Loretta Lynn

American country singer ("Coal Miner's Daughter"
Died on Tuesday October 4th 2022

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Loretta Lynn:

@MartLarkin: @ThatEricAlper Loretta Lynn: Still A Mountain Girl Incredible ability, strength, character and intelligence. A true one-off. - 2 years ago

@MUGGER1955: RT @CrispinSartwell: I wish I was Milligan’s publicist; material such as Bad Day to be a Beer sells itself. “I’m sorry, don’t know how to t… - 2 years ago

@RamoneJrecuk: Hello World! Listen to this song! Gina Madison currently working on her dedication to the songs of Loretta Lynn and… - 2 years ago

@Kieran_: @ninaoyama Rumour has it that Loretta Lynn and her pet canary were inseparable. - 2 years ago


@davelyoung1: @GeorgeStrait Can Country Music unite US in Strait Harmony in a Loretta Lynn Love Melody Tribute? Country Music has… - 2 years ago

@camcath: RT @AskingAmy: I woke up very early today feeling immense gratitude for the lives of Loretta Lynn and Angela Lansbury: Two talented women w… - 2 years ago

@TexChatham: Lynn was signed by Zero Records and they arranged a recording session for her in Hollywood in 1960. She recorded 4… - 2 years ago

@TexChatham: Loretta married Doo Lynn when she was 15 and subsequently moved to a logging town in WA. When she was 21, Doo bough… - 2 years ago

@TexChatham: Here’s Loretta’s 2021 remake of her 1960 classic. She was 89 when she recorded it. How did we get here? She was bor… - 2 years ago

@AskingAmy: I woke up very early today feeling immense gratitude for the lives of Loretta Lynn and Angela Lansbury: Two talente… - 2 years ago

@CrispinSartwell: I wish I was Milligan’s publicist; material such as Bad Day to be a Beer sells itself. “I’m sorry, don’t know how t… - 2 years ago

@terrybr90233461: Now playing You Didn't Like My Lovin' by Loretta Lynn! - 2 years ago

@yogaleanne: RT @DaveSecrest1: This is why I read the NYT. Especially on Sundays. “The Writing.” Now I know Loretta Lynn better than I know my own siste… - 2 years ago

@GRhozzy: RT @GeraldBacon1965: Loretta Lynn sings 'Coal Miner's Daughter 87th Birthday Party---Watch Here: - 2 years ago

@rmpeavy: @ThatEricAlper Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@MsRuffles: @ThatEricAlper Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Loretta Lynn, Chuck Berry, Roy Orbinson - 2 years ago

@poyervusamayhq: Queen of Country Loretta Lynn 1932-2022 shirt - 2 years ago

@MelHolbrook7: Coal Miner's Daughter | Oscar Winner Sissy Spacek as Loretta Lynn Sings ... - 2 years ago

@Chris_Moertl73: Sitting here with my first cup of coffee, reading stories of Loretta Lynn’s warmth and kindness. Makes me extreme… - 2 years ago

@daveGildedALM: If you like your songwriting as great as Lucinda Williams @HappyWoman9 or the late Loretta Lynn then COURTNEY MARIE… - 2 years ago

@BabS03567696: RT @IamRealSejan: I'd love to travel to the Holy Land. -Loretta Lynn ULTIMATE BOSS PRIYANKA - 2 years ago

@SalVinciguerra: Loretta Lynn's Ranch, Hurricane Mills, Tennessee - 2 years ago

@terrybr90233461: Now playing I'm Living In Two Worlds by Loretta Lynn! - 2 years ago

@JoanK61728179: RT @larwoolf: Watch Coal Miner's Daughter 1980 with the performance by Sissy Spacek as Loretta Lynn,directed by Michael Apted Sissy Space… - 2 years ago

@JoanK61728179: RT @larwoolf: Sad news Loretta Lynn, coal miner’s daughter and country queen, passed away October 4th. RIP April 14, 1932 – October 4, 202… - 2 years ago

@ZakhadUtah: @WFingerdoo and to think she was actually a bit older than Elizabeth. Let's see earlier we've had TWO cases of the… - 2 years ago

@pegreygoose2022: @KChenoweth Durability/Spunk/Experience in life. Another lady gone in her 90s. Like other women with the above attr… - 2 years ago

@joecimperman: RT @MacsBacks: Author, poet Hanif Abdurraqib @NifMuhammad on the artistry of the late Loretta Lynn: "Loretta Lynn Could Convince Me of Anyt… - 2 years ago

@NashvilleCmr: @CMRNashville CMR Nashville Schedule for Wednesday 12 October 2022 4pm - 6pm - A 2 hour Loretta Lynn Special hoste… - 2 years ago

@sakiop225: Loretta Lynn - Blue Kentucky Girl - 2 years ago

@STARCountry967: Wynonna Judd Taps Ashley McBryde, Martina McBride for a Loretta Lynn Tribute [Watch] - 2 years ago

@ArenaMarola: RT @modesfv: Ha fallecido Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@KurtVelasquez16: RT @TasteOfCountry: "We mustn't forget where we come from in country music," says @Wynonna - 2 years ago

@ginn233: RT @TheValPerrine: Rest In Peace Loretta Lynn!! #lorettalynn #RestinPeace - 2 years ago

@Zurabi17682134: RT @TheValPerrine: Rest In Peace Loretta Lynn!! #lorettalynn #RestinPeace - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/DeSantis, Cannabis, Ukraine, Thailand, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Uvalde, Herschel Walker, Lorett… - 2 years ago

@candymarietayl1: @emmasaurustex Loretta Lynn. RIP 🙏 - 2 years ago

@AllstarsShiny: @ThatEricAlper Joni Mitchell Dolly Parton Loretta Lynn Nancy Wilson Bonnie Raitt Joan Jett Sister Rosetta Tharpe Brandi Carlile - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/DeSantis, Cannabis, Ukraine, Thailand, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Uvalde, Herschel Walker, Lorett… - 2 years ago

@KellyGerken1: RT @lzwitty: If Loretta Lynn wanted to sing, she was going to sing, no matter what. Watch her grab that mic! (From her 87th Birthday Bash… - 2 years ago

@AuntIzzy: @KySportsRadio The only bit that I would have added would be (more) of a Loretta Lynn tribute. But I’m sure that wo… - 2 years ago

@morganjttalley: @BrianEskow You’d be in good company…Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, Loretta Lynn (RIP)… - 2 years ago

@ElectricMidnite: @ThatEricAlper Dolly Parton Loretta Lynn Frank Zappa And as MUCH as I loathe him as a human being, sigh..Nugent... - 2 years ago

@JohnG500: RT @thebootdotcom: .@randytravis remembers @LorettaLynn as a pioneer who inspired him during his years as an up-and-coming star and a frien… - 2 years ago

@szilviade_: RT @ginadalfonzo: ICYMI, I wrote for @christandpc about #LorettaLynn and why she meant so much to us. - 2 years ago

@toscadeigatti: @Tommasocerno Dopo la Queen e Loretta Lynn, la regina della musica country, se ne va una regina dello schermo. Tutt… - 2 years ago

@daphparker7: "Chapel Hart sings Fist City at Opry to honor Loretta Lynn | Biloxi Sun Herald" - 2 years ago

@tennisshelbow: loretta lynn was such a real ass bitch - 2 years ago

@routinelayup: RT @pitchfork: Plains finds @k_crutchfield and @jessswilliamson embracing the country music they grew up on, from Shania Twain to Loretta L… - 2 years ago

@JournalistJunc1: How Tall Was Loretta Lynn? How’s Her Personal Life Alike? - 2 years ago

@23walkington: First is was the Queen, then it was Loretta Lynn. Today it was Angela Lansbury. I’m not sure how my enjoyment of a… - 2 years ago

@everythingshow9: This weeks, The Everything show, with your host Dan Carlisle....Loretta Lynn and jack white, Alex Cortiz, Broken Be… - 2 years ago

@crochet_rose: @Route_60plus Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty - 2 years ago

@jsgjames: Loretta Lynn & now Angela Lansbury. - 2 years ago

@William21780629: RT @thebootdotcom: .@Wynonna sat center stage for the performance, flanked by @AshleyMcBryde and @martinamcbride: - 2 years ago

@thebootdotcom: .@randytravis remembers @LorettaLynn as a pioneer who inspired him during his years as an up-and-coming star and a… - 2 years ago

@KRUIsongbot: Now playing: If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again by Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@allybean416: Angela Lansbury AND Loretta Lynn?? Worst day! - 2 years ago

@Jjcarver50: @Route_60plus Loretta Lynn and Conway Tweetie - 2 years ago

@DJRN0255: @ThatEricAlper Loretta Lynn was! Willie Nelson Gordon Lightfoot James Taylor - 2 years ago

@PaulHurlburt3: Now playing Coal Miner's Daughter by Loretta Lynn! - 2 years ago

@rabe_tg: RT @KyWyldKitty: Childhood home of Loretta Lynn. Butcher Holler. Van Lear, KY 10/11/22 @brobwx @SpencerWeather @BobVanDillen @AndrewWMBF @P… - 2 years ago

@LoiselleAim: RT @Dr_JessieW: Amanda Marie Martinez packs so much into this essay, including an important historical analysis of Loretta Lynn’s legacy an… - 2 years ago

@garychun: RT @PBSAmerMasters: Celebrate the life of country music legend Loretta Lynn by revisiting her classic songs and record-breaking feisty fema… - 2 years ago

@WithEdSimon: RT @belt_magazine: “She was folks and she wanted to sing for other folks.” In a new story, veteran journalist Ed Breen of @1400WBAT details… - 2 years ago

@Kentuckyweather: RT @KyWyldKitty: Childhood home of Loretta Lynn. Butcher Holler. Van Lear, KY 10/11/22 @brobwx @SpencerWeather @BobVanDillen @AndrewWMBF @P… - 2 years ago

@LoganCoxWeather: RT @photosbygretaf: Childhood home of Loretta Lynn. Butcher Holler, Van Lear, KY 10/11/22 @weatherchannel @JordanSteele @ReynoldsWolf @WXMo… - 2 years ago

@dannyalexand: RT @dlcantwell: Please read ⁦@Amammartinez⁩ on Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@JoshFitzWx: RT @KyWyldKitty: Childhood home of Loretta Lynn. Butcher Holler. Van Lear, KY 10/11/22 @brobwx @SpencerWeather @BobVanDillen @AndrewWMBF @P… - 2 years ago

@KeshisCuties: RT @tnwhiskeywoman: If you’ve never heard Loretta Lynn’s ode to birth control called “The Pill,” please listen today - 2 years ago

@KyWyldKitty: Childhood home of Loretta Lynn. Butcher Holler. Van Lear, KY 10/11/22 @brobwx @SpencerWeather @BobVanDillen… - 2 years ago

@LATimesTVLloyd: RT @PBSAmerMasters: Celebrate the life of country music legend Loretta Lynn by revisiting her classic songs and record-breaking feisty fema… - 2 years ago

@Susanjeanricci: RT @fett1111: Loretta Lynn - Coal Miner's Daughter.1971. - 2 years ago

@PaulaMcAlliste7: The ELITE have all gone to meet their Maker, Loretta Lynn, and now, Angela Lansbury. You will be missed, Mrs. Potts… - 2 years ago

@DEllisOnly77: Loretta Lynn Angela Lansbury ??? - 2 years ago

@nytimesmusic: Her most confrontational recordings of the ’70s corresponded with her greatest popularity. In 1972, she became the… - 2 years ago

@mommabear1882: Omg my heart is breaking 😭 this one, just like Loretta Lynn will leave a whole in the heart of the world. I grew up… - 2 years ago

@johnjdc: @RobOnABike I was going to ask if anyone had checked in on her after HMQ, Loretta Lynn, and Betty White, but I didn… - 2 years ago

@rlewyckyj: ♫ Listening to “After The Fire Is Gone” by Steve Earle and Allison Moorer from the album “Coal Miner's Daughter: A… - 2 years ago

@Adam_Maunder: @FullofFrap Her & Loretta Lynn are gonna be *partyin'*. - 2 years ago

@MMennato: Betty White January 1, 2022 Queen Elizabeth II September 8, 2022 Loretta Lynn October 4, 2022 Angela Lansbury Octob… - 2 years ago

@SalVinciguerra: Loretta Lynn's Ranch, Tennessee - 2 years ago

@sierraclark57: RT @carrieunderwood: The first time I met Loretta Lynn was at the Grand Ole Opry at beginning of my career. I was chatting in the corner wi… - 2 years ago

@CandaceEG91: First Loretta Lynn, now Angela Lansbury? Quick, protective circles around Julie Andrews and Dolly Parton. - 2 years ago

@rlewyckyj: ♫ Listening to “After The Fire Is Gone” by Conway Twitty and Loretta Lynn from the album “We Only Make Believe”… - 2 years ago

@RichardLangan2: RT @lenadolll: first loretta lynn AND NOW ANGELA LANSBURY!??! 😭😭😭 rest in peace to an actual angel ♥️ - 2 years ago

@WeslynOnWheels: Damn. 3 of my favourite old ladies in 3 months. Kohkom (my grandma) in August 96. Loretta Lynn, just last week;… - 2 years ago

@ssinca13: RT @Lannatexasgal: Dang it ..always three.... Loretta Lynn now Angela Lansbury, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star, dies… - 2 years ago

@woodscolt79: Sad news. Between this, Hilary Mantel and Loretta Lynn it's been a terrible few weeks for magisterially DGAF grande… - 2 years ago

@averyrevery: @local__celeb loretta lynn and patsy cline - 2 years ago

@singyrlife: RIP Loretta Lynn! Sing your favorite Country from any era TONIGHT at 9 at @12stepsdown or choose from thousands of… - 2 years ago

@DuchessSavi: Loretta Lynn last week, Angela Lansbury today.💔💔💔💔💔 #RIP - 2 years ago

@SoooTired8: @Route_60plus Conway Twitty and Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@CarylHill11: @Route_60plus Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty - 2 years ago

@Tom_RedRight88: Kareem Reacts to the News: Kanye Has Lost It, Best Sports Video, U.S. Soccer Abuses Women, Herschel Walker: Republi… - 2 years ago

@rebmy75: RT @wweek: The death of Loretta Lynn last week called to mind her duet with Jack White: "Well, Portland, Oregon, and sloe gin fizz/ If that… - 2 years ago

@MJNILSEN1: @Route_60plus Loretta Lynn & Conway Twitty - 2 years ago

@Hallor1O: Check out this article from @nytimes. Because I'm a subscriber, you can read it through this gift link without a su… - 2 years ago

@TexChatham: Here’s a powerful one from 1966. This was Loretta’s first penned top 10 song and one of the first songs about Vietn… - 2 years ago

@Renata91493146: 💕 Cuori d'Atleta 💕 S02E17 Rieccoci con una delle nostre compilation preferite. Nell'episodio di oggi, Checkur6 h… - 2 years ago

@linda_aviles13: @Route_60plus Conrad Twitty and Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@trekwest: RT @Blondoid: ::Raises a glass for Loretta Lynn:: @trekwest #TheTripwire - 2 years ago

@Nucciarone: How I Fell in Love With the Coal Miner’s Daughter - 2 years ago

@Hold322: 470 Jinkies! This week on The World’s Greatest Comic Book Podcast™: We remember Loretta Lynn, Sara Lee, Judy Tenuta… - 2 years ago

@Blondoid: ::Raises a glass for Loretta Lynn:: @trekwest #TheTripwire - 2 years ago

@RCbot: RT @Nitrodirge: Loretta Lynn - In the Pines (Official Audio) - 2 years ago

@1037TheGator: Loretta Lynn Buried in Family Plot During a Private Ceremony - 2 years ago

@bthefish: @Route_60plus I don’t know how someone who’s not a Country music fan knew this, but I did. Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty. - 2 years ago

@shelotx: RT @jpatutoesq: @usa_anji @chron won the Country grammy last year, ANJI leftist country stars like the Chicks, Waylon, Johnny Cash and the… - 2 years ago

@imabit_inc: RT @hasdid: #Flipboard #Curiosity #News #Automated | Loretta Lynn, Coal Miner’s Daughter Turned Country Superstar, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@hasdid: #Flipboard #Curiosity #News #Automated | Loretta Lynn, Coal Miner’s Daughter Turned Country Superstar, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@terrybr90233461: Now playing Dyn-O-Mite by Loretta Lynn,Conway Twitty! - 2 years ago

@d0htanuk1: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the “Coal Miner’s Daughter” whose frank songs about Appalachian womanhood made her a country icon, has died at age 90… - 2 years ago

@giusyutano: RT @Tg3web: È morta a 90 anni Loretta Lynn, considerata da molti la regina della musica country. Una donna libera, impegnata nelle lotte pe… - 2 years ago

@R_Zakbagans: RT @Zak_Bagans: I’ll never forget meeting Loretta Lynn and her home was one of my most memorable and favorite locations to ever visit. She… - 2 years ago

@ConvergeLive: - Loretta Lynn - Coal Miner's Daughter - 2 years ago

@subterfugeradio: RT @jesusaraujo33: Esta semana @RadioConBotas ha tenido que esperar a la noche pero es una delicia escuchar a Loretta Lynn, de la que apena… - 2 years ago

@GeraldBacon1965: RT @GeraldBacon1965: Loretta Lynn sings 'Coal Miner's Daughter 87th Birthday Party---Watch Here: - 2 years ago

@WONDERGIRLSAIDA: RT @steveratcliff14: Dolly Parton & Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@MKSafdar: RT @EdMcClellan11: I love this photograph of Loretta Lynn and her family. She grew up poor and was already a mother of four before she came… - 2 years ago

@radiox5stereo: Conway Twitty, Loretta Lynn, I Still Believe In Waltzes - 2 years ago

@RaymondECS2017: RT @RattlesnakeRita: Very touching statement from Loretta Lynn’s daughter. - 2 years ago

@nniieecc: RT @ACMawards: No one will ever compare to the Queen of Country ❤️ We're forever thankful for everything that Loretta Lynn gave to Country… - 2 years ago

@johnnycThompso1: Find Loretta Lynn Plantation Home and Museum TOUR, Hurricane Mills, TN - 2 years ago

@RattlesnakeRita: Very touching statement from Loretta Lynn’s daughter. - 2 years ago

@LarryMichael333: RT @nytimes: In Opinion Loretta Lynn “spoke the truth of her own life so other women wouldn’t feel so alone,” Margaret Renkl writes. “She… - 2 years ago

@blakeshelioton: RT @blakeshelton: Terrible news about Loretta Lynn passing away… Prayers to her family. - 2 years ago

@samp74: RT @CaledonRadio: Good Morning. On today's The @HunterNorrie Show we welcome back Cheryl Murphy at 10:30 am. Norrie and Cheryl to discuss… - 2 years ago

@smstrand1: @Route_60plus Conway Twitty and Loretta Lynn 🤠 - 2 years ago

@cuzdaisy: Loretta Lynn - Lay Me Down (Official Music Video) ft. Willie Nelson - 2 years ago

@moughthere: How I Fell in Love With the Coal Miner’s Daughter - 2 years ago

@ClassicRadioUSA: Conway Twitty & Loretta Lynn - Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man - 2 years ago

@russtofferson: RT @wweek: The death of Loretta Lynn last week called to mind her duet with Jack White: "Well, Portland, Oregon, and sloe gin fizz/ If that… - 2 years ago

@AshleyThonen: RT @TasteOfCountry: Fans will get a chance to say goodbye to Loretta Lynn. - 2 years ago

@kwestin: RT @wweek: The death of Loretta Lynn last week called to mind her duet with Jack White: "Well, Portland, Oregon, and sloe gin fizz/ If that… - 2 years ago

@3beesbuzz: Loretta Lynn was more than a great songwriter – she was a spokeswoman for white rural working-class women… - 2 years ago

@BentleyTock: RT @wweek: The death of Loretta Lynn last week called to mind her duet with Jack White: "Well, Portland, Oregon, and sloe gin fizz/ If that… - 2 years ago

@wweek: The death of Loretta Lynn last week called to mind her duet with Jack White: "Well, Portland, Oregon, and sloe gin… - 2 years ago

@NancyLehmann99: @Route_60plus Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty - 2 years ago

@stonksrus: #music Joan Baez Karen Carpenter Bonnie Rate Linda Rondstat Emmylou Harris Patsy Cline Diana Ross Mabel Mercer B… - 2 years ago

@IrSarwono_Ass: RT @ObamaFoundation: We are saddened by the loss of Loretta Lynn. In 2013 President Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, no… - 2 years ago

@KennyMacKenzie: RT @CaledonRadio: Good Morning. On today's The @HunterNorrie Show we welcome back Cheryl Murphy at 10:30 am. Norrie and Cheryl to discuss… - 2 years ago

@MerleARobinson1: @Route_60plus Looks like Loretta Lynn and Johnny Cash🙂 - 2 years ago

@TasteOfCountry: Fans will get a chance to say goodbye to Loretta Lynn. - 2 years ago

@angie32274: RT @realrebalove: I have always loved this performance of the woman in country music honoring Loretta Lynn! ❤️ @reba - 2 years ago

@HousesOfCandy: @Route_60plus Loretta Lynn & Conway Twitty - 2 years ago

@kokkie2505: RT @gaat_door: Danny Vera en Douwe Bob brengen een eerbetoon aan countrysuperster Loretta Lynn. Kijk het hele nummer hier: - 2 years ago

@LarryLawyer4: @Route_60plus Loretta lynn and Conway Twitty - 2 years ago

@pfeifferpack: @Route_60plus Conway Twitty & Loretta Lynn (saw them in concert around this time period) - 2 years ago

@_SebStealsToes_: crowd was dead for poppy but she sounded like an angel and janes addiction sucked cuz the guy was drunk and old and… - 2 years ago

@AliceKing69: Loretta Lynn - Coal Miner's Daughter (Official Audio) - 2 years ago

@LakeLake49: @Route_60plus Loretta Lynn & Conway Twitty - 2 years ago

@privateofficer: Grand Ole Opry pays tribute to country music legend Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@dorkwaterbottle: omg wait, I just realized Loretta Lynn passed - 2 years ago

@julhelenacomics: RT @nytimes: In Opinion Loretta Lynn “spoke the truth of her own life so other women wouldn’t feel so alone,” Margaret Renkl writes. “She… - 2 years ago

@1073TheBull: As Loretta Lynn was laid to rest on Friday, Keith Urban took a moment in his show at Bridgestone Arena to honor her… - 2 years ago

@TheBull1017: As Loretta Lynn was laid to rest on Friday, Keith Urban took a moment in his show at Bridgestone Arena to honor her… - 2 years ago

@981TXT: .@BrookeRadio: Watch Keith Urban's Sweet Tribute To Loretta Lynn at Bridgestone Arena - 2 years ago

@19Nascargirl: Country classic music fans what's ur favorite Loretta Lynn songs mine* louisana woman/ Mississippi man - 2 years ago

@cphi75: Loretta Lynn died and my life has been in a downward spiral ever since - 2 years ago

@evankaloudis: RT @BeatsPerMinute: 12 albums that showcase why Loretta Lynn was one of country music’s most rebellious storytellers @Cableline picks out… - 2 years ago

@TwinA17719450: @AnnaBel09390268 Loretta Lynn did just die. He could claim he worked with Dolittle and her father in the mines of Kentucky. - 2 years ago

@gucci_on: RT @nytimes: In Opinion Loretta Lynn “spoke the truth of her own life so other women wouldn’t feel so alone,” Margaret Renkl writes. “She… - 2 years ago

@Destiny61254578: @bales1181 @VaderJaws @ithrah69 @fredforthemets @krazykeithrules @FilmsQuirky @JanuaryMovie @filmizon @midgetmoxie… - 2 years ago

@Wieczo15Barbara: RT @nytimes: In Opinion Loretta Lynn “spoke the truth of her own life so other women wouldn’t feel so alone,” Margaret Renkl writes. “She… - 2 years ago

@KristinHodges: RT @WSMradio: To honor the memory of Grand Ole Opry star Loretta Lynn, Jeff Hoag will host a tribute tonight from 7-10pm/c on WSM Radio.… - 2 years ago

@580WKSK: Loretta Lynn - Out Of My Head And Back In My Be - 2 years ago

@almodan_dan: RT @nytimes: In Opinion Loretta Lynn “spoke the truth of her own life so other women wouldn’t feel so alone,” Margaret Renkl writes. “She… - 2 years ago

@ennui365: RT @ennui365: In case you missed it: Loretta Lynn, the "Coal Miner's Daughter" whose gutsy lyrics and twangy, down-home vocals made her a… - 2 years ago

@rudyywcf: RT @nytimes: In Opinion Loretta Lynn “spoke the truth of her own life so other women wouldn’t feel so alone,” Margaret Renkl writes. “She… - 2 years ago

@theperlichpost: The Sadies were joined by Kacey Anderson to salute the late great Loretta Lynn with a cover of "Fist City" at The C… - 2 years ago

@janetate: RT @nytimes: In Opinion Loretta Lynn “spoke the truth of her own life so other women wouldn’t feel so alone,” Margaret Renkl writes. “She… - 2 years ago

@I_am_pmm91: RT @nytimes: In Opinion Loretta Lynn “spoke the truth of her own life so other women wouldn’t feel so alone,” Margaret Renkl writes. “She… - 2 years ago

@VoiceGerard: Loretta Lynn and some turkeys for a great start to the week! #loretta #countrymusic #turkeystagram #happymonday @… - 2 years ago

@kmccoynyc: RT @sjf1: Eloquent tribute to Ms Loretta Lynn from @PaulCavalconte on @wfuv , - 2 years ago

@frattigiovanni: RT @Tg3web: È morta a 90 anni Loretta Lynn, considerata da molti la regina della musica country. Una donna libera, impegnata nelle lotte pe… - 2 years ago

@fishin_me: @TexChatham @TejanoVaquero @VinnyVinny6644 @PensAndLens1 @ThomasServiam @AndrewTumlinso1 @maxmorton6GDM… - 2 years ago

@TonyAriasLV: Paying tribute to the First Lady of Country, Ms. Loretta Lynn. - 2 years ago

@ReligionMag: RT @ReligionMag: @bobbyross’ Plug-in: religion newsmakers @bartbarber, @JonesForAR & @SarahHuckabee, @TheJudge44, @LorettaLynn, John Henry… - 2 years ago

@Carmela_oltre: RT @Tg3web: È morta a 90 anni Loretta Lynn, considerata da molti la regina della musica country. Una donna libera, impegnata nelle lotte pe… - 2 years ago

@Tg3web: È morta a 90 anni Loretta Lynn, considerata da molti la regina della musica country. Una donna libera, impegnata ne… - 2 years ago

@QuickCountry965: Carly Pearce Shares the Touching Voicemail She Got From Loretta Lynn: 'I Love You, Honey' [Watch] - 2 years ago

@davidham_actual: @NifMuhammad that was a lovely piece about Loretta Lynn in the Times. I’m really enjoying your writing lately, than… - 2 years ago

@jcolag: Loretta Lynn was more than a great songwriter – she was a spokeswoman for white rural working-class women… - 2 years ago

@poojatx_: I was essentially wrong, but Kacey did make herself look like Loretta Lynn which I will count a little bit! - 2 years ago

@smith86n: Rest In Peace Loretta Lynn, there will never be a singer song writer that could ever match… - 2 years ago

@jodydiperna: RT @belt_magazine: “She was folks and she wanted to sing for other folks.” In a new story, veteran journalist Ed Breen of @1400WBAT details… - 2 years ago

@hayrr: ♫ My Top 10 #lastfm artists: Rufus Wainwright (30), Daniel Villarreal (13), Pretty Sick (13), Charlie Parker (11),… - 2 years ago

@jessicamanack: #TIL that Crystal Gayle was Loretta Lynn’s little sister! 🤯 - 2 years ago

@AmberLeeCooke1: RT @AmberLeeCooke1: I do not own the rights to this song. For this song will forever be Loretta Lynn's. This is simply my rendition of her… - 2 years ago

@Cookie60287553: RT @Cookie60287553: I do not own the rights to this song. For this song will forever be Loretta Lynn's. This is simply my rendition of her… - 2 years ago

@mernino2k2: @CCollinsWriter Tooth fairy missed some child ... Sat in sheets to cry on ... sat in pillows to cry on. Loretta L… - 2 years ago

@LakisDiana: How I Fell in Love With the Coal Miner’s Daughter Ms. Renkl gets the complexity of Southe… - 2 years ago

@Souvenirs_fm: TITRE Lovin` What Your Lovin` Does To Me B [Feat. Loretta Lynn] DE Conway Twitty RadioSouvenirsFM Parfois les image… - 2 years ago

@tasnnette: RT @tasnnette: Crystal Gayle Makes a Statement After the Death of Her Sister, Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@WNRM: Loretta Lynn @LorettaLynn - Have Mercy - 2 years ago

@rockdelux: El 4 de octubre falleció Loretta Lynn, pedestal del country femenino, símbolo de resiliencia y orgullo rural en un… - 2 years ago

@vankapro: RT @oldtrocker: RIP Loretta Lynn⚘️ ~ Don't Come Home A-Drinkin' ~ - 2 years ago

@millscora328: RT @billboard: Here's a breakdown of how much Loretta Lynn’s royalties are worth. - 2 years ago

@currentplaylist: 8:04 The Roe Family Singers - Loretta Lynn Blues - 2 years ago

@rationaldoge: RT @BillDeVille: We’ll pay tribute to Loretta Lynn on United States of Americana at 9am this morning. - 2 years ago

@KISSFM_es: Fallece Loretta Lynn, icono del country. - 2 years ago

@FlorrieRadio: 10-11pm Pt2 Music & Chat with guest CM Woods Dj at @electrikclub + Interviews with Jay Weinberg (Slipknot) & Billy… - 2 years ago

@currentplaylist: 8:00 Loretta Lynn - Who's Gonna Miss Me? - 2 years ago

@scottgranneman: ♫ My Top 5 #lastfm artists: The Who (76), Richard & Linda Thompson (33), Leonard Cohen (29), The Doors (26) & Loret… - 2 years ago

@angelmjalive: RT @theryman: Our friend @ToddSnider wrote some beautiful words in remembrance of @LorettaLynn. "She said, 'Go look in that refrigerator.… - 2 years ago

@ennui365: RT @ennui365: In case you missed it: Loretta Lynn, the "Coal Miner's Daughter" whose gutsy lyrics and twangy, down-home vocals made her a… - 2 years ago

@BillDeVille: We’ll pay tribute to Loretta Lynn on United States of Americana at 9am this morning.… - 2 years ago

@Filthycreatures: RT @MovieMichigan: In memory and recognition of country music star Loretta Lynn,  the Redford Theater will present the Coal Miner’s Daughte… - 2 years ago

@3QD: Loretta Lynn (1932 – 2022) Country Music Legend - 2 years ago

@JulieAnnChabot: RT @annemurray1: Farewell to a wonderful, kind, and generous lady who warmly welcomed a young Canadian artist with open arms to Nashville,… - 2 years ago

@vankapro: RT @nytimesmusic: The NYT obituary for Loretta Lynn. - 2 years ago

@ETuckerNews2: ‘Surreal’: Loretta Lynn laid to rest - 2 years ago

@TheYoungTimpani: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn had more songs banned from radio than every other male country artist combined in the 20th century. https:/… - 2 years ago

@KeniJefferson: Loretta Lynn On 60 Minutes Uncut - 2 years ago

@Simply_Rabbi: @candy_rain76 @theferocity Kinda don’t understand what Loretta Lynn’s life in 1940’s has to do with how baristas an… - 2 years ago

@AmerSongwriter: “You Wanna Give Me a Lift.” - 2 years ago

@olejordy: @KySportsRadio Only thing that could make this night better is a post-game call from Maddie telling us her favorite Loretta Lynn tune. - 2 years ago

@AaronLittle81: Loretta Lynn - You Ain't Woman Enough - 2 years ago

@rwwonwheels2: RT @TracesofTexas: Sissy Spacek, a native of Quitman, Texas and Ernest Tubb, a native of Crisp, Texas in Coal Miner's Daughter, the story o… - 2 years ago

@Maleshi66332513: RT @editor13x: Top story: Loretta Lynn, coal miner's daughter turned country queen, dies at 90 | CNN - 2 years ago

@rwwonwheels2: RT @TheAcademy: Loretta Lynn and Sissy Spacek after the 53rd Academy Awards (March 31, 1981). Spacek, who was personally selected by Lynn… - 2 years ago

@richardwwert2: RT @TheAcademy: Loretta Lynn and Sissy Spacek after the 53rd Academy Awards (March 31, 1981). Spacek, who was personally selected by Lynn… - 2 years ago

@richardwwert: RT @TheAcademy: Loretta Lynn and Sissy Spacek after the 53rd Academy Awards (March 31, 1981). Spacek, who was personally selected by Lynn… - 2 years ago

@Empath_Coach_RR: RT @NPR: This story originally aired in 2000, now 22 years later we share the story of Loretta Lynn's 'Coal Miner's Daughter.' - 2 years ago

@OGrady_Texas: Loretta Lynn was more than a great songwriter – she was a spokeswoman for white rural working-class women… - 2 years ago

@petrockconcert: “the whispering sea, it talked to me” Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@KathyCo10406804: @ACMawards Honestly, my first album purchased for my Daddy for Christmas, I was in 1st grade. Loretta Lynn Greatest Hits ✋💜🙏🌹 - 2 years ago

@RalphScenic: Loretta Lynn & the Hyden Mine Disaster - 2 years ago

@RobertC78726751: Loretta Lynn: A Coal Miner’s Daughter in the #MeToo Age - 2 years ago

@NoDaveme: I took #mylovely #secondwife to #seeherperform! June 9, 2006 -- Loretta Lynn, #MeadowBrook #MusicFestival… - 2 years ago

@kjv501fx: RT @FarOutMag: 🎥 Loretta Lynn & Jack White's stunning performance of 'Portland, Oregon' on The David Letterman Show - 2 years ago

@ijanis51: Loretta Lynn Was a PETA Chain-Breaker - 2 years ago

@NoJesuitTricks: RT @NoJesuitTricks: I’m over at The American Conservative today with a tribute to Loretta Lynn: The Queen of Country Music - 2 years ago

@SirRyanWesley: RT @MrsTylerKSR: The game hasn't even kicked off and @tom_hart already gave us the "Hot Paynts" Loretta Lynn reference. Legend. - 2 years ago

@jamiestogs13: RT @MrsTylerKSR: The game hasn't even kicked off and @tom_hart already gave us the "Hot Paynts" Loretta Lynn reference. Legend. - 2 years ago

@Naresha_Howard: RT @MrsTylerKSR: The game hasn't even kicked off and @tom_hart already gave us the "Hot Paynts" Loretta Lynn reference. Legend. - 2 years ago

@CsMattingly: Chrome dome & blue “hot pants” RIP Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@clembo_slice23: RT @MrsTylerKSR: The game hasn't even kicked off and @tom_hart already gave us the "Hot Paynts" Loretta Lynn reference. Legend. - 2 years ago

@qb17dad: @tom_hart wasting no time getting those Loretta Lynn / KSR references in. @KySportsRadio #fistcity #hotpants - 2 years ago

@VinnyHardy: .@tom_hart with the Loretta Lynn “hot pants” reference before the game even starts. #BBN - 2 years ago

@rabbisally1: Thought for the week: “In the long run, you make your own luck - good, bad, or indifferent” (Loretta Lynn). Shavua tov! Chag sameach! - 2 years ago

@JP79743734: Loretta Lynn & Connie Smith - 2 years ago

@JoshMooreHL: RT @MrsTylerKSR: The game hasn't even kicked off and @tom_hart already gave us the "Hot Paynts" Loretta Lynn reference. Legend. - 2 years ago

@dodgemom1: RT @MrsTylerKSR: The game hasn't even kicked off and @tom_hart already gave us the "Hot Paynts" Loretta Lynn reference. Legend. - 2 years ago

@MrsTylerKSR: The game hasn't even kicked off and @tom_hart already gave us the "Hot Paynts" Loretta Lynn reference. Legend. - 2 years ago

@bfreeman922: Tom Hart already breaking off the Loretta Lynn “Fist City” nod. He’s the greatest. - 2 years ago

@FrancesTolley13: @ThatEricAlper Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@Voegizug: RIP Loretta (14.4.1932 - 4.10.2022) war eine der erfolgreichsten + einflussreichsten US-Co… - 2 years ago


@annsam59: RT @WilliamHTurner1: Harry Steward, the Tuskegee Airman who crashed his P-47 Thunderbolt in 1947 and parachuted into Butcher Hollow and int… - 2 years ago

@sherrybaudet: RT @maketodayrock: #RIP ~ Sadly, this week we lost Motown songwriter Ivy Jo Hunter, country singer Jody Miller and Loretta Lynn, and folk s… - 2 years ago

@annsam59: RT @WilliamHTurner1: Decorated Tuskegee Airman Harry Steward, Jr. was given moonshine to "make him relax" by Loretta Lynn's grandmother aft… - 2 years ago

@Chris_Ly: RT @PeterLandau: Loretta Lynn, Country Music Star and Symbol of Rural Resilience #obitpix #lorettalynn #countrymusic #singer #songwriter #a… - 2 years ago

@bob_snipe: RT @TasteOfCountry: Loretta Lynn's daughter reveals her mother new what was coming. - 2 years ago

@motrixxbehan: RT @CMT: CMT remembers Loretta Lynn tonight at 8/7c. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@MagnoliasMag: RT @NoJesuitTricks: I’m over at The American Conservative today with a tribute to Loretta Lynn: The Queen of Country Music - 2 years ago

@CobyGreerMusic: RT @bryanbehar: For some reason, I felt great solace during the pandemic knowing that Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, Kristofferson, and Loret… - 2 years ago

@TasteOfCountry: Loretta Lynn's daughter reveals her mother new what was coming. - 2 years ago

@imabit_inc: RT @hasdid: #Flipboard #Curiosity #News #Automated | Loretta Lynn, Coal Miner’s Daughter Turned Country Superstar, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@PG13Reynolds: RT @dav1drush: Today's inspiration is Loretta Lynn and Sissy Spacek at the Academy Awards after Spacek won the Best Actress Oscar for playi… - 2 years ago

@hasdid: #Flipboard #Curiosity #News #Automated | Loretta Lynn, Coal Miner’s Daughter Turned Country Superstar, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@EndOTheCentury: RT @WhatTheFontaine: DJing 3-5pmEDT on @WRIR973, playing music from 1975-1999. I’m gonna play Coolio and Loretta Lynn, who both passed away… - 2 years ago

@MJam76: Living in Loretta Lynn’s America - 2 years ago

@NoJesuitTricks: I’m over at The American Conservative today with a tribute to Loretta Lynn: The Queen of Country Music - 2 years ago

@MirjanaErakovic: RT @LorettaLynn: A statement from the family of Loretta Lynn. "Our precious mom, Loretta Lynn, passed away peacefully this morning, Octobe… - 2 years ago

@cerealtndencies: RT @AsclepiasRosa: ‘Coal Miner’s Farter, a methane study,’ as sung by Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@WRIR973: RT @WhatTheFontaine: DJing 3-5pmEDT on @WRIR973, playing music from 1975-1999. I’m gonna play Coolio and Loretta Lynn, who both passed away… - 2 years ago

@WhatTheFontaine: DJing 3-5pmEDT on @WRIR973, playing music from 1975-1999. I’m gonna play Coolio and Loretta Lynn, who both passed a… - 2 years ago

@Doublejacjimjac: RT @SpectrumNews1KY: #BREAKING: Kentucky's beloved coal miner's daughter Loretta Lynn has died. She was 90. - 2 years ago

@jberlau: RT @DanRather: News hits hard with the passing of Loretta Lynn. Her evocative music. Her fierce spirit. A storyteller who used song to chan… - 2 years ago

@ennui365: RT @ennui365: In case you missed it: Loretta Lynn, the "Coal Miner's Daughter" whose gutsy lyrics and twangy, down-home vocals made her a… - 2 years ago

@MicheleDuffy18: RT @ObamaFoundation: We are saddened by the loss of Loretta Lynn. In 2013 President Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, no… - 2 years ago

@MonkeyGrease875: RT @CMT: CMT remembers Loretta Lynn tonight at 8/7c. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@MweneTiiri: @kbcenglish @MariamKaptuiya #kbcweekender Requesting.......... Rock of ages by Sussie Luchsinger Light of a clea… - 2 years ago

@MariamKaptuiya: RT @franko_k_ngure: @kbcenglish @MariamKaptuiya Good Morning Weekender. As we celebrate the life of Loretta Lynn, play George Jones - Who'… - 2 years ago

@Graceland_2021: RT @privatefigure_: Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson and Loretta Lynn. - 2 years ago

@DEShellenberger: Included on WSHU Public Radio​'s "Profile in Folk" tonight. Loretta Lynn passed away this week.… - 2 years ago

@DaiYaun: Rest in Love Loretta Lynn 👼🏽🎶 - 2 years ago

@JG_Swiftie13: RT @NC5: Loretta Lynn, left, accepts her award from Miranda Lambert at the 9th Annual ACM Honors at The Ryman Auditorium on Tuesday, Sept.… - 2 years ago

@JG_Swiftie13: RT @RollingStone: Loretta Lynn wrote most of her hits, and as the first female singer to make her name as a songwriter in Nashville, she pa… - 2 years ago

@DesertHawk87: RT @DaveClutter: The coal miner’s daughter, Loretta Lynn is gone at 90. What an amazingly gifted, talented & strong woman. Her life is lege… - 2 years ago

@bobfaget__: "I wanna be remembered as...I've never hurt no one. I don't care if anyone has ever said anything to hurt me - I ho… - 2 years ago

@TexCzex: RT @RollingStone: These are Loretta Lynn's 12 most daring, damning and gutsy lines. - 2 years ago

@babinski54: I am really missing Loretta Lynn tonight. Been listening to Loretta Lynn & Jack White: Van Der Rose. She was an a… - 2 years ago

@herhellfire: The Singer I Loved Knew the Truth About No-Good Men and the No-Good World - 2 years ago

@TexCzex: RT @OnTheRedCarpet: The life of country music icon @LorettaLynn is being celebrated in a comic book biography from TidalWave Comics. "Femal… - 2 years ago

@terynshitupp: she covered Loretta Lynn tonight and I may or may not have cried - 2 years ago

@devorahf: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn had more songs banned from radio than every other male country artist combined in the 20th century. https:/… - 2 years ago

@galaxietoots: RT @willmckinley: Loretta Lynn (1932–2022) — singer, songwriter, trailblazing Country Music icon - 2 years ago

@DianeOfPSL: RT @privatefigure_: Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson and Loretta Lynn. - 2 years ago

@ina820: RT @annehelen: GOD this is good - 2 years ago

@RealMichaelWT: RT @iveygirl08: BANNED LORETTA LYNN SONG ABOUT THE "PILL" FOR WOMEN - 2 years ago

@KYPirateParty: RT @GovAndyBeshear: Today, all of Kentucky mourns the loss of our very own Loretta Lynn. She was a legend who blazed a trail in country mus… - 2 years ago

@SaveRedlandLibr: 9pm TODAY on @BBCFOUR Loretta Lynn - Still a Mountain Girl Arena With contributions from her family and fellow mu… - 2 years ago

@GtrInstructor: Celebrating a Country Music Icon! "Coal Miner's Daughter" "Don't Come Home a Drinkin' (With… - 2 years ago

@spaseycasey: RT @WhiskeyRiff: “You either have to be first, best or different.” #LorettaLynn - 2 years ago

@dingerjoe: Jack White rend hommage à Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@KathleenMorine3: RT @TheLeeGreenwood: When I first came to Nashville, I was honored to tour with Loretta Lynn as her opening act. This industry throws aroun… - 2 years ago

@dualshowman: RT @ThatEricAlper: 3 Grammy Awards 7 American Music Awards 8 BMI Awards 13 ACM Awards 8 CMA Awards The first female country artist to rece… - 2 years ago

@vic4dixie: RT @stephnthecity: Loretta Lynn’s last ride. The Queen is headed to be laid to rest in the family cemetery on the ranch grounds. Some 100 g… - 2 years ago

@NorthwoodsLstnr: RT @Variety: Loretta Lynn collaborator Todd Snider says the icon's son-in-law passed along some of her last words, saying that "earlier in… - 2 years ago

@PamplinFilmCo: RT @Variety: Loretta Lynn collaborator Todd Snider says the icon's son-in-law passed along some of her last words, saying that "earlier in… - 2 years ago

@KGreenMD: RT @choices_clinics: This week, CHOICES is remembering Loretta Lynn. With songs like “The Pill”, her 1975 ode to birth control, this fierce… - 2 years ago

@FegettSunshine: RT @niloc14061952: Out of all the female legends in this photo, only Dolly remains. Rest In Peace 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Lynn Anderson, Dolly Parton, Lore… - 2 years ago

@yinzr: Fare thee well, Miss Lynn. Rest in Legacy #NowPlaying Loretta Lynn “Who’s Gonna Miss Me?” - 2 years ago

@kbgaNowPlaying: Loretta Lynn - Here I Am Again - 2 years ago

@kbgaNowPlaying: Conway Twitty & Loretta Lynn - Lead Me On - 2 years ago

@kbgaNowPlaying: Loretta Lynn - Blueberry Hill - 2 years ago

@usasharenews: Loretta Lynn’s songs resonate anew amid abortion debate | amNewYork - 2 years ago

@redheadedfemme: Listening to Martina McBride's version of "You Ain't Woman Enough (To Take My Man)" in honor of Loretta Lynn. - 2 years ago

@rwbnsa: RT @Variety: Loretta Lynn collaborator Todd Snider says the icon's son-in-law passed along some of her last words, saying that "earlier in… - 2 years ago

@honeymiracle: RT @RecordingAcad: "It has been a privilege for the Recording Academy to honor Loretta throughout her illustrious career and celebrate her… - 2 years ago

@bettycrackerfl: @CarlBovisNature Loretta Lynn - You Ain't Woman Enough (To Take My Man) - 2 years ago

@laurelyn_rva: RT @blkgirllostkeys: Today I learned Shel Silverstein wrote “One’s On The Way” for Loretta Lynn. So I went digging and found out he ALSO… - 2 years ago

@BarryHammock: RT @JElvisWeinstein: RIP Judy Tenuta. Loretta Lynn said you have to be "great, different, or first" to be a star. Judy checked all 3 boxes. - 2 years ago

@jaclynbowerman: being best friends with @emilynixx943 is like a fever dream. i spent 20 mins last night explaining who loretta lynn was. - 2 years ago

@Drystonecboy: and...Kane Brown with his Wife and a tribute to Loretta Lynn who sadly passed away this week.. plus loads more. So… - 2 years ago

@KatjaFin: RT @cbcradioq: Country icon @lorettalynn has died at age 90. @tompowercbc reached singer-songwriter @kdlang and culture writer @sarahboesve… - 2 years ago

@DrPreston1913: I never listened to Loretta Lynn but my mama definitely made me watch the move The Coal Miner’s Daughter and I loved it ☺️ - 2 years ago

@writer_smk: RT @bobbyross: 🚨🚨🚨WEEKEND PLUG-IN🔌🔌🔌 1. From @LorettaLynn to @TheJudge44, the 9 top religion newsmakers of the week My @ReligionMag colum… - 2 years ago

@EasternSeacoast: RT @TODAYshow: This weekend on #SundayTODAY, @WillieGeist sits down with @brandicarlile to talk about her musical influences, including The… - 2 years ago

@KAOSplaylist: Have Mercy by Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@Alegreone: RT @JElvisWeinstein: RIP Judy Tenuta. Loretta Lynn said you have to be "great, different, or first" to be a star. Judy checked all 3 boxes. - 2 years ago

@kathryn_sandy: RT @bobbyross: 15. Final Plug: Forsyth County, Georgia, which remained nearly all-White into the 1990s, has an ugly racial history. Two A… - 2 years ago

@markgilpin11: loretta lynn "what a friend we have in jesus" - 2 years ago

@Hannah_Renee_11: RT @HKCRadioLive: Today on HKC Radio, all times EDT... 11 AM: @HKCCenterStage with @TCL189 buzzes from the season 19 premier of Grey's Ana… - 2 years ago

@MorriganJJD: Loretta Lynn @ The David Letterman Show - 2 years ago

@Roscoebarnes3: - 2 years ago

@filzfamiley: Check out Country Song RoundUp--July 1976. Loretta Lynn-----174 - 2 years ago

@acj3579: RT @NJflaggers: R.I.P Loretta Lynn. She was a rare gem. Country music will not be the same we need to get back to the real meaning of the m… - 2 years ago

@retrocountry890: Now Playing on Retro Country 890: Loretta Lynn - Somebody Led Me Away - 2 years ago

@UKLibraries: 🎵 Well, I was borned a coal miner's daughter In a cabin, on a hill in Butcher Holler 🎶 We are honoring country mus… - 2 years ago

@monica_hagle68: RT @billboard: .@GarthBrooks reflects on his long friendship with #LorettaLynn following her death. - 2 years ago

@Andrea_51544005: RT @FarOutMag: 🎥 Loretta Lynn & Jack White's stunning performance of 'Portland, Oregon' on The David Letterman Show - 2 years ago

@CarmudgeonBunny: @DeanObeidallah Loretta Lynn's life. May she RIP. One of 8 kids, married at 13, 4 kids by 20 and stayed with an a… - 2 years ago

@DakotaStandard: RT @FarOutMag: 🎥 Loretta Lynn & Jack White's stunning performance of 'Portland, Oregon' on The David Letterman Show - 2 years ago

@ADELEWULF1978: Loretta Lynn Dead: Sudden Death Shocking After Star 'Planned Own Funeral' - 2 years ago

@CMinPhotos: Loretta Lynn being asked to join the Grand Ole Opry (1962) - 2 years ago

@Fodrod_of_Oz: Listened to Loretta Lynn songs this morning. - Coal Miner's Daughter - Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man - Fist Cit… - 2 years ago

@JenniferUrbain1: RT @ratemyskyperoom: Room Rater In Memoriam. Loretta Lynn has died. She was 90 years old. - 2 years ago

@ABC30: Country music legend Loretta Lynn's life will be celebrated with a comic book biography. - 2 years ago

@madaketbeachbum: RT @TenilleArts: None of us women in country music could be where we are without her and the paths Loretta Lynn paved. Sending all of my lo… - 2 years ago

@wmasterv: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn had more songs banned from radio than every other male country artist combined in the 20th century. https:/… - 2 years ago

@IndieCentricCMR: Loretta Lynn is an icon. It isn’t possible to create hyperbole about her - it is all truth. We are blessed that we… - 2 years ago

@AmyFHoward: RT @FarOutMag: 🎥 Loretta Lynn & Jack White's stunning performance of 'Portland, Oregon' on The David Letterman Show - 2 years ago

@CarolCzarkowski: RT @carrieunderwood: The first time I met Loretta Lynn was at the Grand Ole Opry at beginning of my career. I was chatting in the corner wi… - 2 years ago

@KellyJDenton: With the passing of Loretta Lynn,she was one of the greats, so to celebrate her this morning, I thought I'd take ou… - 2 years ago

@pugsly6338: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@politiken: I mere end 60 år var Loretta Lynn en dominerende kraft i amerikansk country. - 2 years ago

@mikroberts: Loretta Lynn is canonically metal. - 2 years ago

@ric_pulse: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn had more songs banned from radio than every other male country artist combined in the 20th century. https:/… - 2 years ago

@DevinMicheal01: RT @VGcom: Loretta Lynn April 14, 1932, Butcher Hollow, KY - October 4, 2022, Hurricane Mills, TN - 2 years ago

@NeighJesusYshua: RT @BeschlossDC: Loretta Lynn (1932-2022), in Holllywood version: - 2 years ago

@LadyKnuckles1: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn had more songs banned from radio than every other male country artist combined in the 20th century. https:/… - 2 years ago

@LesBowen: Deb, don’t look for authenticity in a temple of the inauthentic. Faux-country/Bro-country has nothing to do with Lo… - 2 years ago

@beeschurger97: RT @newscentermaine: "It was what I wanted to hear and what I knew other women wanted to hear, too," Loretta Lynn told the AP in 2016. "I d… - 2 years ago

@rakatz94: RT @cmclymer: Loretta Lynn was 90, and it still feels too young for her to go. Hard to believe. Damn. 💔 - 2 years ago

@Oman2Bill: RT @BillWeirCNN: When Loretta Lynn heard the White Stripes were fans, she invited Jack White to dinner. She was 72, he was 28. She mentione… - 2 years ago

@marvinjamal730: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn had more songs banned from radio than every other male country artist combined in the 20th century. https:/… - 2 years ago

@aamyelliott_amy: RT @TODAYshow: @martinamcbride Following her death at 90, @JennaBushHager looks back on Lynn’s historic career. - 2 years ago

@RealVeryMary: RT @barbaramandrell: Loretta Lynn contributed enormously to the world of Country Music. All of us adored and loved her. 💜 - 2 years ago

@DJRiter: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn had more songs banned from radio than every other male country artist combined in the 20th century. https:/… - 2 years ago

@dubflemingo: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn had more songs banned from radio than every other male country artist combined in the 20th century. https:/… - 2 years ago

@William19030366: Loretta Lynn The country star died on Tuesday at her home in Hurricane Mills, Tennessee, her family said in a state… - 2 years ago

@Garthicus: RT @sesamestreet: Thank you for always being that friend we could count on, Loretta Lynn. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@FlisadamP: RT @DonaldJrPeebles: So Loretta Lynn sold racist memorabilia in her store? I am not surprised. She was a MAGA and admitted she supported Tr… - 2 years ago

@HughVonNied: @GMA @DebRobertsABC Wow times have really changed since Loretta Lynn, first came on the radio. Talk about making… - 2 years ago

@ClaesClasse: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn had more songs banned from radio than every other male country artist combined in the 20th century. https:/… - 2 years ago

@DrWutt: RT @leannrimes: loretta lynn paved the way for so many of us women in country music. what a legacy she leaves behind 🕊️ - 2 years ago

@smittycountry: "Loretta Lynn" - 2 years ago

@bunkhistory: RT @dusttodigital: R.I.P. Loretta Lynn, April 14, 1932 - October 4, 2022. Here she is spending time with members of her fan club and perfor… - 2 years ago

@961TheTon: RT @bobbybonesshow: .@mrBobbyBones is sharing 5 things you may or may not know about Loretta Lynn ❤️ Listen live: - 2 years ago

@TyricroyalD: RT @MTVNEWS: Country legend Loretta Lynn passed away today at 90. In her honor, we're throwing it back to the 2005 #Grammys where she and J… - 2 years ago

@GlennAn83141073: RT @kdlang: Joyous. Fierce. One of a kind. I loved meeting and working with Loretta Lynn ❤️🕊🙏🏼 - 2 years ago

@BewareSailor: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn had more songs banned from radio than every other male country artist combined in the 20th century. https:/… - 2 years ago

@plalor: RT @BBCWorld: Dolly Parton leads tributes to Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@MaryPapuga: RT @StephenKing: Loretta Lynn has passed on. America’s Van Lear Rose, and mine. - 2 years ago

@jt_tasker: @RealKenBruce Ken, no mention of the passing of the country legend Loretta Lynn. Perhaps you could rectify this. John Tasker, Leeds. - 2 years ago

@AStonedCowboy: RT @crockpics: Loretta Lynn with Johnny Cash, 1982. #RIPLorettaLynn - 2 years ago

@kcvines1972: RT @uncutmagazine: Loretta Lynn dies aged 90 - 2 years ago

@hutchisonm: RT @KenBurns: Loretta Lynn turned life into song, providing a voice to the experiences of American women. She will always be celebrated as… - 2 years ago

@chiradio: RT @APEntertainment: SHOWBIZ MINUTE: Loretta Lynn - Angelina Jolie - Depeche Mode - 2 years ago

@SamsellJoseph: RT @LorettaLynn: A statement from the family of Loretta Lynn. "Our precious mom, Loretta Lynn, passed away peacefully this morning, Octobe… - 2 years ago

@arlisgreen: RT @Slate: “The Pill” got the coal miner’s daughter banned from the radio—then turned into her biggest hit. - 2 years ago

@LiamB67_: RT @ABC: Country music icon Loretta Lynn, best known for songs such as "Coal Miner's Daughter" and "You Ain't Woman Enough (To Take My Man)… - 2 years ago

@Rubytunes100: RT @iHeartCountry: For sure a moment with Loretta Lynn that @carrieunderwood will never forget 😂👏🏼 - 2 years ago

@mary_ramji: RT @LorettaLynn: A statement from the family of Loretta Lynn. "Our precious mom, Loretta Lynn, passed away peacefully this morning, Octobe… - 2 years ago

@k9luster: RT @Carole_King: She was an inspiration. R.I.P. Loretta Lynn ❤️ - 2 years ago

@ConservNewsDly: - 2 years ago

@LundOrg: RIP country music pioneer, Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@jacquegb54: @MickeyGuyton Loretta Lynn was a true legend and a beautiful soul...rest in peace dear lady ❤️ - 2 years ago

@AnnabellBrayley: Farewell Loretta Lynn… Rest peacefully knowing your songs live on… ❤️ - 2 years ago

@PamelaLeavey: Loretta Lynn - The Pill - 2 years ago

@slcheneyPR: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn had more songs banned from radio than every other male country artist combined in the 20th century. https:/… - 2 years ago

@unionmaid: RT @LizShuler: America’s labor movement is saddened by the passing of Loretta Lynn, a legendary musician, lifelong member of @The_AFM and d… - 2 years ago

@TheOGGuru: Jack White Remembers ‘Brilliant’ Loretta Lynn: ‘I Learned So Much From Her’ - 2 years ago

@inezrussell: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn had more songs banned from radio than every other male country artist combined in the 20th century. https:/… - 2 years ago

@blm_angie: RT @barbaramandrell: Loretta Lynn contributed enormously to the world of Country Music. All of us adored and loved her. 💜 - 2 years ago

@leannesarsons: RT @CTVNews: Loretta Lynn, coal miner's daughter and country queen, dies - 2 years ago

@MelissaBamfor13: @ClementEmosivwe LIGHT SURROUND LORETTA LYNN - 2 years ago

@MikeMJustason: RT @MariettaDaviz: RIP Loretta Lynn 💔 #QueenOfCountry #LorettaLynn - 2 years ago

@Stephen17748314: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@TheOGGuru: Read Full Story: Jack White Remembers ‘Brilliant’ Loretta Lynn: ‘I Learned So Much From Her… - 2 years ago

@LynnBHarrington: RT @ThatEricAlper: Throughout her career, Loretta Lynn had 14 songs including “The Pill” banned from the radio for being too controversial… - 2 years ago

@MarieSjlin: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Country music icon Loretta Lynn, best known for songs such as "Coal Miner's Daughter" and "You Ain't Woman Enough (To Ta… - 2 years ago

@SILVERCROSS925: RT @LorettaLynn: A statement from the family of Loretta Lynn. "Our precious mom, Loretta Lynn, passed away peacefully this morning, Octobe… - 2 years ago

@Azarliah: RT @LorettaLynn: A statement from the family of Loretta Lynn. "Our precious mom, Loretta Lynn, passed away peacefully this morning, Octobe… - 2 years ago

@ThinWhiteDork: RT @KenBurns: Loretta Lynn turned life into song, providing a voice to the experiences of American women. She will always be celebrated as… - 2 years ago

@itsjustmayraa: RT @ABC: Remembering Loretta Lynn: - 2 years ago

@BicycleRob: RT @AmerSongwriter: “We’ve been like sisters all the years we’ve been in Nashville and she was a wonderful human being, wonderful talent, h… - 2 years ago

@Azarliah: RT @StephenKing: Loretta Lynn has passed on. America’s Van Lear Rose, and mine. - 2 years ago

@KacperSawayama: RT @TheAcademy: Sissy Spacek as Loretta Lynn in 1980's 'Coal Miner's Daughter.' The film earned Oscar nominations for Art Direction, Cinem… - 2 years ago

@tomasan69: RT @sesamestreet: Thank you for always being that friend we could count on, Loretta Lynn. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@mostvaluableEM: RT @Carole_King: She was an inspiration. R.I.P. Loretta Lynn ❤️ - 2 years ago

@TheWriter2009: RT @DEADLINE: Sissy Spacek Honors Loretta Lynn As Great Artist, Precious Friend And Country Pioneer: “I Am Heartbroken” - 2 years ago

@oreidoefecto: RT @IRCfestival: Se'n va una llegenda de la música country i nord-americana. R.I.P. Loretta Lynn (1932-2022) - 2 years ago

@DosuDidIt: RT @LorettaLynn: A statement from the family of Loretta Lynn. "Our precious mom, Loretta Lynn, passed away peacefully this morning, Octobe… - 2 years ago

@WilsonRoss19: RT @TheAVClub: R.I.P. Loretta Lynn, country music legend - 2 years ago

@LindaWoodcock2: RT @ThatEricAlper: 3 Grammy Awards 7 American Music Awards 8 BMI Awards 13 ACM Awards 8 CMA Awards The first female country artist to rece… - 2 years ago

@ubiquity75: RIP Miss Loretta Lynn. - 2 years ago

@LCBlues95: Loretta Lynn gone hits different By far my favourite female artist and will forever be #LorettaLynn #RIP - 2 years ago

@JhonBob33811189: RT @ABC: Country music icon Loretta Lynn, best known for songs such as "Coal Miner's Daughter" and "You Ain't Woman Enough (To Take My Man)… - 2 years ago

@JamestownCalif: RT @HannityMay22: Music Loretta Lynn I'm A Honky Tonk Girl - 2 years ago

@ueberschriften: Mit 90 Jahren: «Tochter eines Bergmanns»: Country-Star Loretta Lynn ist tot - 2 years ago

@youssefgirgeis: RT @thebethocracy: I’m so sad to hear about Loretta Lynn passing! I discovered her as a young adult, when I discovered classic country, and… - 2 years ago

@DVingman: RT @ABC: Country music icon Loretta Lynn, best known for songs such as "Coal Miner's Daughter" and "You Ain't Woman Enough (To Take My Man)… - 2 years ago

@JeffJoh48302732: RT @GovAndyBeshear: Today, all of Kentucky mourns the loss of our very own Loretta Lynn. She was a legend who blazed a trail in country mus… - 2 years ago

@Kired25: RT @TheMuppets: Working with our friend Loretta Lynn was unforgettable. Not only was she a country music legend, but when she joined us on… - 2 years ago

@Huns1960: RT @DEADLINE: Sissy Spacek Honors Loretta Lynn As Great Artist, Precious Friend And Country Pioneer: “I Am Heartbroken” - 2 years ago

@iBelievecom: RT @GodUpdatescom: How Loretta Lynn Passed Away Brings Her Family Comfort In The Midst Of Their Grief - 2 years ago

@gwenblakeinfo: RT @blakeshelton: Terrible news about Loretta Lynn passing away… Prayers to her family. - 2 years ago

@christianhlines: RT @GodUpdatescom: How Loretta Lynn Passed Away Brings Her Family Comfort In The Midst Of Their Grief - 2 years ago

@Dadork400: RT @HistoryMuppet: Rest in peace to the legendary Loretta Lynn, the country superstar appeared on both Sesame Street and The Muppet Show ❤️… - 2 years ago

@Huh45443681: RT @sesamestreet: Thank you for always being that friend we could count on, Loretta Lynn. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@TomWinnett1: RT @TomWinnett1: RIP to the Loretta Lynn! Loretta Lynn, coal miner's daughter and country queen, dies - 2 years ago

@SylviaB96106855: RT @AmadorBatten: Loretta Lynn 1932 - 2022 💔 - 2 years ago

@Car_Bide: RT @Zak_Bagans: I’ll never forget meeting Loretta Lynn and her home was one of my most memorable and favorite locations to ever visit. She… - 2 years ago

@smokersDAO: Celebrity deaths always come in threes. With Loretta Lynn’s passing, who will be the next two to follow? - 2 years ago

@mjcrouthers: Loretta Lynn, Country Music Star and Symbol of Rural Resilience, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@JeffreyStClair3: Loretta Lynn: "I think Charley Pride has been one of the best things to happen to country music." - 2 years ago

@Br6cc67: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@QUSAY_NOOR_: Goodbye Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@corrietait_: RT @LorettaLynn: A statement from the family of Loretta Lynn. "Our precious mom, Loretta Lynn, passed away peacefully this morning, Octobe… - 2 years ago

@devildoll: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn had more songs banned from radio than every other male country artist combined in the 20th century. https:/… - 2 years ago

@Godsaveusall5: RT @LorettaLynn: A statement from the family of Loretta Lynn. "Our precious mom, Loretta Lynn, passed away peacefully this morning, Octobe… - 2 years ago

@SpecSpideyVerse: RT @sesamestreet: Thank you for always being that friend we could count on, Loretta Lynn. ❤️ - 2 years ago


@TVMCCA: RT @RollingStone: From her signature "Coal Miner's Daughter" to her duet with Jack White "Portland, Oregon," here are 20 essential Loretta… - 2 years ago

@patburrow1: RT @people: Country Stars Mourn the Loss of 'Icon' Loretta Lynn: 'One of the Greatest There Ever Will Be' - 2 years ago

@FunkyBrickHouse: Loretta Lynn- “You Ain't Woman Enough (To Take My Man)” - 2 years ago

@PoolerSuperFan: RT @oldtrocker: RIP Loretta Lynn⚘️ ~ Don't Come Home A-Drinkin' ~ - 2 years ago

@my5257855: Country music star Loretta Lynn dies aged 90 - 2 years ago

@heyitsketa: RT @GMA: Rest in peace, Loretta Lynn 💔 - 2 years ago

@LindaCreed12: May our Holy FATHER Bless you Loretta, Amein Loretta Lynn, coal miner's daughter turned forthright country queen, dies at 90. - 2 years ago

@bjcrochet: RT @Variety: Look back on Loretta Lynn's life and legacy. - 2 years ago

@1FreshTake: RT @BeschlossDC: Loretta Lynn (1932-2022): - 2 years ago

@StarbabyGhost: RT @RollingStone: Dolly Parton remembers Loretta Lynn, who died Tuesday at 90. “We’ve been like sisters all the years we’ve been in Nashvil… - 2 years ago

@likeasong94: RT @carrieunderwood: The first time I met Loretta Lynn was at the Grand Ole Opry at beginning of my career. I was chatting in the corner wi… - 2 years ago

@haines_barb: RT @Dumspirospero67: Very sad news. I grew up listening to Loretta Lynn because of my dad. He was a big fan of old-time Country Music-Johnn… - 2 years ago

@abzeronow: RT @sagaftra: We celebrate the life and career of Coal Miner's Daughter and country music icon @LorettaLynn. She had 51 songs become top 10… - 2 years ago

@bjcrochet: RT @Variety: She wrote a great deal of her material, beginning with “I’m a Honky Tonk Girl.” Beyond songs that addressed themes like infide… - 2 years ago

@DMNCBIRD: RT @DanRather: News hits hard with the passing of Loretta Lynn. Her evocative music. Her fierce spirit. A storyteller who used song to chan… - 2 years ago

@lounge_lizzie: RIP to the Coal Miner’s Daughter. I grew up listening to Loretta Lynn and even got the privilege to see her sing several years back. - 2 years ago

@ky_maee: RT @70sWestern: RIP Loretta Lynn 🤍 1932 - 2022 - 2 years ago

@AndyMoorePDX: RT @ClassicShowbiz: Loretta Lynn singing Harper Valley PTA. - 2 years ago

@brentkuluris: RT @Variety: Dolly Parton, Reba McEntire and many other stars have shared heartfelt tributes to country music pioneer Loretta Lynn, who die… - 2 years ago

@MusicalAshley: RT @Variety: Reba, Dolly Parton, Sheryl Crow and Other Stars Pay Tribute to Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@bjcrochet: RT @Variety: She dominated the charts in the 1960s and ’70s, ringing up 11 No. 1 country hits in her own right and another five chart-toppe… - 2 years ago

@CTCullensArt: RT @BeschlossDC: Loretta Lynn (1932-2022): - 2 years ago

@FalconLanaya: RT @laurelcf: RIP❤️❤️❤️ Loretta Lynn, coal miner's daughter and country queen, dies - 2 years ago

@mojosarmy: RT @Carole_King: She was an inspiration. R.I.P. Loretta Lynn ❤️ - 2 years ago

@be4ghoststory: RT @RollingStone: Loretta Lynn, the beloved singer and songwriter whose massively influential career broke down barriers for women in count… - 2 years ago

@SereseStallwor1: RT @DailyMailCeleb: Country singer Loretta Lynn dies age 90 - 2 years ago

@jeanninee12: RT @ESPNMcGee: One of coolest prerace moments I’ve seen was at @TXMotorSpeedway with Loretta Lynn. She stood alone on the infield grass and… - 2 years ago

@brian_henderson: RT @APEntertainment: Loretta Lynn, 'Coal Miner’s Daughter' whose frank songs about Appalachian womanhood made her a country icon, dies at 9… - 2 years ago

@itskatietano: rest in peace loretta lynn, a true country music legend - 2 years ago

@lovin_guy: RT @EricaWithAnO: 💔✨ - 2 years ago

@Michael25916331: RT @RollingStone: From her signature "Coal Miner's Daughter" to her duet with Jack White "Portland, Oregon," here are 20 essential Loretta… - 2 years ago

@littlehawk463: RT @RollingStone: From her signature "Coal Miner's Daughter" to her duet with Jack White "Portland, Oregon," here are 20 essential Loretta… - 2 years ago

@CoulesKatherine: Absolutely heart broken 💔 😢 😞 RIP #LorettaLynn - 2 years ago

@Eurocentrique: RT @NewsHour: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her ou… - 2 years ago

@DebaA3: RT @DanRather: News hits hard with the passing of Loretta Lynn. Her evocative music. Her fierce spirit. A storyteller who used song to chan… - 2 years ago

@lopezleonardor: RT @Carole_King: She was an inspiration. R.I.P. Loretta Lynn ❤️ - 2 years ago

@ChrystalBrielle: RT @craigspoplife: R.I.P., Loretta Lynn, who embraced a Black man—Charley Pride—onstage at the 1972 Country Music Awards in thee state of T… - 2 years ago

@GetOutsideMedia: #LorettaLynn, Country Music Star and Symbol of Rural Resilience, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@realhomerhickam: RT @LorettaLynn: A statement from the family of Loretta Lynn. "Our precious mom, Loretta Lynn, passed away peacefully this morning, Octobe… - 2 years ago

@carolhoernlein: RT @KYStateArchives: We’ll always remember Kentucky native Loretta Lynn, whose music career spanned six decades. In her memory, we’d like… - 2 years ago

@CowboyChris9mm: Loretta Lynn Has Passed Away At 90 - 2 years ago

@surfmoon: RT @Carole_King: She was an inspiration. R.I.P. Loretta Lynn ❤️ - 2 years ago

@Rushlimbang: Rip to Lorretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@StevenNagel14: @KidRock @AuntSherryBaby Rip Loretta Lynn my mom and I loved your music we had all of your records 🙏 - 2 years ago

@raiderlove595: RT @Michael96303310: Country music legend Loretta Lynn has died at 90. She was a true talent - 2 years ago

@jatirado_oc: RT @NoticieroMAD: Muere Loretta Lynn, reina de la música country y ganadora del Grammy, a los 90 años - 2 years ago

@QRob31B: “Country star Loretta Lynn dies at 90” - 2 years ago

@lm66191: RT @Zak_Bagans: I’ll never forget meeting Loretta Lynn and her home was one of my most memorable and favorite locations to ever visit. She… - 2 years ago

@DitchdiggerBill: RT @LorettaLynn: A statement from the family of Loretta Lynn. "Our precious mom, Loretta Lynn, passed away peacefully this morning, Octobe… - 2 years ago

@ShugMckenna: RT @CNN: Loretta Lynn, "Coal Miner's Daughter" and queen of country music for seven decades, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@Deb0659: @LorettaLynn Prayers for family of Loretta Lynn. She was my favorite singer along with Patsy Cline. Fly high Loretta 🙏🫂 - 2 years ago

@jatirado_oc: RT @jatirado: #INTERNACIONAL #PORTADA Muere Loretta Lynn, reina de la música country y ganadora del Grammy, a los 90 años - 2 years ago

@Aisha07999217: RT @sesamestreet: Thank you for always being that friend we could count on, Loretta Lynn. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@jatirado: RT @NoticieroMAD: Muere Loretta Lynn, reina de la música country y ganadora del Grammy, a los 90 años - 2 years ago

@MaineEvent57: Loretta Lynn, Grammy-Winning Country Music Legend, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@racingdeltaarea: RT @Super70sSports: Super Sky Point to Loretta Lynn. I’ll never forget her tour bus, The Coal Miner’s Daughter, passing us on I-65 when I w… - 2 years ago

@PrairieDawn67: RT @RollingStone: Reba McEntire remembers Loretta Lynn as a "strong woman who loved her children and was fiercely loyal." "I always did a… - 2 years ago

@NBCDFW: #LorettaLynn, #coalminersdaughter and country queen, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@Sueresist1313: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn had more songs banned from radio than every other male country artist combined in the 20th century. https:/… - 2 years ago

@marilynwinders: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Loretta Lynn, the coal miner's daughter whose songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia has… - 2 years ago

@YaUsedToKnow: RT @FoxNews: BREAKING: Loretta Lynn, country music icon, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@jose197312: RT @jatirado: #INTERNACIONAL #PORTADA Muere Loretta Lynn, reina de la música country y ganadora del Grammy, a los 90 años - 2 years ago

@NoticieroMAD: RT @jatirado: #INTERNACIONAL #PORTADA Muere Loretta Lynn, reina de la música country y ganadora del Grammy, a los 90 años - 2 years ago

@deniselynne1966: RT @DanRather: News hits hard with the passing of Loretta Lynn. Her evocative music. Her fierce spirit. A storyteller who used song to chan… - 2 years ago

@nypost: Loretta Lynn, ‘Coal Miner’s Daughter’ icon and country singer, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@ValerieMckenna: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@esomagi2022: RT @PasteMagazine: Country music queen and coal miner's daughter Loretta Lynn (@LorettaLynn) dead at 90: - 2 years ago

@GeneralGravey: RT @Curiousone1213: "You either have to be first, best or different" Loretta Lynn RIP Queen❣️💫 - 2 years ago

@rglass6464: RT @WLKY: REST IN PEACE: Kentucky native and country music legend Loretta Lynn, known for "Coal Miner’s Daughter" and "You Ain’t Woman Enou… - 2 years ago

@maxwell_a_w: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Country music icon Loretta Lynn, best known for songs such as "Coal Miner's Daughter" and "You Ain't Woman Enough (To Ta… - 2 years ago

@transport_tom: RT @CountryMusic: Read more about the legacy of Country Music pioneer @LorettaLynn, our first female CMA Entertainer of the Year: - 2 years ago

@Llouieneon: @bluertwo The Coal Miner's Daughter was a Grand Ole Opry legend. The Butcher Hollow native will forever be remember… - 2 years ago

@sumedhathawale0: Late singer Loretta Lynn’s net worth proves she’s a country music legend - 2 years ago

@Topmitch75: RT @LorettaLynn: A statement from the family of Loretta Lynn. "Our precious mom, Loretta Lynn, passed away peacefully this morning, Octobe… - 2 years ago

@CryptosNElbows: RT @StellaParton: My heart is broken with the news of my sweet friend Loretta Lynn passing. I will remember all the sweet visits and laugh… - 2 years ago

@pstaten54: Rip Loretta Lynn 😪 - 2 years ago

@KY_Spitfire: RT @lizzieohreally: I remember sitting transfixed in the control room listening to this ⁦@NPRmelissablock⁩ interview with Loretta Lynn. ht… - 2 years ago

@SkidWillie: RT @dusttodigital: R.I.P. Loretta Lynn, April 14, 1932 - October 4, 2022. Here she is spending time with members of her fan club and perfor… - 2 years ago

@screenwritrobin: RT @people: Remembering Loretta Lynn's One-of-a-Kind Life in Photos - 2 years ago

@LGuzman63: RT @people: Loretta Lynn, a dirt-poor Kentucky coal miner's daughter who rose to the greatest heights of international stardom, died Tuesda… - 2 years ago

@DavidB504: RT @ispeakjive: Aww. Rest In Peace Loretta Lynn. “Fist City” was a fuck around & find out anthem before fuck around & find out was a thing.… - 2 years ago

@McKinsonGallery: #riplorettalynn “Country star Loretta Lynn dies at 90” - 2 years ago

@m0mmiedearest: RT @WilliamHTurner1: Harry Steward, the Tuskegee Airman who crashed his P-47 Thunderbolt in 1947 and parachuted into Butcher Hollow and int… - 2 years ago

@Jennifer_Hogan: RT @Spotify: A pioneer of her genre and a trailblazer for today’s women in country. There was no one like Loretta Lynn. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@KLBSt8ofSk8: RT @JenniferKeiper: - 2 years ago

@EtterAlly: RT @StellaParton: My heart is broken with the news of my sweet friend Loretta Lynn passing. I will remember all the sweet visits and laugh… - 2 years ago

@Deana26Deana: RT @cnnbrk: Loretta Lynn, "Coal Miner's Daughter" and queen of country music for seven decades, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@SIRIUSXM: Country icon Loretta Lynn has passed away at the age of 90. - 2 years ago

@breakingnewsit: Tendenze mondiali: Loretta Lynn, #วอลเลย์บอลหญิง, Coldplay, #天使の日 - 2 years ago

@awesome_beloved: You Ain't Woman Enough to Take My Man -Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@nhIdebrincat: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Loretta Lynn, who was born a coal miner’s daughter before becoming one of the crown jewels of country music, has die… - 2 years ago

@JRZGIRL63: RIP Loretta Lynn. You will be missed. - 2 years ago

@glowsmack: RIP Loretta Lynn 💔😢 - 2 years ago

@jimmitchell70: RT @people: Loretta Lynn, a dirt-poor Kentucky coal miner's daughter who rose to the greatest heights of international stardom, died Tuesda… - 2 years ago

@ablufox: RT @cnnbrk: Loretta Lynn, "Coal Miner's Daughter" and queen of country music for seven decades, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@BadLibrarian: RT @BeschlossDC: Loretta Lynn (1932-2022): - 2 years ago

@Adjones328: RT @Variety: Loretta Lynn, who rose from an impoverished childhood in Kentucky’s coal fields to become a pioneering female star of country… - 2 years ago

@MLive: Lynn's family said she died Tuesday at her home in Tennessee. - 2 years ago

@sadgaysongs: RT @Muna_Mire: Loretta Lynn had some crazy ass lyrics I’ll tell you hwhat - 2 years ago

@StrosHorns1705: RT @LorettaLynn: A statement from the family of Loretta Lynn. "Our precious mom, Loretta Lynn, passed away peacefully this morning, Octobe… - 2 years ago

@DrakkynRune: RT @oakridgeboys: Very sad news this morning … LORETTA LYNN has gone home … Great Britain lost their Queen … now we have lost ours … Rest e… - 2 years ago

@BaylessMarilyn: RT @people: Loretta Lynn, a dirt-poor Kentucky coal miner's daughter who rose to the greatest heights of international stardom, died Tuesda… - 2 years ago

@GsBFF1: RT @MarshaBlackburn: We’ve lost a true Tennessee treasure today. Loretta Lynn was a force to be reckoned with and a pioneer for women in… - 2 years ago

@softcrush: RT @people: Loretta Lynn, a dirt-poor Kentucky coal miner's daughter who rose to the greatest heights of international stardom, died Tuesda… - 2 years ago

@Mofoman360: RIP Loretta Lynn one of Country Music’s Finest sending condolences to her family and friends she died peacefully ag… - 2 years ago

@starseer1111: RT @BreakingNews: Loretta Lynn, who was born a coal miner’s daughter before becoming one of the crown jewels of country music, has died at… - 2 years ago

@maladyxjane: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@grahamenglish: RIP Loretta Lynn 💔 - 2 years ago

@macbeestje: - 2 years ago

@mgr4463: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn, the absolute legendary country singer whose career spanned six decades, has died at 90. With 24 #1 hit si… - 2 years ago

@Clamanath: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Country music icon Loretta Lynn, best known for songs such as "Coal Miner's Daughter" and "You Ain't Woman Enough (To Ta… - 2 years ago

@fmlsux: RT @Muna_Mire: Loretta Lynn had some crazy ass lyrics I’ll tell you hwhat - 2 years ago

@ColleenMacIsaa1: RT @ThatEricAlper: Loretta Lynn, the absolute legendary country singer whose career spanned six decades, has died at 90. With 24 #1 hit si… - 2 years ago

@eRadioUS: #e_RadioUS Loretta Lynn, Groundbreaking Country Music Singer, Dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@DukesMama2: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Loretta Lynn, who was born a coal miner’s daughter before becoming one of the crown jewels of country music, has die… - 2 years ago

@lynn32187: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@YoSoiTuLSR: 🚨 #ULTIMAHORA | Murió la cantante estadounidense de country Loretta Lynn, a los 90 años. Su familia confirmó que fu… - 2 years ago

@StaceyPaige27: My favorite Loretta Lynn lyrics: “Women like you are a dime a dozen, you can buy ‘em anywhere.” Boy, if she ain… - 2 years ago

@die8521: RT @StellaParton: My heart is broken with the news of my sweet friend Loretta Lynn passing. I will remember all the sweet visits and laugh… - 2 years ago

@DrJCottrell: RT @JoeMyGod: Country Music Legend Loretta Lynn Dies At Age 90 - - 2 years ago

@guarino_carolyn: RT @thehill: Loretta Lynn, coal miner’s daughter and country queen, dies - 2 years ago

@IamDallasLyn: Loretta Lynn, country singer of love and hardship, dies aged 90 - 2 years ago

@schroeder_ariel: RT @nbcbayarea: #BREAKING: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia… - 2 years ago

@jborrego: RT @enriquelavigne: Se ha ido Loretta Lynn que era una Gran dama del Country y responsable de una de mis canciones favoritas “ERES EL RESPO… - 2 years ago

@RoyalTXGirl: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@GinaO03: The "Coal Miner's Daughter" Loretta Lynn has died. RIP Loretta, your music will live on. - 2 years ago

@robga__: R.I.P Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@joethe8r: RT @Mollyploofkins: BREAKING: Loretta Lynn has passed away at 90. - 2 years ago

@rodmur: RIP Loretta Lynn 😢 - 2 years ago

@pacojavitx: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@TNsmartass: Loretta Lynn was such a powerhouse. She & her kids survived off what she could shoot and forage when her husband wa… - 2 years ago

@Mecsique: Loretta Lynn 🌹🌸🌺💐 🙏 rest in peace - 2 years ago

@the_Essem_Show: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pul… - 2 years ago

@JrsRs6: RIP Loretta Lynn; Loretta Lynn Feisty First Lady of Country Music, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@diane_ecarney: RT @neetakolhatkar: Loretta Lyn, country singer (90) dies. - 2 years ago

@HabsHappy: RT @BreakingNews: Loretta Lynn, who was born a coal miner’s daughter before becoming one of the crown jewels of country music, has died at… - 2 years ago

@Dewayneinsd: RT @craigspoplife: R.I.P., Loretta Lynn, who embraced a Black man—Charley Pride—onstage at the 1972 Country Music Awards in thee state of T… - 2 years ago

@jasmineeejada__: I got into Patsy Cline, Tammy Wynette, and Loretta Lynn’s music around the same time. Three pioneers of country mus… - 2 years ago

@aries48714: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Loretta Lynn is dead at 90. The country music star was one of the most beloved American singers of her generati… - 2 years ago

@kcihcdopi: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@KEXPNowPlaying: Loretta Lynn feat. Jack White - Portland, Oregon - Van Lear Rose (2004) - 2 years ago

@KermitmentPod: RIP to one of our absolute favorite Muppet Show guests, Loretta Lynn. We loved her episode so much that we've actu… - 2 years ago

@_hypnophobia: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@RiverCountry949: Sadly Loretta Lynn the legend who broke down barriers for female country singer has passed away 💔The Coal Miner's D… - 2 years ago

@JRobinson19: RIP Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@MaryAnn92723054: RT @washingtonpost: Singer-songwriter Loretta Lynn dies at 90. The ‘Coal Miner’s Daughter’ brought a strong woman’s voice to country music.… - 2 years ago

@mdrich: RT @HistoryMuppet: Rest in peace to the legendary Loretta Lynn, the country superstar appeared on both Sesame Street and The Muppet Show ❤️… - 2 years ago

@GoNewsDaily1: Loretta Lynn, ‘Coal Miner’s Daughter’ icon and country singer, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@Slay_News_: Country Music Superstar Loretta Lynn Dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@LoyalPromise: RT @etnow: The Queen of Country Music, Loretta Lynn, has died at the age of 90. - 2 years ago

@Johnaddisonf: RT @THR: Loretta Lynn, Feisty First Lady of Country Music, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@zackstanton: "You've been makin' your brags around town that you've been a-lovin' my man But the man I love, when he picks up tr… - 2 years ago

@fonda_mae: RT @murphdogg29: Loretta Lynn was one of those country artists that EVERYONE heard/knew about beyond demographics, ect. Coal Miner's Daught… - 2 years ago

@dylan_doughty: RT @RollingStone: Loretta Lynn, the beloved singer and songwriter whose massively influential career broke down barriers for women in count… - 2 years ago

@FLMomNYGirl: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@GMA: BREAKING: Country music icon Loretta Lynn, best known for songs such as "Coal Miner's Daughter" and "You Ain't Woma… - 2 years ago

@KenJDSC: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@reallyandrea: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@stretchlimo5: RT @catherine_lucey: NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Loretta Lynn, 'Coal Miner’s Daughter' whose frank songs about Appalachian womanhood made her a… - 2 years ago

@shann762: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the “Coal Miner’s Daughter” whose frank songs about Appalachian womanhood made her a country icon, has died at age 90… - 2 years ago

@texgalleslie: Loretta Lynn, country music icon, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@chelsthellama: RT @ParkerMcCollum: Listening to nothing but Loretta Lynn for the rest of the week. RIP to an absolute icon in country music. Damn. - 2 years ago

@wingeds: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@biblioholicbeth: Y'all. LORETTA LYNN. I just can't today 😭 - 2 years ago

@MartySims10: 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 - 2 years ago

@Darnelouise: RT @1drcole: The coal-miner's daughter, Loretta Lynn, dies in her sleep at the age of 90. #connectblue @NBC - 2 years ago

@KosherSoul: RT @Variety: Loretta Lynn, who rose from an impoverished childhood in Kentucky’s coal fields to become a pioneering female star of country… - 2 years ago

@katie_bartnick: RT @ParkerMcCollum: Listening to nothing but Loretta Lynn for the rest of the week. RIP to an absolute icon in country music. Damn. - 2 years ago

@the_60s_at_60: RT @Variety: Loretta Lynn, who rose from an impoverished childhood in Kentucky’s coal fields to become a pioneering female star of country… - 2 years ago

@CheriStahl27: RT @JaniceDean: God Bless Loretta Lynn. One of the greatest voices of all time. 🙏🏻♥️ - 2 years ago

@mauriezn: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Country music icon Loretta Lynn, best known for songs such as "Coal Miner's Daughter" and "You Ain't Woman Enough (To Ta… - 2 years ago

@AlexIsBack69: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@heatherj750: Loretta Lynn, coal miner's daughter and country music icon, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@shebroe_dave: REST IN PEACE: Kentucky native and country music legend Loretta Lynn, known for "Coal Miner’s Daughter" and "You Ai… - 2 years ago

@IARebaFan: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@unlewis: RT @leannrimes: oh, sweet loretta lynn… what a life! what an icon! what a trailblazer! what a beautiful soul! may she rest peacefully with… - 2 years ago

@Mercuryal: RT @consequence: BREAKING: Loretta Lynn, the groundbreaking country singer-songwriter known for her working-class feminist anthems, has die… - 2 years ago

@DavidHofstetter: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Loretta Lynn, who was born a coal miner’s daughter before becoming one of the crown jewels of country music, has die… - 2 years ago

@Seli_Rt: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Loretta Lynn is dead at 90. The country music star was one of the most beloved American singers of her generati… - 2 years ago

@ShanShanMancini: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Loretta Lynn is dead at 90. The country music star was one of the most beloved American singers of her generati… - 2 years ago

@Jon4Vermont: Loretta Lynn, Coal Miner's Daughter And Country Queen, Passed Away….🙏🏼 She was 90 - 2 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@EddieMc32562820: Loretta Lynn did it all - 2 years ago

@bronxfanatic: RT @TMZ: Loretta Lynn, the trailblazing country star whose song, "Coal Miner's Daughter" became not just a hit song but an award-winning mo… - 2 years ago

@Route0660: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@mhmiller: RT @clarionledger: Loretta Lynn, who rose from a hardscrabble upbringing to become the most culturally significant female singer-songwriter… - 2 years ago

@ShigeyoK: RT @1zzyzyx1: Country music star Loretta Lynn dies aged 90 - 2 years ago

@bowiesongs: RT @PAPPADEMAS: a genuinely concerned-sounding Loretta Lynn to the GA section at Hammerstein Ballroom while opening for the White Stripes i… - 2 years ago

@KMaq92: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Loretta Lynn, who was born a coal miner’s daughter before becoming one of the crown jewels of country music, has die… - 2 years ago

@UGAgirl4evr: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Country music icon Loretta Lynn, best known for songs such as "Coal Miner's Daughter" and "You Ain't Woman Enough (To Ta… - 2 years ago

@ReaderLeigh: RT @JesseRodriguez: AP: Loretta Lynn, 'Coal Miner's Daughter' whose frank songs about Appalachian womanhood made her a country icon, dies a… - 2 years ago

@ZaleskiLuke: RT @nycjim: R.I.P. Loretta Lynn. One of the all-time greats. She will be missed. - 2 years ago

@charlevoix336: My condolences, thoughts and prayers go out to Loretta Lynn’s family and friends for their loss. A wonderful lady Loretta Lynn . 🙏🕯️🌹 - 2 years ago

@BornToulouse: RT @sterlewine: Farewell to Loretta Lynn, one of the greatest artists of the 20th Century. - 2 years ago

@patrckwilliams: rest in peace Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@Cardinalsfan612: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Country music icon Loretta Lynn, best known for songs such as "Coal Miner's Daughter" and "You Ain't Woman Enough (To Ta… - 2 years ago

@ProtesterLone: RT @Partisan_O: Loretta Lynn April 14, 1932 – October 4, 2022 - 2 years ago

@kishkafka: Loretta Lynn, Country Music Star and Symbol of Rural Resilience, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@TomHavrilla: RT @harvilla: RIP loretta lynn, the eternal mayor of fist city - 2 years ago

@DurfeyLee: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@JennRG324: RT @HistoryMuppet: Rest in peace to the legendary Loretta Lynn, the country superstar appeared on both Sesame Street and The Muppet Show ❤️… - 2 years ago

@LouBrutus: Farewell to the First Lady of Country Music. If Loretta Lynn’s real life were presented as fiction, no one would be… - 2 years ago

@TheHeroOfEos: RT @SkyNews: Country music star Loretta Lynn dies aged 90 - 2 years ago

@AlyssaW667: RT @latimes: Loretta Lynn, the firebrand singer and songwriter who transformed coal into diamonds by exploring her dirt-poor childhood in e… - 2 years ago

@EnergyPhilFlynn: RT @cherylcasone: #RIP @LorettaLynn you had an amazing life ❤️“Loretta Lynn dead at 90” - 2 years ago

@cutnscratch: Today officially sucks. - 2 years ago

@Ava_ABQuteee: @AP RIP Loretta Lynn. 💔🙏She was a pillar of country music! 🎶 - 2 years ago

@Pdallas09: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@cherrytrash13: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Loretta Lynn, who was born a coal miner’s daughter before becoming one of the crown jewels of country music, has die… - 2 years ago

@mrsfyrkat: RT @TMZ: Loretta Lynn, the trailblazing country star whose song, "Coal Miner's Daughter" became not just a hit song but an award-winning mo… - 2 years ago

@brigmemeguire: RT @Variety: Loretta Lynn, who rose from an impoverished childhood in Kentucky’s coal fields to become a pioneering female star of country… - 2 years ago

@LeoFeldmanNEWS: RT @ShaunKraisman: NEW: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pul… - 2 years ago

@notoriouslilbee: RT @RollingStone: Loretta Lynn, the beloved singer and songwriter whose massively influential career broke down barriers for women in count… - 2 years ago

@_gooseswaggin: RT @pitchfork: Country icon Loretta Lynn has died - 2 years ago

@SallyGirl: RT @JesseRodriguez: AP: Loretta Lynn, 'Coal Miner's Daughter' whose frank songs about Appalachian womanhood made her a country icon, dies a… - 2 years ago

@helloyorick: RT @RollingStone: Loretta Lynn, the beloved singer and songwriter whose massively influential career broke down barriers for women in count… - 2 years ago

@IamNOYES: RT @THR: Loretta Lynn, Feisty First Lady of Country Music, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@JustynTyme_: BREAKING NEWS: Loretta Lynn, coal miner's daughter and country music icon, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@NormaNjean1219: Coal Miner's Daughter - 2 years ago

@yanou31: RT @etnow: The Queen of Country Music, Loretta Lynn, has died at the age of 90. - 2 years ago

@dragonflyknot: RT @JulieDiCaro: Loretta Lynn wrote cool-ass songs about the pill and women's liberation for conservative audiences in the 1960s, and she w… - 2 years ago

@BaltimoreJanet: RT @LisaDentSpeaks: Brave, bold and fearless! As a country music fan ⁦@LorettaLynn⁩ meant everything to me. Godspeed Loretta ❤️ - 2 years ago

@DaveAkerlyOnAir: The Coal Miner’s Daughter. A generational voice in American country music. RIP, Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@joshwaters07: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Loretta Lynn, who was born a coal miner’s daughter before becoming one of the crown jewels of country music, has die… - 2 years ago

@JoniMcColley: Loretta Lynn Dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@ladyhooligankat: RT @BreakingNews: Loretta Lynn, who was born a coal miner’s daughter before becoming one of the crown jewels of country music, has died at… - 2 years ago

@DrCyn21: RT @WLKY: REST IN PEACE: Kentucky native and country music legend Loretta Lynn, known for "Coal Miner’s Daughter" and "You Ain’t Woman Enou… - 2 years ago

@Kiser: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Loretta Lynn is dead at 90. The country music star was one of the most beloved American singers of her generati… - 2 years ago

@mistymadonna: RT @janecoaston: Loretta Lynn threatening to deck a lady, an icon - 2 years ago

@DrCyn21: RT @WCVB: 🎤 Country music legend Loretta Lynn, known for "Coal Miner’s Daughter" and "You Ain’t Woman Enough," dies at 90. - 2 years ago

@RileyinAlberta: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Loretta Lynn, who was born a coal miner’s daughter before becoming one of the crown jewels of country music, has die… - 2 years ago

@MetalBlack_8: RT @KimieK7: I just read country legend Loretta Lynn has passed away at 90. Rest in peace. 😥😥😥 - 2 years ago

@flamingpetty: Oh man, RIP Loretta Lynn—she knew how to make an entrance - 2 years ago

@bigreebokdawg: RIP.... - 2 years ago

@brenborden: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@CookStevenD: RT @meghin_: Of all days to realize my Coal Miner's Daughter record is in Bristol 💔 Loretta Lynn's loss is a big one. The world lost an ab… - 2 years ago

@KyWright44: RT @wjxt4: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out o… - 2 years ago

@VirginiaYankee1: RT @NBC29: Loretta Lynn, coal miner’s daughter and country queen, dies - 2 years ago

@Miller_Joe_: RT @RollingStone: Loretta Lynn, the beloved singer and songwriter whose massively influential career broke down barriers for women in count… - 2 years ago

@guapigirls: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@artomatik: RT @pitchfork: Country icon Loretta Lynn has died - 2 years ago

@psybrspcsuprstr: Phenomenally talented &Successful , National Treasure / Legend Loretta Lynn, Coal Miner’s Daughter Turned Country… - 2 years ago

@SassyTamGem: May you rest in peace #LorettaLynn 🙏🏼💕✝️👼🏼 - 2 years ago

@CalWSportsFan: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Loretta Lynn is dead at 90. The country music star was one of the most beloved American singers of her generati… - 2 years ago

@Q86Dee: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@DMINMEM2: RT @ClaudetteGGibs1: RIP Loretta Lynn. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@stubborn10000: Rest In peace to Loretta lynn 🎸🕊🎇🎆 - 2 years ago

@paleautumnmoon: RT @oldfilmsflicker: oh no not Loretta Lynn 💔 - 2 years ago

@Gabby_Hoffman: RT @FarahnMorgan: When I was 14, someone I admired told me I needed to lose my accent if I was going to amount to anything. I was embarrass… - 2 years ago

@LadyBolton127: RT @tnwhiskeywoman: If you’ve never heard Loretta Lynn’s ode to birth control called “The Pill,” please listen today - 2 years ago

@dkell1: RIP Loretta Lynn ❤️😢 - 2 years ago

@LucasFoxNews: RT @APDiploWriter: NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Loretta Lynn, 'Coal Miner’s Daughter' whose frank songs about Appalachian womanhood made her a c… - 2 years ago

@midnightc0rvus: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@Ellsmom1964: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Loretta Lynn, who was born a coal miner’s daughter before becoming one of the crown jewels of country music, has die… - 2 years ago

@PChase814: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Loretta Lynn, who was born a coal miner’s daughter before becoming one of the crown jewels of country music, has die… - 2 years ago

@blu_kryptonian: RT @Kandy_Zabka: - 2 years ago

@lizhomic: RT @RollingStone: Loretta Lynn, the beloved singer and songwriter whose massively influential career broke down barriers for women in count… - 2 years ago

@ToniRagusa: RT @thedailybeast: BREAKING: Loretta Lynn, “The Queen of Country Music” and easily one of the most iconic American songwriters and performe… - 2 years ago

@GuyAdami: Loretta Lynn was as talented as she was gracious.. even at 90 years old, she has left us too soon - 2 years ago

@prinzadelbart: RT @CP24: Loretta Lynn, coal miner's daughter and country queen, dies - 2 years ago

@WMAR2News: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter has died at age 90. - 2 years ago

@ponderer: RIP Loretta Lynn. Legend. (If you need an entry to her music, one of my very favorite albums of all time is her co… - 2 years ago

@JLSmith7373: RT @LEX18News: REST IN PEACE: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalach… - 2 years ago

@jasonhubbert: Rest In Peace Loretta Lynn. - 2 years ago

@blm849: This is a very long obituary for Loretta Lynn, who truly deserves it. Not just a great singer, but one that embodie… - 2 years ago

@KPierce: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@SusanDenson9: RT @JaxHarley5: Loretta Lynn Dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@joannethejenius: RT @richardmarx: RIP to an American icon: Loretta Lynn, Country Music's Groundbreaking 'Coal Miner's Daughter,' Dead at 90 - Rolling Stone… - 2 years ago

@CC2003: RT @ClanMhuirich: RIP Loretta Lynn. - 2 years ago

@LeeAnneDale: Goodbye Loretta Lynn. - 2 years ago

@BillingsOctavia: RT @etnow: The Queen of Country Music, Loretta Lynn, has died at the age of 90. - 2 years ago

@NickiSwiftCeleb: The Tragic Death Of Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@WKBN: Country music queen Loretta Lynn dies - 2 years ago

@TheListDaily: The Heartbreaking Death Of Loretta Lynn - 2 years ago

@nuisan: RT @Phil_Lewis_: NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Loretta Lynn, 'Coal Miner’s Daughter' whose frank songs about Appalachian womanhood made her a cou… - 2 years ago

@TodoTiempo: Loretta Lynn, coal miner's daughter and country queen, dies - 2 years ago

@GregYuppie: RT @THR: Loretta Lynn, Feisty First Lady of Country Music, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@JobdeWit: RT @RollingStone: Loretta Lynn, the beloved singer and songwriter whose massively influential career broke down barriers for women in count… - 2 years ago

@harvilla: RIP loretta lynn, the eternal mayor of fist city - 2 years ago

@essayem: Well, shit. Loretta Lynn was one of the quintessential voices in country music. I didn't agree with her slant in la… - 2 years ago

@jacobsdesk97: RT @NC5: BREAKING: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner's daughter who became a pillar of country music, has died. Lynn's family said she… - 2 years ago

@kinstonfp: Loretta Lynn, country music's iconic 'Coal Miner's Daughter,' dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@harbaugj: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@TheDrBusiness: RT @AP: Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whose frank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out of p… - 2 years ago

@tweetstreet11: via @NYTimes Sad. I liked her. RIP. - 2 years ago

@Lapssualez1: RT @FoxNews: BREAKING: Loretta Lynn, country music icon, dead at 90 - 2 years ago

@asheville: Loretta Lynn, who rose from a hardscrabble upbringing to become the most culturally significant female singer-songw… - 2 years ago

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