Ljubisav Rakić

Serbian neurobiologist
Died on Sunday October 16th 2022

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Tweets related to Ljubisav Rakić:

@SelmaKanazir: RT @serbianneurosci: In memoriam: Prof. Dr. Ljubisav Rakic, the founder and President of the Serbian Neuroscience Society. - 2 years ago

@serbianneurosci: In memoriam: Prof. Dr. Ljubisav Rakic, the founder and President of the Serbian Neuroscience Society. - 2 years ago

@blokicpokic: Preminuo je akademik Ljubisav Rakic,jedna od najcudnijih glava koje sam ikada upoznao u Srbiji. Slava mu i hvala. - 2 years ago

@PIlankovic: IN MEMORIAM Akademik Prof.dr LJUBISAV RAKIĆ, neurofiziolog 1931-2022 Otišao je u večno… - 2 years ago


@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Ljubisav Rakić dies - #LjubisavRakic #Ljubisav #Rakić #rip - 2 years ago

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