Little Sammy Davis

American blues singer-songwriter and harmonicist.
Died on Monday February 19th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Little Sammy Davis:

@bluesbuddha: RT @LivingBlues: Poughkeepsie, NY-based bluesman Little Sammy Davis has died. - 7 years ago

@BlacklistDCd: Red: “There’s something a little ‘on the nose’ about a drug operation in the back of a candy factory. I can’t get S… - 7 years ago

@SolRoots: RT @LivingBlues: Poughkeepsie, NY-based bluesman Little Sammy Davis has died. - 7 years ago

@BlueNoteSD: RT @LivingBlues: Poughkeepsie, NY-based bluesman Little Sammy Davis has died. - 7 years ago


@Big_E_Yazawa: RT @LivingBlues: Poughkeepsie, NY-based bluesman Little Sammy Davis has died. - 7 years ago

@missfreddye17: RT @LivingBlues: Poughkeepsie, NY-based bluesman Little Sammy Davis has died. - 7 years ago

@DavidDumont35: RT @LivingBlues: Poughkeepsie, NY-based bluesman Little Sammy Davis has died. - 7 years ago

@BluesFoundation: RT @LivingBlues: Poughkeepsie, NY-based bluesman Little Sammy Davis has died. - 7 years ago

@FreewheelinMY: RT @LivingBlues: Poughkeepsie, NY-based bluesman Little Sammy Davis has died. - 7 years ago

@winger6049: RT @LivingBlues: Poughkeepsie, NY-based bluesman Little Sammy Davis has died. - 7 years ago

@Mzenglish: RT @LivingBlues: Poughkeepsie, NY-based bluesman Little Sammy Davis has died. - 7 years ago

@JackPearley: RT @LivingBlues: Poughkeepsie, NY-based bluesman Little Sammy Davis has died. - 7 years ago

@Sheindie: RT @LivingBlues: Poughkeepsie, NY-based bluesman Little Sammy Davis has died. - 7 years ago

@LivingBlues: Poughkeepsie, NY-based bluesman Little Sammy Davis has died. - 7 years ago

@southernlady111: RT @TIMENOUT: RIP Brother: Little Sammy Davis ~ ''California Blues'' 1995 - 7 years ago

@jazz_onair: Mannish Boys feat. Little Sammy Davis - When I Leave #jazz #OnAir - 7 years ago

@rkgambleatwp: @davidhogg111 "If you bat the ball, you're just playing their game." Sammy Davis, Jr. IMHO, don't bother with scum… - 7 years ago

@masa27heartbeat: My funny Valentine,sweet comic Valentine. You make me smile with my heart... Stay little Valentine, stay... が天衣無縫… - 7 years ago

@OCArts: Middletown resident Little Sammy Davis, world-renowned musician and member of the NY State Blues Hall of Fame... - 7 years ago

@tliarch: RT @TIMENOUT: RIP Brother: Little Sammy Davis ~ ''California Blues'' 1995 - 7 years ago

@TIMENOUT: RIP Brother: Little Sammy Davis ~ ''California Blues'' 1995 - 7 years ago

@blues_promo: RT @BluesDublin: Coming up soon on The Blues Train Little Sammy Davis @NickMossBand Katie Webster , JB Hutto, ,Bobby Mack, @davealvin @t… - 7 years ago

@BluesDublin: Coming up soon on The Blues Train Little Sammy Davis @NickMossBand Katie Webster , JB Hutto, ,Bobby Mack,… - 7 years ago

@RickMisterRoper: RT @muralicoryell: Very sorry to hear of the passing of Little Sammy Davis. It was an honor to play with him and to call him a... - 7 years ago

@NowOnWHUS: Little Sammy Davis — Hey Little Girl: right now on @whusradio - 7 years ago

@LITTLE_WAND3R3R: RT @krstndxvs: Most soothing voices EVER *edited Frank Sinatra Ella Fitzgerald Elvis Presley Peter Lawford Nat King Cole Sam Cooke Aretha… - 7 years ago

@MatthewSocey: A tribute to harmonica player Little Sammy Davis + blues by @EricClapton that you'll never hear on classic rock rad… - 7 years ago

@fredscribner: PARTIAL LINE-UP ANNOUNCED !! The Little Sammy Davis Memorial House Band includes Fred Scribner, Dave Gibson... - 7 years ago

@fredscribner: Services for Little Sammy Davis will be this Monday , Feb 26 from 1 PM to 2 PM at Ralston - Lippincott funeral... - 7 years ago

@Johnny_Timewarp: R. I. P. Little Sammy Davis (1928-2018), Hudson Valley based blues singer and harmonica player... - 7 years ago

@jpbellanger777: - 7 years ago

@jpbellanger777: - 7 years ago

@muralicoryell: Very sorry to hear of the passing of Little Sammy Davis. It was an honor to play with him and to call him a... - 7 years ago

@NickMossBand: RT @BluesDublin: Sunday night on The Blues Train ,@NickMossBand Johnny @johnnywinter Katie Webster,Little Sammy Davis,Robben Ford,AC Reed,R… - 7 years ago

@dublincityfm: RT @BluesDublin: Sunday night on The Blues Train ,@NickMossBand Johnny @johnnywinter Katie Webster,Little Sammy Davis,Robben Ford,AC Reed,R… - 7 years ago

@osterholtz51: RT @realReddington: There’s something a little “on the nose” about a drug operation in the back of a candy factory. I can’t get Sammy Davis… - 7 years ago

@RarajTamara: RT @realReddington: There’s something a little “on the nose” about a drug operation in the back of a candy factory. I can’t get Sammy Davis… - 7 years ago

@realReddington: There’s something a little “on the nose” about a drug operation in the back of a candy factory. I can’t get Sammy D… - 7 years ago

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