Lupe Serrano

Chilean-born American ballerina
Died on Friday January 20th 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Lupe Serrano:

@Newsindiaviral: Lupe Serrano, Ballerina of Power and Fire, Is Dead at 92 - 2 years ago

@Michell86093764: RT @NYTObits: In the early 1950s, American audiences had rarely seen a female dancer achieve the soaring jumps, fleet footwork and swift tu… - 2 years ago

@dark_lupe: RT @eIabogato: Vicente Serrano @_VicenteSerrano es tendencia, por que lo cacharon viendo el video de Babo, haciendose tocamientos sugerente… - 2 years ago

@Newsindiaviral: Lupe Serrano, Ballerina of Power and Fire, Is Dead at 92 - 2 years ago


@Bee_Wils0n: RT @nypl_lpa: We remember prima ballerina for American Ballet Theater, Lupe Serrano who passed away recently at age 92. Born Guadalupe Mart… - 2 years ago

@nypl_lpa: “She was part of a generation that defined what ballet in America was,” @nytimes quoted Kevin McKenzie, the former… - 2 years ago

@nypl_lpa: We remember prima ballerina for American Ballet Theater, Lupe Serrano who passed away recently at age 92. Born Guad… - 2 years ago

@franfriel: RT @thelilynews: Lupe Serrano, a prima ballerina for nearly two decades with the American Ballet Theatre who dazzled audiences with flawles… - 2 years ago

@thelilynews: Lupe Serrano, a prima ballerina for nearly two decades with the American Ballet Theatre who dazzled audiences with… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: In the early 1950s, American audiences had rarely seen a female dancer achieve the soaring jumps, fleet footwork an… - 2 years ago

@DanzadanceOrg: RT @nytimesarts: Lupe Serrano, a former prima ballerina with American Ballet Theater who danced with Rudolf Nureyev and trained generations… - 2 years ago

@DanzadanceOrg: RT @DanzadanceOrg: Black Swan Pas De Deux (1960 w/ Lupe Serrano and Jacques d'Amboise) - 2 years ago

@ambulsiva: - 2 years ago

@Litercurious1: RT @nytimesarts: Lupe Serrano, a former prima ballerina with American Ballet Theater who danced with Rudolf Nureyev and trained generations… - 2 years ago

@EditorGuillermo: Diego Sánchez, @LaPosta_Ecu , Jorge Chérrez Miño, Lupe V, Lopez (defienden al Decevale y a Diego Sánchez) Xavier Ne… - 2 years ago

@StopVirtuaStalk: RT @nytimes: Lupe Serrano, a former prima ballerina with American Ballet Theater who danced with Rudolf Nureyev and trained generations of… - 2 years ago

@ambulsiva: - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From Washington Post Obituaries - Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92… - 2 years ago

@acevedo_letty: RT @NYTObits: Lupe Serrano danced with Nureyev and dazzled audiences during her 18 years with American Ballet Theater. She later went on to… - 2 years ago

@DanzadanceOrg: Black Swan Pas De Deux (1960 w/ Lupe Serrano and Jacques d'Amboise) - 2 years ago

@alexeybolton: RT @Moonbootica: American Ballet Theatre Principal Lupe Serrano and Rudolf Nureyev 📷 - Fred Fehl - 2 years ago

@DanzadanceOrg: 75th Anniversary Tribute: ABT Alumna Lupe Serrano Part 1 - 2 years ago

@I_Am_Luka: @LilyLuWhoT @TheMooshies @NorahNell @3phibotticelli @Buddythereddog @SIDDYDOG417 @Bea_Bells @AngelSaylor0517… - 2 years ago

@ArtsJournalNews: Lupe Serrano, ABT's Former Prima Ballerina Of Stunning Power, Has Died At 92: - 2 years ago

@realamelia6: Lupe Serrano, a prima ballerina for nearly two decades with the American Ballet Theatre who dazzled audiences with… - 2 years ago

@KeepmovingNyc: Lupe Serrano, Ballerina of Power and Fire, Is Dead at 92 - 2 years ago

@shellejb76: - 2 years ago

@Noted_Lives: RT @NYTObits: Lupe Serrano danced with Nureyev and dazzled audiences during her 18 years with American Ballet Theater. She later went on to… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Lupe Serrano danced with Nureyev and dazzled audiences during her 18 years with American Ballet Theater. She later… - 2 years ago

@bernsteinobits: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 - The Washington Post - 2 years ago

@kchrestler: RT @jilevin: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 via @washingtonpost - 2 years ago

@ricardonotes: RT @postobits: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@thesmadejournal: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 | THE WASHINGTON POST - 2 years ago

@austintemple24: RT @ChelseaClinton: Lupe Serrano was one of the best teachers I ever had, in ballet or beyond. Exacting, challenging, encouraging, supporti… - 2 years ago

@thelapdrop: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 - - 2 years ago

@SofroniaFire: Wow! A Knockout! -Nureyev, Lupe Serrano (gone now at 92)- Le Corsaire 1962 - 2 years ago

@dayballetbarre: RT @ABTBallet: LUPE SERRANO 1930 - 2023 ABT is deeply saddened by the passing of legendary #ABTPrincipal Lupe Serrano, whose grace & beaut… - 2 years ago

@bernsteinobits: RT @postobits: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@jinxiejae: RT @jilevin: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 via @washingtonpost - 2 years ago

@WholeStory_news: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@UPresss: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@chaytimenews: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@KevC062: RT @ChristosXanthak: in loving memory of Lupe Serrano, Ballerina of Power and Fire. She Is Dead at 92 She danced with Nureyev and dazzled… - 2 years ago

@TheNewsHawk: RT @jilevin: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 via @washingtonpost - 2 years ago

@peggyanes: RT @jilevin: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 via @washingtonpost - 2 years ago

@mikerosenwald: - 2 years ago

@twitbituaries: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 - - 2 years ago

@mampdx: RT @jilevin: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 via @washingtonpost - 2 years ago

@jilevin: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 via @washingtonpost - 2 years ago

@Daily_News_Off: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 Source : Washington Post - 2 years ago

@postobits: Lupe Serrano, ballerina who soared with strength and radiance, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@victory1261: RT @ChelseaClinton: Lupe Serrano was one of the best teachers I ever had, in ballet or beyond. Exacting, challenging, encouraging, supporti… - 2 years ago

@merestravels: RT @ABTBallet: LUPE SERRANO 1930 - 2023 ABT is deeply saddened by the passing of legendary #ABTPrincipal Lupe Serrano, whose grace & beaut… - 2 years ago

@Intuitive_Dream: RT @ABTBallet: LUPE SERRANO 1930 - 2023 ABT is deeply saddened by the passing of legendary #ABTPrincipal Lupe Serrano, whose grace & beaut… - 2 years ago

@EsterBaiget: RT @NYTObits: Lupe Serrano, a former prima ballerina with American Ballet Theater who danced with Rudolf Nureyev and trained generations of… - 2 years ago

@LJQwerty: RT @NYTObits: Lupe Serrano, a former prima ballerina with American Ballet Theater who danced with Rudolf Nureyev and trained generations of… - 2 years ago

@ginugiola: RT @nytimesarts: Lupe Serrano, a former prima ballerina with American Ballet Theater who danced with Rudolf Nureyev and trained generations… - 2 years ago

@ginugiola: RT @GMorenghi: R.I.P. Lupe Serrano - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Lupe Serrano - #LupeSerrano #Lupe #Serrano #rip - 2 years ago

@gbcatalina: RT @franolivaresp: Lupe Serrano, bailarina chilena que fue Principal Dancer del American Ballet Theater por 18 años y luego continuó como u… - 2 years ago

@nEDctgtJVp4DGl5: RT @pointe_magazine: The ballet world mourns the loss of legendary dancer and teacher Lupe Serrano, who passed away on Monday. Prior to a p… - 2 years ago

@CristinaFabry: RT @franolivaresp: Lupe Serrano, bailarina chilena que fue Principal Dancer del American Ballet Theater por 18 años y luego continuó como u… - 2 years ago

@margamarcha: RT @franolivaresp: Lupe Serrano, bailarina chilena que fue Principal Dancer del American Ballet Theater por 18 años y luego continuó como u… - 2 years ago

@AlejandroSig: RT @franolivaresp: Lupe Serrano, bailarina chilena que fue Principal Dancer del American Ballet Theater por 18 años y luego continuó como u… - 2 years ago

@jenshawsheen: RT @ChelseaClinton: Lupe Serrano was one of the best teachers I ever had, in ballet or beyond. Exacting, challenging, encouraging, supporti… - 2 years ago

@TylerBarton27: RT @pointe_magazine: The ballet world mourns the loss of legendary dancer and teacher Lupe Serrano, who passed away on Monday. Prior to a p… - 2 years ago

@Moonbootica: RT @pointe_magazine: The ballet world mourns the loss of legendary dancer and teacher Lupe Serrano, who passed away on Monday. Prior to a p… - 2 years ago

@pointe_magazine: The ballet world mourns the loss of legendary dancer and teacher Lupe Serrano, who passed away on Monday. Prior to… - 2 years ago

@balletmediauk: RT @dance_edit: Lupe Serrano, a star of American Ballet Theatre who went on to become a celebrated teacher, has died at age 92. @nytimesart… - 2 years ago

@dance_edit: Lupe Serrano, a star of American Ballet Theatre who went on to become a celebrated teacher, has died at age 92.… - 2 years ago

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