Ljiljana Petrović

Serbian and former Yugoslav singer.
Died on Tuesday February 4th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Ljiljana Petrović:

@marinagc54: RT @ESC_Daily: Repasamos las #EuroNews en #ESCDaily33 de la mano de @marinagc54 y @hugocm99: - Muere a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, prim… - 5 years ago

@hugocm99: RT @ESC_Daily: Repasamos las #EuroNews en #ESCDaily33 de la mano de @marinagc54 y @hugocm99: - Muere a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, prim… - 5 years ago

@ESC_Daily: Repasamos las #EuroNews en #ESCDaily33 de la mano de @marinagc54 y @hugocm99: - Muere a los 81 años Ljiljana Petro… - 5 years ago

@XabierSanDuro: RT @eurospaincom: Muere a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante eurovisiva de Yugoslavia - 5 years ago


@zandolove: RT @eurospaincom: Muere a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante eurovisiva de Yugoslavia - 5 years ago

@eurospaincom: RT @eurospaincom: Muere a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante eurovisiva de Yugoslavia - 5 years ago

@Olga__Maria90: RT @MarvinIsBea: @bovoordefans melvin RT @Olga__Maria90: RT @ElEurovisivo: ⭕ Fallece a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante… - 5 years ago

@Atalashy: RT @OGAESpain: Fallece Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante de #Yugoslavia en #Eurovision DEP - 5 years ago

@tabata_hv: RT @eurospaincom: Muere a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante eurovisiva de Yugoslavia - 5 years ago

@PozoLucena: RT @eurospaincom: Muere a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante eurovisiva de Yugoslavia - 5 years ago

@mysticITG: RT @eurospaincom: Muere a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante eurovisiva de Yugoslavia - 5 years ago

@eurospaincom: Muere a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante eurovisiva de Yugoslavia - 5 years ago

@rtvslo: V 81. letu se je poslovila velika zvezda jugoslovanske pop glasbe Ljiljana Petrović. V času nekdanje skupne domovin… - 5 years ago

@dojinovi: Preminula Ljiljana Petrović, prva predstavnica Jugoslavije na Evroviziji - 5 years ago

@janzujska: @vucko1966 I Ljiljana Petrović 😔 - 5 years ago

@MarvinIsBea: @bovoordefans melvin RT @Olga__Maria90: RT @ElEurovisivo: ⭕ Fallece a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera repres… - 5 years ago

@Olga__Maria90: RT @ElEurovisivo: ⭕ Fallece a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante de Yugoslavia en Eurovisión. #Eurovision #Yugoslavia ht… - 5 years ago

@ElCapitolium: RT @ElEurovisivo: ⭕ Fallece a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante de Yugoslavia en Eurovisión. #Eurovision #Yugoslavia ht… - 5 years ago

@Marguiabru: RT @OGAESpain: Fallece Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante de #Yugoslavia en #Eurovision DEP - 5 years ago

@albertito_ruano: RT @ElEurovisivo: ⭕ Fallece a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante de Yugoslavia en Eurovisión. #Eurovision #Yugoslavia ht… - 5 years ago

@VIOLETANDREI: RT @ESCunited: Yugoslavia's first Eurovision representative, Ljiljana Petrović, passes away at age 81 #eurovision #openup #LjiljanaPetrovi… - 5 years ago

@JordiNaranjo_: RT @OGAESpain: Fallece Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante de #Yugoslavia en #Eurovision DEP - 5 years ago

@OGAESpain: Fallece Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante de #Yugoslavia en #Eurovision DEP - 5 years ago

@tabata_hv: RT @ElEurovisivo: ⭕ Fallece a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante de Yugoslavia en Eurovisión. #Eurovision #Yugoslavia ht… - 5 years ago

@cristian13112: RT @ElEurovisivo: ⭕ Fallece a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante de Yugoslavia en Eurovisión. #Eurovision #Yugoslavia ht… - 5 years ago

@MarvinIsBea: @bovoordefans melvin RT @rubentdiaz: RT @Eurovoix: Yugoslavia's First #Eurovision Participant Ljiljana Petrović Pas… - 5 years ago

@rubentdiaz: RT @Eurovoix: Yugoslavia's First #Eurovision Participant Ljiljana Petrović Passes Away Aged 81 - 5 years ago

@tisferry_: RT @ElEurovisivo: ⭕ Fallece a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante de Yugoslavia en Eurovisión. #Eurovision #Yugoslavia ht… - 5 years ago

@euroopiniones: RT @ElEurovisivo: ⭕ Fallece a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante de Yugoslavia en Eurovisión. #Eurovision #Yugoslavia ht… - 5 years ago

@Ricardogalgomez: RT @ElEurovisivo: ⭕ Fallece a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante de Yugoslavia en Eurovisión. #Eurovision #Yugoslavia ht… - 5 years ago

@ElEurovisivo: ⭕ Fallece a los 81 años Ljiljana Petrović, primera representante de Yugoslavia en Eurovisión. #Eurovision… - 5 years ago

@JonyPeon17: RT @Eurovoix: Yugoslavia's First #Eurovision Participant Ljiljana Petrović Passes Away Aged 81 - 5 years ago

@lukejamess95: RT @Eurovoix: Yugoslavia's First #Eurovision Participant Ljiljana Petrović Passes Away Aged 81 - 5 years ago

@MinnieThePotato: RT @Eurovoix: Yugoslavia's First #Eurovision Participant Ljiljana Petrović Passes Away Aged 81 - 5 years ago

@plusleg1rl2015: RT @Eurovoix: Yugoslavia's First #Eurovision Participant Ljiljana Petrović Passes Away Aged 81 - 5 years ago

@Eurovoix: Yugoslavia's First #Eurovision Participant Ljiljana Petrović Passes Away Aged 81 - 5 years ago

@Eurovisn_Turkey: Yugoslavya'nın ilk temsilcisi olan Ljiljana Petrović, 81 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. - 5 years ago

@DeadDeath_com: Ljiljana Petrović Death | Ljiljana Petrović has passed Away - 5 years ago

@DescuEurovision: La representante de Yugoslavia1961 Ljiljana Petrovic, ha fallecido a los 81 años DEP #eurovision #eurovision1961… - 5 years ago

@EurovisionEspan: RT @ESC_Portugal: Jugoslávia: Faleceu Ljiljana Petrović, a primeira representante do país no Festival Eurovisão - 5 years ago

@EurovisionEspan: RT @songfestivalNL: De zangeres Ljiljana Petrović is op 81-jarige leeftijd overleden. In 1961 was ze de allereerste deelnemer voor wat toen… - 5 years ago

@BeogradUzivo: Preminula pevačica Ljiljana Petrović. #beograd #beograduzivo - 5 years ago

@360NG2: Ljiljana Petrović Death & Ljiljana Petrović Obituary - 5 years ago

@I_am_damson: Ljiljana Petrović Death & Ljiljana Petrović Obituary - 5 years ago

@escadio: RT @beovizija: Ljiljana Petrović, the first Serbian (and Yugoslav) representative in the Eurovision Song Contest, passed away today in her… - 5 years ago

@shopy_cart: Poslovila se je Ljiljana Petrović, zvezda jugoslovanske pop scene - 5 years ago

@WiktorBurak3: RT @beovizija: Ljiljana Petrović, the first Serbian (and Yugoslav) representative in the Eurovision Song Contest, passed away today in her… - 5 years ago

@govorise: Poslovila se je Ljiljana Petrović, zvezda jugoslovanske pop scene - 5 years ago

@cafemontenegro: Preminula Ljiljana Petrović, prva predstavnica Jugoslavije na Evroviziji - 5 years ago

@VOLIMPODGORICU: PREMINULA LJILJANA PETROVIĆ: Odlazak prve predstavnice Jugoslavije na Evroviziji - - 5 years ago

@Pobune: RT @Yugopapir: Dnevnik Ljiljane Petrović '67: Kako su izgledale turneje naših pevača po Sovjetskom Savezu... - 5 years ago

@Yugopapir: Dnevnik Ljiljane Petrović '67: Kako su izgledale turneje naših pevača po Sovjetskom Savezu... - 5 years ago

@tearsandice: RT @beovizija: Ljiljana Petrović, the first Serbian (and Yugoslav) representative in the Eurovision Song Contest, passed away today in her… - 5 years ago

@the0galle: Ljiljana Petrović Љиљана Петровић (1939 – 4 February 2020) - 5 years ago

@MostarskiBa: Preminula Ljiljana Petrović, prva predstavnica Jugoslavije na Evroviziji - 5 years ago

@AEVeurovision: #SintiendoEurovisión | Ha fallecido la representante de Eurovisión 1961 por Yugoslavia, Ljiljana Petrović - Os deja… - 5 years ago

@rimirimilei: RT @beovizija: Ljiljana Petrović, the first Serbian (and Yugoslav) representative in the Eurovision Song Contest, passed away today in her… - 5 years ago

@Songfestival_be: RT @beovizija: Ljiljana Petrović, the first Serbian (and Yugoslav) representative in the Eurovision Song Contest, passed away today in her… - 5 years ago

@Amandarinaway: RT @beovizija: Ljiljana Petrović, the first Serbian (and Yugoslav) representative in the Eurovision Song Contest, passed away today in her… - 5 years ago

@pawshoes: RT @beovizija: Ljiljana Petrović, the first Serbian (and Yugoslav) representative in the Eurovision Song Contest, passed away today in her… - 5 years ago

@gdejevuk: RT @beovizija: Ljiljana Petrović, the first Serbian (and Yugoslav) representative in the Eurovision Song Contest, passed away today in her… - 5 years ago

@mirjanamirka6: RT @N1infoBG: Preminula Ljiljana Petrović, prva predstavnica Jugoslavije na Evroviziji - 5 years ago

@zoran_111: UMRLA PRVA PREDSTAVNICA JUGOSLAVIJE NA EVROVIZIJI: Preminula Ljiljana Petrović u 81. godini - 5 years ago

@Quetzalywaar: RT @beovizija: Ljiljana Petrović, the first Serbian (and Yugoslav) representative in the Eurovision Song Contest, passed away today in her… - 5 years ago

@ameliavina97: RT @beovizija: Ljiljana Petrović, the first Serbian (and Yugoslav) representative in the Eurovision Song Contest, passed away today in her… - 5 years ago

@nyligenavlidna: Vila i frid Ljiljana Petrović. - 5 years ago

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