Lotfi Zadeh

Iran-born American mathematician
Died on Monday August 14th 2017

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Lotfi Zadeh:

@eladiofernan1: RT @CanalUGR: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh, Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Granada y padre de la lógica… - 8 years ago

@UGRdivulga: RT @CanalUGR: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh, Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Granada y padre de la lógica… - 8 years ago

@cjferba: RT @CanalUGR: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh, Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Granada y padre de la lógica… - 8 years ago

@EsauVT: RT @smia_mx: Father of fuzzy logic, Lotfi Zadeh passes away - 8 years ago


@smia_mx: Father of fuzzy logic, Lotfi Zadeh passes away - 8 years ago

@AlexFleischer1: RT @jlsalmeron: Lotfi Zadeh has passed away. The founder of #fuzzy logic. A great scholar and nice person RIP - 8 years ago

@ProfessorMarek: @VitalikButerin I once met Lotfi A. Zadeh; he said he was called idiot his whole career & to take it as a complimen… - 8 years ago

@ChockySocorro: RT @CanalUGR: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh, Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Granada y padre de la lógica… - 8 years ago

@UGRingenieras: RT @CanalUGR: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh, Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Granada y padre de la lógica… - 8 years ago

@arthur14771: RT @sevki_isikli: Kitap: #bulanıkdüşünendeha. Sipariş için tıklayınız. - 8 years ago

@mcmwright: RT @BarryOSullivan: Prof. Lotfi Zadeh, father of fuzzy logic, has passed away. #AI @IJCAI_2017 @insight_centre @MACSIMaths (via @vardi) htt… - 8 years ago

@SenenBarro: Lotfi Zadeh is alive - 8 years ago

@nihad0092: RT @omammadov1: Lotfi Zadeh's son clarifies his father's will on his burial in #Azerbaijan -INTERVIEW - 8 years ago

@mvusal: Lotfi Zadeh's son clarifies his father's will on his burial in #Azerbaijan -INTERVIEW - 8 years ago

@omammadov1: Lotfi Zadeh's son clarifies his father's will on his burial in #Azerbaijan -INTERVIEW - 8 years ago

@akcayelif: RT @sevki_isikli: Kitap. Bulanık mantık hakkında bilinmeyenler, bizzat mucidi Lotfi A. Zadeh 'nin dilinden okunabilsin diye... - 8 years ago

@sophosakademi: Kitap: #bulanıkdüşünendeha. Sipariş için tıklayınız. - 8 years ago

@sevki_isikli: Kitap: #bulanıkdüşünendeha. Sipariş için tıklayınız. - 8 years ago

@sophosakademi: Bulanık Düşünen Deha Lotfi A. Zadeh - Möhbettin Samet (Kitap) - - 8 years ago

@tersinedunya: RT @sevki_isikli: Kitap. Bulanık mantık hakkında bilinmeyenler, bizzat mucidi Lotfi A. Zadeh 'nin dilinden okunabilsin diye... - 8 years ago

@AytakinPeru: Sad- Lotfi Zadeh - the founder of #fuzzy #logic passed away. But he left infinite legacy 4 #beyond #math. Proud of to be from the same land! - 8 years ago

@sevki_isikli: Kitap. Bulanık mantık hakkında bilinmeyenler, bizzat mucidi Lotfi A. Zadeh 'nin dilinden okunabilsin diye... - 8 years ago

@patmeansnoble: Rest in Peace, Lotfi Zadeh. Thanks for Fuzzy Logic! » VoicePress.az - 8 years ago

@luislamb: RT @vardi: Tehran University withdraws report on death of Lotfi Zadeh - 8 years ago

@isrcruz790522: - 8 years ago

@AmaneceQueNoEs: RT @dte_uma: Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh, creador de la Lógica Borrosa, ese extraordinario modelo del razonamiento humano, ha muerto. - 8 years ago

@jaumebp: RT @BarryOSullivan: Prof. Lotfi Zadeh, father of fuzzy logic, has passed away. #AI @IJCAI_2017 @insight_centre @MACSIMaths (via @vardi) htt… - 8 years ago

@ToniMorenoURV: RT @vardi: Tehran University withdraws report on death of Lotfi Zadeh - 8 years ago

@LauraTarantella: Ci ha lasciati Zadeh .,. - 8 years ago

@vardi: Tehran University withdraws report on death of Lotfi Zadeh - 8 years ago

@chgogos: RT @BarryOSullivan: Prof. Lotfi Zadeh, father of fuzzy logic, has passed away. #AI @IJCAI_2017 @insight_centre @MACSIMaths (via @vardi) htt… - 8 years ago

@MACSIMaths: RT @BarryOSullivan: Prof. Lotfi Zadeh, father of fuzzy logic, has passed away. #AI @IJCAI_2017 @insight_centre @MACSIMaths (via @vardi) htt… - 8 years ago

@dte_uma: Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh, creador de la Lógica Borrosa, ese extraordinario modelo del razonamiento humano, ha muerto. - 8 years ago

@chfaure27: RT @BarryOSullivan: Prof. Lotfi Zadeh, father of fuzzy logic, has passed away. #AI @IJCAI_2017 @insight_centre @MACSIMaths (via @vardi) htt… - 8 years ago

@automatika_ns: RT @BarryOSullivan: Prof. Lotfi Zadeh, father of fuzzy logic, has passed away. #AI @IJCAI_2017 @insight_centre @MACSIMaths (via @vardi) htt… - 8 years ago

@ZoranJelicic: RT @BarryOSullivan: Prof. Lotfi Zadeh, father of fuzzy logic, has passed away. #AI @IJCAI_2017 @insight_centre @MACSIMaths (via @vardi) htt… - 8 years ago

@mluebbecke: RT @BarryOSullivan: Prof. Lotfi Zadeh, father of fuzzy logic, has passed away. #AI @IJCAI_2017 @insight_centre @MACSIMaths (via @vardi) htt… - 8 years ago

@BarryOSullivan: Prof. Lotfi Zadeh, father of fuzzy logic, has passed away. #AI @IJCAI_2017 @insight_centre @MACSIMaths (via @vardi) - 8 years ago

@mgonzamm: Azerbaijani scientist, father of fuzzy logic Lotfi Zadeh passes away - 8 years ago

@Kimmo_Kari: R.I.P. Lotfi Zadeh - 8 years ago

@kboughida: Lotfi Zadeh: Tehran Univ. retracts report on researcher's death - 8 years ago

@hanefeslioglu: RT @NejanH: Azerbaijani scientist, father of fuzzy logic Lotfi Zadeh passes away - 8 years ago

@paskualf: Lotfi Zadeh is alive - 8 years ago

@CharlesCaper: RT @CanalUGR: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh, Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Granada y padre de la lógica… - 8 years ago

@NejanH: Azerbaijani scientist, father of fuzzy logic Lotfi Zadeh passes away - 8 years ago

@hanefeslioglu: RT @elifdogugsu: Teorisyenlere "Hayatta matematiğin yetmediği yerler var" demek yürek isteyen bir işti. Dedi, ispatladı da. Huzur içinde ya… - 8 years ago

@elifdogugsu: Teorisyenlere "Hayatta matematiğin yetmediği yerler var" demek yürek isteyen bir işti. Dedi, ispatladı da. Huzur içinde yat Lotfi A. Zadeh. - 8 years ago

@ETSIIT_UGR: RT @CanalUGR: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh, Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Granada y padre de la lógica… - 8 years ago

@HamzaGunnner: #RIP Lotfi Zadeh father of #fuzzy #logic !! what a loss to this world may your soul be in paradise 😢😢 - 8 years ago

@XiulThunder: RT @LJimenezLinares: Fallece el padre de la lógica difusa (fuzzy logic). Un privilegio haberlo conocido en persona. DEP. 😢 - 8 years ago

@MGKage: RT @LJimenezLinares: Fallece el padre de la lógica difusa (fuzzy logic). Un privilegio haberlo conocido en persona. DEP. 😢 - 8 years ago

@jhuanaldo45: RT @LJimenezLinares: Fallece el padre de la lógica difusa (fuzzy logic). Un privilegio haberlo conocido en persona. DEP. 😢 - 8 years ago

@Trex247: RT @jlsalmeron: Lotfi Zadeh has passed away. The founder of #fuzzy logic. A great scholar and nice person RIP - 8 years ago

@tbugzy: RT @jlsalmeron: Lotfi Zadeh has passed away. The founder of #fuzzy logic. A great scholar and nice person RIP - 8 years ago

@MSH74973965: 2009 Benjamin Franklin Medal Winner: Lotfi A. Zadeh. RIP- Father of fuzzy logic. - 8 years ago

@bvdwalle: Warm memories of my early research career encounters with Lotfi Zadeh. He was an inspiration to all of us @ugent wo… - 8 years ago

@MarcosMatabuena: RT @CanalUGR: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh, Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Granada y padre de la lógica… - 8 years ago

@rehabasogul: RT @mohsenhaghaiegh: The father of Fazzy mathematics, Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh (1921-2017) - 8 years ago

@v4lm0nt: RT @LJimenezLinares: Fallece el padre de la lógica difusa (fuzzy logic). Un privilegio haberlo conocido en persona. DEP. 😢 - 8 years ago

@ayseacar_: RT @ayseacar_: Bay Binet romanını ithaf ettiğim Prof.Aliasker Lütfü Zade(Lotfi Zadeh)/hala çalışıyor ve doktora derslerine giriyor - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( Lotfi Zadeh - #LotfiZadeh #Lotfi #Zadeh #rip - 8 years ago

@JoseAlberto93: RT @LJimenezLinares: Fallece el padre de la lógica difusa (fuzzy logic). Un privilegio haberlo conocido en persona. DEP. 😢 - 8 years ago

@jlsalmeron: Lotfi Zadeh has passed away. The founder of #fuzzy logic. A great scholar and nice person RIP - 8 years ago

@somayeh_rasuli: @UCBerkeley @nytimes would you please tell me if prof. lotfi a.zadeh has passed away or not? - 8 years ago

@iwann2017: Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh, creador de la Lógica Borrosa, ese extraordinario modelo del razonamiento humano, ha muerto. - 8 years ago

@Rymoah: RT @andy_adamatzky: - 8 years ago

@irannews2016: RT @Scientometrix: The founder of fuzzy logic and University of Tehran graduate Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh has passed away. - 8 years ago

@Scientometrix: The founder of fuzzy logic and University of Tehran graduate Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh has passed away. - 8 years ago

@DashwellDavid: RT @TetralogueBook: Azerbaijani scientist, father of fuzzy logic Lotfi Zadeh passes away - 8 years ago

@EFatullayev: Lotfi Zadeh is alive - 8 years ago

@AzeriDaily: Lotfi Zadeh is alive - 8 years ago

@oluaces: RT @CanalUGR: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh, Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Granada y padre de la lógica… - 8 years ago

@communeparticle: RT @fitelson: RIP prof zadeh. - 8 years ago

@FabGasparetti: Azerbaijani scientist, father of fuzzy logic Lotfi Zadeh passes away - 8 years ago

@KaracicT: RT @fitelson: RIP prof zadeh. - 8 years ago

@TetralogueBook: Azerbaijani scientist, father of fuzzy logic Lotfi Zadeh passes away - 8 years ago

@fernand0: RT @javifields: Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh, father of fuzzy logic passes away. - 8 years ago

@shitimonthis: RT @fitelson: RIP prof zadeh. - 8 years ago

@RrrichardZach: RT @fitelson: RIP prof zadeh. - 8 years ago

@sjdalf: RT @fitelson: RIP prof zadeh. - 8 years ago

@fitelson: RIP prof zadeh. - 8 years ago

@mkashi: RT @farangfrog: Lotfi Zadeh, father of fuzzy logic has passed away, according to this article - 8 years ago

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