Mac Collins

American politician
Died on Wednesday November 21st 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Mac Collins:

@web1tv: RT @MickyBeisenherz: Es zählt zu den persönlichen, aber vor allem NEUEN Tragödien meines Lebens, dass ich die Konzerte von Phil Collins und… - 6 years ago

@pat_4291_mac: I gave already so whoever is running against Collins will have money to beat her. And I will give again when her op… - 6 years ago

@MAC_2377: RT @KatyClassic1: Katy Classic Boy's Tournament Gold Bracket Games for Friday - 11/30 Klein Forest vs Tompkins 1 pm at Katy Taylor HS We… - 6 years ago

@Big_Bob_Mac: @andersonDrLJA Fortunately with 53 Romney, Murkowski and Collins are basically irrelevant. - 6 years ago


@Rob____Mac: @WomanResistorNC @SenatorCollins Susan Collins is a monumental dope. She sways back and forth so much ... neither… - 6 years ago

@HeikeHengasch: RT @MickyBeisenherz: Es zählt zu den persönlichen, aber vor allem NEUEN Tragödien meines Lebens, dass ich die Konzerte von Phil Collins und… - 6 years ago

@OliverBauer02: @AaronNagler The talent has never been replenished. We've gone from Driver, Jennings, Jordy, JJ, and Finley to Dava… - 6 years ago

@MickyBeisenherz: Es zählt zu den persönlichen, aber vor allem NEUEN Tragödien meines Lebens, dass ich die Konzerte von Phil Collins… - 6 years ago

@janjan_collins: @Dangalluzzo1 @JackMcGeehin 4) Obama..Hillary, Mac..and Seal Team Six👍, also got bin Laden while putting US on the… - 6 years ago

@edwinnl88: Artiesten in een groot stadion.. fleetwood mac 200 euro per ticket. Phill collins 250 euro per ticket. Jeetje de… - 6 years ago

@Jamie_Mac_v5: RT @SocialPowerOne1: Susan Collins wants a voter suppression guru to be a federal judge - 6 years ago

@anne_bishton: I just gave $3 to help get Susan Collins out in 2020. Support Mac McKinsey on BuyMeACoffee: - 6 years ago

@itsBiggDaddy131: @Iambigd50 @Mac_Hot_Sir How did thy arrive at Collins 🤣 - 6 years ago

@Big_Bob_Mac: @BenCorporal Yep , thanks Utah. Good part is he , Murkowski and Collins are basically irrelevant with the 53 Repub Senators.. - 6 years ago

@Iambigd50: @Mac_Hot_Sir @itsBiggDaddy131 Ba Collins naimwe 😂 - 6 years ago

@Mac_Hot_Sir: @Iambigd50 @itsBiggDaddy131 But Collins?? Really? - 6 years ago

@Iambigd50: @Mac_Hot_Sir @itsBiggDaddy131 Dude even I can’t pronounce your name, Collins 🙄 - 6 years ago

@collins_shop: RT @Aziadonis: Les jeunes parisiens ils aiment trop se poser à Starbucks pour réviser leurs cours de fac sur leur mac et en payant leur caf… - 6 years ago

@Mac_Hot_Sir: @itsBiggDaddy131 Mchotsa. Nothing close to Collins - 6 years ago

@Mac_Hot_Sir: RT @MissTicia07: Wadup Collins 😂😂😂😂 - 6 years ago

@Mac_Sleep7414: Funny Quote of the Day: "The problem with beauty is that it's like being born rich and getting poorer." - Joan Collins - 6 years ago

@Rob____Mac: @mkraju Susan Collins is a dope! - 6 years ago

@Collins_LLC: Tuesday dinner menu: pepperoni pizza, chickpea potato curry, tilapia with pesto, mac & cheese, french fries, steame… - 6 years ago

@Mubanga_Junior: @eric19feb @Mac_Hot_Sir Collins Collins Collins. Why?? - 6 years ago

@eric19feb: @Mac_Hot_Sir @Mubanga_Junior Hmmm Collins why you so mad? - 6 years ago

@Mubanga_Junior: @eric19feb @Mac_Hot_Sir IKR. it’s so unlike Collins. - 6 years ago

@eric19feb: @Mubanga_Junior @Mac_Hot_Sir Collins is in a mood today ey - 6 years ago

@Mubanga_Junior: @Mac_Hot_Sir Okay Collins. - 6 years ago

@Mubanga_Junior: @Mac_Hot_Sir Sup’ Collins. - 6 years ago

@Wemmy__: @Mac_Hot_Sir Hi Collins - 6 years ago

@NashvilleAccess: Dallas and Camo discuss the Musician of the Year Award in country music and Mac McAnally's decade long domination i… - 6 years ago

@Mac_Hot_Sir: People find pronouncing my name difficult. Today I was called Collins. Fucking COLLINS. That's nothing close to my name! Nothing at all!😒 - 6 years ago

@BankrollChestah: Listen to Greatness/God's Plan ft Caleb Collins by Mac Trilla #np on #SoundCloud - 6 years ago

@LovToRideMyTrek: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@lhrbsis: Mac Collins, Who Represented Georgia for 12 Years in the House, Dead at 74 - 6 years ago

@wfnz: Hornets TV Voice Eric Collins joined the @MacAttackWFNZ to discuss the Hornets season thus far. … - 6 years ago

@ctmmagazine: | Mac Collins, Who Represented Georgia for 12 Years in the House, Dead at 74 || MORE INFO: - 6 years ago

@collins_47: RT @blackefron: I just found Mac Miller’s secret Instagram account where he plays a bro named Lars that teaches vape tricks and I’m honestl… - 6 years ago

@IHSAHistorian: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@TNelson404: RT @GovernorDeal: I’m saddened to hear of the passing of my friend, Mac Collins. Mac and I served in Congress together and I admired his le… - 6 years ago

@solusnan1: - 6 years ago

@TBoneWFNZ: Mac Attack Tuesday 730: @KevinDonnalley tries again to lift @macwfnz back up 8: @lewis_damione will tell the tr… - 6 years ago

@CQnow: Collins hailed from a rural part of Georgia that quickly grew with Atlanta sprawl - 6 years ago

@janjan_collins: RT @bubbagump324: Damn The Big Mac Dumper in Cheese looks really bad and looks like there is a bandage on his arm. 🤞😏👍 - 6 years ago

@TandemComm: RT @rollcall: Collins ran for the Senate in 2004, but lost in the GOP primary to Johnny Isakson, who still holds the seat - 6 years ago

@rollcall: Collins ran for the Senate in 2004, but lost in the GOP primary to Johnny Isakson, who still holds the seat - 6 years ago

@MacValdiviaUach: El encuentro de #Música experimental Relincha Festival 2018 convocó a distintos #artistas de la escena mundial en e… - 6 years ago

@g_caldwell12: @Sam_Carolinaman @_jhill5 @jayceehorn_10 We are DBU because we have the most DB's drafted in cfb history. Muschamp… - 6 years ago

@menezesthayse: thayse menezes's top 5 artists this week: Enya (46), Fleetwood Mac (42), Gustavo Santaolalla (32), Phil Collins (27), Oasis (22) #jotafm - 6 years ago

@edwinnl88: Dat wordt dus 18 juni fleetwood mac in Londen. En 20 juni phill collins in Nijmegen. Stevie Nicks en phill in de vakantie. Hemels 😍😍 - 6 years ago

@TrendBasket: Atlanta Hawks, John Collins'in maç kazandıran bloğu ile galip! - - 6 years ago

@53kalevasJanice: RT @GaRepublicans: “He was a pioneering leader of the Republican Party in Georgia, joining at a time that there were no Republicans in powe… - 6 years ago

@blakcoffee: RT @johngizzi: Remembering Ex-Rep. Mac Collins, R-GA: The "Trucker Congressman" - 6 years ago

@Onnie_Mac: RT @NBA: John Collins records 23 PTS, 11 REB and seals the @ATLHawks W with the late rejection! #TrueToAtlanta 124 #Hornets30 123 Kent Ba… - 6 years ago

@amymellorr: Fleetwood Mac and Phil Collins will always have a special place in my heart. - 6 years ago

@voboluvclub: abba wham! fleetwood mac & phil collins invented music thank you for your time - 6 years ago

@Mernoid: @TrapMoneyEly @itssmaddie31 @collins_julien @Genius What MAC-11 even boom with the bass down? Schemin'! - 6 years ago

@WeAreRockCreek: RT @ButtsCountyGa: Obituary for Former US Congressman/State Senator/Butts County Commissioner Michael Allen (Mac) Collins. Funeral service… - 6 years ago

@Bryant_30_Mac: This defense is stifling. Long, athletic but more important active and aware. @coach_collins and the defensive guru… - 6 years ago

@Rob____Mac: RT @johnpavlovitz: It isn't too early to declare that @SenatorCollins has sold her soul to this President, has betrayed millions of America… - 6 years ago

@ButtsCountyGa: Obituary for Former US Congressman/State Senator/Butts County Commissioner Michael Allen (Mac) Collins. Funeral se… - 6 years ago

@kaelee_collins: RT @jgevas6: *a minor inconvenience* 22yo me: ⚪️───────────── 0:01 -3:40… - 6 years ago

@Fortepiecat: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@DanielCollins85: @Mal58594357 Who's "us"? I'm a Gael. Surnames of all predecessors of whom I'm aware all had Gaelic surnames: Ó Coil… - 6 years ago

@janjan_collins: @30ingoal @CyrusMMcQueen Though I’m definitely not a racist...does one separate a black man from his “old fashioned… - 6 years ago

@Kelmarie2003: @JasonMverser Lord that's hard. We need too much help for just one. 😂 Dan Skipper for starters. Ryan Mallet. J Wrig… - 6 years ago

@janjan_collins: RT @CyrusMMcQueen: Now, I love my wife... You all love my wife... but she just did something it’s gonna take a while for me to get over...… - 6 years ago

@Rob____Mac: @michaelschweitz Collins flip and flops and then flips again. She is useless. - 6 years ago

@dre_collins: RT @jorrdd4: mac miller was producing songs for SZA back in 2014. lil b in 2013... you people swear you don’t like mac but little do you k… - 6 years ago

@RebeMccarthy: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@phi618: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@sheLLbeLL_xo: @SassyBDenise Good ones! I’ll throw in some ... Fleetwood Mac Van Halen Phil Collins Elton John Peter Gabriel - 6 years ago

@Fortepiecat: Former Georgia U.S. Rep. Mac Collins dies at age 74 - 6 years ago

@SouthstandDeac: @owenk77 Rumours, tango in the night, Fleetwood Mac. Brothers in arms dire straits, out of the blue elo, ghost in t… - 6 years ago

@MHTHEvents: TONIGHT - It is still 1985 - Brighton's 80s Party at The Haunt. Every Saturday feat. Cyndi Lauper, Phil Collins, Fl… - 6 years ago

@BonnyLynne1: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@DuWayneAnderson: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@Mobleyfor_GA: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@HoraceMaye: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@Mitchdaswitch: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@SusieDa07843936: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@jimstinson: RT @johngizzi: Remembering Ex-Rep. Mac Collins, R-GA: The "Trucker Congressman" - 6 years ago

@johngizzi: Remembering Ex-Rep. Mac Collins, R-GA: The "Trucker Congressman" - 6 years ago

@Conservatexian: New post: "Remembering Ex-Rep. Mac Collins, R-GA: The "Trucker Congressman"" - 6 years ago

@IAmJLuvDaPrince: Mac Collins, reported dead at 74, November 23, 2018 +Death on November 20 Igor Korobov, H… - 6 years ago

@GeorgeMentz: Remembering Ex-Rep. Mac Collins, R-GA: The "Trucker Congressman" - 6 years ago

@JaredYeldellMV: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@MontiResists: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@dawginexile: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@SarahChilders9: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@loydbarron: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@TheodoreHerre15: RT @GovernorDeal: I’m saddened to hear of the passing of my friend, Mac Collins. Mac and I served in Congress together and I admired his le… - 6 years ago

@dre_collins: Another days goes by wishing Mac Miller was still alive - 6 years ago

@HugoCoronado: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@countken1: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@CCGARP: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@BLHarp06: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@SamuelWang2018: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@ActionNow1: RT @ajconwashington: Former U.S. Rep. Mac Collins, a GOP pioneer in Georgia, dies at 74 - 6 years ago

@MolaMucho3: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@southgadiva: RT @GovernorDeal: As a mark of respect for the memory of former Congressman Mac Collins, who passed away Tuesday, flags will fly at half-st… - 6 years ago

@dre_collins: RT @MacMillerMemoir: ❤️the evolution of Mac’s sound always amazes me.. RIP - 6 years ago

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