Linda Porter

American actress (Superstore
Died on Saturday September 28th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Linda Porter:

@JONATHAN2FLY91: R.I.P Linda Porter - 5 years ago

@ProfessorCat8: Dear @NBCSuperstore, So y’all are just gonna come at me with a two second memorial for Linda Porter with no warning… - 5 years ago

@DavidSimonSPG: @JewishCurrents @jewschool_com 'Jewish' 'academics' like: 'Leslie Crosbie' 'Linda McVay' 'Pat Porter' 'Kathleen Ry… - 5 years ago

@Blackkermit: RT @Kyle_MacLachlan: A sad day...goodbye Linda Porter. #MrJackpots and your #TwinPeaks family will miss you. ❤️ - 5 years ago


@journaIsgomz: RT @gilmorebrasil: Faleceu ontem aos 86 anos a atriz Linda Porter. Em #GilmoreGirls ela interpretou Fran Weston, dona da confeitaria de Sta… - 5 years ago

@linda_mae: @Alice_Porter @bengoldacre Also look at where your money is - who do you bank with? - 5 years ago

@loverfiIms: i didnt know linda porter died :( - 5 years ago

@littleloverobot: RT @lauren_ash: The Superstore team lost one of its best members. RIP Linda Porter. Always funny, always vibrant and ALWAYS enthusiastic.… - 5 years ago

@n69n: RT @TwinPeaksArchve: Linda Porter (1933-2019) #TwinPeaks - 5 years ago

@zurich_jazz: Als Cole Porter 1964 starb, hinterliess er Songs für die Ewigkeit. Er war der ungekrönte König des Broadway – und i… - 5 years ago

@feinberg_linda: RT @RepKatiePorter: That’s why I fought for additional support for a program to protect Medicare recipients from fraud. It’s time for the S… - 5 years ago

@CaitlynF26: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@MicheleDSarabia: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@minieb1: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@asksienna: Just watched the latest episode of Superstore and I’m sooooo sad that Linda Porter aka Meryl died! She’s was so precious 😍 - 5 years ago

@builder101_yt: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@leetz_leetz20: @QuancyClayborne All live in concert: Gary Clark Jr, Gregory Porter, Stevie Ray Vaughan before he had a record deal… - 5 years ago

@calvinyork99: you’re telling me Linda Porter died and there isn’t even an episode to acknowledge her death on @NBCSuperstore ? - 5 years ago

@KhaledOmarMire: RT @PageSix: NBC series ‘Superstore’ honors late cast member Linda Porter - 5 years ago

@yareli_m13: RT @lauren_ash: The Superstore team lost one of its best members. RIP Linda Porter. Always funny, always vibrant and ALWAYS enthusiastic.… - 5 years ago

@PageSix: NBC series ‘Superstore’ honors late cast member Linda Porter - 5 years ago

@WorldWide_RemiX: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@DavidSimonSPG: @JVoiceLabour I'm going to take a wild guess and say that 'Martin Christopher Schilde' isn't Jewish. 'Linda McVay'… - 5 years ago

@DavidSimonSPG: @972mag @IfNotNowOrg I'm going to take a wild guess and say that 'Martin Christopher Schilde' isn't Jewish. 'Linda… - 5 years ago

@AM2DM: .@lauren_ash shares her favorite memory of her "Superstore" castmate Linda Porter - 5 years ago

@anarchaicnation: RT @WhosBenFeldman: Here’s hoping the angels don’t call cut right away because your best stuff always came at the end. We’ll miss you Linda… - 5 years ago

@mertxii: RT @WhosBenFeldman: Here’s hoping the angels don’t call cut right away because your best stuff always came at the end. We’ll miss you Linda… - 5 years ago

@mattib96: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@ChiefGordonCole: @pepguhly Mister Jackpots 😁, Linda Porter war wirklich der Hauptgewinn. Jede Szene mit ihr ist großartig 👍♥ - 5 years ago

@penguinreader: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@biebberbeliever: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@_direewolff: RT @lauren_ash: The Superstore team lost one of its best members. RIP Linda Porter. Always funny, always vibrant and ALWAYS enthusiastic.… - 5 years ago

@n69n: RT @etnow: The #Superstore cast is remembering Linda Porter, who was also known for roles on #TwinPeaks and #GilmoreGirls. - 5 years ago

@n69n: RT @Kyle_MacLachlan: A sad day...goodbye Linda Porter. #MrJackpots and your #TwinPeaks family will miss you. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@karla_t33: just found out Linda Porter, the woman who played Mertyl on “Superstore”, passed away 🥺😭that woman was hilarious an… - 5 years ago

@ohhellocharis: Superstore Honors Late Cast Member Linda Porter With Episode Dedication - 5 years ago

@pepguhly: 🙏 R.I.P. Linda Porter #TwinPeaks #Rewatch 🏔🏔🌲🌲 - 5 years ago

@Hctor24512807: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@VersatileTitan: From Discover on Google - 5 years ago

@temnaweb: Acesse e confira: Linda Porter, atriz da série Superstore, morre aos 86 anos #DomingoTemNaWeb no #TemNaWeb - 5 years ago

@moicrodose: Dont touch me I didnt realize Linda Porter passed I'm sobbing - 5 years ago

@Livid2point0: - 5 years ago

@TuurtlesRock: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@Linda_U_W_A: RT @BreezyClothing: A nice video related to - 5 years ago

@michael_arose: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@josehfeeen: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago


@ObeeyingKayesz: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@colleensdun: the thing about linda porter :( - 5 years ago

@yungmels: RT @WhosBenFeldman: Here’s hoping the angels don’t call cut right away because your best stuff always came at the end. We’ll miss you Linda… - 5 years ago

@keonivincent: RT @TheGabestOfAll: Linda wasn’t just hilarious, she was incredibly sweet, energetic and enthusiastic – working with her brightened everyon… - 5 years ago


@randomgotham: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@kiannaaax3: RT @lauren_ash: The Superstore team lost one of its best members. RIP Linda Porter. Always funny, always vibrant and ALWAYS enthusiastic.… - 5 years ago

@Kellymcoc: RT @WhosBenFeldman: Here’s hoping the angels don’t call cut right away because your best stuff always came at the end. We’ll miss you Linda… - 5 years ago

@swiftsperaltas: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@spxcekidalex: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@rougeclementine: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@AlexisMcCullou1: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@gatordontplaysh: RT @MetsFanInPhilly: #Superstore paid tribute to Linda Porter who played Myrtle Vartanian tonight RIP! here's the title card from end of… - 5 years ago

@Phillips1965W: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@cruez2788: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@WhiteSoxJJ216: RT @WhosBenFeldman: Here’s hoping the angels don’t call cut right away because your best stuff always came at the end. We’ll miss you Linda… - 5 years ago

@ohheylauraa: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@reginafalanji03: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@arhtex: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@kuibrick: RT @WhosBenFeldman: Here’s hoping the angels don’t call cut right away because your best stuff always came at the end. We’ll miss you Linda… - 5 years ago

@kuibrick: RT @lauren_ash: The Superstore team lost one of its best members. RIP Linda Porter. Always funny, always vibrant and ALWAYS enthusiastic.… - 5 years ago

@salcyrus: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@fentyprozac: RT @thatRamosgirl: RIP Linda Porter. A true delight of a person who was up for anything. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@fentyprozac: RT @lauren_ash: The Superstore team lost one of its best members. RIP Linda Porter. Always funny, always vibrant and ALWAYS enthusiastic.… - 5 years ago

@harry9100: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@onthegood80: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@Jeffreydnguyen: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@DeltaCubes101: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@gennnnesis: RT @WhosBenFeldman: Here’s hoping the angels don’t call cut right away because your best stuff always came at the end. We’ll miss you Linda… - 5 years ago

@OneAndOnlyMeli: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@Roses4Mags007: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@alexgaymont: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@kblanquez: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@De_Na_Di: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@pamrod1017: RT @lauren_ash: The Superstore team lost one of its best members. RIP Linda Porter. Always funny, always vibrant and ALWAYS enthusiastic.… - 5 years ago

@LaurinaRoach: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@LJBOY585: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@JenOdomOTH: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@TheCurvyCritic: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@Os_Thoughts: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

@lissathozeski: RT @NBCSuperstore: RIP, Linda Porter. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine to Cloud 9. We’ll miss you, Myrtle. - 5 years ago

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