M. Owen Lee

American Roman Catholic prelate and music scholar.
Died on Saturday July 27th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to M. Owen Lee:

@NYTObits: The Rev. M. Owen Lee, a Roman Catholic priest whose childhood fascination with opera prepared him for a 23-year avo… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: The Rev. M. Owen Lee, a Roman Catholic priest whose childhood fascination with opera prepared him for a 23-year avo… - 6 years ago

@transparenza01: RT @Chanders: My two favorite writers on Wagner seem to have died within days of each other: Bryan Magee - 6 years ago

@lee_mv: @NewsBreaking @Stace_RNresists He’s also going to cure cancer & aids WHAT A FULL PLATE HE HAS!! ..and I’m going to… - 6 years ago


@joseluisintwite: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at.. @joseluisintwite - nytimes - Twitter - News - Notic… - 6 years ago

@Artspromo: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@JoRichardsKent: @lee_b65 @OwenSmith_MP To be fair to Owen Smith - he really did try! If only he’d beaten Corbyn. 😩😞 We might hav… - 6 years ago

@PoetAndPriest: RT @NYTObits: The Rev. M. Owen Lee, a Roman Catholic priest whose childhood fascination with opera prepared him for a 23-year avocation as… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: The Rev. M. Owen Lee, a Roman Catholic priest whose childhood fascination with opera prepared him for a 23-year avo… - 6 years ago

@joseluisintwite: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at.. @joseluisintwite - nytimes - Twitter - News - Notic… - 6 years ago

@THE2MNETWORK: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@William_A_Owen: RT @andraydomise: @nancywyuen I'm also gonna tell you right now that many Black boys saw something in Bruce Lee's confidence that resonated… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: The Rev. M. Owen Lee, a Roman Catholic priest whose childhood fascination with opera prepared him for a 23-year avo… - 6 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: The Rev. M. Owen Lee, a Roman Catholic priest whose childhood fascination with opera prepared him for a 23-year avo… - 6 years ago

@ustmikesPres: @TheBasilians Fr. M. Owen Lee: Classics professor @ustmikes & Music scholar with a passion for opera dies at 89… - 6 years ago

@ArtsJournalNews: M. Owen Lee, 89, Longtime Voice On The Met Opera Broadcasts: Father Lee was a scholar by training. His field was… - 6 years ago

@jodierivas118: RT @jodierivas118: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@jodierivas118: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@joshspero: RT @TommasiniNYT: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@TommasiniNYT: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@rogueclassicist: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - The New York Times - - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Voice actress Russi Taylor; priest and opera maven M. Lee Owen; dancer Dorothy Toy; writer Brya… - 6 years ago

@byzkanonist: Recent death in #CatholicTO: @TheBasilians Fr M. Owen Lee CSB (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@gatch44: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@martynwendell: While I'm back, I'd also like to direct your attention to this remembrance of Fr. Owen Lee, CSB, a remarkable schol… - 6 years ago

@MsMartha_writer: Started listening to the (then) Texaco broadcasts in my teens, continued most of my life. Father Lee was a bright l… - 6 years ago

@ICSOM: Sad News: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to his Met Opera radio fans) dies at 89. - 6 years ago

@brackster81: @lawwrencee Kinda reminds me of Looper a bit. Ang Lee always brings something interesting to the screen, so I’m opt… - 6 years ago

@operaprince: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@dshameer: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@GillyMB: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@GlobeMetro: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to his Met Opera radio fans) dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@pogomcl: RT @nytimesarts: The Rev. M. Owen Lee, a Roman Catholic priest whose childhood fascination with opera prepared him for a 23-year avocation… - 6 years ago

@RWordplay: RT @nytimesarts: The Rev. M. Owen Lee, a Roman Catholic priest whose childhood fascination with opera prepared him for a 23-year avocation… - 6 years ago

@MusicREDEF: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 (James Barron - @nytimes) - 6 years ago

@Chanders: My two favorite writers on Wagner seem to have died within days of each other: Bryan Magee - 6 years ago

@BioEstacionR: RT @nytimesarts: The Rev. M. Owen Lee, a Roman Catholic priest whose childhood fascination with opera prepared him for a 23-year avocation… - 6 years ago

@jurylady5: RT @nytimesarts: The Rev. M. Owen Lee, a Roman Catholic priest whose childhood fascination with opera prepared him for a 23-year avocation… - 6 years ago

@nytimesarts: The Rev. M. Owen Lee, a Roman Catholic priest whose childhood fascination with opera prepared him for a 23-year avo… - 6 years ago

@scottlevinemgmt: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@SchleppyNabucco: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@scottrlevine: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@drpatfarrell: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - The New York Times - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: M. Owen Lee - 6 years ago

@Free_M_J_: @educatedpleb @Westo781 Ian Lee is an Agent Provocateur.. Don't let him get to you. He is evectivly paid to shilll… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Mark Owen Lee (89) American music scholar - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace M. Owen Lee - #MOwenLee #M. #OwenLee #rip - 6 years ago

@faxonb: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@NYTodayNews: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@NYTMetro: The Reverend M. Owen Lee, a Roman Catholic priest whose childhood fascination with opera prepared him for a 23-year… - 6 years ago

@TopTrending18: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@PuppyTreparti: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@davidmbisson: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@VIPortalINC: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@VIPortalINC: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@NewYorkSEO123: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@1dailynewsnet: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@metebayirr: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@jeremy_gold1: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@_B_News_: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 A Roman Catholic priest whose avocation for 23 year… - 6 years ago

@ECON_cl: [NYT] M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@florentinobm: "M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89" by James Barron via NYT - 6 years ago

@twitbituaries: M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89 - - 6 years ago

@TheBellTolling: "M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89" by JAMES BARRON via NYT - 6 years ago

@RosaryRattler: "M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89" by James Barron via NYT - 6 years ago

@GSBHauteCouture: "M. Owen Lee (Father Lee to His Met Opera Radio Fans) Dies at 89" by James Barron via NYT - 6 years ago

@TruthSeekinDude: Where I’m From By Garrett Owen Lee I am from Nintendo, from Coca-Cola and freon. I am from a series of apartments… - 6 years ago

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