Lyle Tuttle

American tattoo artist.
Died on Wednesday March 27th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Lyle Tuttle:

@Moonekev: - 6 years ago

@Chris_Ly: RT @Inking_Immunity: Saddened to learn of passing of Lyle Tuttle. His suggestion that tattooing could stimulate antibodies and boost immune… - 6 years ago

@Mammals_Suck: RT @Inking_Immunity: Saddened to learn of passing of Lyle Tuttle. His suggestion that tattooing could stimulate antibodies and boost immune… - 6 years ago

@cariboucottage: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago


@kurtwiscombe: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@mfrecs: I was living in San Francisco, in squalor, at 7th and Market, in the old Lyle Tuttle tattoo museum. One of my room… - 6 years ago

@scottrlevine: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@Chris_Ly: RT @Tattoo_Victory: RIP Lyle Tuttle! Here's my Lyle Tuttle story: Im guessing 2006, it was a Saturday. The shop was banging. Tattoo machine… - 6 years ago

@Chris_Ly: RT @Inking_Immunity: Saddened to see this. Via elmstreettattoo. Lyle Tuttle’s suggestion that warriors have always gotten tattooed & that t… - 6 years ago

@GeeDestro: RT @NYTObits: Mr. Tuttle became a celebrity tattoo artist in the 1960s and ‘70s for inking stars like Janis Joplin, Joan Baez, the Allman B… - 6 years ago

@steviep8746: RT @NYTObits: Mr. Tuttle became a celebrity tattoo artist in the 1960s and ‘70s for inking stars like Janis Joplin, Joan Baez, the Allman B… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Mr. Tuttle became a celebrity tattoo artist in the 1960s and ‘70s for inking stars like Janis Joplin, Joan Baez, th… - 6 years ago

@Chris_Ly: RT @tattoohistorian: When someone with as epic a life story as Lyle Tuttle passes on, it's hard to pick an image to represent that vast per… - 6 years ago

@LavLobster: RT @Inking_Immunity: Saddened to learn of passing of Lyle Tuttle. His suggestion that tattooing could stimulate antibodies and boost immune… - 6 years ago

@ashleyctuttle: RT @NYTObits: Lyle Tuttle, a tattoo artist who found his own kind of international fame by catering to celebrities while helping to move ta… - 6 years ago

@kurebuer: RT @Inking_Immunity: Saddened to learn of passing of Lyle Tuttle. His suggestion that tattooing could stimulate antibodies and boost immune… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Lyle Tuttle, a tattoo artist who found his own kind of international fame by catering to celebrities while helping… - 6 years ago

@tylerlong887: Lyle Tittle is dead. - 6 years ago

@randallwrites: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@rusdaboss: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@dwightful: - 6 years ago

@OddGhost: RT @NYTObits: Mr. Tuttle said that he never regretted his own copious tattoos. But he did advise restraint, especially with face and head t… - 6 years ago

@adfilmtv: RIP. Lyle Tuttle. - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Mr. Tuttle was almost covered in tattoos, including a full back tattoo that showed two eagles squaring off over the… - 6 years ago

@miket573: RT @bob_sarles: Lyle Tuttle, San Francisco's 'father of modern tattooing' dies at age 87 - 6 years ago

@bob_sarles: Lyle Tuttle, San Francisco's 'father of modern tattooing' dies at age 87 - 6 years ago

@ArtsJournalNews: Lyle Tuttle, 87, ‘Granddaddy Of Modern American Tattooing’: “Tuttle, who considered himself a social pioneer, was… - 6 years ago

@markf_wallace: Lyle Tuttle, 87, ‘Granddaddy Of Modern American Tattooing’ - 6 years ago

@DRMarkPrysi: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@rogab314: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@FlowWeeds: RT @JOPPLE9: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@ArtGalleryPro: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@NHCustomTattoo: I meant the post office when mr. Lyle Tuttle passed on rest in peace to a tattoo Legend. . This gentleman pretty m… - 6 years ago

@putinnty: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@Hana_wandering: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@candibolt: RT @nytimesarts: Lyle Tuttle, a tattoo artist who found his own kind of international fame by catering to celebrities while helping to move… - 6 years ago

@Nekrologium: Lyle Tuttle, US-amerikanischer Tätowierer, am 26.03.2019 im Alter von 87 Jahren - - 6 years ago

@A__News_: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 Tattooed almost head to foot himself, he helped… - 6 years ago

@_ASK_News_: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 Tattooed almost head to foot himself, he helped… - 6 years ago

@JOPPLE9: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@trendbeheer: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@lundmarija: Lyle Tuttle, Who Recast Tattooing’s Image Pore by Pore, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@asginktattoos: On his Bday & in honor of a legendary idol, #asginkcrew artist adam_asg is offering Lyle Tuttle designs for $87 eac… - 6 years ago

@casadeltatuador: RIP Lyle Tuttle - 6 years ago

@casadeltatuador: RIP Lyle Tuttle en San Francisco, California - 6 years ago

@DenyseJones2030: Rest in Paradise: Nipsey Hussle, Rankin Roger, Prodigy, Lyle Tuttle, Jake Phelps too many in the last few weeks! Ta… - 6 years ago

@EthanHillTwit: Lyle Tuttle - lyletuttlecollection lyletuttletattooshop #lyletuttle #tattoo #light - 6 years ago

@Josh_Orchard: RT @atinymew: Two important names in tattooing have passed away and Lyle Tuttle, pretty much a legend. And, to my shock, Yo… - 6 years ago

@roeiboot: #Repost lalhardy Love this quote from Lyle Tuttle regarding the tattoos on himself 🙏 - 6 years ago

@jwdmeow: Lyle Tuttle, S.F.’s ‘Father of Modern Tattooing,’ Has Died at 87 - 6 years ago

@tigerbeat: RT @MusicSF: “He was a pillar of San Francisco tattooing and counterculture, and this city will never be the same without him.” Mary Joy… - 6 years ago

@tigerbeat: RT @MusicSF: “Show me a man with a tattoo and I’ll show you a man with an interesting past.” Remembering Lyle Tuttle, the tattoo artist w… - 6 years ago

@rock101movie: Allman Brothers, Janis Joplin Tattoo Artist Lyle Tuttle Dies - 6 years ago

@monsieurink: Esta semana le tuvimos que decir adios a Lyle Tuttle, aquí tenéis un reportaje que hicimos hace un tiempo sobre el… - 6 years ago

@MusicSF: “He was a pillar of San Francisco tattooing and counterculture, and this city will never be the same without him.”… - 6 years ago

@SFC_Datebook: RT @MusicSF: “Show me a man with a tattoo and I’ll show you a man with an interesting past.” Remembering Lyle Tuttle, the tattoo artist w… - 6 years ago

@MusicSF: “Show me a man with a tattoo and I’ll show you a man with an interesting past.” Remembering Lyle Tuttle, the tatt… - 6 years ago

@enoki_soju: Lyle Tuttle memorial 10-31-1931 to 3-26-2019, Ukiah CA - Eversole Mortuary - 6 years ago

@ak_rich: rip lyle tuttle - 6 years ago

@JacobWischoff: RT @Loudwire: 'Father of Modern Tattooing' Lyle Tuttle Dead at 87 - 6 years ago

@samanthawpg: Lyle Tuttle memorial 10-31-1931 to 3-26-2019, Ukiah CA - Eversole Mortuary - 6 years ago

@GoneDeadRIP: RT @tattoodo: In This Dark Hour: Yoji Harada and Lyle Tuttle Pass On - 6 years ago

@HainesForSF: San Francisco :: Lyle Tuttle, 1931-2019: See photos of SF tattoo legend from decades past - San Francisco Chronicle… - 6 years ago

@Tattoo_City: Lyle Tuttle gave me this silkscreen t-shirt proof after several friends and I presented him with a collaborative pa… - 6 years ago

@K97: The "father of modern tattooing", Lyle Tuttle, passed away this week at the age of 87. He left his permanent mark o… - 6 years ago

@GirlGeorgeBerk: "Shades of Green & Blue"(song is about)Lyle Tuttle Girl Geo.& Lyric by;Girl Georg… - 6 years ago

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