Louis Gigante

American Roman Catholic priest.
Died on Monday October 24th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Louis Gigante:

@simp4shawn: cómo que Louis mencionó a Harry y dijo que si él o cualquiera de los otros chicos van a verlo se pone nervioso...I mean- ESTO ES GIGANTE - 2 years ago

@heglouie: tampoco esperes a que Harry esté en primera fila con todo un cartel gigante diciendo lo mucho que apoya y admira a Louis - 2 years ago

@spaces_louis: RT @renatoroseno: Reportagem de Caco Barcelos mostra que Lula não venceu uma eleição normal, mas derrotou uma gigante e descarada engenhari… - 2 years ago

@louechoirs: você é gigante louis - 2 years ago


@lwthemusic: louis tomlinson você sempre será gigante - 2 years ago

@leunda_tosi: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@NeoLouisBrasil: E nossos amados Nong, Nun e Nian podendo falar em alto e em bom tom nos mostra que toda luta vale muito a pena! N… - 2 years ago

@ltmonamour: como é gigante esse louis tomlinson - 2 years ago

@fininha_louis: @rattinhos imc gigante mas unhas lindas viu - 2 years ago

@agarafeeling: simplesmente ouvindo out of my system sem parar... louis vc é gigante - 2 years ago

@crewomen: RT @revrubendiaz: It is with great sadness that I received news on the passing of Father Louis R.Gigante. He was the giant figure in the de… - 2 years ago

@SarahWa02190105: RT @NYTObits: His brothers were mobsters, but he devoted his life to rebuilding the South Bronx. The Rev. Louis Gigante, a Roman Catholic p… - 2 years ago

@pillolenewyork: RT @BronxTours: Louis Gigante, Priest Who Led South Bronx Revival, Dies at 90 #FatherG #Fires #SEBCO #History #Catholic #Priest #BronxPeopl… - 2 years ago

@dn4ltw: como é gigante esse louis tomlinson - 2 years ago

@ltmonamour: vc é gigante louis tomlinson - 2 years ago





@Louhazzz_: @ltbrnews O PATRÃO, GIGANTE LOUIS TOMLINSON, VOCÊ É GIGANTE - 2 years ago

@pureflickwr: eita como é gigante esse louis tomlinson - 2 years ago

@louis_cigar3tte: RT @1D_infoportugal: 💚 A roda gigante no Kia Fórum, para o #Harryween! - 2 years ago

@olhabunda_LOUIS: RT @bchartsnet: GIGANTE! Billboard afirma que mesmo se não contassem seus pontos de vendas ou de airplay, Taylor Swift continuaria ocupando… - 2 years ago

@AReaganDemocrat: RT @NYTObits: The brother of a convicted Mafia boss, Louis Gigante became a Democratic Party leader and a city councilman, and helped build… - 2 years ago

@JamesWithers3: RT @NYTObits: The brother of a convicted Mafia boss, Louis Gigante became a Democratic Party leader and a city councilman, and helped build… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: The brother of a convicted Mafia boss, Louis Gigante became a Democratic Party leader and a city councilman, and he… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: His brothers were mobsters, but he devoted his life to rebuilding the South Bronx. The Rev. Louis Gigante, a Roman… - 2 years ago

@tienditaluan: ❥: @pkyfrog, te han enviado flores blancas chiquitas, una canción y un abrazo gigante de Louis headband! 🫂🤍 💌: ❝me… - 2 years ago

@Louis_Maverick: RT @bchartsnet: Após ser intimidada por policiais antes de votar, a deputada Olivia Santana (PCdoB/BA) faz depoimento emocionada. Nossa sol… - 2 years ago

@louis_ayuso: RT @choquei: 🚨AGORA: Projeção gigante colocada no prédio da Chrysler em Nova York diz que o MUNDO QUER LULA. #Eleições2022 - 2 years ago

@Jennife18734611: RT @NYTObits: His brothers were mobsters, but he devoted his life to rebuilding the South Bronx. The Rev. Louis Gigante, a Roman Catholic p… - 2 years ago

@lwthemusic: louis tomlinson não existe mais gigante q você - 2 years ago

@tusicarialarrie: les juro x lo q mas quiero (louis) q yo presentía algo raro sobre fern y nunca dije nada xq no tenia pruebas y xq e… - 2 years ago

@Tomstedt: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@GimenoConcha: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@BlancheBetz: Louis Gigante, NYC Priest Who Was Mob Boss’ Brother, Dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@APATinnitus: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@tienditaluan: ❥: @aceloveslou, te han enviado tulipanes rositas y un abrazo gigante de Louis Tomlinson! 🫂🌷 💌: ❝te amo mucho, sos… - 2 years ago

@OtisWhite: Remembering the NYC priest who was no saint. He held elected office, used patronage as a tool and refused to testif… - 2 years ago

@lwthemusic: louis tomlinson você é gigante - 2 years ago

@miriamstyles28_: riassunto del giorno: harry passa da maniaco in dwd a calamaro gigante, zayn posta su ig random, niall ci annuncia… - 2 years ago

@louis_x91: a toda la naturaleza. Artemisa, diosa lunar de la selva, de la caza y de los animales salvajes, preocupada por si O… - 2 years ago

@thehonourablesc: Kudos @samrob12 on a New York life. “If the surname is familiar, it’s because all four of h… - 2 years ago

@littlefreaklr: pagaría millones por ver la reacción d louis al verlo disfrazado d un calamar gigante - 2 years ago

@louis_x91: La constelación de Cáncer representa un cangrejo. Uno de los doce trabajos de Heracles era matar a la serpiente de… - 2 years ago

@houayldr: tienes CARA d decir eso cuando harry comenzó igual? con una guitarra y escenarios pequeños? louis está comenzando a… - 2 years ago

@trashydrakefan: RT @nytimes: The Rev. Louis Gigante, a Roman Catholic priest who skipped the mobster path his brothers chose and focused instead on rebuild… - 2 years ago

@_Red_Louis: RT @vaidesmaiar: Lula se encontrou no Complexo do Alemão com o Rene Silva, jornalista do Voz da Comunidade que tem um serviço gigante no Co… - 2 years ago

@olhabunda_LOUIS: @archerondarling Fazer compra gigante no Carrefour todo mês praticamente lembra, na época eu não sabia oq tinha mud… - 2 years ago

@f_anhalt: Louis Gigante, Bronx priest and brother of mob boss, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@tienditaluan: ❥: @hdunkirkgf, te han enviado flores y un abrazo gigante de Louis Tomlinson! 🫂💗 💌: ❝Te quiero mucho lex y espero… - 2 years ago

@PelayoSecundus: Mafia Youtuber Jeff Nadu of the channel The Sitdown: A Crime History Podcast runs recently deceased Father Louis Gi… - 2 years ago

@PelayoSecundus: RIP to Father Louis Gigante. He was a Roman Catholic Priest and hero who was instrumental in revitalizatized impove… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: His brothers were mobsters, but he devoted his life to rebuilding the South Bronx. The Rev. Louis Gigante, a Roman… - 2 years ago

@axlsugar: se o harry dependesse de larrie para alguma coisa ele estaria no limbo até pq todas as vezes que vocês tem oportuni… - 2 years ago

@tienditaluan: ❥: @vickyyyt91, te han enviado tulipanes, un peluche de perrito, una canción y un abrazo gigante de Louis Puberto 🫂… - 2 years ago

@tienditaluan: ❥: @taylorslover91, te han enviando un abrazo gigante de Louis Tomlinson! 🫂 💌: ❝ louis te ama mucho y te manda un… - 2 years ago

@caribtelNY: RT @Mezikenyc: A very nice person. RIP Father Gigante 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 Louis Gigante, a South Bronx power broker with Genovese family ties, dies at… - 2 years ago

@mafalda1313: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@vanigim: @fearlessvoI6 yo después del concierto de louis prefiero estar en una vista así a q estar sufriendo abajo donde ape… - 2 years ago

@PaulieBronx: Louis Gigante, Bronx priest and brother of mob boss, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@g_kraig: Louis Gigante, Priest Who Led South Bronx Revival, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@botderelogio: RT @luandasimax: @bxdzoom @lutherPr1nce A bolsinha da Louis Vuitton É CLÁSSICA, acompanhada de um relógio gigante dourado da Invicta - 2 years ago

@luandasimax: @bxdzoom @lutherPr1nce A bolsinha da Louis Vuitton É CLÁSSICA, acompanhada de um relógio gigante dourado da Invicta - 2 years ago

@PD4Congress: Louis Gigante, Priest Who Led South Bronx Revival, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@MichaelTroyan1: RT @NYTObits: His brothers were mobsters, but he devoted his life to rebuilding the South Bronx. The Rev. Louis Gigante, a Roman Catholic p… - 2 years ago

@MarekFuchs: Great obit line: "The priest became a city councilman, a developer with clout in Washington, the chaplain of the It… - 2 years ago

@selfstyledsiren: RT @NYTObits: His brothers were mobsters, but he devoted his life to rebuilding the South Bronx. The Rev. Louis Gigante, a Roman Catholic p… - 2 years ago

@Vmartins1823: @bluendzain Sim amo tem um capítulo gigante, eu acho que a hazza vai fazer o boquete no louis e nossa é um cap INTEIRO - 2 years ago

@belduque: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@Mezikenyc: A very nice person. RIP Father Gigante 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 Louis Gigante, a South Bronx power broker with Genovese family ties,… - 2 years ago

@enigumahjones: RT @MylesMill: If you’ve driven on the Bruckner you’ve seen the fruits of his labor - 2 years ago

@jgray78: RT @NYTObits: His brothers were mobsters, but he devoted his life to rebuilding the South Bronx. The Rev. Louis Gigante, a Roman Catholic p… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: His brothers were mobsters, but he devoted his life to rebuilding the South Bronx. The Rev. Louis Gigante, a Roman… - 2 years ago

@homeisxu: A pack da minha rant pode não ser a mais bonita de todas mas tem um conceito por trás que eu fico rindo sozinha qua… - 2 years ago

@YUNGRX781: RT @nypost: Louis Gigante, Bronx priest and brother of mob boss, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@neildrewitt: Louis Gigante obit: 90. Catholic priest who was instrumental in rebuilding the South Bronx into a thriving and safe… - 2 years ago

@TheAnthonyPratt: RT @g_knapp: Louis Gigante, NYC Priest Who Was Mob Boss’ Brother, Dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@brcena: RT @nypost: Louis Gigante, Bronx priest and brother of mob boss, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@MariaBelenN23: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@chichodisanto: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@SeemayoHealth: Louis Gigante, Bronx priest and brother of mob boss, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@loreleyqg: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@iIouiegirl: LOUIS TOMLINSON VOCÊ É GIGANTE - 2 years ago

@PoleyErnest: RT @nytimes: The Rev. Louis Gigante, a Roman Catholic priest who skipped the mobster path his brothers chose and focused instead on rebuild… - 2 years ago

@Francis58389448: Louis Gigante, a South Bronx power broker with Genovese family ties, dies at 90 – Bronx Times - 2 years ago

@Francis58389448: Louis Gigante, a South Bronx power broker with Genovese family ties, dies at 90 – Bronx Times - 2 years ago

@TekLifeMG: #Louis #Gigante, #Priest Who Led South #Bronx Revival, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@BooVay7: RT @NewBlackMan: 'The brother of a convicted Mafia boss, he became a Democratic Party leader and a city councilman, and helped build thousa… - 2 years ago

@Wyntre999: RT @nypost: Louis Gigante, Bronx priest and brother of mob boss, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@TitoRuizJr: #LouisGigante, Priest Who Led #SouthBronx Revival, Dies at 90 - #TheNewYorkTimes - 2 years ago

@olhabunda_LOUIS: RT @PortalHOTD: Erryk Cargyll foi GIGANTE. 🤧 Os membros da Guarda Real abrem mão de tudo para servir somente à coroa até a morte. Seu único… - 2 years ago

@Dominic00719779: Louis Gigante, Bronx priest and brother of mob boss, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@ArthurE: RT @NYDailyNews: The Rev. Louis Gigante, a Catholic priest, politician and protector of his mob boss brother Vincent Gigante, died Wednesda… - 2 years ago

@wfbor: Louis Gigante, Priest Who Led South Bronx Revival, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@louis_infiel1: RT @RosarioCentral: 🇺🇦🥹 "Gracias al Club, a la familia y a mi viejo por hacerme hincha de Central" La emoción de Lautaro Blanco tras su de… - 2 years ago

@ldu2004: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@Elizabe00897196: RT @nypost: Louis Gigante, Bronx priest and brother of mob boss, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@yaniv_caraveo: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@mrpshropshire: RT @NewBlackMan: 'The brother of a convicted Mafia boss, he became a Democratic Party leader and a city councilman, and helped build thousa… - 2 years ago

@EerieNewsToday: #LouisGigante, Bronx priest and brother of mob boss, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@thepharaohc3: RT @nypost: Louis Gigante, Bronx priest and brother of mob boss, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@ejmccarthy: RT @NYTObits: The brother of a convicted Mafia boss, Louis Gigante became a Democratic Party leader and a city councilman, and helped build… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: The brother of a convicted Mafia boss, Louis Gigante became a Democratic Party leader and a city councilman, and he… - 2 years ago

@AJosenard: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@kitchen5203: Louis Gigante, Priest Who Led South Bronx Revival, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@StephyShante: RT @NewBlackMan: 'The brother of a convicted Mafia boss, he became a Democratic Party leader and a city councilman, and helped build thousa… - 2 years ago

@SitraBowman: RT @NewBlackMan: 'The brother of a convicted Mafia boss, he became a Democratic Party leader and a city councilman, and helped build thousa… - 2 years ago

@FeG_MO: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@AllanSaint3: RT @NewBlackMan: 'The brother of a convicted Mafia boss, he became a Democratic Party leader and a city councilman, and helped build thousa… - 2 years ago

@NewBlackMan: 'The brother of a convicted Mafia boss, he became a Democratic Party leader and a city councilman, and helped build… - 2 years ago

@MikeSafo: @lmcshanenydn I remember reading about him in your awesome book! I forgot though, who bought who coffee? Lol - 2 years ago

@hellresidentNY: RT @NYTMetro: The Rev. Louis R. Gigante, a Roman Catholic priest who was instrumental in rebuilding one of America’s most notorious slums,… - 2 years ago

@Sacerdotus: Louis Gigante, Bronx priest and brother of mob boss, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@ElenaOrdax: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@zola_guests: RT @nypost: Louis Gigante, Bronx priest and brother of mob boss, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@chukurchuk: RT @DandiaAsad: "The Rev. Louis R. Gigante, a Roman Catholic priest who was instrumental in rebuilding one of America’s most notorious slum… - 2 years ago

@jettzworld: RT @DandiaAsad: "The Rev. Louis R. Gigante, a Roman Catholic priest who was instrumental in rebuilding one of America’s most notorious slum… - 2 years ago

@Sacerdotus: RT @nypost: Louis Gigante, Bronx priest and brother of mob boss, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@77meses: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@arash_tehran: RT @DandiaAsad: "The Rev. Louis R. Gigante, a Roman Catholic priest who was instrumental in rebuilding one of America’s most notorious slum… - 2 years ago

@MacRodriguez80: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@enrique_seguel: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@FrEdwardBeck: Louis Gigante, Priest Who Led South Bronx Revival, Dies at 90 The brother of a convicted Mafia boss, he became a D… - 2 years ago

@MOBFAX: Louis Gigante, a South Bronx power broker with Genovese family ties, dies at 90 – Bronx Times - 2 years ago

@sameerMohan2: RT @g_knapp: Louis Gigante, NYC Priest Who Was Mob Boss’ Brother, Dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@g_knapp: Louis Gigante, NYC Priest Who Was Mob Boss’ Brother, Dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@twilight2000: - 2 years ago

@XGoldar: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@gregory_chupa: Bronx priest Louis Gigante, brother of mob boss Vinny ‘The Chin’ Gigante, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@myHNN: RT @nytimes: The Rev. Louis Gigante, a Roman Catholic priest who skipped the mobster path his brothers chose and focused instead on rebuild… - 2 years ago

@CapitanLeeCrane: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@carlossoria86: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@LabiodNuria: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@PeterMoskos: - 2 years ago

@bronxtimes: Rev. Louis Gigante, a former NYC councilmember and major power broker in the South Bronx — with brothers who were k… - 2 years ago

@pantheraleo125: RT @Sitdowncrimepod: Father Louis Gigante, the priest brother of Genovese boss Vincent the Chin Gigante has died at the age of 90. Louis ac… - 2 years ago

@Sitdowncrimepod: Father Louis Gigante, the priest brother of Genovese boss Vincent the Chin Gigante has died at the age of 90. Louis… - 2 years ago

@genxjamerican: RT @DashDeCosta: The brother of a convicted Mafia boss, he became a Democratic Party leader and a city councilman, and helped build thousan… - 2 years ago

@trilobiiusgrou: RT @nytimes: The Rev. Louis Gigante, a Roman Catholic priest who skipped the mobster path his brothers chose and focused instead on rebuild… - 2 years ago

@DashDeCosta: The brother of a convicted Mafia boss, he became a Democratic Party leader and a city councilman, and helped build… - 2 years ago

@EMPIREREPORTNY: NYTIMES: Louis Gigante, Priest Who Led South Bronx Revival, Dies at 90... - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From New York Times Obituaries - Louis Gigante, Priest Who Led South Bronx Revival, Dies at 90… - 2 years ago

@noelBRONSON: via ⁦@nytimes⁩ - 2 years ago

@janwillemwits: RT @nytimes: The Rev. Louis Gigante, a Roman Catholic priest who skipped the mobster path his brothers chose and focused instead on rebuild… - 2 years ago

@PaulaPepo_cheep: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@HispanicNewYork: Louis Gigante, brother of the Genovese Mafia family boss who led South Bronx revival, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@Javier_DiazNido: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@enrikgp: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@Manuelroldan_14: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@HobanGirl: OBITUARY | Louis Gigante, Priest Who Led South Bronx Revival, Dies at 90 | The New York Times | All four of Louis G… - 2 years ago

@TeresaVilardaga: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@drdavid31: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@SachikoAyukawa: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@Ahclem53: The brother of a convicted Mafia boss, he became a Democratic Party leader and a city councilman, and helped build… - 2 years ago

@albertgimcer: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@MichaelANardie1: Bronx priest Louis Gigante, brother of mob boss Vinny ‘The Chin’ Gigante, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@louis_garcia22: "El Gigante de Acero es un estadio de Primer Nivel para gente tercer mundista lastima de estadio" - 2 years ago

@MrNYCBlog: RT @thedailybeast: The priest was an apologist for the underworld, claiming that his brother—whose crazy-like-a-fox act included wandering… - 2 years ago

@marcelamciel: RT @styleslarriee: o louis de long hair foi gigante q saudade 😭😭😭 - 2 years ago

@Talshumy1: RT @JuanPascual4: 1/ Hace 200 años nacía Louis Pasteur Hizo hallazgos geniales. Ejemplo xa médicos y veterinarios. Tuvo detractores: antiva… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Louis Gigante is no longer with us - #LouisGigante #Louis #Gigante #rip - 2 years ago

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