Mahmoud Reda

Egyptian dancer and choreographer.
Died on Friday July 10th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Mahmoud Reda:

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @HimaCris: في ناس عمرها ما فشلت تخيب ظني فيهم الحمد لله - 5 years ago

@shiradotnet: ORIGINS OF REDA TROUPE DANCES: Part 8 of 12, Nubian dance. In this article based on my 2006 interview with Mahmoud… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @islam_colombia: الذكرى الخامسة لهدف جوناثان كاليري بقميص بوكا جونيورز. عندما يجتمع رابونا مع اللوب يكون الناتج كده - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @ahmedsaid: مرتضي معرفش يرجع حق الزمالك في التلت نقاط بتوع المقاصة ووزير الرياضة زملكاوي واتحاد الكرة كانوا بيترعبوا منه وعاوز يرجع لقب… - 5 years ago


@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @Magicanoo74: ده أنا قلبي ليك ميال وما فيش غيرك عالبال ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @faisalzedan: #صباح_القرآن " وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ لَنُبَوِّئَنَّهُم مِّنَ الْجَنَّةِ غُرَفًا تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِ… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @Deebo250: المترو المعلق #مصر - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @abdullahrushdy: حبيبي على نيَِّاتِه 🤗 كيف؟ 🤔 كلُّ البناتِ أخواتُه 😌 بيشتغلك يا عبيطة 😎 - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @Afshat3: أجمل Couple فى تاريخ السينما المصريه😂♥️♥️♥️♥️ - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @adelkoraiem: هو ده موستافي ولا ده النت ؟ - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @sandytamerh: - 5 years ago

@shiradotnet: ORIGINS OF REDA TROUPE DANCES. Part 7 of 12: Hagalla. In this article based on the 2006 interview, Mahmoud Reda tal… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @Drinkcoffee77: قناة نادي الزمالك وهي بتحكي للجمهور عن امجاد النادي 😂😂 - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @omarabuobkr: #مرتضى_منصور طلب منهم يرددوا النشيد الوطني المصري مش النشيد الوطني الزملكاوي😁نادي الوطنية والأناشيد بس كلمات النشيد اللي… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @AAbdou27: كده كتير كفاية بجى كمان واحدة 😂 - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @Magicanoo74: وبينا معاد لو إحنا بعاااد ♥️ @trikaofficial - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @ahmedsaid: عامل زي الجدي المخصي لابيعشر معيز ولا بيبطل مأمأة كل يوم موعدنا ساعة علي الهواء مييقولش الا معملتش حاجة ابو سنيدة راكبني ور… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @solimaneidd: كسوف القمر 😆 - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: Open photo . - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @egyptionfootbal: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @moawady: ما لا تعرفه عن #سد_النهضة_الإثيوبي، يمكنك أن تستخلص أن البعد الاقتصادي الاستراتيجي أكبر بكثير من الأمن المائي وأن السد يعني لأ… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @FilGoal: الريف هو المكان الذي يستمتع به هالاند بقضاء اجازته 🌳🌴 - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @ki_eeks: Dad..... whyyyyy 🤦🏻‍♀️ - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @Mmo7moD: "الحياة في كلمتين، نقاوم ما نحب و نتحمل ما نكره." مصطفى محمود - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @amgadalghonimy: والله يوم ما ابدا اشوف مصلحتي ومبصش لمصلحة حد هفشخ كل الي خليت مصلحتهم فوق مصلحتي ومقدروش ده - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @AJA_Egypt: #تغريدات_زمان | أين تكمن السعادة.. مصطفى محمود - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @AJA_Egypt: طفل سابق زمانه.. حمزة يقدم معلومات عن الصحابة بطريقة شيقة تغزو مواقع التواصل - 5 years ago

@shiradotnet: ORIGINS OF REDA TROUPE DANCES: Part 6 of 12, Saidi. In this segment of his 2006 interview, Mahmoud Reda talks abou… - 5 years ago

@Bellyd1Jessikah: RT @shiradotnet: Rest in peace, Mahmoud Reda. I know you're now dancing among the stars. Born: March 18, 1930 Died: July 10, 2020 - 5 years ago

@Bellyd1Jessikah: RT @shiradotnet: Mahmoud Reda passed away July 10. As a tribute to him, I'll tweet links to articles based on my 3-hour interview with him… - 5 years ago

@Matt36570211: RT @Watanipaper: Mahmoud Reda (1930 - 2020): Folk dance’s brilliant star fades away - - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @AhlyHall: صباح الخير 🦅❤️ #صباح_الخير - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: About the most embarrassing moments in the movie. Mahmoud Reda said:"Farida (Fahmy) was in love with me (in the mov… - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: Mahmoud Reda narrated behind the scenes of movie "Love at the Karnak" directed by Ali Reda. He said: "Our troupe, R… - 5 years ago

@coptsunited: Egypt to celebrate late folk dance pioneer Mahmoud Reda - 5 years ago

@reda_alswedy: @Elshref_1 @Mostafa_0Mar_ @Caaramelaaa @elshref_2 @elyasmena9 @nelly_shahat @Elshorbagy2020 @Heba828150… - 5 years ago

@DanceAurel: RT @shiradotnet: ORIGINS OF REDA TROUPE DANCES: Part 5 of 12: In this article from my 2006 interview with Mahmoud Reda, he talks about the… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @elmasrw: ﷽ ۝ إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ ۚ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُ… - 5 years ago

@jennydancingcat: RT @shiradotnet: Part 2 of 12 articles based on my 2006 interview with Mahmoud Reda: He talks about the process he and Farida Fahmy follow… - 5 years ago

@jennydancingcat: RT @shiradotnet: Part 3 of 12: In this third article based on my 2006 3-hour interview with Mahmoud Reda, he talks about some of the facto… - 5 years ago

@jennydancingcat: RT @shiradotnet: Part 4 of 12: In this article from my 2006 interview with Mahmoud Reda, he talks about how the music for Reda Troupe came… - 5 years ago

@jennydancingcat: RT @shiradotnet: ORIGINS OF REDA TROUPE DANCES: Part 5 of 12: In this article from my 2006 interview with Mahmoud Reda, he talks about the… - 5 years ago

@shiradotnet: ORIGINS OF REDA TROUPE DANCES: Part 5 of 12: In this article from my 2006 interview with Mahmoud Reda, he talks abo… - 5 years ago

@TBeshai: RT @Watanipaper: Mahmoud Reda (1930 - 2020): Folk dance’s brilliant star fades away - - 5 years ago

@Watanipaper: Mahmoud Reda (1930 - 2020): Folk dance’s brilliant star fades away - - 5 years ago

@sheer_reda: @Mahmoud_14r أسكت ياكريم يمهدي - 5 years ago

@Mahmoud_14r: @sheer_reda انت ازاي بتسمع الاغاني دي يفلاح انت - 5 years ago

@Mahmoud_14r: @sheer_reda انت بتقول ايه - 5 years ago

@oriental_hanine: Mahmoud Redaが残した名作映画 ー アメブロを更新しました #エジプト - 5 years ago

@sheer_reda: @Mahmoud_14r أنت اللي كده 😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@mahmoud_7asssan: @_Kholoud_Reda_9 ربنا يكرمك يا رب يا خوخه ⁦❤️⁩ - 5 years ago

@makwalete1: RT @bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Activist Thomas Manthata; scholar Richard Gelles; choreographer Mahmoud Reda; actor Jean-Francois Garre… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @NawafMilito: توني اكتشف ان كل اللي اقوله غلط ، طريقة نطقها للكلام رهيبة - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @Demnbouz: Dembélé when he’s back in August: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @NabeilShakoor: إنخفاض متر و٢٧ سم في منسوب #نهر_النيل في #السودان مع بدأ ملأ #سد_النهضة في #إثيوبيا هذا النسبة من الإنخفاض لم تسجل في أك… - 5 years ago

@shiradotnet: Part 4 of 12: In this article from my 2006 interview with Mahmoud Reda, he talks about how the music for Reda Troup… - 5 years ago

@Michael91693258: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@ahramonline: Egypt to celebrate late folk dance pioneer Mahmoud Reda - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @ablareaction: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @abdullahrushdy: ٢-أما أقطاب التيار العلمانيِّ فسنعمل على بقاء تياركم خاسراً دوماً.. وكلما برز لكم رأس سنُظهر عوارَه وجهلَه..ونكسب على أ… - 5 years ago

@sheer_reda: @Mahmoud_14r لا والنبي 😂😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@Mahmoud_14r: @sheer_reda لا ده انت هبت منك عالاخر وشكلي هجبلك احمد سعد يوقفك عند حدك - 5 years ago

@sheer_reda: @Mahmoud_14r هههههههههه بحبها ياخلف - 5 years ago

@Mahmoud_14r: @sheer_reda السلام عليكم اول مره اشوفك كده وربي 🤣🤣🤣 - 5 years ago

@sheer_reda: @Mahmoud_14r هههههههههههه نبيله الحايح 😂😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@Mahmoud_14r: @sheer_reda ربنا يهديك وانا ذنبي اي اشوف الاشكال دي عالتايم بسببك - 5 years ago

@sheer_reda: @Mahmoud_14r مش عارف يسطا وبعدين أنت بتسئل ليه 😂😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@sameheshak1: @abovetheskyyyyy @NellyKarim You know Nelly, I don’t understand ballet 🩰 much, Illetracy from@my side, but I unders… - 5 years ago

@Mahmoud_14r: @sheer_reda مين سلمي دي يسطا 😂😂 - 5 years ago

@FahadaDance: RT @shiradotnet: NEW ON MY WEB SITE!!! My art gallery of modern-day artists whose drawings and paintings center on belly dance and its cul… - 5 years ago

@Gudrun_Shandora: Mahmoud Reda - Interview in Cairo, 2011 - 5 years ago

@reda_alswedy: @alaa_mo_2000 @3sh4y @esam_mezo @kormdaa @m_khaled9031 @ahmedelshanab11 @Karemadel0 @KhaledA99831122… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @FekryMoo: من بعض الفيديوهات اللي بينزلها ويرجع يمسحها #حاكموا_مرتضى_منصور - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @FekryMoo: انا ضد مصر 1 | +18 #حاكموا_مرتضى_منصور - 5 years ago

@dollidancer: RT @shiradotnet: Part 3 of 12: In this third article based on my 2006 3-hour interview with Mahmoud Reda, he talks about some of the facto… - 5 years ago

@shiradotnet: Part 3 of 12: In this third article based on my 2006 3-hour interview with Mahmoud Reda, he talks about some of th… - 5 years ago

@srkian_nahid: RT @Kemet2MkMert: Introducing my talented birdie🦜,Mahmoud Reda 🕺 (may God protect him from evil eye) 🙏❤ - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: Introducing my talented birdie🦜,Mahmoud Reda 🕺 (may God protect him from evil eye) 🙏❤ - 5 years ago

@RayUsagi: 彼が居なければ、いま現在世界で踊られているベリーダンスは、もっと違うものになっていたでしょう・・・。 Mahmoud Reda ありがとうございます。 どうか安らかにおやすみください。 - 5 years ago

@RayUsagi: レダ国立民族舞踊団、Reda Troupの創始者 Mahmoud Reda(マハムード・レダ)氏が7月10日にお亡くなりになりました。 - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: نار جهنم على الارض يارب رحمتك - 5 years ago

@shiradotnet: NEW ON MY WEB SITE!!! My art gallery of modern-day artists whose drawings and paintings center on belly dance and… - 5 years ago

@Discoveregypt: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @Occhiolist_77: - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @Magicanoo74: صباح الخير ❤️❤️ - 5 years ago

@Elise_Logan: RT @KeriStevens: Just learned Mahmoud Reda has died. Egypt and the world have lost an incomparable treasure. - 5 years ago

@KeriStevens: Just learned Mahmoud Reda has died. Egypt and the world have lost an incomparable treasure. - 5 years ago

@CultureAtState: Our thoughts are with our friends in Egypt, mourning the loss of a legend and celebrating his life: @USEmbassyCairo… - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: In the 1970s Farida & Ali moved to America where Mahmoud Reda remained in contact with Reda troupe. In mid 1980s, F… - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: Reda troupe owed their success to Nadida's & Farida's father, Mr Hussein Fahmy who was university professor & the g… - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: On 1961, Ali & Mahmoud Reda launched their dance troupe where all the dancers were colleges students or undergradua… - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: Mahmoud Reda encouraged Farida Fahmy where Ali Reda stepped away to take his new position in Reda's troupe as direc… - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: While the main male dancer was supposed to be the first professional dancer,folkloric composer & director Ali Reda,… - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: Mahmoud Reda since he was teenager had a dream to have the first ever Egyptian troupe for folkloric dance ,later in… - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: Mahmoud Reda with Farida Fahmy (right) and her sister Nadida who was his wife and died of cardiac illness 5 years a… - 5 years ago

@EastMedMonitor: RT @Nervana_1: Amidst all doom and gloom, I watch #Egypt’s most graceful dancer, Farida Fahmy and the Reda dance group, and feel a huge sen… - 5 years ago

@reda_ua_74: @mahmoud_tork6 ❤️ - 5 years ago

@JoannaIskander: RT @ahramonline: Republished: Mahmoud Reda - A pioneer of folk dance - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @kahrabation: عزت ابو عوف حطهاله في ال٩٠ - 5 years ago

@reda_alswedy: @mahmoud_tork6 @reda_alswedy - 5 years ago

@rachelpinheiro: RT @shiradotnet: Mahmoud Reda passed away July 10. As a tribute to him, I'll tweet links to articles based on my 3-hour interview with him… - 5 years ago

@AmrAdelFahmy: RT @Nervana_1: Amidst all doom and gloom, I watch #Egypt’s most graceful dancer, Farida Fahmy and the Reda dance group, and feel a huge sen… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @Elminesy: الأخلاق والقيم والمبادئ هى التى تخلد الشرفاء .. وسيذهب الجميع ويبقي التاريخ شاهدا على الكل - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @a7maadz: من أحلامي حاليا اني أكل اكله زي دي عندنا ف المنوفية مع وائل غنيم @Ghonim - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @amgadalghonimy: الفيديو ده الواحد مش بيزهق منه ابدا - 5 years ago

@Saudi24N: A rare video – Mahmoud Reda explains “the horse dance” on the air - 5 years ago

@afandouangel: RT @Nervana_1: Amidst all doom and gloom, I watch #Egypt’s most graceful dancer, Farida Fahmy and the Reda dance group, and feel a huge sen… - 5 years ago

@GiovanniFanfoni: RT @Nervana_1: Amidst all doom and gloom, I watch #Egypt’s most graceful dancer, Farida Fahmy and the Reda dance group, and feel a huge sen… - 5 years ago

@dollidancer: RT @shiradotnet: Part 2 of 12 articles based on my 2006 interview with Mahmoud Reda: He talks about the process he and Farida Fahmy follow… - 5 years ago

@MOAMEN_11: RT @Nervana_1: Amidst all doom and gloom, I watch #Egypt’s most graceful dancer, Farida Fahmy and the Reda dance group, and feel a huge sen… - 5 years ago

@nyunggai: RT @Nervana_1: Amidst all doom and gloom, I watch #Egypt’s most graceful dancer, Farida Fahmy and the Reda dance group, and feel a huge sen… - 5 years ago

@Besbasa28: RT @Nervana_1: Amidst all doom and gloom, I watch #Egypt’s most graceful dancer, Farida Fahmy and the Reda dance group, and feel a huge sen… - 5 years ago

@Nervana_1: Amidst all doom and gloom, I watch #Egypt’s most graceful dancer, Farida Fahmy and the Reda dance group, and feel a… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @ahmedsaid: عادل امام في فيلم (الغول) ... لخص النهاية الحتمية لأي حد فوق القانون للأسف قانون الغابة هو اللي هيحكم 🤬 - 5 years ago

@Saudi24N: A rare video – Mahmoud Reda explains “the horse dance” on the air - 5 years ago

@shiradotnet: Part 2 of 12 articles based on my 2006 interview with Mahmoud Reda: He talks about the process he and Farida Fahmy… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Activist Thomas Manthata; scholar Richard Gelles; choreographer Mahmoud Reda; actor Jean-Fran… - 5 years ago

@Mahmoud__3baas: @Ahmed_Reda_19 @Sahar77331845 الطموح فوق ⁦↗️⁩⁦↗️⁩😂 - 5 years ago

@Ahmed_Reda_19: @Mahmoud__3baas @Sahar77331845 يخربيت الطموح 😂😂 - 5 years ago

@EG24NEWS: Moushira Ismail: I spent my youth in the army and Mahmoud Reda, “Stroke my brain.” - 5 years ago

@Mahmoud_14r: @sheer_reda رسميا نهاية العالم بعد التويته دي 😂 - 5 years ago

@sheer_reda: @Mahmoud_14r مش هنعيش 😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @ahmedbassii: ڤيروس كورونا سينتهي؛ فقط إذا قررت أُتاجر بالكمامات ، حظي وأعرفه جيداً - 5 years ago

@sabrinabd: Klub Raks interview in Mahmoud Reda Cup Hong Kong 2010 - Group Champion: Elsie and Kaleea #MahmoudReda #RedaTroupe - 5 years ago

@sabrinabd: Same interview as above with Spanish subtitles Mahmoud Reda Entrevista en Español #MahmoudReda - 5 years ago

@sabrinabd: 50th Anniversary of Mahmoud Reda's Troupe #MahmoudReda #RedaTroupe - 5 years ago

@sabrinabd: Mahmoud Reda & Farida Fahmy #MahmoudReda #RedaTroupe - 5 years ago

@sabrinabd: #MahmoudReda #RedaTroupe MAHMOUD REDA,FARIDA FAHMY & THE REDA TROUPE - MID YEAR HOLIDAY - 1961 - 5 years ago

@sabrinabd: Mahmoud Reda Group - Fellahi Suite - 5 years ago

@sabrinabd: Coreografía de Mahmoud Reda - Gharib el dar - يا غريب الدار #MahmoudReda #RedaTroupe - 5 years ago

@sabrinabd: Mahmoud Reda & Farida Fahmy ya warda ya baladiرقصه يا ورده يا بلدي محمود رضا #MahmoudReda #RedaTroupe - 5 years ago

@sabrinabd: Siwa Oasis Dance by Mahmoud Reda Trouppe 1984 - 5 years ago

@sabrinabd: Mahmoud Reda & Farida Fahmy - 5 years ago

@sabrinabd: Farida Fahmey & Mahmoud Reda Movie Dance Sequence #MahmoudReda #RedaTroupe - 5 years ago

@sabrinabd: MAHMOUD REDA e a participação de RAQIA HASSAN #MahmoudReda - 5 years ago

@sabrinabd: Precious Moments: 20 minutes with Master Mahmoud Reda On this hot August day, Master Mahmous Reda sits in an uphol… - 5 years ago

@ARCENCPostings: Egypt’s choreography icon Mahmoud Reda dies at 89 | Mena – Gulf News - 5 years ago

@Mahmoud_14r: @sheer_reda طالما قولت كده يبقي مفيش كوره السنه الجايه من الاساس - 5 years ago

@ReArtistron: RT @AlBawabaEnglish: Legendary artist, choreographer and dancer Mahmoud Reda died at the age of 90, He is best known for co-founding the ph… - 5 years ago

@ROGA_MAHMOUD: @rwan_reda ♥️ - 5 years ago

@Mahmoud_Reda_11: @L5Dek7QWU7PCHl5 لا ما هو شكله حذف تويتر - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @FilGoal: سجده شكر لله من تريزيجيه بعد تسجيله هدفين في لأستون فيلا في مرمى كريستال بالاس ❤ - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @Ghonim: منتخب مصر ١٩٩٠ - صورة أرشيفية - 5 years ago

@azizzaghari68: وفاة الفنان القدير محمود رضا Farida Fahmi & Mahmoud Reda_محمو_رضا_و_فريدة_فهمى - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @caf_online_AR: قد ينهي جاكسون موليكا الموسم هدافًا لدوري الأبطال #TotalCAFCL بسبعة أهداف رغم خروج فريقه مازيمبي من الدور ربع النهائي 🔝… - 5 years ago

@BambiSahab: RT @shiradotnet: Mahmoud Reda passed away July 10. As a tribute to him, I'll tweet links to articles based on my 3-hour interview with him… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @Elminesy: عندما تخرج زوجة الكابتن الخطيب عن صمتها وتقول وهى ابنة أحد قادة القوات المسلحة الكبار : حقى أن اعيش فى بلدى مرفوعة الرأس..وعا… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @HimaCris: لو حد يقدر يساعده يتواصل معاه يا جماعه - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @abdullahrushdy: من أعظم سلاطين الإسلام السلطان محمد الفاتح رحمه الله؛ لولا أن الله سخره لصدِّ الرُّومِ لافترسوا بلاد الإسلام شيئاً فشيئ… - 5 years ago

@L5Dek7QWU7PCHl5: @EslamRa99259450 @Mahmoud_Reda_11 ياعم اسلام افتح - 5 years ago

@fcbd_syracuse: RT @shiradotnet: Mahmoud Reda passed away July 10. As a tribute to him, I'll tweet links to articles based on my 3-hour interview with him… - 5 years ago

@shiradotnet: Mahmoud Reda passed away July 10. As a tribute to him, I'll tweet links to articles based on my 3-hour interview wi… - 5 years ago

@dance_egyptian: RT @shiradotnet: Rest in peace, Mahmoud Reda. I know you're now dancing among the stars. Born: March 18, 1930 Died: July 10, 2020 - 5 years ago

@minaminila: ベリーの先生→友達から聞いたのですが、エジプトのマフムード・レダが7月10日亡くなったそうです。合掌。 - 5 years ago

@mohmdhusien: Mahmoud Reda - Captain America (Chris Evans) - 5 years ago

@FirstJpn: RT @AlBawabaEnglish: Legendary artist, choreographer and dancer Mahmoud Reda died at the age of 90, He is best known for co-founding the ph… - 5 years ago

@Hanna0076: RT @AlBawabaEnglish: Legendary artist, choreographer and dancer Mahmoud Reda died at the age of 90, He is best known for co-founding the ph… - 5 years ago

@rachelpinheiro: RT @shiradotnet: Rest in peace, Mahmoud Reda. I know you're now dancing among the stars. Born: March 18, 1930 Died: July 10, 2020 - 5 years ago

@EG24NEWS: Hana Al Shourbagy: Mahmoud Reda learned of the commitment and the group cried dancing the day of his wife’s death - 5 years ago

@AlBawabaEnglish: Legendary artist, choreographer and dancer Mahmoud Reda died at the age of 90, He is best known for co-founding the… - 5 years ago

@samzaid_: I didn't skip any video of Mahmoud Reda in the newsfeed in facebook. I cannot believe that young man grew up and be… - 5 years ago

@BureauAfrican: وفاة "فنان الشعب" #محمود_رضا عن عمر يناهز 90 عاماً ______________ البوست كامل #Bozoor… - 5 years ago

@Metricsafrica: RT @Metricsafrica: Legendary Egyptian Dancer Mahmoud Reda Dies Aged 90 - 5 years ago

@HamdiHassan1: Republished: Mahmoud Reda - A pioneer of folk dance - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @ahmedadel: اوعي تصدق ان الشغل مفيهوش عواطف ولا مشاعر ، ولا انك لازم تبقي جاحد عشان تبقي بروفيشينال ، الشغل عبارة عن علاقات انسانيه كتير… - 5 years ago

@LitaniesOf: Mahmoud Reda Egyptian conscience maker .. Actress / dancer / musician / director / head coach of the most popula… - 5 years ago

@nicoledance: - 5 years ago

@nicoledance: マフムードレダの映画、 カルナックの恋は当時Pal形式で専用のデッキを購入し すり切れるほど見た記憶があります。 私の大好きな映画でした。 - 5 years ago

@nicoledance: 1998年にマフムードレダと初めてお会いしました。 私の所属する小松芳アラビア舞踊団人生の中で最も敬愛する先生です。 - 5 years ago

@nicoledance: エジプト舞踊の父マフムードレダ 永遠に - 5 years ago

@BambiSahab: RT @Kamangatiyya: RIP to Mahmoud Reda, one of the founders of the Reda Dance troupe, which was Egypt's main folkloric dance group starting… - 5 years ago

@BambiSahab: RT @shiradotnet: “People recognize themselves in the dance. They love it, as if honored by a dance being made about them.” – Mahmoud Reda - 5 years ago

@FahadaDance: RT @MahinBellydance: The incomparable Mahmoud Reda has gone to the great big stage in the sky...RIP and thank you for your artstic vision.… - 5 years ago

@BambiSahab: RT @shiradotnet: Rest in peace, Mahmoud Reda. I know you're now dancing among the stars. Born: March 18, 1930 Died: July 10, 2020 - 5 years ago

@EG24NEWS: Goodbye Mahmoud Reda, the magician of the show (file) - 5 years ago

@yumchamama: RT @shiradotnet: Rest in peace, Mahmoud Reda. I know you're now dancing among the stars. Born: March 18, 1930 Died: July 10, 2020 - 5 years ago

@veritate: RT @shiradotnet: Rest in peace, Mahmoud Reda. I know you're now dancing among the stars. Born: March 18, 1930 Died: July 10, 2020 - 5 years ago

@Milky_Egypt501: R.I.P Mahmoud Reda... - 5 years ago

@AmartiaDance: RT @shiradotnet: Rest in peace, Mahmoud Reda. I know you're now dancing among the stars. Born: March 18, 1930 Died: July 10, 2020 - 5 years ago

@shiradotnet: Rest in peace, Mahmoud Reda. I know you're now dancing among the stars. Born: March 18, 1930 Died: July 10, 2020 - 5 years ago

@Saudi24N: Nour Ehab, granddaughter of Mahmoud Reda, mourns her grandfather: my grandfather and my mother’s uncle, please pray - 5 years ago

@skoolwayne: RT @Zeinobia: #Egypt and Arab world legendary choreographer and dancer passed Mahmoud Reda passed away today,he was 90 years,we owe to this… - 5 years ago

@mahmoud_gaber77: @reda_abdal3al احسن مابقى بواب ومن المجانين وكداب وفشار ولسانى وسخ وشخص حقير يا.....؟ - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @MGar7ey: حالة إنسانية | طفلة 5 سنين محتاجة تعمل عملية إزالة وحمة دموية بالليزر .. مين يعرف ممكن نعملها فين؟؟ وتكلفتها كام؟؟ - 5 years ago

@tahmad007: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @AmrMahran_: إِنَّ اللَّهَ لا يَظْلِمُ النَّاسَ شَيْئًا وَلَكِنَّ النَّاسَ أَنفُسَهُمْ يَظْلِمُونَ - 5 years ago

@nicoledance: 2008.4.27 今から12年前 小松先生のおかげです。 感謝しかありません。 マフムードレダの踊り これからも沢山練習して踊り続けていきます! 小松芳アラビア舞踊団 R.I.P. Mahmoud Reda - 5 years ago

@mohamed_sarkasi: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. وفاة رائد الرقص الشعبي والاستعراضي المصري #محمود_رضا عن عمر يناهز 90 عامًا - 5 years ago

@omaraboubaker5: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@spankorini: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@AhmedWagih: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@bido2030: وفاة الفنان المصري محمود رضا |The death of Egyptian artist Mahmoud Reda ... - 5 years ago

@2010_soki: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@MonyMoh80745063: RT @Meeiio: The pioneer of folk dance in Egypt! The one and only Mahmoud Reda.. 💔 #محمود_رضا - 5 years ago

@Fit4hit2001: RT @Fit4hit2001: @Shereen0fficial new portrait for the unique artist traditional dancer the great / #Mahmoud_Reda #digital_painting painted… - 5 years ago

@Fit4hit2001: @Shereen0fficial new portrait for the unique artist traditional dancer the great / #Mahmoud_Reda #digital_painting… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @DiengAliou8: This is me I say I’m more than happy to part of Al Ahly the greatest club of Africa.❤️😍🦅 - 5 years ago

@JenniferLSears: Sad to hear this news. Ustaz Reda was so generous when I studied with him for a week in 2010 in his beautiful old s… - 5 years ago

@lovealexandra31: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@NSharara: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@Basalus: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@GrandEgy_Museum: The Egyptian Folklore Legend Mahmoud Reda, Founder of Reda Troupe has passed away yesterday. Goodbye to the legend… - 5 years ago

@FirojKh01186275: RT @AbdulHamidAhmad: Egypt’s choreography icon Mahmoud Reda dies at 89 - 5 years ago

@Dunadancer: R.I.P Mahmoud Reda 🖤 - 5 years ago

@princealex2003: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@paulgeday: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@reda_almadany: @Mahmoud_kamal__ . - 5 years ago

@1Hayoka: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@Shroukkmahmoud: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@m_wunayan: RT @MAD_Solutions: RIP Mahmoud Reda, one of Egypt’s greatest artists. Our deepest condolences to @ShereenReda , and all his family, friends… - 5 years ago

@AmartiaDance: RT @MahinBellydance: The incomparable Mahmoud Reda has gone to the great big stage in the sky...RIP and thank you for your artstic vision.… - 5 years ago

@MelleTimini: Il y a même un pas qui s'appelle Mahmoud Reda - 5 years ago

@BastienTahiti: RT @Seizahime: Terrible nouvelle pour le monde de la danse orientale, le père de cette danse, Mahmoud Reda vient de décéder... 😢😢 Il avait… - 5 years ago

@Seizahime: Terrible nouvelle pour le monde de la danse orientale, le père de cette danse, Mahmoud Reda vient de décéder... 😢😢… - 5 years ago

@shawktttttttttt: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@PassantDarwish: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@abobkr2006: #تقول_كفايه_لايه تفاصيل وفاه أسطورة الرقص الشعبي ( #محمود_رضا ) - 5 years ago

@JenniferWoodro5: Legendary Egyptian Dancer Mahmoud Reda Dies Aged 89 - 5 years ago

@fkeshk: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@CVREPfoundation: Thanks for the dedicated work of the evaluation committee: Prof. Wael Al-Mahmeed, Prof. Mohamed Sobhy, Prof. Mahmou… - 5 years ago

@DaleahLilo: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@Hragy: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@vidanoegito: RT @EgyptianStreets: Legendary Egyptian Dancer Mahmoud Reda Dies Aged 90 Read more: - 5 years ago

@AbozaidahmedM: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@LaswadSaid: Legendary Egyptian Dancer Mahmoud Reda Dies Aged 89 - 5 years ago

@Reem_AbouElFadl: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@bansheearound: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@Miraa_Wagdyy: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@MAswad: Mahmoud reda فرقه رضا- رقصة ابين زين - 5 years ago

@eloquentpeasant: RT @fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who traveled aroun… - 5 years ago

@fkeshk: Egypt lost one of its major art's icons, Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) founder of the phenomenal Reda Troupe 1959 who tr… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @abdullahrushdy: ٥-يبدو أن بعضَهم بات منزعجاً لدرجة أن يفتش في مقاطعي منذ سنةٍ لعله يجد شيئاً...عموماً فتشوا كما تحبون..فلن تجدوا ضالَّت… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @abdullahrushdy: ١-انتشر ڤيديو لي منذ يومين أتحدث فيه عن عمل المرأة..وبدا من طريقة اقتصاصِه وكأني أُحَرِّمُ عملَ المرأةِ. وللتوضيح فهذا… - 5 years ago

@tse_tsefly: RIP Mahmoud Reda - 5 years ago

@Dinaa_ElAraby: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@mahmoud_3atif: @NoooodyMo @vip_reda_0 . - 5 years ago

@KingsMagnumOpus: @aboomar1984 Mahmoud Reda & Farida Fahmy, of Reda Dance Company - 5 years ago

@McMzM: RT @_rashidi: Egyptian legendary dancer, choreographer, actor, and co-founder of the REDA National Folkloric Troupe, a revolutionary folk d… - 5 years ago

@Land_of_Nile: Halawet Shamsena Song (The beauty of our sun) Gharam Fi Al-Karnak Mahmoud Reda - 5 years ago

@Dona300: RT @Cairobserver: RIP Mahmoud Reda (1931-2020) رقصة المترونوم - 5 years ago

@Land_of_Nile: Hatshepsut Song Musical Film .. Gharam Fi Al-Karnak (Love in Karnak) Mahmoud Reda Reda Troupe - 5 years ago

@alomranmona: Mahmoud Reda رحل بالأمس 10 يوليو عن عمر يناهز 90 عام ... إلى رحمة الله 🙏🏽 - 5 years ago

@desarrollar_: Legendary Egyptian Dancer Mahmoud Reda Dies Aged 89 - 5 years ago

@Halawa__: Makontsh a3raf en Shereen reda bent Mahmoud reda. May he rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@desarrollar_: Legendary Egyptian Dancer Mahmoud Reda Dies Aged 89 - 5 years ago

@MassirDestin: RT @MassirDestin: Le danseur et chorégraphe égyptien Mahmoud Reda nous a quitté à l'âge de 90 ans. Qu'il repose en paix. Mahmoud Reda est… - 5 years ago

@shoffy_vf: Adiós a uno de los grandes 😢😢 Mahmoud Reda - 5 years ago

@EilishCatEyes: RT @AbdulHamidAhmad: Egypt’s choreography icon Mahmoud Reda dies at 89 - 5 years ago

@EilishCatEyes: RT @Kemet2MkMert: Mahmoud Reda, Guru of folkloric dance ❤️ - 5 years ago

@EilishCatEyes: RT @Kemet2MkMert: Mahmoud Reda had married to Farida's Fahmy sister (Farida was his brother Ali's wife) when i was young I had thought them… - 5 years ago

@Snoby_tn: RT @MassirDestin: Le danseur et chorégraphe égyptien Mahmoud Reda nous a quitté à l'âge de 90 ans. Qu'il repose en paix. Mahmoud Reda est… - 5 years ago

@min_alsefer: وفاة رائد الرقص الشعبي والاستعراضي المصري محمود رضا عن عمر يناهز 90 عامًا توفي الفنان المص… - 5 years ago

@_rashidi: Egyptian legendary dancer, choreographer, actor, and co-founder of the REDA National Folkloric Troupe, a revolution… - 5 years ago

@ActualArtistica: In Memoriam: Mahmoud Reda - 5 years ago

@alexkatzen0: Hoy falleció Mahmoud Reda, el creador de la Danza teatral egipcia, o lo que muchos bailarines aprendimos como “folk… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Mahmoud Reda - 5 years ago

@Globalworks1: - 5 years ago

@DareenXoo: RT @Cairobserver: RIP Mahmoud Reda (1931-2020) رقصة المترونوم - 5 years ago

@ahmed_fakharany: RT @Cairobserver: RIP Mahmoud Reda (1931-2020) رقصة المترونوم - 5 years ago

@Cairobserver: RIP Mahmoud Reda (1931-2020) رقصة المترونوم - 5 years ago

@Cairobserver: Pioneer of Egyptian folk dancing Mahmoud Reda dies aged 89 - 5 years ago

@ItsNickiNix: Mahmoud Reda, a legend beyond legends, a teacher of teachers, passed away and I don't really know what to say other… - 5 years ago

@MAYABELLYEARTH: 今日のモワシャハットのクラスは、 レダ舞踊団の話から始めよう*☆ 死去されたMahmoud reda先生への気持ちを込めて、みんなで踊ろうと思います。 #モワシャハット #マフムードレダ #レダ舞踊団 #エジプシャンフォークロア #MBEC - 5 years ago

@AdaraDin: - 5 years ago

@mariamheshams3d: RT @hmelbadawi: R.I.P the elegant superstar Mahmoud Reda. God bless your soul and all my Deepest condolences to @ShereenReda #محمود_رضا… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @aboabo4161: كل ما تراه عظيما بدأ بفكرة اعمالى بفضل الله 😍😍#رتويت لو عجبكم - 5 years ago

@EG24NEWS: The touching meeting .. An official of “Culture” tells the last meeting with Mahmoud Reda - 5 years ago

@EG24NEWS: Why did Mahmoud Reda and his team only star in 3 films? - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @aboabo4161: لك الحمد حتى ترضى شغل سيدى بشر الإسكندرية😍😍 - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @aboabo4161: الحمد لله شغلى بفضل الله😍 - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @aboabo4161: لك الحمد ياربى حتى ترضى اعمالى بفضل الله - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @aboabo4161: الحمد لله اعمالى بفضل الله - 5 years ago

@JrHuMaNitY: RT @Zeinobia: #Egypt and Arab world legendary choreographer and dancer passed Mahmoud Reda passed away today,he was 90 years,we owe to this… - 5 years ago

@rowan_elsheikha: RT @hmelbadawi: R.I.P the elegant superstar Mahmoud Reda. God bless your soul and all my Deepest condolences to @ShereenReda #محمود_رضا… - 5 years ago

@Reda_Mahmoud_: RT @LaLigaArab: ملخص ثنائية الملكي "ريال مدريد" و الإقتراب أكثر لحسم لقب #LaLigaSantander لهذا الموسم 📺🍿 #RealMadridAlavés - 5 years ago

@EG24NEWS: Among them is Raja Al-Jeddawi and Mahmoud Reda .. 9 deaths that cause the heart a thousand - 5 years ago

@ZENissen: Raqs sharqi/raqs baladi lost a real one today. Mahmoud Reda co-founded the Reda troupe, whose choreography still in… - 5 years ago

@axomalli1: "Los seres humanos estamos hechos para la danza" Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) Gracias por todo maestro, hasta siempre! - 5 years ago

@MyTrueHope: RT @azzasedky: Republished: Mahmoud Reda - A pioneer of folk dance - 5 years ago

@Wordsof76202815: Don`t let a little fear stop you from getting what you want - Mahmoud Reda #quotes #quote #inspiration - 5 years ago

@Yollannnda_: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@jassmina_ali: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@OmarMan32055296: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@esraa_ali: RT @Zeinobia: #Egypt and Arab world legendary choreographer and dancer passed Mahmoud Reda passed away today,he was 90 years,we owe to this… - 5 years ago

@__WALID___: RIP Mahmoud reda .💔 - 5 years ago

@Misia_Mis: Se ha muerto Mahmoud Reda, un señor muy importante para la danza oriental. Fue el que rescató y adaptó el folklore… - 5 years ago

@fcbd_syracuse: RT @MahinBellydance: The incomparable Mahmoud Reda has gone to the great big stage in the sky...RIP and thank you for your artstic vision.… - 5 years ago

@amira_shahba: RT @EgyptTodayMag: Minister of Culture Inas Abdul Dayem mourned veteran Egyptian dancer and choreographer Mahmoud Reda, who passed away at… - 5 years ago

@rachidH: RT @azzasedky: Republished: Mahmoud Reda - A pioneer of folk dance - 5 years ago

@Basboussa628: On a very sad note .... We belong to Allah and to Allah we shall return. A very sad Day. Thank you beloved teacher… - 5 years ago

@AmrAdelFahmy: RT @azzasedky: Republished: Mahmoud Reda - A pioneer of folk dance - 5 years ago

@Fit4hit2001: RT @Fit4hit2001: new portrait for the unique artist traditional dancer the great / #Mahmoud_Reda #digital_painting painted by / #mohamed_ab… - 5 years ago

@Fit4hit2001: new portrait for the unique artist traditional dancer the great / #Mahmoud_Reda #digital_painting painted by /… - 5 years ago

@Fit4hit2001: RT @Fit4hit2001: @ShereenReda new portrait for the unique artist traditional dancer the great / #Mahmoud_Reda #digital_painting painted by… - 5 years ago

@Fit4hit2001: @ShereenReda new portrait for the unique artist traditional dancer the great / #Mahmoud_Reda #digital_painting pai… - 5 years ago

@tanukigami: o Mahmoud Reda morreu socorro - 5 years ago

@EgyptTodayMag: Minister of Culture Inas Abdul Dayem mourned veteran Egyptian dancer and choreographer Mahmoud Reda, who passed awa… - 5 years ago

@dollidancer: RT @MahinBellydance: The incomparable Mahmoud Reda has gone to the great big stage in the sky...RIP and thank you for your artstic vision.… - 5 years ago

@alinemesqdanca: Obrigada por toda a inspiração e conhecimento. Obrigada por tudo o que fez pela arte. RIP Mahmoud Reda 😢 - 5 years ago

@join_islam: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@NurDanzaArabe: Por muchos años que tenga una persona siempre es difícil despedirla, sobre todo si se trata de alguien cuyo legado… - 5 years ago

@afandouangel: RT @azzasedky: Republished: Mahmoud Reda - A pioneer of folk dance - 5 years ago

@henElkw: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@Mari35700463: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. وفاة رائد الرقص الشعبي والاستعراضي المصري #محمود_رضا عن عمر يناهز 90 عامًا - 5 years ago

@svtcrystalchild: RT @hola_laly: Mahmoud Reda es fundamental para el desarrollo del Bellydance en el mundo, recogió las danzas tradicionales egipcias y las l… - 5 years ago

@svtcrystalchild: RT @y_salahiddeen: The news of Mahmoud Reda's death is hard to process. A visionary who had a seismic impact on the cultural scene in Egypt… - 5 years ago

@svtcrystalchild: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@mosolyman120: God bless your soul in heaven Mahmoud reda you will be missed In loving memorey #محمود_رضا #فرقة_رضا - 5 years ago

@HAKIMADANCE: استاذي العزيز الفنان الكبير محمود رضا في ذمة الله الله يرحم هذه الروح الطيبة RIP Mahmoud reda - 5 years ago

@ahmediaTV: Mahmoud Reda.. a dancer, a choreographer, founder of the reda troupe .. just passd away today... returning respecta… - 5 years ago

@y_salahiddeen: Mahmoud Reda was a fearless innovator. This is surely the iconic scene that announced that Egyptian dance would nev… - 5 years ago

@Julia_Zabala: Legendary Egyptian Dancer Mahmoud Reda Dies Aged 89 - 5 years ago

@EG24NEWS: Backstage, she publishes for the first time the relationship of Mahmoud Reda with sister Farida Fahmy - 5 years ago

@constanzacost: Recorrió los pueblos de Egipto, y puso las danzas tradicionales arriba de los mejores escenarios. Maestro de maestr… - 5 years ago

@MassirDestin: Le danseur et chorégraphe égyptien Mahmoud Reda nous a quitté à l'âge de 90 ans. Qu'il repose en paix. Mahmoud Red… - 5 years ago

@almadaajuli: RT @SofiiPuchetaa: Mahmoud Reda uno de los mas grandes exponentes de nuestra danza, sin palabras. Que en paz descanse - 5 years ago

@didi10579: RT @Meeiio: The pioneer of folk dance in Egypt! The one and only Mahmoud Reda.. 💔 #محمود_رضا - 5 years ago

@alowaiscf: Egypt’s choreography icon Mahmoud Reda dies at 89 - 5 years ago

@Siriadanza_: Mahmoud Reda, GRACIAS por tu legado...seguirás inspirando🎇 Buen viaje Maestro #mahmoudreda #danzaoriental #Egipto - 5 years ago

@NahirrLuna: RT @SofiiPuchetaa: Mahmoud Reda uno de los mas grandes exponentes de nuestra danza, sin palabras. Que en paz descanse - 5 years ago

@EG24NEWS: Love in Karnak .. Watch .. the last appearance of artist Mahmoud Reda before his death - 5 years ago

@Meeiio: The pioneer of folk dance in Egypt! The one and only Mahmoud Reda.. 💔 #محمود_رضا - 5 years ago

@bido2030: وفاة الفنان المصري محمود رضا |The death of Egyptian artist Mahmoud Reda ... - 5 years ago

@bido2030: وفاة الفنان المصري محمود رضا |The death of Egyptian artist Mahmoud Reda ... - 5 years ago

@Rochibustos3: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@Rochibustos3: RT @riveraguadalupx: Me desperté hoy con la noticia de que el maestro Mahmoud Reda falleció, es un día triste para el ambiente belly. - 5 years ago

@Rochibustos3: RT @hola_laly: Mahmoud Reda es fundamental para el desarrollo del Bellydance en el mundo, recogió las danzas tradicionales egipcias y las l… - 5 years ago

@SaidMaii: Coreografía de Mahmoud Reda - Gharib el dar - 5 years ago

@MaherAbdelrahm: RT @MAD_Solutions: RIP Mahmoud Reda, one of Egypt’s greatest artists. Our deepest condolences to @ShereenReda , and all his family, friends… - 5 years ago

@Bashirmona_: RT @y_salahiddeen: The news of Mahmoud Reda's death is hard to process. A visionary who had a seismic impact on the cultural scene in Egypt… - 5 years ago

@risha_maha: RT @y_salahiddeen: The news of Mahmoud Reda's death is hard to process. A visionary who had a seismic impact on the cultural scene in Egypt… - 5 years ago

@ustazaduktura: Mahmoud Reda (RIP) and Farida Fahmy were relics of a fascinating era when Egyptian folk dance was redefined by ball… - 5 years ago

@ranakhaled6661: RT @EgyptianStreets: Legendary Egyptian Dancer Mahmoud Reda Dies Aged 90 Read more: - 5 years ago

@Cloud11246: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. وفاة رائد الرقص الشعبي والاستعراضي المصري #محمود_رضا عن عمر يناهز 90 عامًا - 5 years ago

@RaphaelCormack: RT @y_salahiddeen: The news of Mahmoud Reda's death is hard to process. A visionary who had a seismic impact on the cultural scene in Egypt… - 5 years ago

@EG24NEWS: Mahmoud Reda: The Egyptian actor and performer is 90 years old - 5 years ago

@y_salahiddeen: The news of Mahmoud Reda's death is hard to process. A visionary who had a seismic impact on the cultural scene in… - 5 years ago

@KatuSchipelut: El bellydance está de luto. QEPD Mahmoud Reda, el maestro del raks sharki🙏🏼 - 5 years ago

@MayGonzx: Falleció el maestro Mahmoud Reda, que año de mierda el 2020 - 5 years ago

@the0_9: Mahmoud Reda  محمود رضا (March 18, 1930 – July 10, 2020) - 5 years ago

@LostOlympians: RT @OldestOlympians: Oldest Olympians is saddened to learn that Egyptian gymnast Mahmoud Reda, born March 18, 1930, who represented his cou… - 5 years ago

@3nkaboot: Mahmoud Reda : Class - 5 years ago

@sammymagdy: RT @Zeinobia: #Egypt and Arab world legendary choreographer and dancer passed Mahmoud Reda passed away today,he was 90 years,we owe to this… - 5 years ago

@Safaaabdalla: RT @Zeinobia: #Egypt and Arab world legendary choreographer and dancer passed Mahmoud Reda passed away today,he was 90 years,we owe to this… - 5 years ago

@Salma_MG123: RT @Zeinobia: #Egypt and Arab world legendary choreographer and dancer passed Mahmoud Reda passed away today,he was 90 years,we owe to this… - 5 years ago

@annamiwendel: RIP Mahmoud Reda! Dog idag vid 90 års ålder. شكرا للرقص! - 5 years ago

@GatadeModista: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@MahinBellydance: The incomparable Mahmoud Reda has gone to the great big stage in the sky...RIP and thank you for your artstic visio… - 5 years ago

@WendyAntonell: RT @riveraguadalupx: Me desperté hoy con la noticia de que el maestro Mahmoud Reda falleció, es un día triste para el ambiente belly. - 5 years ago

@mo_el_shenawy: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. وفاة رائد الرقص الشعبي والاستعراضي المصري #محمود_رضا عن عمر يناهز 90 عامًا - 5 years ago

@annamingtaejoon: RIP Mahmoud Reda, o melhor bailarino Egípcio 😢 - 5 years ago

@SaadProud: RT @AbdulHamidAhmad: Egypt’s choreography icon Mahmoud Reda dies at 89 - 5 years ago

@AbdulHamidAhmad: Egypt’s choreography icon Mahmoud Reda dies at 89 - 5 years ago

@HaridyM7md: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@CindyYassen: RT @Zeinobia: #Egypt and Arab world legendary choreographer and dancer passed Mahmoud Reda passed away today,he was 90 years,we owe to this… - 5 years ago

@tatyrojera: Una de las presentaciones + emotivas q'me tocó vivir en tantos años de danza!Una réplica maravillosa de esta coreog… - 5 years ago

@eleoviedoc: Hoy falleció una leyenda de la danza, el maestro Mahmoud Reda, quien logró llevar a escena el folcklore egipcio. - 5 years ago

@m_sedik_m: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@isabellsay: RT @riveraguadalupx: Me desperté hoy con la noticia de que el maestro Mahmoud Reda falleció, es un día triste para el ambiente belly. - 5 years ago

@PugaAilin: Tengo una angustia enorme al ver todas las publicaciones de Mahmoud Reda - 5 years ago

@iAlDejani: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@jopigarcia: Me levanto y me entero que murió mahmoud reda. Que año de mierda - 5 years ago

@EG24NEWS: Acting professions obituary Mahmoud Reda: Arab art lost the legend of folk dance - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: Mahmoud Reda had one daughter Sherine with his wife who then died at young age. He had never married again. - 5 years ago

@juanaewrites: Just heard this morning that Mahmoud Reda passed away. My condolences to family and friends. Reda was/is legendary… - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: Mahmoud Reda said: "Ali, my elder bro, fell in love with Farida (Fahmy) who was younger than him & he dared not to… - 5 years ago

@Sofisasi_: RT @hola_laly: Mahmoud Reda es fundamental para el desarrollo del Bellydance en el mundo, recogió las danzas tradicionales egipcias y las l… - 5 years ago

@Pourlamour99: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@rapacciolimeuge: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: Mahmoud Reda, Guru of folkloric dance ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: Mahmoud Reda had married to Farida's Fahmy sister (Farida was his brother Ali's wife) when i was young I had though… - 5 years ago

@9nBDaWQpnQ8sgrd: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. وفاة رائد الرقص الشعبي والاستعراضي المصري #محمود_رضا عن عمر يناهز 90 عامًا - 5 years ago

@ElsherifInfo: Heute hat die Welt mit Mahmoud Reda einen großen Schauspieler und Choreografen verloren. Meine Anteilnahme gilt sei… - 5 years ago

@saeedelwan: I’m the only one who didn’t know who mahmoud reda is ! - 5 years ago

@MontoyaSabri: Me desperté con la noticia que Mahmoud Reda falleció, y me voy a quedar con las ganas de conocerlo para toda la vida 😥 - 5 years ago

@rachelpinheiro: RT @shiradotnet: “People recognize themselves in the dance. They love it, as if honored by a dance being made about them.” – Mahmoud Reda - 5 years ago

@OldestOlympians: Oldest Olympians is saddened to learn that Egyptian gymnast Mahmoud Reda, born March 18, 1930, who represented his… - 5 years ago

@DareenXoo: RT @Zeinobia: #Egypt and Arab world legendary choreographer and dancer passed Mahmoud Reda passed away today,he was 90 years,we owe to this… - 5 years ago

@DaliaNewYork: We lost a legendary Egyptian dancer Mahmoud Reda at the age of 90 a brilliant creative choreographer with incredibl… - 5 years ago

@marryamatia: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@Nada_Nehad1: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@HennaSafy: RT @Zeinobia: #Egypt and Arab world legendary choreographer and dancer passed Mahmoud Reda passed away today,he was 90 years,we owe to this… - 5 years ago

@mahabdullah8: RT @gulf_news: Veteran #Egyptian choreographer, dancer and actor #MahmoudReda, who made history in folk dances, died Friday, the Egyptian a… - 5 years ago

@medo135: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@john1966olsen: RT @gulf_news: Veteran #Egyptian choreographer, dancer and actor #MahmoudReda, who made history in folk dances, died Friday, the Egyptian a… - 5 years ago

@Transea1: RT @azzasedky: Republished: Mahmoud Reda - A pioneer of folk dance - 5 years ago

@rachelpinheiro: RT @gulf_news: Veteran #Egyptian choreographer, dancer and actor #MahmoudReda, who made history in folk dances, died Friday, the Egyptian a… - 5 years ago

@fcbd_syracuse: RIP Mahmoud Reda #raqs - 5 years ago

@AndreasFares: RT @Zeinobia: #Egypt and Arab world legendary choreographer and dancer passed Mahmoud Reda passed away today,he was 90 years,we owe to this… - 5 years ago

@rachelpinheiro: RT @Identitymageg: Egyptian actor, dancer, and choreographer Mahmoud Reda passed away earlier today at the age of 90. Reda was the founder… - 5 years ago

@gulf_news: Veteran #Egyptian choreographer, dancer and actor #MahmoudReda, who made history in folk dances, died Friday, the E… - 5 years ago

@waelbabel: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. وفاة رائد الرقص الشعبي والاستعراضي المصري #محمود_رضا عن عمر يناهز 90 عامًا - 5 years ago

@polturecom: Décès de Mahmoud Reda, père de Shereen Reda #shereen_reda #mahmoud_reda #egypte #deces #obseques… - 5 years ago

@Mennah71: Rip Mahmoud Reda - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Mahmoud Reda is no longer with us - #MahmoudReda #Mahmoud #Reda #rip - 5 years ago

@_camisilvero: RT @riveraguadalupx: Me desperté hoy con la noticia de que el maestro Mahmoud Reda falleció, es un día triste para el ambiente belly. - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: Mahmoud Reda, ägyptischer Tänzer und Choreograph, am 10.07.2020 im Alter von 90 Jahren - - 5 years ago

@OmarKamel: RIP Mahmoud Reda. - 5 years ago

@Zeinobia: RT @ahramonline: Republished: Mahmoud Reda - A pioneer of folk dance - 5 years ago

@riveraguadalupx: Me desperté hoy con la noticia de que el maestro Mahmoud Reda falleció, es un día triste para el ambiente belly. - 5 years ago

@TheImmoralCrow: I've just heard that Mahmoud Reda has passed away. His work was so important in Egyptian dance. I never got to meet… - 5 years ago

@RihamHisham3: Rib Mahmoud Reda 😔 - 5 years ago

@Cami_Angeles_: RT @hola_laly: Mahmoud Reda es fundamental para el desarrollo del Bellydance en el mundo, recogió las danzas tradicionales egipcias y las l… - 5 years ago

@robertalurnel: From @revistashimmie É com extrema tristeza que noticiamos que o lendário Mahmoud Reda faleceu há cerca de uma hora… - 5 years ago

@suulaimann: RT @cowsel9: Legends never DIE RIP Mahmoud Reda May Allah bless his soul. #محمود_رضا - 5 years ago

@ahramonline: Republished: Mahmoud Reda - A pioneer of folk dance - 5 years ago

@ZKhLaLxBvaCP9Ye: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. وفاة رائد الرقص الشعبي والاستعراضي المصري #محمود_رضا عن عمر يناهز 90 عامًا - 5 years ago

@Emasima: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@she_sings_along: RT @hgali5: Mahmoud Reda (1930-2020) was an Egyptian dancer and choreographer. He was best known for co-founding the Reda Troupe. May Alla… - 5 years ago

@AlBawabaEG: RT @Metricsafrica: Legendary Egyptian Dancer Mahmoud Reda Dies Aged 90 - 5 years ago

@AshleyRhianne2: 👼 Rest In Peace Maestro Mahmoud Reda. Such a sad day! Your gift of dance truly gave so much to us all. Your legacy… - 5 years ago

@EG24NEWS: Art stars mourn the late Mahmoud Reda photo - 5 years ago

@TJVoice: Legendary Egyptian Dancer Mahmoud Reda Dies Aged 90 - 5 years ago

@aubrehill: Rest in peace Mahmoud Reda. Thank you for all the inspiration you have given the world and everything you have done… - 5 years ago

@AmrrAmin: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. وفاة رائد الرقص الشعبي والاستعراضي المصري #محمود_رضا عن عمر يناهز 90 عامًا - 5 years ago

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