Lynn Schindler

American politician
Died on Friday December 7th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Hasan Çelebi

Tweets related to Lynn Schindler:

@purpleAdge: @Lynn_Schindler @savechildrenuk @waitrose You are all so brilliant thank you - 6 years ago

@Lynn_Schindler: RT @IWHRConsult: Useful telephone numbers for anyone who is struggling or vulnerable this time of year. Please RT: ☎️Childline 08001111… - 6 years ago

@Lynn_Schindler: It’s the Sunday for #ninelessons and #carols in lots of churches today. Where’s yours? @revkatebottley check out yo… - 6 years ago

@Lynn_Schindler: Carols in Waitrose, very generous shoppers. @savechildrenuk @waitrose #welwyngardencity thank you everyone.… - 6 years ago


@Lynn_Schindler: Today and coming soon -Christmas services. If you live in Welwyn Garden City, why not come to one? This evening - c… - 6 years ago

@whiskersmouse: @Lynn_Schindler Looks just like me!! #ego - 6 years ago

@Lynn_Schindler: Lovely surprise today from @whiskersmouse thank you so much. #christmas #calendar #mouse - 6 years ago

@ultralitigator: Former lawmaker Lynn Schindler remembered for strong values - 6 years ago

@GabriellaMcAll1: RT @MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years, who toge… - 6 years ago

@GutGirlMD: @HeartOTXHeartMD @AnastasiaSMihai @EyeDaisyShu @garand_f @Vilavaite @daisymay31806 @drjean_neuro @Cass_C7 @Qlimax54… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Lynn Schindler (74) - 6 years ago

@cgnetwork: Former state Rep. Schindler dead at 74: SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — Former state Rep. Ellen “Lynn… - 6 years ago

@chrispilz: Former State Rep. Lynn Schindler Died - KXLY - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Lynn Schindler - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Lynn Schindler - #LynnSchindler #Lynn #Schindler #rip - 6 years ago

@TeamCMR: Deeply saddened to learn of the passing of former State Rep. Lynn Schindler. - 6 years ago

@WFRW: Remembering Lynn Schindler. “You never worried or wondered where she was at on an issue,” said Senate Minority Lea… - 6 years ago

@OlympiaWatch: RT @WashingtonSRC: Sen. Mike Padden saddened to learn of passing of former 4th District Rep. Lynn Schindler - 6 years ago

@WashingtonSRC: Sen. Mike Padden saddened to learn of passing of former 4th District Rep. Lynn Schindler - 6 years ago

@SpokesmanReview: Former lawmaker Lynn Schindler remembered for strong values - 6 years ago

@truerestoration: RT @MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years, who toge… - 6 years ago

@feeedomsguard: RT @MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years, who toge… - 6 years ago

@HolyAngels93: RT @MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years, who toge… - 6 years ago

@AthanasiusJMJ: RT @MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years, who toge… - 6 years ago

@smcallister222: RT @MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years, who toge… - 6 years ago

@Lifesound22Ed: RT @MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years, who toge… - 6 years ago

@truthismaster: RT @MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years, who toge… - 6 years ago

@TRUMPISFORUS: RT @MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years, who toge… - 6 years ago

@Anoxia3: RT @MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years, who toge… - 6 years ago

@frcekada: RT @MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years, who toge… - 6 years ago

@vajunus: RT @MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years, who toge… - 6 years ago

@CStroberger: RT @MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years, who toge… - 6 years ago

@beccalinrn: RT @MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years, who toge… - 6 years ago

@dailycatholic: RT @MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years, who toge… - 6 years ago

@MSMParish: Please pray for repose of soul of Mrs. Lynn Schindler, long-time parishioner and faithful supporter for many years,… - 6 years ago

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