Lucian Pintilie

Romanian film director (Reconstituirea).
Died on Wednesday May 16th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Lucian Pintilie:

@cine_scope: RT @SightSoundmag: RIP #LucianPintilie, 1933–2018: Romania’s tragic farceur of stage and screen was, in his implacable scepticism, a role m… - 7 years ago

@abjectworld: RT @SightSoundmag: RIP #LucianPintilie, 1933–2018: Romania’s tragic farceur of stage and screen was, in his implacable scepticism, a role m… - 7 years ago

@Geoff_Andrew: RT @SightSoundmag: RIP #LucianPintilie, 1933–2018: Romania’s tragic farceur of stage and screen was, in his implacable scepticism, a role m… - 7 years ago

@manycatsmanycat: RT @SightSoundmag: RIP #LucianPintilie, 1933–2018: Romania’s tragic farceur of stage and screen was, in his implacable scepticism, a role m… - 7 years ago


@giantroot: RT @SightSoundmag: RIP #LucianPintilie, 1933–2018: Romania’s tragic farceur of stage and screen was, in his implacable scepticism, a role m… - 7 years ago

@BFI: RT @SightSoundmag: RIP #LucianPintilie, 1933–2018: Romania’s tragic farceur of stage and screen was, in his implacable scepticism, a role m… - 7 years ago

@Thatnephew: Another brilliant director leaves us - Lucian Pintilie . Despite being Romanian most of the films I saw were French. - 7 years ago

@dw_romana: Au intrat în eternitate, recent, Philip Roth, Lucian Pintilie şi figura de proră a islamologiei occidentale, Bernar… - 7 years ago

@imdarie: Andrei PLEŞU: Lucian Pintilie și mizeria lumii - 7 years ago

@phenocine: Lucian Pintilie, 1933–2018: Romania’s tragic farceur without strings - 7 years ago

@ArteBarrato: Lucian Pintilie (9 November 1933 – 16 May 2018) Just the other day I tried explaining, to a friend, just who Pintil… - 7 years ago

@HotNews_ro: Berlin: Gala de deschidere a Festivalului de Film Sud-Est European - 7 years ago

@monanicoara: Ce lasă în urmă Lucian Pintilie? Răspund șase regizori - 7 years ago

@RevistaYorick1: Am fost încă din liceu copleșit de admirație pentru Lucian Pintilie și pentru Liviu Ciulei; erau idolii mei. Mai tâ… - 7 years ago

@septembrie67: In Memoriam: Lucian Pintilie şi „chestiunea evreiască“ - 7 years ago

@Youkalikat: RT @SightSoundmag: RIP #LucianPintilie, 1933–2018: Romania’s tragic farceur of stage and screen was, in his implacable scepticism, a role m… - 7 years ago

@BrianLally: RT @Cineuropa: Romanian director Lucian Pintilie passed away last week at the age of 84 - 7 years ago

@ActorsRedCarpet: Lucian Pintilie Inspired Romanian New Wave, Local Filmmakers Say - 7 years ago

@universalmindpo: Lucian Pintilie Inspired Romanian New Wave, Local Filmmakers Say - 7 years ago

@filmnickjames: RT @SightSoundmag: RIP #LucianPintilie, 1933–2018: Romania’s tragic farceur of stage and screen was, in his implacable scepticism, a role m… - 7 years ago

@Darwin_Movie: RT @Cineuropa: Romanian director Lucian Pintilie passed away last week at the age of 84 - 7 years ago

@Cineuropa: Romanian director Lucian Pintilie passed away last week at the age of 84 - 7 years ago

@theguvnoruk: Lucian Pintilie obituary: Romania’s tragic farceur without strings - 7 years ago

@kaist455: RT @NYTObits: Lucian Pintilie, a film and stage director who defied the Communist authorities in Romania, has died at 84 - 7 years ago

@kaist455: RT @Variety: Lucian Pintilie Inspired Romanian New Wave, Local Filmmakers Say - 7 years ago

@kaist455: RT @JBontatibus: As I prepared to shoot a movie in Romania, Lucian Pintilie's THE OAK was my most important point of reference. A huge film… - 7 years ago

@1066Live: #RT @Variety: Lucian Pintilie Inspired Romanian New Wave, Local Filmmakers Say - 7 years ago

@theangrymick: RT @SightSoundmag: RIP #LucianPintilie, 1933–2018: Romania’s tragic farceur of stage and screen was, in his implacable scepticism, a role m… - 7 years ago

@thefussymuse: RT @SightSoundmag: RIP #LucianPintilie, 1933–2018: Romania’s tragic farceur of stage and screen was, in his implacable scepticism, a role m… - 7 years ago

@tomsakic: RT @SightSoundmag: RIP #LucianPintilie, 1933–2018: Romania’s tragic farceur of stage and screen was, in his implacable scepticism, a role m… - 7 years ago

@djuna01: RT @JBontatibus: As I prepared to shoot a movie in Romania, Lucian Pintilie's THE OAK was my most important point of reference. A huge film… - 7 years ago

@djuna01: RT @NYTObits: Lucian Pintilie, a film and stage director who defied the Communist authorities in Romania, has died at 84 - 7 years ago

@djuna01: RT @Variety: Lucian Pintilie Inspired Romanian New Wave, Local Filmmakers Say - 7 years ago

@djuna01: RT @SightSoundmag: RIP #LucianPintilie, 1933–2018: Romania’s tragic farceur of stage and screen was, in his implacable scepticism, a role m… - 7 years ago

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