Lucile Randon

French supercentenarian
Died on Tuesday January 17th 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Lucile Randon:

@Desconocimientx: Maria Branyas Morera nació el 4 de marzo de 1907. Es la persona validada viva más longeva en España desde el 22 de… - 2 years ago

@davidfeinmd: - 2 years ago

@saykosozluk: Savaşlardan ve salgınlardan sağ kurtuldu: 115 yaşında 'dünyanın en yaşlı insanı' oldu1907 doğumlu Maria Bra… - 2 years ago

@Mert71646984: RT @webtekno: Dünyanın yaşayan en yaşlı insanı 115 yaşındaki Maria Branyas Morera oldu. 📌 Rekorun eski sahibi Lucile Randon yakın zamanda… - 2 years ago


@webtekno: Dünyanın yaşayan en yaşlı insanı 115 yaşındaki Maria Branyas Morera oldu. 📌 Rekorun eski sahibi Lucile Randon yakı… - 2 years ago

@Steve_Jackovich: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@k_nnyy: RT @NewsBFM: 1. María Branyas Morera has been confirmed as the oldest person in the world, following the death of French nun Lucile Randon.… - 2 years ago

@dhanyanair93: RT @NewsBFM: 1. María Branyas Morera has been confirmed as the oldest person in the world, following the death of French nun Lucile Randon.… - 2 years ago

@BFMradio: RT @NewsBFM: 1. María Branyas Morera has been confirmed as the oldest person in the world, following the death of French nun Lucile Randon.… - 2 years ago

@NewsBFM: 1. María Branyas Morera has been confirmed as the oldest person in the world, following the death of French nun Luc… - 2 years ago

@kabigon89: RT @voaindonesia: Tweeps, kematian orang tertua di dunia, Lucile Randon di usia 118 tahun pada Selasa (17/1), memunculkan kembali perdebata… - 2 years ago

@Gr33d15900d: RT @voaindonesia: Tweeps, kematian orang tertua di dunia, Lucile Randon di usia 118 tahun pada Selasa (17/1), memunculkan kembali perdebata… - 2 years ago

@LimaAlDia: Hermana Lucile Randon nació en 1904, antes de la Primera Guerra Mundial y su nombre está en el Libro Guinness ... M… - 2 years ago

@ka2wye: RT @Join1440: The world’s oldest known person, Lucile Randon, passed away Tuesday at age 118. Here's what we know 👇 - 2 years ago

@foullonL: RT @Le_Figaro: Sœur André, née Lucile Randon au sein d'une famille protestante, s'est éteinte ce mardi dans sa maison de retraite, à Toulon… - 2 years ago

@pascallachine: Anyway, we have no choice to die one day, but so many people think no, that's why they always want to grab more and… - 2 years ago

@BodofineE: @simone40298418 - 2 years ago

@jmcolombo5: RT @thepophive: The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. 😯 - 2 years ago

@nang_24: RT @voaindonesia: Tweeps, kematian orang tertua di dunia, Lucile Randon di usia 118 tahun pada Selasa (17/1), memunculkan kembali perdebata… - 2 years ago

@journalDfemmes: A 118 ans, Sœur André était la doyenne de l'humanité. La religieuse, Lucile Randon de son vrai nom, est décédée dan… - 2 years ago

@niblick62: RT @Baskerville448: The world's oldest person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Sister Andre took holy orders in 1944. Born in… - 2 years ago

@dominixus: RT @voaindonesia: Tweeps, kematian orang tertua di dunia, Lucile Randon di usia 118 tahun pada Selasa (17/1), memunculkan kembali perdebata… - 2 years ago

@unedo18: RT @voaindonesia: Tweeps, kematian orang tertua di dunia, Lucile Randon di usia 118 tahun pada Selasa (17/1), memunculkan kembali perdebata… - 2 years ago

@voaindonesia: Tweeps, kematian orang tertua di dunia, Lucile Randon di usia 118 tahun pada Selasa (17/1), memunculkan kembali per… - 2 years ago

@BulletBlueSky: If she lived in England and the year was 2053, not 2023, this poor woman would not have reached the UK retirement a… - 2 years ago

@ConradKnauer: With the passing of Lucile Randon (1904-2023), no one born before 1907 is still alive. - 2 years ago

@MrsPower11: @kathleenmadigan @MadigansPubcast - 2 years ago

@JUANRV1999: RT @ThePopTingz: The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Ms Randon, known as Sister Andre, was born in souther… - 2 years ago

@Yogesh_Khadka_: María Branyas Morera is now confirmed as the world’s oldest living person or woman following the death of 118-year-… - 2 years ago

@thejackandrose: Manusia tertua di dunia, Lucile Randon, dikabarkan meninggal di usia 118 tahun pada Selasa (17/1). - 2 years ago

@WordsOfTiago: @regueboni @VicenteFoto2 La actual mujer más longeva dió a luz a 3 hijos. ¿No es inteligente ella por el hecho de h… - 2 years ago

@j_emilioH: RT @statista_es: ¿Quiénes son las personas más #longevas del mundo? Tras la muerte de la francesa Lucile Randon el pasado 17 de enero, Marí… - 2 years ago

@luo_messiah: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@gmwahome: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@RadTradThomist: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@GillStella: RT @Supercentenaria: Después de la muerte de la francesa Lucile Randon, la nueva persona viva más longeva del mundo es María Branyas Morera… - 2 years ago

@XX1133_1221_11: RT @XX_1133_1221_11: XX_ LOL. WORLDS OLDEST PERSON FRENCH NUN LUCILE RANDON 118 Y/O, DIES ON 1.18 - 2 years ago

@Brianmikaels12: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@RossanoLucielli: RT @cryptokubrology: 2370 weeks since Elvis Presley died, or January 17, 2023, saw the first fatal Polar Bear attack in decades in a remote… - 2 years ago

@RaquelCantos1: RT @Supercentenaria: Después de la muerte de la francesa Lucile Randon, la nueva persona viva más longeva del mundo es María Branyas Morera… - 2 years ago

@KiraboSawula: RT @newvisionwire: How long can a healthy human live? After French nun Lucile Randon died last week, Spanish great-grandmother Maria Bran… - 2 years ago

@Ro_lo_: @regueboni Me ha dado por contrastar la info. Las 5 mujeres más longevas de la historia: Jeanne Calment, Kane Tanak… - 2 years ago

@newvisionwire: How long can a healthy human live? After French nun Lucile Randon died last week, Spanish great-grandmother Maria… - 2 years ago

@GSBorikar: RT @NCMIndiaa: The world's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon died on Tuesday at the age of 118. Out of top ten oldest living pe… - 2 years ago

@positivjunelbug: RT @GWR: We've sadly said goodbye to the oldest person in the world at the age of 118. - 2 years ago

@RepairPolicy: RT @CyberRealms1: 1/ #Amazing #France The oldest inhabitant of the planet, 118-year-old Frenchwoman Lucile Randon, has passed away. Luci… - 2 years ago

@anirik3: RT @Supercentenaria: Después de la muerte de la francesa Lucile Randon, la nueva persona viva más longeva del mundo es María Branyas Morera… - 2 years ago

@my_truth_post: World’s Oldest Person Dies Aged 118 French nun Lucile Randon has died in her sleep at her nursing home in Toulon a… - 2 years ago

@selflibrarian: RT @ldevilloutreys: Soeur André (Lucile Randon), fille de la charité, doyenne de l'humanité, est décédée aujourd'hui dans sa 119ème année.… - 2 years ago

@Kotwica1944: RT @KopalniaWiedzy: Niedawno, w wieku 118 lat i 340 dni, zmarła najstarsza osoba na świecie, francuska zakonnica Lucile Randon. Poniżej zna… - 2 years ago

@sabah: Geçtiğimiz günlerde Fransız rahibe Lucile Randon'un ölümünün ardından 'dünyanın en yaşlı insanı' unvanının İspanyol… - 2 years ago

@lorraineelizab6: 📷French nun, Sister André (11 Feb 1904-17 Jan 2023). The world's oldest known person (118 years & 340 days). Born L… - 2 years ago

@muzsad1: RT @Naija_PR: World’s oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118 - 2 years ago

@MistryUnique: RT @Wikipedia: The oldest verified living person died this week. Lucile Randon was 118 years and 340 days old when she passed away. She was… - 2 years ago

@MrTAchilles: RT @Wikipedia: The oldest verified living person died this week. Lucile Randon was 118 years and 340 days old when she passed away. She was… - 2 years ago

@CapitalMexico: El Gerontology Research Group, que comprueba datos de personas que se cree tienen 110 años o más, la consideraba a… - 2 years ago

@mercenarygraphi: RT @cexelli: Catholic nun Lucile Randon died on January 17, 2023 in her sleep at the age of 118 at nursing home in Toulon, France. She was… - 2 years ago

@AfelioP: RT @LaVanguardia: La catalana Maria Branyas, de 115 años, ya es la persona más longeva del mundo La de Olot hereda el título tras la muer… - 2 years ago

@expobear1: RT @cexelli: Catholic nun Lucile Randon died on January 17, 2023 in her sleep at the age of 118 at nursing home in Toulon, France. She was… - 2 years ago

@AmeliaMedina10: RT @Supercentenaria: Después de la muerte de la francesa Lucile Randon, la nueva persona viva más longeva del mundo es María Branyas Morera… - 2 years ago

@PaulMick: RT @nowthisnews: Lucile Randon, a.k.a. Sister André, passed away at a nursing home in France. At 118, the retired Catholic nun was believed… - 2 years ago

@firefighter1935: RT @nowthisnews: Lucile Randon, a.k.a. Sister André, passed away at a nursing home in France. At 118, the retired Catholic nun was believed… - 2 years ago

@cexelli: Catholic nun Lucile Randon died on January 17, 2023 in her sleep at the age of 118 at nursing home in Toulon, Fran… - 2 years ago

@nelimeli01: RT @seatodaynews: The world's oldest nun from France, Lucile Randon has died at the age of 118. He died in his sleep on (17/1) at the Saint… - 2 years ago

@JillColtonFree: RT @Baskerville448: The world's oldest person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Sister Andre took holy orders in 1944. Born in… - 2 years ago

@KlaineAreDads: RT @nowthisnews: Lucile Randon, a.k.a. Sister André, passed away at a nursing home in France. At 118, the retired Catholic nun was believed… - 2 years ago

@RFQR: #Mundo 😥Lucile Randon, dedicó parte de su vida a cuidar a niños durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, así como a huérf… - 2 years ago

@wrotayo: RT @nowthisnews: Lucile Randon, a.k.a. Sister André, passed away at a nursing home in France. At 118, the retired Catholic nun was believed… - 2 years ago

@Acceptitasitis1: RT @nowthisnews: Lucile Randon, a.k.a. Sister André, passed away at a nursing home in France. At 118, the retired Catholic nun was believed… - 2 years ago

@adenijipeace: RT @nowthisnews: Lucile Randon, a.k.a. Sister André, passed away at a nursing home in France. At 118, the retired Catholic nun was believed… - 2 years ago

@ItZmeKatherine: RT @nowthisnews: Lucile Randon, a.k.a. Sister André, passed away at a nursing home in France. At 118, the retired Catholic nun was believed… - 2 years ago

@wolvverinepld: RT @KopalniaWiedzy: Niedawno, w wieku 118 lat i 340 dni, zmarła najstarsza osoba na świecie, francuska zakonnica Lucile Randon. Poniżej zna… - 2 years ago

@monvite7: RT @Supercentenaria: Después de la muerte de la francesa Lucile Randon, la nueva persona viva más longeva del mundo es María Branyas Morera… - 2 years ago

@Artstrada: RT @nowthisnews: Lucile Randon, a.k.a. Sister André, passed away at a nursing home in France. At 118, the retired Catholic nun was believed… - 2 years ago

@keram_iksmodar: RT @KopalniaWiedzy: Niedawno, w wieku 118 lat i 340 dni, zmarła najstarsza osoba na świecie, francuska zakonnica Lucile Randon. Poniżej zna… - 2 years ago

@YoNoSoyTostada: Necroporra 2023: Rey Carlos III Kiko Matamoros Energuia Curiosidades con Mike Isabel Pantoja Ozil Elton John Zelen… - 2 years ago

@morelos_puntual: ▶️Muere la mujer más longeva del mundo: la religiosa Lucile Randon que tenía 118 años ​▪️La francesa sobrevivió a… - 2 years ago

@josephmakuni: RT @nowthisnews: Lucile Randon, a.k.a. Sister André, passed away at a nursing home in France. At 118, the retired Catholic nun was believed… - 2 years ago

@Citywide45: RT @nowthisnews: Lucile Randon, a.k.a. Sister André, passed away at a nursing home in France. At 118, the retired Catholic nun was believed… - 2 years ago

@redhead6581: RT @nowthisnews: Lucile Randon, a.k.a. Sister André, passed away at a nursing home in France. At 118, the retired Catholic nun was believed… - 2 years ago

@damosposts: RT @nowthisnews: Lucile Randon, a.k.a. Sister André, passed away at a nursing home in France. At 118, the retired Catholic nun was believed… - 2 years ago

@nowthisnews: Lucile Randon, a.k.a. Sister André, passed away at a nursing home in France. At 118, the retired Catholic nun was b… - 2 years ago

@yuly31053596: RT @la_iguanatv: 📢A los 118 años: Muere Lucile Randon, la persona más longeva del mundo - 2 years ago

@Montse80923959: RT @324cat: La catalana Maria Branyas Morera s'ha convertit en la persona més vella del món amb 115 anys, després que la francesa Lucile Ra… - 2 years ago

@FaithonView: The world's oldest person, Sister André of France, dies at age 118 - 2 years ago

@SheilaR95938496: RT @nowthisnews: Lucile Randon, a.k.a. Sister André, passed away at a nursing home in France. At 118, the retired Catholic nun was believed… - 2 years ago

@caminosfe: Muere a los 118 años de edad la persona más anciana del mundo: la monja de la Congregación Hijas de la Caridad, Luc… - 2 years ago

@m_s_giraud: I can't remember a time when I wasn't fascinated by nuns. The death of Sr André makes me ponder her motivations, at… - 2 years ago

@Maria_lege: RT @KopalniaWiedzy: Niedawno, w wieku 118 lat i 340 dni, zmarła najstarsza osoba na świecie, francuska zakonnica Lucile Randon. Poniżej zna… - 2 years ago

@jenise2023: RT @la_iguanatv: 📢A los 118 años: Muere Lucile Randon, la persona más longeva del mundo - 2 years ago

@PalomaGablice: RT @amidesgendarmes: Soeur André elle a Commencer à Travailler dès l’âge de Douze Ans #travail et Avait Pris Sa Retraite à 75 Ans #Retrait… - 2 years ago

@ada_popiel: RT @KopalniaWiedzy: Niedawno, w wieku 118 lat i 340 dni, zmarła najstarsza osoba na świecie, francuska zakonnica Lucile Randon. Poniżej zna… - 2 years ago

@USACornelius: RT @Join1440: The world’s oldest known person, Lucile Randon, passed away Tuesday at age 118. Here's what we know 👇 - 2 years ago

@floriankwiatek: RT @KopalniaWiedzy: Niedawno, w wieku 118 lat i 340 dni, zmarła najstarsza osoba na świecie, francuska zakonnica Lucile Randon. Poniżej zna… - 2 years ago

@anantonieta: RT @sergioantillano: Ayer falleció la monja francesa Lucile Randon, sor André, que tenía 118 años y era quizás la persona más longeva del m… - 2 years ago

@lucas20233: RT @teleiguana: 📢A los 118 años: Muere Lucile Randon, la persona más longeva del mundo - 2 years ago

@lucas20233: RT @la_iguanatv: 📢A los 118 años: Muere Lucile Randon, la persona más longeva del mundo - 2 years ago

@Taki_tam_jeden: RT @KopalniaWiedzy: Niedawno, w wieku 118 lat i 340 dni, zmarła najstarsza osoba na świecie, francuska zakonnica Lucile Randon. Poniżej zna… - 2 years ago

@KopalniaWiedzy: Niedawno, w wieku 118 lat i 340 dni, zmarła najstarsza osoba na świecie, francuska zakonnica Lucile Randon. Poniżej… - 2 years ago

@PradipPanja1372: RT @GuptaKaustuva: #France #Rip #LucileRandon #WorldsOldestPerson #BreakingNews #BREAKING The world's oldest person has died. #French nu… - 2 years ago

@Gata_maula: RT @324cat: La catalana Maria Branyas Morera s'ha convertit en la persona més vella del món amb 115 anys, després que la francesa Lucile Ra… - 2 years ago

@elpaseomaritimo: RT @AyomideJai: World's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Randon, known as Sister André, was born in southe… - 2 years ago

@324cat: La catalana Maria Branyas Morera s'ha convertit en la persona més vella del món amb 115 anys, després que la france… - 2 years ago

@cantireta: RT @Supercentenaria: Después de la muerte de la francesa Lucile Randon, la nueva persona viva más longeva del mundo es María Branyas Morera… - 2 years ago

@JhoanaMtz02: RT @adn40: 🚨 #AlertaADN Muere la francesa Lucile Randon, conocida por su nombre religioso, Sor André a los 118 años en Toulón, Francia. Er… - 2 years ago

@isagueri: RT @Supercentenaria: Después de la muerte de la francesa Lucile Randon, la nueva persona viva más longeva del mundo es María Branyas Morera… - 2 years ago

@successful741: RT @AyomideJai: World's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Randon, known as Sister André, was born in southe… - 2 years ago

@saya_reza_: RT @NarasiNewsroom: Rest in Peace Lucile Randon, manusia tertua di dunia 🥀 Semasa hidupnya, Randon udah pernah ngerasain berbagai kejadian… - 2 years ago

@AyomideJai: RT @AyomideJai: World's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Randon, known as Sister André, was born in southe… - 2 years ago

@dna: María Branyas Morera (USA/Spain) is now confirmed as the world’s oldest woman living and oldest person living, foll… - 2 years ago

@RamSing53900648: RT @SACHKAHOON: Lucile Randon : दुनिया की सबसे उम्रदराज महिला का निधन #L… - 2 years ago

@RamSing53900648: RT @SACHKAHOON: Lucile Randon : दुनिया की सबसे उम्रदराज महिला का निधन - 2 years ago

@akuanica: RT @NarasiNewsroom: Rest in Peace Lucile Randon, manusia tertua di dunia 🥀 Semasa hidupnya, Randon udah pernah ngerasain berbagai kejadian… - 2 years ago

@Serizier1: RT @AlainFrNews: Après le décès de la Française Lucile Randon à l'âge de 118 ans le 17 janvier, le titre de "doyenne de l'humanité" a été l… - 2 years ago

@AsliPoerworedjo: RT @NarasiNewsroom: Rest in Peace Lucile Randon, manusia tertua di dunia 🥀 Semasa hidupnya, Randon udah pernah ngerasain berbagai kejadian… - 2 years ago

@Uwimpuhwevava: RT @Wikipedia: The oldest verified living person died this week. Lucile Randon was 118 years and 340 days old when she passed away. She was… - 2 years ago

@Vincent_olu1: RT @AyomideJai: World's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Randon, known as Sister André, was born in southe… - 2 years ago

@SPWicihowski: #sisterandre - 2 years ago

@ciaopadre: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@objectifgard: Lucile Randon est née dans une famille protestante à Alès le 11 février 1904. - 2 years ago

@sumedico: 🔵 Lucile Randon fue la mujer más longeva del mundo - 2 years ago

@douromeroal: RT @tavo2366: Lucile Randon murió a la edad de 118 años. Oficialmente la cuarta persona en la historia en llegar a esa edad. Desde abri… - 2 years ago

@P0chOFLOWP3AK6: RT @Ji_Predicciones: La monja francesa Lucile Randon, conocida como sor André y reconocida como la persona más longeva del mundo, ha muerto… - 2 years ago

@AlainFrNews: Après le décès de la Française Lucile Randon à l'âge de 118 ans le 17 janvier, le titre de "doyenne de l'humanité"… - 2 years ago

@askhasn: RT @AJEnglish: Lucile Randon, the oldest person in the world, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@karkhanechi: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@beyondthedash: World’s oldest known person, French nun, dies at 118 #SisterAndre #LucileRandon - 2 years ago

@careleaver_care: RT @OmarZambranoLaw: Sister André, The World's Oldest Known Person, Dies at Age 118 Sister André, who was born Lucile Randon, was a French… - 2 years ago

@JamesOluwafem16: RT @AyomideJai: World's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Randon, known as Sister André, was born in southe… - 2 years ago

@Darkstar7769: World's oldest person dies aged 118 after surviving two World Wars & Covid - 2 years ago

@greykryptonite: RT @AyomideJai: World's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Randon, known as Sister André, was born in southe… - 2 years ago

@Levimatority: RT @AyomideJai: World's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Randon, known as Sister André, was born in southe… - 2 years ago

@kejibolaji1: RT @AyomideJai: World's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Randon, known as Sister André, was born in southe… - 2 years ago

@CLICKDNEWS: World’s oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, dies at 118. - 2 years ago

@princebeforeson: RT @WTKR3: REST IN PEACE: French nun Lucile Randon was the oldest known person in the world. She died just a few weeks before her 119th bir… - 2 years ago

@DenisLpez11: RT @jpmasespanol: #Viral| La persona más longeva del mundo, Lucile Randon, falleció a la edad de 118 años mientras dormía. Randon era monja… - 2 years ago

@Mrs_LeeJ: RT @StatistaCharts: With the passing of Lucile Randon at the age of 118, the title of 'oldest living human' has been bequeathed to the U.S.… - 2 years ago

@AshleyFortune13: RT @AnnMarieRuiz50: Wholly Hell...I mean Jesus Christ Would you want to live this long? - 2 years ago

@6coffeehounds: RT @FOX10Phoenix: Lucile Randon, known as Sister André, was also one of the world’s oldest survivors of COVID-19. She died just a few weeks… - 2 years ago

@PostToday: แม่ชีชาวฝรั่งเศส Lucile Randon ผู้มีอายุมากที่สุดในโลก เสียชีวิตแล้ว ด้วยอายุ 118 ปี เธอเป็นแม่ชีในปี 1944 เสียชีวิ… - 2 years ago

@PajueloBustos: RT @UgonnaMario: French nun, Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted t… - 2 years ago

@macroliter: RT @gbaucom: Sister André also holds the record for oldest COVID-19 survivor, which she tested positive for a few weeks before her 117th bi… - 2 years ago

@_6Ninguem9_: (17,18) R.I.P. Lucile Randon: a pessoa mais velha do mundo 🖤 Outro dia na tela 🥲 kk Depois jogar essa mísera (Hoj… - 2 years ago

@gbaucom: Sister André also holds the record for oldest COVID-19 survivor, which she tested positive for a few weeks before h… - 2 years ago

@untoldStoryMens: RT @NCMIndiaa: The world's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon died on Tuesday at the age of 118. Out of top ten oldest living pe… - 2 years ago

@AshleyFortune13: RT @OddswithGOP: Sister André, the world’s oldest known person, died at 118. The French nun, who had lived through two world wars and the 1… - 2 years ago

@FOX10Phoenix: Lucile Randon, known as Sister André, was also one of the world’s oldest survivors of COVID-19. She died just a few… - 2 years ago

@DavidBroderDO: RT @DavidBroderDO: Sister André, world's oldest person, dies at 118. Lucile Randon worked until the age of 108, had a glass of wine daily… - 2 years ago

@j_emilioH: RT @StatistaCharts: With the passing of Lucile Randon at the age of 118, the title of 'oldest living human' has been bequeathed to the U.S.… - 2 years ago

@EngineeringCode: RT @StatistaCharts: With the passing of Lucile Randon at the age of 118, the title of 'oldest living human' has been bequeathed to the U.S.… - 2 years ago

@carmenmp86: RT @plcdelmedio: #MUNDO | 🇪🇸 La española Maria Branyas, de 115 años, se ha convertido en la persona más anciana del mundo después del falle… - 2 years ago

@UVEERLINDALPEZ1: RT @jpmasespanol: #Viral| La persona más longeva del mundo, Lucile Randon, falleció a la edad de 118 años mientras dormía. Randon era monja… - 2 years ago

@RobinPa31504480: RT @SACHKAHOON: Lucile Randon : दुनिया की सबसे उम्रदराज महिला का निधन - 2 years ago

@moreno77miami: RT @TelenoticiasPR: Randon nació en el sur de Francia el 11 de febrero de 1904, el mismo año en que la ciudad de Nueva York inauguró su pri… - 2 years ago

@RuizCalixto: RT @dw_espanol: Lucile Randon, también conocida como hermana André, muere a menos de un mes de celebrar sus 119 años y tan solo a cuatro añ… - 2 years ago

@yvhf666: RT @EfectoCocuyo: #SepaQue Este #17Ene falleció Lucile Randon a los 118 años de edad. Randon, también conocida como la Hermana André, nació… - 2 years ago

@EvanKissner: BREAKING: @Santos4Congress has just completed his 34th summit of K2 using just his mouth and feet. And, sadly, his… - 2 years ago

@DavidBroderDO: RT @DavidBroderDO: Sister André, world's oldest person, dies at 118. Lucile Randon worked until the age of 108, had a glass of wine daily… - 2 years ago

@RobertR34892634: RT @FOX13News: Lucile Randon, known as Sister André, was also one of the world’s oldest survivors of COVID-19. She died just a few weeks be… - 2 years ago

@BurritosSteak: RT @ElBigDataMx: Fallece la mujer más viejita del mundo; Sor André deseaba morir desde hace años Ha fallecido la monja francesa Lucile Ran… - 2 years ago

@jaras808: RT @RadekPyffel: Najstarsza żyjąca osoba na świecie, francuska zakonnica Lucile Randon, zmarła w wieku 118 lat. Urodzona w 1904 roku w połu… - 2 years ago

@bronx_poet: Ms. Lucile Randon Sister Andre Born: Thursday, February 11,1904 Gone at 118 Years & 340 Days... 25 Days before Age… - 2 years ago

@canburak3435: RT @pusholder: Dünyanın yaşayan en yaşlı insanı Fransız Lucile Randon, 118 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. - 2 years ago

@AgenteDEL1984: RT @Mundo__News: 🔴 Morreu, aos 118 anos, a freira Lucile Randon, considerada a pessoa mais velha do mundo. Randon, conhecida como Irmã And… - 2 years ago

@CVCLAVOZ: La mujer considerada actualmente como la más longeva del mundo, la monja francesa Lucile Randon , murió a sus 118 a… - 2 years ago

@InsanKimika: RT @SACHKAHOON: Lucile Randon : दुनिया की सबसे उम्रदराज महिला का निधन #L… - 2 years ago

@EfectoCocuyo: #SepaQue Este #17Ene falleció Lucile Randon a los 118 años de edad. Randon, también conocida como la Hermana André,… - 2 years ago

@VOATurkce: Dünyanın en yaşlı kişisi Lucile Randon 118 yaşında Fransa’da bir huzurevinde yaşamını yitirdi. Rahibe Andre olarak… - 2 years ago

@ElBigDataMx: Fallece la mujer más viejita del mundo; Sor André deseaba morir desde hace años Ha fallecido la monja francesa Luc… - 2 years ago

@AvtarRathor8: RT @SACHKAHOON: Lucile Randon : दुनिया की सबसे उम्रदराज महिला का निधन #L… - 2 years ago

@albaxramos: RT @FOX5Vegas: Lucile Randon, known as Sister André, was born in the town of Ales, southern France, on Feb. 11, 1904, and lived through the… - 2 years ago

@SKPopCulture: Who is Maria Branyas Morera? All about the new 'world's oldest person' as Lucile Randon aka Sister Andre dies aged… - 2 years ago

@Publimetrope: El Elíseo ha lamentado este miércoles la muerte de Lucile Randon, una monja conocida como sor André, quien fue un "… - 2 years ago

@timescoid: Menjabat 8 Bulan, Lucile Randon si Wanita Tertua di Dunia Meninggal: Tongkat estafet yang diberikan kepada Lucile R… - 2 years ago

@DiJulieta: RT @larazon_es: La catalana Maria Branyas se ha convertido en la persona más vieja del mundo a sus 115 años después de que la francesa Luci… - 2 years ago

@historiamatria: RT @sergioantillano: Ayer falleció la monja francesa Lucile Randon, sor André, que tenía 118 años y era quizás la persona más longeva del m… - 2 years ago

@JM_Coppede: New story on NPR: The world's oldest person, Sister André of France, dies at age 118 - 2 years ago

@Beardmurmur: RT @Bloominje: Der älteste Mensch der Welt ist mit 118 Jahren in einem Altersheim in Südfrankreich gestorben. Lucile #Randon überlebte zwei… - 2 years ago

@rarahorn: The world's oldest person, Sister André of France, dies at age 118 #news #npr - 2 years ago

@martinpatience: RT @nprworld: The world's oldest person, Sister André of France, dies at age 118 - 2 years ago

@AMaddy2: RT @33748agg: Suite au décès de l’occitane Madame Lucile Randon hier, avec 118 ans, c’est une catalane qui prend le relai comme à l’être hu… - 2 years ago

@FOX9: Lucile Randon, known as Sister André, was also one of the world’s oldest survivors of COVID-19. She died just a few… - 2 years ago

@elnacionalcat_e: 👵🏽 Maria Branyas toma el relevo de Lucile Randon, una francesa de 118 años que murió el pasado martes - 2 years ago

@jouanacaera_: RT @GossipRoomOff: 🚨 La Française soeur André, née Lucile Randon le 11 février 1904 à Alès (Gard), est morte ce mardi à Toulon. À l'âge de… - 2 years ago

@EGLISAMOSILVER: RT @lopezdoriga: La mujer considerada actualmente como la más longeva del mundo, la monja francesa Lucile Randon (conocida también como her… - 2 years ago

@CeruleanSinee: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@Harriet_Urd: Big data says #MMIW is a SCAM The world's oldest person, Sister André of France, dies at age 118 #ICWA… - 2 years ago

@hazvaughan: RIP Lucile Randon you’d have loved Rehan Ahmed googlies - 2 years ago

@Sonny15098026: RT @USATODAY: A French woman believed to be the world’s oldest person has died shortly before her 119th birthday. Lucile Randon, a nun kno… - 2 years ago

@FORIEGNBASE: New story on NPR: The world's oldest person, Sister André of France, dies at age 118 - 2 years ago

@nickafkas: The world's oldest person, Sister André of France, dies at age 118 - 2 years ago

@albamaso8: RT @Supercentenaria: Después de la muerte de la francesa Lucile Randon, la nueva persona viva más longeva del mundo es María Branyas Morera… - 2 years ago

@LlcBillionaire: World’s oldest known person Lucile Randon dies at 118 in France - 2 years ago

@novedadesqroo: La monja Lucile Randon mantuvo el récord de ser la persona con más edad en el mundo tras la muerte de la japonesa K… - 2 years ago

@Fitzviri: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@e100ss: Lucile Randon Manusia Tertua di Dunia Meninggal di Usia 118 Tahun - 2 years ago

@Kaumuza: RT @MwanzoTv: The world's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Randon, known as Sister Andre, was born in sout… - 2 years ago

@jessesprawl: RT @TheManilaTimes: MARSEILLE, France: The world's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, a spokesman told Agenc… - 2 years ago

@dinradhi: RT @GWR: We've sadly said goodbye to the oldest person in the world at the age of 118. - 2 years ago

@RAFA86RAFA: RT @Supercentenaria: Después de la muerte de la francesa Lucile Randon, la nueva persona viva más longeva del mundo es María Branyas Morera… - 2 years ago

@manuperz7: RT @eldiario: #18Ene | Murió a los 118 años de edad Lucile Randon, conocida como la hermana André. Era considerada la mujer más longeva del… - 2 years ago

@LauraGC4: RT @324cat: La catalana Maria Branyas s'ha convertit en la persona més vella del món amb 115 anys després de la mort ahir de la francesa Lu… - 2 years ago

@Sumitpmore786: Nun Lucile Randon was supercentenarian worked at the age of 75 years in life with occupation as governess, teacher,… - 2 years ago

@EvdeJadis: RT @guillaumesmi_4: C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous venons d'apprendre le décès de Sœur André,doyenne de l'humanité, à l'âge de 11… - 2 years ago

@eldiario: #18Ene | Murió a los 118 años de edad Lucile Randon, conocida como la hermana André. Era considerada la mujer más l… - 2 years ago

@NerioRod: Ayer en Francia,murio Lucile Randón,monja francesa,considerada la persona mas vieja del mundo,a los 118 años de edad. 18 E. - 2 years ago

@yokagutierrez: RT @SoyArepita: #ElDato Tras la muerte ayer de la monja católica francesa Lucile Randon (118 años), estas son las personas vivas más long… - 2 years ago

@Cometkid1: RT @washingtonpost: The world’s oldest known person, a nun living in the south of France, has died at the age of 118. Lucile Randon, bette… - 2 years ago

@rbxpac: RT @ARISEtv: World’s Oldest Known Person, French Nun, Dies at 118 Lucile Randon, known as Sister André, was born in the town of Ales, sout… - 2 years ago

@jplefabuleux: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@Boeck32343841: RT @guillaumesmi_4: C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous venons d'apprendre le décès de Sœur André,doyenne de l'humanité, à l'âge de 11… - 2 years ago

@ruben_almela: RT @A3Noticias: ⚫ La monja Lucile Randon, la persona más vieja del mundo, ha muerto a los 118 años - 2 years ago

@HiruNewsEnglish: The world's oldest person, French nun Lucile Randon, has passed away at the age of 118. #Hirunews #HiruEnglishNews… - 2 years ago

@MariaSTsehai: RT @MwanzoTv: The world's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Randon, known as Sister Andre, was born in sout… - 2 years ago

@MarasPostasiCom: Dünyanın en yaşlı insanı 118 yaşında öldü Ülke basınındaki haberlere nazaran, rahibe Lucile Randon’ın kaldığı Frans… - 2 years ago

@ambulsiva: - 2 years ago

@DDaya_23: RT @GossipRoomOff: 🚨 La Française soeur André, née Lucile Randon le 11 février 1904 à Alès (Gard), est morte ce mardi à Toulon. À l'âge de… - 2 years ago

@laciutattgn: La Maria, nascuda l'any 1907, s'ha convertit en la persona més gran del món amb 115 anys després de la mort de Luci… - 2 years ago

@Oneindia: French nun Lucile Randon, world's oldest known person, dies at 118 #worldsoldestperson… - 2 years ago

@kuwaittimesnews: The world's #oldest known person, #French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, a spokesman told AFP on Tuesday. Ra… - 2 years ago

@DecoustEthan: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@elnacionalcat_e: Maria Branyas toma el relevo de Lucile Randon, una francesa de 118 años que falleció el pasado martes - 2 years ago

@praetos: RT @AFP: The world's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, a spokesman told AFP on Tuesday. Randon was born in… - 2 years ago

@elnacionalcat: Maria Branyas pren el relleu de Lucile Randon, una francesa de 118 anys que va morir el passat dimarts - 2 years ago

@MohamedSelh: The oldest person in the world, #French nun Lucile Randon, has died at the age of 118. #Randon, who took the name o… - 2 years ago

@CebuGlobenet: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@laciutatbcln: La Maria, nascuda l'any 1907, s'ha convertit en la persona més gran del món amb 115 anys després de la mort de Luci… - 2 years ago

@badaxcam: RT @GossipRoomOff: 🚨 La Française soeur André, née Lucile Randon le 11 février 1904 à Alès (Gard), est morte ce mardi à Toulon. À l'âge de… - 2 years ago

@maxi__me_: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@Emeka_04: RT @Naija_PR: World’s oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118 - 2 years ago

@aline_bousquet: RT @MartineVassal: Notre #doyenne de l’humanité s’est éteinte paisiblement dans son sommeil à 118 ans. Lucile Randon devenue Soeur André ét… - 2 years ago

@LFernand000: RT @Supercentenaria: Muere Lucile Randon, quien era la persona viva más longeva de Francia y del mundo Lucile Randon (hermana André) falle… - 2 years ago

@Debora21675086: RT @choquei: 🚨MUNDO: Lucile Randon considerada a pessoa mais velha conhecida do mundo, morreu hoje aos 118 anos. - 2 years ago

@vancaneghem: RT @MartineVassal: Notre #doyenne de l’humanité s’est éteinte paisiblement dans son sommeil à 118 ans. Lucile Randon devenue Soeur André ét… - 2 years ago

@GinaSnowie: RT @Qope87: Ve věku 118 let zemřela nejstarší žena světa, sestra André (Lucile Randon). Narodila 11. února 1904. Od 41 let byla jeptiškou… - 2 years ago

@RepublicPaper: PARIS: The world's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. She was born in southern Franc… - 2 years ago

@dianpora: RT @kumparan: Rando mengembuskan napas terakhirnya saat tidur di Panti Jompo Sainte-Catherine-Laboure, Kota Toulon, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’A… - 2 years ago

@ABSCBNNews: The world's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, says spokesman. - 2 years ago

@ChristieOS88: 😭Lucile Randon, the oldest person in the world, dies at 118 | Obituaries News | Al Jazeera - 2 years ago

@BarbaraYetaxa: RT @guardiannews: World’s oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@PhilippineStar: RT @philstarlife: French nun Lucile Randon, known as Sister Andre, was born in southern France on Feb. 11, 1904, when World War I was still… - 2 years ago

@philstarlife: French nun Lucile Randon, known as Sister Andre, was born in southern France on Feb. 11, 1904, when World War I was… - 2 years ago

@Radinang: RT @AJEnglish: Lucile Randon, the oldest person in the world, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@kumparan: Rando mengembuskan napas terakhirnya saat tidur di Panti Jompo Sainte-Catherine-Laboure, Kota Toulon, Provence-Alpe… - 2 years ago

@BuzzerlyApp: Lucile Randon, the World's Oldest Known Person, Dies at 118 #Buzzerly #TwitterAlternative - 2 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Andy Vermaut shares:The world's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, dead at 118: submitted by /u/Salted… - 2 years ago

@JpSollohub: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@CARRIEREJerome: Née sous la IIIe République d'Émile Loubet, l'Alésienne Lucile Randon est morte dans son sommeil à un mois de ses 1… - 2 years ago

@HoroscopeOfUSA: World’s oldest person, French nun Lucile Randon, dies at 118 #MercuryRetrograde - 2 years ago

@MVellarada: RT @guardiannews: World’s oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@DH_Hindi: दुनिया की सबसे उम्रदराज महिला ल्यूसिल रैंडन का निधन, 118 साल की उम्र में दुनिया को कहा अलविदा #news #dailyhunt - 2 years ago

@aboutmarket10: Lucile Randon, the oldest person in the world, dies at 118 | Obituaries News - 2 years ago

@edelweissvillas: RT @plcdelmedio: #MUNDO | 🇫🇷 La monja francesa Lucile Randon, conocida como sor André, ha fallecido a los 118 años la noche del lunes al ma… - 2 years ago

@jazmasigan_2: RT @AFP: The world's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, a spokesman told AFP on Tuesday. Randon was born in… - 2 years ago

@Rentaro753: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@Sepa_mass: Muere la monja francesa sor André, la persona más longeva del mundo Lucile Randon, nacida en 1904, falleció a los… - 2 years ago

@boston25: World’s oldest person, French nun Lucile Randon, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@ny_breaking: Lucile Randon, the oldest person in the world, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@VoxPopuliNoti: El fallecimiento de Lucile Randon, conocida como Sor André, ocurrió en una residencia para ancianos de Toulon… - 2 years ago

@WSILNews: Born as Lucile Randon on February 11, 1904, Sister André dedicated most of her life to religious service, according… - 2 years ago

@whatsn2day: Lucile Randon, the oldest person in the world, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@hey_im_jo: RT @ThePopTingz: The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Ms Randon, known as Sister Andre, was born in souther… - 2 years ago

@walkingcities: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@Saimoooooooooon: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@BigTimmz: Lucile Randon: French nun. World’s oldest known person. Dead at 118 - - 2 years ago

@TweetThatDavid: World’s oldest person, French nun Lucile Randon, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@CoachPaulieV: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@tfmsupremacy13: RT @ThePopTingz: The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Ms Randon, known as Sister Andre, was born in souther… - 2 years ago

@pierrebayle1706: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@NikisTaxBracket: RT @ThePopTingz: The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Ms Randon, known as Sister Andre, was born in souther… - 2 years ago

@Africa_News_Off: Lucile Randon, the oldest person in the world, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@Jorneille: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@Fierceindeed: RT @ThePopTingz: The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Ms Randon, known as Sister Andre, was born in souther… - 2 years ago

@_Le_D: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@ArgumentesStp: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@JohnathanSRoss1: RT @Telegraph: 🔵The nun previously said that working kept her alive as she worked until the age of 108 - 2 years ago

@Nutmegelf: RT @ImJohnEli: Lucile Randon, the French nun who held the record for being the oldest living person, has died at the age of 118. - 2 years ago

@SophieHendry01: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@Wildraar: RT @guardian: World’s oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@a_lambda_guy_2: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@Antonio71036312: Muere la monja francesa sor André, la persona más longeva del mundo Lucile Randon, nacida en 1904, falleció a los 1… - 2 years ago

@Wildraar: RT @Telegraph: 🔵The nun previously said that working kept her alive as she worked until the age of 108 - 2 years ago

@egbon_john: RT @GWR: Guinness World Records is saddened to learn of the passing of the world's oldest person, Sister André (b. Lucile Randon) at the ag… - 2 years ago

@AnitaCandybel: RT @GWR: Guinness World Records is saddened to learn of the passing of the world's oldest person, Sister André (b. Lucile Randon) at the ag… - 2 years ago

@hrtvijesti: Od travnja 2022. godine pravim imenom Lucile Randon bila je priznata, od strane Gerontološke istraživačke grupe, ka… - 2 years ago

@JamesTCanadian: RT @GWR: Guinness World Records is saddened to learn of the passing of the world's oldest person, Sister André (b. Lucile Randon) at the ag… - 2 years ago

@Braziliansaby: RT @choquei: 🚨MUNDO: Lucile Randon considerada a pessoa mais velha conhecida do mundo, morreu hoje aos 118 anos. - 2 years ago

@bbdiversinfo: La religieuse française Lucile Randon, la plus âgée connue du monde, est décédée à 118 ans - 2 years ago

@mayerlinfarias4: RT @Chavista0101: #SancionaLasSanciones Muere la monja francesa sor André, la persona más longeva del mundo. Lucile Randon falleció a los 1… - 2 years ago

@jcdrex: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@GWR: Guinness World Records is saddened to learn of the passing of the world's oldest person, Sister André (b. Lucile Ra… - 2 years ago

@emperor_iotaeta: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@SuperBordelais: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@ZandalTanwin: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@real_petr: RT @thepophive: The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. 😯 - 2 years ago

@sabah: Dünyanın en yaşlı insanı unvanını taşıyan 118 yaşındaki Fransız Lucile Randon, yaşamını yitirdi. - 2 years ago

@panteraserena: RT @guardian: World’s oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@jflo_1976: RT @AFP: #BREAKING The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, her spokesman said on Tuesday. Randon, known as Sis… - 2 years ago

@EvelynSpring8: RT @Daily_Express: World's oldest person, a nun aged 118, has sadly died in her sleep - 2 years ago

@NickdMiller: Once again the world's oldest person has died: it's a trend and someone should look into it. - 2 years ago

@ahaber: Dünyanın en yaşlı insanı Fransız rahibe Lucile Randon öldü - 2 years ago

@JamallFlaGunner: RT @choquei: 🚨MUNDO: Lucile Randon considerada a pessoa mais velha conhecida do mundo, morreu hoje aos 118 anos. - 2 years ago

@fernandfilback: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@Fritz_Imperial: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@haddad_ziad: RT @ldevilloutreys: Soeur André (Lucile Randon), fille de la charité, doyenne de l'humanité, est décédée aujourd'hui dans sa 119ème année.… - 2 years ago

@TraceyBenmore: RT @Daily_Express: World's oldest person, a nun aged 118, has sadly died in her sleep - 2 years ago

@LuluToast: Such an incredible age to live to….World’s oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@tvi: 🚨 ÚLTIMA HORA - 2 years ago

@tviultimas: 🚨 ÚLTIMA HORA - 2 years ago

@SallSalloum: RT @AFP: The world's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, a spokesman told AFP on Tuesday. Randon was born in… - 2 years ago

@MaryRoseBilson1: RT @guardiannews: World’s oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@sweapsy: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@emmanuelle75004: RT @ldevilloutreys: Soeur André (Lucile Randon), fille de la charité, doyenne de l'humanité, est décédée aujourd'hui dans sa 119ème année.… - 2 years ago

@zefrenchcap: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@adviceforbernie: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@Superficies44: RT @adn40: 🚨 #AlertaADN Muere la francesa Lucile Randon, conocida por su nombre religioso, Sor André a los 118 años en Toulón, Francia. Er… - 2 years ago

@matt_bart: RT @AFP: #BREAKING The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, her spokesman said on Tuesday. Randon, known as Sis… - 2 years ago

@Brentus88: RT @AFP: #BREAKING The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, her spokesman said on Tuesday. Randon, known as Sis… - 2 years ago

@BLefty84: RT @AFP: The world's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, a spokesman told AFP on Tuesday. Randon was born in… - 2 years ago

@jason_boyer: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@KueblerSusan: RT @AFP: #BREAKING The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, her spokesman said on Tuesday. Randon, known as Sis… - 2 years ago

@Pelerin58580892: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@VBorges67: RT @choquei: 🚨MUNDO: Lucile Randon considerada a pessoa mais velha conhecida do mundo, morreu hoje aos 118 anos. - 2 years ago

@M09410397: RT @NewsJunkieBreak: 🚨NEW: The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, dies aged 118 - 2 years ago

@AFP: The world's oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, a spokesman told AFP on Tuesday. Ran… - 2 years ago

@NicD2000: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@ArielBlocker: World’s oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@antoniodballaro: RT @ROBZIK: Nata l’11 febbraio del 1904 ad Alès, Lucile Randon, poi suor André, era considerata “la decana dell’umanità”. Durante la sua es… - 2 years ago

@Tone314559366: RT @Corriere: Morta la donna più anziana del mondo. Suor Lucile aveva 118 anni - 2 years ago

@LucasLima8115: RT @choquei: 🚨MUNDO: Lucile Randon considerada a pessoa mais velha conhecida do mundo, morreu hoje aos 118 anos. - 2 years ago

@TheKnight203: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@Ward56542233: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@WSig: RT @AFP: #BREAKING The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, her spokesman said on Tuesday. Randon, known as Sis… - 2 years ago

@BrendaL20197985: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@sis_gaspar: RT @NMalaboeuf: De son vrai nom Lucile Randon, elle est née le 11 février 1904 à Alès. Soeur André était la quatrième personne la plus âgée… - 2 years ago

@hubertfalco: Née en 1904, Sœur André, Lucile Randon de ses prénom et nom de baptême, aurait eu 119 ans le 11 février prochain. E… - 2 years ago

@BiliousMillie: RT @guardian: World’s oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@Nesrinygc07: RT @Net_Haber_: 🔴 Dünyanın yaşayan en yaşlı insanı öldü: "Dünyanın yaşayan en yaşlı insanı" unvanını taşıyan 118 yaşındaki Fransız rahibe L… - 2 years ago

@EldrickISB: RT @Supercentenaria: Noticias muy tristes La hermana Lucile Randon de Francia, quien era la persona viva más longeva del mundo, ha falleci… - 2 years ago

@TR__Gundem: RT @Net_Haber_: 🔴 Dünyanın yaşayan en yaşlı insanı öldü: "Dünyanın yaşayan en yaşlı insanı" unvanını taşıyan 118 yaşındaki Fransız rahibe L… - 2 years ago

@PaulLbrc_: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@In___Memoriam: ✝️ Lucile RANDON, “Sœur André” 🧺 11 Feb. 1904, Alès 🇫🇷 🪦 17 Jan. 2023, Toulon 🇫🇷 📜 Supercentenarian, catholic nun… - 2 years ago

@pow_bibi: RT @choquei: 🚨MUNDO: Lucile Randon considerada a pessoa mais velha conhecida do mundo, morreu hoje aos 118 anos. - 2 years ago

@DikenComTr: ‘Dünyanın en yaşlı insanı’ unvanını taşıyordu: Lucile Randon 118 yaşında öldü - 2 years ago

@tiruguerreira: RT @choquei: 🚨MUNDO: Lucile Randon considerada a pessoa mais velha conhecida do mundo, morreu hoje aos 118 anos. - 2 years ago

@kennethjarecke: RT @guardian: World’s oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, dies at 118 - 2 years ago

@Katrin341: RT @Le_Figaro: Sœur André, née Lucile Randon au sein d'une famille protestante, s'est éteinte ce mardi dans sa maison de retraite, à Toulon… - 2 years ago

@julienpstrt: RT @RenaudMuselier: Sœur André, doyenne de l’humanité, s’est éteinte à 118 ans dans le #Var. 🙏 Une vie extraordinaire, traversant deux gue… - 2 years ago

@Tr__News: RT @Net_Haber_: 🔴 Dünyanın yaşayan en yaşlı insanı öldü: "Dünyanın yaşayan en yaşlı insanı" unvanını taşıyan 118 yaşındaki Fransız rahibe L… - 2 years ago

@GabrielZD94: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@MartynDav33: RT @AFP: #BREAKING The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, her spokesman said on Tuesday. Randon, known as Sis… - 2 years ago

@LTRE4567: RT @ThePopTingz: The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Ms Randon, known as Sister Andre, was born in souther… - 2 years ago

@haakonaa: Dette betyr vel at det no ikkje er igjen levande menneske på planeten som vart fødd før unionsoppløysinga. - 2 years ago

@pizza_wrozek: RT @LukaszBok: W wieku 118 lat zmarła Lucile Randon. Oficjalnie czwarta osoba w historii, która osiągnęła taki wiek. Od kwietnia 2022 najst… - 2 years ago

@KamilKaszta: RT @LukaszBok: W wieku 118 lat zmarła Lucile Randon. Oficjalnie czwarta osoba w historii, która osiągnęła taki wiek. Od kwietnia 2022 najst… - 2 years ago

@Vickhypster: RT @ThePopTingz: The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Ms Randon, known as Sister Andre, was born in souther… - 2 years ago

@sylwiablaszka: RT @RadioZET_NEWS: Nie żyje najstarszy człowiek na ziemi. Licząca sobie 118 lat Lucile Randon zmarła dzisiaj we Francji. Kobieta urodziła s… - 2 years ago

@GregoireDeren: RT @xpennec: Sœur André, née Lucile Randon au sein d'une famille protestante, s'est éteinte ce mardi dans sa maison de retraite, à Toulon,… - 2 years ago

@CaptainL69gan: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@RaphaelThrt: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@MashuRespecter: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@AurelieSeb1505: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@Pandora100000: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@okcmi_chan05: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@Wadosensei: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@nobamuzi: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@bettersez: RT @LukaszBok: W wieku 118 lat zmarła Lucile Randon. Oficjalnie czwarta osoba w historii, która osiągnęła taki wiek. Od kwietnia 2022 najst… - 2 years ago

@Fafa_ARAM: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@ParisWalkingMan: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@Solstiiss: RT @394Histoires: #New 17 Janvier 2023: Disparition à l'âge de 118 ans et 340 jours de Lucile Randon, supercentenaire Française, doyennede… - 2 years ago

@pedmarlep_96: RT @ThePopTingz: The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Ms Randon, known as Sister Andre, was born in souther… - 2 years ago

@praeceptoris: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@STTuutiset: Tiettävästi maailman vanhin ihminen Lucile Randon on kuollut 118-vuotiaana Etelä-Ranskassa. Asiasta kertoi hänen ed… - 2 years ago

@StarGazer8888: RT @TheInsiderPaper: Lucile Randon: The world’s oldest known person dies aged 118 - 2 years ago

@StarfishPrime95: RT @AFP: #BREAKING The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, her spokesman said on Tuesday. Randon, known as Sis… - 2 years ago

@vgnett: Var verdens eldste, nå er Lucile Randon død - 2 years ago

@respectassange: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@SyhixTV: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@PDChina: The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, AFP reported on Tuesday. - 2 years ago

@ldevilloutreys: Soeur André (Lucile Randon), fille de la charité, doyenne de l'humanité, est décédée aujourd'hui dans sa 119ème ann… - 2 years ago

@BobMerle3: RT @394Histoires: #New 17 Janvier 2023: Disparition à l'âge de 118 ans et 340 jours de Lucile Randon, supercentenaire Française, doyennede… - 2 years ago

@ThePopTingz: The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118. Ms Randon, known as Sister Andre, was born in… - 2 years ago

@gr_thur: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@_Santa_Pepe_: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@ludo_lux: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@bold_counsel: RT @AFP: #BREAKING The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, her spokesman said on Tuesday. Randon, known as Sis… - 2 years ago

@Riiosking: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@pnqnh: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@ArmelouuuuFenty: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@NMalaboeuf: De son vrai nom Lucile Randon, elle est née le 11 février 1904 à Alès. Soeur André était la quatrième personne la p… - 2 years ago

@Florian_Ruspini: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@DCHope2018: RT @TheInsiderPaper: Lucile Randon: The world’s oldest known person dies aged 118 - 2 years ago

@fidelnongo: RT @lsiafrica: 🔴A l’instant : Lucile Randon, (Sœur André en religion) est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Née le 11 février 1904 à Alès, Sœur A… - 2 years ago

@18littlebighorn: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@enternoon: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@BortokAlmada: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@judysullivan00: RT @AFP: #BREAKING The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, her spokesman said on Tuesday. Randon, known as Sis… - 2 years ago

@JohnSca89427985: RT @AFP: #BREAKING The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, her spokesman said on Tuesday. Randon, known as Sis… - 2 years ago

@bad_maxence: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@rockeuse_917: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@TSgRobertELee: RT @AFP: #BREAKING The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, her spokesman said on Tuesday. Randon, known as Sis… - 2 years ago

@Emmaa_67100: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@let51001: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@chaldoassyriann: RT @CatholicSat: French nun Sister Andre, the world's oldest person, has died today at the age of 118. Born Lucile Randon, she converted to… - 2 years ago

@Clement_loss: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@solene_vr: RT @xpennec: Sœur André, née Lucile Randon au sein d'une famille protestante, s'est éteinte ce mardi dans sa maison de retraite, à Toulon,… - 2 years ago

@SelvaFrancoise: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@nh_shaheen: RT @AFP: #BREAKING The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, her spokesman said on Tuesday. Randon, known as Sis… - 2 years ago

@dunyahaberburda: 🇫🇷 FRANSA: 🔴 Güncel bilgi: Dünyanın bilinen en yaşlı insanı Lucile Randon'un 118 yaşında öldüğü açıklandı. Nisan 20… - 2 years ago

@frdouchain: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Lucile Randon - #LucileRandon #Lucile #Randon #rip - 2 years ago

@Hu_gosport: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@WaclawJan: W wieku 118 lat zmarła najstarsza żyjąca osoba na świecie, Lucile Randon (siostra Andre) z 🇫🇷Francji (1904-2023). I… - 2 years ago

@On_Nathan_mdr: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@willicompton20: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@Plantureux: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@CherylRose1111: RT @AFP: #BREAKING The world's oldest known person, Lucile Randon, has died aged 118, her spokesman said on Tuesday. Randon, known as Sis… - 2 years ago

@Whitetruck6: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@vacquer: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@YvesOllivier2: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@__kaathleen: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@Abraxas1789: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

@gitanerie: RT @L_ThinkTank: [ 🇫🇷 FRANCE ] 🔸️ Sœur André, née Lucile Randon, est décédée à l'âge de 118 ans. Cette femme était la doyenne de l'humani… - 2 years ago

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