

@Todd_Yancey: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of… - 4 years ago

@sandeeponthenet: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of… - 4 years ago

@EllenYChang: RT @NYTObits: Maki Kaji, who was known as the “Godfather of Sudoku,” died at his home in Tokyo at 69 - 4 years ago

@Alyea310: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of… - 4 years ago

@Messe3Christina: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of… - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: Maki Kaji, who was known as the “Godfather of Sudoku,” died at his home in Tokyo at 69 - 4 years ago

@davidrieff: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather’ of sudoku, 1951-2021 via @FT - 4 years ago

@jevi_arse: Fallece Maki Kaji, considerado padrino del famoso Sudoku - 4 years ago

@minzengwsj: Maki Kaji created a game with an estimated world market of nearly $2 billion that is played by tens of millions of… - 4 years ago

@69NiceBot69: RT @1kingAazukAa: Sudoku creator Maki Kaji, whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died aged 69. He had bile duct cancer.… - 4 years ago

@69NiceBot69: RT @1kingAazukAa: Maki Kaji, the Japanese man known as the "Godfather of Sudoku", has died at the age of 69. - 4 years ago

@69NiceBot69: RT @1kingAazukAa: Maki Kaji, the 'godfather of Sudoku,' dies at 69. - 4 years ago

@1kingAazukAa: Sudoku creator Maki Kaji, whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died aged 69. He had bile duct ca… - 4 years ago

@ZanaKamberi: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather’ of sudoku, 1951-2021 - 4 years ago

@vidiot_: RT @davidkgibson: Maki Kaji, dead at 3 5 2 8 1 7 4 - 4 years ago

@pjcemp: RT @FT: Maki Kaji, puzzle expert and ‘godfather’ of sudoku, 1951-2021 - 4 years ago

@bollyinsidenews: Sudoku godfather Maki Kaji made a business out of the game - 4 years ago

@Breaking24_7: RT @GoodvibrasCom: ☟ Sudoku maker Maki Kaji, who saw life's joy in puzzles, dies #BreakingNews #WashingtonTimes #RTG ➽➽➽ - 4 years ago

@GoodvibrasCom: ☟ Sudoku maker Maki Kaji, who saw life's joy in puzzles, dies #BreakingNews #WashingtonTimes #RTG ➽➽➽… - 4 years ago

@TACtokyo: Sudoku pioneer Maki Kaji, who recently passed away, hosted a sudoku event at the Club back in 2010. At the time, he… - 4 years ago

@pharmcollege: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has… - 4 years ago

@asiaxquisite: RIP Mr. Maki Kaji #sudoku #puzzles #childhoodfavorite - 4 years ago

@udigitaluy: Adiós a Maki Kaji, el 'padrino' de los sudokus - 4 years ago

@udigitaluy: Adiós a Maki Kaji, el 'padrino' de los sudokus - 4 years ago

@TullyMatt: RT @Kevmath: Sudoku creator dies at 69: Maki Kaji saw life’s joy in puzzles - 4 years ago

@spiderling: *sniffle* - 4 years ago

@pystiks: Maki Kaji, puzzle expert and ‘godfather’ of sudoku, 1951-2021 - 4 years ago

@SenseiChanning: RT @Kevmath: Sudoku creator dies at 69: Maki Kaji saw life’s joy in puzzles - 4 years ago

@kancherla_ram: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather’ of sudoku, 1951-2021 - 4 years ago

@Snapzu: Spotlight: Sudoku maker Maki Kaji, who saw life's joy in puzzles, dies (+19 votes) - 4 years ago

@69NiceBot69: RT @SadTrumpBot_SAD: Maki Kaji, The ‘Godfather Of Sudoku,’ Dies At 69. SAD! - 4 years ago

@SadTrumpBot_SAD: Maki Kaji, The ‘Godfather Of Sudoku,’ Dies At 69. SAD! - 4 years ago

@compro_tax: Maki Kaji, the 'godfather of Sudoku,' dies at 69 - 4 years ago

@TittlePress: Sudoku godfather Maki Kaji made gambling a business - 4 years ago

@ExBulletinUk: Sudoku godfather Maki Kaji made gambling a business - 4 years ago

@arithelizard: Been spending my break mostly playing sudoku and just got the news that Maki Kaji, the creator of sudoku has recent… - 4 years ago

@paulmsmith1975: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather’ of sudoku, 1951-2021 - 4 years ago

@siskycream: RT @FT: Maki Kaji, puzzle expert and ‘godfather’ of sudoku, 1951-2021 - 4 years ago

@Mashable_PK: 'Godfather of Sudoku,' Maki Kaji, dies at 69. - 4 years ago

@trading_axis: RT @FT: Maki Kaji, puzzle expert and ‘godfather’ of sudoku, 1951-2021 - 4 years ago

@avneramram: RT @logic_wiz: Logic Wiz Tribute to Maki Kaji - The Godfather of Sudoku - Sudoku Variants edition Arrow, Thermo & Sandwich Sudoku ▶: https… - 4 years ago

@avneramram: RT @logic_wiz: Logic Wiz Tribute to Maki Kaji - The Godfather of Sudoku ▶: The links open(or download) the Logic… - 4 years ago

@logic_wiz: Logic Wiz Tribute to Maki Kaji - The Godfather of Sudoku - Sudoku Variants edition Arrow, Thermo & Sandwich Sudoku… - 4 years ago

@logic_wiz: Logic Wiz Tribute to Maki Kaji - The Godfather of Sudoku ▶: The links open(or download)… - 4 years ago

@NuttyMeeky: RT @thisislagos1: “Godfather of Sudoku” Maki Kaji dead at 69 - 4 years ago

@eveticlalben: Sudoku'nun mucidi Maki Kaji hayatını kaybetmiş. Mezarına bir sudokun - 4 years ago

@mujikuru: RT @FT: Maki Kaji, puzzle expert and ‘godfather’ of sudoku, 1951-2021 - 4 years ago

@forakin: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather’ of sudoku, 1951-2021 - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: Maki Kaji, who was known as the “Godfather of Sudoku,” died at his home in Tokyo at 69 - 4 years ago

@thisislagos1: “Godfather of Sudoku” Maki Kaji dead at 69 - 4 years ago

@muvieball: RT @BBCWorld: "Godfather of Sudoku" Maki Kaji dies aged 69 - 4 years ago

@spdu_au: We've made it to the wknd! Please raise at least 1 of your Fri drinks to Maki Kaji, the godfather of #sudoku, and f… - 4 years ago

@ILulei: RT @StandardKenya: Kaji, a university dropout, took hints from an existing number puzzle to create what he later named "sudoku" - 4 years ago

@ocekrm: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 FLASH - Maki Kaji, le "père du Sudoku", s’est éteint à l'âge de 69 ans des suites d’un cancer, a annoncé sa maison d'édi… - 4 years ago

@hajimeman3: 数独の生みの親が亡くなっていたとは・・・。 ご冥福を。 Maki Kaji, the ‘Godfather of Sudoku,’ Is Dead at 69 - 4 years ago

@A__Martinello: RT @NBCNightlyNews: Maki Kaji, who passed away this week at age 69, coined the term “Sudoku” and his puzzles became a worldwide sensation.… - 4 years ago

@NBCNightlyNews: Maki Kaji, who passed away this week at age 69, coined the term “Sudoku” and his puzzles became a worldwide sensati… - 4 years ago

@ZiaNaseer: RT @kalthani: توفي الياباني ماكي كاجي مبتكر لعبة سدوكو #sudoku الشهيرة - 4 years ago

@Pulippaani: RT @dna: Creator of 'Sudoku' Maki Kaji dies at 69 - 4 years ago

@69NiceBot69: RT @SadTrumpBot_SAD: Maki Kaji, The ‘Godfather Of Sudoku,’ Dies At 69. SAD! - 4 years ago

@SadTrumpBot_SAD: Maki Kaji, The ‘Godfather Of Sudoku,’ Dies At 69. SAD! - 4 years ago

@hgutierrez27: RT @VPITV: #Variedad | Falleció Maki Kaji, el “padre” del Sudoku - 4 years ago

@bahuvirupak: Today's four star 🌟✨ 🌟 ✨ puzzle solved as I remember Maki Kaji who brought this wonderful two dimensional rubik's c… - 4 years ago

@galla_go: Maki Kaji, The ‘Godfather Of Sudoku,’ Dies At 69 - 4 years ago

@ItsAmyFarrahF: RT @VPITV: #Variedad | Falleció Maki Kaji, el “padre” del Sudoku - 4 years ago

@newsch: Japaner Maki Kaji ist tot: Er machte Sudoku weltbekannt - 4 years ago

@VPITV: #Variedad | Falleció Maki Kaji, el “padre” del Sudoku - 4 years ago

@Battsengel18: Maki Kaji, the ‘Godfather of Sudoku,’ Is Dead at 69 - 4 years ago

@raspmarytea: RT @latimes: Maki Kaji, who created Sudoku during a lifetime’s commitment to spreading the joy of puzzles, has died. He was 69 and had bile… - 4 years ago

@raspmarytea: RT @cnni: Publisher and puzzleman Maki Kaji, whose Sudoku quietly entertained players in his native Japan and across the world, died this m… - 4 years ago

@raspmarytea: RT @NBCNews: Maki Kaji, the creator of Sudoku, has died aged 69, his Japanese company says. - 4 years ago

@raspmarytea: RT @DrJuma_M: Maki Kaji,The Creator of Sudoku dies at 79years, - 4 years ago

@raspmarytea: RT @GeekyPh: Maki Kaji, the creator of Sudoku, has passed away. - 4 years ago

@cws_beatlebil: RT @tarafuku10: 「数独の父」と呼ばれる鍜治真起さんの死を伝えるアイリッシュタイムズの記事(APの配信記事)。クロスワードパズルと違って数独の問題はコンピューターで作成できるので欧米の新聞でも一気に採用されるようになったと聞いたことがある。 - 4 years ago

@semirzeki: RT @TCtellikursun: Sudoku'nun mucidi Maki Kaji hayatını kaybetti - 4 years ago

@ElvinPoladov: Sudoku-nu Sudoku’nun ixtiraçısı Maki Kaji vəfat etdikdən sonra çözdüyüm doğrudur. - 4 years ago

@Agendamx: 🎯Murió Maki Kaji, el ‘padre’ del Sudoku, a los 69 años - 4 years ago

@RoyKenagy: Sudoku maker Maki Kaji, who saw life's joy in puzzles, dies—Yuri Kageyama @AP - 4 years ago

@Luz_Damn: RT @Foro_TV: Muere de cáncer el japonés Maki Kaji, ‘padre del sudoku’ - 4 years ago

@nenesw1n6bill: RT @SXMUrbanView: Sudoku maker Maki Kaji, who saw life’s joy in puzzles, dies @karenhunter : @AntheaButler : #Kar… - 4 years ago

@heita_kiyomori: RT @nytimes: Maki Kaji, the “Godfather of Sudoku” who turned the numbers game into one of the world’s most popular logic puzzles, died at h… - 4 years ago

@DeRay_Shawn: RT @SXMUrbanView: Sudoku maker Maki Kaji, who saw life’s joy in puzzles, dies @karenhunter : @AntheaButler : #Kar… - 4 years ago

@SXMUrbanView: Sudoku maker Maki Kaji, who saw life’s joy in puzzles, dies @karenhunter : @AntheaButler : #KarenRebels - 4 years ago

@qqsmcr: #SabiaQue Recientemente falleció el padre del Sudoku a sus 69 años de edad. El japonés, Maki Kaji, fue quién popula… - 4 years ago

@SLN_Magazine: Morto Maki Kaji, il papà del Sudoku: aveva 69 anni - 4 years ago

@AGPNandanasiri: CURRENT AFFAIRS (CA) DAILY UPDATES: Maki Kaji, creator of Sudoku puzzle passes away. - 4 years ago

@HussmanCareers: RT @dabeard: The university dropout named and popularized the game we know as Sudoku. He never used machines to create the number sequences… - 4 years ago

@tuticomalat: RT @mtpibtor: Este mes nos ha dejado Maki Kaji, creador y promotor de grandes pasatiempos lógico-numéricos, como el sudoku. - 4 years ago

@Mediaverse: RT @dabeard: The university dropout named and popularized the game we know as Sudoku. He never used machines to create the number sequences… - 4 years ago

@disAdvo6: RT @nypost: Sudoku creator Maki Kaji, ‘Godfather’ of puzzles, dead at 69 - 4 years ago

@TheThird0Eye: RT @TheOnion: Maki Kaji, The ‘Godfather Of Sudoku,’ Dies At 69 #WhatDoYouThink? - 4 years ago

@pritzker_prize: RT @pusholder: Sudoku’nun mucidi Maki Kaji hayatını kaybetti. - 4 years ago

@japoniainfo: Nie żyje Maki Kaji. Popularyzator sudoku zmarł w Japoni w wieku 69 lat @natematpl - 4 years ago

@eloelze: RT @TheOnion: Maki Kaji, The ‘Godfather Of Sudoku,’ Dies At 69 #WhatDoYouThink? - 4 years ago

@Calyppe: RT @AsieHistoire: #Japon 🇯🇵 Maki Kaji, l’homme qui a popularisé le sudoku en lui donnant son nom japonais dans les années 1980, est mort… - 4 years ago

@AsieHistoire: #Japon 🇯🇵 Maki Kaji, l’homme qui a popularisé le sudoku en lui donnant son nom japonais dans les années 1980, est… - 4 years ago

@saudpatek: RT @kalthani: توفي الياباني ماكي كاجي مبتكر لعبة سدوكو #sudoku الشهيرة - 4 years ago

@LauraHennesse11: RT @dabeard: The university dropout named and popularized the game we know as Sudoku. He never used machines to create the number sequences… - 4 years ago

@dabeard: The university dropout named and popularized the game we know as Sudoku. He never used machines to create the numbe… - 4 years ago

@Mike_E: Y’all act like Maki Kaji fans but can’t even name one through nine songs without repeating. - 4 years ago

@kalthani: RT @kalthani: توفي الياباني ماكي كاجي مبتكر لعبة سدوكو #sudoku الشهيرة - 4 years ago

@quierotvecuador: Creo que todos alguna vez disfrutamos del desarrollo de nuestras capacidades con el Sudoku - 4 years ago

@MevlutTokayTr: RT @pusholder: Sudoku’nun mucidi Maki Kaji hayatını kaybetti. - 4 years ago

@mattskala: - 4 years ago

@RobynRLTo: RT @jamuseum: We will do a sudoku puzzle today in memory of Maki Kaji ❤️ - 4 years ago

@craigmatsuda: RT @jamuseum: We will do a sudoku puzzle today in memory of Maki Kaji ❤️ - 4 years ago

@asymella__: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@violetheart08: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@IdaFlo: Sudoku Maker Maki Kaji, Who Saw Life’s Joy in Puzzles, Dies - 4 years ago

@ElSoldeLaLaguna: A los 69 años de edad y en la tranquilidad de su casa, perdió la batalla contra el cáncer que padecía - 4 years ago

@pandeyjiDheeraj: RT @RUDRANARAYANCH4: सुडोकू के गॉडफादर’ (Godfather of Sudoku) माकी काजी (Maki Kaji) का 69 साल का उम्र में निधन हो गया. उनकी पहचान एक पजल उ… - 4 years ago

@asnowreports: via @NYTimes - 4 years ago

@TweetMemeTokyo: RT @KS_1013: NYTが「数独の父」の鍛冶さんのお悔やみ記事を出している。いきなり「大学中退の」というキャラ付けをしているあたりがNYTのオービチュアリーらしい。 - 4 years ago

@Maria010105: RT @pusholder: Sudoku’nun mucidi Maki Kaji hayatını kaybetti. - 4 years ago

@rogerking: The man who invented the Sudoku puzzle, Maki Kaji, died. He was 69. Luckily we have a reporter covering the fune… - 4 years ago

@Burgos: Só descobri hoje que Maki Kaji, um dos pais (ou tios) do Sudoku, morreu esses dias. Lembrei deste maravilhoso vídeo… - 4 years ago

@LynnFra87082304: RT @TheSun: Maki Kaji, creator of Sudoku, dies after cancer battle - 4 years ago

@Andres19750446: RT @TheSun: Maki Kaji, creator of Sudoku, dies after cancer battle - 4 years ago

@PatrioticCougar: Sudoku Maker Maki Kaji, Who Saw Life’s Joy in Puzzles, Dies - 4 years ago

@SkyNetPlatform: TOKYO—Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of ...... - 4 years ago

@serrano_rene: RT @TheSun: Maki Kaji, creator of Sudoku, dies after cancer battle - 4 years ago

@TAKASHI08470741: RT @TheSun: Maki Kaji, creator of Sudoku, dies after cancer battle - 4 years ago

@karukinker: RT @TheSun: Maki Kaji, creator of Sudoku, dies after cancer battle - 4 years ago

@MarieSjlin: RT @MarieSjlin: @TheSun R.I.P. Maki Kaji🙏❤ - 4 years ago

@MarieSjlin: @TheSun R.I.P. Maki Kaji🙏❤ - 4 years ago

@MaidelBarbara: @folha Adoro colocar uma playlist longa pra tocar e jogar (digo, RESOLVER) Sudoku. Não conhecia o Maki Kaji, mas qu… - 4 years ago

@EmmaEldhose: People around the world have been remembering the creator of numbers puzzle Sudoku who died aged 69. Maki Kaji brou… - 4 years ago

@SLN_Magazine: Morto Maki Kaji, il papà del Sudoku: aveva 69 anni - 4 years ago

@gossiplanka: ලොව බොහෝදෙනා අතර වඩාත් ජනප්‍රිය සහිත ප්‍රහේළිකා මාදිලියක් වන "සුදොකු'' ප්‍රහේළිකාවේ නිර්මාතෘවරයා මෙන්ම පළමු වැනි… - 4 years ago

@soldezacatecas: Maki Kaji, el japonés conocido como el padre del Sudoku, murió de cáncer a los 69 años - 4 years ago

@eddgimenez: - 4 years ago

@SugarMa67028011: 「数独のゴッドファーザー鍜治真起氏69歳で亡くなる」お若い方だったんだなあ。創設した会社の名前が”ニコリ”だなんて、遊び心がある方だったんだろうなあ。 - 4 years ago

@collegetitan: Man Who Created Sudoku, Maki Kaji Dies of Bile Duct Cancer at 69 - 4 years ago

@fineghel: RT @DrJuma_M: Maki Kaji,The Creator of Sudoku dies at 79years, - 4 years ago

@BWetherJohnson: RIP Maki Kaji - 4 years ago

@elsolde_mexico: Maki Kaji, conocido como el padre del Sudoku, murió de cáncer a los 69 años. - 4 years ago

@SoldeIrapuato: #Cultura | A los 69 años de edad y en la tranquilidad de su casa, perdió la batalla contra el cáncer que padecía. - 4 years ago

@ElHeraldodeChis: #Cultura | Maki Kaji, el japonés conocido como el padre del Sudoku, murió de cáncer a los 69 años - 4 years ago

@kitakaze_konoha: RT @nytimes: Maki Kaji, the “Godfather of Sudoku” who turned the numbers game into one of the world’s most popular logic puzzles, died at h… - 4 years ago

@LesMiserables39: RT @laurentguimier: le "père du Sudoku" est mort à 69 ans - 4 years ago

@LaLibertadCo: Murió el japonés Maki Kaji, conocido como el ‘padrino del sudoku’ - 4 years ago

@MARIAMU33348374: RT @Milenio: Murió Maki Kaji, el 'padre' del Sudoku, a los 69 años - 4 years ago

@brubira: :( - 4 years ago

@sander786: RT @toronei: “Maki Kaji, the ‘Godfather of Sudoku,’ Is Dead at 69 - The New York Times” - 4 years ago

@GozelAzad: RT @pusholder: Sudoku’nun mucidi Maki Kaji hayatını kaybetti. - 4 years ago

@NextShark: Maki Kaji, ‘Godfather of Sudoku’, passes away at 69 - 4 years ago

@MrFitzonic: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@Alita3461: "Maki Kaji, the ‘Godfather of Sudoku,’ Is Dead at 69" by Livia Albeck-Ripka and Hisako Ueno via NYT - 4 years ago

@goofygooberxrd: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@yaadlinksradio: "Maki Kaji, the ‘Godfather of Sudoku,’ Is Dead at 69" by Livia Albeck-Ripka and Hisako Ueno via NYT - 4 years ago

@oscarhaboni: RT @CelebrityDead2: 🇯🇵 Japón Murió |Maki Kaji| fue el presidente de Nikoli Co., Ltd., un fabricante japonés de rompecabezas, ampliamente co… - 4 years ago

@aull_udell: RT @kompascom: Maki Kaji, pria Jepang yang memopulerkan permainan Sudoku dilaporkan meninggal pada usia 69 tahun. | #Global - 4 years ago

@eben_heizer: RT @kompascom: Maki Kaji, pria Jepang yang memopulerkan permainan Sudoku dilaporkan meninggal pada usia 69 tahun. | #Global - 4 years ago

@Elodie_1302: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 FLASH - Maki Kaji, le "père du Sudoku", s’est éteint à l'âge de 69 ans des suites d’un cancer, a annoncé sa maison d'édi… - 4 years ago

@jefforeyhuske: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@perduto_boy: RT @kompascom: Maki Kaji, pria Jepang yang memopulerkan permainan Sudoku dilaporkan meninggal pada usia 69 tahun. | #Global - 4 years ago

@Mv999999: RT @ABC: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japa… - 4 years ago

@Mv999999: RT @seattletimes: Sudoku creator Maki Kaji, whose life’s work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died at age 69 of cancer. - 4 years ago

@Yuzri_Andrean: RT @kompascom: Maki Kaji, pria Jepang yang memopulerkan permainan Sudoku dilaporkan meninggal pada usia 69 tahun. | #Global - 4 years ago

@Mv999999: RT @SkyNews: Maki Kaji founded Japan's first puzzle magazine before adapting a number game to create the popular sudoku puzzle - 4 years ago

@Mv999999: RT @BBCWorld: "Godfather of Sudoku" Maki Kaji dies aged 69 - 4 years ago

@Mv999999: RT @nytimes: Maki Kaji, the “Godfather of Sudoku” who turned the numbers game into one of the world’s most popular logic puzzles, died at h… - 4 years ago

@Neharendu_DN: RT @RUDRANARAYANCH4: सुडोकू के गॉडफादर’ (Godfather of Sudoku) माकी काजी (Maki Kaji) का 69 साल का उम्र में निधन हो गया. उनकी पहचान एक पजल उ… - 4 years ago

@Mv999999: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@thedambs_: RT @kompascom: Maki Kaji, pria Jepang yang memopulerkan permainan Sudoku dilaporkan meninggal pada usia 69 tahun. | #Global - 4 years ago

@frederickysc: "Maki Kaji, the ‘Godfather of Sudoku,’ Is Dead at 69" by Livia Albeck-Ripka and Hisako Ueno via NYT… - 4 years ago

@linda_newmai: RT @RUDRANARAYANCH4: सुडोकू के गॉडफादर’ (Godfather of Sudoku) माकी काजी (Maki Kaji) का 69 साल का उम्र में निधन हो गया. उनकी पहचान एक पजल उ… - 4 years ago

@OgahMwafrika: RT @DrJuma_M: Maki Kaji,The Creator of Sudoku dies at 79years, - 4 years ago

@obihiros: RT @lemondefr: Mort de Maki Kaji, l’homme qui a popularisé le Sudoku - 4 years ago

@DavidJo55426933: Maki Kaji, the ‘Godfather of Sudoku,’ Is Dead at 69 - 4 years ago

@Massimoguerrera: RT @Le_Figaro: ⚫️ Maki Kaji, l'homme qui a popularisé le Sudoku en lui donnant son nom japonais dans les années 1980, est mort à l'âge de 6… - 4 years ago

@lauriehavelock: Was wonderful to have @IAmMrMagoo of @crypticcracking write for @ipaperviews about the enduring legacy of Maki Kaji - 4 years ago

@azur_heike: RT @SZ: Maki Kaji verhalf dem Zahlenrätsel zu einem breiten Publikum und das Zahlenrätsel ihm zu weltweitem Ruhm. Dabei wollte der Japaner… - 4 years ago

@rossuchimura: RT @NPR: Maki Kaji, the creator of Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died at the age of 69. - 4 years ago

@louisedallaire3: Sudoku Creator Maki Kaji, Who Spread The Joy Of Puzzles, Has Died - 4 years ago

@pitircikurdela: RT @pusholder: Sudoku’nun mucidi Maki Kaji hayatını kaybetti. - 4 years ago

@sfastlicht: Maki Kaji, the ‘Godfather of Sudoku,’ Is Dead at 69 - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@lavendarei: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@himekitkat: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@ilfaroonline: E’ morto Maki Kaji, addio al “padre” del Sudoku: aveva 69 anni - 4 years ago

@Buzz_Qs: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@ExeterMed: RT @UniofExeterNews: @itvnews @ExeterMed A study led by @DrAnneCorbett @ExeterMed that found older people who do daily number and word puzz… - 4 years ago

@ExeterMed: RT @UniofExeterNews: In last night's tribute to #Sudoku creator Maki Kaji on @itvnews, Dr Helen Brooker @ExeterMed spoke about how doing th… - 4 years ago

@PaoAmaroo: RT @ABC: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japa… - 4 years ago

@crldavies: RT @CBCNews: Maki Kaji turned sudoku into a worldwide sensation. He died last week at 69 years old. - 4 years ago

@golilopjo: RT @mtpibtor: Este mes nos ha dejado Maki Kaji, creador y promotor de grandes pasatiempos lógico-numéricos, como el sudoku. - 4 years ago

@eaIemn: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@bkm_876: RT @ComicBookNOW: Maki Kaji, Godfather Of SUDOKU, Dies At 69 - 4 years ago

@aniradioplus: #NEWS: 'Godfather of Sudoku' Maki Kaji passes away at 69 The man who popularized the popular numbers game and coin… - 4 years ago

@colakal: RT @iyikiogrendim: Sudoku’nun mucidi Maki Kaji hayatını kaybetti. - 4 years ago

@lornajo1958: RT @NPR: Maki Kaji, the creator of Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died at the age of 69. - 4 years ago

@zaliyana: RT @ComicBookNOW: Maki Kaji, Godfather Of SUDOKU, Dies At 69 - 4 years ago

@Jamesali_: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@jwcroxton: When she passed away, almost three years later, her oncologist credited both her Sudoku playing and the constant ca… - 4 years ago

@rodolfoviana: não conhecia, mas considerava pacas. Sudoku Creator Maki Kaji, Who Spread The Joy Of Puzzles, Has Died - 4 years ago

@riteshmisra: Sudoku maker Maki Kaji moves on. Great man. I wonder how many millions he has helped by keeping them mentally sharp… - 4 years ago

@InceptionFilms: RT @nytimes: Maki Kaji, the “Godfather of Sudoku” who turned the numbers game into one of the world’s most popular logic puzzles, died at h… - 4 years ago

@OLOsaigbovo: Rest in peace Maki Kaji. The Godfather of Sudoku. It is one of my favorite games. My thoughts and best wishes are w… - 4 years ago

@InceptionFilms: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@patricita2301: RT @Citytv: El japonés Maki Kaji falleció el pasado 10 de agosto por un cáncer. Le contamos los detalles acá ▶️ - 4 years ago

@We_Get_Along: What the fuck the creator of Sudoku puzzles died??? Man holy shit................... We were born in such a stran… - 4 years ago

@somakenya: RT @mbuguanjihia: #Sudoku creator Maki Kaji, whose life’s work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died at age 69 of cancer. - 4 years ago

@LaneFurno: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@Trifenol: RT @vopani: RIP 🙏🏻 - 4 years ago

@galladextreme: RT @ComicBookNOW: Maki Kaji, Godfather Of SUDOKU, Dies At 69 - 4 years ago

@rbrigue: RT @NPR: Maki Kaji, the creator of Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died at the age of 69. - 4 years ago

@lucianapombo: Maki Kaji, o "pai do Sudoku", morre aos 69 anos: - 4 years ago

@HomeBizGirl: Maki Kaji, Founder Who Popularized Sudoku, Dies at 69 - 4 years ago

@120615_s: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 FLASH - Maki Kaji, le "père du Sudoku", s’est éteint à l'âge de 69 ans des suites d’un cancer, a annoncé sa maison d'édi… - 4 years ago

@karelpderooij: RT @petervheemst: Maki Kaji overleden. Is de geestelijk vader van de #sudoku. Wist ik niet. Dus postuum veel dank voor veel puzzelplezier d… - 4 years ago

@knamo2020: RT @LaHJCK: Maki Kaji era conocido como el padre del Sudoku y fue amado por los aficionados a este legendario rompecabezas numérico en todo… - 4 years ago

@joosss04: RT @KTLA: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku, has died. He was 69. - 4 years ago

@sShashishekarS1: RT @Republic_Bharat: Sudoku: दुनिया को सबसे फेमस पजल गेम देने वाले माकी काजी का निधन, 69 की उम्र में ली अंतिम सांस - 4 years ago

@KarolAbq: sudoku é meu jogo favorito 😭 - 4 years ago

@jhvargas: RT @LaHJCK: Maki Kaji era conocido como el padre del Sudoku y fue amado por los aficionados a este legendario rompecabezas numérico en todo… - 4 years ago

@zangorwarrior: Today, Maki Kaji, the godfather of Sudoku, has passed away at the age of 69. His fate was mathematically crafted… - 4 years ago

@WMBDNews: Known as the “Godfather of Sudoku,” Kaji created the puzzle to be easy for children and others who didn’t want to t… - 4 years ago

@3NewsNowOmaha: Sudoku championships have drawn millions of players and his company has provided more original puzzles to media com… - 4 years ago

@LaHJCK: Maki Kaji era conocido como el padre del Sudoku y fue amado por los aficionados a este legendario rompecabezas numé… - 4 years ago

@Mass_of_pain: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@bigboyrob_: RT @mymixtapez: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku has passed away from cancer at 69. Known as the “Godfather of… - 4 years ago

@rojas_altazor: RT @NPR: Maki Kaji, the creator of Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died at the age of 69. - 4 years ago

@JEUSDI: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 FLASH - Maki Kaji, le "père du Sudoku", s’est éteint à l'âge de 69 ans des suites d’un cancer, a annoncé sa maison d'édi… - 4 years ago

@leslieposter: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Maki Kaji, whose number puzzle Sudoku became an international craze in the 2000s, has died at 69. - 4 years ago

@lilyugiboi: @superpunksarkis ben maki kaji dedeme güveniyorum - 4 years ago

@sclivingstonev: Maki Kaji, conocido por popularizar el Sudoku alrededor del mundo, falleció a los 69 años - 4 years ago

@Ykhaji: RT @themainichi: 'Godfather of sudoku' Maki Kaji dies at 69 - - 4 years ago

@NewsHour: Known as the “Godfather of Sudoku,” Maki Kaji created the puzzle to be easy for children and others who didn’t want… - 4 years ago

@HenashX: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 FLASH - Maki Kaji, le "père du Sudoku", s’est éteint à l'âge de 69 ans des suites d’un cancer, a annoncé sa maison d'édi… - 4 years ago

@BourbonStreet2: RT @winknews: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life’s work was spreading the joy… - 4 years ago

@ExBulletinUk: Sudoku creator Maki Kaji dies at 69 of biliary cancer - 4 years ago

@jeromeeverly25: New story on NPR: Sudoku Creator Maki Kaji, Who Spread The Joy Of Puzzles, Has Died - 4 years ago

@JoanneSpruceC21: "Sudoku Creator Maki Kaji, Who Spread The Joy Of Puzzles, Has Died" - 4 years ago

@FrsebastiaoJ: RT @RdioNova4: Maki Kaji, conhecido como 'pai do Sudoku', morre aos 69 anos! Segundo comunicado da editora Nikoli, Kaji faleceu em sua cas… - 4 years ago

@sapphireoath: RT @HuffPost: Sudoku creator Maki Kaji, whose life’s work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died at age 69 of cancer. - 4 years ago

@RdioNova4: Maki Kaji, conhecido como 'pai do Sudoku', morre aos 69 anos! Segundo comunicado da editora Nikoli, Kaji faleceu e… - 4 years ago

@office_ssingh: RT @RUDRANARAYANCH4: सुडोकू के गॉडफादर’ (Godfather of Sudoku) माकी काजी (Maki Kaji) का 69 साल का उम्र में निधन हो गया. उनकी पहचान एक पजल उ… - 4 years ago

@frtibrctn: RT @iyikiogrendim: Sudoku’nun mucidi Maki Kaji hayatını kaybetti. - 4 years ago

@Linfore: Japon : décès de Maki Kaji, le "père du Sudoku" - 4 years ago

@JarrodAWalker: I can't tell you how many hours I've been occupied with an expert level sudoku...they start as a way to fall asleep… - 4 years ago

@AZUBUIKEJOSHUAq: RT @CableLifestyle: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of Sudoku’, dies of cancer at 69 | TheCable Lifestyle - 4 years ago

@satish_mudaliar: @go_mohan Maki Kaji - 4 years ago

@Action10News: - 4 years ago

@string1979: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@CatalunyaRadio: ✍ Maki Kaji, conegut com el "padrí del Sudoku" per haver popularitzat el trencaclosques de números, ha mort als 69… - 4 years ago

@winknews: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life’s work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has… - 4 years ago

@SeanB102: RT @HuffPost: Sudoku creator Maki Kaji, whose life’s work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died at age 69 of cancer. - 4 years ago

@Theteamatx: Believing the secret to inventing a good puzzle was to make the rules "simple and easy for everyone, including begi… - 4 years ago

@365noticiasOK: Murió el padre del Sudoku: el japonés Maki Kaji tenía 69 años - 4 years ago

@alaturka: Sudoku’nun mucidi Maki Kaji hayatını kaybetti - 4 years ago

@kill_exe: RT @g1: Ele foi o responsável por batizar e popularizar o quebra-cabeça - 4 years ago

@Mochius: RT @AP: Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japan… - 4 years ago

@thejossgroup: Sudoku maker Maki Kaji, who saw life's joy in puzzles, dies - 4 years ago

@Gutsel1: RT @nytimes: Maki Kaji, the “Godfather of Sudoku” who turned the numbers game into one of the world’s most popular logic puzzles, died at h… - 4 years ago

@DelindaMangwa: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 FLASH - Maki Kaji, le "père du Sudoku", s’est éteint à l'âge de 69 ans des suites d’un cancer, a annoncé sa maison d'édi… - 4 years ago

@KristalClear2me: RT @HuffPost: Sudoku creator Maki Kaji, whose life’s work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died at age 69 of cancer. - 4 years ago

@dilarakrtls: RT @pusholder: Sudoku’nun mucidi Maki Kaji hayatını kaybetti. - 4 years ago

@Yuri_K_no: RT @lemondefr: Mort de Maki Kaji, l’homme qui a popularisé le Sudoku - 4 years ago

@MHidrovia: Murió el padre del Sudoku: el japonés Maki Kaji tenía 69 años - 4 years ago

@ejaydj__: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 FLASH - Maki Kaji, le "père du Sudoku", s’est éteint à l'âge de 69 ans des suites d’un cancer, a annoncé sa maison d'édi… - 4 years ago

@Majorettes_9: RT @themainichi: 'Godfather of sudoku' Maki Kaji dies at 69 - - 4 years ago

@psychodad39: RT @HuffPost: Sudoku creator Maki Kaji, whose life’s work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died at age 69 of cancer. - 4 years ago

@Masky_Jay_Hoody: RT @realTuckFrumper: Sudoku Maker Maki Kaji, Who Saw Life’s Joy In Puzzles, Dies - 4 years ago

@timbaland57: 🇯🇵 FLASH - Maki Kaji , le " père du Sudoku " , s’est éteint à l'âge de 69 ans des suites d’un cancer , a annoncé sa… - 4 years ago

@SaintToussaintL: RT @HuffPost: Sudoku creator Maki Kaji, whose life’s work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died at age 69 of cancer. - 4 years ago

@notidesalta: Murió el padre del Sudoku: el japonés Maki Kaji tenía 69 años y popularizó el juego que había sido inventado por un… - 4 years ago

@Nevejan80955462: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of sudoku’, dies aged 69 in Japan - 4 years ago

@Emimi7: RT @guardian: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of sudoku’, dies aged 69 in Japan - 4 years ago

@Mit_Ist_Sosyal: El Cezire /// Maki Kaji, ‘Godfather of Sudoku’, dies at 69 - 4 years ago

@FirstLightman: RT @guardian: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of sudoku’, dies aged 69 in Japan - 4 years ago

@juliuskevincura: RT @guardian: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of sudoku’, dies aged 69 in Japan - 4 years ago

@post_asia: Maki Kaji, ‘Godfather of Sudoku’, dies at 69 - 4 years ago

@42Kmi: RT @guardian: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of sudoku’, dies aged 69 in Japan - 4 years ago

@wayan417: RT @guardian: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of sudoku’, dies aged 69 in Japan - 4 years ago

@taka_5050: RT @guardian: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of sudoku’, dies aged 69 in Japan - 4 years ago

@Lematinch: Maki Kaji avait découvert la version moderne du sudoku au début des années 1980 dans un magazine américain et l’ava… - 4 years ago

@LokmatNewsEng: #makikaji #sudoku Maki Kaji, ‘Godfather of Sudoku’, passes away due to cancer at 69 Maki Kaji, a puzzle enthusiast… - 4 years ago

@Jloague: RT @guardian: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of sudoku’, dies aged 69 in Japan - 4 years ago

@hirakuwakateyo1: RT @guardian: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of sudoku’, dies aged 69 in Japan - 4 years ago

@Coffee_________: RT @guardian: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of sudoku’, dies aged 69 in Japan - 4 years ago

@FraggleFritz: RT @guardian: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of sudoku’, dies aged 69 in Japan - 4 years ago

@rjeanroberts: RT @guardian: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of sudoku’, dies aged 69 in Japan - 4 years ago

@Judanne: RT @AJEnglish: Maki Kaji, ‘Godfather of Sudoku’, dies at 69 - 4 years ago

@perpaduanmelayu: RT @guardian: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of sudoku’, dies aged 69 in Japan - 4 years ago

@suckless_gnomo: RT @guardian: Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of sudoku’, dies aged 69 in Japan - 4 years ago

@dare_scorp: "Maki Kaji, ‘godfather of sudoku’, dies aged 69 in Japan" - 4 years ago

@urymasa: Falleció hoy el padre del sudoku, Maki Kaji. El nombre de su empresa, Nikoli, se debe a su pasión por las carreras… - 4 years ago

@Baystars1998: RT @MondayNoise: RIP, Maki Kaji. Godfather of Sudoku. 1951-2021 #sudoku #数独 - 4 years ago

@shigeya_suzuki: Mr. Maki KAJI, who is the godfather of the "SUDOKU" puzzle passed away at age of 69. I enjoyed his monthly newslet… - 4 years ago

@amrarosl: Nak menentukan mana yang betul mana yang salah tu pon masalah juga. Kena ada ilmu. Kaji lebih. Sumber kena betul. N… - 4 years ago

@yu_MAKI_178: RT @jwavenews_bot: 【#梶裕貴 が明かす「#ビール のこだわり」 #豊田エリー&#稲葉友 と“おいしい飲み方トーク”で盛り上がる】 🍻記事↓ #jwave #TBSラジオ #みんなでラジオと一番搾り @KAJ… - 4 years ago

@nkanada: Kaji Maki, known as the godfather of Sudoku, died at 69. R.I.P. - 4 years ago

@MIWattL: RT @_CathKat_: Something from the Yomiuri headlines this morning: the man who coined the name "Sudoku" and heavily promoted the then new pu… - 4 years ago

@69NiceBot69: RT @_CathKat_: Something from the Yomiuri headlines this morning: the man who coined the name "Sudoku" and heavily promoted the then new pu… - 4 years ago

@_CathKat_: Something from the Yomiuri headlines this morning: the man who coined the name "Sudoku" and heavily promoted the th… - 4 years ago

@NattyShibuya: RIP Kaji Maki さん - 4 years ago

@meya_sara: Aku malas nk maki org tp pakcik ni kecik2 xnk mampus dah tua mcm €~%}><$~$~ makan banyak kira mahal xnak. X pakai m… - 4 years ago

@MondayNoise: RIP, Maki Kaji. Godfather of Sudoku. 1951-2021 #sudoku #数独 - 4 years ago

@fizah_alias: RT @faruqmcgrath: Tak payah la nak kaji sangat platform social media ni dan nak kaitkan dengan akhlak. Awak kalau cakap benda bodoh di MANA… - 4 years ago

@airielzzz: RT @faruqmcgrath: Tak payah la nak kaji sangat platform social media ni dan nak kaitkan dengan akhlak. Awak kalau cakap benda bodoh di MANA… - 4 years ago

@amirul_naim16: RT @faruqmcgrath: Tak payah la nak kaji sangat platform social media ni dan nak kaitkan dengan akhlak. Awak kalau cakap benda bodoh di MANA… - 4 years ago

@khairulllllll11: RT @faruqmcgrath: Tak payah la nak kaji sangat platform social media ni dan nak kaitkan dengan akhlak. Awak kalau cakap benda bodoh di MANA… - 4 years ago

@adlyzulkefly: RT @faruqmcgrath: Tak payah la nak kaji sangat platform social media ni dan nak kaitkan dengan akhlak. Awak kalau cakap benda bodoh di MANA… - 4 years ago

@janccat: RT @faruqmcgrath: Tak payah la nak kaji sangat platform social media ni dan nak kaitkan dengan akhlak. Awak kalau cakap benda bodoh di MANA… - 4 years ago

@fuzaheryy: RT @faruqmcgrath: Tak payah la nak kaji sangat platform social media ni dan nak kaitkan dengan akhlak. Awak kalau cakap benda bodoh di MANA… - 4 years ago

@syafique: RT @faruqmcgrath: Tak payah la nak kaji sangat platform social media ni dan nak kaitkan dengan akhlak. Awak kalau cakap benda bodoh di MANA… - 4 years ago

@wanmehsan: RT @faruqmcgrath: Tak payah la nak kaji sangat platform social media ni dan nak kaitkan dengan akhlak. Awak kalau cakap benda bodoh di MANA… - 4 years ago

@SenahDebab: RT @faruqmcgrath: Tak payah la nak kaji sangat platform social media ni dan nak kaitkan dengan akhlak. Awak kalau cakap benda bodoh di MANA… - 4 years ago

@my_outdoor82: RT @faruqmcgrath: Tak payah la nak kaji sangat platform social media ni dan nak kaitkan dengan akhlak. Awak kalau cakap benda bodoh di MANA… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Maki Kaji - #MakiKaji #Maki #Kaji #rip - 4 years ago

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