Luchita Hurtado

American painter.
Died on Friday August 14th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Luchita Hurtado:

@bugdreams: Artist-designed bandanas to encourage voter turnout in November’s U.S. elections. - 5 years ago

@KathleenHicks: Love this! Don't boo, #vote!!! - 5 years ago

@elazarcultural: RT @artnews: Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers Luchita Hurtado: "Hurtado’s unique vision of human experience is both grounded and transcendental… - 5 years ago

@raju: Marilyn Minter, Luchita Hurtado, and others designed bandanas to encourage voter turnout in November’s U.S. electio… - 5 years ago


@juliusmay: 'The photography, the poetry, the fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luc… - 5 years ago

@Duchampia: RT @artnews: Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers Luchita Hurtado: "Hurtado’s unique vision of human experience is both grounded and transcendental… - 5 years ago

@Beisbol007: RT @art21: "I am who I am because I'm doing what I want to do, not what I'm told to do." RIP to Luchita Hurtado—an incredible artist and a… - 5 years ago

@artnews: Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers Luchita Hurtado: "Hurtado’s unique vision of human experience is both grounded and tra… - 5 years ago

@jopalal: RT @TIME: "The photography, the poetry, the fashion." Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@susanneschreibt: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@dragana_m30: RT @TIME: "The photography, the poetry, the fashion." Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@TheGloriousSOB: 'The photography, the poetry, the fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luc… - 5 years ago

@JoshepAyya: TIME ""The photography, the poetry, the fashion." Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of arti… - 5 years ago

@Lillian02440569: RT @TIME: "The photography, the poetry, the fashion." Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@MarnieMcKim: RT @TIME: "The photography, the poetry, the fashion." Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@dherreraluckie: RT @jude_webber: Luchita Hurtado, artist, 1920-2020 - 5 years ago

@frangis45: RT @TIME: "The photography, the poetry, the fashion." Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@Dorothe11793644: RT @TIME: "The photography, the poetry, the fashion." Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@UweGern: #Inspirierend: Herzerwährmendes Interview mit der nun verstorbenen Künstlerin Luchita Hurtado. Einfach mal reinlese… - 5 years ago

@AberKed1: RT @TIME: "The photography, the poetry, the fashion." Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@MyKendsi: RT @24h_algerie: BLOG (Par Myriam Kendsi): "L’histoire de Hurtado est, dans une certaine mesure, l’histoire de nombreuses femmes artistes d… - 5 years ago

@KTWinATL: RT @TIME: "The photography, the poetry, the fashion." Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@NueAttitudes: RT @Artforum: “Everyone thinks Agnes Martin was reserved because of the work and because she liked routine, but sometimes she would break l… - 5 years ago

@errerre: RT @TIME: "The photography, the poetry, the fashion." Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@cgarrett3: RT @TIME: "The photography, the poetry, the fashion." Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@AnaisMotoven: RT @TIME: "The photography, the poetry, the fashion." Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@lynnea_dawn: A beautiful soul! ‘The photography, the poetry, the fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional sp… - 5 years ago

@higherthnmyhair: RT @TIME: "The photography, the poetry, the fashion." Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@delexplorer: RT @TIME: "The photography, the poetry, the fashion." Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@basaclue: RIP Luchita Hurtado, her exhibition last year at the Serpentine was superb. Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 9… - 5 years ago

@Antonio_Saborit: Por si ocupan Luchita Hurtado Vía @FT⁩ - 5 years ago

@CallMeAhmjusAyn: "We are all a species" #RIP #LuchitaHurtado #laughter, #art. #lacma Celebrating Luchita Hurtado | Unframed - 5 years ago

@03_geno: RT @yvidalaqui: Luchita Hurtado, artist, 1920-2020 - 5 years ago

@yvidalaqui: Luchita Hurtado, artist, 1920-2020 - 5 years ago

@rubywhite: Luchita Hurtado 1920-2020 indomitable talent - 5 years ago

@News_Camera: 'The Photography, the Poetry, the Fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers the Multi-Dimensional Spirit of Artist Luc… - 5 years ago

@mwalkercom: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, who has died at 99, was known for her mysterious paintings of women in nature. Take a look back at some of he… - 5 years ago

@142857Frog: Luchita Hurtado, Venezuela #luchitahurtado #abstractart #rebirth #venezuela - 5 years ago

@celiablack: Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers Luchita Hurtado: ‘More Urgent Today Than Ever’ - 5 years ago

@142857Frog: Luchita Hurtado #abstract #rebirth #rebirth #luchitahurtado - 5 years ago

@menchurenfe: RT @oohGuillermo: Luchita Hurtado, pintora extraordinaria. Después de toda una vida en el anonimato, en 2018, hace nada, fue descubierta y… - 5 years ago

@oohGuillermo: Luchita Hurtado, pintora extraordinaria. Después de toda una vida en el anonimato, en 2018, hace nada, fue descubi… - 5 years ago

@News_Camera: 'The Photography, the Poetry, the Fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers the Multi-Dimensional Spirit of Artist Luc… - 5 years ago

@soundoftheburbs: Luchita Hurtado, artist, 1920-2020 via @FT - 5 years ago

@JPLinguistics: Are you familiar with the late artist, Luchita Hurtado, who "befriended Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, and Isamu Noguch… - 5 years ago

@geoffforcrookes: Self portrait by Luchita Hurtado (1968). She has died aged 99. Enjoyed the exhibition of her paintings in the Serpe… - 5 years ago

@AllegraFox: RT @frieze_magazine: Luchita Hurtado (1920-2020) The great painter has died at the age of 99. In 2018, @weistwiley wrote in a profile of… - 5 years ago

@VCAM1963: Luchita Hurtado, artist, 1920-2020 | Financial Times - 5 years ago

@cgartadvisory: Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers Luchita Hurtado: ‘More Urgent Today Than Ever’ - 5 years ago

@sabasumer: “I never said no to life. I have a responsibility to the world, to my planet.” —Luchita Hurtado #luchitahurtado… - 5 years ago

@sabasumer: “I never said no to life. I have a responsibility to the world, to my planet.” —Luchita Hurtado #luchitahurtado… - 5 years ago

@sabasumer: “I never said no to life. I have a responsibility to the world, to my planet.” —Luchita Hurtado #luchitahurtado… - 5 years ago

@zessomerville: Short thread. I just an obituary of the amazing Venezuelan-American artist Luchita Hurtado who's died aged 99. And… - 5 years ago

@trevorw1953: Luchita Hurtado, artist, 1920-2020: An indomitable talent, finally celebrated at the end of her career - 5 years ago

@McCreadieJoanna: Luchita Hurtado 1920 - 2020 - 5 years ago

@Gumbumper: Luchita Hurtado Obituary: Hans Ulrich Remembers Famed Artist - 5 years ago

@WilmerApruzzese: ‘The Photography, the Poetry, the Fashion.’ Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers the Multi-Dimensional Spirit of Artist Luchita Hurtado - 5 years ago

@joseph_lester: RT @rochellerart: So excited to share this piece on Luchita Hurtado by the wonderful Jennifer Brough 🍎 - 5 years ago

@patolagunero77: RT @jude_webber: Luchita Hurtado, artist, 1920-2020 - 5 years ago

@DeLuzeVF: RT @artnews: Read curator Hans Ulrich Obrist's remembrance of artist Luchita Hurtado, who was known for her paintings aligning women's bodi… - 5 years ago

@MarinaBacchetti: Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers Luchita Hurtado: ‘More Urgent Today Than Ever’ - 5 years ago

@punkinsangel: Curator Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers Artist Luchita Hurtado - 5 years ago

@RoarkFineArt: Curator Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers Artist Luchita Hurtado - 5 years ago

@feralartist: RT @artnews: Read curator Hans Ulrich Obrist's remembrance of artist Luchita Hurtado, who was known for her paintings aligning women's bodi… - 5 years ago

@MellowMelodymds: Luchita Hurtado’s Adventures in Mexico - 5 years ago

@artnews: Read curator Hans Ulrich Obrist's remembrance of artist Luchita Hurtado, who was known for her paintings aligning w… - 5 years ago

@rupertbu: Luchita Hurtado, artist, 1920-2020 - 5 years ago

@MinaChan77: 'The Photography, the Poetry, the Fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers the Multi-Dimensional Spirit of Artist Luc… - 5 years ago

@tfarhat: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@janiefitzgerald: Such a lovely person, was full of inspiration and wisdom. #luchitahurtado - 5 years ago

@AFLWMag: RT @eva_recinos: "Late in life — very late in life — her body of work came to light, and she was greeted as an overnight success by the art… - 5 years ago

@m0h11c23: RT @Mlle__F: Thank you and goodbye Ms. Luchita Hurtado - 5 years ago

@spatialratio: RT @artnews: "Hurtado’s unique vision of human experience is both grounded and transcendental," Hans Ulrich Obrist writes - 5 years ago

@CirrusGallery: - 5 years ago

@DavidCa33585423: RT @elnuevoherald: Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado a los 99 años - 5 years ago

@jocavil72: Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers Luchita Hurtado: ‘More Urgent Today Than Ever’ - 5 years ago

@LiamVarrick: Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers Luchita Hurtado: ‘More Urgent Today Than Ever’ - 5 years ago

@jude_webber: Luchita Hurtado, artist, 1920-2020 - 5 years ago

@ignacioalperin: Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers Luchita Hurtado: ‘More Urgent Today Than Ever’ - 5 years ago

@ClausThuroeArt: Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers Luchita Hurtado: ‘More Urgent Today Than Ever’ “I never said no to life. I have a res… - 5 years ago

@paulmsmith1975: Luchita Hurtado, artist, 1920-2020 - 5 years ago

@Americans4Arts: This week: #ArtsVote hit #DNC2020, we welcomed our new cohort of #ACLCFellows, got inspired by an innovative festiv… - 5 years ago

@ftopinion: Luchita Hurtado, artist, 1920-2020 - 5 years ago

@matiIdc_: Untitled - Luchita Hurtado (1971) - 5 years ago

@LaurieStories: Luchita Hurtado, belatedly acclaimed for the sensual beauty of her art, dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@compoundoakland: RT @art21: "I am who I am because I'm doing what I want to do, not what I'm told to do." RIP to Luchita Hurtado—an incredible artist and a… - 5 years ago

@areyouokaybuddy: RT @TIME: 'The photography, the poetry, the fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@mattieboi93: RT @TIME: 'The photography, the poetry, the fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@PointDeColl: RT @artdetective: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@MatsuokaChikako: RT @TIME: 'The photography, the poetry, the fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@makyosunim: RT @TIME: 'The photography, the poetry, the fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@clar_idadE: RT @TIME: 'The photography, the poetry, the fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@milove801: RT @TIME: 'The photography, the poetry, the fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@martmc88: RT @TIME: 'The photography, the poetry, the fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@wisbey_barbara: RT @TIME: 'The photography, the poetry, the fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@sandeepmeetsu: RT @TIME: 'The photography, the poetry, the fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@lumonay: RT @TIME: 'The photography, the poetry, the fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@teeagernet: RT @TIME: 'The photography, the poetry, the fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luchita Hurtado h… - 5 years ago

@TIME: 'The photography, the poetry, the fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist remembers the multi-dimensional spirit of artist Luc… - 5 years ago

@News_Camera: The Photography, the Poetry, the Fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers the Multi-Dimensional Spirit of Artist Luch… - 5 years ago

@Ribardo9: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@vp777: RT @MGMirabalCastro: Luchita Hurtado, la pintora venezolana más influyente según el top 100 de Times - 5 years ago

@UKPhotoNews: The Photography, the Poetry, the Fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers the Multi-Dimensional Spirit of Artist Luch… - 5 years ago

@heyangella: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@babethlolarga: RT @LucyWriters: In Luchita Hurtado’s paintings, the nude female body is an affirmation of the self, a locus of solitude and personal care… - 5 years ago

@AFSJournal: RT @LucyWriters: In Luchita Hurtado’s paintings, the nude female body is an affirmation of the self, a locus of solitude and personal care… - 5 years ago

@danielv15123433: RT @artealdia: Luchita Hurtado. Together Forever presenta más de treinta obras desde la década de 1960 hasta la actualidad en las que explo… - 5 years ago

@artealdia: Luchita Hurtado. Together Forever presenta más de treinta obras desde la década de 1960 hasta la actualidad en las… - 5 years ago

@artealdia: Luchita Hurtado. Together Forever Many of these highly personal artworks – recent paintings of birth along with ear… - 5 years ago

@lamegadetoronto: #MÚSICA - #Ozuna sorprendió a sus fanáticos con el remix de su más reciente y exitoso tema musical que se titula… - 5 years ago

@kirstymhall: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter whose dizzying images of women's bodies and nature brought her a late-career rise to fame, has died… - 5 years ago

@LucyWriters: RT @LucyWriters: In Luchita Hurtado’s paintings, the nude female body is an affirmation of the self, a locus of solitude and personal care… - 5 years ago

@lamegadetoronto: La pintora venezolana #LuchitaHurtado, falleció por causas naturales en su casa en Santa Mónica, de acuerdo a lo co… - 5 years ago

@Beate33219324: RT @nytimesworld: A near-contemporary and friend of Frida Kahlo, among other prominent modern artists, Luchita Hurtado was at various times… - 5 years ago

@alexhphotog: "Each time we would speak, a new dimension of Luchita would become visible,' the Serpentine Galleries curator recal… - 5 years ago

@poodlepingpong: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@VctorManzano5: RT @HauserWirth: In loving memory of artist Luchita Hurtado (1920 – 2020) ‘I’ve concluded that I’m going somewhere. It’s not death; it’s… - 5 years ago

@VctorManzano5: RT @CirrusGallery: Luchita Hurtado has died at 99. Hurtado achieved real recogniion only in her nineties, overshadowed by the work of her… - 5 years ago

@WritingLife_b: The Photography, the Poetry, the Fashion.' Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers the M... #writing - 5 years ago

@PeterTMilne1: Santa Monica Artist Luchita Hurtado Died At 99 - Canyon News - 5 years ago

@AlumLucy: RT @rochellerart: So excited to share this piece on Luchita Hurtado by the wonderful Jennifer Brough 🍎 - 5 years ago

@hhgsparkles: RT @rochellerart: So excited to share this piece on Luchita Hurtado by the wonderful Jennifer Brough 🍎 - 5 years ago

@evozax: The Photography, the Poetry, the Fashion.’ Hans Ulrich Obrist Remembers the Multi-Dimensional Spirit of Artist Luch… - 5 years ago

@IrenosenOkojie: RT @LucyWriters: In Luchita Hurtado’s paintings, the nude female body is an affirmation of the self, a locus of solitude and personal care… - 5 years ago

@LucyWriters: RT @rochellerart: So excited to share this piece on Luchita Hurtado by the wonderful Jennifer Brough 🍎 - 5 years ago

@LucyCavColl: RT @LucyWriters: In Luchita Hurtado’s paintings, the nude female body is an affirmation of the self, a locus of solitude and personal care… - 5 years ago

@rochellerart: So excited to share this piece on Luchita Hurtado by the wonderful Jennifer Brough 🍎 - 5 years ago

@hhgsparkles: RT @LucyWriters: In Luchita Hurtado’s paintings, the nude female body is an affirmation of the self, a locus of solitude and personal care… - 5 years ago

@AlumLucy: RT @LucyWriters: In Luchita Hurtado’s paintings, the nude female body is an affirmation of the self, a locus of solitude and personal care… - 5 years ago

@LucyWriters: In Luchita Hurtado’s paintings, the nude female body is an affirmation of the self, a locus of solitude and persona… - 5 years ago

@PhilipBommer: #art Painter Luchita Hurtado, an art star in her late 90s, dies - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@BesomeoneWorld: what are we going to do to stop extinction? -luchita hurtado - 5 years ago

@BesomeoneWorld: what are we going to do to stop extinction? -luchita hurtado - 5 years ago

@rgalleria: 'Mundo', Luchita Hurtado (1920-2020) 🇻🇪 - 5 years ago

@anntracyart: Not sure how I missed this, but what an inspiration. Thank you & RIP Ms Hurtado. - 5 years ago

@radioamiga933: Hoy recordamos a Luchita Hurtado en nuestro segmento #GirlPower fue una pintora venezolana, cuyo estilo artístico e… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@kingworld813: RT @CultureType: This Pioneering Artist Is on the Brink of Her First Big Retrospective, at 98 | - 5 years ago

@AlbertoRibes: RT @WomenInTheArts: Painter #LuchitaHurtado, who became an art star in her late 90s, has died at 99 - 5 years ago

@ChapellCarolina: #RT @Mcarolinachapel: Luchita Hurtado, la pintora venezolana más influyente según el top 100 de Times - 5 years ago

@Mcarolinachapel: Luchita Hurtado, la pintora venezolana más influyente según el top 100 de Times - 5 years ago

@MARIELinBOSTON: RT @andreaschwan: Farewell to an icon. #luchitahurtado #timeless - 5 years ago

@PaulSorrentino3: RT @Artforum: “Everyone thinks Agnes Martin was reserved because of the work and because she liked routine, but sometimes she would break l… - 5 years ago

@MyKendsi: RT @MyKendsi: The Art of Luchita Hurtado - 5 years ago

@harlequingloryb: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@argegomez: RT @Diario_ElTiempo: #Arte Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado a los 99 años - 5 years ago

@Diario_ElTiempo: #Arte Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado a los 99 años - 5 years ago

@ARTFIXdaily: From Shepard Fairey to the Late Luchita Hurtado, Leading Artists Designed Bandanas For a Cause in This eBay Fundrai… - 5 years ago

@2LiberalForU: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@ameliarosner: Luchita Hurtado obituary - 5 years ago

@Fritinancy: Source - 5 years ago

@eliazuara: RT @SerpentineUK: “I never said no to life. I have a responsibility to the world, to my planet.” RIP Luchita Hurtado 🌱✨💙 - 5 years ago

@eliazuara: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@eliazuara: RT @zapatosrosas: Según algunos estudios, las Venus paleolíticas serían representaciones de mujeres mirándose a sí mismas. De una forma sim… - 5 years ago

@asilascosasw: AL AIRE | @ginjaramillo con las mejores recomendaciones culturales: ➡️ La reapertura del Museo Franz Mayer y las e… - 5 years ago

@paracletepress: RT @karenkkiefer: A favorite artist, Luchita Hurtado, just died at the age of 99. She became FAMOUS for her body of work at 90 years old. “… - 5 years ago

@karenkkiefer: A favorite artist, Luchita Hurtado, just died at the age of 99. She became FAMOUS for her body of work at 90 years… - 5 years ago

@monachollet: RT @MyKendsi: Luchita Hurtado Mullican interview - 5 years ago

@MyKendsi: Luchita Hurtado: I Live I Die I Will Be Reborn - 5 years ago

@MyKendsi: Made in L.A. 2018: Luchita Hurtado - 5 years ago

@MyKendsi: Luchita Hurtado Mullican interview - 5 years ago

@HealthyAgingRI: Our #WednesdayWisdom is about never giving up and that it's never too late to become an "overnight sensation".… - 5 years ago

@petitorigan: RT @monachollet: In memoriam: Luchita Hurtado (1920 – 2020) - 5 years ago

@e_ursule: RT @monachollet: In memoriam: Luchita Hurtado (1920 – 2020) - 5 years ago

@monachollet: In memoriam: Luchita Hurtado (1920 – 2020) - 5 years ago

@josiegz: Luchita Hurtado, "an artist whose paintings and drawings emphasized the interconnectedness of all living things wit… - 5 years ago

@artealdia: LUCHITA HURTADO La artista de 99 años murió el jueves de causas naturales en su casa en Santa Mónica, según confir… - 5 years ago

@cheryledison: Too late? Let's consider: "Here I am" Luchita Hurtada. Artist. Venezuelan. American. At 90 her life's work in mixe… - 5 years ago

@gerasgon: RT @GriegoAdan: When painter Luchita Hurtado, who passed away on August 13 at age 99, was a young woman, she traveled around rural Mexico w… - 5 years ago

@cosmicjaunt: RT @alexxkittle: RIP Luchita Hurtado - 5 years ago

@LT38: RT @hammer_museum: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Luchita Hurtado. Over the course of her long career, Hurtado maintained… - 5 years ago

@fresameli: RT @efeminista_efe: Ecologismo, feminismo, surrealismo y muralismo mexicano se dan la mano en la obra plástica de Luchita Hurtado, la pinto… - 5 years ago

@efeminista_efe: Ecologismo, feminismo, surrealismo y muralismo mexicano se dan la mano en la obra plástica de Luchita Hurtado, la p… - 5 years ago

@Fritinancy: The time I met Venezuelan-born artist Luchita Hurtado (1920–2020) and her granddaughter at L A.’s @hammer_museum, A… - 5 years ago

@badgerspark: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@raulgarza374: Luchita Hurtado, Who Gained Global Acclaim Late in Life, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@michelevicat: Luchita Hurtado’s Adventures with Wolfgang Paalan, Diego Rivera – - 5 years ago

@cuchacucha: RT @FeminismoINC: Luchita Hurtado, artista venezolana que se convirtió en una sensación en sus 90, muere a los 99. Durante años trabajó a l… - 5 years ago

@FeminismoINC: Luchita Hurtado, artista venezolana que se convirtió en una sensación en sus 90, muere a los 99. Durante años traba… - 5 years ago

@AlbertoRuy: RT @GriegoAdan: When painter Luchita Hurtado, who passed away on August 13 at age 99, was a young woman, she traveled around rural Mexico w… - 5 years ago

@GriegoAdan: When painter Luchita Hurtado, who passed away on August 13 at age 99, was a young woman, she traveled around rural… - 5 years ago

@SethPlotnick: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@RiseFreeOrg: RT @artsy: Other participating artists include Hank Willis Thomas, Juliana Huxtable, Christina Quarles, and Jenny Holzer. - 5 years ago

@luisevargas: RT @Diario_ElTiempo: #Arte Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado a los 99 años - 5 years ago

@Diario_ElTiempo: #Arte Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado a los 99 años - 5 years ago

@anthonysantulli: RT @Artforum: “Everyone thinks Agnes Martin was reserved because of the work and because she liked routine, but sometimes she would break l… - 5 years ago

@DianeB31: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@FamilyLawONCan: Luchita Hurtado, belatedly acclaimed for the sensual beauty of her art, dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@culturagenero: RT @efeminista_efe: Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado (1920-2020), la artista ecofeminista que alcanzó la fama con 98 años y en c… - 5 years ago

@phoebesmolin: RT @jooleesah: Luchita Hurtado, belatedly acclaimed for the sensual beauty of her art, dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@artbookHWLA: A staff summertime favorite is 25% off for curbside pickup! ‘Luchita Hurtado: I Live I Die I Will Be Reborn'—The fi… - 5 years ago

@donnakaz: Luchita Hurtado, Whose Work Gained Global Acclaim Late in Life, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@heartlandintl_: For years #LuchitaHurtado worked in the shadow of her artist husbands, painting at night when her children were asl… - 5 years ago

@Butterflysuga: Artist Luchita Hurtado Dies at Age 99 - Artsy - 5 years ago

@jooleesah: Luchita Hurtado, belatedly acclaimed for the sensual beauty of her art, dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@MimiB_illos: RT @Artforum: “Everyone thinks Agnes Martin was reserved because of the work and because she liked routine, but sometimes she would break l… - 5 years ago

@StrachanLit: RT @Artforum: “Everyone thinks Agnes Martin was reserved because of the work and because she liked routine, but sometimes she would break l… - 5 years ago

@Artforum: “Everyone thinks Agnes Martin was reserved because of the work and because she liked routine, but sometimes she wou… - 5 years ago

@AnimalMemorial: RT @NYTObits: A near-contemporary and friend of Frida Kahlo, among other prominent modern artists, Luchita Hurtado was at various times an… - 5 years ago

@unlewis: RT @NYTObits: A near-contemporary and friend of Frida Kahlo, among other prominent modern artists, Luchita Hurtado was at various times an… - 5 years ago

@alanclendenning: RT @NYTObits: A near-contemporary and friend of Frida Kahlo, among other prominent modern artists, Luchita Hurtado was at various times an… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: A near-contemporary and friend of Frida Kahlo, among other prominent modern artists, Luchita Hurtado was at various… - 5 years ago

@Diario_ElTiempo: #Arte Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado a los 99 años - 5 years ago

@ElderNutrition: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@poeboston: Luchita Hurtado, belatedly acclaimed for the sensual beauty of her art, dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@jaclseattle: RT @HeartMountainWY: RIP, Luchita Hurtado, a painter and contemporary of art world legends Isamu Noguchi and Marcel Duchamp. @NoguchiMuseum… - 5 years ago

@ricklarios: Luchita Hurtado, belatedly acclaimed for the sensual beauty of her art, dies at 99 By Emily Langer - 5 years ago

@nonoLOOK: RT @NYTObits: A near-contemporary and friend of Frida Kahlo, among other prominent modern artists, Luchita Hurtado was at various times an… - 5 years ago

@anydel: RT @benson_louise: Another gem from Luchita Hurtado at the age of 99: "It’s nice being this old and painless. I am so grateful that I am pa… - 5 years ago

@muxerisa: RT @MijenteComite: 🔥Grateful to be 1 of 3 orgs receiving 100% proceeds from @eBay's #ArtistsBandTogether campaign to GOTV! Artists like Sh… - 5 years ago

@anydel: RT @hammer_museum: In 2018, Hurtado spoke with Andrianna Campbell at the Hammer about her practice: - 5 years ago

@ae4ca: RT @PiperPerabo: “after the Greek word for ‘possible.’” Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@catchaspark_: - 5 years ago

@raju: Luchita Hurtado, the Venezuela-born Painter, Whose Work Gained Global Acclaim Out of America Late in Life, Dies at… - 5 years ago

@anydel: RT @JayneJoso: Luchita Hurtado interview: ‘Life and death is just a matter of a border’ - 5 years ago

@anydel: RT @wmag: As we remember Luchita Hurtado, the painter who passed away at the age of 99 last night, revisit her 2019 interview with W. https… - 5 years ago

@anydel: RT @DrRozNor: For years, Luchita Hurtado worked in the shadow of her artist husband and more famous peers, painting at night when her child… - 5 years ago

@anydel: RT @artsy: The Venezuelan-born artist, who spent much of her career working in relative obscurity, saw a surge of interest in her work over… - 5 years ago

@anydel: RT @HauserWirth: In loving memory of artist Luchita Hurtado (1920 – 2020) ‘I’ve concluded that I’m going somewhere. It’s not death; it’s… - 5 years ago

@anydel: RT @latimes: Painter Luchita Hurtado, who became an art star in her late 90s, has died at 99 - 5 years ago

@anydel: RT @art21: "I am who I am because I'm doing what I want to do, not what I'm told to do." RIP to Luchita Hurtado—an incredible artist and a… - 5 years ago

@anydel: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, who has died at 99, was known for her mysterious paintings of women in nature. Take a look back at some of he… - 5 years ago

@anydel: RT @TheArtNewspaper: Luchita Hurtado, the Venezuelan-born painter, has died at age 99. While Hurtado started painting young, her fame came… - 5 years ago

@anydel: RT @SerpentineUK: “I never said no to life. I have a responsibility to the world, to my planet.” RIP Luchita Hurtado 🌱✨💙 - 5 years ago

@anydel: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@anydel: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@IRislasque: NYT: “Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99” - 5 years ago

@GatewayGIS: RT @DrRozNor: For years, Luchita Hurtado worked in the shadow of her artist husband and more famous peers, painting at night when her child… - 5 years ago

@RadMonarchsDoc: RT @ConMijente: 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Dope bandanas with original designs from renowned artists like Luchita Hurtado and Shepard Fairey. All to support orgs… - 5 years ago

@PasqualiniClau2: RT @zapatosrosas: Según algunos estudios, las Venus paleolíticas serían representaciones de mujeres mirándose a sí mismas. De una forma sim… - 5 years ago

@urbanspeakout: RT @DrRozNor: For years, Luchita Hurtado worked in the shadow of her artist husband and more famous peers, painting at night when her child… - 5 years ago

@ConMijente: 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Dope bandanas with original designs from renowned artists like Luchita Hurtado and Shepard Fairey. All to supp… - 5 years ago

@MijenteComite: 🔥Grateful to be 1 of 3 orgs receiving 100% proceeds from @eBay's #ArtistsBandTogether campaign to GOTV! Artists li… - 5 years ago

@DrRozNor: For years, Luchita Hurtado worked in the shadow of her artist husband and more famous peers, painting at night when… - 5 years ago

@USAHOLA: Artist, Luchita Hurtado Passes Away at 99-years-old - 5 years ago

@mari_annanen: 'Her Legacy Has Only Just Begun': Luchita Hurtado, the Protean Artist Who Gained Renown in Her Final Decade, Has Di… - 5 years ago

@JoseVictor_Rdz: RT @OnceNoticiasTV: 📣Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado a los 99 años #OnceNoticias - 5 years ago

@OnceNoticiasTV: 📣Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado a los 99 años #OnceNoticias - 5 years ago

@loserleaves: RT @siddharma: “Her vision of the human body as a part of the world, not separate from nature, is more urgent today than ever.” - 5 years ago

@erinhale: RT @siddharma: “Her vision of the human body as a part of the world, not separate from nature, is more urgent today than ever.” - 5 years ago

@siddharma: “Her vision of the human body as a part of the world, not separate from nature, is more urgent today than ever.” - 5 years ago

@SexyLolaMedusa: Art world loses Luchita Hurtado, lifelong artist 'discovered' at 97 | - 5 years ago

@NoMore91030183: RT @Artforum: News | Luchita Hurtado (1920–2020) - 5 years ago

@IraidaLeon: RT @AP_Noticias: Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado a los 99 años - 5 years ago

@mompana: RT @elnuevoherald: Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado a los 99 años - 5 years ago

@juanperez2428: RT @elnuevoherald: Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado a los 99 años - 5 years ago

@ronaldkvsu: Luchita Hurtado, a celebrated bohemian painter who was 'discovered' at age 97, dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@alidahernande11: RT @Aroguden: La pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado, cuyo conjunto de obras fue dado a conocer en las postrimerías de su vida, ha fallecido… - 5 years ago

@Aroguden: La pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado, cuyo conjunto de obras fue dado a conocer en las postrimerías de su vida, ha… - 5 years ago

@staran1981: RT @latimes: Painter Luchita Hurtado, who became an art star in her late 90s, has died at 99 - 5 years ago

@OffTheBUSnews: Venezuelan painter Luchita Hurtado dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@sarmiento69: Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado a los 99 años - 5 years ago

@wgpasitrote99: RT @elnuevoherald: Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado a los 99 años - 5 years ago

@escultor61: RT @elnuevoherald: Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado a los 99 años - 5 years ago

@tonyp292: RT @elnuevoherald: Muere la pintora venezolana Luchita Hurtado a los 99 años - 5 years ago

@DeniseDaoArt: RT @frieze_magazine: Luchita Hurtado (1920-2020) The great painter has died at the age of 99. In 2018, @weistwiley wrote in a profile of… - 5 years ago

@pomonis: Luchita Hurtado obituary - 5 years ago

@sarahbeancarney: RT @SearleAdrian: Following Luchida Hurtado’s death this week I’m reposting this review. A terrific artist: - 5 years ago

@italianbea: RT @GuardianUS: Luchita Hurtado obituary - 5 years ago

@BlaineHashimoto: Luchita Hurtado obituary | Art | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@GuardianUS: Luchita Hurtado obituary - 5 years ago

@Donna_Colvin: Painter Luchita Hurtado, who became an art star in her late 90s, has died at 99 - 5 years ago

@londonartnews: Luchita Hurtado obituary - 5 years ago

@lellingw: RT @guardianobits: Luchita Hurtado obituary Artist described as a ‘hot discovery’ at the age of 97 after a long, creative career conducted… - 5 years ago

@deborahbush_nyc: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter known for her perspective-shifting paintings focused on the human body and its relationship to natu… - 5 years ago

@MagMW: Luchita Hurtado ✝︎: „Niemand ist zurückgekommen und hat gesagt, der Himmel ist fragwürdig“ - 5 years ago

@antartica81: RT @guardianobits: Luchita Hurtado obituary Artist described as a ‘hot discovery’ at the age of 97 after a long, creative career conducted… - 5 years ago

@guardianobits: Luchita Hurtado obituary Artist described as a ‘hot discovery’ at the age of 97 after a long, creative career condu… - 5 years ago

@ShopDunitz: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter known for her perspective-shifting paintings focused on the human body and its relationship to natu… - 5 years ago

@dat452: Luchita Hurtado, Whose Work Gained Global Acclaim Late in Life, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@Explorographer: Keep working kids. - 5 years ago

@Cambria4DD: RT @HauserWirth: In loving memory of artist Luchita Hurtado (1920 – 2020) ‘I’ve concluded that I’m going somewhere. It’s not death; it’s… - 5 years ago

@wrikent3500: RT @NYTObits: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@NancyTousley: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter known for her perspective-shifting paintings focused on the human body and its relationship to natu… - 5 years ago

@artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter known for her perspective-shifting paintings focused on the human body and its relations… - 5 years ago

@JenniferHiggie: RT @frieze_magazine: Luchita Hurtado (1920-2020) The great painter has died at the age of 99. In 2018, @weistwiley wrote in a profile of… - 5 years ago

@aliciaiglesiasG: RT @ArteInformado: #DEP Ha fallecido #LuchitaHurtado (Venezuela, 1920) cuyo reconocimiento, como ha sucedido con otras artistas mujeres, le… - 5 years ago

@Alcavi: Luchita Hurtado, Whose Work Gained Global Acclaim Late in Life, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@GENTERESPONSABL: RT @ArteInformado: #DEP Ha fallecido #LuchitaHurtado (Venezuela, 1920) cuyo reconocimiento, como ha sucedido con otras artistas mujeres, le… - 5 years ago

@NataAlAr: RT @ArteInformado: #DEP Ha fallecido #LuchitaHurtado (Venezuela, 1920) cuyo reconocimiento, como ha sucedido con otras artistas mujeres, le… - 5 years ago

@ArteInformado: #DEP Ha fallecido #LuchitaHurtado (Venezuela, 1920) cuyo reconocimiento, como ha sucedido con otras artistas mujere… - 5 years ago

@hirnahdus: RT @hsfi: Kuolleet | Luchita Hurtado nousi taidemaailman huomion kohteeksi vasta 96-vuotiaana - 5 years ago

@aRTprojectdxb: "When I think about my painting and the political and the planet, it’s about the hope that it’s not too late and th… - 5 years ago

@FrankMalfitano: PAINTINGS OF THE DAY: Works by the distinguished Venezuelan/American artist Luchita Hurtado who just passed away at… - 5 years ago

@p2davis: RT @SearleAdrian: Following Luchida Hurtado’s death this week I’m reposting this review. A terrific artist: - 5 years ago

@Carlos_Losada: La artista plástica venezolana Luchita Hurtado falleció a los 99 años de edad, en Santa Mónica, Estados Unidos - 5 years ago

@joannakirk20: RT @stanyakahn: RIP Luchita Hurtado PS curators: don't wait until women are about to die to give them/us shows ✔️ - 5 years ago

@rapeka: RT @TiinaAiraksinen: Hurtado sai onneksi kokea, että hänen taidettaan arvostetaan. Kuolleet: Luchita Hurtado nousi taidemaailman huomion k… - 5 years ago

@TiinaAiraksinen: Hurtado sai onneksi kokea, että hänen taidettaan arvostetaan. Kuolleet: Luchita Hurtado nousi taidemaailman huomio… - 5 years ago

@ManutdMMM: RT @BostonGlobe: Luchita Hurtado, artist who became a sensation in her 90s, dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@BostonGlobe: Luchita Hurtado, artist who became a sensation in her 90s, dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@AnnieBruton: RT @richardpbacon: Wonderful. Brilliant. Just one of those original human beings that come along from time to time. What a story. Only trul… - 5 years ago

@AFLWMag: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@ArtJaimelee: RT @WomenInTheArts: Painter #LuchitaHurtado, who became an art star in her late 90s, has died at 99 - 5 years ago

@viennasolsort: RT @frieze_magazine: Luchita Hurtado (1920-2020) The great painter has died at the age of 99. In 2018, @weistwiley wrote in a profile of… - 5 years ago

@Stefani87790866: RT @zapatosrosas: Según algunos estudios, las Venus paleolíticas serían representaciones de mujeres mirándose a sí mismas. De una forma sim… - 5 years ago

@c1ca2: RT @richardpbacon: Wonderful. Brilliant. Just one of those original human beings that come along from time to time. What a story. Only trul… - 5 years ago

@DaemonAAc: RT @SFMOMA: “I think there are just borders in this existence. I think it goes on—I expect to fly, at some point.” —Luchita Hurtado. On Th… - 5 years ago

@STEFPMP: RT @Telegraph: 🎨 “I sometimes dream about those years when the children were small and we were adventurers,” says Luchita Hurtado, the 98-y… - 5 years ago

@SirganyJaime: It's a stretch but I might be able to play 98 if I weighed 98# - 5 years ago

@juliabucks: RT @Telegraph: 🎨 “I sometimes dream about those years when the children were small and we were adventurers,” says Luchita Hurtado, the 98-y… - 5 years ago

@ThorpeLynden: RT @Telegraph: 🎨 “I sometimes dream about those years when the children were small and we were adventurers,” says Luchita Hurtado, the 98-y… - 5 years ago

@taizun_tapia: RT @Telegraph: 🎨 “I sometimes dream about those years when the children were small and we were adventurers,” says Luchita Hurtado, the 98-y… - 5 years ago

@Telegraph: 🎨 “I sometimes dream about those years when the children were small and we were adventurers,” says Luchita Hurtado,… - 5 years ago

@Goeland2112: RT @galleryjuana: “‘Everything in this world, I find, I’m related to,’ she once said.” Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in He… - 5 years ago

@Verusk2Guerrero: Fallece la artista plástica venezolana Luchita Hurtado, a los 99 años de edad - El Universal (Venezuela)… - 5 years ago

@TamarDavies5: RT @HauserWirth: In loving memory of artist Luchita Hurtado (1920 – 2020) ‘I’ve concluded that I’m going somewhere. It’s not death; it’s… - 5 years ago

@BoydaJosa: this 99 year old woman was so beautiful and inspiring - 5 years ago

@watsonkaren: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@IRislasque: Luchita Hurtado Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@celiablack: Luchita Hurtado’s Adventures in Mexico - 5 years ago

@kikipajarin: RT @stanyakahn: RIP Luchita Hurtado PS curators: don't wait until women are about to die to give them/us shows ✔️ - 5 years ago

@gurlmuseumday: RT @frieze_magazine: Luchita Hurtado (1920-2020) The great painter has died at the age of 99. In 2018, @weistwiley wrote in a profile of… - 5 years ago

@elizabethstokke: Artist Luchita Hurtado Dies at Age 99 - 5 years ago

@richardpbacon: Wonderful. Brilliant. Just one of those original human beings that come along from time to time. What a story. Only… - 5 years ago

@JezebelLillyKC: Painter Luchita Hurtado, who became an art star in her late 90s, has died at 99 - 5 years ago

@PierreABISAAB: RT @frieze_magazine: Luchita Hurtado (1920-2020) The great painter has died at the age of 99. In 2018, @weistwiley wrote in a profile of… - 5 years ago

@LimaLeimon: RT @zapatosrosas: Según algunos estudios, las Venus paleolíticas serían representaciones de mujeres mirándose a sí mismas. De una forma sim… - 5 years ago

@Blandishmentbob: RT @SFMOMA: We remember Luchita Hurtado today with this #NewtoCollection work featured here, Untitled, part of the #SFMOMACollection. [Im… - 5 years ago

@Blandishmentbob: RT @SFMOMA: “I think there are just borders in this existence. I think it goes on—I expect to fly, at some point.” —Luchita Hurtado. On Th… - 5 years ago

@Juanherreraart: La #artista #venezolana Luchita Hurtado en una de las revistas de arte contemporáneo más importantes de USA habla… - 5 years ago

@mairedeva: RT @stanyakahn: RIP Luchita Hurtado PS curators: don't wait until women are about to die to give them/us shows ✔️ - 5 years ago

@Em_Trinidad: RT @zapatosrosas: Más sobre Luchita Hurtado - 5 years ago

@kellymrichman: RT @SFMOMA: We remember Luchita Hurtado today with this #NewtoCollection work featured here, Untitled, part of the #SFMOMACollection. [Im… - 5 years ago

@Megan_Murray: RT @SFMOMA: “I think there are just borders in this existence. I think it goes on—I expect to fly, at some point.” —Luchita Hurtado. On Th… - 5 years ago

@Em_Trinidad: RT @zapatosrosas: Según algunos estudios, las Venus paleolíticas serían representaciones de mujeres mirándose a sí mismas. De una forma sim… - 5 years ago

@museoestudioDR: RT @bellasartesinba: La @cultura_mx y el INBAL lamentan el deceso de la pintora venezolana, Luchita Hurtado. Parte de su obra tuvo influenc… - 5 years ago

@oceancalligrphy: RT @SFMOMA: We remember Luchita Hurtado today with this #NewtoCollection work featured here, Untitled, part of the #SFMOMACollection. [Im… - 5 years ago

@SFMOMA: We remember Luchita Hurtado today with this #NewtoCollection work featured here, Untitled, part of the… - 5 years ago

@SFMOMA: “I think there are just borders in this existence. I think it goes on—I expect to fly, at some point.” —Luchita Hur… - 5 years ago

@LatinxArtsAll: RT @molaa: MOLAA is deeply saddened by the loss of Luchita Hurtado, Venezuelan artist and activist. We commemorate her life and trajectory… - 5 years ago

@Artstrada: Luchita Hurtado reflects on her eight-decade-long career (Art21) - 5 years ago

@e_b_wood: RT @KnightLAT: RIP - 5 years ago

@culturetripper: RT @nytimesworld: A near-contemporary and friend of Frida Kahlo, among other prominent modern artists, Luchita Hurtado was at various times… - 5 years ago

@KnightLAT: RIP - 5 years ago

@artistic_AFI: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@olivasdan: Painter Luchita Hurtado, who became an art star in her late 90s, has died at 99 - 5 years ago

@martinidemisec: RT @annyleshaw: Thinking a lot about what Luchita Hurtado said to me when I interviewed her last year and imagining her on a higher plane:… - 5 years ago

@MargyMayell: RT @stanyakahn: RIP Luchita Hurtado PS curators: don't wait until women are about to die to give them/us shows ✔️ - 5 years ago

@alericocoppel: RT @violetajajaja: Luchita Hurtado aprovechaba el lienzo para tejer. Sus pinturas nos hacen partícipes de su cuerpo. Una reina. - 5 years ago

@kjelenfy: RT @stanyakahn: RIP Luchita Hurtado PS curators: don't wait until women are about to die to give them/us shows ✔️ - 5 years ago

@Sadiesniece: Painter Luchita Hurtado, who became an art star in her late 90s, has died at 99 - 5 years ago

@tislalalagos: Read this conversation w/ Luchita Hurtado. She talks about all her lives and about keeping dream journals, designin… - 5 years ago

@scottrlevine: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@RogelioSaenz42: Luchita Hurtado, a beautiful life lived. Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@c3artsradio: artnet News: ‘Her Legacy Has Only Just Begun’: Luchita Hurtado, the Protean Artist Who Gained Renown in Her Final D… - 5 years ago

@ErinLawlor4: RT @stanyakahn: RIP Luchita Hurtado PS curators: don't wait until women are about to die to give them/us shows ✔️ - 5 years ago

@stonertim: RIP Luchita Hurtado who has died aged 99, ignored by the art world for 96 of those beautiful years x - 5 years ago

@dataylor1: “When I think about my painting and the political and the planet,” she said in a 2019 interview, “it’s about the ho… - 5 years ago

@jagan520: RT @SearleAdrian: Following Luchida Hurtado’s death this week I’m reposting this review. A terrific artist: - 5 years ago

@LLanitoDenuncia: RT @Caracas_Radio: Luchita Hurtado, la artista venezolana (Maiquetía) que tomó por asalto el mundo del arte a sus 90 años, murió el 13 de a… - 5 years ago

@TiaDPitts: RT @CultureType: This Pioneering Artist Is on the Brink of Her First Big Retrospective, at 98 | - 5 years ago

@carolinacoppel: RT @violetajajaja: Luchita Hurtado aprovechaba el lienzo para tejer. Sus pinturas nos hacen partícipes de su cuerpo. Una reina. - 5 years ago

@beatrizmerida: RT @artnet: From a celebration of Black artists at Christie's to the death of Luchita Hurtado, here is the best and the worst of the art wo… - 5 years ago

@beatrizmerida: RT @naomikrea: Sad news today. - 5 years ago

@ramiroceronm: 🇻🇪 Muere Luchita Hurtado, la artista que alcanzó la fama al final de su vida via @el_pais - 5 years ago

@SALVADORLACROIX: RT @elpais_america: La artista Luchita Hurtado Hurtado nació en Venezuela en noviembre de 1920 y pintó durante casi ochenta años de su vida… - 5 years ago

@surprisendelite: A luminous spirit who left joy in her wake. RIP #LuchitaHurtado #artshare #WomenArtists #Art21 #ArtNotHate Luchit… - 5 years ago

@rogab314: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@notbanksy: sometimes I'm just drawn towards some unique territories where I tell ppl it is monsoon season outside and sunny in… - 5 years ago

@zedign: Painter Luchita Hurtado, who became an art star in her late 90s, has died at 99 - 5 years ago

@IronKimra: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@Ysabelmstudio: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter whose figurative paintings featuring women in natural settings launched her to late-career fame, ha… - 5 years ago

@FrancisMtz01: RT @elpais_america: La artista Luchita Hurtado Hurtado nació en Venezuela en noviembre de 1920 y pintó durante casi ochenta años de su vida… - 5 years ago

@esqbremen: Muere Luchita Hurtado, la artista que alcanzó la fama al final de su vida - 5 years ago

@starsandmud: RT @JenniferHiggie: RIP the brilliant painter Luchita Hurtado. Here’s a profile from a couple of years ago ⁦@frieze_magazine⁩ #friezearchiv… - 5 years ago

@Lesly36548632: RT @elpais_america: La artista Luchita Hurtado Hurtado nació en Venezuela en noviembre de 1920 y pintó durante casi ochenta años de su vida… - 5 years ago

@elpais_america: La artista Luchita Hurtado Hurtado nació en Venezuela en noviembre de 1920 y pintó durante casi ochenta años de su… - 5 years ago

@ellie_kona: RT @drewtewksbury: Sad to hear about Luchita Hurtado, I got to meet her at @lacma’s incredible exhibition of her work. Not only was her wor… - 5 years ago

@sabrinacarollo: RT @andreaschwan: Farewell to an icon. #luchitahurtado #timeless - 5 years ago

@ellie_kona: RT @ArtinAmerica: Luchita Hurtado, who passed away yesterday at age 99, reflects on her adventures in Mexico City. - 5 years ago

@DrHirugami: RIP #LuchitaHurtado 🖤 - 5 years ago

@ellie_kona: RT @Mlle__F: Thank you and goodbye Ms. Luchita Hurtado - 5 years ago

@Halfmykingdom: RT @ABC7: Art world loses Luchita Hurtado, lifelong artist "discovered" at 97 - 5 years ago

@ellie_kona: via ⁦@nytimes⁩ 8/14/2020 - 5 years ago

@78Jae1: RT @ABC7: Art world loses Luchita Hurtado, lifelong artist "discovered" at 97 - 5 years ago

@ellegee69: RT @ABC7: Art world loses Luchita Hurtado, lifelong artist "discovered" at 97 - 5 years ago

@Mikhail507: RT @ABC7: Art world loses Luchita Hurtado, lifelong artist "discovered" at 97 - 5 years ago

@ABC7: Art world loses Luchita Hurtado, lifelong artist "discovered" at 97 - 5 years ago

@mimozas17: RT @Mlle__F: Thank you and goodbye Ms. Luchita Hurtado - 5 years ago

@Heloise42G: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 Video at the end. - 5 years ago

@ADopicodelValle: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@2ble__rr: RT @mssandraguzman: “I always worked. But I never showed my work.” RIP Luchita Hurtado. She was 99 years old. Influential Painter Recogniz… - 5 years ago

@vslobis: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@shadowboxerinc: - 5 years ago

@dorelipin: RT @elpais_america: Obituario | Luchita Hurtado pintó durante casi ochenta años de su vida, a pesar de que el mercado del arte se demoró dé… - 5 years ago

@simplybotansoap: RT @wmag: As we remember Luchita Hurtado, the painter who passed away at the age of 99 last night, revisit her 2019 interview with W. https… - 5 years ago

@GabrielaTraple: RT @stanyakahn: RIP Luchita Hurtado PS curators: don't wait until women are about to die to give them/us shows ✔️ - 5 years ago

@itzayana1809: RT @bellasartesinba: La @cultura_mx y el INBAL lamentan el deceso de la pintora venezolana, Luchita Hurtado. Parte de su obra tuvo influenc… - 5 years ago

@gsusbarrios: RT @MaxDuron: My heart is broken: Luchita Hurtado has died. Meeting her and speaking with her in January 2019 was among the most incredible… - 5 years ago

@JudyBar64187137: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@CJtheFineArtist: RT @ArTallks: @18thStreetArts RIP 🎨Artist Luchita Hurtado 🕊 True To Your Passion - 5 years ago

@rusioycuatico: RT @gasparalvarez: Oh, murió la maravillosa Luchita Hurtado 💔 - 5 years ago

@albertreiber: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter whose dizzying images of women's bodies and nature brought her a late-career rise to fame, has died… - 5 years ago

@ArTallks: @18thStreetArts RIP 🎨Artist Luchita Hurtado 🕊 True To Your Passion - 5 years ago

@tatianareinoza: RT @MaxDuron: My heart is broken: Luchita Hurtado has died. Meeting her and speaking with her in January 2019 was among the most incredible… - 5 years ago

@juliameltzer: RT @MaxDuron: My heart is broken: Luchita Hurtado has died. Meeting her and speaking with her in January 2019 was among the most incredible… - 5 years ago

@ArTallks: RT @18thStreetArts: Painter Luchita Hurtado, who became an art star in her late 90s, has died at 99. Read about her life and her work her… - 5 years ago

@FionnaSM: RT @stanyakahn: RIP Luchita Hurtado PS curators: don't wait until women are about to die to give them/us shows ✔️ - 5 years ago

@edualvarez: RT @laluisarivera: AIRE / AGUA / MUNDO / FUEGO. Buen viaje, Luchita Hurtado (Octubre 1920 – Agosto 2020)💛 - 5 years ago

@RIntermedio: RT @laluisarivera: AIRE / AGUA / MUNDO / FUEGO. Buen viaje, Luchita Hurtado (Octubre 1920 – Agosto 2020)💛 - 5 years ago

@google_mz: RT @mssandraguzman: “I always worked. But I never showed my work.” RIP Luchita Hurtado. She was 99 years old. Influential Painter Recogniz… - 5 years ago

@angelinajaffe4: Muere Luchita Hurtado, la artista que alcanzó la fama al final de su vida - 5 years ago

@yandrade13: RT @bellasartesinba: La @cultura_mx y el INBAL lamentan el deceso de la pintora venezolana, Luchita Hurtado. Parte de su obra tuvo influenc… - 5 years ago

@amrita_kumar: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@kercialves: RT @elpaismexico: La pintora venezolana Luisa Amelia García Rodríguez Hurtado, conocida como Luchita Hurtado, falleció la noche del jueves… - 5 years ago

@ShatterlySadie: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter whose dizzying images of women's bodies and nature brought her a late-career rise to fame, has died… - 5 years ago

@elpaismexico: La pintora venezolana Luisa Amelia García Rodríguez Hurtado, conocida como Luchita Hurtado, falleció la noche del j… - 5 years ago

@RilkeRainer: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, who has died at 99, was known for her mysterious paintings of women in nature. Take a look back at some of he… - 5 years ago

@AZartologist: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter whose figurative paintings featuring women in natural settings launched her to late-career fame, ha… - 5 years ago

@zoon____: RT @SerpentineUK: “I never said no to life. I have a responsibility to the world, to my planet.” RIP Luchita Hurtado 🌱✨💙 - 5 years ago

@fstumpog: Have a wonderful and peaceful travel Luchita (1920-2020) - 5 years ago

@kelpie13: 'Her Legacy Has Only Just Begun': Luchita Hurtado, the Protean Artist Who Gained Renown in Her Final Decade, Has Di… - 5 years ago

@COMAGuardafaros: RT @TheArtNewspaper: Luchita Hurtado, the Venezuelan-born painter, has died at age 99. While Hurtado started painting young, her fame came… - 5 years ago

@velvetmelvis: Just gonna stare at this incredible image of Luchita Hurtado by @orestionline & feel some feelings for a while. - 5 years ago

@wb: RIP Luchita Hurtado. Incredible art, incredible life story. 📸 Man Ray, 1947. - 5 years ago

@fatblackcatspaw: RT @LACMA: We celebrate the life of artist Luchita Hurtado, who passed away yesterday, August 13, 2020, at the age of 99. Her art practice… - 5 years ago

@loiscar41770093: RT @TheArtNewspaper: Luchita Hurtado, the Venezuelan-born painter, has died at age 99. While Hurtado started painting young, her fame came… - 5 years ago

@velvetmelvis: Icons live forever. Rest easy, Luchita Hurtado. 💚 - 5 years ago

@orartswatch: RT @TheArtNewspaper: Luchita Hurtado, the Venezuelan-born painter, has died at age 99. While Hurtado started painting young, her fame came… - 5 years ago

@LinusGalleries: Art World: Luchita Hurtado (1920–2020) - 5 years ago

@amandawragg2: Luchita Hurtado, Influential Painter Who Created Dizzying Images of Women and Nature, Is Dead at 99 - 5 years ago

@karawaane: RT @RosenbergKaren: The great Luchita Hurtado, whose visionary art emphasized the intense connections she felt to all living things, has di… - 5 years ago

@PaxMund: untitled, 1969 by Luchita Hurtado (RIP, 1920-2020) - 5 years ago

@Reservoir_fox_: RT @benson_louise: Another gem from Luchita Hurtado at the age of 99: "It’s nice being this old and painless. I am so grateful that I am pa… - 5 years ago

@Reservoir_fox_: RT @SerpentineUK: “I never said no to life. I have a responsibility to the world, to my planet.” RIP Luchita Hurtado 🌱✨💙 - 5 years ago

@Reservoir_fox_: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@Reservoir_fox_: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@sophie_golub: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@tonton_phil: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter whose dizzying images of women's bodies and nature brought her a late-career rise to fame, has died… - 5 years ago

@sillycuts: RT @artnet: Luchita Hurtado, the Protean artist who gained renown in her final decade, has passed away at age 99: - 5 years ago

@pasasalron: RT @simonlodijo: Falleció la artista #LuchitaHurtado 💔 - 5 years ago

@dedisparates: Luchita Hurtado: - 5 years ago

@maria22500: RT @artsy: The Venezuelan-born artist, who spent much of her career working in relative obscurity, saw a surge of interest in her work over… - 5 years ago

@lynda_gagnon: via ⁦@nytimes⁩ - 5 years ago

@thejenwhite: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@lachicaboom: @clarityhaynes Luchita Hurtado RIP - 5 years ago

@tamz2105: RT @artsy: The Venezuelan-born artist, who spent much of her career working in relative obscurity, saw a surge of interest in her work over… - 5 years ago

@nicolerudick: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@DrLearnALot: RT @greggchadwick: Remembering Luchita Hurtado Through Her Mysterious Paintings of Nature - 5 years ago

@AdultArtClub: RT @benson_louise: "Life influences the art you make: if you’re happy, if you’re sexy, if you’re sleepy, all these things. I have always ac… - 5 years ago

@CarolineLosneck: “Through all her relocations + relationships, making art was a constant — ‘a need, like brushing your teeth.’ Yet h… - 5 years ago

@valgg_tkm: RT @karendjdiaz: Luchita Hurtado 💔 - 5 years ago

@damspahn: RT @greggchadwick: Remembering Luchita Hurtado Through Her Mysterious Paintings of Nature - 5 years ago

@sabine_sobotka: RT @artsy: The Venezuelan-born artist, who spent much of her career working in relative obscurity, saw a surge of interest in her work over… - 5 years ago

@andreagarciaxx: RT @artsy: The Venezuelan-born artist, who spent much of her career working in relative obscurity, saw a surge of interest in her work over… - 5 years ago

@tylrmntg: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@artnet: Luchita Hurtado, the Protean artist who gained renown in her final decade, has passed away at age 99:… - 5 years ago

@hammer_museum: In 2018, Hurtado spoke with Andrianna Campbell at the Hammer about her practice: - 5 years ago

@Steph1230: RT @HUObrist: In memory of Luchita Hurtado 1920-2020 I first met Luchita Hurtado in 2017 and was so deeply impressed by the range and dept… - 5 years ago

@jillianknipe: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, who has died at 99, was known for her mysterious paintings of women in nature. Take a look back at some of he… - 5 years ago

@artsy: The Venezuelan-born artist, who spent much of her career working in relative obscurity, saw a surge of interest in… - 5 years ago

@HikmetLoe: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@BetweenTheWords: RT @hammer_museum: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Luchita Hurtado. Over the course of her long career, Hurtado maintained… - 5 years ago

@hammer_museum: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Luchita Hurtado. Over the course of her long career, Hurtado maint… - 5 years ago

@maltekosian: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@maltekosian: RT @SerpentineUK: “I never said no to life. I have a responsibility to the world, to my planet.” RIP Luchita Hurtado 🌱✨💙 - 5 years ago

@laluisarivera: AIRE / AGUA / MUNDO / FUEGO. Buen viaje, Luchita Hurtado (Octubre 1920 – Agosto 2020)💛 - 5 years ago

@ana_captures: RT @SerpentineUK: “I never said no to life. I have a responsibility to the world, to my planet.” RIP Luchita Hurtado 🌱✨💙 - 5 years ago

@Cocoxochitl: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@Diana_2412_: 🙏🏼 Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@carodoliveira: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, who has died at 99, was known for her mysterious paintings of women in nature. Take a look back at some of he… - 5 years ago

@SuokJoo: RT @SerpentineUK: “I never said no to life. I have a responsibility to the world, to my planet.” RIP Luchita Hurtado 🌱✨💙 - 5 years ago

@OBrienOnBorder: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@samanthayi: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@LATLatinoCaucus: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@JGonzalesCali: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@BermudezWrites: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@painting: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@SuokJoo: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@iamviddy: RT @latimesent: Painter Luchita Hurtado, who became an art star in her late 90s, has died at 99 - 5 years ago

@foniksedition: RT @SerpentineUK: “I never said no to life. I have a responsibility to the world, to my planet.” RIP Luchita Hurtado 🌱✨💙 - 5 years ago

@latimesent: Painter Luchita Hurtado, who became an art star in her late 90s, has died at 99 - 5 years ago

@JoelleCaulfield: Luchita Hurtado, Influential Painter Who Created Dizzying Images of Women and Nature, Is Dead at 99… - 5 years ago

@UMN_SpanPort: Rest in Power Sra Hurtado y gracias por todo. - 5 years ago

@_chicacocodrilo: RT @zapatosrosas: Según algunos estudios, las Venus paleolíticas serían representaciones de mujeres mirándose a sí mismas. De una forma sim… - 5 years ago

@HUObrist: In memory of Luchita Hurtado 1920-2020 What are we going to do to stop extinction? #luchitahurtado - 5 years ago

@HUObrist: In memory of Luchita Hurtado 1920-2020 AIR AIRE AGUA WATER FUEGO FIRE MUNDO WORLD TIERRA EARTH VIDA LIFE… - 5 years ago

@HUObrist: In memory of Luchita Hurtado 1920-2020 I first met Luchita Hurtado in 2017 and was so deeply impressed by the rang… - 5 years ago

@SerpentineUK: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@jroxann: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@zapatosrosas: Más sobre Luchita Hurtado - 5 years ago

@zapatosrosas: Según algunos estudios, las Venus paleolíticas serían representaciones de mujeres mirándose a sí mismas. De una for… - 5 years ago

@metropolis_tve: RT @Em_Trinidad: Luchita Hurtado creó una obra cercana al surrealismo latinoamericano y participó del movimiento artístico feminista de los… - 5 years ago

@MattStromberg: RT @CGWagley: So very sad to hear of Luchita Hurtado's passing. A spectacular person, & artist. Also want to push back against narratives c… - 5 years ago

@kmontenegro: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@CirrusGallery: Luchita Hurtado has died at 99. Hurtado achieved real recogniion only in her nineties, overshadowed by the work of… - 5 years ago

@CraigRichard100: RT @HauserWirth: In loving memory of artist Luchita Hurtado (1920 – 2020) ‘I’ve concluded that I’m going somewhere. It’s not death; it’s… - 5 years ago

@klarsichten: RT @ArtinAmerica: Luchita Hurtado, who passed away yesterday at age 99, reflects on her adventures in Mexico City. - 5 years ago

@LoquaciousWayne: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@softlipstixx: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@ElephantMag: RT @benson_louise: "Life influences the art you make: if you’re happy, if you’re sexy, if you’re sleepy, all these things. I have always ac… - 5 years ago

@Steph1230: RT @HauserWirth: In loving memory of artist Luchita Hurtado (1920 – 2020) ‘I’ve concluded that I’m going somewhere. It’s not death; it’s… - 5 years ago

@naomikrea: Sad news today. - 5 years ago

@Clancco_ArtLaw: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter whose dizzying images of women's bodies and nature brought her a late-career rise to fame, has died… - 5 years ago

@artistamarisa: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, who has died at 99, was known for her mysterious paintings of women in nature. Take a look back at some of he… - 5 years ago

@fgarciaisai: Luchita Hurtado, 1920 - 2020; prolific artist and advocate of feminist and environmental issues. Rest in Power. - 5 years ago

@_chrysanthe: a huge loss and an incredible body of work - 5 years ago

@roripierpont1: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@_chrysanthe: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@TheeHungryGhost: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@celinerbeaner: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@arata_alicia: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, who has died at 99, was known for her mysterious paintings of women in nature. Take a look back at some of he… - 5 years ago

@craigmatsuda: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@orestionline: RT @andreaschwan: Farewell to an icon. #luchitahurtado #timeless - 5 years ago

@rowanhull: - 5 years ago

@ByLHernandez: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@LouisaFrahm: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@CharlesFinch: Luchita Hurtado - 5 years ago

@unnikrishna: RIP 🙏🏿#LuchitaHurtado At 98 Years Old, Painter Luchita Hurtado Is Just Hitting Her Stride - 5 years ago

@Lexx_Valdez: RT @kcrw: LA artist Luchita Hurtado, who rose to fame in her late 90s, has died at age 99. Her first solo retrospective “I Live I Die I Wil… - 5 years ago

@LadyCecilyNevil: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@kcrw: LA artist Luchita Hurtado, who rose to fame in her late 90s, has died at age 99. Her first solo retrospective “I Li… - 5 years ago

@jennie_free: RT @latimes: Painter Luchita Hurtado, who became an art star in her late 90s, has died at 99 - 5 years ago

@lananditagv: Increíble artista, increíble historia via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@LoquaciousWayne: RT @hyperallergic: RIP #LuchitaHurtado, whose solo show at Serpentine Gallery last year gave her a much-needed spotlight. - 5 years ago

@latimes: Painter Luchita Hurtado, who became an art star in her late 90s, has died at 99 - 5 years ago

@sconvasquez: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@tooheyohlson: RT @jilnotjill: In March I had a trip planned to go see Luchita Hurtado's show at LACMA and hopefully meet her. I had to cancel it because… - 5 years ago

@monicarhor: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@Angel_City_Buzz: Painter Luchita Hurtado, who became an art star in her late 90s, has died at 99 - 5 years ago

@soysauuce: RT @albadiazn: Ha fallecido Luchita Hurtado. Conocerla fue una suerte y un auténtico honor. La artista venezolana consiguió el reconocimie… - 5 years ago

@bquinnterest: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@SocialCultura: RT @zapatosrosas: 💔 Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@scout_arch: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@albadiazn: Me alegra pensar que, años después, alguien conoció a la artista bajo la misma frase 'Me gustaría presentarte a la… - 5 years ago

@albadiazn: A los 98 años, fue reconocida por primera vez gracias a que la revista TIME la mencionó como una de las personalida… - 5 years ago

@albadiazn: Luchita Hurtado también fue musa de Man Ray (quien firma este retrato) y una de las mejores amigas de Frida Kahlo.… - 5 years ago

@albadiazn: 'Luchita, me gustaría presentarte al pintor Fernand Léger'. Luchita Hurtado jamás olvidó ese momento. 'Ya sabes, cu… - 5 years ago

@albadiazn: Ha fallecido Luchita Hurtado. Conocerla fue una suerte y un auténtico honor. La artista venezolana consiguió el re… - 5 years ago

@paulfdryden: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@alondravalle: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@Quibellp: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@lilliamr: RT @cmonstah: "I don’t feel anger, I really don’t. I feel, you know: ‘How stupid of them.’ Maybe the people who were looking at what I was… - 5 years ago

@ArtDeclarations: RT @hyperallergic: RIP #LuchitaHurtado, whose solo show at Serpentine Gallery last year gave her a much-needed spotlight. - 5 years ago

@jamesgleventhal: RT @jilnotjill: In March I had a trip planned to go see Luchita Hurtado's show at LACMA and hopefully meet her. I had to cancel it because… - 5 years ago

@Fr_Cle: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@mairedeva: RT @jilnotjill: In March I had a trip planned to go see Luchita Hurtado's show at LACMA and hopefully meet her. I had to cancel it because… - 5 years ago

@PeterKatel: @ibsenmartinez Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@NatForeman: RT @HauserWirth: In loving memory of artist Luchita Hurtado (1920 – 2020) ‘I’ve concluded that I’m going somewhere. It’s not death; it’s… - 5 years ago

@rachelbauch: RT @Mlle__F: Thank you and goodbye Ms. Luchita Hurtado - 5 years ago

@boribarcelonina: RT @hyperallergic: RIP #LuchitaHurtado, whose solo show at Serpentine Gallery last year gave her a much-needed spotlight. - 5 years ago

@ctapia_andina: RT @gasparalvarez: Oh, murió la maravillosa Luchita Hurtado 💔 - 5 years ago

@rachelbauch: RT @ArtinAmerica: Luchita Hurtado, who passed away yesterday at age 99, reflects on her adventures in Mexico City. - 5 years ago

@rachelbauch: RT @HauserWirth: In loving memory of artist Luchita Hurtado (1920 – 2020) ‘I’ve concluded that I’m going somewhere. It’s not death; it’s… - 5 years ago

@rachelbauch: RT @hyperallergic: RIP #LuchitaHurtado, whose solo show at Serpentine Gallery last year gave her a much-needed spotlight. - 5 years ago

@rachelbauch: RT @drewtewksbury: Sad to hear about Luchita Hurtado, I got to meet her at @lacma’s incredible exhibition of her work. Not only was her wor… - 5 years ago

@rachelbauch: RT @wmag: As we remember Luchita Hurtado, the painter who passed away at the age of 99 last night, revisit her 2019 interview with W. https… - 5 years ago

@rachelbauch: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@hyperallergic: RIP #LuchitaHurtado, whose solo show at Serpentine Gallery last year gave her a much-needed spotlight. - 5 years ago

@JoannaGardnerHu: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter whose dizzying images of women's bodies and nature brought her a late-career rise to fame, has died… - 5 years ago

@wmag: As we remember Luchita Hurtado, the painter who passed away at the age of 99 last night, revisit her 2019 interview… - 5 years ago

@HWSomerset: RT @HauserWirth: In loving memory of artist Luchita Hurtado (1920 – 2020) ‘I’ve concluded that I’m going somewhere. It’s not death; it’s… - 5 years ago

@drewtewksbury: Sad to hear about Luchita Hurtado, I got to meet her at @lacma’s incredible exhibition of her work. Not only was he… - 5 years ago

@studiolatest: Sad to hear of the death of #Luchita Hurtado. #StudioArchive #review of I Live I Die I Will Be Reborn… - 5 years ago

@shinya_sugawara: Luchita Hurtadoが亡くなったとのこと。99歳。 - 5 years ago

@zuccottipress: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@Cuca_tweet: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@starr_ursula: RT @HauserWirth: In loving memory of artist Luchita Hurtado (1920 – 2020) ‘I’ve concluded that I’m going somewhere. It’s not death; it’s… - 5 years ago

@GiannisDrakos: RT @RosenbergKaren: The great Luchita Hurtado, whose visionary art emphasized the intense connections she felt to all living things, has di… - 5 years ago

@aleydatrevino: "I Live I Die I Will Be Reborn", el mundo estará en la espera de tu renacer, Luchita Hurtado. - 5 years ago

@hemisferionorte: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@covid8802: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@csoundings: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@ArtinAmerica: Luchita Hurtado, who passed away yesterday at age 99, reflects on her adventures in Mexico City.… - 5 years ago

@Artistoides: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter whose dizzying images of women's bodies and nature brought her a late-career rise to fame, has died… - 5 years ago

@aletsxx: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter whose dizzying images of women's bodies and nature brought her a late-career rise to fame, has died… - 5 years ago

@jperiodmorrison: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@ttiaat: RT @HauserWirth: In loving memory of artist Luchita Hurtado (1920 – 2020) ‘I’ve concluded that I’m going somewhere. It’s not death; it’s… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Luchita Hurtado, you will be missed - #LuchitaHurtado #Luchita #Hurtado #rip - 5 years ago

@betsystreeter: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@HikmetLoe: Luchita Hurtado Dead: Influential Painter Recognized Late in Life Dies – - 5 years ago

@andrewdurb1n: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter whose dizzying images of women's bodies and nature brought her a late-career rise to fame, has died… - 5 years ago

@artedabola: RT @viaSimonRomero: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@HauserWirth: In loving memory of artist Luchita Hurtado (1920 – 2020) ‘I’ve concluded that I’m going somewhere. It’s not death… - 5 years ago

@TheresaBoricua: - 5 years ago

@maggiepjones: Nevertheless, she persisted: Hurtado became an art sensation in her 90s and planned to dance a "very fast rumba" fo… - 5 years ago

@unsc1325: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@LindaBerghoff: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@karendjdiaz: Luchita Hurtado 💔 - 5 years ago

@garethharr: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@ruthphilo: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter whose dizzying images of women's bodies and nature brought her a late-career rise to fame, has died… - 5 years ago

@EduardoRoo: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@zapatosrosas: 💔 Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@lynettewilson07: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

@LindaBerghoff: RT @artnews: Luchita Hurtado, a painter whose dizzying images of women's bodies and nature brought her a late-career rise to fame, has died… - 5 years ago

@_IPascual: Luchita Hurtado’s Adventures in Mexico #art #arte Vía lmiller - 5 years ago

@_IPascual: Luchita Hurtado, Influential Painter Who Created Dizzying Images of Women and Nature, Is Dead at 99 #art #arte Vía… - 5 years ago

@UziSuzuki: RT @nytimesarts: Luchita Hurtado, an artist whose work spanned movements including Surrealism, Mexican muralism, feminism and environmental… - 5 years ago

@artastrohealing: RT @artandfeminism: Luchita Hurtado, Artist Who Became a Sensation in Her 90s, Dies at 99 - 5 years ago

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