Mahmoud Jibril

Libyan politician
Died on Wednesday April 8th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Mahmoud Jibril:

@MicheleDDunne: Remembering #Libya revolutionary prime minister, Mahmoud Jibril, who died of #covid19 - 5 years ago

@AleksandrDumont: RT @JeromeBegle: BHL – Hommage à Mahmoud Jibril, via @LePoint - 5 years ago

@JeromeBegle: BHL – Hommage à Mahmoud Jibril, via @LePoint - 5 years ago

@AMARIEBL: BHL – Hommage à Mahmoud Jibril Celui qui mena la rébellion contre le colonel Kadhafi s’était juré de parvenir à pac… - 5 years ago


@Pop_upNews: RT @LePoint: BHL – Hommage à Mahmoud Jibril - 5 years ago

@LePoint: BHL – Hommage à Mahmoud Jibril - 5 years ago

@NewsLibyana: RT @libyaherald: National Forces Alliance appoints Khaled Marimi as temporary head to replace departed Mahmoud Jibril - - 5 years ago

@ZaptiaS: RT @libyaherald: National Forces Alliance appoints Khaled Marimi as temporary head to replace departed Mahmoud Jibril - - 5 years ago

@libyaherald: National Forces Alliance appoints Khaled Marimi as temporary head to replace departed Mahmoud Jibril -… - 5 years ago

@libyabiznews: New post: Remembering Libya's Revolutionary PM, Mahmoud Jibril - 5 years ago

@alwasatengnews: Khaled Al-Marimi to head National Forces Alliance party after death of Mahmoud Jibril - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Mahmoud Jibril dies - #MahmoudJibril #Mahmoud #Jibril #rip - 5 years ago

@SMorgandda: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 - 6 เม.ย. 63 08:30 - ยอดผู้ติดเชื้อทั่วโลก 1,273,794 ราย / หายป่วย 260,193 ราย (ยังอยู่ในอัตราประมาณ 1 ใน 5) -… - 5 years ago

@NaomiOhReally: "Maybe this will turn out okay. So went the reasoning — or wishful thinking — in spring and summer 2011." An obitua… - 5 years ago

@annetteashley61: RT @guyverhofstadt: With great sadness I learned that Mahmoud Jibril passed away due to coronavirus complications. He was a true and impres… - 5 years ago

@BrookingsFP: "Jibril’s impact in 2011 is a reminder that, as important as national interests are in setting foreign policy objec… - 5 years ago

@PaganoDritto: #Libya. April 9th, 2020. US diplomats Jeffrey #Feltman and Gene #Cretz share their views and personal memories of e… - 5 years ago

@AnnaLeaJacobs: Remembering Libya’s revolutionary prime minister, Mahmoud Jibril - 5 years ago

@crispnigeria: Mahmoud Jibril, Pape Diouf, Ellis Marsalis Jr. ... Top figures who've died of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@MFetouri: The late Mhamud Jibril view from Washington. He was a true Machiavellian! However because of that he destroyed his… - 5 years ago

@Realkaleem01: Former Libyan Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril and former Somali Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein are among those wh… - 5 years ago

@KohNagao: RT @AsaadHannaa: The face of the Libyan Arab Spring, Mahmoud Jibril, felled by COVID-19 | Middle East Institute - 5 years ago

@sarahleah1: RT @MaryFitzger: Good to see more textured remembrances of Mahmoud Jibril, who recently died of #Covid19. Every public figure in Libya sinc… - 5 years ago

@TawfikTobruk: RT @MaryFitzger: Good to see more textured remembrances of Mahmoud Jibril, who recently died of #Covid19. Every public figure in Libya sinc… - 5 years ago

@Nasser22820844: RT @emad_badi: This is probably the first piece I've read about Mahmoud Jibril that genuinely reflects on his contribution - but also some… - 5 years ago

@nithercott: RT @snakhooda: “In contrast, by autumn 2011, Jibril — replaced as prime minister of the then Tripoli-based interim government by Abdurrahim… - 5 years ago

@gatnash: RT @emad_badi: This is probably the first piece I've read about Mahmoud Jibril that genuinely reflects on his contribution - but also some… - 5 years ago

@Faiyla: RT @emad_badi: This is probably the first piece I've read about Mahmoud Jibril that genuinely reflects on his contribution - but also some… - 5 years ago

@TrumpCritic: RT @Eljarh: Mahmoud Jibril was a natural leader for this option/current. An impasse between the two fighting camps in #Libya would offer an… - 5 years ago

@NewsLibyana: RT @Eljarh: Mahmoud Jibril was a natural leader for this option/current. An impasse between the two fighting camps in #Libya would offer an… - 5 years ago

@Nefro_Sabratha: RT @emad_badi: This is probably the first piece I've read about Mahmoud Jibril that genuinely reflects on his contribution - but also some… - 5 years ago

@NewsLibyana: RT @emad_badi: This is probably the first piece I've read about Mahmoud Jibril that genuinely reflects on his contribution - but also some… - 5 years ago

@EyesOnLibya1: RT @fishman_b: Invaluable contribution to understanding US-#Libya policy in 2011 by Jeff Feltman and Gene Cretz reflecting on the complicat… - 5 years ago

@LydiaSizer: RT @emad_badi: This is probably the first piece I've read about Mahmoud Jibril that genuinely reflects on his contribution - but also some… - 5 years ago

@SE25A: RT @NaomiOhReally: "Maybe this will turn out okay. So went the reasoning — or wishful thinking — in spring and summer 2011." An obituary of… - 5 years ago

@maryoucha: RT @emad_badi: This is probably the first piece I've read about Mahmoud Jibril that genuinely reflects on his contribution - but also some… - 5 years ago

@emad_badi: This is probably the first piece I've read about Mahmoud Jibril that genuinely reflects on his contribution - but a… - 5 years ago

@k_ramali: RT @fishman_b: Invaluable contribution to understanding US-#Libya policy in 2011 by Jeff Feltman and Gene Cretz reflecting on the complicat… - 5 years ago

@Eljarh: @IRajabany @libyaamazigh101 Mahmoud Jibril was a natural candidate for that current. His passing makes things even more difficult. #Libya - 5 years ago

@baderdghaim: RT @MaryFitzger: Good to see more textured remembrances of Mahmoud Jibril, who recently died of #Covid19. Every public figure in Libya sinc… - 5 years ago

@julianne1278: RT @warsonthebrink: #Breaking Former #Libya Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Dr_XYZ: RT @MaryFitzger: Good to see more textured remembrances of Mahmoud Jibril, who recently died of #Covid19. Every public figure in Libya sinc… - 5 years ago

@warsonthebrink: #Breaking Former #Libya Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@kufaarcritic: Former Libya Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@AllisonLMcManus: RT @MaryFitzger: Good to see more textured remembrances of Mahmoud Jibril, who recently died of #Covid19. Every public figure in Libya sinc… - 5 years ago

@IDEFFIE_NGO: RT @AsaadHannaa: The face of the Libyan Arab Spring, Mahmoud Jibril, felled by COVID-19 | Middle East Institute - 5 years ago

@TexasArabians: RT @snakhooda: “In contrast, by autumn 2011, Jibril — replaced as prime minister of the then Tripoli-based interim government by Abdurrahim… - 5 years ago

@Amool: RT @fishman_b: Invaluable contribution to understanding US-#Libya policy in 2011 by Jeff Feltman and Gene Cretz reflecting on the complicat… - 5 years ago

@BoffleSpoffle: RT @AsaadHannaa: The face of the Libyan Arab Spring, Mahmoud Jibril, felled by COVID-19 | Middle East Institute - 5 years ago

@PhBaumann: RT @AsaadHannaa: The face of the Libyan Arab Spring, Mahmoud Jibril, felled by COVID-19 | Middle East Institute - 5 years ago

@captain_amarito: RT @AsaadHannaa: The face of the Libyan Arab Spring, Mahmoud Jibril, felled by COVID-19 | Middle East Institute - 5 years ago

@BouberlDavid: RT @AsaadHannaa: The face of the Libyan Arab Spring, Mahmoud Jibril, felled by COVID-19 | Middle East Institute - 5 years ago

@KaitNGriffin: RT @AsaadHannaa: The face of the Libyan Arab Spring, Mahmoud Jibril, felled by COVID-19 | Middle East Institute - 5 years ago

@AsaadHannaa: The face of the Libyan Arab Spring, Mahmoud Jibril, felled by COVID-19 | Middle East Institute - 5 years ago

@HYXCAD: RT @snakhooda: “In contrast, by autumn 2011, Jibril — replaced as prime minister of the then Tripoli-based interim government by Abdurrahim… - 5 years ago

@MaryFitzger: Good to see more textured remembrances of Mahmoud Jibril, who recently died of #Covid19. Every public figure in Lib… - 5 years ago

@suhaib_zafar: RT @BrookingsFP: "Jibril’s impact in 2011 is a reminder that, as important as national interests are in setting foreign policy objectives,… - 5 years ago

@BrookingsFP: "Jibril’s impact in 2011 is a reminder that, as important as national interests are in setting foreign policy objec… - 5 years ago

@safi_wajahat: RT @Ibishblog: Mahmoud Jibril is a major loss. He was by far the best political figure in post-Qaddafi (and maybe even post-colonial) Libya… - 5 years ago

@Zehra_Zaidi: RT @Ibishblog: Mahmoud Jibril is a major loss. He was by far the best political figure in post-Qaddafi (and maybe even post-colonial) Libya… - 5 years ago

@Ibishblog: Mahmoud Jibril is a major loss. He was by far the best political figure in post-Qaddafi (and maybe even post-coloni… - 5 years ago

@Ferjani9arwi: RT @fishman_b: Invaluable contribution to understanding US-#Libya policy in 2011 by Jeff Feltman and Gene Cretz reflecting on the complicat… - 5 years ago

@EvanDMcCormick: Enjoyed this essay by two former diplos working on N Africa at start of the Libyan civil war. It’s an interesting t… - 5 years ago

@burweila: RT @snakhooda: “In contrast, by autumn 2011, Jibril — replaced as prime minister of the then Tripoli-based interim government by Abdurrahim… - 5 years ago

@snakhooda: “In contrast, by autumn 2011, Jibril — replaced as prime minister of the then Tripoli-based interim government by A… - 5 years ago

@Amool: RT @business: Former Libya premier Mahmoud Jibril has reportedly died in Cairo after contracting the coronavirus - 5 years ago

@yellowtavern1: RT @fishman_b: Invaluable contribution to understanding US-#Libya policy in 2011 by Jeff Feltman and Gene Cretz reflecting on the complicat… - 5 years ago

@WashInstitute: RT @fishman_b: Invaluable contribution to understanding US-#Libya policy in 2011 by Jeff Feltman and Gene Cretz reflecting on the complicat… - 5 years ago

@FWehrey: RT @fishman_b: Invaluable contribution to understanding US-#Libya policy in 2011 by Jeff Feltman and Gene Cretz reflecting on the complicat… - 5 years ago

@fishman_b: Invaluable contribution to understanding US-#Libya policy in 2011 by Jeff Feltman and Gene Cretz reflecting on the… - 5 years ago

@JORGERUIZLEON: RT @MiddleEastInst: Mahmoud Jibril's "passing closes a particular chapter in Libya’s post-Gadhafi history. #Libya is still looking for lead… - 5 years ago

@DrJLHazelton: RT @MiddleEastInst: Mahmoud Jibril's "passing closes a particular chapter in Libya’s post-Gadhafi history. #Libya is still looking for lead… - 5 years ago

@arodsf: RT @MiddleEastInst: Mahmoud Jibril's "passing closes a particular chapter in Libya’s post-Gadhafi history. #Libya is still looking for lead… - 5 years ago

@tax_tweet: RT @MiddleEastInst: Mahmoud Jibril's "passing closes a particular chapter in Libya’s post-Gadhafi history. #Libya is still looking for lead… - 5 years ago

@TrumpCritic: RT @MiddleEastInst: Mahmoud Jibril's "passing closes a particular chapter in Libya’s post-Gadhafi history. #Libya is still looking for lead… - 5 years ago

@MichaelWinship: RT @MiddleEastInst: Mahmoud Jibril's "passing closes a particular chapter in Libya’s post-Gadhafi history. #Libya is still looking for lead… - 5 years ago

@futurerisks: The face of the #Libyan Arab Spring, Mahmoud Jibril, felled by #COVID-19 | The death of former PM Mahmoud Jibril, a… - 5 years ago

@harley_handy: The face of the Libyan Arab Spring, Mahmoud Jibril, felled by COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@harley_handy: Remembering Libya’s revolutionary prime minister, Mahmoud Jibril - 5 years ago

@RobinMacNab: RT @BrookingsFP: Former Libyan PM Mahmoud Jibril, who died from #COVID19 on April 5, "was arguably the most influential of all the Libyans… - 5 years ago

@GKevooh: RT @AfricaFactsZone: Libya's former Prime Minister, Mahmoud Jibril has died of Coronavirus. - 5 years ago

@MaloneySuzanne: RT @BrookingsFP: Former Libyan PM Mahmoud Jibril, who died from #COVID19 on April 5, "was arguably the most influential of all the Libyans… - 5 years ago

@BrookingsFP: Former Libyan PM Mahmoud Jibril, who died from #COVID19 on April 5, "was arguably the most influential of all the L… - 5 years ago

@j_feierstein: RT @MiddleEastInst: The face of the #Libyan Arab Spring, Mahmoud Jibril, felled by #COVID-19 | The death of former PM Mahmoud Jibril, at ju… - 5 years ago

@ptnassif: RT @tcwittes: You don't want to miss reading this fascinating personal reflection by Ambs. Jeff Feltman and Gene Cretz on a recent COVID vi… - 5 years ago

@MiddleEastInst: The face of the #Libyan Arab Spring, Mahmoud Jibril, felled by #COVID-19 | The death of former PM Mahmoud Jibril, a… - 5 years ago

@mideasteditor: The face of the Libyan Arab Spring, Mahmoud Jibril, felled by COVID-19 @JasonPackLibya and Sami Zaptia for… - 5 years ago

@NewsLibyana: RT @ZaptiaS: Jason Pack & I co-wrote this on Mahmoud Jibril - 5 years ago

@ZaptiaS: Jason Pack & I co-wrote this on Mahmoud Jibril - 5 years ago

@Sahara_dunes: Remembering Libya’s revolutionary prime minister, Mahmoud Jibril #Libya #libyanews - 5 years ago

@perribus: RT @tcwittes: You don't want to miss reading this fascinating personal reflection by Ambs. Jeff Feltman and Gene Cretz on a recent COVID vi… - 5 years ago

@ochiengwally: RT @tcwittes: You don't want to miss reading this fascinating personal reflection by Ambs. Jeff Feltman and Gene Cretz on a recent COVID vi… - 5 years ago

@BrookingsFP: RT @tcwittes: You don't want to miss reading this fascinating personal reflection by Ambs. Jeff Feltman and Gene Cretz on a recent COVID vi… - 5 years ago

@terreneuve33: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort en exil de Mahmoud Jibril, héros de la révolution libyenne #Inter - 5 years ago

@MohammadRafiAn9: RT @arabnews: #BREAKING: Former Libyan Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril dies of #coronavirus in Cairo: Al Arabiya TV - 5 years ago

@BintAlNil_News: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort en exil de Mahmoud Jibril, héros de la révolution libyenne #Inter - 5 years ago

@AfricaZilla: Remembering Libya’s revolutionary prime minister, Mahmoud Jibril - 5 years ago

@tcwittes: You don't want to miss reading this fascinating personal reflection by Ambs. Jeff Feltman and Gene Cretz on a recen… - 5 years ago

@SSVisomblain: RT @Figaro_Inter: Mort en exil de Mahmoud Jibril, héros de la révolution libyenne - 5 years ago

@Jonas62712964: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort en exil de Mahmoud Jibril, héros de la révolution libyenne #Inter - 5 years ago

@Figaro_Inter: Mort en exil de Mahmoud Jibril, héros de la révolution libyenne - 5 years ago

@Le_Figaro: Mort en exil de Mahmoud Jibril, héros de la révolution libyenne #Inter - 5 years ago

@24NewsLive: Mort en exil de Mahmoud Jibril, héros de la révolution libyenne - 5 years ago

@Belteib: Remembering Libya’s revolutionary prime minister, Mahmoud Jibril - 5 years ago

@DanaLopes7: RT @Eljarh: Terrible news - #Libya’s war PM & head of the National Forces Alliance, Mahmoud Jibril passed away due to #COVID2019 complicati… - 5 years ago

@prosperndu9: RT @AfricaFactsZone: Libya's former Prime Minister, Mahmoud Jibril has died of Coronavirus. - 5 years ago

@baryy_milano: "Je ne veux pas qu'il ait des funérailles et soit enterré dans le désert", a déclaré l'ancien Premier ministre liby… - 5 years ago

@PratsAndCo: - 5 years ago

@Allio_De_Corato: L’âme de la révolution libyenne de 2011 est mort dimanche au Caire du Covid-19.... - 5 years ago

@RomDewaele: "Il a été victime d’ambitions démesurées des islamistes. Pendant toute la campagne, ils lui ont tiré à boulet rouge… - 5 years ago

@Morganacatalana: RT @Le_Figaro: Coronavirus: mort en exil de Mahmoud Jibril #Inter - 5 years ago

@Figaro_Inter: Coronavirus: mort en exil de Mahmoud Jibril - 5 years ago

@Le_Figaro: Coronavirus: mort en exil de Mahmoud Jibril #Inter - 5 years ago

@24NewsLive: Coronavirus: mort en exil de Mahmoud Jibril - 5 years ago

@Chimageneithph1: RT @OdogwuOgbete: I love to see suit, shirt and tie in perfect harmony like this... Meanwhile, RIP Minister Mahmoud Jibril - 5 years ago

@Abou_Dra: - 5 years ago

@JoinPakMcqs: Mahmoud Jibril has died of Coronavirus after spending two weeks in an Egyptian hospital, he was Former Prime Minist… - 5 years ago

@Harmonymelody42: RT @EyesOnQ: Ex-Libyan PM, Mahmoud Jibril, dies of Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ImDarrenDunn2: @TrueQanuck11 Incredible dedication. I had a look through a lot did you add Mahmoud Jibril? "Jibril suffered from… - 5 years ago

@JORGEPRATA5: RT @RFIAfrique: Libye: Mahmoud Jibril, ex-chef de la rébellion anti-Kadhafi, décède du coronavirus (parti) - 5 years ago

@TrueQanuck11: 1573) According to medical sources, former Libyan interim Prime Minister and the head of the National Forces Allian… - 5 years ago

@AlhurraIraq: RT @AlhurraOpEd: #مقال #من_زاوية_أخرى بعد مرور كل هذا الوقت، أجدني أرى النبوءة متحققة في مجمل الشرق الأوسط، وقد تحول إلى محمية فعلا، بأكثر… - 5 years ago

@alhurranews: RT @AlhurraOpEd: #مقال #من_زاوية_أخرى بعد مرور كل هذا الوقت، أجدني أرى النبوءة متحققة في مجمل الشرق الأوسط، وقد تحول إلى محمية فعلا، بأكثر… - 5 years ago

@AlhurraOpEd: #مقال #من_زاوية_أخرى بعد مرور كل هذا الوقت، أجدني أرى النبوءة متحققة في مجمل الشرق الأوسط، وقد تحول إلى محمية فعلا،… - 5 years ago

@Karan14133189: RT @ThAlkaSingh: @MajorPoonia कोरोना संक्रमित लीबिया के पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री #महमूद #जिब्रिल की हुई मौत, यह पांच वक्त के नमाज भी थे कोई हिं… - 5 years ago

@juventista317: RT @cnni: Former Libyan Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril died on Sunday in Cairo, Egypt after contracting coronavirus, his National Forces All… - 5 years ago

@juventista317: RT @sndwky: Former Libya Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril dies from coronavirus リビアの元首相、マフムード・ジブリール氏が新型コロナウイルス感染により死去。 - 5 years ago

@karlos_240: RT @bakhtiyar4U: Former Libya Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril dies from #coronavirus #Covid_19 - 5 years ago

@TheKnowledgeRpt: The US used Mahmoud Jibril, former leader of the rebel government to overthrew Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. It’… - 5 years ago

@WidyowatiSari: RT @MiddleEastEye: The 67-year-old had been quarantined at a hospital in Cairo since 26 March - 5 years ago

@Yahia85857317: RT @kopamaros: Well, one of the leaders of the counter-revolution in Libya, Mahmoud Jibril, died of coronavirus. - 5 years ago

@akrukakrik: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 - 6 เม.ย. 63 08:30 - ยอดผู้ติดเชื้อทั่วโลก 1,273,794 ราย / หายป่วย 260,193 ราย (ยังอยู่ในอัตราประมาณ 1 ใน 5) -… - 5 years ago

@ThAlkaSingh: @MajorPoonia कोरोना संक्रमित लीबिया के पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री #महमूद #जिब्रिल की हुई मौत, यह पांच वक्त के नमाज भी थे… - 5 years ago

@ArakapasHash: RT @guyverhofstadt: With great sadness I learned that Mahmoud Jibril passed away due to coronavirus complications. He was a true and impres… - 5 years ago

@ArabiaPolicy: The former interim PM’s death comes as public figures and global leaders contract the virus. - 5 years ago

@walcamhaiti: Libye: L’ancien Premier ministre Mahmoud Jibril décède du coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ciewierz: RT @Lyobserver: Breaking News: Head of #Libya’s National Forces Alliance, Mahmoud Jibril has died in #Egypt from #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@doingbuzzz: Libye: L’ancien Premier ministre Mahmoud Jibril décède du coronavirus - 5 years ago

@LDoingbuzz: Libye: L’ancien Premier ministre Mahmoud Jibril décède du coronavirus - 5 years ago

@PhenoDoingbuzz: Libye: L’ancien Premier ministre Mahmoud Jibril décède du coronavirus - 5 years ago

@2_aw9: RT @AlhurraOpEd: #مقال #من_زاوية_أخرى لم يهادن جبريل في كل حديثه ولم يخف غضبه على ما يحدث في ليبيا، وأكاد أقول إنه تنبأ بكثير مما حدث بعد ذ… - 5 years ago

@Dr_ZAQ: RT @Dr_ZAQ: "Former Libya Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril dies from coronavirus" میاں نواز شریف صاحب اپ بھی کچھ سوچیں بنا پلاتلیٹس کے جینا ب… - 5 years ago

@waqassaleem141: RT @Dr_ZAQ: "Former Libya Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril dies from coronavirus" میاں نواز شریف صاحب اپ بھی کچھ سوچیں بنا پلاتلیٹس کے جینا ب… - 5 years ago

@alhurranews: RT @AlhurraOpEd: #مقال #من_زاوية_أخرى لم يهادن جبريل في كل حديثه ولم يخف غضبه على ما يحدث في ليبيا، وأكاد أقول إنه تنبأ بكثير مما حدث بعد ذ… - 5 years ago

@ReveilCongo: Libye: L’ancien Premier ministre Mahmoud Jibril décède du coronavirus - 5 years ago

@CFfnfjf: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 - 6 เม.ย. 63 08:30 - ยอดผู้ติดเชื้อทั่วโลก 1,273,794 ราย / หายป่วย 260,193 ราย (ยังอยู่ในอัตราประมาณ 1 ใน 5) -… - 5 years ago

@ajitpattanayak: RT @Satyanewshi: Former Libya Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@naveed1904: RT @Dr_ZAQ: "Former Libya Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril dies from coronavirus" میاں نواز شریف صاحب اپ بھی کچھ سوچیں بنا پلاتلیٹس کے جینا ب… - 5 years ago

@ShortCi24504345: RT @Dr_ZAQ: "Former Libya Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril dies from coronavirus" میاں نواز شریف صاحب اپ بھی کچھ سوچیں بنا پلاتلیٹس کے جینا ب… - 5 years ago

@Dr_ZAQ: "Former Libya Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril dies from coronavirus" میاں نواز شریف صاحب اپ بھی کچھ سوچیں بنا پلاتلیٹس کے جینا بھی کوئی جینا - 5 years ago

@AlhurraOpEd: #مقال #من_زاوية_أخرى لم يهادن جبريل في كل حديثه ولم يخف غضبه على ما يحدث في ليبيا، وأكاد أقول إنه تنبأ بكثير مما حد… - 5 years ago

@mmqmudy: Former Libya Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril dies from coronavirus @AJENews - 5 years ago

@SortedEagle: RT @Satyanewshi: Former Libya Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@amankalia5: RT @Satyanewshi: Former Libya Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@amankalia5: RT @Satyanewshi: Former Libya Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril Former Congo president Jacques Joachim Yhombi Opango, victims of #WuhanVirus - 5 years ago

@Yabrudy: RT @kopamaros: Well, one of the leaders of the counter-revolution in Libya, Mahmoud Jibril, died of coronavirus. - 5 years ago

@tyme2awaken: RT @QAnonNotables: Former Libyan Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril has died at the age of 67 after being infected with coronavirus. His Nationa… - 5 years ago

@Magic12Miller: RT @QAnonNotables: Former Libyan Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril has died at the age of 67 after being infected with coronavirus. His Nationa… - 5 years ago

@LaurieS64123094: According to medical sources, former Libyan interim Prime Minister and the head of the National Forces Alliance, Ma… - 5 years ago

@2Tarkon: RT @QAnonNotables: Former Libyan Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril has died at the age of 67 after being infected with coronavirus. His Nationa… - 5 years ago

@aleshtiraki: First major politician to die from the COVID-19? - 5 years ago

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