Lü Junchang

Chinese palaeontologist.
Died on Monday October 15th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Lü Junchang:

@AlexSnoei: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@bluesman128: RT @SteveBrusatte: If it wasn't for Junchang Lü, the world wouldn't know of these amazing dinosaurs: Zhenyuanlong (the Fluffy Poodle from… - 6 years ago

@Virgini17748630: RT @SteveBrusatte: If it wasn't for Junchang Lü, the world wouldn't know of these amazing dinosaurs: Zhenyuanlong (the Fluffy Poodle from… - 6 years ago

@rPhhje1JvAF0Xnc: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago


@daisy_fairy: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@HeRunsWScissors: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@Diverseforestry: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@Child_Of_Lions: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@Casillic: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@LadyNaturalist: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@corcendare: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@jgilchrist13: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@fourth2424: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@tanituki: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@paleotaissa: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@BensonLabOxford: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@kotapleo: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@gimpasaura: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@michela_johnson: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@SpencerBronte: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@ClassyEarlGrey: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@HaircutSpock: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@PaleoJB: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@sarahlsheffield: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@Ievrem: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@PNWgardenbuddy: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@MelmothMostoles: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@gojirama: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@FionMaWS: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@JDG_paleo: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@BloomTaxonomy: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@davfof: RT @SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from @Rich… - 6 years ago

@SteveBrusatte: A beautiful tribute to Junchang Lü, celebrating his huge impact in dinosaur research and his friendly spirit, from… - 6 years ago

@EagleStarNET: Death of a Fossil Hunter: Junchang Lü was is one of the most important dinosaur researchers of the past half centur… - 6 years ago

@danmacalister: RT @equii_1: In honor of Junchang Lü, I painted this watercolour portrait of #Tongtianlong, “the mud dragon”, one of the oviraptorids he di… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( Lü Junchang - #LuJunchang #Lü #Junchang #rip - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Lü Junchang (53) Chinese paleontologist (born 1965) - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Lü Junchang - 6 years ago

@jimmadseni: RT @SteveBrusatte: If it wasn't for Junchang Lü, the world wouldn't know of these amazing dinosaurs: Zhenyuanlong (the Fluffy Poodle from… - 6 years ago

@ManDinoRyan: RT @equii_1: In honor of Junchang Lü, I painted this watercolour portrait of #Tongtianlong, “the mud dragon”, one of the oviraptorids he di… - 6 years ago

@AKAstorytweet: RT @SteveBrusatte: If it wasn't for Junchang Lü, the world wouldn't know of these amazing dinosaurs: Zhenyuanlong (the Fluffy Poodle from… - 6 years ago

@catsfaith: RT @SteveBrusatte: If it wasn't for Junchang Lü, the world wouldn't know of these amazing dinosaurs: Zhenyuanlong (the Fluffy Poodle from… - 6 years ago

@webdesignfocus: RT @SteveBrusatte: If it wasn't for Junchang Lü, the world wouldn't know of these amazing dinosaurs: Zhenyuanlong (the Fluffy Poodle from… - 6 years ago

@magratnj: RT @SteveBrusatte: If it wasn't for Junchang Lü, the world wouldn't know of these amazing dinosaurs: Zhenyuanlong (the Fluffy Poodle from… - 6 years ago

@PPatrov: RT @equii_1: In honor of Junchang Lü, I painted this watercolour portrait of #Tongtianlong, “the mud dragon”, one of the oviraptorids he di… - 6 years ago

@Yokomation: RT @equii_1: In honor of Junchang Lü, I painted this watercolour portrait of #Tongtianlong, “the mud dragon”, one of the oviraptorids he di… - 6 years ago

@southpawXLIX: RT @SteveBrusatte: Junchang Lü took sadistic pleasure in making his friends eat and drink weird things when visiting China. Rodent-tail st… - 6 years ago

@EaronnScot: RT @SteveBrusatte: If it wasn't for Junchang Lü, the world wouldn't know of these amazing dinosaurs: Zhenyuanlong (the Fluffy Poodle from… - 6 years ago

@Bradberyfan1996: RT @SteveBrusatte: If it wasn't for Junchang Lü, the world wouldn't know of these amazing dinosaurs: Zhenyuanlong (the Fluffy Poodle from… - 6 years ago

@yamamotoyama555: RT @SteveBrusatte: Junchang Lü took sadistic pleasure in making his friends eat and drink weird things when visiting China. Rodent-tail st… - 6 years ago

@3astLoki: RT @SteveBrusatte: If it wasn't for Junchang Lü, the world wouldn't know of these amazing dinosaurs: Zhenyuanlong (the Fluffy Poodle from… - 6 years ago

@corcendare: RT @SteveBrusatte: Junchang Lü took sadistic pleasure in making his friends eat and drink weird things when visiting China. Rodent-tail st… - 6 years ago

@NickAPDavison: RT @SteveBrusatte: If it wasn't for Junchang Lü, the world wouldn't know of these amazing dinosaurs: Zhenyuanlong (the Fluffy Poodle from… - 6 years ago

@ButlerLabBham: RT @SteveBrusatte: Junchang Lü took sadistic pleasure in making his friends eat and drink weird things when visiting China. Rodent-tail st… - 6 years ago

@isaac_schultz_: RT @SteveBrusatte: If it wasn't for Junchang Lü, the world wouldn't know of these amazing dinosaurs: Zhenyuanlong (the Fluffy Poodle from… - 6 years ago

@GET_AWAY_TRIKE: RT @SteveBrusatte: Junchang Lü took sadistic pleasure in making his friends eat and drink weird things when visiting China. Rodent-tail st… - 6 years ago

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