Mahlagha Mallah

Iranian environmentalist.
Died on Monday November 8th 2021

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Mahlagha Mallah:

@errebonbillo: RT @nazaninarmanian: Irán:Fallece la "Dama d la protección d medio ambiente" Mahlagha Mallah, a los 99 años. Dra. en Sociología por la Uni… - 3 years ago

@Stolae: RT @nazaninarmanian: Irán:Fallece la "Dama d la protección d medio ambiente" Mahlagha Mallah, a los 99 años. Dra. en Sociología por la Uni… - 3 years ago

@HypatyaD: RT @nazaninarmanian: Irán:Fallece la "Dama d la protección d medio ambiente" Mahlagha Mallah, a los 99 años. Dra. en Sociología por la Uni… - 3 years ago

@InfanteAntoni: RT @nazaninarmanian: Irán:Fallece la "Dama d la protección d medio ambiente" Mahlagha Mallah, a los 99 años. Dra. en Sociología por la Uni… - 3 years ago


@nazaninarmanian: Irán:Fallece la "Dama d la protección d medio ambiente" Mahlagha Mallah, a los 99 años. Dra. en Sociología por la… - 3 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Environmentalist Mahlagha Mallah; writer Kirsi Kunnas; MLB's Pedro Feliciano; actresses Amalia… - 3 years ago

@Undivided_WWBP: RT @ICHRI: Mahlagha (or Mahlaqa) Mallah, known as the “mother of environmentalism in Iran” died on November 8. She founded the Society of… - 3 years ago

@ICCongress: RT @OnDocunight: RIP Mahlagha Mallah, Iran’s eldest environmental activist and the founder of the first environmental NGO in Iran. - 3 years ago

@rnamdari: RT @OnDocunight: RIP Mahlagha Mallah, Iran’s eldest environmental activist and the founder of the first environmental NGO in Iran. - 3 years ago

@kaizen1990: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@mpirateque: RT @AGhezili: La madre del medio ambiente de Irán, Mahlagha Mallah, falleció a los 104 años. Fundó la primera sociedad de mujeres para comb… - 3 years ago

@ActusPays: RT @jonathanpiron1: Quelques médias reviennent sur le décès à 104 ans de Mahlagha Mallah,considérée comme la "mère de l'environnement irani… - 3 years ago

@jonathanpiron1: Quelques médias reviennent sur le décès à 104 ans de Mahlagha Mallah,considérée comme la "mère de l'environnement i… - 3 years ago

@nomajor_7: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@OnDocunight: RIP Mahlagha Mallah, Iran’s eldest environmental activist and the founder of the first environmental NGO in Iran. - 3 years ago

@irna_es: RT @AGhezili: La madre del medio ambiente de Irán, Mahlagha Mallah, falleció a los 104 años. Fundó la primera sociedad de mujeres para comb… - 3 years ago

@MazisOpinioncom: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @ICHRI: Mahlagha (or Mahlaqa) Mallah, known as the “mother of environmentalism in Iran” died on November 8. She founded the Society of… - 3 years ago

@JoseBarrosViana: RT @ICHRI: Mahlagha (or Mahlaqa) Mallah, known as the “mother of environmentalism in Iran” died on November 8. She founded the Society of… - 3 years ago

@emarpet: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@johnwood20191: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@FereydounSadri: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@Sara39062074: RT @ICHRI: Mahlagha (or Mahlaqa) Mallah, known as the “mother of environmentalism in Iran” died on November 8. She founded the Society of… - 3 years ago

@MarrakechiaBB: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@BanooYass: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@mdenhoet: RT @ICHRI: Mahlagha (or Mahlaqa) Mallah, known as the “mother of environmentalism in Iran” died on November 8. She founded the Society of… - 3 years ago

@RozitaRiazati: RT @ICHRI: Mahlagha (or Mahlaqa) Mallah, known as the “mother of environmentalism in Iran” died on November 8. She founded the Society of… - 3 years ago

@nahid8: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@analyticnomad: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@OmNico72: RT @ICHRI: Mahlagha (or Mahlaqa) Mallah, known as the “mother of environmentalism in Iran” died on November 8. She founded the Society of… - 3 years ago

@ICHRI: Mahlagha (or Mahlaqa) Mallah, known as the “mother of environmentalism in Iran” died on November 8. She founded t… - 3 years ago

@Caravanseraiii: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@s_esma3eel: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@AGhezili: La madre del medio ambiente de Irán, Mahlagha Mallah, falleció a los 104 años. Fundó la primera sociedad de mujeres… - 3 years ago

@CultofVenn: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@geokem7: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@Aftabnaz33r: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@howserob: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@farisoltani: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@KurdishTurkish1: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@sarahleah1: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@sheermean: RT @NikaSaeedi: Mahlagha Mallah known as “Mother of Iran's Environment", & the founder of the Women's Society Against Environmental Polluti… - 3 years ago

@PaniKhanumi: Mahlagha #Mallah, known as the “mother of Iran’s #environment”, passed away on Monday 8 Nov 2021. Her life was devo… - 3 years ago

@ChaunceyCroc: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@nassefi: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@rnamdari: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@MattMoomau: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@RozitaRiazati: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@nahalhashemian: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@Ahreeman1: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@adam_funama: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@tparsi: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@BehroozParhami: Mahlagha Mallah, nicknamed “Mother of Iran’s Environment,” dead at 104. - 3 years ago

@musthafaaa: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@IqraYasmeeen: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@NikaSaeedi: Mahlagha Mallah known as “Mother of Iran's Environment", & the founder of the Women's Society Against Environmental… - 3 years ago

@barbaraslavin1: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@gyron_mkwebo: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@stellaesterella: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@salehalyaseen: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@LingerieLayla: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@IlMolinoUK: RT @NegarMortazavi: Iran’s mother of environment, Mahlagha Mallah, passed away at age 104. She founded the first women’s society to combat… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Mahlagha Mallah dies - #MahlaghaMallah #Mahlagha #Mallah #rip - 3 years ago

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